Chapter 07

"Alone Again"

Benita sat at the table in the coffee shop occasionally sipping her coffee, but otherwise staring into nothingness. She felt numb and barely felt anything, either physically or emotionally. The crashing letdown after the emotional high Benita had been on this past week with Stacey left her reeling and not knowing which way was up. For a week, one glorious week, Benita had found the love and acceptance she was looking for, only to find out it wasn't real.

Carmen entered the coffee shop and immediately saw Benita sitting at a table looking like an emotional mess. While keeping an eye on Benita who, as yet, had not noticed her, Carmen ordered her usual coffee. With hot drink and tasty snack in hand, Carmen walked over to Benita's table and only then noticed something odd. A sports bag was tucked under the table by Benita's feet, out of sight.

"Hi, Ben. Going somewhere?" Carmen asked as she sat down at Benita's table.

"No," Benita said in a glum manner before glancing up at Carmen. "Hi, Carmen," Benita added with a forced and weak smile.

"What's going on? Are you still upset about . . ." Carmen asked and lowered her voice before she added, "last Saturday?"

"No," Benita chuckled weakly; the incident with Carmen seemed so long ago.

"Then what is it?" Carmen asked; her voice full of concern as she leaned in, picked up Benita's hand and squeezed it.

"You're a good friend, Carmen," Benita said as she lifted her eyes and smiled warmly into Carmen's eyes. "I'm sorry that I . . . well . . . about last Saturday," Benita added and looked down, ashamed.

"Look, it's in the past, and as long as you remember that I'm your friend and only your friend, it will remain in the past," Carmen said in a comforting manner.

"So, you're not even tempted?" Benita asked with a raised eyebrow, her wounded pride looking for some sort of reassurance of her desirability.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted, but I am not going to have sex with you again, and that's final," Carmen said and withdrew her hand, shifting back in her seat. "If that's what this is about you can just forget about it," she added and started to get up from the table.

"Don't go," Benita said after grasping Carmen's arm. "Please," she added after slowly looking up at Carmen. "I've accepted that . . . I'm not looking for 'that' from you, I promise," Benita finally said, and at that, Carmen nodded and sat back down.

"Ben, what the hell is going on?" Carmen in a concerned, yet slightly agitated tone as she settled herself in the seat.

"After . . . you, 'left' last Saturday, I was so . . . 'excited' that I sought out someone who might help 'alleviate' my condition." Benita started out carefully.

"What? Talk plainly, Ben," Carmen replied, slightly flustered.

"I was horny so I found someone to fuck," Benita curtly replied in a lowered tone of voice.

"What? Who?" Carmen asked curiously, now leaning in.

"Someone had mentioned that they were interested in me and gave me an open invitation for sex anytime I wanted, so I took her up on it," Benita replied, again not wanting to divulge too much information.

"Who? Do I know her?" Carmen asked. Fear flashed in Benita's eyes and Carmen then knew instantly who Benita was referring to. "STACEY?" Carmen asked in a shocked manner.

"YES!" Benita hissed and glared at Carmen and both women leaned in to talk privately.

"It was supposed to be just a one-time thing but we ended up spending the week together," Benita said with pain lingering in her eyes and in her voice.

"Is that why you've been so busy this week? I thought you were avoiding me," Carmen said in a knowing manner as she nodded her head.

"NO! Look I won't go into details but it was wonderful, ALL of it. I thought what we had was something real and lasting but . . . it wasn't," Benita said as she hung her head and sobbed once, fighting hard not to cry in public.

"I take it she didn't mind about your . . . you know," Carmen asked in a delicate manner, glancing around the coffee shop.

"MIND? She LOVED it! Why WOULDN'T she?" Benita replied indignantly, finishing with a snort.

"No reason, just curious," Carmen replied in a surrendering and defensive manner, putting her hands up to indicate she wanted peace.

"Apparently I was just 'a little something on the side'," Benita said glumly and looked off in another direction to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Ouch," Carmen said sympathetically.

There was a pause in the conversation as both women sat and sipped their coffee in silence. Carmen wanted to say something to comfort Benita and ease her friend's pain, but knew no words which would do just that.

"Well, there's only one thing I know that can cure all your ills," Carmen said finally, in a chipper tone.

"Pussy?" Benita replied with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"I thought we agreed you'd stop that!" Carmen said in amidst a mild giggling fit. "I was talking about shopping!" she added, trying to sound serious and ever so slightly indignant.

"Still rather have pussy, but shopping will do," Benita said with a larger smirk and a chuckle of her own.

"You're hopeless!" Carmen added with her best attempt at a stern look amidst her dying giggle-fit.

