Chapter 04
"Sexual Tension"
About a thousand questions raced through Benita's mind that morning as she got up and out of bed after fucking her best friend. She was still not comfortable with the idea of having a cock and was still very embarrassed about it. Did this one experience mean that they were "together?" Were they "boyfriend/girlfriend" or was it "girlfriend/girlfriend?" Was she gay, or did her cock make her not gay?
"Do you want to shower first or should I?" Carmen asked as she paused at the bedroom door.
"Can't we shower together?" Benita asked with a cutesy look and a big smile.
"I don't think that's such a good idea," Carmen replied with a slightly worried look.
"I . . . I was just kidding . . . you go first," Benita said as she giggled in a playful, yet nervous manner.
Carmen nodded, turned and walked out of the room leaving Benita to gather herself together.
After a moment Benita walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen in search of breakfast. The sight which greeted her caused Benita to stop in her tracks.
Susan was bent over, searching through a lower cupboard for something, and the result was that Benita had a splendid view of Susan's shapely ass. Susan could easily be described as an older version of Carmen in that mother and daughter shared the same body shape. Yet Susan was a little taller with more generous curves and her breasts were at least a cup size larger at generous DD. Her hair was brown and thick and was just a little longer than Carmen's but her eyes were the same green colour. The forty-four year old Susan was a caring, giving and nurturing kind of woman.
Benita drew a breath in shock as she stared at a sight which she found very exciting, yet she knew shouldn't. Instantly her cock sprang to life, tenting up the front of her nightshirt, aching to sink into the depths of the Susan's pussy. Benita looked down and was mortified at the excited state of her cock and just as Susan stood back up Benita darted out of the kitchen.
Carmen entered the bedroom after her shower to find Benita sitting on the edge of the bed in just a nightshirt, her large cock still visible. Carmen paused to look at the fleshy member that, just the sight of which, excited her, yet she dared not let Benita know that. Carmen was still not sure if they should ever have sex again, even though it felt wonderful and she felt a connection to her best friend that she never felt before.
"Your turn to shower," Carmen said as she stood there wrapped in a towel with another one wrapped around her head.
"Okay," Benita replied as she stood up and walked towards the door.
Out of instinct Benita gave Carmen a peck on the lips as she passed her. That one kiss caused Carmen's excitement to rise, she was tempted to drop to her knees and suck on Benita's cock. She even pondered letting Benita fuck her again, but she resisted and remained calm, at least on the outside.
Benita paused at the bedroom door to see if Susan was coming before darting down the hall and into the bathroom. Benita locked the door behind her, stripped off her nightshirt and stopped to examine herself in the mirror. She spent a few minutes admiring herself and her cock from various angles, getting more and more used to the recent addition to her body. That morning she felt a little less like a hideous freak, thanks to Carmen.
In the shower, Benita washed her body thoroughly and even played with herself and her cock longer than she thought she should. She wasn't able to stop stroking her cock until she came all over the shower wall as well as the insides of her thighs. Benita had to wash her groin area once again before she left the bathroom.
Once back in Carmen's bedroom Benita removed the towel and started to dry herself off. Once again Carmen was getting excited by stole peeks of Benita's body, though felt weird each time she did so. Benita seemed to be oblivious to Carmen's looks as she continued to dry herself rubbing herself all over with the towel. When Benita was done she turned to stand in front of Carmen, still nude.
"Thanks for being so understanding . . . but . . . I think I should go," Benita said with a sorrowful expression on her face as she grabbed her panties and started to get dressed.
"No, stay for breakfast and we'll go to Gravity Pope afterwards," Carmen said sensibly as she put her hand on Benita's shoulder.
"I don't know. I probably should leave you alone for a while," Benita said as she stepped into her panties and pulled them up.
"Look, this situation is one thing, but a shoe sale is a shoe sale . . . we need to keep our priorities! What kind of a friend would I be if I let you miss a shoe sale like this, because you feel weirded-out that we fucked?"
"Thanks," Benita said with a sigh of relief as she looked into Carmen's eyes with a look of appreciation. "I don't know what I would do without you."
"What are best friends for," Carmen said with a magnanimous smile.
Benita was overcome with relief and gratitude that she reached out and pulled Carmen into a tight hug. What Benita had intended to be a friendly hug, swiftly heated up and changed once the embrace started. Both women's breathing became more laboured and quick as they were both acutely aware that the body of the woman they had just made love to was pressed up against her now.
Benita was the first to lift her head up but slowly both women looked each other in the eyes. It was a very long two seconds that the old friends looked deep into each other's eyes with growing lust. It wasn't but another moment before lust consumed the pair of them and their lips touched.
