Part 02.1
Day Six Hundred and Seventy-Eight
Hailey could see the lights along the highway moving continuously across her arms as she drove back to the city. The roads were mostly empty. Hailey kept shifting her eyes to the passenger seat, where her girlfriend was still tight-lipped. Her arms were crossed too, always a terrible indicator.
'Do you want some pie?'
Tread softly... Hailey thought to herself.
'I'm good, sweetie.'
'I'm having some.'
With her rear-view mirror full of Carolyn's shoulder, Hailey held her tongue as she watched her grab a large slice of pumpkin pie and get back to her seat, taking a large bite.
'Guess we will never know if your folks would have liked that...' Hailey put in.
'It's a shame too, what a wasted opportunity for them to choke on it.'
'My only concern is that stealing back the dessert we had brought makes me feel like I'm living in a Seinfeld episode. And I really don't want to be in a Seinfeld episode...'
'I don't know what happens on a Seinfeld episode.' Carolyn barely got out, her mouth full of too many chunks of pie.
'Nothing happens on Seinfeld, that's the point of Seinfeld.'
'You're not making any sense.'
'Sure.' Hailey simply said, feeling their conversation closing the circle.
'You baked real good, by the way. I'm taking another one.' Her girlfriend told her, doing the same action as before and grabbing two pieces this time.
'Is one of those for me?'
'I guess it could be.'
Hailey took a deep sigh as soundlessly as she could manage. The noise of Carolyn chewing was the only sound in the car for the following five miles.
'We are not going back there.' Her passenger said, as if they had exchanged words that related to the sentence just spoken.
'Carolyn.' Hailey called out, waiting until her girlfriend stopped watching the road and looked at her. 'Call your dad.'
'Shut up.'
'I'm serious.'
'I know you're serious, why do you think I told you to shut up?'
'Call your dad.' Hailey insisted.
'Why do you always say that right after we're with my parents?' Carolyn raised her voice almost instantly. 'Don't you hate how he is with you as much as I do?!'
'I tell you that because your dad thinks I'm corrupting his perfect daughter and stealing her away from the correct life path, so by getting you to call him he is reassured that you're still speaking with him.'
'Why do you care about him?'
'Because you love your dad.'
'And I love you.' Hailey turned her attention to her for just a second, noticing her scrunched up face, plain to see even with the lack of lighting. 'And I know this right here,' She pointed at her. 'is not good for you.'
A couple more seconds of only road noise.
'He thinks you're just a phase I'm going through.' Carolyn told her.
Hailey knew. She said nothing.
'You can tell by the condescending way he threw that at your face during what was supposed to be a pleasant dinner.'
'Hmm-hmm.' Hailey nodded.
'Do you know how nice your parents were to me?' Carolyn continued, her anger building again. 'They've given us knitted sweaters for our anniversary and put a picture of us with them on the Christmas postcard they sent out! Is it too much to ask that my dad display at least five percent of that?'
'My mom thought I would end up unattached until I was an old lady, so she's taking what she can get...'
'You're not funny.'
'I beg to fucking differ. Also, call your dad.'
With barely concealed fury, Carolyn took hold of her bag and yanked out her phone. Hailey could hear the dial sound, before the click of a call being accepted.
'Yeah, it's me.' Her girlfriend greeted without preamble. 'Put mom on speaker.' She paused. 'Both of you there? Good.' She put the phone's mic right next to her mouth. 'You are never talking to Hailey like that again!'
Hailey grimaced.
'Be nicer than that...' She whispered, getting a "shush" hand motion from Carolyn, who was putting her phone back into a normal position on her face.
'I never introduced you to boyfriends or girlfriends before, why else would I have brought Hailey God-knows-how-many times?' Another pause. 'It's none of your business if I had girlfriends before her!' Silence. 'I cannot emphasize any more to the both of you how much you need to get used to her if you don't want to see me less and less...'
