Chapter 08

"The Hunt Begins"

Sometime in the middle of the night Suki, somehow made it back to her bed. So, the next morning when Suki woke up in her own bed with a killer headache, the images from the previous night seemed like a bizarre dream. Snippets of her submission to, and subsequent sex with Benita flashing across Suki's mind and consciousness.

Suki got up and clumsily walked into the living room, on her way to the kitchen, in search of the life-giving fluid known as coffee. Out of the corner of her eye something odd and out of place in the living room caught her attention so she stopped and looked.

Suki's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open when she saw the coffee table was askew. It wasn't simply askew but in exactly the same position as she had pushed it in her dream. The dream where she had submitted to a woman that she had brought home and been fucked by, since the dream woman had a cock.

Shaking her head and writing it off as a wild imagination and a night of intense drinking, Suki went to the kitchen. After brewing and pouring herself a cup of coffee, Suki went to the living room to watch some morning television. After plopping herself down on the couch something stuck into her ass and made her normally comfortable couch uncomfortable. Reaching under her ass Suki pulled out the offending item and held it up for examination and classification.

Suki's mind froze when her eyes fell on the white, lacy bra, which, while being a B cup bra was too large to be hers. It was then that the shocking reality hit her, last night was no dream . . . it was real! Suki had indeed submitted herself to a strange woman who had a cock. Even as the shock of the reality of the unreal situation began to sink in, her longing and desire to serve and submit to her Mistress returned with fervour.
* * * *​

Sunday afternoon rolled around and Stacey was lying in bed like a lump. She had managed to get herself motivated enough to feed, change and tend to baby Dean before she flopped back down into her bed. Stacey held her slave collar in her hand, as she stared blankly at it, drained of all emotion. She hadn't slept a wink of sleep last night had had spent most of Saturday crying.

Even as the door closed behind Benita the day before, Stacey regretting letting Benita get away. Stacey loved Benita in every way: what they did together, the kinkiness of their relationship, her cock and simply Benita the person. Stacey's greatest fear had been blown by and left in the dust. Stacey was not simply attached to Benita, but in love with her.

Now, over twenty-four hours after Benita had exited Stacey's apartment and life, Stacy was still a mess. Stacey had managed get motivated enough to get out of bed long enough to tend to her baby. Dean was the only thing that could get her to do anything but cry.

The door to the apartment opened up and without looking, Stacey knew who it was. It was the right time for Frank to return, he always returned the same time, traffic pending, every fourth Sunday. Stacey lazily reached over to her nightstand, opened the drawer and gently placed the slave collar inside. She never took her eyes off of it the whole time she put it away, even as she closed the drawer. Frank entered the bedroom just as Stacey's hand dropped away from the nightstand.

"You, okay, babe?" Frank said with concern in his voice as he entered the bedroom to see his wife an emotional wreck.

"I'm okay," Stacey said as she lazily turned and looked at her husband, Frank. "Just baby stuff," she said once she saw the concerned look on his face. "It's been a rough week," Stacey said, letting some of the pain she felt in her heart onto her face.

"Wanna talk about it?" Frank said as he sat down near Stacey and rubbed her side in a tender and comforting caress.

"No, I told you it's nothing!" Stacey said in a bit of a curt manner as she involuntarily recoiled from Frank's touch. "I just need some rest, that's all. I didn't sleep well, last night," she replied in an apologetic tone.

"Okay, you rest, I'll take care of Dean," Frank said as he leaned over and kissed Stacey who smiled as best she could at him before he left.

Once the bedroom door closed behind him Stacey had to stifle a sob and fight the urge to cry. She was disgusted with herself for rejecting and being disinterested in her own husband. For the first time ever Stacey was not looking forward to making love to her husband but dreading it, this sickened her more than anything. Almost every other time Frank returned home, by this time she would have her legs wrapped around Frank's waist. Stacey would practically jump him at the door once they even did it in the entryway of the apartment, not able to make it to the bedroom.

Stacey did not long for Frank's touch, she did not want to feel his caress and feel his cock inside her pussy . . . she ached for Benita. Stacey knew that before the week was out she would have sex with Frank. Stacy knew that she and Benita were broken up and would more than likely never be together again. In her heart though, she still belonged for her Mistress, and wanted to remain faithful to Benita.
* * * *​

Carmen entered her bedroom after her morning shower and hummed to herself dressed in her favourite bathrobe. Walking to her closet she continued to hum as she looked over the selection of clothes hanging there. One by one she assembled an outfit until everything was laid out neatly on her bed. Then Carmen then dried, got dressed and ready for the day.

