Chapter 02


Even as Carmen and Benita finished their shopping trip on Whyte Avenue that fateful Saturday, Benita's body was changing. Even though they did not remember doing it, Carmen and Benita had signed up for their "Grand Lesson" from the old woman from the shop "The Spirit Guide." The old woman had decided the best way to teach the women was to give them something they had to deal with together, something they couldn't ignore.

That something they had to deal with was an odd addition to Benita's body which started to grow even before she left the shop. By the time Benita finished the shopping day with Carmen, she already noticed some agitation with her clitoris; it felt sore. For the next two days there was no noticeable difference in the appearance of her clitoris, but by Tuesday morning, when Benita woke up, her clitoris looked swollen, yet the soreness sensation had died down a bit.

On Wednesday, was when the other change to Benita started to rear its head. While walking down the halls, of the school Benita started to notice and her eyes began to wander to parts of women that they never did before. While she was not checking out other women, not openly or consciously anyways, she was starting to look. Benita eyes seemed to be drawn to breasts, asses and crotches of women. Benita dismissed this as simply admiring the way other women were dressed.

As of Thursday, the soreness in her clitoris had gone away completely, yet the clitoris itself still continued to grow. As well Benita's wandering eyes continued and her gaze seemed to linger just a bit longer on the intimate areas of other women's bodies.

By Saturday, the condition which Benita thought was simply an infection which would go away on its own was continuing to develop. By now, her clitoris could hardly be described as a clitoris. What was her clitoris had grown to become a smooth dome-shaped growth which was an inch in diameter and stuck out an inch from her body, at its apex. Much to her horror, when Benita put on her tight jeans, not only was it uncomfortable on her enlarged clitoris, but you could see shape of her dome-shaped clitoris. To alleviate this condition, Benita put on an older pair of jeans, which were not so tight, and wore a couple of thick maxi-pads.

As Benita and Carmen walked the streets of White Avenue, Benita felt relaxed and at peace with the world. For the moment she had forgotten about her clitoris or her wandering eye. Benita was on Whyte Ave, her second home, nothing could bother her, or so she thought.

Yet another advancement in her condition was had that day, and it was caused by a young mother pushing her infant child in a stroller. It is a common and innocent scene, yet Benita's eyes were drawn to the woman's breasts.

The woman in question was quite attractive and slender, especially for a woman who apparently had just given birth. Her hair was a light, honey-blonde colour and had a slight wave to it, bouncing to a natural rhythm as she walked. One might have simply dismissed the shapely woman as the babysitter, but two factors attested that she was the child's mother. One was the fact that her hips were wider than normal, and the second was her large breasts.

The milk-laden breasts were swollen and considerably larger than the average woman's. They bounced, jiggled and moved in an incredible erotic way, even though they were restrained in a bra. Benita's eyes were transfixed on the hypnotic sight of the swaying breasts.

"Holy fuck, what a set of tits!" Benita thought to herself and imagined what they would look like, completely nude. While she didn't say it out loud, the fact that she thought it, and was clearly sexually aroused while looking at a woman was new.

It seemed that Benita's gaze had not gone unnoticed by the young mother in question. With a smirk on her face the young mother winked at Benita before continuing on her way. Benita was mortified . . . she had been caught staring.

Yet again, Benita's fear caused her to turtle-in and deny what was happening. Benita simply told herself that she simply noticed a mother with her child. Benita did not and could not admit that she was sexually aroused, even though her moist panties would beg to differ. The same was true with what was happening to her clitoris, she refused to accept that anything was happening. To Benita, it was simply an infection which would correct itself. She was too mortified to go to her doctor about it. Benita simply clung to the belief that everything would correct itself in time.

By Monday, Benita's dome-shaped clitoris had grown to be just under two inches in diameter and stuck out two inches from her body. What's worse was that when she went home that night, Benita's panties were soaked from lusting after all the breasts and asses she saw at school.

