Part 01.3

For some reason this information seemed to shake Carolyn a little.

'What makes you say that?'

'All this new confidence, her good mood,...' She waved her hands for emphasis. 'You know, everything we can see before our eyes.'

'Hailey's bi, not a sex addict.'

'I'm not yet certain I would go that far.'

Carolyn shrugged.

You're definitely being weird.

'Anyway,' Madalena got up and started arranging the pile of washed clothes she had been about to sort when Naomi had come in. 'I almost forgot to ask, were you able to confirm your theory about Sonja and Hailey?'

'What theory?'

'You were going on about how you had detected "a little something" between them?'

'Oh, yeah.'

'So, you were alone with them at Hailey's place, did you detect anything?' Madalena asked, reaching down for a sock that fell on the floor.

'There's just no way of knowing, I think.' Carolyn dismissed.

'Carol, honey?'


'Let me know when this conversation goes more than one way.' Madalena replied, shaking her head.

Carolyn appeared to be in the midst of some internal struggle, chewing on her lip.

'Agh! I'm sorry, it's something awkward. Ah, fuck it, here goes...' The dark-skinned girl shook her arms as though physically pushing the uncooperative feeling away. 'Before Sonja arrived with a shirt that fit me, I was talking with Hailey and...'


But Carolyn still would not say it, just stretching out her arms and widening her eyes to see if Madalena could get there.

'One thing led to another and...'

Madalena's mouth made a perfect "O" and she burst out laughing. She was holding her own belly and throwing her head back, and Carolyn just rolled her eyes from the bed at the spectacle.

'Good job, Carolyn! Excellent gaydar you got on you!' The brown-haired girl hooted, still highly amused.

'Yeah, kick a girl when she's down, great.'

'Oh, get over it! You got laid, bitch.' Madalena dismissed, amused. She sat down next to Carolyn, on the floor.

'Yeah, it was... It was pretty dope. She's been around the block and knows what she's doing.' Carolyn replied. 'I'd like to think what I lacked in experience I made up for in excitement...'

Madalena snorted.

'Yes, we'll be sure to give you a call about the vacancy.' She ironically said.

'But, before anything else: not a word to the others.'

'Oh, it's not that bad.'

'Hailey asked not to say anything and that's the way we're keeping it.

'Alright, alright.' Madalena threw her hands up in surrender. 'But are you like gonna see each other, or...?'

It was Carolyn's turn to snort.

'You're very innocent sometimes. I'm confident Hailey's not looking for that.' She then added something else. 'I mean, there are some very good odds that Naomi's had her chance too.'

'Maybe. But did you talk about it amongst yourselves?'

'No.' Carolyn looked sheepish. 'Sonja arrived before we could talk again.'

'Of course she did...'

The dark-skinned girl took a deep breath.


'Not as much as you, apparently.' Madalena grinned. 'But like, play by play, how did it go?'

'"Play by play"?'

'A very exciting turn of events has come into my life. Shut up and tell me how Hailey "seduced" you.' The woman with glasses raised her eyebrows.

This was the sort of reaction to the news that Carolyn did not even know she was hoping for. No judgement, no concern, just fun. That, more than anything else, was what made her decide she was going to let her know.

So, she began telling her. When she was done, Carolyn was fairly certain the other girl had placed a pillow on her lap so that Madalena could touch herself without her noticing.

Mission failed if that was the case.

'Aren't you concerned we'll get mugged?' Sonja asked.

'What makes you say that?' Hailey questioned back in a rough exhale, as they two of them turned a corner on the pavemented street, jogging.

'Isn't this meant to be the city with the most muggings?'

'It's also the same city where Friends happens, but I've never had the time to be having coffee at 11 AM and not working.'

Sonja was wheezing a little bit next to her.

'Would you mind slowing down?' She requested.

'Oh, sorry.' Hailey let her pace go down. 'I usually run alone, so I set my own pace. Why did you wanna come anyway?'

'You kept badgering us about joining you for runs when we met you!'

'I say a lot of things.'

