Part 02.2

'How do you...' Eve began, momentarily intimidated by getting the lovers' attention. 'How do you stay "faithful" to each other and have... adventures?'

Carolyn and Hailey looked at one another, smiling softly.

'Well,' The dark-skinned woman gathered her thoughts. 'it was different at first. I had always had more conservative ways but...' It was turn to blush. 'She kind of swept the ground from beneath me.'

'Literally, I grabbed her onto my lap.' Hailey interrupted.

'And she was more used to playing the field than me.' Carolyn ignored her, seeing that Eve was now leaning forward. 'But to her credit, she found the perfect balance. Which was that we only fooled around with other people if it was both of us together.' She glanced at her girlfriend. 'It was a lot of fun.'

'I bet.' Eve grinned.

'I can't take all the credit.' Hailey said. 'My former roommate and her lovebird were pioneers in that strategy. And for the record,' She conspiratorially added towards Carolyn. 'I don't just change my habits around like that for anyone. You kinda swept me off my feet, too.'

Carolyn was going to settle for biting her own lip, but her hunger had reached levels too high for that. She forcefully grabbed hold of the other woman's face and plunged right into a deep kiss. Hailey's usual flavour was tinged with a strawberry flavouring. It was a miracle Carolyn did not just throw her onto the floor and have her way with her instantly.

But she also did not stop kissing her.

After a certain point they came for air.

'Sorry.' Hailey told their guest.

Carolyn looked to see the stripper flushing a little, her lips parted slightly.

'Don't stop on my account.' Eve breathed.

No one needed to tell Hailey twice. Her mouth was on Carolyn's in record time.

'What about you?' The blonde asked a question at their guest, between kisses. 'How's your love life going, dear?'

'I don't want to distract you...'

'We're not dudes, Eve. We can do more than one thing at a time.'

They could, but Carolyn was becoming rather possessive of her girlfriend's lips and wished she would stop interrupting their kisses.

'I, uh, I don't have that much going for me when it comes to that.' Eve said, enjoying the show based on her erratic breathing. 'I had a boyfriend before I came here but I broke it off first. No reason for long distance. For half a year at least I haven't gotten laid, to be honest.'

'No girls?'

'Not yet.'

With great annoyance, Carolyn forced herself to pull away from her lover so that she could face Eve.

'Listen,' She began, though she had to stifle a groan first when Hailey decided to kiss her neck. 'I'm going to level with you. We're gonna need to fuck or we'll go insane.' She saw the hairs on Eve's arm stand on end. 'You don't have to partake but I have a feeling that you want to watch, don't you?'

Eve swallowed dry and nodded.

'Good.' Carolyn breathed, forcing her girlfriend away from her neck. 'Fuck me.' She told her.

If there was one person that did not need a second invocation of that command, it was Hailey. Just like the first time they kissed, the blonde grabbed hold of her. This time the dark-skinned girl was placed on the counter. Carolyn had to lean down to keep her lover's tongue in her mouth. All the while, her belt was being undone and soon the clothes on her lower half were being pulled away from her.

Returning the favour from the gas station on the previous day, Hailey's hand caressed her between her legs and Carolyn moaned. It wasn't a long moan, as her mouth found her woman's tongue again. Her touch was electrifying, just as it always was. It was increasingly difficult to tell if that was because she was very experienced or because they were in love.

Carolyn was comfortable with not knowing for sure.

She was less comfortable with that same hand going away.

'Hey!' She complained.

Hailey had her index and middle finger parted but her girlfriend's wetness was still connecting the two. She was showing Eve the hand. The stripper seemed to be unaware that she was moving forward. Regardless, Hailey was not sharing. She placed the fingers into her own mouth, before going for Carolyn's lips once more. Carolyn felt her own taste from below her waist greet her.

'You're done watching, aren't you?' Hailey asked, since Eve was now next to them rather than sitting.

'Kinda.' The green-haired girl gave a little excited laugh.

'That's alright. Come here.' The blonde guided their guest until she had her head right in front of Carolyn's parted thighs. For her part, Carolyn scooted forward a fraction. 'That's what my baby looks like when she's all worked up, but I haven't touched her yet. Why don't you get a taste?'