'Maybe don't serve up those kinds of threats-'
'Forcing me to choose?!' Carolyn thundered. 'This woman just spent the last several minutes annoying me into calling you! It was not my choice to have this conversation just now! But it will be my choice to end it!' She practically threw the phone at the floor of the car. 'Stop here.' She commanded.
Without a word, Hailey pulled into the exit they were approaching that led to a service station. Ignoring the fuel pumps, she headed towards the parking lot which looked calm and secluded. The car was barely stopped when her girlfriend opened the door and jumped out.
When the door light went off, Hailey saw her own reflection on the passenger side window. She looked tired. Her blonde hair was caught in a decently aligned ponytail. But her blue eyes were not exactly sparkling with joy. As much as she put on an excitable persona for Carolyn when her girlfriend was upset, it tired her to constantly put up with the paternal disappointment from the other woman's family.
Calmly, she opened her door and went into the night. It was nice outside. There was a little highway noise from behind, but the late Spring temperature was lovely. Hailey strode to where her girlfriend had sat down, on the wooden fencing overlooking the valley below them. Not that there was much to look at other than the occasional farmer's light.
'I'm sorry.' Carolyn said, sensing her approach. She had no tears. She almost never did, which Hailey liked.
'For walking out? The night's nice.'
'No, for you having to deal with my folks' shit.'
'You're worth it.' Hailey sat next to her. She saw her grin at her in response. She loved watching the dimples she formed when she did that.
'I never thought you'd be the type of girl to whisper sweet nothings in my ear, you know?'
'And I never thought I would get to see you taking off a stripper's panties with your teeth, yet here we are.'
Hailey loved seeing the look Carolyn was just giving her. They way her lover's dark-skinned complexion seemed to glow differently in the moonlight. How sharp those big brown eyes regarded her. How those lips were begging to be kissed. She focussed herself.
'I did tell you it was not going to be easy when we started dating, remember?' Hailey added.
'I vaguely remember... Was that before, after or during that five-woman orgy?' Carolyn ironically asked.
'During. It was a good orgy, I figured you may have forgotten the conversation.'
They both smiled in a knowing way at each other before looking at the stars again.
'My parents keep failing.' Carolyn sighed. 'I keep giving them opportunities to accept you and they keep failing.'
'Do you want to know what I think?'
'I think your dad and your mom would have handled you dating a woman like champs. They'd have dealt with you dating someone who is 34 when you're just starting med school. Maybe they could handle your significant other's job being getting naked on camera for strangers. Probably would have been okay with you going for neurosurgery specialization instead of cardiovascular like him.' Hailey listed off. 'But all of those at the same time is a challenging proposition...'
Carolyn raised her eyebrows at her.
'If you're trying to get me to break up with you, it's not working.'
'Oh no, I'm not giving you up now. Fuck your dad.'
A significant snort escaped Carolyn's nose, transforming itself into unrestrained laughter. Hailey felt a wide smile on her own face.
'I love us.' Her lover told her, grabbing Hailey's face and planting a heartfelt kiss on her mouth.
'You smell nice.' The blonde informed her on a short pause for breath.
'It's the pie.' Carolyn said between kisses.
'No, it's you, dumbass.' Hailey said, dragging her teeth on her girlfriend's lower lip. 'I want you in bed.' She growled, arousal rising in her body.
'Really? I want you here.'
And before she knew it, Hailey felt a hand going beneath her pants and caressing her folds. She looked around but they still seemed out of eyesight of onlookers. She let her head fall on Carolyn's shoulder, both to kiss her neck and also to make it seem for anyone behind them that they were just cuddling.
'I can't believe you're using my own technique against me.' The blonde said, enjoying the pressure on her clit.
'Why else would you have taught it?'
'You never know when it could come in handy.'
