Chapter 32.1

The Unexpected Sinking of the Titanic

The Temporal Social Justice Warriors:

"No Dana, it's too dangerous," Craig hissed, as Dana started to work his shirt off.

Craig's reluctance only made Dana Slotkin more excited. Somehow the idea of having sex with such a beta-male, of taking charge and making him her own, caused her vagina to ooze with sexual perspiration.

And of course, there was the thrill of taking a gigantic risk.

If Maria discovered them having sex, Dana would be disciplined. At the very least. But Craig? The risk was exponentially bigger for him. Even though he was a white male, Craig had been admitted to the Community on the grounds that while he was white and male, he belonged to a distinct minority, inanimasexuals, those who only had sex with inanimate objects. Craig could have been content to spend the rest of his life having sex with a slit in a small, tight pillow greased with lubricant.

But then Dana started flirting with him, and rubbing her body against him like a cat. At first Craig didn't really understand it. Dana knew his sexual orientation. And he knew that Dana, as one of Maria's favorites, was getting plenty of intercourse with him. And yet Dana seemed to yearn for more. She maneuvered work assignments so they were alone together, and flirted shamelessly with him, and one thing led to another, and before long they were hugging and kissing, and now Dana wanted to go all the way.

"Dana, we shouldn't," said Craig, as Dana pulled down his underwear. She lifted his erect organ. "This says we should," she announced triumphantly. "Don't you want me, Craig?" She pulled off her top, revealing her large breasts. "Don't you want to touch these?" She lifted his hands and put them on her breasts. "Don't they feel better than that pillow you beat off to?"

They did feel better than that pillow he beat off to. Truth be told, the pillow was getting a bit sticky and grimy, and he was having a hard time keeping the slit he had cut into it clean and hygienic. But Dana's breasts were warm and tender.

And so, when they were both nude, Craig didn't resist when Dana pulled him on top of her, and inserted him into her. He started thrusting like a rabbit in heat almost immediately.

"That's my boy," said Dana, playing with his hair.

"But... what if Maria finds out?" Craig gasped, as he moved rapidly and out of her.

"Maria is busy with his latest pet project," said Dana. "He'll never even notice."

Dana was right. Maria was busy with his latest pet project.

And his pet project's name was Joy Montana.

Maria, emboldened by his success with Hillary Ashanti, decided to conquer new territory: Joy Montana.

After seeing Keith's humiliation in front of the group, Pablo Guzman knew what was expected of her. And of him. He was to sit idly by while Maria made love to his wife.

Well, perhaps Keith could tolerate that, somehow. But not Pablo. Pablo Guzman was a hot blooded Latin man and he would rather die before he would let another man make love to his wife.

Pablo's vow was about to be tested to the limit.

Four evenings after the one where Maria took Hillary and broke her relationship with Keith forever, Maria had his eye on his new conquest. As dessert was being served, Maria gestured for Joy Montana to come and sit on his lap. "Joy... come here, my darling."

Joy tittered and cast a glance at Pablo, who was furious. Maria knew how opposed Pablo was. Perhaps it would be just like a last time, a little kissing, a little fondling through her shirt, just to let everyone know who was in charge.

She forced a smile on her lips and got up and went over to sit in Maria's lap. He smiled happily as she sat down on it, arching her head upwards to accept a kiss.

Pablo was livid.

Maria was all smiles. "Tomorrow we are going to announce a dramatic new mission. One which will change the course of history."

"Why not tell us now, Maria?" Alyssa Goldenfrau asked.

Maria gave a wolf like smile. "Because tonight is the time to party!" And he gave Joy a passionate kiss in front of everyone.

Pablo half rose from his chair. Elijah Ellison, who was sitting next to him, pushed him down and gave him a warning look, shaking his head.

Maria got up, taking Joy by the hand. "Come, my lovely, let us go and celebrate the morrow!" And he started to take her to his private quarters.

"No!" said Pablo, jumping up from his chair.

"No?" said Maria, turning with a smile. "Pablo has an objection. What is it that you are objecting to, Pablo?"

