Chapter 23

The Highly Unlikely Nation Called "Canada"

The Temporal Social Justice Warriors:

Pablo was beginning to suspect that Joy was having sex with Maria.

He had no conclusive proof, as of yet. It wasn't as if Maria had scooped Joy into his arms after dinner, as he did with the other girls, kiss her publically, and then take her by hand to his bedchamber.

But Pablo noticed that Maria was giving Joy very sly smiles. And when Joy didn't think that Pablo was looking, he saw her giving him the same kind of smiles... like they shared some kind of secret together.

Pablo would not tolerate Joy sleeping with Maria. That crossed a line for him. Pablo was Spanish, and Spanish men had their orgullo, or pride. So he kept a close eye on Maria... and Joy.

Pablo was not the only one ill at ease. Twice now Keith had watched helplessly as his wife Hillary had gone into Maria's bedroom and had sex with him. Each time Hillary had promised him it would be the last. Keith couldn't tolerate Hillary having sex with Maria a third time. He didn't know what he would do.

And then Maria suddenly called him into his study, which was a first.

When Keith entered his study, Maria was sitting on his couch, like a man without a care in the world. Except that his pants was down, and Dana Slotkin, one of his favorites, was sucking on his penis.

Keith half-wondered if he had come at the wrong time, when Maria opened his eyes and called to him. "Ah, Keith, there you are! Come in, come in."

Keith tentatively entered Maria's study. He moved to a chair opposite Maria, but Maria said, in a stern voice, "Sit here," and padded the couch right next to him.

Keith knew what Maria was doing. He was demonstrating his power over him, over them all. He sat next to Keith on the aptly named love sofa. Dana greeted him with her eyes but didn't skip a beat, feeling no difficulty in sucking Maria off with an audience.

"What a good girl," said Maria, gently petting Dana's hair while Dana sucked on his long, hard female sex organ. "Isn't she a good girl, Keith?"

"Yes," said Keith, giving a false smile. "You wanted something, Maria?"

"Of course," said Maria. "It's time to give you some greater responsibility in the Community. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Keith?"

"Of course," said Keith guardedly. Up until now, Keith was at the bottom of the totem pole, an expression he knew Red Bull would not like.

Maria put an arm around Keith's shoulders even as Dana continued to suck him, which made Keith even more uncomfortable. It made him feel like part of the sex act. It was as if Maria was making him part of an intimacy that he wanted no part of. Keith tried not to look down at Dana, whose head was bobbing back and forth as Maria's feminine penis appeared and disappeared inside her mouth, but the slurping sounds were hard to ignore.

"I'm going to put you in charge of the Canada mission," said Maria. "Succeed, and you will find tremendous reward. But if you fail...." He let the thought trail off.

"I won't fail," said Keith quickly.

"Good," said Maria, giving him a quick smile.

Keith got up to go.

"Ooooh," Maria moaned. And then, "Keith! Where are you going? Don't you want to watch her finish? Dana would be very, very offended if you left in the middle."

"Oh, of course. I'll stay," said Keith, biting his lip as he sat back down.

"Good," said Maria, giving him a wholesome smile.

"There's something very wrong with this," Keith told Hillary a few minutes later. "Maria never puts anyone in charge of missions. He's the one who's always in charge of missions."

"Why do you think he put you in charge, then?"

"I don't know... maybe he's setting me up to fail," said Keith. They looked at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking. Maria knew that Keith disapproved of Maria's redistributing Hillary's sexual wealth. Maybe this was a plot to get Keith out of the way, permanently. But what else could he do but take the assignment?

"My friends," said Maria, "We are about to embark on an exciting new mission. We are going to create a brand new country called... Canada."

He was greeted with blank faces.

"Canada is a series of territories of the United States," said Alyssa Goldenfrau.

"Not any more. Or should I say, not for long," said Maria. "There was a pivotal moment in history, the War of 1812. That's when the United States conquered the territory known as Canada and annexed it from the British. The pivotal moment was the Battle of Toronto in late 1812. A force of Americans under General William Henry Harrison, soon to be President William Henry Harrison, attacked Toronto. The British had a disciplined garrison there, under the command of one Major General Isaac Brock, but they only numbered 1600 men, and were vastly overwhelmed by the American forces."