Come Wednesday morning, however, Benita's clitoris could no longer be called a clitoris, it was clear, even to the horrified Benita, what was happening, yet she still lived in denial. What had been her clitoris had now grown and clearly formed into a cock. Her cockhead was now a bit over two inches in diameter and measured two inches at its crown. That was not the worst of it though, the cockhead had a shaft, albeit a two millimetre shaft, but it was a shaft, nonetheless. With shaky fingers, Benita explored her own pussy, thrusting two fingers up into her own body, to make sure she still had a vagina. Benita was still a woman, but she was now a woman who had a cock instead of a clitoris.

Benita cried, for the first time since this experience started, her emotions got the better of her and she cried. Benita was afraid of what was happening to her, yet she had still not accepted it, nor could she talk to anyone about it. After she cried, she sat up and pulled herself together and forced herself to believe that she was a woman and women didn't have cocks. She told herself that her clitoris simply had a growth on it, which would go away, one way or another. Benita's logic was shaky at best and full-blown denial at worst.

Another shock to her system was that her maxi-pad trick would no longer work to hide her cock. Benita spent half an hour trying to figure out how to hide her cock under her favourite pair of jeans. Nothing worked which didn't look ridiculous. She figured out that she could disguise her cock by turning it into a lump on her lower torso. To accomplish this, Benita stuffed rolled up socks down large and conservative panties and arranged them so that it looked like she had a small pot belly. Once she put on her tight jeans, however, she looked silly. The only way to not draw attention to her groin was to wear a pleated skirt so as to lose the lump in the ruffles.

Wednesday went well and normal for Benita these days, she walked around the school in her skirt and now causally eyeing up the women she walked by. Now and again she even gave a particularly attractive woman a second look. Benita even, and unknowingly, smiled at one or two of the women whom she found checking her out.

Come Saturday and the traditional outing to Whyte Avenue, Benita's cock was a bit more comfortable. Since its shaft had grown to be two inches long, she could now flip her cock up when she stuffed it into her panties. No longer did the head of her cock rub against the fabric of her panties and that was a great relief.

That Saturday was especially warm and so the amount of clothing people wore dropped along with the heat. Benita herself wore a shorter skirt with matching top and enjoyed the breeze on her legs. While the socks stuffed on either side of her cock were a necessity, they were also a source of insulation and therefore heat on the hot day. For a brief moment, Benita considered removing the socks, but didn't dare in case somebody spied her dark and shameful secret amongst the ruffles.

Enjoying the warm day as well was the young mother whom Benita had eyed up the previous Saturday. Like others that day, she was dressed for the warm weather in her short shorts and slender fitting top. Her outfit was very short, tight and showed a lot of skin. Along with her slender legs, her midriff was also on display. The top she was wearing only came down to just below her large breasts and was joined together in the front by only three inches of fabric. As a result she was showing off a lot of her ample cleavage. By the exaggerated bounce of her breasts, it was clear that she was not wearing a traditional bra but something lighter, weaker and more suited to the weather.

Benita's eyes went wide and her mouth watered as she watched the young mother push the stroller down the sidewalk towards her. Benita tied hard to tear her eyes away from the bountiful bouncing breasts of the young woman but she was powerless to do so. When the young mother looked into Benita's eyes and smiled, Benita blushed and looked down at the baby in the stroller.

Even as Benita looked at the safe and precious sight of a baby asleep in a stroller, she could not get the image of the bouncing breasts out of her mind. At that moment, Benita felt a strange tightening in her panties, all of a sudden, her cock seemed to be uncomfortable and confined. That was when it hit her and Benita went pale when she realized that she had just had her first erection.

Benita felt the young mother approach and Benita felt uneasy to be this close to the woman she was uncomfortably attracted to. Benita looked up and saw that indeed the young mother was not only looking at Benita but smiling, almost knowingly at her.

"Lovely baby," Benita managed to say as she blushed nervously.