'How do I start?'

We gotcha. Carolyn thought as she exchanged a knowing look with Hailey, who flashed her own wicked grin.

'Just do what you would want someone to do to you...' The blonde whispered, not looking away from her girlfriend's eyes.

Carolyn did the same and ended up gasping when their partner decided to plant soft kisses at the junction of her leg with her coccis. Hailey looked down long enough to see what happened.

'Oh, my God! How did you know, Carolyn loses her shit for that!'

Eve looked up and laughed along before returning her focus down once more. Carolyn felt her eyes rolling back when the girl planted a kiss right on her labia. Then, she proceeded to trap her clit between her lips. When that stopped being enough for her, she put her tongue in play, seeing how deep it could plunge into Carolyn's opening.

It was heaven.

Hailey was never going to be able to resist joining in.

'Scootch a little, honey.' She told Eve, getting her head alongside the other woman's. 'I haven't done this in a long while and I kinda love it.'

If Eve was confused about what was intended, she did not have to wait long to understand. Hailey's mouth began to play with Carolyn's pussy from the right. Eve caught on and stuck out her tongue from the other side as well. The two women, one with green hair and the other blonde, had their cheeks pressed together and their hot breaths on Carolyn's pelvis.

The tongue play from both women reached its peak when they decided to asymmetrically run up and down each side of her pussy lips. At a certain point their tongues' constant touches led to the inevitable: they abandoned Carolyn for long enough to kiss with gusto.

'Goddamn...' Carolyn moaned, even though she was not being tended to. 'That's hot.'

Eve, just like before, giggled. She dived back into action between the dark-haired girl's thighs.

'Nah, nah, nah... That jacket stays on.' Hailey, who had not yet dived in, complained.

'Why?' Carolyn asked, but obeyed and let her garments stay on.

Her girlfriend bit her lip as she saw her being serviced by their playmate.

'You look very competent.'

Carolyn chuckled. Hailey got some space and was cheek to cheek with Eve again.

Their combined efforts were something special. Eve was certainly not letting Hailey run away with the best muff muncher award, enthusiastically participating in the pressure around Carolyn's clit. Hailey, making use of her experience, had selected the precise moment when her lover's body began to cry out for release and inserted two fingers into Carolyn's snatch.

From that moment onwards, it was always going to be a mere matter of time until Carolyn announced, loudly, her release.

'Ease off, ease off.' Hailey laughed, when Eve appeared to want to keep going along.

'Sorry.' Eve put her hand in front of her mouth, a little out of embarrassment and a little to clean her chin. 'You taste nice.'

'You're too kind.' Carolyn exhaled heavily, clearing her head after her orgasm. There was more to get from this night, after all.

'It's also pretty hot.' The green-haired girl thought it over, as she licked the remaining fluids from her lower lip. 'I was going to say that it's hotter than sucking dick, but I think I'm just having a little recency bias...'

'Mmm, I dunno, I prefer lady bits too.'

'There's something difficult to beat about sucking cock.' Hailey put in.

'Way to make your girl feel lacking, honey.' Carolyn rolled her eyes and tested her weight on her legs again. The other two women also got back on their feet.

'Oh, knock it off!' The blonde punched her arm, as Eve laughed. 'I seem to remember someone being very horned up when we shared that dude's massive dong from two months ago.'

'Yeah, well... You caught me in the mood for it.'

Eve perked up further at the exchange.

'So, you girls are both bi?'

'If you want to label it.' Hailey shrugged. 'We have fun with people we want to have fun with.'

'It's not like I've got a ton of experience with threesome etiquette...'

'Technically you still haven't; you just gave my girlfriend a blowjob and I'm the jealous type.'


'Oh, yeah.' Hailey nodded gravely. 'You need to let me have my way with you now, otherwise I've just been cheated on...'

'Sound logic.' Carolyn mocked, as Eve rolled her eyes in amusement. 'Seriously, though,' She turned to their guest. 'that was great but it was part one. Do you want to go for part two or are you calling it a day?'