'Well,' The silver-haired girl, normally a picture-perfect image of being composed, was strangely dishevelled and sweaty. 'you caught my interest, and I didn't want to do it alone, so here we are.'

'You're from Finland, I thought you enjoyed doing everything alone.'

'Not everything...'

Hailey snorted with laughter, earning herself a slap to the back of the head.

They were starting to make their way back to Hailey's apartment now. About ten minutes away, Hailey pointed to her left suddenly.

'That's the place I said we'd have dinner tomorrow at on the group chat.'

Sonja looked for a second, appearing thoroughly exhausted.

'Alright.' She just said, barely audible with how winded she was.

'Almost there, silver fox!' Hailey encouraged her new friend.

To her credit, the Finnish girl managed it. They climbed the steps of the building and got into the apartment.

'Is it really fucking eleven o'clock?' Sonja shook her head, as she saw the indicator on the kitchen stove.

'Nothing beats late night runs.' Hailey said, skipping along as if she could have done the run all over again.

'You're not made right.'

'I'm as right as they make 'em, baby.' The blonde said, as she undid her caught hair and massaged her scalp a little.

'Yeah, you're not too bad, I guess.' Sonja sighed, feeling the beat of her heart return to normal little by little. She heard the water tap in the bathroom turn on and went to stand by the door. 'Thanks for letting me crash.'

Hailey replied something very similar to "no problem" though it was difficult to tell as, judging from the noise, she was under the shower stream.

'Aren't you a little crazy to let someone you just met sleep over?' Sonja insisted.

'I'm very tranquil about it.' The blonde told her, as the sound of her washing her hair reached Sonja's ears.

'Whatever you say.' The Finn laughed. 'It is better than having to go home after the late-night run and closer to my uni, so thanks!' She sighed, feeling a little colder now that the adrenaline from the run was leaving her system.

'Speaking of stranger danger,' Came Hailey's muffled voice again. 'can you lock the door?'


Sonja walked back to the front door and turned the switch in her hand, locking it, before returning to the bathroom door.

'You can hop in.' Hailey called out.

Sonja was just about to just that when she saw the naked shape of the blonde leave the tub, completely oblivious as she passed right next to her. The silver-haired girl had a moment of pause, stuck in place, as Hailey dried herself behind her, completely at ease.

A couple of seconds passed, and Sonja just went with it, casually undressing and getting in as well. From what she could tell, Hailey hadn't looked or made any of the normal thirsty comments she seemed to like so much. In fact, she just let her know that she'd placed a towel for her next to the sink and left the bathroom.

Washing away all the sweat from both the run and the day's work, Sonja shut off the water and took the offered towel, roughly patting herself down and then wrapping the fabric around her so that she was covered.

Hailey was already in her pyjamas when she got out.

'Already checked your accommodations?' She asked.

'Not yet.' Sonja replied and opened the door to the unused second bedroom of the apartment. 'Did you ever think of renting this out?'

'Not really, too many good memories.' Hailey replied, her hands on the top of the doorway, looking into the room.

'Of what?'

'Jesus, the whole group should ask that at the same time, so I don't have to say four different times...'

'Sorry.' Sonja felt compelled to say, though she did not know why.

'It's...' The blonde looked down for a second, before running her eyes over the room again. 'fine. I'm way too morose this week. I rented this place with Mackenzie, my roommate. We are two idiots of the same ilk.'

'Where's she living now?'

'She met the love of her life.' Hailey shrugged. 'We hang out all the time, actually. I'd be worried about annoying them, but they keep inviting me over!' She laughed. 'But her boyfriend's Italian, so they've been with his family on vacation for a week now. And I kind of miss them.'

'Even him?' Sonja asked.

'You have an alpha vibe that drives men away, don't you?' The blonde laughed, looking at her again.

'So I've heard.' The Finn replied, grabbing a smaller towel to dry her hair.

'Well, don't worry, I think even you would get along with him. He's pretty chill and hot, if you'll forgive the paradox. I can see why Mackenzie fell hard for him.'

'Not you?'

'Nah.' Hailey shrugged. 'Not my style.'