"What? I was getting it hot-n-heavy for the past week, I was getting used to it," Benita said in a cocky tone of voice with just a hint of defensiveness as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Look, I don't want to know the details; now do you want to go shopping or not?" Carmen replied in an uncomfortable manner with a furrowed brow.

"Sorry," Benita apologized. "Shopping sounds good, right about now," Benita added with a warm smile.

"Good, now you can drop your bag at my place," Carmen said as she breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, picking up her nearly empty cup of coffee.

"Thanks, I don't want to lug this thing around every shop on Whyte Ave," Benita replied with a chuckle as she stood up and followed Carmen out the door.

Carmen and Benita strolled down the street some time later, after checking out a few stores. After a particularly attractive brunette walked by in tight jeans, Benita turned her head to check out the woman's rear end. The sight which Benita beheld was certainly not a disappointment. In short, the woman looked as desirable walking away, as she did walking towards. Her jeans seemed to be painted on and one wondered how she could move so gracefully in such tight clothing, yet somehow she managed it.

"Damn, now that's an ass!" Benita said under her breath as she openly stared at the brunette's swaying rear end. Carmen rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I don't get it, what gives? A few weeks ago you were all freaked out for finding even one woman attractive and now here you are openly ogling every woman we meet!" Carmen said before giving Benita a smack in the arm.

"What? I like women!" Benita said as she turned around and continued walking and talking with Carmen. "I didn't ask for this to happen to me but it did. I can't change who I am. I guess I've just come to accept it," Benita said in a defensive manner as her eyes darted to check out a cute Chinese teen crossing the street.

"So you've come to accept that you've got a cock and want to fuck women with it?" Carmen asked in a droll, yet lowered, tone of voice as she looked at Benita incredulously.

"It's one of the things that Stacey helped me with. I don't see anything wrong with my body or my desires. I'm sorry if you do, but this is just who I am. You're going to have to accept it," Benita said in a confident manner as she stole a glance down Carmen's top.

"Don't put words in my mouth, I never said there was anything wrong with you . . . odd maybe, but not wrong," Carmen said with a bit of a chuckle.

Carmen's chuckling stopped suddenly when Benita stopped, grasped Carmen's arm and forced her to stand and face her. Benita glared Carmen in the eye defiantly.

"Look, I'm proud of who and what I am. I am proud of my cock, anybody would be proud to have a cock like mine! I don't judge or make snide little comments about your body, do I? So don't insult or put down mine!" Benita said in a defiant, yet hurt, tone of voice before she let go of Carmen and continued walking, swiftly.

Carmen pursued Benita and then caught up with her. This time it was Carmen who stopped the pair from walking and made Benita face her.

"Look, you may be all fine and dandy with everything that's been going on with you, but I'm still adjusting to it, okay? For the record I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with you, but you're right, I shouldn't make comments about 'it.' I didn't mean to be insulting, but I do wish you weren't so defensive about it all!" Carmen said with a firm yet soothing tone of voice.

"Well, as long as that's settled, what do you say that we get back to shopping?" Benita said with a confident nod and smile on her face.

"Good," Carmen said as the pair resumed walking down the sidewalk. "As long as we're on the subject of who and what we are, let me just remind you that I am a straight woman and proud of it," Carmen said with a smirk, glancing sideways at Benita.

"So you say, but we both know you want me," Benita said in a confident and knowing manner without even looking at Carmen.

Before Carmen could reply, Benita turned and walked into a nearby store. Carmen sputtered in reply and scowled before following Benita into that store. Carmen never did mention anything, as it was not a conversation that she wanted to start with Benita. Sex was still a divisive issue between them, at least as far as Carmen was concerned. All Carmen wanted to mend their strained friendship not break it. As long as Carmen remained firm on her platonic stance, she believed that, in time, they would go back to just being friends.

The rest of the shopping experience went without incident and for the most part both Benita and Carmen had a good time. Other than Benita eyeing up all the attractive women, Carmen and Benita were acting like they had in times gone by. By the end of the day Carmen had gotten used to Benita's roving eye. Once, Carmen even pointed out a large-breasted Arabian woman who Carmen had noticed but Benita had not. Once the shopping day was over the pair found themselves standing outside Carmen's building.

"Why don't you come in and watch a movie?" Carmen asked with a friendly smile on her face as she motioned to the door of the apartment building.

"I don't think so," Benita said dismissively. "I think I'm gonna go home," she added after a brief pause.

"C'mon, It's been a fun day, and I just don't think you should be alone tonight," Carmen replied with a light and fun tone of voice. "I can trust you to behave yourself, can't I?" Carmen added with a laugh.

"It's not that . . . thanks for the offer, but I really think I just need some time to myself tonight," Benita said in a sincere tone, yet sad look in her eye.