"You will not have your way with my wife," said Pablo.

"Pablo, please," Joy cried.

"You see, Pablo, she wants it," said Maria.

"She does not!" said Pablo. "I will not let you."

"What did you say? What did you say? You will not let me?" Maria's eyes grew wide. "Those are resistance words, Pablo! You will take them back immediately, or suffer the consequences."

Pablo folded his arms in front of him. "I will not. I will not let you take my wife. I am not some cuckold like others here," he glanced dismissively at Keith Ashanti, who had a retarded grin on his face.

Maria nodded for a moment. Then he said, "Take him. Take him to the Shaft."

"No!" Joy screamed, as Red Bull and Ahmed Ahmad grabbed Pablo by the arms. Pablo tried to resist, but Ahmed Ahmad punched him in the face, leaving him dazed. They dragged him to the Time Shaft, and were waiting there like obedient pets as Maria casually strolled into the control room.

Maria started to manipulate the controls. "I didn't want to do this, Pablo." Suddenly, the Time Shaft went dead. "Bind him to it," said Maria.

Joy screamed as Pablo, still struggling, was tied to the deactivated Time Shaft. Then they stepped back.

"I didn't want to do this, Pablo, but you made me," said Maria. He pressed a button, and the protective force field around the shaft reactivated. Then he said, "Tell me Pablo, did you know that we can activate parts of the Time Shaft selectively? We can, you know. You know, in situations like this, it's always best to give a demonstration. It explains things so clearly."

"No!" Joy cried.

The Time Shaft pulsed, in the area around Pablo's belly that made his stomach lurch. "For a moment, time accelerated around your stomach. Did you feel that, Pablo? And that was only a factor of three! Now see what happens when we accelerate that... by a factor of 50."

He started working on the controls again. Suddenly a part of the Time Shaft became active, in the area around Pablo's lower right arm. Pablo screamed in agony, even as the Shaft deactivated again.

Pablo looked down at his right hand. His nails were incredibly long.

"And that was only a two second pulse," said Maria. "Of course, speeding up time is not the only tool in our little arsenal." A few seconds later, the Time Shaft pulsed around the area of Pablo's chest. He gasped. Maria did not stop the effect. Instead he said, "It may feel like you're gasping for air and having a heart attack, but you aren't. We have simply slowed down time a modest fifty percent for your heart and lungs. How do you like them apples, Pablo?"

Pablo gasped for air. His heart felt like it was going to burst.

"Please, stop!" Joy cried. "I'll do anything, anything you want!"

"Yes, my dear, you will," said Maria. He pressed a button, and the Time Shaft deactivated again. He turned to Pablo. "Well, Pablo, what do you have to say?"

"I... I...."

"Are you willing to redistribute your sexual wealth with the rest of your Community family?"

"I...." Pablo was in terrible pain and terror. "Yes... yes....."

"That's good. That's really good," said Maria. "But I realize that this isn't a fair question. You may feel under duress. I don't think you're going to be able to give me a candid answer in a situation like this."

"He means it!" Joy cried. "Let him go, please!"

"Let's take a poll," said Maria. "John, do you think Pablo is being sincere when he invites me to use Joy for my own sexual pleasure?"

"No," said John Cummings, stone faced.

"What about you, Elijah?"

"No," said Elijah.

One by one they were prompted to answer, even the girls. They all said no, knowing the answer that Maria wanted.

Maria made a tisk-tisk sound with his tongue when it was done. "I'm sorry Pablo. I believe you, but the Community doesn't. I'm afraid we're going to have to take this to the next level." He started working at the controls again. The Time Shaft came alive, this time around the area of Pablo's head.

"NO!" Joy screamed, as Red Bull held her back.

Pablo screamed as his head withered and grew old and grey rapidly. And then his scream rapidly cut off, and the flesh on his head melted and turned into a skull. Joy cried out in pain and anguish.

