Chapter 08


Two years and six months earlier....

Marion flew into his arms and gave him a passionate kiss the minute he stepped out of his rented air car. She was wearing a short skirt which showed off her long legs, and on top an open V neck shirt that actually showed a hint of her magnificent breasts!

What a difference a month made.

Calle took the kiss and enjoyed it, as well as the feeling of her firm mounds pressed against his chest. She rubbed against him furtively. She wanted it. She wanted him.

"Is this the new valet parking service?" he said, with a grin.

"Only if you give a good tip," she said, smiling at him as she gave him a sideways look.

Before his very eyes, Marion was becoming a sensual woman.

The Marion he had met in March would never have flirted outrageously with him. She wore baggy clothes and was cautious and reserved.

But the Marion he met now, his Marion, was almost totally different. Calle realized that he had liberated her sexuality. He had watered her sexuality, both metaphorically and literally, and caused it to bloom. All she had needed was a healthy dose of penis.

And yet... they had only had sex, the full intercourse, just once. Calle hoped to increase that score this weekend, and he had a sneaking suspicion that Marion would not resist.

He was in love with her, and he suspected she was in love with him. He couldn't concentrate on his work, and he thought of Marion full time, day and night. In his dreams, thoughts of Marion pinned down to his bed while being eagerly penetrated by him even competed with thoughts of glowing orange eyes.

Marion wanted to do everything with him. Suddenly, a weekend was not long enough.

First they went out on the lake on rowboats. There were rowboats, and there were rowboats. Mohonk's rowboats looked like something out of a 19th century fairytale. They were bright green on the outside, and a gorgeous shade of amber colored wood on the inside. As Calle rowed past the cliffs and the gazebos, Marion eyed his rowing arms. "John, I didn't know your arms were so strong!"

"Didn't you?"

Marion tittered. Now they had something new in common, a secret language, a code only they understood.

After boating, they walked in the gardens. There was always something new growing there and now, in the height of July, everything was in peak bloom. Calle missed the giant magenta penis flower, whose true name he never learned, but he saw gorgeous flowers that were a stunning shade of bright blue.

Marion had her first naturegasm of his visit, and he smiled as he saw her smell flowers and making little moaning sounds as her nipples began to stick out of her shirt. This time Calle pointed it out to her, and she blushed and covered up her nipples with crossed arms. Calle made it a personal challenge to make her forget about her nipples, and he did such a good job of distracting her, that less than ten minutes later, they were walking down the trail, greeting hotel guests walking past them, with Marion blissfully unaware that her nipples were still proudly erect. Calle loved every minute of it. He loved when they walked by other men whose eyes grew wide as they saw something else in nature to appreciate.

Calle and Marion walked partway around the lake, and came to a large rock face which Calle recognized as the entrance to the Labyrinth. From Marion's expression she recognized it too. From now on she would always connect it with losing her virginity and with overcoming her fears. Just as she had mustered the strength to climb up that narrow crevice, she had also mustered up the willpower to let John climb into her own narrow crevice, and she had gotten a great boyfriend in the bargain.

They climbed halfway up to the tower, sat down in a random gazebo and looked at the Mountain House. With its bright red roofs, it looked like something out of a fairytale. "Isn't it so romantic here, John?" Marion asked, gripping his hand tightly.

"It is with you," said Calle, staring at her evenly.

That earned him a passionate kiss.

On the way back to the hotel, they came across another gazebo overlooking a beach where people were swimming.

"Do you swim?" Calle inquired.

Marion turned a shade of red. "Oh, I haven't gone swimming in-"

"You're too shy to be in a bathing suit, right?"

Marion gave him a shy grin. "You know me too well."

"I'm starting to," said Calle, giving her a hug. "But what's the problem now? I've seen considerably more of you than I would see in a bathing suit, right?"

"Yes," said Marion, nodding reluctantly. "But the rest of the world hasn't."

"Forget the rest of the world. If anyone looks at you the wrong way, I'll make them look away," said Calle. "Will you go swimming with me?"

Marion rubbed her body against him like a cat. "Maybe tomorrow. It's almost time for dinner."

"It's only four o'clock."

"Then it's almost time for tea."

Four o'clock tea seemed to ground their relationship. Every time they went there Calle would evaluate the progress of their relationship in his mind. Right now it was better than ever, despite the fact that he had only had sex with Marion once, and she hadn't enjoyed it. But he wasn't prepared to give up that easily.

Later that evening, Calle smiled with satisfaction as his penis slid between Marion's slick vaginal lips. There was no resistance now, only obedience and cooperation. It was amazing how far she had come. She looked so beautiful, her body illuminated by the flames of the fireplace, her large, heavy breasts sloped down, her bushy pubic triangle so rich and lush, her legs bent and open to give him easy access.

But this time he was doing something different. As he thrust into her, he raised himself up at an angle and thrusted downwards at the same time he thrusted into her. He started to notice a difference immediately in Marion. She was breathing more rapidly, and her eyelids were fluttering.

"Do you feel something, dear?" he asked, as he pumped her vigorously.

"I... yes," said Marion. "What is it?"