Carolyn chuckled, which meant Hailey could feel it on her lips that were pressing against her lover's throat. She was losing herself to the pleasure provided by the younger woman's fingers. Her nostrils took in the warm night air even as her breathing hastened. One of her fingers pressed into Carolyn's mouth and was promptly licked inside.
Without warning, Carolyn began to synchronize her finger movements on the clit with her tongue movements on her lover's finger. For some reason this was turning Hailey on like wildfire. Her pussy was soaking, and her orgasm came shortly after Carolyn inserted two fingers into her vagina.
The coated fingers were shared between both women as they regained control over themselves.
'It's getting late.' Carolyn noted. 'We should get going and get home to catch some sleep.'
'You're the boss.' Hailey replied. She was a little upset at not having been able to get her woman off.
They walked towards the car, hand in hand. Hailey made a move for the driver's side, but Carolyn refused to let her hand go.
'How are you almost always a tornado on fire, but whenever I'm furious you go calm?' Carolyn asked.
Hailey felt the corners of her lip quirk up.
'I know what my girl needs.' She winked and got into the driver's seat again.
Carolyn was putting her seatbelt next to her and regarding her with mischievous eyes.
'You know you can't say shit like that without me jumping you the second we get home.'
'I know.' Hailey turned the key on the ignition.
The Stripper
Sleeping nude with sheets directly on her skin was one of Carolyn's greatest pleasures. Sleeping nude with sheets and Hailey's equally naked body on her skin was even better. She took a deep inhale with her nose buried on the back of the athletic blonde's neck from her own position as the big spoon.
Willing herself into getting off the bed, Carolyn did her best not to wake Hailey, put on a robe and walked out of the room. It was strange to imagine her adult life before moving into her girlfriend's apartment. Not long had passed between beginning to date Hailey and moving into the blonde's two-bedroom apartment, but both women felt the urge to dive headfirst at the same time.
Well... She thought, looking to the right and into the kitchen, where a small woman with wireframe glasses drank her morning coffee. ... we did get joined by a third wheel.
'Hey, Mads.' She greeted, taking advantage of her friend's prepared pot of coffee to pour some for her own mug.
'Yo.' Madalena interjected, munching on a large piece of bacon. Having gotten to know Hailey and Madalena at the same time, and having been part of kinky things together, Carolyn had felt bad about leaving her college colleague behind in one of the small dorm rooms. To that Hailey had simply shrugged and said "there's an extra room".
'Did you really only make yourself bacon, you shit?'
'Look who woke up on the wrong side of bed...' Madalena told her. 'Oh wait, was it bad with your parents yesterday?'
'Have a guess.'
'Not good?'
'They were a complete pair of cunts to Hailey. Again.' Carolyn finished, forcefully pushing down on the toaster's lever.
'I'm sorry, Carolyn...' Her friend squeezed her arm.
'Whatever. Not like it should surprise me, anyway. You're going already?' The dark-skinned girl asked, noticing the set of bags near the front door.
'Train leaves at midday, and I want my vacation time to start as soon as it possibly can.'
'Fair enough.'
'Aren't you guys going away for the Summer?'
'Yeah, a week and a bit from now we're going away with Hailey's friends.'
Madalena scoffed.
'"Hailey's friends"... Like after two years they're not your friends too.'
'You know what I mean.' Carolyn rolled her eyes.
'I guess I do. Think you two will survive without me?'
'Why, are you dying?' Hailey asked, rubbing her eye inelegantly from the entrance to the open kitchen.
'I mean, seems likely you will someday.' The blonde yawned. 'Seems like something a med school chick should be aware of.'
'How will I ever survive being away from you two for three whole weeks...?' Madalena shook her head and finished the rest of her breakfast, before heading to the bathroom.
'I know it's like we're not even glad you share such a sunny disposition with us?'
Carolyn finished applying butter to her toast and took a bite.
'And you wonder why she won't join us for date nights...'
'I feel like I'm about to accused of not being a people person, which strikes me as odd, considering I'm the best bitch at being a people person.' The blonde scrunched her nose at her, as she grabbed a handful of cereal from the box and shoved it into her mouth.
