Part 01.2

'No fucking way!' Naomi proclaimed way too loudly for the time. 'Show 'em!'

'It's really late, maybe another time.'

'This time!' The Japanese girl shouted, skipping happily towards a cushion next to the farthest wall and flopping down. 'You brought it up. It's your own damn fault.'

'I take it as very offensive that drunk people think faster on their feet than me when I'm sober...'



'Show me, you shit!'

'If I show them can you please shut it?' Hailey hissed at her, anticipating a neighbour coming down to complain any second.

Naomi nodded very quickly and grimaced when she got a slight headache from doing it.

'See this?' Hailey pushed her top down a little to expose her upper torso. Naomi looked as though another interruption was on the cards. The blonde woman leaned forward and grabbed her face just forcefully enough to stun her. 'What did I say?'

'No ta'king.' Naomi spoke through her teeth, casually.

'Good girl.' She let go and continued. 'This is because I enjoy letting people know I got no time for romantic bullshit.' She noticed the other girl's eyes take in her inked realistic heart with blue wings that was bleeding. Hailey was quite fond of that one especially, even if it was probably too emo. Turning around she lifted and exposed her little swarm of bats on her lower back. No need for comment on that one.

When she turned back towards her, she saw the fascination on Naomi's features. She kicked off her left shoe.

'Aren't you tempting fate there?' Naomi asked after a beat, in reaction to the three-leaf clover entwining on the broken horseshoe.

'I'm of the opinion that lady luck can take a large spike and fuck itself.'


Naomi was so quiet now that when she undid her pants to show the ones on her legs there were no comments from her. Not even a single comment was uttered as she showed off the stylized king of hearts card with both figures stabbing each other, on her left leg. Then, the right one. Naomi frowned and tilted her head sideways.

'Are those meant to be veins?'

'No!' Hailey complained, disappointed. 'It's a leafless tree! With a few pink flowers on some of the branches...'

'Oh, I see it now!' Naomi's face lit up lightning fast. 'This must have taken forever to do!' She remarked with enthusiasm, her hand touching where one of the flowers were, as if there would be an actual petal waiting for her touch.

'It's the whole leg from top to bottom, so yep...' Hailey closed her eyes for a second. 'Where's that hand going, buddy?'

Naomi looked at her with doe eyes.

'Just travelling.'

'Why am I always babysitting the drunk girls?' Hailey muttered, fully annoyed with herself.


'Don't worry about it.' The blonde girl leaned down and instantly had to hold back the approaching kiss with a hand. 'Nothing is going to happen tonight between us.'

'You just took your pants off for me, so don't tell me you're not into it.' Naomi smugly told her. Alcohol appeared to put her very much at ease.

'It's not that I'm not into it, it's that you may be weird about it tomorrow when you're no longer a drunken idiot.'

'Why does that matter?' The Japanese girl shrugged.

'Because I'm not big on friends and all four of you seemed dope. And I don't wanna ruin it.'

'Come on...' Naomi mewled, testing her resolve with some severity.

Hailey was silent, noticing the other woman's involuntary small hip movements and still holding her back.

'You want to get off that bad?' She finally asked, prompting an almost immediate nod from Naomi. 'Then do it to yourself, and I'll watch.'

'Just watch?' The other woman defeatedly asked, letting herself be guided to her own chair in the living room.

'No.' Hailey said, sitting herself on the couch opposite, noticing Naomi's hand slipping into her own pants despite her complaint. 'I'm going to be relieving myself too.' She told her, pushing her panties off.

The first touch on her own clit was electrifying, not only due to her heightened horny mood but also because of Naomi's sharp intake of breath when she gasped.

'Fuck, you have a pierced clit?' Naomi asked, her hand moving faster beneath her waistband.

'Sure do.' Hailey replied, letting her head fall back for a second as she stuck a finger into herself and surrendered to the sensation. She looked again and her friend was whimpering softly. 'Come on, show me what you're hiding in there.'

'I can't...'

'Why not?'

'I just...' Naomi began, conflicted. 'I can show you my breasts.'

'You don't have to show if you really don't want to.' Hailey said.

'But I want to.' Naomi smiled and removed her top with fumbling movements, followed up by her bra.