"Well, I'm here for you if you need me," Carmen said as she reached out and hugged Benita. "As a friend," she added in an obvious manner, after which both women chuckled.

"I know," Benita said squeezed Carmen tighter before breaking the embrace and walking away.

Carmen watched Benita walk away for a moment before turning and entering her apartment building. Benita on the other hand continued walking until she spied a nearby quiet pub and walked inside.

Benita did want to be alone with her thoughts and decide what to do from here. It had been such a chance meeting with Stacey and it worked out so beautifully. Benita wondered if it could happen again? What would Benita do if the next woman freaked out when she found out about her cock? Could she take that kind of rejection? Benita sipped her beer, lost in her own thoughts. It wasn't until well into her third beer that Benita's private world was smashed. In her tipsy state Benita didn't react right away when a sports bag was dropped down beside her barstool.

"Alone with your thoughts, eh?" Carmen said in a slightly condescending tone as she sat down on the barstool next to Benita.

"Are you following me, home now?" Benita said with a slight slur as she glanced over at Carmen before taking a long swig of beer.

"No, I found your bag in my room and came down to the bus-stop but you weren't there. I figured you had already caught the bus, but on the way back to my place I saw you in the window," Carmen said just as the bartender approached.

"What'll you have?" The silver-haired bartender asked in a gravelly voice.

"Coke," Carmen replied and turned her attention back to Benita.

Benita raised her now empty bottle of beer and the bartender nodded, knowingly and left.

"Fine. Thanks for returning my bag," Benita replied before trying to take another swig of beer out of the empty bottle.

"I take it you're still upset about Stacey?" Carmen asked as the bartender placed the glass of coke in front of her and a bottle of beer in front of Benita.

"What was your first clue, Sherlock?" Benita said as she looked at Carmen and giggled, for no apparent reason and she leaned towards Carmen.

As Benita had her hand on Carmen's shoulder she continued to giggle and hold onto Carmen for support. Benita dropped her head forward and laughed for a moment more, liking her own 'Sherlock' joke. Once Benita's giggling died down, there was a momentary pause as Benita took a long and obvious look down Carmen's top.

"You have nice tits, you should show them off more," Benita plainly said while openly examining Carmen's breasts with a keen eye for detail.

Calmly and deliberately Benita reached up and unbuttoned one more button on Carmen's blouse. With a light tug on the outside swells of Carmen's breasts, Benita made Carmen's blouse open up considerably more. Benita smiled, nodded to herself and openly admired Carmen's considerable cleavage, nicely framed by her large, round breasts restrained by blouse. Before Carmen could recover from the shock of being ever so slightly undressed in public, something happened. A man in his late twenties walked by, looked at Carmen's cleavage, then up to her face and smiled.

"See, nice tits," Benita said knowingly after the man had passed out of earshot. "Nice 'Manbait' you've got there. You want to catch a man, you listen to me. Cleavage is your new best friend, you're not leaving the house without it," Benita said in something akin to a commanding tone.

"Thanks, Ben," Carmen said in an uncomfortable manner as she began to reach up in order to button her top back up.

"Listen Woman, you're not allowed to have any less than the top four buttons undone on any top you wear. If I catch you with less, I'll make you unbutton an extra one! If you wear a T-shirt it better be a tight one or I'll cut it off of you," Benita said in a commanding tone of voice as she glared right into Carmen's eyes.

Once Benita started to talk, Carmen's hands froze, unable to move up or down. An unknown shudder ran down Carmen's spine when Benita clearly gave her an order. Carmen's brow furrowed as she silently lowered her hands, denying that her pussy had started to weep, yet her panties started to get wet. An uncomfortable silence followed as Carmen turned towards the bar and sipped her coke, showing more cleavage than she had ever done in public.

"Look, let's get back to why you're here, I know you're upset about Stacey and are hurting right now, but this will pass," Carmen said in a sincere tone of voice as she sipped on her coke, looking at Benita with concern in her voice and confusion on her face.

"You don't understand," Benita said in a hurt tone of voice as she slacked her shoulders and fought back crying as a few tears came forth.

"Oh but I do understand. I may not have dated a woman but I have fallen in love. It was wonderful. It was great. It was perfect. She accepted you for who and what you are so you felt loved and complete because of it . . . but it didn't work out, did it?" Carmen said in a calm and deliberate manner as she eyed up Benita, out of the corner of her eye.

"No, it didn't," Benita said with a slur and waver in her voice before taking another exaggerated swig of beer.

"I understand that you need some time to heal right now, but sooner or later you will have to get back out there and meet new people," Carmen said in a confident and knowledgeable tone.

"I don't want to meet new people, I want Stacey," Benita said with a pout.

"Stacey is not the only woman out there, you will find someone new. You just need to give it time," Carmen said as she rubbed Benita's back in a soothing manner.

