Part 01.5

Hailey also sat alongside her.

'Have you had breakfast yet?'

'No. You're pretty chipper so I assume you have?' Naomi suggestively asked.

'Hilarious.' Hailey shook her head. 'More like a midnight reinforced meal...' She added, making the other girl giggle.

'Good for you.' The Japanese woman replied, pausing for a beat. 'You're really into her, aren't you?'

A joke was about to leave Hailey's lips when she hesitated.

'Something like that.' She settled for. 'Too soon to tell, but signs are good. I just... I like my lifestyle.' She simply stated. 'I'm just not sure that...'

'What aren't you sure about?' Naomi asked, a soft smile on her lips.

'She's studying to be a doctor, she's probably pretty cookie cutter.'

'Maybe, but she likes you, anyway.'

'Now. What about in a couple of months when I stop being a fun distraction and stop being interesting to her?'

'I think you're not giving her enough credit. Besides, just play it out. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.'

'You think so?' Hailey asked, but just then a noise startled them, sounding like moving furniture. 'What the hell?'

Now that their ears were on alert, they realised that a few muffled noises had been escaping the second bedroom of the apartment, which were getting a little noisier and followed by the unmistakable sound of a moan.

'Wow...' Hailey mouthed, just as a startled looking Carolyn left Hailey's bedroom, her hair dishevelled and only with a shirt on. The blonde would have warned her that her bottom half was uncovered, but she was appreciating the view.

'Who's boning?' She asked, shaking her head slightly to lose her sleepiness.

'We're all three here, have a guess.'

A half-impressed look crossed Carolyn's face before being replaced by a fully mischievous one. She started tiptoeing towards the closed door.

'Oh, Carolyn...' Naomi complained, though she was somewhat amused.

'Yeah, that's just not right.' Hailey added, walking towards her with her mischief also activated.

'Fine.' Naomi sighed for show, also joining the other two women at the door, which Carolyn opened carefully to avoid noise.

A spectacle and a half awaited them. Sonja was laying on her back across the bed, holding Madalena who kept jumping up and down on her midsection, where the Finnish girl had an enormous realistic dildo secured. Madalena was rather impressively taking its full length inside her, as the three women at the door each had their own specific reactions: Hailey dropped her head and shook it, laughing; Carolyn made "ha" of triumph; and Naomi made a rather interesting "ooh"...

The women by the bed looked their way, finally. Neither seemed startled or bashful at the intrusion.

'Hey, girls.' Madalena groaned, using her hands on Sonja's chest to leverage her weight and crash down with increasing force on the shaft inside her.

'And I was the one being teased for going dyke?' Carolyn said to her college friend, then laughing as Hailey took the small chair next to the wardrobe and sat herself with her feet on the bed.

'What?' Hailey shrugged. 'That's hot, I'm watching from a front row seat.'

'Agreed.' Naomi said, still fully dressed in work clothes but climbing over the bed and going next to Madalena. 'If you guys are okay with that.'

'What do you think, Sonja?' The girl in glasses asked.

'I think...' The silver-haired girl slapped one of the jumping voluptuous breasts. '... that titty isn't going to suck itself, Nims.'

'Didn't think so, either.' The third woman giggled, taking the elongated nipple into her mouth.

Carolyn gingerly sat herself on Hailey's lap, the moisture between her legs evident to the blonde, whose hand instantly found it.

'Do you want to get more active?' She asked, as her finger felt around the slit.

'Light touch, please.' The dark-skinned girl wriggled to get comfortable, letting her head rest against Hailey's. 'It's kind of hot to just watch.' She said, as Madalena took a fistful of Naomi's hair to keep her suckling on her areola.

'Oh, I know what you mean...'

At that point Madalena's hand was slapped away quite forcefully by Sonja when she attempted to touch her own clit.

'No, no. You're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way. Strictly dick.' Sonja told her.

'But I've never done it without touching my clit...' Madalena complained.

'Well, then...' Sonja dramatically lifted herself and threw the brunette onto her back with such impetuousness that Naomi tumbled over as well. 'Let's get to it, shall we?'