"Thanks," the young mother said in a warm reply as she stopped next to Benita and Carmen.

"How old is he?" Carmen asked as she leaned down and smiled at the baby.

"He's six months. His name is Dean and I'm, Stacey," the young mother, Stacey said as she extended her hand to Benita.

"I'm Benita and this is Carmen," Benita said as she shook Stacey's hand while smiling politely, hoping the woman didn't notice her throbbing erection.

"Nice to meet you, Benita, I think I've seen you two here before," Stacey said in a friendly and borderline flirtatious manner.

"Yeah, Ben and I come down here every Saturday to browse," Carmen said as she smiled warmly at Stacey.

"Ben?" Stacey asked with a queer look as her eyes darted between Carmen and Benita.

"My friends call me 'Ben' for short," Benita said in a slightly nervous manner, as her cock was now painfully erect and throbbing.

"Can I call you Ben?" Stacey asked with a laugh, her blue eyes seeming to pierce through Benita.

"Sure," Benita laughed nervously in reply.

"What are you guys up to? I'm just on my way to get a cappuccino. Why don't you join me?" Stacey asked in a hopeful and eager manner, her eyes darting between Carmen and Benita.

"Well, we're . . ." Benita started to say before she started to uncharacteristically stammer.

"Why not? We don't have anything pressing to do," Carmen agreed cheerfully.

"Great!" Stacey said as she guided Carmen and Benita to a nearby coffee shop.

As the trio shared a cup of coffee and got better acquainted it became clear that the group got along well. Stacey was a thirty year old stay-at-home mom and wife of a man in his late thirties who worked in one of the oil sands developments of Fort McMurray. He was gone three weeks at a time then home for a week. While it was hard to be apart from each other, his income provided them with a comfortable lifestyle.

As agitated as Benita was to be attracted to another woman, with Stacey, it was even worse. As the trio talked it was clear that they were becoming friends and this did not diminish Benita's attraction to Stacey, it intensified it. Add to this the ever apparent attraction Stacey had for Benita and you had a very conflicted and uncomfortable Benita. Stacey had given Benita winks and flirtatious glances as they talked, making sure that Benita knew that she was interested. It was during Carmen's trip to the washroom that things took a turn for the worst.

Stacey leaned in towards Benita, smiled a smile dripping with sexual desire, and placed her hand on Benita's forearm, looking Benita dead in the eye before she spoke.

"Listen, I didn't want to say anything in front of your friend, but my husband and I have an open relationship and he's still up in Fort Mac for a few weeks, so if you wanted to get together sometime, I'd love that," Stacey said in a low and sensuous voice.

"Get together?" Benita squeaked out.

"Don't be shy, I saw you checking me out last week and today. I know you're interested, and I just wanted you to know that I'm very interested in you too," Stacey whispered in Benita's ear before she kissed Benita high on the cheek, near her left ear. Benita groaned, shuddered and closed her eyes. "You were checking me out, weren't you?" Stacey asked as she looked in the eyes with a knowing yet sensuous look.

"No," Benita replied with wet eyes of fear.

"No? You are attracted to me, aren't you?" Stacey asked in a sensual yet pressing manner.

Benita wanted to deny it, needed to deny it. Her attraction to women was not something she had admitted, even to herself. This brief exchange with Stacey was by far the most erotic thing which had happened to Benita with another woman. Even still she could deny and downplay all of this later if she simply stayed silent. As long as she didn't voice the words, she could still be the old, heterosexual Benita. Benita steeled herself as she looked up into Stacey's eyes to answer her.

"Yes," Benita answered.

As soon as Benita looked into Stacey's eyes all power to deny her attraction was gone. Now that she had said the words out loud and admitted her attraction to another woman, Benita was scared and confused. What would she do now? What should she do now?

"I take it you've never been with a woman before?" Stacey asked with a sparkle in her eyes as she looked into Benita's terrified eyes.