Maria smiled as he turned off the Time Shaft. He went and took a weeping Joy into his arms. "He didn't feel a thing, dear, truly. Time was moving at 5000 times faster than normal for him."

Joy wept in his embrace. "Come... come.... I will comfort and console you," said Maria. He smiled at the others with a broad grin as he led Joy to his sleeping quarters.

The two were not seen again until the following morning.

The next morning, Maria had recovered from the ordeal, and was all smiles, and Joy, if not happy, seemed calmer at least. She was most attentive to Maria, looking fearfully at him and smiling nervously whenever he looked at her.

Joy had been much too upset to properly please Maria during their sexual intercourse the previous night. Still Maria tried to make the best of things, gagging her while he took his pleasure. He slept well that night, happy that justice had been done. Maria decided he would give Joy a few days to adjust. If she didn't, he would find other ways to improve her mood.

"My friends, the time has come to strike at the rich elite," said Maria. Maria, of course, was quite wealthy himself, but never counted himself as a member of the rich elite; Maria was a woman of the people.

"We are going to eliminate 38 of the richest industrialists of the early 20th century, in one fell swoop!"

"How?" Red Bull asked.

"By sinking the Titanic."

"The what?" said Elijah Ellison.

There was a luxury liner in the early 20th century called the Titanic. On its maiden voyage it made a cruise into the North Atlantic, carrying some of the richest people in America. It returned without incident, two weeks later.

"But we are going to change all that," said Maria. "We are going to make sure the Titanic sinks."


"By hitting an iceberg."

Maria was pleased when he took Joy to bed the following night. This time she was much more responsive to his needs. She didn't just lie there and cry, but actually participated, fucking him back as much as he fucked her, crying out as he sucked on her heavy tits, and kissing him furiously as he pounded into her, finally releasing, filling Joy with his feminine goodness.

The reason for her improved mood could be found earlier in the day, when Dana Slotkin had had a talk with Joy in the kitchen when the two were alone.

"Joy, how are you coping?" Dana had asked.

Joy, doing the dishes, said nothing.

"Joy, it's very important that you present a happy face."

"Why? Why must I be happy?" Joy asked, letting a dish drop with a clank.

"Because if you're not, Maria will do the same thing to you he did to Pablo."

Joy's jaw dropped.

"He wants you to be happy, Joy. But he wants you to be happy so he can be happy, if you get my meaning," said Dana. "And if you're not happy, and Maria isn't happy, you're going to be even more unhappy."

"But... but... he killed Pablo," Joy whispered, looking around as if the walls had ears.

"Yes, he did," said Dana. "But Pablo would want you to live on. And the only way you can do that is to be pleasing to Maria."

"I... I don't know if I can do it."

"You can, Joy," said Dana, embracing her. "Do it, Joy. Do it for the Community."

And so Joy found the strength somewhere inside herself to fuck Maria as intensely as he fucked her. Joy found the action of participating enthusiastically created the feeling of enthusiasm inside of her. The memory of Pablo still pained her, but was a receding wound.

Afterwards, as they lay together, Joy asked, "Maria? May I ask you a question?"

Maria chuckled. "After a performance like that, Joy, you can even ask me two."

Joy smiled, glad that she had pleased Maria. "You're going to sink the Titanic to kill these 37 rich industrialists, right?'

"38. Correct."

"Well... won't a lot of other people die too? I did some research, and discovered that the Titanic had over 3000 passengers and crew-" she broke off, worried that she had said too much.

Maria nodded. "There are a lot of other people on board. Even poor people, among the crew. But Joy, think about what they are sacrificing for! These ordinary people are sacrificing their lives to liquidate 38 of the richest men in the world. These 38 people make as much money as a hundred thousand ordinary workers! Don't you think the poor people on the ship, knowing that, would be happy to give their lives for such a virtuous cause?"

"I... I suppose.... But... can't we just go on board and eliminate those 38?" Joy asked.

Maria shook his head. "It would corrupt the timeline too much if a team of righteous justice warriors suddenly appeared, killed some old white men, and vanished. No, the world would accept it more easily if the ship struck an iceberg. Even I could believe that," Maria laughed.