Hailey's first thought was how she would probably enjoy a good night's sleep on those breasts. They were not huge, but they were pillow-y in shape, her nipples barely sticking out, the areolas large.

'Goddamn, that's nice...' She told the other girl as her own fingers moved faster on her swollen clit.

'Can I see yours?' Naomi eagerly asked.

'No, no, no. We're even-steven.' Hailey mischievously shook her head. 'In fact, I would even go as far as saying a pussy takes a little more bravery to show than titties.'

'Both seem pretty bold moves to me...' The Japanese girl muttered, having difficulty to voice her words properly as her pleasure mounted.

'Which one would you rather flash to get out of a ticket? There's your answer.'

'You're nuts!' Naomi giggled, watching with trepidation as the blonde girl removed her fingers from her pussy and licked them clean with gusto, before pressing them back in. 'Like that!'

'What did I do?'

'Tasted yourself.'

'Never done it?'

'No, what's it like?'

'Find out for yourself.' Hailey told her.

Rather slowly and with a look of uncertainty, Naomi pushed her hand, shiny with her own juices, up towards her lips and gave a small lick. Then, noticing Hailey inciting her on with the look in her eyes, she put the entire length of her fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean.

'It's sweet, isn't it?' Hailey asked her, starting to lose control at the sight in front of her. 'Mine reminds a little of a fruit, but I can't quite place which one.'

'Oh, my God!' Naomi remarked, as her hand returned under her belt fast.

'I know, right? Just makes you want to shove your hand right in there again to get a second taste...'

'No. I mean, yes, kinda, but that's wasn't... Are those more piercings?' Naomi flustered out.

Hailey looked down to see the fabric of her shirt pushing out where her nipples were, which also made the metal piercings on her small breasts noticeable.

'They sure are.' She replied.

'Doesn't that hurt?'

'Only in the right ways. Especially if someone bites on them at the same time as they're pushing something right against my-'


That one was a little too much for Naomi's innocent ears it would seem. The other woman's gorgeous chest heaved as she came to her orgasm, her jaw clenched in pleasure. Hailey's only thought was how much she wished she could have been the one to use her hand in getting her there. This mental image was all it took for the blonde woman to follow suit and tumble into her own release.

Both women stayed sitting as they regained their breath, regarding each other attentively. Hailey was enjoying letting her palm rest on her snatch, feeling its heat, whilst Naomi was putting her newfound knowledge of how tasty she found her own juices, scooping them in between her lips.

'So, how many accessories have you got?' The Japanese girl asked in short space of time when her mouth was not occupied.

'I showed you most of them.' Hailey replied. 'Except for the ring I've got on my big toe and this.' She stuck out her tongue, showing the stud that punctured it. 'What can I say, I'm kind of a basic bitch in these things.' She shrugged, a little self-conscious.

'No, you're not. You're cool.' Naomi told her, smiling. She seemed to be winding down from her inebriation, her words less slurred.

'And you're very nice.' The blonde girl said, getting up and putting her clothes back on. 'And you're going to let me know if you want a repeat. Even if it's just talking.'


'Okay, good.' Hailey went over and gently kissed her forehead. 'It's getting late and we both need sleep, so I'll see you around.'

As far as keeping her promise to Sonja of behaving herself, Hailey figured, as she closed the door to Naomi's apartment, that this would probably be described as a half-success.

Day One

With some difficulty, Sonja managed not to giggle directly at her friend's face. She had arrived before Naomi at the small café that was her early morning nest and was patiently waiting for a few minutes when the other woman came in with large sunglasses, on an extremely cloudy day.

'Hailey was right, you are shit at handling liquor.'

'I will have no mention of that diabolical woman's name.' Naomi replied, grimacing.

'Drink some orange juice and have some toast.'

'Does that help hangovers?'

'No idea, but it's what is most likely to keep you from throwing up on this table and getting me removed from my favourite café in New York.' Sonja replied, matter-of-factly.

'You're very helpful, aren't you?'

'Yeah, yeah, take off the glasses, Naomi.'

Sonja looked her over when she acquiesced.

'See,' She said. 'you look fine.'

'Great words of praise.' Naomi narrowed her eyes at her.

'To be honest, I'm surprised you're here on time. Last I saw you your hands were all over Hailey.'

'I know when someone is reaching to see what they find out...'