"Oh, that's the answer, isn't it? Every woman will just naturally accept my cock, won't she?" Benita said in a challenging and condescending manner as she turned to face Carmen.

The bartender was not that far away and glanced at Benita with a raised eyebrow before returning to cleaning the glass he was holding.

"The right woman won't care about any of that, she will accept you for you," Carmen said in a sincere and genuine tone with a friendly smile on her face.

"Thanks, Carmen, you're a good friend," Benita said with a warm smile which Carmen returned. Before Carmen could thank Benita for the compliment, Benita spoke again. "You're a good woman with a great set of tits. Wanna go back to your place and fuck?" Benita added with a sincere tone before she openly looked down Carmen's top and licked her lips.

"And that's my cue to pour you into a cab," Carmen said with a shocked and very uneasy manner as she stood up.

"Oh, you wanna go to my place instead?" Benita asked as she let Carmen stand her up.

"You're going to your place, and if I'm not there right away, start without me," Carmen said as she put her arm around Benita's waist.

"Oh gooddie, we're gonna do it!" Benita giggled in a drunken slur as Carmen picked up the sports bag and walked Benita towards the door.

Carmen managed to get Benita out of the bar and flag down a cab before things got interesting. As the cab pulled over not far from where Benita and Carmen were, a Japanese girl exited a nearby nightclub. From the way she was stumbling around, it was clear that she was very drunk yet appeared to be too young to have been in anyplace serving alcohol.

With Suki's Asian heritage it was hard to accurately guess her age but while she looked to be not a day over fourteen, she was in fact twenty years old. Even though she had a traditional Japanese name, she had been born and raised in Alberta. Suki was as Canadian as the next gal and being raised in small-town Alberta made her a borderline redneck. English was her first language, and she only spoke a few phrases of Japanese, so Suki spoke English without a hint of a Japanese accent.

Suki was a cheap drunk, as going out to the bar was not something she did on a regular basis. She was letting off some steam, after a particularly hard time of cramming and studying. Suki was attending the University of Alberta and lived not far from campus and not far from Whyte Avenue.

Suki was the picture of petite, yet perfect, proportions; she stood only five feet tall and not an inch taller. Suki's whole body was petite and small, yet she was proportioned perfectly to that height, right down to her pert B cup breasts. She was quite slender and shapely, having a mature and fully formed body but looking quite young despite it. All in all Suki looked like a hot young teen, the kind that attracts the attention of an adult, only to make them feel guilty for looking at someone so young. In Suki's case was okay, since she was indeed twenty years old, she only looked fourteen.

"Oh great; my cab!" Suki said to nobody in particular and began to stumble towards it.

Carmen managed to get Benita over to the cab while repeatedly moving Benita's hand up from Carmen's ass to her waist. This slowed down the pair and so Suki arrived at the cab before Carmen and Benita did. When Carmen got Benita near to the cab she had given up on moving Benita's hand from her ass. As a result, not only did Benita have a handful of Carmen's ass she was mauling and manhandling it, like she owned it. The wetness in her panties grew considerably during this period yet still Carmen denied that her panties were the least bit damp.

"Oh damn, well, we'll get another one," Carmen said before she started to flag down another cab.

"No, that's my cab! That bitch stole my cab!" Benita said angrily and indignantly as she glared at Suki entering the cab in question.

Not to let this perceived insult and slight go unchallenged, Benita broke free of Carmen's embrace. Benita ran towards the cab with surprising speed and agility for a drunken woman. Just as the cab started to drive, Benita opened the back door and fell in, somehow closing the door behind her.

Carmen sighed, rolled her eyes, and started to walk back to her place with Benita's sports bag slung over her shoulder.

Inside the cab however the mood was tense as Suki blinked in confusion looking at Benita whose head just appeared on her lap.

"What are you doing in my cab, bitch?" Suki challenged, as she straightened Benita up with a hard shove.

"I'm claiming what's rightfully mine," Benita said with a firm tone in a cool, confident manner, while looking at Suki expectantly as she straightened up her own clothes.

"Me or the cab?" Suki said with a raised eyebrow, clearly questioning Benita's sanity, before rolling her eyes.

There was no way for Suki to know that in Benita's current tipsy state, it was the worst possible retort Suki could give. Benita had entered the cab with the intention of only claiming the cab, kicking Suki to the curb, literally. Suki's retort forced Benita to ponder yet another possibility. Benita was tipsy, but not drunk, meaning she was just drunk enough that her inhabitations were gone, yet still sober enough to act on her impulses.

"Both," Benita replied in commanding tone of voice as she sat up straighter and glared at Suki.