Sabotaging the Titanic was embarrassingly easy. All Maria had to do was gate aboard, sneak to the bridge in an officer's uniform, and put a magnet under the ship's compass. It was that simple. The ship made an unexpected turn to the north... and towards icebergs...

It was a warm night in July, and John Rockefeller was chatting with Cornelius Vanderbilt and Edward Harriman out under the stars on the forward deck. One might think that men of such wealth would be immensely content; but if one really thought that, then one would be wrong.

"I have such trouble sleeping," Rockefeller confessed.

"Me too," said Vanderbilt.

"I just make so much more money than the average worker," said Rockefeller. "I calculated it out--I make 200 times what my lowest wage worker does."

"I make 300 times!" said Edward Harriman. "I feel incredibly, incredibly guilty."

"I know," said Cornelius Vanderbilt. "And what bothers me the most is that it's all just random luck. Any one of my line workers, any one of them, could have achieved what I had if he had had the same luck I had."

The others vigorously nodded in agreement.

"Anyone could have done it," said Rockefeller. "It didn't require brains, or hard work."

"Just luck, and being born to wealth," said Vanderbilt. "God, I feel so guilty!" he moaned.

"I feel the guilt too," said Rockefeller. "Sometimes, when I look at my factory, I have to be wondering if we aren't causing harm. Maybe we're making the weather hotter in the summer. Have you noticed how hot it is in the summer lately?"

"I was thinking the same thing!" said Harriman.

"Not only that, but winters are colder too," said Vanderbilt. "And the rains! Sometimes when it rains, it pours! That's not natural. I feel so much guilt over all the money I have made over the backs of my workers... I must be doing something to destroy the Earth. I can just feel it!"

"If only the government could find out the harm we are doing, and punish us with higher taxes and more regulation," said Rockefeller.

"That would help me sleep so much better at night!" said Vanderbilt.

Sleeping was also on the mind of Titanic Captain Ed Smith. He had a number of young ladies dining at the Captain's table, most daughters of wealthy industrialists, and he was thinking who he could romance into coming back to his cabin to see his collection of anchors. Maybe Miss Winters? Or perhaps Miss Augustine, the blonde with the big-

Suddenly there was a jolt, and Smith was thrown off his feet. "What happened!" he cried, standing up slowly.

"We struck an iceberg, sir!" said his first officer.

"Oh my God!" An iceberg! The ship could sink! "Damage report!"

"Checking...." Then the first officer said, "No damage."

"No damage?" said Captain Smith. "Are you sure?" Somehow he felt almost cheated.

"None, sir. When a metal hull hits ice, the ice breaks, not the metal. No damage."

"Not even a leak, even a small one?"

"Sorry, sir."

"All right, then." In the back of his mind Captain Smith wondered how they had hit an iceberg this far south. There weren't supposed to be any here. He went back to thinking about young luscious girls again when suddenly the ship was rocked again.

"Iceberg!" the first mate cried.

This was it. This would be the big one. "Damage?" Smith cried.

The First Mate checked. "Some paint scraped off the outer hull, sir."


They ran into three more icebergs that night. When they returned to port, the bow of the ship would need a thorough repainting.

"It didn't sink?" said Maria, staring at the holoscreens.

"No sir," said Marsha Kalinsky.

"Marsha, if you're lying to me...."

"I'm not, sir! Read it yourself," she said, pointing to a holoscreen.

Sure enough, the Titanic returned unbowed from its maiden voyage. The Captain was so pleased by his fine navigation that-

Maria stopped reading and ground his teeth together. His plan had been so perfect!

"Maybe we should consider a different time period to get involved in," Chloe Weatherly suggested.

"No!" said Maria. "We are going to sink the Titanic."

Maria went to Bremerhaven, in the year 1918. He bought a surplus U boat for scrap metal prices. He was sure he could figure out how to pilot it. Now all he needed to do was to move it back in time six years.

"I can't do it," said Marsha, trembling with fright. "It's simply not possible."