'Guilty.' Sonja replied. 'I was curious.'

'Well, for your information, I was being impulsive and managed to throw myself at a lesbian with good self-control.' Naomi hissed at her.

At that precise moment, a waiter arrived, managing to hear the last bit. Naomi sighed and watched Sonja order their food with difficulty due to her sniggering.

'That was pretty brave of you.' Sonja managed to put on a serious face to tell the other woman. 'Liquid courage or something.'

'Yeah, I guess... I mean, it's not like I want to date her. It was just, you know, an overwhelming desire to bite hard on those damn pierced nipples.' Naomi looked up to see her new friend's eyebrows raised in surprise. 'Or something.'

'Can I give you a piece of advice from knowing you a very limited amount of time?' The silver-haired girl requested.


'Stop justifying the shit you do for fun.' She simply said, before digging into her food. 'And stop denying yourself shit you want to do for fun.'

'I think I began yesterday, so you're a good influence so far.' Naomi smirked.

'So, Hailey didn't get in your pants, then?'

'We ended up taking care of ourselves on our own.'

'Like, in the same room.' Sonja asked.

'Like, staring at each other.' Naomi blushed a little.

Sonja just smiled in a knowing sort of way.

'Are you going to give her a call.'

'Probably not.' The Japanese girl said. 'If she wants to, I won't deny myself, but...'


'The group was nice.' Naomi sheepishly said. 'You, Hailey, Carolyn and Madalena. You girls seem cool, and I think I'd really prefer to not get anything awkward in the way of us getting together again.'

'Yes, I think you're right.' Sonja said after a pause. 'They're cool.'

'That settles it, then.' The other woman beamed, setting about getting some food into her. 'And, also, there's a guy at my work I've had a crush on for three months. I'm asking him out, I don't give a crap.'

'You know, Naomi...' Sonja said, flashing her with a sweet smile. 'I really like this new direction you're taking yourself on.'

There was no mandatory attendance to the class that Carolyn and Madalena were attending. Which meant they were having a really rough time talking to each other without the usual wall of people in front to shield them from earshot of the lecturer.

They were still trying, though. Having never noticed each other before their meeting the previous night, both women had made sure to go for a corner of the classroom where they were less likely to be noticed.

'I cannot understand how rested and sober you are right now.' Carolyn whispered to Madalena.

'Neither of my moms ever had a hangover in their lives.' Madalena replied. 'If there's one thing I didn't need medical school to teach me, is that the del Bosque genes are made of sterner stuff.'

'And they make you want to fucking run for it... Sonja and I were almost out of breath yesterday to catch you!'

'I promise to never run out on you, again.' Madalena said in a mock seductive tone.

'Ladies!' Their lecturer snapped their fingers at them, after hearing Carolyn's giggles.

'Bitch, you just got me in trouble...' Carolyn shoved her.

'I got us in trouble.'

'Look, if you want me to lick your vag that bad...'

'In your dreams.' Madalena scoffed. 'Speaking of that, should we be concerned with the fox amongst the chickens in our group?'

'Concerned?' The other girl replied, arching an eyebrow.

'We have a very innocent little friend group developing and a sex-crazed lesbian prowls amongst us...'

'Lock your doors and hide the silverware.'

'Bet you five bucks Naomi had a fun ending to her night.' Madalena persisted, with a grin.

'Had to be better than mine, since I was chasing a lunatic.' Carolyn said.

The two of them actually paid attention to their class for a short while.

'Do you reckon there was a little something between Sonja and Hailey?' Carolyn broke the silence.

'Really?' Madalena asked, doubtful.

'I dunno... Thought they were both throwing some smoky eyes at each other.'

'I think someone must have got turned on by my two moms story, and it wasn't Sonja or Hailey...' Madalena said under her breath, as she wrote down the first line of the slide that had just appeared on the projector.

'You're just jealous of my gaydar.'

'If your gaydar consists of thinking every girl with silver dyed hair is a lesbo, I'm afraid you might just be a stereotypical Arkansas inhabitant.' Madalena muttered under her breath.

'I'm from upstate...' Carolyn gazed at her new friend, not understanding.

Madalena turned towards her.

'You.' She said, raising her hand. 'The joke.' She completed with a smug smirk, raising her hand higher and making a swooshing motion.