"No," Benita answered in a weak voice, as she looked down, ashamed.

From the close proximity and degree Stacey was leaning in, Benita now had a clear and unobstructed view down Stacey's top. Benita openly ogled Stacey's breasts with an unmistakably lustful gaze.

"Have long have you been attracted to other women?" Stacey asked with a warm and inviting smile.

"Not long," Benita admitted, softly.

"Well, tell you what, here's my number. You call me if you ever want to act on your desires. You're not the first woman I've introduced to the world of lesbian love," Stacey said as she scribbled her phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to Benita.

"Thank you," Benita said nervously as she took the paper and put it in her purse. "I may never call . . . for that," she added with a blush.

"You call when and if you're ready," Stacey said warmly as she patted Benita's hand before she straightened herself up.

Carmen then returned to the table and the trio continued talking as if the private exchange between Benita and Stacey never took place. Once the coffee was consumed Benita and Carmen went one way and Stacey went the other way.

All through the rest of the shopping trip, Benita had a constant erection, as the scene with Stacey replayed in her mind. When Benita got home and was in the comfort and safety of her bedroom Benita finally could release her hard and throbbing cock from the confines of her panties.

Knowing she needed sexual release Benita started to play with and finger her pussy, wanting and needing to cum. It wasn't until some frustrating minutes later that Benita knew she needed to do the unthinkable. Benita usually achieved orgasm by playing with her clitoris, which no longer was there. Her clitoris had become her cock so it was clear that her cock was where Benita would achieve the release she desperately needed.

With a trembling hand Benita reluctantly grasped her cock for the first time in a sexual way. Benita writhed on her bed as she tugged repeatedly on her small, yet fat cock. Benita's world had shrunk down to her hand and her cock as she flew her fingers up and down the shaft of her cock. Indescribable and new sensations flowed through her body as she tugged on her new cock. Images of Stacey both nude and engaged in various sexual acts with Benita danced across her mind as she masturbated.

Benita was still ashamed to be jacking herself off, yet in love with the new sensations that came along with it. It wasn't much longer before Benita became more adventurous and thrust two fingers up her pussy as she tugged on her cock.

The subsequent orgasm was by far the most powerful Benita had ever experienced and seemed to go on forever. When it was all over Benita was a mess, drenched in her own cum from her abdomen to the insides of her thighs. Benita had come both like a man and a woman, shooting cum out of her cock as well as gushing out of her pussy.

As Benita lay, sticky and messy, she curled up into a ball and cried. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Benita was changing both in body and in desires. Benita had just achieved sexual release from a part of her body which she still considered to be a tumourous growth on her clitoris while fantasising about another woman.

Yet still Benita had not and could not really accept that either she was attracted to other women or that she had a cock. Despite the fact that it was blatantly obvious that both were true, Benita was still resisting accepting and/or embracing either reality. She was still hoping to find a way to turn the clock back, to become the woman she once knew.

Over the course of the next week Benita masturbated almost daily with a cock that was constantly growing. Much to Benita's aggravation, the more her cock grew, the greater her sexual satisfaction in playing with it grew.

By Saturday Benita's cock had grown to six inches in length and she was divided on her feelings concerning it. On one hand she had a sense of pride and affinity for her new cock and the sensations it brought her. On the other hand she still saw it as an abomination and a hideous disfigurement of her most womanly of regions.

Stacey (and Dean) joined Carmen and Benita on their weekly browsing of the shops of Whyte Avenue. The trio spend the day together and had a great time. While Benita had a near-constant erection while being around Stacey, she also enjoyed her company. Carmen, Benita and Stacey were quickly becoming good friends. It was hard to believe that this was only the second time they had seen each other.

As expected Stacey flirted with Benita when Carmen wasn't looking and a few times Benita flirted back. The most blatant and tempting was during one trip that Stacey took to the bathroom.