Breakfast was the usual friendly chatter with her mother before having to leave for school. Slinging her backpack over one shoulder, Benita's sports bag over the other Carmen headed out the door. Once Carmen closed the door behind her, her hand froze as Benita's order from Saturday night came back to her with a vengeance. Carmen trembled, her brow furrowed as she looked down to her blouse to see only three buttons undone and her usual sliver of cleavage showing.

"Screw her," Carmen scoffed dismissively.

Carmen let go of the doorknob and walked down the apartment hallway. Before Carmen entered the stairwell to begin her decent, guilt began to build up within her.

"Who does she think she is, telling me how to dress?" Carmen replied in a slightly whiny tone and a scoffing expression which came off less indignant than she had intended as she rounded the corner on the third floor.

Before she rounded the corner on the second floor Carmen sighed heavily and unbuttoned one more button on her blouse. While she had four buttons undone, her blouse was still together and it looked from a distance that the fourth button was still done up. Carmen was in a state where she technically had obeyed Benita's order, yet still was dressed as conservatively as she was comfortable with.

"Damn you, Ben!" Carmen said with a huff as her foot hit the landing in the lobby of the apartment building.

Looking around to see if anyone was looking first Carmen then reached up and tugged on the outer swells of her breasts, spreading her blouse apart. Carmen grumbled as she exited the apartment building displaying more cleavage than she had ever done in daylight.
* * * *​

Around about the same time Benita was in her room, showered dried and naked as she busied herself getting ready for the day. Instead of a blouse and skirt combination, Benita opted for a nice, bright-coloured dress, which fell only to her knees. As she slipped on her bra, she did not go for the matching panty that went with it.

Instead Benita put on a special pair of panties which she had worked all Sunday to design and sew. These were the prototype of her "Getting Busy" panties, as she called them. These were an otherwise plain and uninventive pair of cotton panties, large enough to restrain and give her cock the support it needed. The alteration she made was to cut them on an angle from her crotch on her left side up on an angle up to the waistband. She then had sewn the seam closed and attached a strip of Velcro down the seam. She had sewn a folded flap of material in a matching position from the centre to the other side and matched the angle of the other flap. In the end she had a padded triangle piece in the front of her panties. Its purpose was not to hide her cock but smooth out the lines of the panties and disguise the Velcro flap.

In the end her panties were complete but with a tug she was naked and her cock unrestrained yet her panties would still be around just one leg. In turn she could easily reattach the flaps to put her panties back on. In essence she never again had to take her panties off to have sex, nor would they get in the way, if she left them on.

Benita admired herself in the mirror and was impressed with her sewing handiwork and how her panties fit. Benita picked up a pair of socks and was about to stuff them down her panties but stopped, looked at her crotch from a few angles before tossing the socks on the bed. Grasping her dress she threw it on over her head and continued to get ready for the day.
* * * *​

When Benita turned the corner and started walking down the hallway that contained her locker she smiled. In the distance, leaning up against her locker, waiting for her was Carmen. While it was nice to see her good and long-time friend what was making Benita smile was the amount of cleavage Carmen was showing. Once Benita arrived at her locker she smiled at Carmen in a knowing manner, took an obvious look down Carmen's top before she smiled warmly at Carmen.

"Good," Benita said in a pleased manner, as she nodded her approval.

"Don't flatter yourself, I didn't do this because you told me to, I just thought you had a good idea," Carmen replied defensively and uncomfortably as she fidgeted nervously.

Benita wasn't buying it, she could read in Carmen's eyes the truth and the smirk on her face let Carmen know it. Carmen's brow furrowed and she stifled a growl yet said nothing, for to argue the point further would play into Benita's hand.

"Here, you left so quick Saturday that you forgot this," Carmen said as she slipped the sports bag off her shoulder and offered it to Benita.

"Thanks for bringing it," Benita said with a cocky smirk before glancing once again down Carmen's top. "You do look nice today, by the way," Benita added with a flirtatious wink as she opened her locker.

"Thanks, Ben," Carmen smiled nervously, wanting to button her top back up, yet not able to. "We should get to class," Carmen said as she glanced down Benita's dress to the lump that only she could detect.