'Yes, miss Del Bosque?' Their lecturer looked up, believing she was raising her hand for a question.

Beside Madalena, Carolyn had doubled down onto her books to hide her tear-inducing laughter as she watched the other girl try to come up with a reasonable question she could have about what the lecturer had just said.

Hailey's phone buzzed, and so she opened her app.

Carolyn: \ Emergency broadcast! /

Sonja: \ What's up? No pun intended. /

Madalena: \ She got caught on the window of our classroom and ripped her shirt in half. It's kinda hilarious btw... /

Carolyn: \ I was just gonna say wardrobe malfunction, asshole... /

Madalena: \ It was funnier if I said how. /

Hailey: \ I agree. /

Naomi: \ Yup. /

Carolyn: \ You know what? How about offering up some solutions?! /

Sonja: \ I may have something for you to wear if you got the time to come by my place. /

Madalena: \ We got another class in an hour and a half... Can she make it? /

Sonja: \ Maybe not... /

Hailey: \ Hold up, I'm a little closer, I think you could make it. /

Carolyn: \ You're a little thinner than me, you sure your stuff will fit? /

Sonja: \ I'll head over to your place with a shirt of mine, Hailey. That way Carolyn returns on time. /

Hailey: \ Sure... /

Carolyn: \ Guys, I'm really thankful, but aren't you really messing up your schedules? /

Sonja: \ I was heading over to those parts, anyway. No sweat. /

Hailey: \ Yeah, no worries, girl... /

Carolyn: \ Thank you! :) /

Putting down her phone, Hailey looked around her room. Her "materials" from doing her cam show were over her bed: the two dildos, the towel and the lube at the ready, not to mention the camera unmistakably set up pointing at the bed.

I should probably clear that up first...

Phone in hand, Carolyn kept looking down at it whenever she passed a different street number. Finally, the number Hailey had indicated on the chat matched the number she was looking at, so Carolyn rang the doorbell.


'It's Carolyn.'

The door buzzed and she pushed it open, climbing the stairs in a rush until she was at the right floor. She knocked on the door immediately in front of her.

'Yo, weirdo!' Hailey's voice called out behind her. The blonde woman's apartment door was the other one. 'You're lucky that place is waiting for new tenants. You could get pepper sprayed in this building for much less than hitting a door.'

Carolyn turned around and entered the other woman's apartment. Hailey stepped aside and took one good look at her.

'Where's the wardrobe malfunction?' The blonde asked. 'And why are you walking like that?'

In response, Carolyn let go of the jacket she had positioned to cover a massive rip in her shirt. There was a sniggering sound that escaped Hailey's throat, though she attempted to instantly stifle it, once she caught a good look at the other girl's expression.

'That does seem severe.' She said.

'We're waiting on Sonja?' Carolyn asked.

'Yep, but I got you a couple of things to try out. I'm smaller than you, but perhaps with a few of the larger items you may get lucky.'

'Sure, thanks.'

It was strange to be suddenly alone with someone who, for all intents and purposes, she had only met the day before. She was suddenly a little grateful that Hailey was directing her to one of the two bedroom doors so that she could get away for just a second.

The slight awkwardness Carolyn was feeling was a little eclipsed by how nice the two-bedroom apartment looked. It wasn't big but it had a certain charm to it.

Once inside, she noticed that the bed was made, and the room looked dusty from lack of use.

'You got a roommate?' She asked, making conversation as she tried a couple of shirts on.

'I used to. Right now, I got the place to myself.'

'Jesus, handling a rent alone in a place like this?' Carolyn asked. There was a little silence in which she had time to think how privileged that must have sounded. 'Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.'

'Oh, no, I wasn't giving you the silent treatment, I was just lost in thought.' Hailey laughed. 'But I suppose I forgot I was talking to the daughter of the one percent here...'

'Very funny, you do know heart surgeons aren't making Jeff Bezos money, right? And my mom is a baker, for your information. So, not loaded either.'

'Really? My mom was a stripper.'

Carolyn was about to start to button up the pink shirt that Hailey had left for her on the bed when she stopped. She went to the door and opened it to find the other woman just outside.

'I'm betting you're full of shit.'

The blonde woman crossed her arms, making a pinup girl tattooed there smile up at Carolyn. She couldn't hold the pose for long, before grinning.