'Holy shit...' Carolyn whispered in Hailey's ear, clamping her legs around her lover's hand. Hailey felt compelled to agree, eyeing a difficult to identify tattoo on the shoulder blade of the girl with the strap-on.

Sonja seemed to know her way around what it took to make sure her partner could climax without clit play. She kept thrusting upwards, as if trying to hook the appendage at her waist on something, studying Madalena's expression attentively. Which had to be difficult, considering the signals from her fucking could also be confused for the ones relating to Naomi's suckling of her nipples.

Somehow, Sonja seemed to get it, though. Her movements began repeating themselves, appearing to have found the correct stroke and Madalena began moaning pathetically.

Carolyn's teeth were beginning to sting on Hailey's shoulder.

'I'm getting too worked up.' The girl on Hailey's lap said, jumping off and started pulling on the blonde's panties.

Less than happy about no longer having access to the dark-skinned girl's slit, Hailey was nonetheless getting good compensation for it as she felt a tongue touching her own aroused pussy. She stretched her legs wider and put both hands on Carolyn's head, pushing her, even if it was almost impossible, further into the apex of her thighs.

In front of them, the inevitable happened. Madalena became further and further unhinged until she forcefully grabbed Naomi's face from her chest and shoved her tongue down her throat, shrieking as she came over the still-thrusting Sonja's cock. Sonja slowed progressively, before withdrawing equally unhurriedly, the gooey noise of Madalena's juices making itself known around the room until she was out and the Finn let herself fall on the pillows, exhaling.

'Come here for a minute, sweetie.' Hailey said, getting up and directing Carolyn to suck on the just used dildo still attached to Sonja's hips. 'It would be so hot to see you getting your pretty little mouth on that...' She added.

No need to tell her twice, as Carolyn seemed to accept the challenge and take the enormous imitation cock covered in Madalena's flavour into her mouth.

'Nice visual.' Sonja said, still recovering from the effort. Her hand was going for Carolyn's head.

Hailey grabbed Carolyn's hair with both hands and gave Sonja a look before even realising what she was doing. It couldn't have been more aggressive even if she said "mine" to accompany it. Sonja good-naturedly put her hands up and then behind her head, just enjoying the view of the dark-haired girl bobbing on her dildo.

On the other side of the bed, Madalena and Naomi were resting on their elbows, the first girl naked and the second girl still in clothes, mesmerized by the sight. Hailey wondered what was going through Madalena's head, as it was her cum Carolyn was tasting.

'So,' Hailey casually began, focussing on Sonja. 'someone's got some explaining to do.'

'What did I do?' Sonja asked, gently popping free of Carolyn's mouth to undo the straps and dropping the dildo alongside her.

'For one thing, her.' She pointed at Madalena.

'Damn right, she did.' The brunette winked, making all the girls laugh, as Carolyn leaned into Hailey's shoulder again.

'I get the reputation, but I only tapped one girl here.' Hailey said. 'You're the one that began a threesome, and...' She continued, seeing Sonja about to interrupt. '... you're the one that brough a huge strap-on to my friend's house.'

'Wait, that wasn't Hailey's?' Madalena perked up. 'You dog.' She told Sonja with mischief.

'Look, man...' Sonja began, looking a little guilty. 'Everybody just assumed the horny lesbian that wanted the sex fest was Hailey and you all neglected to notice that I am really, really, lesbian and horny.' She shrugged.

'Exactly, I behaved myself.' Hailey told her.

'Well,' Naomi interjected, looking at her with a sceptic look. 'Hardly behaving at our most proper during our first night.'

'Well, I was counting on your discretion, sweetie...'


'So, everyone knows...'

'Yep.' Carolyn, Madalena and Sonja said.

'Outstanding.' She looked down, annoyed. Carolyn rubbed her soothingly on the back, which quickly turned into a butt grope, unseen by the other women. She said nothing.

'Anyway,' Sonja continued. 'I thought it might be fun to make our group closer together.' She said, with air quotes. 'So, I thought about discreetly seeing if some of you were up for it, and then these two started boning without me planning to.' She pointed at Hailey and Carolyn, who were not at all embarrassed at being singled out.