Sonja grabbed some panties and a t-shirt from her bag and put them on. She lunged for the towel again and tried drying her hair a bit better again.

'I also don't think your style includes moping around, though.'

She had expected the other woman to be a little angry at her, but Hailey released a laugh.

'I'm anxious to see some very dear friends again, Sonja, not depressed. Sometimes you need to be a little sad.' She smiled. 'You don't open up easy, do you?'

'You know me so well.' Sonja neutrally replied, turning away.

Hailey's hand on her shoulder made her turn.

'Don't turn away, grump.' Hailey said, going on her tiptoes to give Sonja a kiss on the cheek. 'I don't like sharing a roof with someone that's being a sourpuss at me.'

This was perhaps the most interesting insight Hailey had given her, Sonja thought.

'I think we accidentally stumbled into a really cool group dynamic with the other three.' She simply said.

Hailey turned as she was about to close the door behind her.

'I know it is.' She said, stretching. 'Sleep tight.'

'Goodnight.' Sonja said, as the door closed behind the blonde.

The offered bed was comfortable and she settled in well, even if sleep eluded her for a bit. Her fingers were laced behind her head and she stared at the ceiling, where a few reflections from the outside lamps illuminated it. So far, so good.

Day Three

It was too cold outside for Hailey to wear what she was dying to wear. Winter was most definitely not her season of choice. She grumbled to herself in annoyance as she put the short skirt back from whence it came, before opening instead the drawer where her warm clothes were. Even inside the apartment, she felt a shiver up her spine when she leaned forwards.

Better dress quickly.

She got her leather boots and, chuckling to herself, some overlarge grey cargo pants. Her reflection in the mirror was staring at her, bare breasted. How very 2000's Avril Lavigne of me... But you know what? Hailey shifted sideways, having a small moment of annoyance at how small her breasts were before getting over it. I kinda of really dig it.

She got a cosy sweater and the leather jacket that she had gotten the previous Christmas, before finally being ready to leave her apartment.

For once in her life, Hailey was the first to arrive at an agreed meeting place. It was her idea and she was the only one that had been to this place before, but still.

The diner that she knew by heart at this point in her life was almost packed but, just as promised, the table for five was empty with a "reserved" plaque on it.

'Took you long enough...' Mike exhaled as he went past her. 'A couple of customers have been giving me dirty looks wanting that thing.'

'Thanks, Mike.' She told the owner.

'So, when will Mac and pretty boy be showing up?' He appeared again to remove the plaque and place a few menus around.

'They're still in Italy for another week, Mike. These are other friends.'

'You never bring any friends.'

'Well, these won't disappoint you.' Hailey said, inspecting what to order.

'That's a lot of pressure on a girl, hun.' Sonja told them, as she appeared right next to Mike.

'Have a seat, ma'am.' Mike told her, stepping aside with a smile before heading back to the kitchen.

Sonja indeed took a seat right in front of Hailey. They were in a corner booth to the right, with group seats on either side of the table, just like at the Irish pub.

'I think we are a good influence on Naomi.' She told the blonde girl.

'How d'you figure?'

'Well, first you removed her inhibitions a bit.'

'Hey, I was a good girl, I kept my promise!' Hailey interjected, putting her hands up.

'Oh, I know exactly what you were up to, don't worry.' The silver-haired woman smiled. 'Then, I pumped her up into asking a guy she had a crush on out. And then, the other two were helping her out with getting ready for the date yesterday.'


'I don't tattletale, but someone got hella laid.' Sonja shrugged.

'Nice! Great team effort.' Hailey replied, putting a fist out. The other girl added hers as well.

Mike returned to get their drink orders and left again.

'You and I haven't really been together properly, have we?' Hailey asked.

'I was at your house yesterday.' Sonja grinned.

'I mean actually talking to each other like this. Carolyn and I like annoying each other, I'm the wild influence for Naomi, and Madalena thinks I'm her cool older friend.' The blonde girl explained. 'What am I to you?'

Sonja had the same difficult to read expression that seemed to be her natural resting face.