'You know, I think one of the others wouldn't have caught that lie.' She said. 'That doesn't look bad on you.'

'Yeah, I just don't know if it will fit.' Carolyn replied. 'Hang on.' She attempted to close the buttons, but there was just no way. 'Nope.'

'Have you tried the green one?' Hailey asked, guiding her back into the room. The dark-skinned girl should have felt annoyed at this assumption of familiarity, but she felt the other woman emanating a sort of extrovert bubble of energy that somehow made her at ease.

'I haven't tried anything other than this one.'

As Carolyn changed her shirts around, she noticed Hailey looking around the room with a strange reminiscent look.

'So, how did you know I was full of shit?' The blonde asked.

'I think you like putting on a caricature of yourself.'

'Is someone changing their career path from heart surgeon to psychologist, miss daddy issues?'

'Knock it off.' Carolyn shot back, annoyed. She let her arms go straight, seeing if she could stretch comfortably. Another shirt that did not fit properly.

'Yeah, that's no good.' Hailey agreed. 'I bet your dad tells you that phrase a lot.' She giggled, way too amused with herself and her joke.

'What happened with your roommate, did she enjoy your humour as much as me?'

There was a glimpse of something a little fiery behind Hailey's eyes.

'Be thankful you're a youngling. When your best friend gets married you get to see them a lot less.'

A small moment of quiet established itself between the two women, during which Carolyn felt pretty guilty.

'Sorry, that's gotta suck.'

'Meh.' The blonde replied, with airiness. It seemed that the tattooed woman could not bear the strains of any conversation that seemed too serious. 'She still lives in New York and we hang around tons.'

'Have you considered poisoning her husband's coffee?' Carolyn proposed. She had put on the last shirt, but she did not bother to even attempt to button this one up, as there was just no way.

'He's cool, though. Chilling at their place is always dope. Plus,' The blonde said with a twinkle in her eye. 'I'm cool aunt Hailey to the cutest baby you've ever seen.'

Carolyn smiled, finding it somewhat adorable the way the other girl's features softened at the mention of her niece.

'Seems like someone may be having a bad case of the ticking internal clock.'

'I think I may have overestimated your bullshit detector, daddy's girl.' Hailey returned to her provocative style. ''Cause that was a complete miss.'

'Was it?'

'Do you know who just wants to fuck around and has two thumbs?' She flipped her thumbs to herself dramatically.


'Witty enough not to go to college just because daddy said so...'

'For fuck's sake, I'm in college for my own reasons!' Carolyn retorted, becoming annoyed by the girl's insistence on calling her a daddy's girl.

'Keep saying it long enough and you may just-.' Hailey grinned.

For reasons the dark-skinned girl could not identify herself, that was the last straw and she grabbed a hold of the front of the other woman's clothes and shoved her against the wall.

'You are infuriating!' She told her.

'And you are a stubborn idiot.' Hailey unconcernedly replied. And with that, she grabbed the open shirt that Carolyn was wearing in much the same way.

Am I about to get punched? Carolyn thought to herself, having never gotten into a fight before.

Hailey crushed her lips against hers.

It was a very quick kiss, as she pulled back almost instantly.

Get back.

Carolyn's grip did not slacken, and she leaned forwards, wanting to chase back the feeling.

And there it was again. Whatever it was. All she knew for sure was that it was the first time ever that she had to crane her neck down a little for a kiss.

The next moment her feet were no longer on the ground. Hailey had grabbed her by the waist and lifted her with surprising ease.

'I fucking knew it!' The blonde's light blue eyes looked straight into her own. 'My radar was telling me you either wanted that or to stab me.'

'Really?' Carolyn asked, her cheeks heating up, not because she was flustered, just because there was something infuriating about this sensation of having fallen for a trap. 'Like you didn't want this?'

'You were making me want to get very aggressive with you. I just decided that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun...'

'Yeah, yeah., yeah...' The dark-skinned girl complained. 'Are you gonna get on with it or not?'

'Oh, but of course, miss.' Hailey condescended. 'First things first.'

The blonde turned and roughly pressed her to the wall, before biting down on the bra visible beneath the open shirt and pulling hard. Carolyn felt the lock at her back give way, her large breasts available for Hailey's viewing pleasure.