'And I thought that was a good start, so I kinda came prepared with this.' Sonja motioned toward the strap-on. 'So, sue me.'

'It's alright.' Hailey replied, shaking her head. 'May this be a lesson to all of you that if you suspect someone of trying to create a sex party, she may actually be only the second person to want it most.' She told the group.

'Sure.' Sonja agreed.

'So, this is a sapphic group, now?' Madalena asked. It was a charged question and in regular circumstances they would have probably had a serious conversation about what "normal" was going to be between them, but Naomi had other ideas.

'No, it isn't! You four got laid, no girl has made a move on me, yet!' Naomi protested, vehemently. 'Hell, I'm the only one here fully clothed.'

Her indignation quickly gave way to looking at the others with a look of slight trepidation, as they had all started to look at her like a tasty gazelle.

'I think she has a point, ladies.' Carolyn said, as they approached her. 'We've been bad friends. Are we all in favour of giving her all our attention?'

Hailey went behind Naomi and let her hands go to her back, unbuttoning the blouse very slowly. Sonja was staying put for the moment, but Madalena's hand was running along their friend's thigh and Carolyn gave Naomi's neck a soft kiss that turned into her sucking the skin there.

'That was all I had to do?' Naomi asked, her laugh cut short by a sharp intake of breath as her blouse fell from her front.

'Ask and you shall receive, gorgeous.' Carolyn said, bringing her lips to hers, as Hailey began groping Naomi's chest over the bra.

'I never did get to see these that night, did I?' The blonde whispered her way.

Naomi grunted her agreement as Madalena began working the zipper of her pants. Carolyn became impatient and ordered Hailey to take off the Japanese girl's bra, which she did. Without waiting around, she grabbed hold of the pillow-y mounds, enchanted by the fact that Naomi had tiny nipples that barely stood out from the puffy, large areolas. Her mouth was on them almost instantly, an exciting novel compared to Hailey's small and firm ones, probably.

A mewling noise escaped Naomi's throat, which Hailey understood to be because Madalena's fingers were beginning to search around the now exposed pussy.

'Your bush looks so cool...' Madalena remarked, making Naomi giggle.


'I don't know the explanation for it, it just is!' She replied, looking back at Sonja who began to make her way on all fours until she was on the right of Madalena, each of the two straddling one of her legs. 'Sonja is super smooth, and I'm trimmed, but yours looks nice and curly.'

'Smells lovely too.' Sonja mentioned, getting her nose right next to it and bumping it delicately.

'Agh, that's nice...' Naomi moaned.

'Which of us?' Carolyn paused her suckling to ask, then returned to the task.

'All of you. Also, Carolyn, if you want to bite them that would be totally fine...'

'Would it?' Hailey asked, smiling, just as the dark-skinned girl obeyed.

'Fuck, yes.' Naomi breathed.

Carefully, Hailey pulled down on Naomi's torso, making her lie all the way down, before straddling her face.

'Remember how much you liked my piercing?' She asked, shifting her hips a little to make the one at her pussy move. 'I was getting very nicely licked a few moments ago, would you care to continue?'

Naomi's face lit up.

'Oh, definitely!' She said, instantly getting to work as Hailey lowered herself.

Finally... I so need to cum already! The blonde closed her eyes momentarily. When she reopened them, she saw that Madalena's mouth had gone to work on Naomi's bush under the careful whispered instructions of Sonja, the expert. That partly explained why the Japanese girl's breathing became ragged, though it truly was a team effort from all four women.

One of Naomi's hands got into Carolyn's hair, whilst the other grabbed a firm hold of one of Hailey's buttocks. She gained enough confidence to occasionally apply a slap to her ass. If before then someone had made a joke about her forwardness it would have landed but at that very moment each of the four other women was much too busy with pleasuring her to acknowledge this.

Though sloppy with inexperience, Naomi provided a valiant effort and, coupled with how worked up her pussy had gotten from the whole situation, Hailey found herself panting more and more.

'That movement you did just then, honey.' She instructed. 'Yep! That exact one...' She bit her lips as the girl beneath her obeyed. 'There, stay there.' Her eyes were closed shut, as she let her head fall. 'Put a finger in my bum.'