Maria paused to be sure he had their attention before continuing. "But... if the British had been able to enlist the help of the Native Indian tribes, sorry, I mean, of course, the Superior Americans, the results would have been different. A Shawnee Chief named Tecumseh had 12,000 battle tested warriors, but the British could not persuade him to take sides. We are going to change that. Or, should I say, Keith is going to change that." He put his hands on Keith's shoulder, making him immediately feel uncomfortable.

"Keith, I want you to work with Red Bull and make this happen. Do you think you can do that?"

Keith nodded silently.

"But Maria, how will this help us?" John Cummings, his chief strategist asked. "Instead of having one country run by white people, we'll have two."

"But not all countries run by whites are created equal," said Maria. "Our projections indicate that this new country, call it Canada, if you will, will be much more in tune with the needs of social justice than the United States of America. We predict that Canada will eventually outlaw all private medical care, will enact steep taxes to fight temperature change, will legalize all righteous narcotics, and will have open borders. That will make it a lot more progressive than the good old US of A, won't it?"

Cummings nodded.

"Additionally, it will weaken America to lose all its northern territory, and anything that's bad for America is good for us, isn't it brothers?"

"Right on!" said Elijah Ellison.

"Testify!" said John Cummings.

Everyone was suddenly excited... except Ahmed Ahmad. Maria still hadn't done anything to help the followers of Laquinta. His patience was starting to grow thin.

Red Bull, dressed as a 19th century Indian, and Keith, dressed as a British subject from the same era, stood in front of the Binochi Corridor, which was not yet active.

Maria leaned over a visibly nervous Marsha Kalinsky, his captured and tamed scientist. He started to rub her shoulders. "Now Marsha dear, you know exactly what we want, don't you?"

She nodded.

"We want our friends to land on the Canadian side of the border in May 1812," said Maria, enjoying giving Marsha a good massage. She felt tense! "But if you should, by accident, say, put our boys on the American side of the border, and they get caught, well, then it's the closet for sure for you, Marsha. Do you understand me?"

"I do," said Marsha quietly. Every time Keith wanted to assert his control over her, he would lock her in the closet. Except he had trained Marsha to go into the closet herself, and then it locked behind her. She had collectively spent many weeks in that one foot wide by 18 inches long dark closet. She tugged at the circlet around her neck filled with explosives. She didn't want to spend any more time there again. "I'll put them in the right place."

"I'm sure you will," said Maria soothingly. He smiled as Marsha activated the Binochi Corridor.

"Good luck, my friends!" said Maria in a booming voice, to Keith and Red Bull. He turned to Marsha. "Marsha, dear, don't you want to wish them good luck?"

"Good luck," said Marsha quietly, as she saw Keith and Red Bull staring at her.

"I don't think they heard you, dear. Louder," said Maria, intensely rubbing her shoulders now.

"GOOD LUCK!" Marsha fairly screamed.

Keith bit his lip, and suddenly, his chest was tight. "Thanks," he said, and he and Red Bull entered the Binochi Corridor.

Sarah never liked it when Commander Strayker stood behind her in the control room. It always made her nervous. But he was doing it now. She could smell the acrid odor of his nuclear cigarette, could hear the tap tapping of his fingers on the back of her chair.

"What is that?" said Strayker, looking at one of the holomonitors. It showed a map of North America. "It's changed!" said Strayker, making a face. "There's now a country named... Canada?" He turned to Sarah. "Is this some kind of bad joke?"

An hour later, Sarah confirmed it. It was no joke. History had been changed to create a country to their north named Canada. Sixty percent of the territory of the United States had been lost.

Two hours after that, John Calle and Daniel Action were in the Control Room, dressed in colonial period costumes, getting ready to step into the Binochi Corridor

"Do you feel you're ready to be in charge of your own mission, Captain?" Strayker asked.

In charge of my own mission.

"I hope so, sir," said Calle.

"I hope so too," said Strayker, glancing over at an Indian woman with long dark hair and large buttocks who was bending over a control console. "Good luck."

