Part 02.3

Hailey bit her lip at a thought that popped into her head.

'What if one day it wasn't?'

'What do you mean?' Carolyn asked, stretching to grab a pillow that had fallen off the couch and placing it in its proper place.

'I don't know, what did you think you would be wanting in a relationship if it were...' Hailey twitched her nose. 'different than this?'

'Different how?' Carolyn looked straight at her.

'Don't be difficult. You know how.'

'You mean, if I were dating a nice strong lacrosse player and having very traditional missionary sex most nights-'

'Fine, don't take it seriously.' The blonde rolled her eyes, beginning to turn away.

'I for one,' The dark-haired girl forced her to turn again, placing her arms around Hailey's neck. 'cannot think of something I like more than having you instead of a lacrosse player.'

'Wow, so romantic...' Hailey rolled her eyes, hiding a blush. 'But, uh, what if I'm good with our experience of a brat running around the place being limited to little Emma there?'

'Honey,' Carolyn said, after an exhale. 'I really don't want a kid of my own.'

There was a pause.

'Oh, thank God!' Hailey exhaled, finally, and held her lover in a strong hug.

Carolyn began giggling.

'How long have you had that question hanging over you?' She smiled into Hailey's neck.

'A little bit.'

'Come on.' She told her. 'Let's go to sleep.'


'No, actual sleep.'


Carolyn was already half-way to her room when she turned her head round.

'Because I said so.'

Hailey did her best to disobey the command in a sneaky fashion, spooning her from behind and letting her hands wander, but Carolyn just took control by flipping them around so that she was the big spoon. So, no sexy times that day.

The following morning Carolyn was still in bed with her, for once. Hailey barely realised what had woken her, until she heard the knock at her door again.


A slight hinge noise reached her as Emma popped her head in, her toy elephant in a precarious grip in her hand.

'Everything okay?'


There was a pregnant pause.

'You want to hop in with us?' Hailey asked, containing a smile.

Emma grinned, not needing to be told twice. The blonde opened up the sheets for her and trapped the child between her and Carolyn. Her girlfriend stirred softly for a second, gathered what was happening and put an arm around the little girl. Hailey was certain she fell asleep again in less than a minute.

'Do you do this to your parents too?' Hailey asked, catching a stray hair that was falling on Emma's eyes.


'I see.'

They all got at least two more hours to snooze, with Emma's elephant trapped against Hailey's chest.

With some predictability it was Carolyn who was gone when they next woke up. She was in a hurry, too. Carolyn kept getting them to do all their "morning" preparations (it was almost noon by this point) with speed, raving about dealing with traffic on the highway. It wasn't even that long of a path, up to the forest in Pochuk.

The two women did the trail frequently, so bringing Emma along for the first time was a treat that the little girl seemed to be enjoying especially. Sometimes they camped, but today it was about walking along some of the paths. Not the long ones, of course. Not with a person with such small legs.

It did not take them long to arrive at the edge of the lake, Hailey's favourite spot. In the dark, in previous nights there, she had been licked to three consecutive orgasms. The blonde blushed, as Emma tried to skip some stones on the surface of the water. A sideways glance let her know, from Carolyn's sly grin, that she was thinking the same thing.

Her girlfriend ended up letting her lips crash into Hailey's, applying a bit of suction to them. Carolyn's excitement was contagious, and the blonde felt her hands begin to search for a way to disrobe her, before remembering she was on kid watching duty. She separated herself from the other woman, looking towards her niece. Emma giggled, just like whenever her parents were being liberal with their kisses but turned her attention back to the lake.

'Easy, tiger.' She whispered to Carolyn.

'No.' The dark-skinned woman replied, looking nervous. 'Also, I think Emma wants to ask you something.'

'Really?' Hailey reacted. 'I thought she-'

There was no end to her sentence. She turned around to a scenario she would not have guessed if she were given a hundred different guesses. Little Emma was doing her best to maintain her balance as she knelt on the pebbled ground, a wide smile on her face and a ring in a box was open in her hand.

'Carolyn wanted to know if you want to marry her, Aunt Hailey.'

Hailey's hands covered her mouth, out of their own volition. Her brain felt stuck, and she didn't trust herself to turn around back to her girlfriend yet.

'Oh my God...'

Emma just giggled, still holding the minuscule box.

Now Hailey did turn to a very nervous Carolyn.