"Whatever," Suki said with a roll of her eyes before she leaned forward to speak to the cab driver.

Suki had opened her mouth to speak and had fully turned towards the front of the cab before Benita moved. In a flash Benita had Suki by the scalp and pulled on Suki's natural black leash. Suki squealed in pain as she was pulled unexpectedly back by her hair.

"Listen, Woman, as of right now you're mine for the night!" Benita snarled with fire in her eyes as she held the terrified Suki's face next to her own so she could speak softly.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go of me, you crazy bitch!" Suki replied angrily as she tried to extricate her hair from Benita's clutches.

"Don't you get it, Woman? I CLAIM you, do you hear me, as of right now you are my SLAVE for the night!" Benita snarled as she shook Suki's hair once.

"Fuck off!" Suki spat back.

In one swift motion Benita moved to the centre of the cab and pulled Suki across her lap. Before Suki knew what was happening, Benita started to spank Suki hard and fast, not letting her prey react at all. Suki squealed at first and then cried as her jeans-covered ass was spanked for the first time since she was ten.

"Do you understand yet, Woman? I'm in charge and you're my slave, RIGHT?" Benita asked as she still held Suki by the hair, across her lap.

At that moment, Suki cursed her father. While she loved him, he had always been a demanding and domineering figure in her life. Her upbringing had been a mix of traditional Japanese ways and values with a typical small-town prairie experience. It was a smashing and blending together of two worlds but as a result, Suki always deferred to authority. Even though Suki knew better and had a right to and should resist, she couldn't help herself. When push came to shove she always gave in and submitted to those who asserted their authority in strong ways, such as her father and now Benita.

"RIGHT?" Benita asked again with a tug of Suki's straight, black hair.

"Yes," Suki replied meekly, not sure why she was giving in yet unable to do anything but, submit.

"Who is in charge?" Benita asked as she lightened up her grip on Suki's hair, just a bit.

"You are," Suki replied, still staring at the door handle of the cab.

"And who is going to be a good little girl and do everything I tell her to do?" Benita asked in a leading and expectant tone of voice.

"I am," Suki said in a defeated tone of voice and sighed her final submission.

"Good girl," Benita said as she let go of Suki's hair and stroked it gently, in a soft and almost loving manner. "Now, you know how to suck cock, don't you?" Benita asked confidently.

Suki turned and looked at Benita with a perplexed expression but a low growl and raised eyebrow from Benita put Suki in her place.

"Yes," Suki replied trying to hide her confusion.

"Good, then you'll know what to do with this," Benita said as she shoved Suki off of her lap and into a kneeling position on the floor of the cab.

Benita then pulled her panties down and off before opening her legs wide and holding up her skirt. There, revealed before Suki was Benita's cock, fully engorged in a throbbing erection. Suki's eyes grew wide as saucers and her mouth dropped as stunned confusion came over for seeing something she knew wasn't possible.

"Oh my god, you've got a . . . " was all Suki got out before Benita slapped Suki to shut her up.

"I didn't say you could talk! Now shut the fuck up and suck it!" Benita commanded as she glared expectantly at Suki.

Suki blinked twice before she leaned forward and began to suck Benita's cock in her tried and true standard pattern. Suki, like Carmen, had kept her virginity by sucking off all manner of guys trying to get into her pants. Suki, however, was not still a virgin before she met Benita; her last boyfriend had deflowered her a few years back. They had done it regularly, until they broke up, when he moved to college on the other side of the country. While her father still believed Suki was a virgin simply because he had ordered her to remain so, Suki's mother was more practical. Suki had been on the birth control pill since she had been sixteen years old.

Suki pushed the strangeness of the fact that she was sucking a woman's cock out of her mind and instead focussed on the act of sucking cock. Suki already knew that she was far too gone to turn back now. Like it or not, her ass belonged to this strange woman she didn't even know the name of.

Ahmed, the cab driver, never wanted any trouble so he stuck to his job, which was driving the cab. He knew better than to get involved in the squabbles and arguments that had taken place in the backseat of his cab. The few times he had intervened with the best of intentions had always ended up with him getting in trouble. The worst was when he stopped a man from raping a woman in the back seat, only to be charged with assault and almost deported as a result. It ended up being that the man and woman had a stormy relationship and to put it simply, she liked it rough. Unless someone's life was clearly being threatened or someone was being robbed, Ahmed never ever got involved. Since Suki had paid and tipped him with cash in advance for the cab-ride, he saw no reason to get involved in the goings on in the back seat. Besides, only a few more blocks to go and then these two would not be his problem anymore.

Benita sat back and stretched out, placing her hands on the top of the backseat of the cab. She smiled to herself her good fortune and revelled in deliciousness of the situation. Benita saw a nice piece of ass and claimed it by sheer force of will. If all, or even most, women were this easy, Benita's life was going to be very interesting from now on.