By now Calle was used to it all; the barely audible whispers inside the Binochi Corridor, the bright lights, the swirling mists, everything. But he also remembered the energy creature who had dragged Lieutenant Simon off the path and into the mists. Could that creature be lurking somewhere to either side of him, waiting for a chance to strike again?

Calle shook his head. He couldn't think that way. He had to stay focused on the mission.

He and Daniel Acton emerged just outside of Detroit in May, 1812. It was just a few weeks before the War of 1812 would begin.

As they stepped out of the gateway, Calle felt a sharp stab of pain in his hand.

"Ow!" he cried, pulling his hand back.

"What happened?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know," said Calle. He looked at his hand. It looked normal, except... his fingernails were long. As if he hadn't cut them in weeks.

Daniel noticed this too, and he started scanning the area in front of them. "Get back," he said, pushing Calle away.

"What is it?"

"A pocket of speeded up time," said Daniel. He kept pushing Calle until he was twenty feet back from where he had stood. "All right, we're clear now."

"Speeded up time?" Calle remembered he had previously encountered a small patch of slowed down time. "What causes it?"

"We don't know," said Daniel dismissively, his tone and eyes suggesting it wasn't a topic to be talked about.

Calle nodded, and checked the map on his Pad. "I think we go this way."

It wasn't long before they found the Shawnee encampment they were looking for. Or rather, the Shawnee found them, four spearmen who suddenly appeared out of the bush. Daniel spoke immediately to them in fluent Shawnee, which he and Calle had both been brainstamped with.

The warriors relaxed, slightly, and nodded.

Calle, who wasn't quite as fluent as Daniel, said, "What did you tell them?"

"Take me to your leader... I think," said Daniel.

Tecumseh was an old Indian Chief in his 50's, with a heavily lined brown face and bags under his eyes. In a way, he looked like an Indian version of Doctor Vladek.

Daniel spoke to the Chief, and proposed an alliance with the United States in the war to come with the British.

Tecumseh smiled. "You are not the first to make an offer to us, pale skin." He snapped his fingers, and two newcomers appeared. One of them was an Indian, though from his dress and appearance, was obviously not a member of Tecumseh's tribe. The other was a tall, thin black man.

"These people offer us much for an alliance with the British white skins," said Tecumseh.

Calle and Daniel immediately understood. These were their opposite numbers, operatives of another faction. Temporal Social Justice Warriors, if Sarah's research had been accurate. Red Bull and Keith Ashanti gave Calle and Daniel cold smiles. They each knew who they were.

"What have they promised you?" Calle asked.

"Fire sticks, and strong firewater," said Tecumseh.

Calle and Daniel exchanged glances. "We can offer you fire sticks too, and something much more powerful than firewater." He took a package out of his pocket, and unwrapped it to reveal some plant fiber. "We call it Weed."

An Indian warrior took the Weed and handed it to Tecumseh, who smelled it. "What is done with this... Weed?"

"You smoke it."

Tecumseh gave him a startled glance. "We will try your Weed, and consider." He turned and entered his tent, followed by several of his warriors.

While they waited, Calle said, "I'm a little troubled by the idea of supplying these natives with narcotics."

"As troubled as the idea of the creation of a preposterous nation named Canada?" Daniel asked.

Calle paused, considering. "All right, that bothers me more."

Daniel looked over at Red Bull and Keith, who were staring at them. "I'm wondering what those two are thinking."

"I haven't a clue," said Calle. Keith looked merely unfriendly, while Red Bull looked actively menacing.

"Why don't we find out?" Daniel asked, and before Calle could say anything, he walked over to them.

Red Bull started to reach into his vest, but Daniel held up his hands in the universal signal of Beta Male surrender, causing Red Bull to relax slightly. Calle followed him a moment later.

"We just want to talk," said Daniel. "You guys, you're Temporal Social Justice Warriors, right?"

Red Bull and Keith exchanged inscrutable glances. Keith started to speak, but Red Bull cut him off. "We shouldn't be talking to them."

"I am in charge of this mission," said Keith.