'I did want to ask that.' She told her. 'For a while now.'

'Oh my God...' Hailey repeated, furious with herself at her inability to form more complex sentences.

'This is one of the scenarios I prepared.' The dark-skinned woman told her. 'And I have some very persuasive arguments, if you don't mind-'




Carolyn lifted a hand.

'To be clear, yes you want to hear my arguments, or yes you want-'

'Yes, I want to be your wife forever.' The blonde laughed, feeling tears at the corners of the eyes. 'Yes. Yes. Yes.'

'Yes.' Carolyn breathlessly completed, coming forward and kissing her new fiancé for all she was worth.

The kiss was interrupted for Hailey to turn and breathlessly tell her niece:

'You! Come here you as well!' She grabbed the little girl, who looked delighted, and brought her up to join the two women's embrace. 'I knew you two little shits were hiding something from me.'

'You're gonna have a wedding?' Emma asked, with a very toothy smile.

'Well, what did you think was going to happen?'

'Did I do everything according to plan?' The girl asked Carolyn.

'No. You did it even better.' Carolyn told her, kissing her cheek noisily.

'And then I opened the zipper on my jacket, 'cause that was where Carolyn had put the box.' Emma explained, holding the box up now to better illustrate her point. 'And then my knee was starting to hurt but I waited for Carolyn to say what she was gonna say...'

'Eyes on the objective, good girl.' Jarno said, as seriously as he possibly could.

'Yeah, and then I think aunt Hailey got confused because Carolyn wasn't sure what she was replying to, because... Wait, no. Carolyn asked if she was agreeing with the arguments... No, wait. I forgot to explain...'

'Yes, back from the top, we're missing crucial information.' Her mother said, doing a worse job than Jarno at an attempt at a straight face.

There was a little confetti on the ground and four glasses of champagne around the living room's coffee table, as Carolyn uncorked another bottle that Jarno had brought with him. She'd texted Hailey's best friends that everything had worked out shortly after the proposal, and now they were all gathered at Hailey and Carolyn's apartment for a small celebration together.

As Emma recounted the tale from the top once more, her parents were drinking in every word. Their hands were held together on Mackenzie's lap as she rested her head softly on Jarno's shoulder.

Mackenzie was a gorgeous woman in her thirties. Her hair had been dyed purple since Carolyn had first met her two years before, and for even longer before then, and it was caught in a ponytail. Her occasional shared stares with Jarno were something Carolyn had always found endearing. Mackenzie and her baby girl's father had a permanent air of having just shared their soul's yearnings to one another.

And that was almost nothing compared to the attention they gave their daughter, such as right in the middle of her rambling recount of the day's events.

A set of hands around her waist distracted her.

'What you up to, my little voyeur?' Hailey's honeyed tone greeted her from behind.

'Preparing more liquor.'

'Good plan.' Her girlfriend said, grabbing the bottle herself and making her way back to the living room. Carolyn followed.

Their feasting had to end in a short while, of course. Emma was beginning to sway in place from drowsiness, even though she was the most talkative one.

'By the way, did you have Emma propose so that I couldn't say no?' Hailey asked Carolyn once they were on the couches. The blonde was stretched out with her feet on Jarno's lap, whilst Carolyn was sharing a couch with Mackenzie.

'I plead the fifth.'

'Wait a second...' Hailey looked at all of them in turn. 'Did you think I would actually say no?'

'Well...' Mackenzie made a face.

'I love the shit out of her!' The blonde complained, pointing at her new fiancé.

'Psst!' Her friend hissed, but Emma was in a state between sleep and awareness and didn't seem to notice. 'I just thought you may not want to sign a piece of paper to that effect.'

'I had full faith that you were gonna accept.' Jarno put in, putting a little more booze in his glass.

'You did.' Carolyn replied. 'How come?'

'I have first-hand experience with longingly looking at the special woman in your life.' He said, looking at Mackenzie. She bit her lip and winked his way.

Hailey pretended to cough and let loose the words "kiss ass". Jarno used a hand to pinch her foot, which made his friend twist very inelegantly. A little weight made itself felt on Carolyn's left arm and she looked down to see a little girl asleep on it.

'Sorry.' Mackenzie worriedly told her, but Carolyn waved away the move to take her away. She instead let Emma's head fall on her lap, stroking her hair. The girl's mom just watched over her daughter as well, looking smitten.