Benita looked down at the steady bouncing rhythm that Suki had set out and the hollowed out cheeks of the young Japanese woman. Benita smiled as she knew that Suki was putting in a good effort and doing an admirable job in sucking her cock. For that fact alone, Benita was tempted to keep Suki as a slave, but knew that would simply ask for trouble. Benita then realized that, as far as she could see, Stacey was right, fuck them then leave them. Life was less complicated that way.

The cab pulled over in front of a tall apartment building and Ahmed didn't even turn around. Benita pushed Suki's head back and off of her cock so suddenly that a popping sound was heard once mouth broke seal with cockhead. Suki looked up at Benita confused. Suki had truly lost herself in the act of sucking cock that she didn't notice anything but cock.

"We're here . . . apparently," Benita said as she looked at the neighbourhood.

"My place?" Suki asked in confusion as she also surveyed the neighbourhood.

"Is that where you were going in my cab, Woman?" Benita asked in a condescending manner.

"Yes," Suki replied.

"Then that's where we are. For future reference you will properly address me as 'Mistress.' Do you understand?" Benita looked down at Suki who nodded, not wanting to speak. Benita looked at Suki, closed her eyes to slits, Suki's eyes then widened.

"Yes, Mistress, I understand," Suki replied, in response to which, Benita smiled and nodded in approval.

Suki's tension then fell and she watched Benita put her panties back on, pull her skirt back down and then get out of the cab. Suki didn't need to be told to get out of the cab, she simply followed Benita. Benita had not realized that in her angry departure from Stacey's that morning, she never placed her socks in her panties to disguise her cock. She had been walking all around Whyte Avenue all day with simply a pair of panties under her skirt.

Benita stood there and watched as the cab left, before turning her attention to Suki, who stood patiently beside Benita. Suki knew instinctually not to speak or act until spoken or directed to. Her father had inadvertently trained her to be a good submissive . . . if he could see her now, he would be horrified.

"Do you live alone, Woman?" Benita asked Suki in a firm tone.

"No, Mistress, but my roommate is visiting her parents this weekend," Suki replied in a submissive tone, keeping her eyes down.

"Are you going to lead me to your place or are you going to make me guess where you live, Woman," Benita retorted in a firm and condescending manner.

"This way, Mistress," Suki said with a bow and started to walk towards the tall apartment building.

Suki walked straighter and with greater dexterity than she had done walking towards the cab. It seemed her forced submission to Benita had sobered her up a bit, yet still she was helplessly under Benita's sway. As Suki opened the door, holding it open for Benita to walk through she wondered why she was doing any of this. Even now she was eagerly seeking Benita's approval, wanting to please her new Mistress, yet not understanding why.

Up on the tenth floor Suki opened the door to her apartment and let Benita walk through first, waiting until Benita was fully inside before daring to enter. As soon as the door was closed and before Suki had moved from the plain straw welcome mat Benita spoke up.

"Strip, Woman," Benita commanded as she turned on the spot to see Suki slightly trembling, holding her keys.

"Mistress?" Suki asked in a submissive, yet fearful tone.

"You will not step off of that mat until you have removed all of your clothes, Woman," Benita commanded in a regal manner as she stood up straight.

Suki sighed; she already knew what was going to happen and where this night would lead, yet was powerless to alter the course of events it seemed. This was not how she had envisioned celebrating her successfully studying for and taking her midterms. Suki had told her friends that she was going outside to get some air, with no intentions of going home. When she saw the cab, however, Suki, in her drunken state, assumed it was time to go home. Suki had forgotten her cell phone and purse on the table back at the bar. Her keys and cash were the only thing she kept in her pants and so were the only things she had with her.

Suki placed her keys and remaining cash she had on her on the small bookcase near the door. Then Suki began removing clothes, one by one starting with her shirt. Benita smiled a Cheshire-cat grin as Suki's nubile form came into view. Suki looked every bit as exquisite nude as her clothes hinted she would. Benita smiled and nodded to herself as she noted that Suki was one very beautiful woman with a tight, hot body.

"Now that you look respectable in your Mistress's presence, Woman, you can continue worshiping me," Benita said as she walked over to the couch.

The small living room was decorated exclusively with 'IKEA' furniture and screamed "College Student." Somehow along the way to the couch Benita removed her clothes. By the time she sat down in the middle of the plush, white couch with her ass on the edge and her legs spread wide she was buck-naked.

Benita didn't bother to move the coffee table even though her toes almost touched it on either corner. It was clear that it would have to be moved in order for Suki to take her place at Benita's feet. Benita wanted Suki to work a bit before having the privilege of sucking her cock again.