It wasn't a soft and flowing kiss of romance but rather a hard and rough kiss of unbridled passion. Both women pulled the other closer to her, smashing their bodies together as the kiss continued. Benita took charge and threw her friend down on the bed before hastily removing her own panties.
Carmen looked in Benita's eyes with passion and confusion as her best friend tore open her bathrobe, leaving Carmen lying nude and vulnerable on the bed. Carmen's fogy mind didn't know if she should protest or not but the determined look in Benita's eyes stole any will to resist.
In a flash Benita moved up and into position to fuck. Carmen instinctively opened her legs and exposed herself to her best friend and first lover for the second time that day. Benita did not pause at all but swiftly and surely lined up and sank her big, fat cock into Carmen's pussy. Both women groaned a sigh of delight as Benita's cock slid into the innermost depths of Carmen's pussy for the third fuck of the morning.
Knowing this fuck was going to happen and lost in the moment Carmen threw her legs around Benita's waist and hooked her heals behind Benita's back. Benita withdrew her cock and began her thrusting. Carmen urged Benita to pick up the speed by digging her heel into Benita's ass.
Susan walked swiftly down the hall and hummed happily as she did so. Breakfast was ready and the girls were taking too long in getting dressed. As she neared her daughter's room she heard sounds which she recognized but knew she shouldn't be hearing from her only child's room. Susan's brow furrowed in concern as the sounds of sex intensified in her ears as she stood in front of Carmen's bedroom door.
Susan was conflicted and didn't know if she should barge in and stop them or not. On one hand she wanted to respect her daughter's privacy and sexuality but on the other hand Carmen was still living under her roof and Susan didn't approve of this behaviour.
Telling herself that she was letting her imagination get the better of her, Susan opened the door to peek inside. Susan tried to convince herself that Carmen and Benita were just doing aerobics or some other sort of exercise. When Susan's head rounded the door and her eyes gazed on the bed, a lump was in her throat.
Susan stared in disbelief as her daughter's best friend repeatedly thrust into her baby girl with wild abandon. From the angle the pair of lovers were across the bed and Benita's back was to Susan. Susan knew enough of sex to know about strap-on-dildos and simply assumed that was what Benita was wearing. In her shocked and horrified mind Susan swore she saw the straps on Benita's shapely body.
Susan was dumbfounded as she watched the scene, a little too long for mere curiosity. Repeatedly Susan watched and examined the flexing ass muscles as Benita thrust into Carmen. For a fleeting moment, the single mother was a bit jealous of her daughter for the fuck she was receiving. Susan herself had not had sex of any kind since her husband left her fifteen years ago.
The scene was too much for her to take so Susan decided to leave the pair of lovers to their lovemaking, deciding now was not the time to confront them. Susan poured herself a coffee and sat at the breakfast table in stunned silence, blinking occasionally.
Back in the room, the pair finished their hasty lovemaking with Benita cuming once again deep within her friend's pussy. Carmen moaned and clutched Benita tight as her own excitement reached its crescendo. Once it was over both women laid still and regained their breath, still sweaty with Benita's softening cock wedged inside Carmen's pussy.
As one might expect, once the heat of the moment was over and the passions subsided, guilt and confusion returned. Carmen turned her head to the side and started to cry. Benita instinctually clutched Carmen tighter and tried to comfort her friend and lover. Carmen held Benita tighter for a moment and turned to look at her, but once their eyes met, it proved too much.
"GET OFF ME!" Carmen shouted as she shoved Benita off of her with unexpected strength before her crying returned.
Benita stood there, barely a stride away from Carmen and was unsure of what to do. Her best friend turned to her side and cried. Benita wanted to hold her and comfort her, but at the moment her touch was unwanted. Guilt overwhelmed Benita and tears came to her eyes.
"I'm sorry," Benita said meekly as she started to get dressed again. "I don't know what came over me," She said as she pulled on her skirt, glancing at Carmen.
Carmen looked over at the clearly remorseful Benita and felt sorry for her friend. Carmen stopped crying to watch her friend pull on her blouse and button it up.
"I'll see you later," Benita said over her shoulder as she moved swiftly towards the bedroom door.
"Wait!" Carmen said as she caught up with Benita who had her hand on the bedroom door. "It wasn't just you . . . it was both of us," Carmen said as she pulled on Benita's shoulder to turn her friend to face her.
"You said you didn't want to . . . do that, again, I should have respected that," Benita said remorsefully, looking at her feet.