'All I know is you two talk a good game about "wuving" each other so much,' Hailey told Jarno. 'but mister lover boy here never proposed.'

He shrugged.

'I dunno. It was probably part of the plan at a certain point but... Some couples stay together for the kids or to save the marriage and I, uh... I like that everyday she gets to choose with a clean slate whether she still wants to be with me, and always says yes.'

Carolyn "aw'd" in spite of her best efforts to hide it.

'No takebacks with me.' Hailey interjected.

'Wouldn't dream of it.'

'The option to run to Cuba with half his money is nice to have.' Mackenzie sarcastically put in.

'What half? We're not married, remember?.' Jarno replied.

'Oh, honey, I've been syphoning it off to an offshore account for years.' She replied, making them all chuckle. Her face then got serious. 'I always thought of myself as a bit of a rebel and... since I now have a college degree, a kid and a relationship for life... I like having us be unconventional at something. Like we're living in sin.'

'To living in sin.' Carolyn raised her glass and they all clinked glasses. After, she kept looking at Mackenzie. 'Can I ask you something invasive?'

'Will I have to take my pants off?'

Carolyn blushed a little. She glanced quickly at Hailey, who was content with a foot massage Jarno was giving her. Carolyn knew that before being with her, her girlfriend had engaged in romps with her two friends. The blonde had told her this and that she had abstained from doing so since they started dating. Sometimes, Hailey also hinted not-so-subtly about wanting to restart them if Carolyn went with her. It had always seemed arrogant to assume Jarno and Mackenzie would be interested in her and, to avoid opening that can of worms, Carolyn had steered clear.

Comments like Mackenzie's previous one still flustered her, though.

'Not really.'

'Alright.' Mackenzie looked at her, questioningly.

'Are you pregnant?'

Mackenzie opened her mouth and closed it, giving a quick glance at Jarno.

'Why do you say that?'

'That champagne isn't going down and your left hand is always on your belly.'

'Looking at my belly much, ma'am?'

'Don't change the subject, Mac.' Hailey told her. 'Answer the lady's question.'

With increasing difficulty at controlling her smile, Mackenzie finally spoke:

'Yes, we are expecting again.'

Around the small table, Carolyn and Hailey made excited hand movements but barely moved because...

'Oh, you bitch, I can't properly congratulate you because I'll wake your other kid.' Hailey complained, looking ecstatic.

'We didn't want to take away from your celebration.' Jarno told Carolyn. 'So, we were going to wait before saying anything.'

'And since this time it was taking us so long to conceive... what difference was a couple of extra days, really.' Mackenzie completed.

'I know, that was I was hesitating. I would've felt like such a bitch if you weren't...' Carolyn made a face.

'Nah, you're good.' The purple-haired woman sighed. 'We've been trying for like a year! This one took no time!' She added with a nod to a sleeping Emma.

'When you don't plan things, you know...' Hailey shrugged.

'Yeah, certainly not planned.' Mackenzie chuckled.

'Really?' Carolyn prompted. She did not know this story.

'You bet. I didn't want kids.'

'I didn't want them at that precise moment.' Jarno said.

'But, you know...' Mackenzie nodded towards her old room.

'Seriously, right here?' Carolyn asked.

'Nothing like getting screwed from the back against a door, I guess.'

Carolyn snorted. Emma stirred in her sleep.

'Come on.' Mackenzie signalled Jarno. 'That's our queue to put our baby to bed.'

She took hold of a few glasses and Carolyn did the same, as they went to put everything in the dishwasher.

'Can't believe you caught that I was pregnant.'


'No, no, I'm genuinely impressed.'

Carolyn chuckled and was about to turn, but Mackenzie caught her arm.

'For a long time I didn't think Hailey was going to make this kind of commitment with someone.' She told her. 'I'm really glad she got first time lucky with you.'

With some difficulty in maintaining eye contact, Carolyn had to look down for a second.

'Thanks.' She said, looking back up again. 'But what makes you so sure?'

'You know how Jarno was saying about seeing Hailey looking at you like he looks at me?'


'Well, when you look at Hailey? That's exactly how I look at Jarno.' Mackenzie smiled.

Without thinking about it, Carolyn wrapped up Mackenzie in a tight hug. The other woman returned it just as tightly.