Red Bull nodded. "That you are." For now.

"We don't mean you any harm," said Daniel, giving a gay smile. "We just wonder why you're doing this?"

"The United States is an imperialist nation," said Keith. "The smaller it is, the better."

"But as I understand it, you're concerned with the plight of specific special interest groups--blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, Native Americans-"

Red Bull growled. "Superior Americans! We find the term Native Americans most offensive!"

"Sorry, Superior Americans," said Daniel, raising his hands again in mock surrender. "How will this help any of those groups?"

Red Bull and Keith paused and looked at each other quizzically. It was obvious that they had no answer.

"In fact," said Daniel, "What is your ultimate plan? A world ruled by women? Or blacks? Or Hispanics? Or lesbians? Which identity group will be on top? Tell us, please."

Keith paused again. "We... we do not know. All we know is that we seek social justice."

"Social justice," said Calle. "By murdering Christopher Columbus?"

"He was an imperialist, a capitalist and a racist," said Red Bull.

"How did you ever stop him from being murdered?" Keith asked.

"You don't know?" said Daniel.

"No," said Keith.

"Sorry, can't tell you," said Daniel, with a smile. "By the way, that was a neat trick you did, kidnapping the Founding Fathers and brainwashing them to endorse a social justice agenda. But did you really think the states would ratify a Constitution which outlawed private property and paid for sex change operations?"

Again, Red Bull and Keith exchanged inscrutable glances. "It was the plan," said Keith reluctantly. "And we obey the plan."

"Well, you must have quite a brilliant planner," said Calle. "And that plan of yours to turn California into Vietnam East... how is that working out for you?"

"You thwarted us that time," said Keith. "But you won't win this time."

"Because you have another great plan, I suppose," said Calle, taking the measure of the man. He was clearly scared, and it was not hard for him to guess what he was frightened of. "This leader of yours who makes all these great plans... does he decide everything? Do you obey him... in all things?"

From the look of fear in Keith's eyes, Calle knew he had scored. "Is this what you are fighting for? One man rule?"

"Our ruler is a woman," said Red Bull.

"A woman," said Calle. "Who tells you what to do, I suppose. What plan to execute. What to eat, what to drink... and where to sleep?" From the look in Keith's eyes, he could see that he scored. "We have a better way. If you would only work with us-"

Red Bull knocked Calle back with a sweep of his arm. The Indian warriors, alarmed, raised their spears. "We do not wish to hear more of your words."

At that moment, Tecumseh appeared. He had a wild smile on his face. Evidently, he had been trying the Weed.

"We like this Weed very much," said Tecumseh. "Can you get us more of it?"

"Much more," Daniel assured him. "If you will only join forces with the Americans-"

"Michigan," said Keith.

"What?" said Tecumseh.

"If you join with the British, we will give you Michigan," said Keith. He smiled and waggled his eyebrows at Calle.

Calle wet his lips and thought quickly. "Ontario," he said. "If you join us, we will give you Ontario. Much bigger."

"But much colder," said Red Bull.

Tecumseh shifted from one foot to the other, clearly undecided. Of course, he hated both the Redcoats and the Bluecoats; if it were within his power, he would have scalped all their men and taken their women for sex slaves. But that was not possible and he needed to be realistic; he needed to choose one side, or the other.

And then Keith, seeing Tecumseh teetering on the edge of the fence, decided now was the time to make his grand play. "The chest," he said, snapping his fingers.

Red Bull lifted up a small chest, and dropped it in front of the Indian Chief.

"What is this?" said the Chief. One of his warriors opened the chest, and pulled one of the contents out.

It was a man's scalp. The warrior put it on his head, and chuckled. The other Indians started to laugh.

"There are twenty in there," said Keith. "And if you join with us, we'll give you a hundred more."

"A hundred!" said Tecumseh. He didn't quite know what a hundred was, but it sounded like a lot. Certainly more than ten, which he knew quite well.

From the expression on the Indian's chief's face, Calle suddenly realized that he had been outbid.

Colonel Strayker listened quietly to Calle's after-action report. Calle was very fearful. This was the first mission he had been put in charge of, and he had failed!