"It's my penis, dear," said Calle. "I'm coming in at an angle, to stimulate your clitoris. You feel it?"

"I... feel something," said Marion. "Ah... ah..... how did you know to do this?"

"Call it instinct," said Calle, as he continued to thrust into her. She was so gorgeous, he couldn't hold out much longer. Before long the inevitable happened, it was with great satisfaction when Calle felt ropes of sperm whipping out of the head of his penis, squirting deep inside of her.

As he lay on top of her, savoring the afterglow, he whispered, "You didn't come, did you?"

"No... but I felt something... like I got halfway there, kind of."

That was progress.

The next day Marion agreed to go swimming. She protested she didn't have a bathing suit; Calle promptly bought her one at the gift shop. "I can't wear this," said Marion, modeling it for Calle. It was a beautiful blue one piece swimsuit

"Why not? It fits, doesn't it?"

"Barely," said Marion, gesturing to her breasts with her hands. The inner sides of her breasts were clearly visible.

"I think it looks perfect."


"Perfect," he said, kissing her.


"PERFECT!" he said again, silencing her with another kiss.

And so, twenty minutes later, Marion and Calle walked past the granary down the long winding stairs to the beach at Lake Mohonk.

Marion was self consciously wrapped in a giant towel. When they got to the beach, Calle grinned. "Are you going to go swimming in that?"

Marion very reluctantly dropped the towel. She looked stunning. Not only were her breasts partially revealed, but the bottom part hugged her tightly. Her crotch was accentuated by the tight v shape of the bathing suit between her leg, reminding Calle only too well of where he had been the night before and what he had deposited inside of her. He found himself grinning broadly as he stared at her. Life couldn't get any better than this.

This part of the lake was cordoned off by docks, and there was a lifeguard in a very cute two story gazebo on one of the floating platforms. As they stepped into the water Marion cried out, "Cold!" and her breasts and ass cheeks jittered.

"It's an alpine lake, not a hot springs."

That earned him a splash, and that in turned earned Marion a splash, and before long they were swimming in the chilly water. It was cool, but refreshing. But at one point Marion yelped.

"What is it?"

"I felt something between my legs!"

They looked down and saw a water snake, slithering away. Marion grabbed Calle and whimpered. "It was a snake, John!"

"There there," said Calle. "I won't let anything else get between your legs, I promise."

She gave him a tart look, and a kiss.

Life was wonderful.

That afternoon, Marion took Calle to the lily pond. A short distance from the Albert K. Smiley Tower at the top of the ridgeline was a secluded lily pond, with giant green lily pads dotting the surface, some of them with water flowers sprouting from them. Marion and Calle crossed a cute footbridge and came out on a tiny island on the pond, complete with its own gazebo. As they sat and listened to the frogs ribbiting, Calle said, "Each time I think I've seen everything here, I keep seeing something else that's amazing."

"That's why I never want to leave," said Marion. She looked at Calle. "John... do you think... do you think you could you ever get a job in New York designing spaceship engines?"

Calle thought a moment, and then shook his head. "No. All the firms that do it are in California.... I think there may also be one or two in Texas."

"Oh," said Marion. She didn't say anymore, but she didn't need to. Marion had her heart on staying on in the New Paltz area after graduating from SUNY New Paltz. And Calle's job was on the west coast. They were living on weekends once a month, but how much longer could that last?

"Oh... oh... oh... oh...."

Marion was lying completely naked on her back. Her mouth was open, in the shape of the letter 'o'. Her head bucked back and forth with every thrust of Calle's penis. He loved watching her body move as he made love to her. Her breasts did a marvelous jiggle dance as he pounded into her, which he found very visually pleasing.

Marion loved looking at Calle during their lovemaking as well. To see his big, hairy chest perspiring. To see the look of determination on his face as he gritted his teeth right before he climaxed. As he moved back and forth, part of his face would fall into shadow, only to be illuminated again by firelight when he thrusted forward.

"Oh oh oh oh oh," said Marion, feeling his shaft rubbing her clitoris intensely. As Calle got closer to his climax, so did she. And then Marion started to make a different noise. She started to go, "Hoo hoo hoo, hoo hoo hoo hoo."

And then she triumphantly felt herself closing in on an elusive climax. "I'm getting there! John, I'm getting close!"

"So am I," said Calle, his body glistening with his exertions.

"John... John... oh.. oh.... I love you!" Marion cried.

"I love you!" Calle cried. And suddenly, he went over the edge, and he seemingly pulled Marion over with him.

"I love you!" Calle cried again, as he pulsed inside of her, filling his lover with his sperm.

"I love you!" Marion cried, as she victoriously felt an orgasm erupting from her clitoris. As a wave of pleasure flew outwards from her groin, she felt Calle pulsating, exploding, deep inside her vagina.

And then it was done. The lovers lay in silence for several minutes, enjoying the afterglow.

Then Marion whispered. "You're so handsome and brilliant. What did I do to deserve you?"

And then she shivered as Calle said, "I ask myself the same question about you every day."​
Next page: Chapter 09
Previous page: Chapter 07.2