'Congrats on the baby.' She told Mackenzie when their friends were leaving through the front door, with Jarno holding a sleeping Emma in his arms and Mackenzie holding her daughter's bag.

'See you guys at the airport in a week.' Jarno told them, as they headed down the stairs.

The door was barely shut before Hailey was grabbing hold of her waist from behind.

'Alone at last, fiancé.'

Carolyn felt the hairs on the back of her neck go up, as she smiled with a thought.

'You know what the new baby means?'

'What?' Hailey asked, as her girlfriend turned.

'I'm making sure I'm the new one's favourite.'

Carolyn wasn't sure if the blonde had ever rolled her eyes that much before.

'Do you know what I have?'

'An iron grip on my tits?'

'Yes, but also a very sore jaw.' Carolyn grinned.

'I know, I'm a very lucky girl...' Hailey lazily replied, enjoying how handsy her fiancé was.

'I should certainly hope so.'

Without any ounce of tiredness from the previous night's multiple orgasms, Carolyn jumped onto her girlfriend and her mouth did wonders to her tits as her fingers worked their magic further below.

'You know,' Hailey told her in a shaky breath after cumming. 'you get stuck with this mindset of toys and you just forget how great vanilla can be...'

'Vanilla with me, you mean?'

'Oh, fuckin' definitely.'

Carolyn giggled.

'I need to shower extensively.'

'Hmm-hmm.' The blonde hummed.

'And once I'm all squeaky clean, I'm going to return to this bed and have you make me so dirty again...'

Hailey just stared at Carolyn as she got up once again.

'God, I love you.' She told her.

An actual blush was visible on the dark-skinned woman's face.

'Be right back.'

Hailey was spreadeagle on their bed, feeling her nipples get cold from how wet they were. There was marital bliss in the air, pure unrestrained contentment. The sound of Carolyn's shower water beginning to fall reached her.

To her left, on the nightstand, was Carolyn's phone. Ordinarily, she would have left it alone but a sudden, stupid and crazy thought crossed her mind. She felt the emotions of the previous few days hit her all at once and, against her better judgement, she unlocked the device and went to her contact list.

Her thumb pressed on the contact marked "Dad".

It did not ring too long before the call was accepted.

'Hello? Carolyn?'

Hailey had always liked the gravely tone that Carolyn's father spoke with. It had been one of her strategies for dealing with his overt dislike: focussing on redeeming qualities.

'My apologies, Mr. Hughes, it's just me.'


'Yes, you weren't prepared for that one, were you?'

'I think I can recover, miss Amsel.'

'Good.' She exhaled. 'I'm going to give you some information to chew on, you don't mind, do you?'

'Sounds like you're not giving me a choice. Shoot.'

In for a penny...

'Your daughter proposed to me yesterday and I said yes.' Hailey told him. 'Let me know when you've processed that, so I can skip to the next bit.'

Mr. Hughes did take quite a few seconds to speak again.

'Okay, I'm sufficiently recomposed.'

'Great.' Hailey continued, rolling onto one of her sides. 'I know you don't like me, I know I'm not a fan of your condescension, but there's no getting around the fact that we're destined to be around each other quite often for the rest of our lives.' She put it, simply. 'Because I love your daughter more than life itself at this point and if that's not the most important thing your daughter's fiancé can tell you... then, I'm not sure you're worth the trouble.'

Another moment of silence.

'You know that if this union goes through we'll cut her off from any inheritance, right?'

Hailey was known for going quickly to anger. A reply beginning with "You listen to me, you fuck" was perilously close to her lips. But this wasn't about her. This was about restoring some form of relationship between the love of her life and her dad.

'Carolyn is right.' She replied, channelling her inner Jarno by using a colder sort of fury for once.

'What do you mean?'

'She does keep giving you opportunities to accept reality. And you do keep failing. Let her know when you've gotten over it.'

She ended the call and carefully returned the phone to its previous place. There was a possibility she had made a mistake she would regret. But at least she had tried something. Right?

The shower noises stopped and Carolyn was soon back at the bedroom door, throwing her towel to the corner chair and standing before her in all her naked glory.

'What do you think, baby?' Carolyn asked, chewing her lower lip.

Hailey pointed at her own face.

'Do you see this right here, my beautiful fiancé?'


'This right here is where you can take your seat.'

Without a second's hesitation, Carolyn obliged her.
Previous page: Part 02.2