"Ben, I'm confused. I don't really know what I feel or what I want. I enjoyed . . . 'it', as much as you did. I was caught up in the moment, we both were," Carmen said with sincerity while lifting Benita's chin so her friend would look her in the eye.
"You enjoyed it?" Benita asked in quiet disbelief.
"I told you I did and I meant it," Carmen said with a meek smile as their eyes met.
"I thought you were just saying that . . . to be nice," Benita replied in a self-conscious manner.
"I wasn't! Just because I enjoyed it, doesn't mean I want to do it again, or that we should. We're both women and best friends, this has all happened so fast, I just want some time to sort it all out. I don't hate you or blame you for what we did. We both wanted it and chose to do it." Carmen said as she moved in and hugged Benita in a friendly manner.
"Thanks," Benita said with a warm and reassured smile.
"Now we'd better get out there and have breakfast before mom comes looking for us," Carmen said as she broke the embrace and got dressed.
Breakfast was a tense affair with both Carmen and Benita trying to act as if nothing was different, yet knowing it was. Susan kept trying to work up the nerve to talk about what she had seen, yet not able to find her voice. After breakfast, both Benita and Carmen went down to the place they felt most at home, Whyte Avenue.
In her defence, Carmen did say that a freak-out was coming, unfortunately it came in the middle of Gravity Pope as she was examine a nice pair of black high heels.
"These would look good on you and would match that black dress we saw last week in that place up the way, around the corner. You know, the one with that ruffled sash around the waist, which would help hide your . . ." Carmen said to Benita matter-of-factly before her eyes went as wide as saucers, the significance of the next word in that sentence hit her. "OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE A COCK!" Carmen shouted in shock and started to tremble.
"Yes, love that rooster, never need an alarm clock," Benita replied nervously as she rushed to Carmen clasped her hand on her mouth and held the now vibrating Carmen as she continued to babble.
People started to stare in shock and confusion as Carmen continued to babble, despite having her mouth covered by Benita's hand. Thinking quickly, after spying the door to an unassuming storage closet not far off, Benita dragged Carmen into it and closed the door.
"Will you shut the fuck up!" Benita growled and glared at Carmen until she fell silent.
Benita looked at the now silent, yet still freaked-out Carmen with a raised eyebrow, asking if she will keep quiet if Benita removed her hand. Carmen nodded in reply and Benita slowly removed her hand from Carmen's mouth.
"You have a cock," Carmen said in quiet, yet shocked manner.
"Yes," Benita replied.
"You really have a cock?" Carmen urged a bit more strenuously, yet still keeping her voice down.
"Yes," Benita replied a bit more agitated.
"Really and truly have a cock?" Carmen said, shocked and stunned.
"YES" Benita hissed before she took Carmen's right hand, and shoved it down her own panties and forced Carmen's hand to touch her cock.
"Holy shit!" Carmen said in shocked confusion as instinctively her hand wrapped around the shaft of Benita's cock.
Carmen's hand now started to feel, explore and grope Benita's cock, her mind still in stunned confusion over the development.
"Keep doing that and I'll fuck you right here," Benita said in a lustful growl.
Carmen looked into Benita's eyes with wide eyes of confused horror once more. In a flash she removed her hand from Benita's panties.
"We fucked! We fucked today! Three times today we've fucked! I'm a slut. I'm such a slut! I let my best friend fuck me three times today with her big, fat cock! I'm a . . . " Carmen babbled with stunned confusion until Benita grasped Carmen's head and forced her friend to look her deep in the eyes.
"Yes, we've fucked three times today. I didn't mean for you to find out about my cock but you did. I didn't mean to fuck you but I have. I'm sorry for BURDENING you with all this, and the PAIN that I've caused you. You're obviously better off without me in your life!" Benita said in a manner which started out as firm but her voice cracked with pain and shame the longer she talked.
Benita felt nothing but shame for putting her best friend through so much pain so she let go of her and exited the closet and store before Carmen came to her senses.
Benita was a few stores down the street by the time Carmen caught up with her swiftly walking friend. Benita was focussing on not breaking down and crying in public, yet the odd sob slipped out. Carmen grasped Benita by the arm and spun her to face her. Both women looked each other in the eye as Carmen spoke.
"You don't get to do that! You don't get to dump all that on me and walk away, making me feel like the villain! This is a lot to take in, all at once, so forgive me if I need a bit to adjust to it all! That doesn't mean that I want to lose your friendship over this! I just need a bit of time for it to sink in. I want to be here for you and support you . . . as a friend," Carmen said in a heartfelt manner as she still stood there, clutching Benita's arm as they looked deeply into each other's eyes.