"Mistress?" Suki asked, still confused and still standing nude on the welcome mat.

"Get over here and suck my cock! What are you, stupid or something?" Benita said with a condescending snort as she glared at Suki in a manner which questioned her sanity.

"Yes, Mistress," Suki replied and immediately walked over to Benita as quickly as she could.

It took only a hard, hasty and careless shove of the coffee table before Suki was once again between Benita's thighs. Once Suki wrapped her lips around the head of Benita's cock, she oddly enough felt like she was home. As her lips descended on the fat monster, she maddeningly felt safe and secure, in her place as the possession of another. Suki wanted to know why it was that simply knowing that someone was looking out for her, making decisions for her, was a great comfort to her.

"Don't forget my pussy either, Woman," Benita said as she looked down at Suki who was struggling to swallow more than half of her cock.

"I won't, Mistress," Suki said in a happy and chipper tone of voice after taking her lips off of Benita's cock just long enough to speak.

With two fingers, Suki found Benita's pussy and began pleasing it at the same time she pleased Benita's cock. Suki had seemingly skipped over the shock of Benita having a cock and moved right to acceptance due to the fact of being forcibly claimed. In her rush to please and gain the approval of the woman who had been her Mistress for less than twenty minutes, Suki forgot she was supposed to question this fact.

Even though Suki had never looked at another woman twice she now licked her way down Benita's fat cock on her way to Benita's pussy. Suki wanted to please Benita in all ways and this meant licking her slit too. Suki came face to face with the first pussy in her life and a soon as she could she probed and licked everywhere she could with her tongue. When Suki's tongue brought back the first morsels of Benita's pussy-juice back into her mouth, Suki was hooked. Yet another maddening turn to this bizarre evening was to find out that she liked pussy.

Benita had to grip the back of the couch tight and a deep, guttural, long moan escaped her lips as Suki started her slit-licking work. At that moment, while she would never admit it to another person, Benita was in love with Suki's tongue. It boggled the mind, how the inexperienced Suki could be a better pussy-eater than the well-experienced Stacey. The proof was in the pudding however, when Benita threw her head back as far as the plush cushions of the couch would allow.

"Cumming!" Benita screamed as she thrust her hips up in the air as every muscle in her body tensed up.

Suki was quick and agile; she only missed the first blast of Benita's cum, which landed on Suki's cheek. Suki managed to wrap her lips around Benita's cock by the time the second blast of Benita's cum shot out of her cock. Suki was not satisfied with having just the cockhead inside her mouth, she wanted it all. Suki shoved as much as she could manage of Benita's big, fat cock in her mouth and swallowed repeatedly. Benita was in seventh heaven and was lost in a world of bliss as Suki swallowed every last morsel of Benita's essence that was blown out the end of her cock. When the cuming was done, Benita slumped down, spent; her breathing heavy and quick.

Suki did not need to be told to clean up Benita's wet and messy thighs and pussy, she wanted to. By the time Benita regained her senses, Suki had already licked Benita's pussy and groin area clean.

"Did I do well, Mistress?" Suki asked in a manner which conveyed her genuine desire to serve and please Benita.

The question in itself was enough to excite Benita and force blood to flow back into her large cock, but Suki genuine and inquisitive look accelerated that.

"Yes, you have done well, Woman," Benita said in a warm and affectionate manner as she stroked Suki's hair.

"Thank you, Mistress, I am happy to please you," Suki replied beaming her pure joy at the knowledge that she had done a good job at pleasing her Mistress.

"Lead me to your bed, Woman," Benita said in a determined expression with a throbbing erection twitching in Suki's face.

"This way, Mistress," Suki said submissively, with a bow before getting up and walking in a swift and determined manner towards one of the two bedrooms.

Once in the room, Suki only just entered the room, stood to the side, with her ass and shoulder-blades touching the wall as she motioned to the single bed in the far corner.

"Get on it, lie on your back, in the middle of it," Benita said in a husky tone of voice as soon as she entered the room, swiftly passing Suki.

"Yes Mistress," Suki said with a hint of fear and excitement in her voice as she swiftly moved to comply.

As Suki lay back on her bed and spread her legs wide in anticipation of the obvious fuck that was to come, she was conflicted. Suki was excited, eager and fearful of the same event. Suki knew that any moment now she would have the big fat cock she had just sucked imbedded in her pussy.

Part of Suki, the submissive part, would eagerly do anything to please her Mistress. Yet another part of Suki was confused, scared and mortified that such a thing would be taking place. She was about to admit the cock of someone she didn't even know the name of and would probably never see again. Suki was not a slut and had never ever considered herself as such yet here she was acting like a slut.