It was a powerful urge, but maybe she shouldn't have asked it of a girl doing another girl for the first time. And yet, to her surprise, Naomi did it without hesitation, sending Hailey even closer to the orgasm that loomed. Her clit felt on the edge and then Hailey felt herself slip into the safety net, bucking wildly against the face beneath her.

Finally done, she slithered away from her, just in time to see Sonja shoo Madalena away gently.

'Sorry, honey, but time for me to get a taste too.' The Finnish girl said.

Her tongue technique was insane, never predictable but always nimble as she devoured Naomi's pussy. Hailey wanted to just watch the expert at work but a quick glance at Naomi being pleasured made her see lips glistening with her juices.

She immediately opened her mouth and dived on Naomi's, feeling the other woman take charge by getting her tongue into her mouth and duelling with Hailey's there. Hailey felt her own taste greet her but focussed on letting herself be the vessel for the passion displayed by Naomi's tongue.

One woman at her pussy, one at her mouth and, now that Madalena had climbed up her body and joined Carolyn, two at her beautiful tits were beginning to take their toll. Without warning, Hailey felt the other woman's mouth shriek against her own, Sonja laughing in muffled sort of way against the furry pussy.

When the kissing became calmer, Hailey let herself go away, licking her lips slick with saliva and watching the group relax. Carolyn and Madalena were no longer torturing the boobs their heads were resting on, though they were seeing what it was like to kiss each other. Sonja was massaging her jaw, grimacing at Hailey.

For her part, Hailey just let herself fall back heavily on the bed.

'Come on, there's five of us, there can't be a draw...'

'There can be if someone abstains.' Madalena replied, lying down on the couch with Hailey, who was sitting on the other side. One of the brunette's legs was on the blonde's lap, the other over the shoulders, serving as a neck pillow of sorts for Hailey.

'Nobody's allowed to abstain.' Sonja complained, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch opposite, a laptop on her naked lap. Truth be told they were all naked, except for Carolyn and Hailey with t-shirts on but no underwear.

'Final vote!' Naomi, right next to Sonja on the floor, proclaimed. 'Pizza or sushi?'

'Sushi.' Madalena and Hailey replied from their couch.

'Pizza.' Sonja and Naomi called back.

'Sushi.' Carolyn lazily voted, having occupied the entirety of the other couch next to the two pizza voters.

'We win, bitches.' Hailey confidently gestured.

'Can't believe I'm having to order food I didn't vote for...' Sonja complained, yet proceeded to do just that.

Unsure of what the etiquette was for how to finish a five-way orgy, they had moved themselves to the living room, having decided it was late enough that instead of breakfast they may as well just order lunch.

As it turned out, even seeing each other naked and in the throes of orgasm had no impact on how they were acting. They were still the same dumb people that bantered the previous night at the diner. Only now, they were more handsy as they talked.

Madalena, for instance, was engaged in a conversation about her favourite place to eat back home with Hailey, and her fingers were just casually running along the side of the blonde's tit under the shirt.

Carolyn could also tell that Naomi's hand was unconcernedly on Sonja's rear, her middle finger venturing a little onto the crack between her buttocks. It seemed Hailey's earlier request had prompted an interest. The dark-skinned girl was curious about something, though.

'Hey, Sonja, I'm just curious about something.' She said, and the silver-haired woman turned her head. As did Naomi. 'If you were into us, why did Madalena have to be the one to make a move on you?'

Sonja seemed to be choosing her words carefully before replying.

'You and Hailey boned, which was pretty obvious the day I arrived here with the clothes for you, by the way.' She smugly smiled, making Carolyn grumble. 'And that was promising but then yesterday was when I realised that you weren't just fucking, you were kind of girlfriends. Which made it off limits to mess with, from my end.'

Carolyn felt herself spluttering.

'Oh, come on, I'm sure you're vastly overestimating it.'

'Uh-uh.' Naomi doubted.

'Yes, that.' Sonja pointed to the Japanese woman in agreement.

'I'm pretty sure I'm just this year's model.' Carolyn told them.