"Thank you, Carmen. I could use a friend right now. I understand how you feel, but I gotta tell you, I loved 'being' with you this morning and would love to 'be' with you again," Benita said with wet eyes and a troubled manner. "I just hope you aren't ashamed of our 'times' together," she added with fear in her wet eyes.
Carmen led Benita by the hand to sit down on a nearby bench, before they continued their private conversation.
"I don't blame you for what's happened and I'm sorry for all you've been through." Carmen said with a sigh, "I'm not ashamed that we had sex, I loved it as much as you did," Carmen said with a sincere tone of voice as she looked at Benita, who still looked ashamed.
"Does that mean we can do it again sometime?" Benita asked with great trepidation as she looked at Carmen with a hopeful, yet fearful gaze.
"This has all happened so fast and is still so fresh to me. You've had time to get used to your attraction to women. Before today, I never looked at a woman twice, and now I . . . I think I 'like' you, Ben," Carmen said in a subdued manner.
"I 'like' you too, Carmen," Benita said in a calm tone in her voice yet hopeful glint in her eye.
"I'm scared, confused and just not ready for any of that. I don't know if I ever will be. Can't we be just friends for now?" Carmen asked with an equally calm tone yet hopeful look in her eye.
"Sure," Benita said with a warm smile, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Now, let's get back in there before all the good shoes are gone," Carmen said with a smirk on her face and a serious tone in her voice.
They did go back into Gravity Pope and pick out a few pairs each that they liked. Benita did pick up the dress that Carmen had suggested before she had her freak-out. The rest of the shopping excursion that day went well and without incident. Even the coffee visit with Stacey was a welcome respite. Even though Stacey could tell that something was going on to cause tension between Carmen and Benita, she didn't say anything.
The week at school was a different matter for Benita, however. All that week at school Benita's sexual excitement was much higher than before. Now that Benita had experienced sex with a woman, using her cock, now that she knew what it could do, she wanted more. Everywhere she looked, Benita was undressing women with her eyes, sizing them up as potential sex partners.
Yet as excited and eager as Benita was to sink her cock into a pussy, something was stopping her: fear. Benita was afraid of the reaction that she would get from a woman once she revealed her cock. How would Benita deal with a near stranger having a freak-out over seeing a woman with a cock? Benita had to be sure that the next person she fucked could handle the situation, and not react badly. Benita was so horny that she needed to fuck a woman but afraid of how any woman would react.
Any woman that is but the one woman who already knew about and had experienced her cock: Carmen. Despite the fact that Carmen seemed to be the obvious answer to her dilemma, Benita wanted to respect Carmen's request for space and friendship only.
Benita masturbated frequently in an attempt to satiate her lust and sexual desires. This helped to take the edge off, but Benita knew that nothing but pussy would do. In a word, Benita needed to fuck and fuck badly, nothing had happened to resolve her situation by the time the Saturday trip to Whyte Avenue rolled around.
Benita and Carmen always enjoyed their time shopping, as it was a welcome respite from Benita's mounting sexual tension. It was also a relief to both women that the friends could still enjoy each other's company. They were still the close friends that they always were, now though it seemed that they were a little closer. Nudity was now a non-issue as Carmen went into the change room with Benita to make sure the clothes fit well.
Carmen had picked out a few outfits to try as well, so the pair selected the largest of the change rooms to change in. Benita had her assortment of clothes on one side and Carmen had her few items on her side. Benita was secretly excited to be nude in the same room with Carmen again but strained to keep control of her impulses. Carmen had removed her pants and was left in only her panties and bra. She was bent over to pick out the skirt she was going to put on when it happened. The sight was more than Benita could handle so she snapped!
Benita was already nude from the waist down when she approached Carmen from behind, emitting a low growl. She put her hand on the small of Carmen's back and ran her finger down to the border of her friend's panties. Carmen looked over her shoulder and smiled at her friend before looking back at the skirt in front of her; Benita's foggy mind took that as consent. In one swift motion Benita pulled Carmen's panties down. Carmen looked over her shoulder in shock just in time to see the fire and determination in her friend's eyes as Benita's cock got into position and lined up to sink into the depths of her own pussy.
"I'm sorry Carmen, I can't help myself. I need this . . . I need you!" Benita said with a look on her face that was a mixture of extreme horniness and regret.
Carmen's eyes went wide and Benita's words brought her out of her confused funk. As Benita thrust forward to enter Carmen, Carmen moved her ass to the side and Benita speared nothing but air, she grunted in frustration.