'So hot.'
'And don't you forget it.' Hailey winked.
The bathroom door opened again, and Madalena put the backpack on and took hold of her other bag with her hand.
'I'll text you when I arrive back home.' She told them, making a farting noise on Hailey's cheek instead of kissing her but actually kissing Carolyn's cheek when she got there. 'Buh-bye, dudes!'
The door closed behind her.
'So, another day of sloth for you?' Hailey asked, going for the carton. She noticed her girlfriend's stare and mouthed "fine" before getting a glass to pour it into.
'Exams are over, baby. Momma's slothin'.'
Hailey did not stop in place for long. She prepared a gym bag with utilities and got her best shorts and tank top, before shoving her tongue down Carolyn's throat and heading off.
It was midday before Carolyn realised she had spent her entire morning playing Uncharted on the living room television. Another hour passed before she got some leftovers to eat and avoid feeling weak. After finals, this was what she classified as treating herself to something entirely unproductive.
The previous Thursday had been very similar. It wasn't really her fault. Hailey wasn't around the house this time of the week, busy at the gym. In the best shape of anyone Carolyn knew, her girlfriend was invited by one of her friends to teach some classes and personal trainer sessions at the place she had just started. Bossing people and training were two of Hailey's favourite things to do, so naturally she had been an overnight success.
The blonde told her about the number of hours she had begun to have to put aside, to the point where the split between her camming and the gym was an almost perfect 50-50 split.
Figuring it was probably a good idea to try to put the controller down, Carolyn dedicated the afternoon to putting some extra pages' worth of effort into her book. It really picked up on the fourth chapter and so she was startled away from the plot only when Hailey opened the door close to the end of the afternoon.
'You have not had fresh air all day, have you?' The blonde shook her head, sweat still clinging to her face.
'We live in New York, gorgeous.' Carolyn replied. 'We never have fresh air.'
'I need a shower.'
'No, what?'
'I ain't joining you.'
'Why not?' Her girlfriend used her baby voice. Carolyn did not look up, just in case.
'Because my hands will not behave and today is date night.' She said.
'What if I promised to behave?'
'You don't really tend to keep those promisses.'
'I keep some of them.'
She was right behind her. Carolyn looked up into her favourite face.
'The important ones.' The dark-skinned girl replied.
'That's right.'
Her hands found the contour of Hailey's lips.
'Go shower, you harlot.' Carolyn ordered.
'Fine.' The other woman tsked. 'All that self-control sometimes makes me wonder if you really find me as hot as you say.'
She turned just before going into the bathroom door.
'Don't ask dumb questions like that or I'll buttfuck you into submission.' Carolyn informed her, looking up from her book briefly.
'That's more like it.' Hailey smirked her indolent smile and headed off.
Doing her best to ignore the sight of a buck-naked Hailey as she left the shower, Carolyn got into it herself, feeling her legs a little crampy from constantly laying down all day. Still, she felt fresh and relaxed when she left the warm stream.
'Wowzer!' She bleated out, almost against her will. Hailey had earnt it, though. She was wearing a, for her, strangely classy black dress that covered her shoulders and reached just above her knees, coupled with small red earrings the shape of stars. 'Well, I'll be go to hell...'
'Did you just quote your stupid game at me?' The blonde shook her head.
'It's not stupid.'
'Sure.' Hailey sat on the bed and started putting on some heels.
Carolyn just stood looking at the wardrobe, chewing her cheek.
'Since you're going like that,' She began, turning with some items in her hands. 'what if I sort of butch-ed it up a bit?'
Hailey turned her head sideways.
'I'll never say no to that.'
'Putting on some heels, though.'
'I thought I could get to be your height for once...'
'Bitch.' Hailey gave her a quick slap on the butt.