"Yeah, can't be late for English," Benita said as she closed her locker, and tucked her binder under her arm.

Carmen was a mix of conflicting thoughts and emotions as the pair walked down the hallway together. On one side Carmen wanted to please Benita and sought her approval and delighted when she got it, as she had just now. Yet these impulses always brought with it the questioning and doubting of her own sanity as to why she was acting this way around Benita. Carmen had even stood up straight and stuck out her chest a bit as Benita had approached her just now. It was Carmen's sub-conscious hope Benita would notice and comment on her cleavage, which Benita did.

While Carmen could not admit it to herself she loved the fact that Benita still found her attractive and was still flirting with her. As yet, Carmen had not flirted back in any conscious way, yet still the hunger and desire was there, under the surface. Covering up and overriding all this was Carmen's decree and fervent desire to remain heterosexual and not get involved with another woman, especially Benita.

Carmen already loved Benita as a good friend and as a sister, what if that loved changed, twisted and deepened into a romantic sense? Carmen knew that once she started something with someone as close to her as Benita, she would never be able to let it go. In essence, there was no such thing as a casual fling with Benita, and Carmen knew it. Carmen would be forever changed but she did not know into what, and even if she wanted to make that monumental a change.

School was not all that eventful, and it wasn't until Benita returned home that the next interesting thing happened. She checked her add on a kinky dating site that she had signed up for Sunday night with a nude photo of herself showing just herself from the neck down. The attached add said that she was looking for one-night stands with women only. She also had said in her add that all those who responded to her add, had to detail why she "was worthy" of Benita's cock. After logging in to find out that there were no messages, Benita logged out, frustrated and agitated.

Knowing she needed to burn off energy Benita decided to go to the apartment tower's gym. The apartment building Benita's family lived in was upper scale and so had a common room with a modest gym built in. It was not a public gym and was instead just for tenants of the tower. There was a large room full of various exercise equipment and two change rooms, each with a few toilets and a group shower each.

Benita walked into the exercise room and plopped her bag down not far from the main door. A sharp breath from across the room caused Benita to look up. There, riding an exercise cycle was a woman Benita recognized. The red-headed, huffing woman smiled and waved at Benita as Benita walked over to and started to use a Stair-climber.

Lisa was a modestly successful, career-minded woman with a similar attitude and outlook as Benita's parents. She was an executive constantly striving to climb the corporate ladder and wanted to exude all the ideals of the modern woman. She wanted to be successful, powerful and beautiful and she was all those things.

Lisa was in her mid-thirties however and was still single despite having a successful career and well-proportioned body. Sure she had a few extra pounds on her but they were distributed evenly across her slightly-plump body. As a result her curves, all of her curves, were slightly exaggerated and softer, fuller and more round. This of course meant that her C cup breasts suited her and did not look out of place.

As Benita worked out on the stair-climber she stole glances at Lisa's body and liked what she saw. Once as Benita watched Lisa stretch and strain while lifting weights on a universal gym, Benita even caught Lisa looking at Benita's ass. Benita mused if perhaps Lisa was interested in her. To test this theory Benita put an exaggerated sway in her hips as she worked out on the Stair-climber. As Benita watched via a mirror, Lisa's eyes were transfixed on Benita's ass for just under a minute.

As Benita was lifting weights a little while later, Lisa picked up her towel and walked into the women's change room. Benita wondered what Lisa would look like nude. When Benita heard the shower spring to life, she knew this was her chance to have a look at Lisa nude and lathered up.

With a confident stride Benita entered the change room, stripped nude and stepped into the group shower. Benita walked up to a shower on an adjoining wall to Lisa and turned the shower on. Benita started to lather herself up seeming to ignore Lisa for the time being. In truth Benita was eyeing up Lisa the whole time, out of the corner of her eye.

Lisa glanced at Benita as she entered and paid her no mind, continuing on her own showering. As Benita continued to shower, some movement caught her attention and so she looked over to see what it was. There, hanging between Benita's legs, Lisa saw Benita's soft, yet still sizable cock. The thick member slapped against one thigh and then the other as Benita continued to wash. A moment later the silence was broken as spoke, breaking the silent spell Lisa was under.

"Like what you see?" Benita said in a cocky manner as she turned to face Lisa.

"I . . . I . . ." Lisa stammered in shock as she got a full frontal view of Benita's naked body, stiffening cock and all.