But when he completed his report, Strayker merely leaned back in his chair, puffing on his nuclear cigarette.

"I did everything I could," said Calle defensively. "I-"

"Quiet, Captain. I need quiet, for a moment," said Strayker.

He puffed and smoked and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. Then he looked at Calle with hard eyes. "Blankets."

"What, sir?"

"Offer the Indians blankets. No, simply bring them blankets as a gift."

"Blankets, sir?" said Calle. "I hardly think the Indians are going to be swayed by blankets."

"Never mind what you think, Captain," said Strayker, with a hard edge to his voice. He blew a few smoke rings. "Just give them blankets. Stores will provide them to you. But first, see Doctor Vladek."

"Doctor Vladek?"

"Just a routine inoculation, one you should have gotten when you joined the Continuity Service. Nothing to be worried about." He saw Calle's hesitation. "That will be all, Captain."

Calle nodded, and got up.

When Calle reported to medical, he saw all the members of his team there, also getting shots. This wasn't just for him, it was for everyone.

"Just relax, John," said Doctor Vladek, giving a thin smile as he approached him with a hypo.

"What's in that, Doc?" Calle asked.

"Simply a routine inoculation," said Vladek.

Calle felt the pressure and heard the hiss as it pressed against his skin. Whatever it was, it was inside him now.


"Yes?" said Vladek.

"When Daniel and I emerged from the gateway, I touched a pocket of speeded up time. Previously, on another mission, I encountered a pocket of slowed down time when I came out of the gateway. Do you know what causes that?"

"Not really," said Vladek. "It's probably a side effect of the formation of the temporal gateway. It's strictly a temporary and localized phenomenon."

"It's not doing any damage to our space time continuum?"

Vladek paused a long moment, and then smiled reassuringly. "No, of course not." Then he said, "You'd better get to stores. I think your blankets are probably ready by now."

The Indians looked at them like they were mad when they returned with the blankets. There were so many blankets that it took six operatives to carry them all.

Tecumseh simply shook his head and gave a sad grin, as he drank some firewater. Other Indians were not as kind, laughing and jeering at them as they deposited the blankets in the center of their camp. As Calle and his fellow CS operatives left the camp, he wondered what good could possibly come of it.

When Calle stepped out of the Binochi Corridor into the control room he saw Sarah, Colonel Strayker, and Doctor Vladek staring at a particular holoscreen.

"Very good," said Strayker, puffing on his nuclear cigarette. He turned and saw Calle. "Ah, you're back! Good work, Captain!"

"Sir?" said Calle, confused.

"It seems the Indians didn't side with the British after all," said Strayker.

"Why not, sir?"

"A plague struck the Indian encampment," said Doctor Vladek. The bags under his eyes looked larger than ever. "It was most tragic. Smallpox. More than 9,000 Indian warriors died of it, and the rest were sickened."

Calle looked from Vladek to Strayker, and suddenly realized what he had done. What they had had him do. He had been manipulated, and used from the start, to mur*er 9000 American Indians. Calle looked at Strayker's smug smirk, and realized he didn't like it one bit.

"Cheer up, Captain," said Strayker. "This was your first command. Congratulations on a job well done!"

"Tell us again, Marsha," said Maria, in a dangerously neutral tone.

"Canada... is still a series of territories under United States control," she said, with the slightest tremor in her voice.

Maria turned and gave Keith a smile. But it wasn't a loving one. "Keith?"

Keith turned to face him.

"What went wrong, Keith?"

"I don't know," said Keith. "We executed the plan, exactly as you described."

"Are you trying to deflect responsibility, Keith?" Every time Maria said his name, Keith flinched.

"No, Maria, I just... I did everything I could."

Maria stared at Keith for a long moment. Everyone held their breath. And then Keith slowly nodded. "All right. We'll figure this out later. Let's have dinner."

As dinner was winding down, Keith felt the level of tension rising. He wasn't imagining it. Everyone else did too. They all sensed it. They sensed something was about to happen.

And then, after dessert was served, and Maria ate a few spoonfuls of righteous chocolate ice cream, he waggled his finger at Hillary. "Come here, my dear," he said.