'Fun in a bottle.'

The Finn drank her beverage calmly, whilst Hailey just looked on.

'For the record, that was a compliment.' She added.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm glum enough for the two of us.'

'What you are is scheming.' Hailey said, knowingly. 'And I would very much want to know about what.'

'I bet you do. You're like a curious fox.' Sonja smiled. 'You talk a lot, too.'

'And you avoid talking as much as possible.'

'As my dad always says-'

'Jesus, not another one with daddy issues...' Hailey sighed.

'As my dad always says,' Sonja grinned at the interruption. '"If you don't talk, you don't lie".' She shifted her head sideways a little, an expression of fascination on her face. 'You're kind of breaking that for me, though.'


'Because you always talk a lot but you're always sincere.'

'Says you.' The blonde woman said, not buying it. 'How could you tell?'

'You're a very inconvenient person. People lie to make conversations more comfortable.' Sonja was regarding her with some intensity now. 'I love that about you.'

For once in her life, Hailey found herself like a deer in the headlights, entirely unsure where to continue to. This moment was also the one that the other three women decided to pop in at.

'Tell them, tell them!' Carolyn giggled at Naomi, before looking right at Hailey and having an unmistakable blush. The blonde woman felt equally flustered for different reasons.

'I'll them later!' Naomi said, a Cheshire cat grin on her face as she sat down right next to Sonja. Madalena took the seat right next to them on the other side of the table, which left Carolyn and Hailey next to each other.

Despite the extra space, Hailey could tell that the dark-skinned girl had shifted close to her, so their arms were just touching.

'Why don't you tell us now?' Sonja asked.

'It's nothing, it's just that guy from the date.' She noticed Hailey staring and started to explain. 'There's someone in my class that-'

'We told her already.' Sonja cut her off. 'Did you score?'

Naomi looked down in embarrassment before saying.

'I scored.'

Hailey wolf whistled, back to her normal disposition.

Madalena was not actively listening to Naomi now, hearing the intimate details that she was sharing of her liaison only partially. She was having trouble concealing a grin. Everybody around the table probably figured it had to do with the story being told, but really it was because she was looking at Carolyn and Hailey.

Her new college friend's intentions could not be clearer, as she had shifted right next to the blonde girl.

The reasons for Carolyn's crush were plain to see, in Madalena's opinion. Hailey just exuded confidence. There were people who said they did not care that you did not like them, then there was Hailey, who actually meant those words. It did not hurt that she was also ridiculously good looking.

'So, I told him to go down on me.' Naomi said in a proud sort of way, breaking Madalena's reverie a little.

'Damn right, girl!' Madalena laughed.

'Well, I wanted to make sure I got off.' The Japanese woman laughed, before continuing her story.

'That's an interesting concern to have...'

'It's called experience, girl.' Hailey conspiratorially answered.

'Motherfucker, my parents are two girls, do you think I'm a saint?'

Sonja and Carolyn snorted at the same time with laughter.

'How many partners?' The dark-skinned girl asked.

'Four.' She replied without any hesitation.

There was a question at Sonja's throat, but it died when the owner of the diner came to take their order. His name was Mike and it appeared that Hailey was friendly with him, teasing him some before they managed to all get their orders in.

'You guys friends?' Naomi asked.

'He's a cool dude. My best friend's closer to him than I am.' Hailey replied.

'How long-'

'Shush!' Hailey interrupted impatiently. 'Don't let college girl there escape from answering who she banged.'

'I'll elucidate you, don't worry.' Madalena shook her head in amusement. 'First time was my gay best friend-'

'Ha!' The blonde exhaled. 'Sorry. Been there, done that. Keep going.'

'That was the first one. There was also a guy in my History class who had green hair, and I thought at the time that that was the shit. Then, a trans girl. And on my last day of high school I blew a guy that was dating my high school bully.'

'Oh, fuck yes.' Sonja simply said, as the rest of them just stared open-mouthed at her.

'I only blew him, because I couldn't quite bring myself to actually fuck him.' Madalena tried shrugging it off.