'I'm not stopping before I get some, too!' Eve complained.


Without giving the cute girl a moment to process anything more, Carolyn roughly grabbed her head and kissed her as deep as she could. She did not relent or release her for a long while, feeling a hand tentatively grab her lower back.

Hailey was on the move, too. She did their usual move: Hailey went behind Eve and flattened her body against the other woman's back, the blonde's hands going under the shirt to caress her belly. Eve enjoyed that, judging from how her tongue went into Carolyn's mouth.

Carolyn took off Eve's leather jacket. The second she was done, Hailey pulled the shirt over the girl's head. Eve did not appear to want to be the only one about to be naked though, so she did the exact same thing for Carolyn. Unbeknownst to Eve, yet Carolyn was aware, Hailey had quietly slipped away. Not that they missed her touch just yet, considering they were in the process of getting each other buck-naked and into the living room sofa.

Should I be on top? Carolyn wondered, as their mouths attacked each other. On second thought... Carolyn let herself fall backwards on the cushions, dragging Eve's body with her. The girl was startled, and the dark-skinned woman took that break in her concentration to push her up so that the stripper's tits were right over her face. Finally, I got a good view of these puppies without those stupid nipple coverings...

'Yeah...' Eve moaned pathetically when Carolyn ran her tongue on her right nipple. She resisted the urge to laugh, since she herself had made similar whimpers the first time a woman ravaged her. 'That's nice, that's very nice...'

'I can do a lot better than nice, if you don't mind.'

And she did. Her mouth tortured the lovely orb above her, her left hand gave the other breast rough squeezes, and her right arm stretched all the way down so that her right hand could go over Eve's bottom and caress the girl's wetness.

Eve was even more vocal after that.

So vocal, in fact, that she did not notice when Hailey returned to the room. Carolyn, through the corner of her eye, certainly did.

Her girlfriend was wearing a red corset she had not worn in front of her yet. It was enhancing all the right attributes without really showing them. Her many tattoos were being showcased. Carolyn's favourite had always been the leafless tree that covered the entirety of the blonde's right leg. Today, however, the apex of her thighs was what caught her eye on account of the large silicone strapon dildo that lay there.

Carolyn slowly let up on Eve, until the green-haired woman finally noticed what was to her left. She actually stared with her mouth hanging open. So, naturally, Hailey thrust the dildo into her mouth before the girl could react. Eve seemed to take it as a point of honour not to ask for a timeout, even as Carolyn saw her throat enlarge when the tip began to slide down past the usual gag reflex area.

For her part, the dark-skinned woman just placed an arm under her head as a pillow, and let the other hand gently rub against Eve's pussy, making sure that she was going to be ready for the rough pounding she knew Hailey would want to inflict upon her.

There was very little time for adjustments or hesitations. Eve was soon kissing Carolyn, as Hailey shifted on the couch when she got behind the green-haired woman's rear and just inserted herself deep. Eve's mouth hovered wide open next to Carolyn's as she moaned loudly, which made her feel like she'd gone straight to heaven.

Fully satisfied from the attention she'd received just before, the dark-skinned woman just took in the sight of her girlfriend destroying the stripper's pussy. Her right hand lazily palmed Eve's tit and she smiled as her breathing became unhinged until a final high shriek escaped her throat. Hailey had perfectly timed the last thrust too, burying herself to the hilt.

Eve whispered something that Carolyn herself was already thinking. They both disentangled themselves from the couch and decided to give Hailey her just reward. Carolyn kissed her with abandon, as Eve removed the strapon from her. A surprised yelp escaped the blonde and she looked down, just like her girlfriend.

Without a care in the world, Eve had gone behind Hailey and buried her tongue on the blonde's ass crack, right up against her butthole.

'Wicked girl!' Carolyn laughed and lowered herself in front of Hailey to get to work on her snatch.

Worked over from both ends, it did not take the excited woman long before she was cumming. It was then Carolyn's turn to yelp in surprise. Eve had still been licking Hailey's rear when she snaked a hand onto the apex of Carolyn's thighs, correctly guessing the other woman would once again be horny.