'Shit.' Carolyn couldn't help herself.

Hailey grabbed hungry handfuls of the soft pillowy mounds in front of her and left a series of licks along the other girl's neck. Carolyn could not remember from memory the last time she was this instantaneously aroused. There was no way she was going to be a passenger on this trip.

With a determined movement, she managed to free herself from Hailey's iron grip and roughly removed the blonde's top off.

She would have kept going, but she got almost instantly mesmerized. There was too much to look at. There was the fact that the ripped nature of Hailey's body was evident now that Carolyn could see a ridiculously well-defined six-pack. Also, there were very few pale parts on the woman's torso, which had tattoos for most of its surface. Is that a bleeding heart over her tits?

It was a rookie mistake to stand still around Hailey for that long. The blonde roughly shoved her onto the bed, and one of the small hands made its way past Carolyn's waistline and touched her wet pussy.

Carolyn let out a pathetic wimpy mewl before she could help herself.

'God, I want to fuck the shit out of you, sweetie.' Hailey exhaled, looking feral. Carolyn felt the hairs of her arms stand up.

Just like with facing a wild animal, she figured it would help to withstand the assault she was about to experience if she were to be aggressive as well. For this reason, her hands found the other's zipper and pulled down.

There was a frenzied struggle as both wanted the other's trousers off, but they eventually got there. Hailey almost jumped to take her panties off, which mesmerized Carolyn for long enough that she forgot the shirt that was still on her.

The dark-skinned girl was about to remove her own underwear, but Hailey just grabbed hold of the fabric and ripped it with a quick and strong movement.

'You bitch, what the hell was that f- oh, crap!'

No way to finish the sentence with Hailey's tongue diving right into her pussy. She lapped at it with an experienced touch until Carolyn did not know where her own juices began and Hailey's saliva ended. Just as she was getting into it, the blonde girl jumped up and grabbed hold of her leg, positioning her exactly as she wanted.

'What are you?...'

But the question never materialized fully. The answer became evident. Hailey began scissoring her.

If that was not enough to provoke tingles all along Carolyn's spine, she began to feel not only for the first time another woman's labia caressing her own, but also something else solid and round and a little cold bumping into her clit.

'Is that a piercing on your vag?' She exhaled, overwhelmed.

'You bet your ass it is.' Hailey panted, looking wild.

It was a silly question, really. Carolyn thought as she took the sight of the naked hottie on top of her. There were piercings on her nipples and her belly button, too.

Hailey's open right palm was domineeringly taking hold of every inch of Carolyn's skin it could find. Her preference seemed obvious. Carolyn's tits were being subjected to some of their worst abuse ever. But then so was her mouth. The blonde pressed two fingers between the other woman's lips, and, against every instinct she'd ever had in the bedroom, the dark-skinned girl found herself completely submissive. She was even using her tongue on them before she realised what was happening.

'I should have had my strap-on ready for you...' Hailey sighed, her hips moving at light speed now.

'That sounds great!' Carolyn hissed, feeling something descending from her stomach and travelling down. She was certain that when the path ended, it would lead to her core and provoke the greatest orgasm of her life.

'Yeah?' The lithe tattooed woman asked, baring her teeth. 'I've never wanted to spank someone as bad as you either... Does that sound like a plan too?'

Would that be something up her alley? It was preposterous to even consider it a few minutes previously, but now she had already agreed to the prospect of being fucked by a girl with a strap-on.

'Answer me, daddy's girl or I stop right fucking now.' Hailey snarled.

Fuck me, she's an animal!

'Yeah, yeah, yeah...' She moaned, hoping it would suffice.

'I like our new friend group, Carolyn.' The blonde surprised her by using a normal tone. 'Whatever we're getting up to, I want you to promise me not to tell the others, okay?'

The idea of one of the others knowing what they were up to was mortifying and yet Carolyn still asked:

'Why not?'

'Because I don't want them being careful around me because they think I'm trying to get in their pants.'

'You can't get into their pants if you rip them up.' Carolyn replied, feeling her voice catching as the end of the cliff approached.

'That's a very good point. But I don't hear a promise.'

'Your secret's safe with me.'

'That's my girl!' Hailey grunted and let herself fall down on top of Carolyn, the two women with their boobs mashed together as their hips still moved nonstop.