'Hang on, she's trying to slip the most important piece of information from us!' Carolyn said, comically pointing her finger at her friend, accusingly. 'You dated a trans girl?'

'One of my moms is trans, do you think I'd get squeamish about it?'

'And mommy issues, great.'

'For your information, I thought it'd be kind of hot.' Madalena shrugged. 'It was.'

'Was this one happy to see you or post-op?'

'She was rather pleased to see me.'

'So, you've dated girls but only ever had penis.' Hailey correctly assumed, stretching herself.

'Oh, I'm sorry,' Madalena dryly said. 'is that too vanilla for you?'

'Wow, that's...' Carolyn began before squirming unexpectedly. 'That's pretty rad.'

Her last word was barely out when Mike came with their orders, impossibly stacked in his arms.

Mike was catching the eyes of everyone at the table as he correctly placed their orders in front of each of them. Which was fortunate, considering it was hiding Carolyn's flustered moment.

She had been sitting pathetically close to Hailey, feeling like an idiot for caring if the other woman showed any sign of recognition of having shared an intimate moment with her a few days before. The blonde girl was behaving in an entirely neutral way that was starting to infuriate her.

And then unexpectedly, her knee felt the hand of the woman next to her close around it.

Which was when, just like that, her body seized up and she had to take advantage of Mike's interruption.

'What about you, Carolyn?' Naomi asked.


'How many fucks, sweetie.' Hailey replied in a honeyed tone that did not help matters.

'Oh!' Carolyn reacted, half to understanding, half to the hand that not only lingered but also softly stroked her knee. 'My number is two.' She remembered suddenly. 'No, sorry, actually three.'

Hailey. I forgot to count Hailey...

'That's a telling mistake.' Sonja smiled, sipping her drink.

'That forgettable, huh?' Madalena asked, her amused face betraying that she had understood exactly what her friend had neglected to count.

'No, it was...' She interrupted herself, thankful that in her case blushes were much harder to notice than in paler people. 'It was very nice, just one-time though.'

'And Hailey?'

Carolyn almost betrayed herself by asking "what about her", but Hailey understood the question was about many she had and answered saving the dark-skinned girl the embarrassment.

'I have no idea, dude...'

'Did you forget?' Naomi asked, unexpectedly.

'I never forget.' Hailey replied, dead serious. 'I remember everybody I've ever shared myself with, I just happen to not keep count.' She shrugged. 'But if you want I can start listing them off one by one, and you keep track.'

The women laughed, including Carolyn, who was still thinking how she was probably only a blip on this woman's radar, all things considered.

'Sonja?' Hailey asked.

There was no need to clear what the questioning was about this time.

'Oh, I do keep track. Twenty-five.'

Whatever the table expected, it was not that. The reactions were varied, as well. Carolyn felt her mouth hanging open. Naomi's eyebrows shot up and Madalena made a twitch to her mouth, as if to say that it was not entirely away from something she would have expected. Hailey, the dark-skinned girl noticed, just tilted her head a little as if the information somehow contradicted an assumption of hers.

Sonja was not oblivious to the reaction her words caused.

'I have an appetite.' She simply stated with a smile.

'Oh, we can take care of that.' Hailey said, beckoning Mike over, pretending to misunderstand.

Maybe it was just her impression, but Carolyn could swear the blonde woman had chosen that exact moment to coincide with her hand travelling from her knee to a little higher above, tracing her thigh through her pants.

It was all Carolyn could do to only swallow dry in reaction.

Not unlike many times before during her thirty-six years of age, Naomi felt like the eye of a hurricane, never quite flustered enough in the middle of wild people.

By the time the third round of drinks was no more, as only four other people beside the group remained, there was a distinct breeziness around the table. Hailey was producing some of the most unnatural giggles as Sonja and her went into the minutia of her first roommate experience after leaving her parent's home. Meanwhile Carolyn was excitedly retelling to the Japanese girl and to Madalena about her first experience abroad, with a touch of excitement that seemed to have spurred on her without much preamble.