'Honey, I know lust.' Sonja patiently said. 'Hailey lusts for me. Hailey lusts for Naomi. Hailey lusts for Madalena, or she wouldn't be letting her feel her up...' She nodded towards the other two. 'But Hailey likes you.'

A sarcastic comment was in order from Carolyn, but instead she ended up asking:

'How can you tell?'

'Trust me, beautiful. That's a smitten woman.'

A little overwhelmed by her response, Carolyn opted to pursue another topic.

'What's that wolf on your back, by the way?' She pointed at the tattoo over the shoulder blade.


'Who?' Naomi asked.

Sonja sighed.

'Norse mythology. Fenrir's a monstrous wolf, son of Loki and a giantess. He is bound to a rock, but he will escape at Ragnarok to swallow Odin.'

'And you have that, because...'

The silver-haired girl just looked blankly from Carolyn to Naomi.

'He's a badass like me.'

'Well, he will be stabbed through the heart and/or will have his jaws torn asunder by Odin's son Vidar as vengeance.' Madalena interrupted.

There was an impressed silence in the air.

'How do you possibly know that?' Carolyn asked, incredulous.

'I read a book on Norse mythology once, jeez...'

'Well, I still think Fenrir is pretty dope.' Sonja put in.

'Didn't the gods bound him with cat's footsteps, the beard of a woman and the breath of a fish, in the first place?' Hailey said. 'Doesn't sound too impressive to me...'

'How?' Carolyn asked again.

'She whispered it to me a few seconds ago.' Hailey replied, pointing at Madalena, who made an excited smile and gave a thumbs up.

The group was consumed by laughter again.

'Okay, then what about yours?' Sonja asked Hailey.

'Oh! She's got a shit tone of cool ones, show them!' Naomi excitedly said.

'Fine, I'll be your freak show exhibit.' Hailey agreed, getting her shirt off herself, but not getting up yet.

Just like she had done to Naomi at their first meeting, Hailey proceeded to grant the other women a tour of her body's ink and piercings to her new audience. It made Carolyn a little flushed to see her pointing out designs that she had been up close to as they fucked.

'So, no one is asking her what her motivations for a pinup girl are?' Sonja feigned jealousy.

'I didn't try to go look for a mythological reason for the pinup girl.' Hailey winked.

'The tree is really cool, though.' Madalena traced the painted branches on the other woman's leg, genuinely enthralled. Carolyn's eyes stayed there long after the fingers were gone.

They were broken out of their reverie by the doorbell.

'Food has arrived!' Madalena announced.

'Carolyn can you go get it?' Hailey asked.

'Why me?'

'You're the only one of us with literally any clothing on...'

'I need to get panties, at least, though.'

'No, go like that.' The blonde told her.

'Are you nuts, no!' Carolyn said, flustered.

'Sweetie,' Hailey almost mewled. 'I would really like it if you went just as you are.'

Taking a mighty effort not to lick her lips, Carolyn slowly removed herself from the couch to obey. Sonja pretended to check something to her left and whispered "smitten" without anyone else noticing.

Steeling herself for the humiliation she may be about to endure, the dark-skinned girl double-checked on the coms if it really was the food order. When it was confirmed that it was, she waited until he was at the door and opened it. The young man on the other side greeted her, pausing for just a second to take in the woman in front of him only wearing a t-shirt and then seemed to decide to move on, confirming the items on his list.

Through the corner of her eye, she realised that Sonja had just decided to walk to the kitchen and back to the couch, which meant there was no way the man had not seen her. Yet, all he did was shake his head and prepare the machine for the credit card payment.

'Okay, what am I missing?' She asked him, as she handed over her credit card.

'Clothes.' He replied. 'And I'm guessing context.'

'Explain the second.'

'Sure.' He laughed. 'I've been assigned this house on account of the number of naked women that answer the door.'

'Because you have great self-control?' She asked, grinding her teeth and wondering how to get back at Hailey for this.

'No, I'm gay.' He took the machine and handed her the receipt.


'I mean, I can tell you're gorgeous, girl. Just not my type.' He smiled. 'Enjoy your meal.'

'Thank you! For both.' She let him know and closed the door behind her. She walked the bags to the small coffee table between both couches, eyeing a very amused Hailey. 'Fuck you.'