This was it.

Hillary bit her lip and quickly scampered over to Maria's lap. Maria started to hug and kissed her. Hillary responded, at the same time casting warning looks at Keith and trying to telepathically send him the same message, over and over: Be quiet!

And then she felt Maria's hands on her breasts, and she glanced over at Keith, who looked like he was going to explode. But Keith somehow managed to stay glued to his dinner chair.

If Maria was disappointed, he didn't show it. Instead, he gently pushed Maria off his lap and stood up. She looked at him questioningly. Normally, he would take her by the hand and led her back to his quarters. But something different was about to happen now, she sensed it.

"Open my pants," said Maria.

Hillary bit her lip.

"Do I have to ask you twice, Hillary? I hate asking twice," said Maria.

Hillary promptly reached forward and opened Maria's pants.

"Now take it out," said Maria.

Hillary gently pulled out Maria's penis.

"Now, suck on it," said Maria.

Suddenly, Maria's revenge against Keith became clear. He wasn't just going to have sex with Hillary, he was going to do it right in front of Keith to score the maximum humiliation.

Hillary looked up at Maria's eyes. They brooked no argument. She had no choice.

She got down on her knees, and reached out for Maria's thing-

"No!" Keith yelled, jumping up.

"No?" said Maria, not at all concerned to have his penis hanging out of his pants in front anyone. "What did you say, Keith?"

Keith was silent.

"Did you dare say no to me, Keith?" said Maria. "Did my ears deceive me? Your tremendous failure on the Canada project seems to have emboldened you. I think you need a little lesson in humility."

And with that, Maria put his feminine penis inside his pants and zipped himself up. "Keith, remove your clothes."

Keith blinked twice. Suddenly he sensed Red Bull, Ahmed Ahmad, and John Cummings standing around him, grim faced. He started removing his clothes.

"You too," said Maria, addressing Hillary.

"Me?" said Hillary.

But Maria was already turning away, marching towards his sleeping quarters.

Hillary, with a whimper, stated removing her own clothes.

When Maria returned a moment later, he held something behind his back. He was pleased to see both Keith and Hillary naked. "Excellent. Keith, get on your hands and knees."

Keith took a deep breath, and looked again at Red Bull, whose arms were folded in front of him, and Ahmed Ahmad, who gave him a steely stare. He got down on his hands and knees.

Maria turned to Hillary. "And now, my dear, make love to your husband."

Hillary was confused. "But... I can't... not when he's in that position...."

"Of course you can... with this." And suddenly, Maria's hidden hand appeared, and it held... a device. It was a black strap on belt. In the center of it was a long piece of black plastic.

Hillary's mouth was so open that a moth could have flown into it. She looked into Maria's eyes, and knew better to argue. She took the device and strapped it around her waist. The black piece of plastic hung from her groin.

"You see? Now you're a woman with a penis, just like me," said Maria. "Now go and make love to your husband."

"But... I don't even have any lubrication. This will hurt him terribly," said Hillary.

"You don't need lubrication when you have love," said Maria. "Now go... or do I have to ask you again?"

Hillary shook her head. As she walked over to Keith, she saw the terror in his eyes as he stared at the thing which was dangling from her groin. The thing which, in a matter of moments, would be deep inside his ass.

She got behind him, and it took her a minute to figure out the appropriate angle of entry. She had never done anything like this before. She heard Keith whimper as she gently touched his ass cheeks with her fingers.

"Shhh, it's going to be all right," she whispered. She looked up at Maria. She could see the impatience in his eyes. She couldn't delay any longer.

Hillary slowly worked the edge of the tool into her husband's asshole. Keith cried out, more in fear than anything else. His shout caused her to stop.

"We're waiting, Hillary," said Maria, tapping his foot.

Hillary took a deep breath, and then, inch by inch, inserted the phallic object into her husband's ass.

Keith cried out at the invasion.

"I'm so sorry, baby," she whispered, with tears in her eyes, as she started to pump it slowly in and out of him.