Carolyn put on her panties and some white jeans, before getting down to business on her top half. She ended up going for a shirt she had stolen from her dad's closet and a burgundy red suit jacket. Admiring herself, and noticing Hailey's hungry stare behind, she decided to throw her a bone.
'You know, what?' She remarked. 'I think I'm going to for some Converse, actually.'
That did seem to please her girlfriend. Just before leaving they checked their reflexions. It was uncommon for Hailey to choose this kind of girly outfit. Sometimes, it was difficult to even get her to put on something a little more proper when they went to Carolyn's parents'. It was also against what their usual strategy for nights like these. Something further reinforced when the blonde, now as tall as her thanks to the shoes, insisted on making a braided ponytail on the dark-skinned girl's hair.
'Come on, we get a schedule to keep.' Hailey giggled.
Keen on keeping this wonderful mood she was in, Carolyn followed suit and they were out onto the street in no time. They walked with the confidence of having done this path numerous times before. Soon, they were at their destination.
Chastity Strip Club.
Keith, doing his shift by the door, tipped his hat to them as they went in. The club seemed to be going for a purple mood light that night. The space was ample, with a few mini stages to the sides. Most were occupied, whilst the main one would typically only see action further into the late hours.
Men did a double take when they saw them occupying what they were used to think of as their space. Trained by experience, Carolyn already had her arm around Hailey's shoulder, their preferred strategy to avoid being confused with performers by well-meaning drunks and not-so-well-meaning sober men.
They went to the bar but did not order anything. Instead, Hailey got the attention of Chastity, the owner and former striper, who made an effusive greeting.
'Look at you two! I thought you had forgotten about this establishment.'
'Boo! Don't be like that!' The blonde complained, unimpressed. 'We've been busy, that's all. Besides, we're here, so do you wanna maybe slide our favourite dancer our way for a private dance?'
'I'd love to, but I can't, sugar... Diane's got days off, too.'
'Oh, man...'
'You'd know this if you showed up more.' Chastity teased.
'Yap, yap, yap. You got someone you can slide us, instead?'
The owner pretended to think it over.
'Hmm... As a matter of fact, I think I do have a girl I could surprise you with. Unless you're in the mood for a male dancer?' She added.
Hailey looked at her.
'Are we?'
'I'm in a girl mood.' Carolyn said to both.
'You're the boss. Third private room.' Chastity told them.
Without any rush, both women walked through the door that separated the circular solo room from the main area. The cushions on the sofa made a circle around a small open area in the middle. Rihanna's voice was blaring through the speakers.
Carolyn lounged comfortably on the centre of the sofa. She chuckled when Hailey decided to lean her head on her shoulder, one of her legs crossing with the dark-skinned girl's and dangling.
'Someone is letting me lead today.' Carolyn chuckled, placing her right arm on the back of the couch and her left hand on her girlfriend's knee.
'I know. Thanks to you I've found out I like being a little vulnerable sometimes. Only occasionally.' Hailey raised her head to look at her, almost concerned. 'So, don't get any funny ideas.'
'Oh, you give me lots of funny ideas.' Carolyn leered.
'Figures.' Hailey rolled her eyes and tilted her mouth a little, begging to be kissed. Carolyn was more than happy to comply.
It really was remarkable how much the blonde had changed ever since they had met. Carolyn wondered what kind of changes she herself had sustained without even noticing. Mostly she wondered if they could get away with more than kissing before their new dancer-
Carolyn and Hailey broke the kiss in time to see a young woman with green hair and pieces of clothing that were little more than strategically placed straps and nipple coverings. Her face was round, and her lips were full. Presently she was looking at them a little open-mouthed.
'Hey there.' Carolyn straightened her shirt a little, as the blonde girl next to her did not move an inch away but had her gaze fixed on the dancer.
'I didn't know that you were...' The girl blushed.
A giggle. Very interesting.
'It's just not my usual clientele...' She smiled. 'I'm Eve, by the way. Diane usually serves you, right?'