'What are you complaining about? Mark is a sweetie.' The blonde took a box and began opening it. 'Oh, and get some white wine from the fridge.'

'Just one bottle!' Madalena warned, giving Hailey a reproving sideways glance.

'If you wish.'

Glasses and chopsticks were passed around as they began taking pieces of sashimi and temaki from the open boxes. Carolyn was now on the floor, as Sonja had stolen her place on the couch. Not a fan of tuna, Sonja was putting the pieces that had it aside.

'That's the best part!' Carolyn complained when she saw her doing it again.

'It tastes like bland crap.'

'Seems like you can just ignore it.'

'Well, I don't want to confuse it for the ones I like, where else would you like to put it?'

'How about...' Carolyn began, grabbing hold of one with her sticks and placing it right over one of Sonja's nipples, as she lay face up on the couch. 'Here.' She matter-of-factly said. 'Anyone want it?'

'Hang on, I have an idea.' Naomi added, picking up the small plastic container of spicy sauce and letting a few drops of it fall on Sonja's bellybutton, making the other woman move a little in surprise. 'Careful, you'll just get it all over you. May as well let me finish.'

'Oh, do I?' The Finnish girl commented with irony.

She did let Naomi go through with it, though. Naomi took her chopsticks, picked the sushi, taking care to rub it a little too long on the nipple, and dipped it in the bellybutton before tasting it.

'I don't know what you're complaining about, tastes great to me.'

'Har, har. At least clean the rest of the sauce.' Sonja shook her head.

As soon as Naomi dipped her tongue into Sonja's belly, it became clear to them that the unspoken reason why they were making no move to get themselves dressed or to leave was the urge to start another round of debauchery before the day was done. Not yet, it seemed, as the two women let go and continued eating in peace.

Carolyn finished and made her way to the bathroom to pee and wash her teeth, stealing Hailey's toothbrush. She also tried to do something to get her hair to stick out a bit less.

She had just left the bathroom when she noticed Hailey to the left, looking out the window. Her naked back was a lovely sight, the swarm of bats near her bottom, calling her eyes, though the multi coloured arms also did. Deciding to go stand next to her, she glanced to the right, giggling as she noticed Sonja still eating but Naomi and Madalena biting the same piece of sashimi until they were just kissing.

'Sorry about turning your place into an orgy set.' Carolyn said, holding Hailey in an embrace from the back.

'That's alright.' She replied, holding the other's arms with her hands, enjoying it. 'It's been known to happen on occasion.'

'That makes me feel less special.' Carolyn told her, just a touch too honestly.

'It shouldn't.' Hailey whispered.

What did that mean?

Hailey motioned her to get on her side instead, looking at her whilst chewing her lip.

'I'm so much older than you.' The blonde told her.

Not where I was expecting this to go...

'And much less highly educated. And I don't do monogamy. And I would like to know if you'd perhaps want to go on a date with me.'

Carolyn felt herself chuckle at the string of sentences, causing Hailey to lower her head a little in embarrassment.

'How about you let me be the one to decide if I like you?' Carolyn replied. Hailey's had a half smile and she couldn't stand not kissing her, so she did. It was, probably, their most subdued kiss and the first time Carolyn felt that that the blonde wasn't rushing to take off her clothes. Of course, she was only wearing a shirt, but still it was notable.

'Where are you taking me anyway?' She continued, tracing her hand over the pale girl's cheek, surprised she was being allowed to.

'Do you usually go clubbing?'


'Not to the places I go to, I'm betting.' Hailey smugly told her.

'Will I like it?'

'I'll find something you can hook onto from the experience.'

She's allowing me. Carolyn thought again, as her hand still rested on her face.

Hailey then looked into the room again and sighed.

'Well, they jumped right into it...'

Following her stare, Carolyn muffled a laugh as she was greeted by the sight of Naomi and Madalena engaging in what could only be described as tongue wrestling, with Sonja on the other couch massaging her pussy languidly.

'I would really like to see you take care of Madalena.' Carolyn told Hailey, who looked at her surprised.

Next page: Part 01.6
Previous page: Part 01.4