"Cause I like what I see," Benita said in an alluring manner as she openly eyed up and ogled Lisa's body.

Lisa's eyes were transfixed as she watched Benita's cock swell up and engorge itself to its full, magnificent length. Lisa watched the hypnotic sway of the cock getting bigger as Benita walked towards Lisa. By the time Lisa realized that Benita was approaching her, it was too late.

Benita reached up, and grasped Lisa by the head and planted a kiss on the unsuspecting woman's lips. Lisa squealed in shock as Benita forced the kiss to continue. Benita moved forward and pinned Lisa against the wall, immobilizing her prey. Lisa reached up and tried to push Benita away from her, but instead Benita grasped Lisa's wrists and pinned them against the wall above Lisa's head.

As Benita's fat cock slid up and down Lisa's pussy-slit rubbing up against her clitoris, Lisa's mind started to blank out. Benita forcibly continued the kiss for some time yet. Benita growled her satisfaction of impending victory when Benita felt Lisa not only return the kiss but grind her pussy against Benita's cock. Yet another unsuspecting woman would soon be speared on her cock, simply because Benita willed it. This was quickly becoming a drug for Benita and she loved the hunt and claiming whomever she wanted, whenever she wanted them.

"You want my cock?" Benita asked in a demanding tone of voice as she broke the kiss.

"Yes," Lisa whimpered before her confused mind could stop herself from answering.

"You want me to fuck you with my cock?" Benita said with a snarl as she licked up Lisa's neck, causing Lisa to moan.

"God yes!" Lisa moaned out in heat and confusion as she ground her pussy against the second-largest cock she had ever seen.

"Then you'll have to earn it!" Benita said with a cocky grin as she pulled back and looked at Lisa with hungry eyes.

Lisa looked back confused before Benita reached up and took control of Lisa via a clump of red hair. With a tug, the compliant Lisa found herself on her knees on the tile floor face to face with the cock that she hungered for, a cock that shouldn't exist. Benita shook Lisa by the hair lightly only once and Lisa knew what was expected.

Lisa licked her lips, leaned forward and wrapped those lips around Benita's cock. Lisa descended her lips on the shaft of Benita's cock and almost choked the first time, when it hit the back of her throat. Lisa was quickly trying to remember how to suck a cock this large and kept trying to improve her technique with each bob. After a while everything started to come back to her and she remembered how she was able to satisfy her well-endowed ex-husband.

"Oh fuck!" Benita moaned out when Lisa's lips descended past the four inch mark.

Lisa continued to eagerly suck Benita's cock with a need and hunger she did not understand on a cock that should not be where it was, yet both existed. It took no more than ten more bobs of her mouth before Lisa was able to shove all of Benita's cock past her lips. Benita's knees got week as Lisa continued to repeat the same act. For the first time Benita was being deep-throated; she was lost in the sensation.

"Cumming!" Benita said as she grasped Lisa by the back of her head and shoved fat cock all the way down Lisa's throat.

Benita moaned out one long moan as she came hard down Lisa's gullet. Lisa continued to swallow as Benita's cum was shot directly into her stomach. Due to the size and position of the cock, Lisa was unable to breathe while Benita was cuming. Lisa almost lost consciousness before Benita finally pulled her softening cock out of Lisa's mouth and therefore unplugged her windpipe. Lisa sputtered and coughed before drawing a few deep breaths.

"I say you've more than earned a good fuck. Is that what you want?" Benita said as she tried to keep her calm and cool, commanding manner intact.

The truth was that Benita's mind and emotions were still swimming from the intense cum the deep-throating had given her. Just the images, memories and lingering sensations of it were enough to slowly, yet steadily give her another erection.

"Yes," Lisa nodded as she looked at the steadily stiffening cock in front of her.

"Then brace yourself against the wall for the fucking of your life," Benita said with a cocky grin and condescending tone of voice.

Lisa squealed in excitement as she got up and complied as soon as her shaky legs would allow. Benita wasted no time in foreplay and instead walked up, lined up her cock and sank it into the fourth woman she had ever fucked: Lisa. Lisa collapsed her forearms and smushed her right cheek against the cold tile wall before Benita had fully embedded her thick, fat cock inside her.

Lisa didn't care about what should or shouldn't be, only what was. All she knew and cared about was that she was getting fucked for the first time since her husband left her almost six years ago. Her job had been and still was her obsession, so dating took a back seat. Even then Lisa was particular in whom she dated; she would only date those who could advance her career.