'That's right.'
'What sort of thing does she provide you with?'
'Hmm...' Carolyn bit her lower lip, taking in the curves of the body in front of her. 'I think I'd prefer to see what you come up with without pointers.'
'You could end up disappointed.'
'I doubt it.' Hailey practically purred.
Nice touch. Carolyn thought as she saw the stripper look a little flustered, turning to close the door and prepare her own music for the occasion. Carolyn also exchanged a quick look with Hailey, before they both settled into their seats for the show.
A moody beat without any lyrics drowned out the muffled song that played outside, as Eve began to sway ever so gently to the rhythm. Her eyes were closed at first, just going by feeling. It was also a good way for Carolyn and Hailey to ogle her body like fools without losing their cool.
The dimly lit room began to heat up once Eve's eyes opened. Her hands began to travel all over her scantily clad body, caressing. Fingers dwelled on her breasts. Even with the coverings on her nipples not being much in the way of an impediment to her view of the glorious tits, Carolyn found herself wanting to see them gone. Then, she pushed her panties aside enough that they could see the edges of her slit. It was gone just as soon as it came.
Turning her back to them, Eve seemed unsure but only because she wanted to rub her rear on their laps and, for once, there were two people to play with. She chose Carolyn. Her head went to the dark-skinned girl's shoulder as her buttocks contacted with the inside of Carolyn's thighs. Carolyn couldn't avoid a smirk when she realised the woman had started making thrusting movements on her crotch, before remembering there was no dick down there.
'How's my improvisation so far?'
'Solid B+.'
'Really?' Eve let her head fall on Carolyn's left shoulder and let her breath touch the other woman's cheek. 'You don't want to feel some skin, hun?'
'Oh, I do. But, you see, the advantage of bringing a friend is not quite apparent to you yet...'
Eve was puzzled and lifted her head. Then, her lips parted in astonishment as she took in the sight of one of Carolyn's hands going beneath the collar of Hailey's dress to palm her girlfriend's tit.
'There's no touching allowed!' She reacted, forgetting her teasing.
'I can't touch myself or you.' The dark-skinned girl shrugged. 'Last I checked, I'm doing neither.'
In perfect timing, Hailey took that moment to begin sucking on Carolyn's ear lobe.
To be fair to Eve, she was never going to stand a chance with them. Still, she made valiant attempts at getting them distracted from each other. The nipple coverings soon disappeared, exciting the couple on the couch. Her flashes of her pussy also increased in frequency. Her acrobatic moves were something to behold. The stripper may have even stood a better chance were it not for Hailey's clothing.
It had very easy access.
Carolyn pushed it up, until Hailey's panties were exposed, at which point Eve danced with less tempo, hypnotized. Pushing her hand behind the blonde's back and under her butt, Carolyn pushed the fabric aside and stroked Hailey's pussy. Without much warning, and feeling how wet her lover was, she pushed a finger in.
With Carolyn's thrusting finger inside the other woman, Eve moved her hips interestingly enough but could not find a way to hide that her eyes were focused between Hailey's thighs. When the stripper began to stroke her pussy Carolyn couldn't tell if that was to try to tease them or to alleviate her own frustrated libido.
Before Hailey could find release, Carolyn stopped. So did the song, not long after that. All that was left were three distinctly dissatisfied women at not having found a climax. Eve seemed the worst of the three.
Carolyn sucked her finger clean and started to nonchalantly get herself prepared to leave.
'That was pleasant, Eve. Thank you for sharing that with us.' She said, handing her the money they usually gave Diane.
'If you come back a second time, I'm sure I could perform a lot better.' Eve quickly replied. 'Not that I'm trying to steal a regular from Diane, I mean...'
'I got what you meant, don't worry.'
'Would you like to have us again?'
Eve seemed unsure.
'I would prefer to give a better performance.'