"Can't," said Maria slowly. "Not possible. These are all resistance words, Marsha. Do you really want to go back into your closet?"

"No! Please, no!" Marsha cried.

"Perhaps you've forgotten about your lovely necklace," said Maria, touching the silver circlet around her neck. "Perhaps you've forgotten about the four grams of ardentite I've placed inside of it."

"I haven't," Marsha whispered.

Maria walked around her, slowly a circle. "I've done everything in my power to make you feel like a member of the Community, Marsha. Although I have many women to please, I always make time for you. Isn't that so?"

"Yes," said Marsha.

"The last time we were together, did you like it?"

"Yes," Marsha said, her head down. "Very much."

Maria put a gentle hand under Marsha's chin, and raised it. "So did I." Their eyes met for a long moment. "I tell everyone you're trying to fit into the Community. But when you come to me with war words, words like 'I can't' and 'impossible', the Community doesn't like it. There are those in the Community who think you'll never fit in here, Marsha. They think we should get rid of you. I tell them that you truly love being a part of us, but now we have episodes like this, episodes full of 'can't' and 'impossible'." Maria slapped his hands against his thighs in frustration. "If I tell them you refuse to do this, I don't know how the Community will react."

Marsha looked down again. Her lips were quivering. Finally she said, "I'll... I'll figure out a way."

Maria slowly smiled. "I knew you could do it! Kiss?"

Marsha, still visibly trembling, reached up and kissed Maria on the lips. Maria hugged Marsha tightly, and turned it into something much more memorable.

Twelve subjective days later, Maria smiled. He looked incredibly sharp in his white sailor's uniform. So did the rest of his crew. They had followed the Titanic to the North Atlantic, and the time to strike was now.

"Tubes loaded, sir," said Keith Ashanti gleefully.

Maria looked at the girls. They didn't look entirely happy, even in their new sailor outfits. But they would be, he knew.

Maria looked in his periscope. The target was not more than 500 feet away, and moving slowly. A sitting duck.

"Fire one!" he said. He heard a vibration, and a whooshing sound as John Cummings said, "Torpedo awaaaay!"

Everyone clapped.

They had five more torpedoes, just in case.

But they shouldn't really be needed.

The first shot hit the Titanic amid ships, and exploded. Before their very eyes, the ship started to sink.

Maria watched the ship start to sink under the waves, very, very slowly. The Titanic was taking on water, but it was a big ship. In the meantime people were scurrying like rats to the lifeboats. Too many of them.

"Fire two!" Maria commanded.

"Torpedo away!"

The second torpedo hit closer to the stern, and the ship started to take water on more quickly. But Maria was impatient, firing a third which hit it closer to the bow. Perfect.

In twenty minutes, the Titanic was almost under the waves. Only the top of its smokestacks could be seen. Wonderful.

But there were lifeboats on the rough ocean seas. A lot of them.

Not so wonderful.

Dana Slotkin tugged at Maria's shirtsleeve. "Can't we do something about the survivors?" she asked.

"Of course," said Maria. "John, bring us up, please."

"Surface!" cried John Cummings. "Surface, surface, surface!"

The U-241 broke the surface of the water a moment later, just a few hundred feet from the small cluster of lifeboats.

"Girls," said Maria. "Get on deck and call out to the survivors. Tell them we offer them food and dry clothing."

"Yes, Maria," said Dana, with a smile on her face.

Maria turned and gave a look to Red Bull. Red Bull nodded. That was all that was needed.

"Over here! Over here!" Chloe Weatherly shouted at the top of her lungs, waving a lantern in the dark North Sea night. The survivors saw her, or heard her, and started rowing for the sub.

"It's so nice of you to do this," said Dana, smiling at Maria.

"I know," said Maria, smiling back.

When the first lifeboat came along side the sub, and the others were not far behind, Maria nodded to Red Bull. Red Bull removed a tarp off the forward deck, revealing a twenty caliber machine gun. He started firing.
Next page: Chapter 32.2
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