'Are we out of drinks?' Naomi asked the group in a sarcastic tone.

'No more!' Mike said as he passed by. 'This is a family establishment!'

'Then where are the families?' Hailey asked, pointing towards the room. Naomi noticed only the five of them and the family that Mike was giving the check to were there.

'Maybe they were chased away by you.' He replied.

'Or maybe it's midnight and your family establishment has run out of families and been left with the harlots.'

'I knew this day would come.' Mike shook his head and proceeded to thank the couple before closing the door behind them, switching the sign to "closed".

For her part Naomi was jolted by the information that it was that late, as there was work the following day.

'Yeah, grab a cup and join us.'

'I'm too old to still have to take your requests.' The overweight man told the group, but still grabbed a chair to sit down with them. 'Ten minutes max.' He warned them, pointing a finger.

'Oh, we're taking advantage!' Carolyn, still excited, beamed. 'How did you meet her?'

'Mutual friend, so I have to put up with her.'

'I'm his mistress.' Hailey interrupted.

'Bullshit.' Naomi reacted.

'You got that right, lady.' Mike barked a laugh. 'There's too much of me to love, anyway.'

'And really not much from me at all.' Hailey shrugged.

'I'm sure that's not true.' Carolyn told her, a little too suspiciously, assuming that everyone at the table had not already figured out their secret.

'You're right, I am very loveable.' The blonde woman nodded, stroking a would-be long beard.

'Clearly.' Madalena agreed, with a sceptical look.

'So loveable in fact that I was even offering up getting more drinks at my place next.' Hailey pouted, turning her face away from them.

'Please, tell her she's whatever she wants to be, so I can close shop.' Mike put in.

'We would love to be showered by your insatiable loveliness and be provided with drinks, Hailey.' Sonja said without any hesitation.

'Never took you for a kiss ass, miss Finland.' Hailey replied.

'That seems not in tune with your loveliness.'

'Fine!' The blonde exhaled dramatically. 'I'll acquiesce.'

The acquiescence came much sooner than the actual exit from the diner, though. It was partially the inebriated state of the women around the table, but also the fact that, contrary to his stated wishes, Mike seemed to enjoy talking to them. The feeling was mutual, as the affable man joined the banter for what extended to thirty minutes.

Eventually, it got late enough for all of them. Maybe more drinks were a terrible idea, but that didn't stop them from deciding to take Hailey up on her offer.

Naomi was the last one still waiting to pay her tab, which was why, after thanking Mike and heading out the door, she was surprised to only see Madalena and Sonja within eyesight, chatting. A little noise to her left caught her attention though, and the Japanese woman turned to the scene of Carolyn and Hailey with their mouths pressed together, their hands cupping each other's faces.

As if by some sixth sense, Hailey was the first of them to notice Naomi.

'You see nothing.' The blonde grinned at her.

'See what?' Naomi winked back, walking towards the other two friends. The footsteps behind her let her know that Hailey and Carolyn were behaving now.

'Where are you fuckers going?' The blonde woman called them all out. 'None of you know where I live...'

'Yes, I do, you drunkard.' Sonja replied. 'I was there yesterday!'

'Oh... Right.'

Perhaps with a touch more stumbling than the path usually took, the women all made it to the entrance to Hailey's apartment building. The way up the stairs was a little slower, though. The blonde pretended to need some assistance up, during which she made sure to grab two handful of butts from Carolyn and Naomi. This also did not accelerate things.

There was enough sobriety in her to take care of the keys at the door, despite Madalena's offer to do it.

'This is nice.' The girl with glasses told her, taking the surroundings in. 'Two bedrooms?'

'Yes, it is.' Hailey replied, taking off her coat and dropping her bag at the usual spot.

'Ever had roommates?'

'Yes, my best friend before she got together with her fella.'

'Does she still live in town?' Madalena asked, having followed her into the kitchen whilst the other girls made themselves comfortable on the couches.

'Carolyn, Sonja, does one of you want to take care of that question, for the love of God?'
Next page: Part 01.4
Previous page: Part 01.2