There were many ways in which they could approach this. As Carolyn ran through them, though, Hailey took the opportunity to grab the other woman's head by the nape of her neck and smooch her lips without a second's pause. Carolyn watched them both with a soft smile, digging through her jacket's pocket for a pen. Hailey let the dancer go, licking her lips.
'Hmm, I'm inclined to believe you, Eve.' The blonde said. 'Carolyn, gorgeous, do you have-' She noticed the pen already in her girlfriend's hand. 'Thank you.' She mouthed, grabbing it and writing their address on the stripper's hand. Eve looked rather startled at everything. 'If we're not assuming too much, please drop by around 9. If we are assuming too much, we would still be very interested in giving a second chance at a... better performance.'
With that she smiled, waved and grabbed Carolyn's hand as they made their way out of the private room. For her part, Carolyn was watching her girlfriend by the corner of her eye, having trouble to fight off a grin.
'All the butch looks in the world won't give me the lead if you don't let me decide these things, you know?'
'Are you telling me that me being all girly in a dress and blindsiding her with the flirt at the end wasn't hot?'
'Only if she takes the bait.' Carolyn replied.
'I think we have good odds on that.' Hailey said, oozing confidence.
They did not immediately go home.
For one thing, they needed to make sure they would not succumb to the temptation of finding a release valve for their teasing. Being in public usually helped temper these feelings. They could be handsy, in spite of that. It terrified Carolyn when they started dating.
Once, that feeling was confirmed when a man, who was about the size of the two of them put together, started wailing on them all the usual homophobic vitriol that Carolyn would have imagined from stereotype. Only in reality, facing it was fucking terrifying. Which had been when Hailey's self-defence training came in handy.
'Shouldn't we have called the police?' Carolyn had asked, as they hurriedly walked away from the unconscious man.
Hailey had scoffed at her question.
'So they can say stuff like "are you sure he was threatening", "he could have just been flirting, ma'am", "you overreacted, miss", "he could sue, you know"...'
'Don't you think that's an exaggeration?'
'Oh, and I haven't even gotten to the real kicker! "You're a cam girl? Are you sure you weren't picking up johns on the street and it went bad? I don't believe that, miss. You know it's a crime to lie to an officer of the law, right? Don't make things hard for yourself...".'
'Are you... are you serious?' Carolyn had asked, floored.
'And I haven't even touched neither the fact that it's much easier to get in trouble from me assaulting him than the other way round, nor the possibility that you're dealing with a homophobic cunt. Oh, and racists. Can't forget those heroes against interracial couples...' Hailey had rolled her eyes, practically dragging her girlfriend away from the mess. 'Nothing to be gained from sticking around.'
Nothing nearly as serious had happened since, but Carolyn felt her hairs stand on end whenever she recalled it. She had considered tactfully approaching Hailey about containing themselves with their public displays of affection, but that stopped the very first time the dark-skinned girl had brushed away her hand walking down the street, voicing her concerns.
Hailey had looked at her with an expression she had not forgotten since.
'Honey,' She had begun. 'if you don't give me your hand right now, I will French kiss you right here with everyone watching. Which means the handholding won't be what tips them off about us dating.'
Carolyn had quickly taken the blonde's outstretched hand, blushing.
'I've never wanted to hold anyone's hand in public before, Carolyn. So don't think we'll be the lesbian couple that tells strangers "we're just good friends", because I want to shout from the rooftops that you're mine.'
It had sent a thrill up Carolyn's spine. The sex later that day had been nothing to sneeze at, neither. For once, it was Carolyn who had asked to be choked.
Back in the present, her hand was not only firmly clasping Hailey's but also her lips were taking every chance they could to smooch the blonde woman's cheeks. Carolyn was not sure when these gentle caresses had become second nature, only that currently they were.
To kill time for their possible meeting with Eve, they strolled around without a clear destination. Their feet eventually brought them within an acceptable radius of one of their favourite Mexican food places, so they took the detour to grab some food to take back home.