Helping Carolyn up, Hailey had a massive grin on her face when she faced Eve again.

'If it's not too much to ask,' the stripper told the couple. 'I really don't want to call it a night yet.'

Carolyn was very much in agreement.


Hailey had never been someone who rose early. This had never been a problem before. But now she wished she was, since Carolyn was already up and about instead of spooning with her. I'm never the one waking up next to the naked girl... Hailey thought, annoyed.

The noise of the front door opening reached her ears. Is she abandoning me as well? She dramatically complained to herself. But it did not seem like it. Carolyn's voice reached her, greeting someone.

Raising herself slowly, Hailey frowned. Did Eve forget something? But that made no sense, since she heard a man replying. Then hurried little steps towards her bedroom. Recognition of who it would be reached her just before the door opened wide and a kid came running at her, jumping on the bed and onto her.

'Aunt Hailey!'

Hailey grinned as she hugged and shook the small child in front of her, getting a face full of brown hair.

'There's my pretty girl!' She greeted, starting to kiss her neck noisily just where she knew Emma was ticklish.

'No! No!' The girl laughed in spite of herself. She was getting better at this too, more effective at pulling away from her aunt's grip.

'What, you think you can just very rudely wake me up without retribution?' The blonde lifted her and slammed her back on the mattress, making sure she bounced to delight the child even more.

'Yes.' Emma stuck her tongue out. Then she was shrieking again as Hailey's fingers found the spot under her ribs where she got truly hysterical from touching.

'I told you to wake Hailey calmly!' The man's voice chastised Emma, though he didn't exactly run after her.

'That's alright, I handled it!' Hailey called back.

'That was part of why I was worried...'

Hailey left Emma alone for a moment, watching her niece recompose herself with a few deep breaths.

'Your dad has no faith in us.' The blonde shook her head. 'How were your grandparents?'

'Grandad took me horse riding!' Emma beamed. 'And Tom, our dog, came with us and he scared a big dog that was in our way. But then he also got scared when a plastic bag moved next to him with the wind.' The girl was barely taking a breather between sentences. 'And grandad laughed which made Tom become annoyed.'

'The dog was annoyed?'

'Yes, his ears went backwards and he refused to go for ear scratches at dinner.' The girl explained, very seriously. 'He only accepted scratches again when grandad apologised.'

Hailey bit her lip to avoid the laugh that almost escaped.

'Huh-huh, and anything else?'

'Loads...' Emma replied, almost overwhelmed when she tried to decide where to continue. 'I kept asking mom and grandma to let me get purple hair like mom but they're not cool. They won't let me.'

'So uncool.'

'I know. Hey, aunt Hailey?'


'You're cool.'

'Not happening, pretty girl.' Hailey said at once. 'Your mother can be scary.'

Emma appeared to mull it over.

'You're less cool.' She settled on.

'Oh, am I?' Hailey took hold of the girl and turned her upside down, getting off the bed and walking the two of them to the living room. 'Your daughter doesn't think I'm cool enough.' She informed the two people in the open kitchen. Emma giggled in perfect timing.

Carolyn had been interrupted mid sentence and just shook her head at the spectacle of her girlfriend and the child. Next to her was Jarno, who stood taller than all of them with his trademark short curly jet-black hair and sarcastic demeanour.

'Well, I guess that means we're doing something right.' He said.

'Oh, I see, her mind is being poisoned against me under your care.' Hailey announced, approaching them with Emma under an arm. 'Take this traitor from me.' She told her girlfriend.

'I'm not a traitor!' Emma indignantly put in, as she went willingly to Carolyn's lap.

'Don't worry, Emma.' Carolyn took a grip and walked away from the other two adults. 'We're gonna gossip about them.' She informed the girl, who giggled and started to whisper something in the dark-skinned girl's ear. 'Why, I never...' Carolyn stated in a mock Southern accent that delighted the seven-year-old even further.

Hailey and Jarno grumbled at the same time at the sight.