But Keith kept crying. He had never felt anything so large or firm in his ass before. It wasn't just the pain, it was the humiliating feeling of being violated, in front of all these people. Hillary kept pumping him, aware of Maria's eyes, everyone's eyes on them, but at the same time trying to be as gentle as possible.

But Maria had no tolerance for that. "Harder, Hillary. Faster. Do you love the Community?"

"Yes, Maria," Hillary stammered.

"Then go harder, and faster!"

Hillary was forced to go faster. Keith started to cry out every time she thrusted between his buttocks.

"Ow!" Keith cried.

"I'm so sorry, Honey!" Hillary cried, as she pulled out and thrusted into him again with equal vigor. She couldn't help it. Maria was watching, with an intensity in his eyes she had never seen before. It frightened her.

Gradually Hillary became aware of the eyes of everyone else on her. Red Bull was giving her a wicked grin. Ahmed Ahmad was watching her heavy black breasts jostle every time she thrusted into her husband. John Cummings flashed a smile at her as she glanced up at him which made her shudder. As Hillary felt her hands grasping Keith's hips, she looked up and saw Elijah Ellison lick his lips, almost causing her to cry out.

The expression on the girls' faces were different. Dana Slotkin averted her eyes. Alyssa Goldenfrau looked like she wanted to be somewhere else, anywhere else. Chloe Weatherly looked at her with pity, with somehow stung rather than soothed her. But Katie Lang, their resident lesbian, showed her just the hint of a half smile as she watched the sweat pour down Hillary's chest, as she watched Hillary's breasts heaving up and down with exertion, as she watched Hillary's ass jiggle every time she pounded into her man.

But Maria the worst. His face was like a mask, completely expressionless, almost inhuman, as he watched Hillary make love to her husband. Hillary shivered when she matched his cold stare, and looked away.

It was truly a bizarre sight to behold. Hillary was the woman and Keith was the man, and yet, somehow, Keith had become the woman and she the man, pounding into him like a male claiming his prize. Which was exactly what Maria intended.

Keith felt a terrible feeling not only of shame but betrayal as he lay on his hands and knees and let Hillary take him like a woman. He had never expected to be in a situation like this, but certainly never expected that Hillary would agree to do anything like this to him. As he turned his head, with pleading in his eyes, he saw determination and fear in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth, and put it in him again.

Keith cried out again as she pounded into him strongly. Hillary wanted to stop, but was compelled to continue. As she did, Maria came over and actually kneeled down in front of Keith, so they were face to face.

"What a poor suffering man," said Maria. He saw the tears on Keith's face, and actually touched one with his finger and promptly tasted it. "Um," said Maria, as he watched Keith moaned every time Hillary entered him. "Keith, I feel such sympathy for you. Would you like this to stop?"

"Yes!" Keith cried, as he was jolted with another thrust, nice and hard, from Maria's perspective.

"Then all you have to do ... is ask."

Keith blinked several times, as his overwhelmed brain tried to make sense of this. While he was processing, he felt another hard thrust inside his anus, and he cried out again. "Please... please Maria, please stop this!" he cried.

Maria paused, waiting for Hillary to make another thrust inside of him. And then another. And then Maria said, "Of course, Keith. All you had to do was ask. Hillary, you can stop now."

Hillary collapsed with relief in a heap on the floor.

Keith wasn't doing much better. Maria took him in his arms as he sobbed gently. "There, there, it's all right now, it's all right. You want to be forgiven, don't you?"

"Yes, Maria, yes I do!" Keith sobbed.

Maria gave a generous smile. "You're going to be so obedient now. You want me to continue to redistribute Hillary's sexual wealth, don't you?"

"Yes, yes I do!" Keith cried.

"Even if I want to use Hillary right here, in front of everyone?"

"Yes, of course!" Keith cried.

"Then you are forgiven," Maria said.

"Thank you! Thank you Maria, thank you so much!" Keith cried, even as he sniffled. His eyes were red, and tears were coming down his cheeks.

And they sat like that for some time, Maria holding Keith in his arms, rocking slowly back and forth until the pain went all away.​
Next page: Chapter 24
Previous page: Chapter 22