Benita never took her eyes off of looking deep into Suki's dark-brown eyes as she moved towards and crawled onto the bed. Benita smiled a cocky grin as she entered the bed and positioned herself above Suki. Without being told, Suki had positioned herself spread eagle on the bed, in the most submissive manner she could think of. Benita shifted her cock and cockhead nudged pussy for the first time and Suki drew a deep, sharp breath at the intimate contact.

"Up until now, you've been a good and eager slave. By now you must realize that I want to fuck you," Benita said as she ran her cockhead up and down Suki's slit. In response Suki just writhed in pure bliss. "I will never Ra*e you or anyone else; you have a choice. Here and now tell me what you want, if you want me to leave, I will leave, no questions asked, but if you want me to fuck you, as I want to fuck you, then tell me so, now," Benita said as in a soothing manner while stroking Suki's hair lovingly.

Suki's mind froze as the sane and "normal" part of her mind knew what to say . . . "get out you crazy bitch!" Yet it was the other side, her submissive side who felt she had earned this fuck and therefore needed to feel that big, fat cock wedged inside her small pussy. It took but a moment for Suki to answer.

"Fuck me, Mistress. I am yours for the taking," Suki said with a loving smile while looking deep into Benita's eyes.

"As you wish," Benita said with a cocky chuckle.

With a shift of the hips Benita shoved her cock past the entrance of Suki's pussy. With steady pressure Benita was able to shove her cock half-way into the pussy of the third woman she had ever fucked: Suki. Simply put, since Suki's body was so small and her pussy was so proportionally small, she couldn't take anymore. Suki's ex-boyfriend and the only man she had ever fucked had been a thinner cock and measured just over five inches long.

Suki was out of her mind in pleasure from the moment Benita's cock spit her nether-lips. Every last sensation that her pussy experienced during the initial entry was amplified and played out in slow motion. Suki's mind and sanity started to crack as Benita's cock was wedged as far as Suki's body would allow. Suki whimpered as Benita withdrew her cock, fearful that her Mistress would pull her cock out, deeming Suki's pussy unworthy. Bliss filled Suki when Benita began her second stroke, shoving her big, fat cock back inside Suki's small pussy.

Benita was fast becoming addicted to Suki's pussy as well as her talented tongue. Benita had to remind herself that Suki was just a one-night-stand, a random piece of ass that she claimed and fucked, simply because she could. Benita probably should have taken it slow and easy; gently stroking Suki's pussy with her larger-than-average cock. Benita was lost in the exquisite pleasure that the ultra-tight pussy was giving her cock and had to fuck Suki hard and fast.

While Suki felt like she was being split in two with the large, fat cock, she was lost in la-la-land of bliss that the gigantic member brought her. As expected, the fuck didn't pass the five minute mark before someone came, which triggered the other's orgasm.

It was Suki who came with a force and intensity that she had never known to be possible. It was at that moment, as her whole body shook and convulsed with the power of the intense orgasm that her mind and sanity finally snapped. Suki came with such intensity that her pussy convulsed and clamped down so hard that Benita was held in place in mid-stroke. As Suki's pussy vibrated around her cock, Benita threw her head back, moaned and came like a fire-hose inside Suki's pussy. At that moment, as Suki and Benita experienced ultimate bliss at the same time, Suki realized her life's mission: serving Mistress.

"I am yours, Mistress, for now and all time," Suki said with an exhausted smile, with a look of pure love as she looked into her Mistress's face, once again seeking approval.

Benita looked back at Suki with a confused expression as her mind tried to grasp what had just happened and the magnitude of Suki's pledge. For a brief second, Benita, in her heart, had accepted and revelled in Suki's eternal servitude. The cynical Benita, the one who was still stinging from Stacey's rejection quickly took control.

"Don't get stupid on me! I told you, that you were mine only for the night!" Benita said before slapping Suki before pulling out of her and getting up.

"But Mistress, I need you! I want to serve you!" Suki said with confusion as she sat up on the bed, as Benita quickly exited the bedroom, wiping tears from her eyes, when Suki wasn't looking.

"I claimed you, I fucked you and now I'm leaving you!" Benita said harshly as she threw on her shirt, panties and skirt.

Suki dropped to her knees and into a pleading position as tears streamed forth from her eyes.

"Please, Mistress! I swear I will serve you well and faithfully from now till the day I die!" Suki said in amongst the tears and sobs, as Benita finished dressing.

"You're not my problem anymore," Benita said before she swiftly exited the apartment, closing the door harshly behind her.

"MISTRESS, DON'T LEAVE ME!" Suki cried out in a pitiful sound while reaching out towards the door.

Suki slumped down onto the floor and cried the pain of her rejection. She cried hard and long until she finally cried herself to sleep.​
Next page: Chapter 08
Previous page: Chapter 06