'This was tough enough with just one bad influence.' He told the blonde. 'Now I've got two.'

'You'll manage.' She told him, guiding him to the kitchen balcony and getting busy with the toaster. 'Want some?'

'One slice, actually.'

'Coming right up. We got the little rascal for two days, right?'

'Yeah, should be no more than that. Thanks.'

'You can take longer if you need.' Hailey buttered their toast as it jumped ready.

Jarno chuckled.

'And I still remember when you didn't want Emma to stay overnight, lest you become a, what was it, "permanent babysitter"?'

'Somehow you two created someone more engaging than you and Mac put together.' She shrugged and handed him a slice. 'Go figure.'

'That's the best part of having a kid. Watching them turn into a proper person.' He glanced to check where Carolyn was as he ate. Hailey also did, noticing her still playing with Emma. Jarno still whispered when he addressed her again. 'How was it with her folks?'

Hailey let some of her quirky disposition leave her, just looking at him with an eyebrow raise.

'That bad?' He commiserated, biting his toast.

'Not everybody gets in-laws cool with cam girls.'

'So, rural deep Catholic Italian countryside turned out more open-minded than upstate New York. Go figure.'

'I'm just full of luck like that.'

'Hey.' Jarno lifted her chin. 'Their loss.'

'No.' Hailey disagreed. 'Her loss.' She nodded towards Carolyn. 'She was close to her dad and right now I'm keeping her away from him.'

'No, he's keeping her away from himself.' Jarno jabbed a finger at her.

'Same dif-'

'It makes all the difference.'

Hailey regarded him for a moment. When it came to this sort of talk, the bastard always got his way.

'Whatever you say, lover boy. And don't worry, I will hold on to your kind long enough for you and Mac to turn your apartment into a sex den.'

Jarno scoffed.

'You just think that's the entire reason we offload our kid on you?'

'Isn't it?'

He raised a finger and lowered it.

'Not always. Fine, you win this round.'

Hailey chuckled as he saw him leave and went out the kitchen with him. When they got to the front door, she could see Emma stuffing her pocket with something Carolyn had given her.

'Are you giving her candy?'

'Never you mind.' The dark-skinned woman replied.

'Let me see, I know she can't have anything with-'

'Shoo!' Carolyn told her, waving her off with some concern.

'Fine.' Hailey put her hands up. Weird...

'I'll see you guys around.' Jarno said. 'Comportati bene, ok?' He added to his daughter.

'Mi comporto sempre bene...' Emma complained.

'Non sempre!' He laughed. 'Ah, good luck.' He added in general to the room, which Hailey found nonsensical but the other two seemed to understand.

They're up to something.

If they were up to something, they did not show their hand that day.

Hailey and Carolyn took Emma out and went downtown, searching for gift ideas as Jarno's birthday was coming up and they still had not found anything they deemed interesting enough. Hailey had always had to think extra hard on funny or unique gifts for him. What else would you get for someone with the money to buy mostly anything he wanted?

Yet again, no ideas. But there were still a few weeks to go.

The three of them opted to go to lunch at a sushi place they usually got takeout from. Emma kept asking them why they were blushing when she mentioned wanting some soy sauce to dip her sashimi. They told her it was nothing. Not like you could tell a kid you remembered dipping sushi in your friend's bellybutton during sex...

Jarno and Mackenzie had given the two women clear instructions on limits to Emma's screen time exposure, but they decided to completely ignore them. There was a cinema near the apartment that had an Incredibles movie marathon going and they decided to spend their afternoon there.

As they left the theatre, it was clear that Emma was a little hyperactive after a day of intense activity. They skipped their usual plan of going to Mike's Diner, deciding on a quiet night in, to make sure they could get an early start for the following day. Emma was not overly enthusiastic about this, only consenting to being told a bedtime story when both adults agreed on doing funny lines together.

'A bit tricky, this.' Hailey told her girlfriend, once they closed the door on a sleeping Emma's room (her own mother's former room from when she lived there, and now Madalena's).

'Manageable in small doses.'
Next page: Part 02.3
Previous page: Part 02.1