Hailey's watch indicated that it was around 9 PM when they got home. They sat around the kitchen counter and unceremoniously lay their food on the marble top, taking mouthfuls of their burritos in comfortable silence. Carolyn was the first to finish, washing her hands and getting a large tub of ice cream. Her girlfriend scoffed as she took spoons of the stuff directly from the container.
The unmistakable sound of their doorbell ringing filled the room. Hailey grinned and went to the intercom.
'Hello?' She paused for a beat. 'Glad you could make it, come on up.' She unlocked the building door.
Carolyn had some trouble hiding her smile as she continued to bring her spoon to her mouth. Not that Hailey was performing much better; the blonde had to take a few seconds before opening the door to the apartment, which she did with her practised flirty half smile.
And then Eve entered their home, as Hailey closed the door behind her.
Her green hair was tied in pigtails on either side of her head. She was wearing a leather jacket and skin-tight jeans. The jacket was doing a good enough job of concealing what Carolyn knew were breasts to die for.
'Welcome to our humble abode.' Carolyn greeted, waving the spoon.
'Thanks.' Eve said, looking down for a beat. 'It looks lovely.'
'We still need to put something on that wall, though.' Hailey told her girlfriend as passed behind the dancer, on her way to grab a glass and filling it with water.
'Yeah, we do.' The dark-skinned woman agreed, watching Eve still glued in place where she had stopped. 'We only bite you if you want us to, you know?' She told the new woman.
Eve chuckled.
'Sorry, I just... don't know what to do in a situation like this.'
'Like what?'
'Like getting invited by a couple to their place for...'
'For ice cream?' Hailey put in, sitting at the far side of the counter with her girlfriend to the left of her.
'Is that what we're calling it?'
'We wanted the company, Eve.' Carolyn shrugged. 'We're not frat boys trying to liquor you up to make you susceptible. We're offering something cold and tasty, plus some conversation. You can do whatever floats your boat...'
Eve chewed her lip for a second.
'I'll bite.' She said, dropping her bag on their sofa and taking the seat opposite Carolyn, with Hailey to her left. 'And yes, I am aware that was the opposite of what you offered.'
Hailey handed her another spoon.
'Strawberry?' Eve asked after swallowing.
'Oh, yeah.' Hailey replied. 'This one's a fiend for it.' She nodded towards her lover.
'It's good. Most people would go for chocolate or lemon, or... something.'
'Take Biochemistry I and then tell me what to eat during a study mental breakdown.' Carolyn complained.
'For real?'
'Oh, I remember that one!' Hailey exclaimed, sniggering. 'I found her at 3 AM memorising the previous exam's responses and downing this stuff.'
'I seem to remember you also being much more understanding of my plight at the time.' Carolyn complained.
'Buh, poor baby.' The blonde said, giving her a quick peck on the lips.
'Did you at least pass?' Eve asked, scooping from the bucket.
'This bitch was in the top 5% of that course.' Hailey groaned.
'Much to the content of my better half.' Carolyn mumbled, provoking a chuckle from their guest.
'I already told you I don't like that expression.'
'"Better half"?' Eve questioned, surprised.
'It makes it sound like we're incomplete souls, longing to be whole again...' Hailey made a barfing noise.
'Aw, that was beautiful, babe.' Carolyn rolled her eyes.
'As if you believe in soulmate crap...'
'Well, no. But you are my favourite addition to my life.'
Hailey gave her a winning combination of sweet eyes and bit lip. Carolyn was lost in it for a moment.
'Fine.' The older woman conceded. 'I will say you have kind of changed things for me.'
'She was a complete slut before me.' Carolyn gave an aside directed at their guest.'
'Hey!' Eve and Hailey both complained, the first out of compassion and the second with annoyance.
'Where's the lie?'
'Because now we're puritans?' Hailey asked.
'No, but now we're promiscuous only together.'
'I guess.'