Carolyn felt her lips being parted by an invading tongue and accepted it willingly, using her own tongue to search around Hailey's mouth. That's when she felt another metallic object and realised that the hyperactive woman grinding her pussy to her own had yet another piercing. This one was a stud on her tongue.

And that was the end of that. Carolyn came loudly, though she was soon drowned out by Hailey reaching the conclusion of her own orgasm with astonishing speed and coordination. Their oversensitive clits forced them to grind to a halt on the hip movements, so they were just glued together now, feeling the heat of each other's womanhood on their own.



Sonja was ringing the doorbell.

Because she was bringing a shirt that matched Carolyn's size.

The two women in the apartment had their own clothes all over the floor.

They both jumped into action, grabbing their own. Well, with one exception. Carolyn took hold of Hailey's panties before the other girl could. It was the blonde's fault that she no longer had some, anyway, so she stole the blonde's underwear.

Instead of being annoyed, Hailey winked and went to the door to buzz Sonja in.

'Hello. Everything okay?' Sonja's voice came from the entrance to the apartment, just as Carolyn was putting her bra on. How, just from looking at Hailey, she had noticed something could be up, the dark-skinned girl did not know.

'Yeah, all good.' Hailey was replying, just as Carolyn left the room and made a show of being thankful to Sonja for bringing her the clothes she had asked for.

Day Two

'Oh my God, why did he say yes?'

It was the end of the workday and Naomi was losing her mind right in front of their eyes.

'Because you asked him if wanted to go out?' Madalena replied, feeling very amused.

Naomi had just phoned an hour before, asking Madalena and Carolyn for help. Apparently, there was someone at work that she had had a crush on for quite some time and, buoyed by her newfound confidence and reassurances from the group, the Japanese woman had decided to say hell to the consequences and let him know what was up.

The possibility that her request would be accepted did not seem to have crossed her mind.

'I suck at this.' She repeated for the twelfth time.

'Honey, nobody is good at this.' Carolyn told her, sprawled on the puff of Madalena's college dorm room.

'Do you know what you've got to do?' Madalena asked.

Naomi stayed quiet.

'Stab him if it gets too awkward?' Carolyn asked, disingenuously.

'Ignore her,' The girl with the glasses continued. 'and be yourself, remember that nobody is owing him anything and just have fun. If it just so happens that nothing comes of it, hey, at least you know that you tried opening that door.'

'Okay, okay, okay...' Naomi pumped herself up. 'I'm going to put my dress on.'

She closed herself in the bathroom.

'Alright, what's up with you?' Madalena asked the second the door closed.

'What?' Carolyn asked back, surprised.

'You've been weird all day.'

'I'm fine.'

'Uh-uh.' Madalena nodded, unconvinced. 'Look, we know each other for a few days only, so if I'm assuming too much familiarity...'

'No!' Carolyn vehemently denied. 'I thought you were dope from the start, dude.'

'So, something did happen to you...'

'It's not my secret to tell.'

Naomi chose that exact moment to come out of the bathroom, looking gorgeous. Her blue dress hugged her body nicely and the older woman looked at the other two, waiting for opinions.

'Get out there, he's gonna fall head over heels.' Carolyn simply stated.

A most uncharacteristic giggle escaped the Japanese woman's mouth, which forced Madalena to stifle her laugh, lest Naomi believe she was mocking her.

'You know what? He is. Thanks, you're the best!' She said, heading for the door. 'By the way, is it too soon to be setting up another group thing with Sonja and Hailey?'

'I was just thinking that.' Madalena replied. 'We agreed that we wouldn't force ourselves to keep a timetable, but I was kind of getting the urge to repeat it.'

'Yeah, me too... What about you?'

'Uh, yeah, same.' Carolyn replied, a little distracted.

'Do you reckon the other two are thinking the same?'

'Only one way to find out.' Madalena answered, waving her phone in her hand. 'I'll post something on the group chat in a bit.'

'Cool. Bye!'

'See ya!' The other two women called out, watching the door swing shut again.

Madalena kept her eyes on the door, feeling a grin stretch the corners of her mouth.

'Am I the only one that Hailey wasn't too innocent when she took her home?'​
Next page: Part 01.3
Previous page: Part 01.1