"No, Ben," Carmen said as she continued to move her ass to the side and sit down.
Secretly and deep down Carmen wanted to fuck Benita as well. Carmen went into the same change room as Benita in hopes she could get a few more looks at Benita's cock. Carmen's thoughts had drifted back to their morning of lovemaking over and over again, since it happened a week ago. She could not get the sights or sounds of it out of her mind. In her heart Carmen craved best friend's cock. Carmen just couldn't come out and admit it, even to herself.
Carmen was confused and scared of not only having sex with her best friend but also what that would lead to. Carmen saw past the few moments of sex and into a relationship. What Carmen was most afraid of was getting involved with another woman, even if it was her best friend. As wonderful as it felt now, it would bring with it a whole new set of challenges that Carmen wasn't ready to face.
"I need this, Carmen. I need you." Benita said in a soft, tender yet needy manner as she sat down beside Carmen.
"Come on, Ben, I already told you that we're not doing it again" Carmen insisted, trying her best to sound firm and definite.
Benita reached out and picked up Carmen's hand and looking deep into Carmen's eyes and making sure she had Carmen's full attention before continuing.
"All week long, everywhere I look there's a set of big tits or tight ass in my face, I just can't stand it!" Benita said as she thought of the pair of breasts she lusted after the most: Stacey's.
"So after looking at all those women you came to me?" Carmen looked at Benita in a soft and touched manner, her guard dropping.
"Yes," Benita said before she held Carmen's hand with one hand and softly traced patterns up her arm with the other. "They got me all hot and horny but I didn't really want to be with them, I wanted to be with you," Benita said as she leaned over and kissed Carmen.
The kiss was a long and lingering kiss which both women eagerly participated in. Benita's hands roamed over Carmen's body, touching and caressing her old friend and new lover all over her body. With her foot, Benita was able to tug Carmen's panties down to the floor, now around her ankle. Benita began to openly fondle and caress Carmen's bountiful breasts with soft and tender touches while the women still kissed.
Benita loved each and every sensation of exploring another woman's body in a new and erotic way. She had seen many women's bodies both nude and partially dressed many times and in many ways over the course of her young life. Never once had she given them a passing thought or looked on them with the slightest hint of desire. Yet here she was, eager to explore each and every corner of a woman's body, starting with Carmen.
Benita traced circles around Carmen's upper body, paying special attention to her breasts with one hand as her other hand ventured south. Benita was excited yet she slowly and leisurely meandered her hand down Carmen's body until she reached her best friend's pussy. Benita teased Carmen's clitoris for a bit, and Carmen's breathing intensified as she did so. Feeling victory was within her grasp, Benita reached further south and thrust two fingers into Carmen's pussy.
That was the moment which brought Carmen out of the erotic dream which had captured her, when Benita began to thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy, Carmen knew what would happen next. Carmen knew this was a prelude to fucking. Part of Carmen wanted to throw her legs open wide, caution to the wind and fuck till dawn. The more rational part of Carmen wanted to stop things right now, before things went too far, yet again. Her rational part won out and Carmen reached down and held Benita's wrist firm.
"Stop! We can't do this," Carmen said as she looked deep into Benita's eyes.
"C'mon," Benita said as she started moving her fingers inside Carmen's pussy. "You know you want to, we both do. You already said you loved it. You know I do! Why not do it again?" Benita added as she moved in and kissed Carmen.
"We can't, I can't!" Carmen said as she pushed Benita away from her and pulled Benita's hand away from her crotch.
"I need you, Carmen, I need to make love to you, again. Can't you see that? Can't you see how much I need you?" Benita said in an imploring tone of voice with eyes which begged to be understood.
"I know exactly what's going on!" Carmen snarled as she stood up abruptly and pulled her panties up. "You're horny and need to fuck, so you came to me, because you figured I would be an easy fuck!" Carmen spat with anger as she thrust her right leg into her pants.
"That's not it, I don't just need to fuck, I need to make love to you!" Benita urged as Carmen put her left leg through her pants and sipped them up.
"I told you before that I was not going to fuck you and I meant it!" Carmen said with a glare as she strode towards the door of the change room. "This is the last time I'll warn you, Ben! Try this again and I'll never speak to you again!" Carmen added before she swiftly left the change room.
Benita hung her head and cried in frustration and sadness. She was both horny beyond belief, but also ashamed for causing the rift between her and Carmen. It was not a conscious decision, it was simply an impulse that went unchecked. Benita feared she would not be able to control these impulses around Carmen unless she found a safe outlet for her sexual desires.