This fuck happened so quickly and Benita came at her with such ferocious intensity it was purely an animalistic reaction. Lisa moaned out as Benita withdrew her cock and began the steady fucking. Lisa moved and positioned her hips in such a way as to make the fuck more convenient. Not to mention she wanted to help get more of the fat monster inside her neglected pussy.

Benita held Lisa's hips and fucked her for all she was worth. Benita was ecstatic and drunk on the pleasure of the moment and the "thrill of the kill" so to speak. She loved overpowering someone's will and dominating a near stranger into a fuck. Pure hunter's lust and adrenaline flowed through Benita as her hips repeatedly slapped against Lisa's ass, an ass that at that moment Benita owned.

With a roar Benita slammed her cock home one last time as her orgasm erupted out the end of her cock and deep within Lisa's pussy. Lisa moaned and shook in the oh-so-female reaction to the act of being claimed and successfully being fucked. Lisa revelled in the long-missed sensation of a cock cuming inside her, so she came. When Benita's orgasm was over she pulled out of Lisa who was still climaxing.

"Where are you going?" Lisa asked as Benita strode out of the shower while Lisa slid down the wall of the shower.

"Home," Benita said as she started to get dressed, not bothering to dry off.

"Which apartment do you live in? Can I call you?" Lisa said in a dreamy and needful manner.

"Nope," was all Benita said as she picked up her bag and left the change room, Lisa's pussy was still spasming as Benita disappeared.

Once back in her room, Benita checked her email and noted that she had gotten a response to her add. Benita smiled as she read a response from a woman who seemed eager to have sex. Benita smiled and got an erection, the woman knew how to craft an enticingly submissive response to Benita's dominant add. Life was looking better and better, Benita chuckled with an evil smile.
* * * *​

The following Sunday Frank placed his bag by the door of the apartment and walked into the kitchen. He could see Stacey sitting at the kitchen table sipping on a cup of coffee, still in her bathrobe. Frank paused to calm himself down, as he didn't want to get into an argument and leave for work angry.

This past week Stacey had been, moody, distant and cold to his touch. While on one hand he understood that she was going through a tough time he didn't know what it was that troubled her. Every attempt to get her to talk about it ended up with Stacey lashing out at him and pulling further away. Last night he had tried to initiate sex for the umpteenth time since he got home, but she rebuffed him, yet again. It ended up in a large argument and Frank ended up sleeping on the couch, not able to sleep next to his wife, he was that angry.

"Well, I'm off," Frank said in a curt yet strained civil tone as he entered the kitchen and walked towards his wife.

"Be safe honey," Stacey said with genuine concern in her sad eyes.

"Yeah, you . . . take care," Frank said as he kissed Stacey on the cheek.

Frank didn't even give Stacey a second look as he swiftly exited the kitchen and apartment, bag in hand. Once the door closed behind him he could hear Stacey begin to cry, yet again. After pausing to consider going back inside to comfort his wife, he left, deciding to do so was pointless, and he was running late.

Stacey sobbed at the table, feeling now more torn between two people than ever before. She still ached for Benita's touch and could not bring herself to sleep with anyone but her beloved Mistress. Despite how hard she tried last night, she could not force herself to sleep with her husband. Now Frank left angry and Stacey was alone again with no one to turn to, nobody to comfort her.

Stacey's repeated calls to Benita only ended up in a swift click as soon as Stacey spoke. At least she got to hear Benita say "hello," the only word Benita would say to Stacey. As soon as Benita knew it was Stacey, she would not say word and simply hang up.
* * * *​

Six weeks had passed since that eventful Saturday morning when Carmen and Benita had fucked. Carmen had successfully returned her and Benita's relationship back to pure friendship, with light, meaningless flirting now and again. In short life had returned to normal and Carmen was even seeing a guy she liked. While things were very premature and early, things were looking up for the two of them.

However, Carmen was now a few weeks overdue for her period and was in disbelief that it was anything but an oddity of her body. Regardless, she was in the bathroom, staring at the back of a pregnancy test, waiting for the egg-timer to go off. After what seemed like hours the timer rang and Carmen shut it off. With shaking hands, Carmen picked up the pregnancy test and turned it to face her so she could read the results.

"Fuck me!" Carmen said as all colour drained from her face.​
Next page: Chapter 09.1
Previous page: Chapter 07