Benita was sitting with Carmen, sipping on her coffee when her phone beeped, indicating a message had come in. Benita opened the message to find it was from Stacey and had a picture attached with the caption, "A view to brighten your day." Benita clicked on the picture link to find that the attached picture was a shot of Stacey nude from the waist up.

Benita's eyes widened and her excitement rose as she stared at the very large, milk-laden, breasts that she had desired for some time now completely nude and displayed just for her. Upon closer inspection Benita could see breast-milk leaking from both of the nipples of the large, round breasts. Benita had to act as if this message was just like any other ordinary message even though she was pondering visiting Stacey in the bathroom.

When the second message from Stacey came in with the caption "Wish you were here," Benita was afraid to open the attached photo. Benita felt a throbbing in her cock and a gush of juice in her pussy when she opened the picture. The picture was a shot of a wet pussy with a neatly trimmed blonde-haired pubic bush atop of it.

The rest of the shopping outing passed without incident and only once did Benita pick up the phone to call Stacey. Benita hung up the phone before the other end answered the call; she was still not ready to act on her desires.

By Wednesday of that week Benita's cock had stopped growing and had settled into quite a respectable cock, one that any man would be proud of. When erect, Benita's cock was eight inches long with a two and a half inch wide shaft, and a mushroom shaped cockhead which measured three inches at its widest point.

On Thursday of that week another dilemma had surfaced, this one was brought on by Benita's best friend, Carmen.

"Hey, Gravity Pope is having that massive sale tomorrow, so I was wondering if you wanted to sleep over tomorrow night, so we could get there early?" Carmen asked calmly.

This was not unheard of, as the pair had spend countless nights over at either one's place before. The trouble was that due to the cramped nature of Carmen's bedroom and apartment, it was impractical to sleep anywhere but in Carmen's bed with Carmen. Before all of these changes to Benita's body, this would not be a problem for the long-time friends. Now that Benita had a cock, which she had not as yet admitted to or shown anyone, she was scared to sleep in bed with another woman.

"Why don't I just meet you at your place Saturday morning?" Benita replied, hoping Carmen would go for her compromise.

"My place is closer to Gravity Pope so we can get an earlier start to the day. With a sale like this, you know that all the good shoes will be gone early. Besides, it's been quite a while since we've spent a girl's night in. It'll be fun . . . What do you say?" Carmen asked in a light, yet hopeful tone of voice.

It was clear that Carmen had noticed the distance that Benita had been putting between the two of them and wanted to reconnect. While the prudent part of Benita knew it would best to graciously refuse, she knew she couldn't do so without hurting her best friend's feelings.

"Sure," Benita smiled nervously.

"Great!" Carmen said and gave Benita an energetic hug.

It was during that hug that Benita realized that she had never been so close to another woman since her sexual desires for women surfaced. As Carmen hugged Benita, Benita was acutely aware of every square inch of Carmen's body that was pressed up against her now. Benita could even make out exactly where Carmen's nipples were pressed up against her own breasts. That was the moment when in Benita's mind Carmen switched over from simply her best friend to being a woman.

That Friday night, Carmen and Benita talked, chatted and visited as the old friends reconnecting that they were. It was traditional for the women to wear just a sleep shirt and panties. Benita made sure to wear her sock-stuffed panties, hoping her friend would not get inquisitive or curious.

All through the evening Benita stole glances at Carmen's body, hoping and praying that Carmen wouldn't notice either her glances or her cock. Sure Benita was finding Carmen attractive both as a person and as a woman, but it was Carmen's friendship which meant the most to Benita.

It was good for Benita to spend the evening with her oldest and dearest friend and just be plain old Benita. On more than one occasion Benita almost opened up and told Carmen her darkest secrets, yet never could actually do it.

As the pair crawled into Carmen's bed that night, Benita made sure to turn and face away from Carmen. Thankfully Carmen did the same, but as Benita drifted off to sleep she was aware that their ass-cheeks were touching.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01