Chapter 09.2
Benita took a long, obvious glance up and down the blonde woman and nodded before entering the apartment, not saying a word. Benita walked towards the blonde woman and was about to grasp her head and kiss her when the door closed and locked. The blonde woman then backed away, out of reach and chuckled.
"You wanted to talk to her, so talk," the blonde woman said over Benita's shoulder. She then turned and walked out of the living room and down the hall, disappearing deeper into the apartment.
Benita turned to look at the door and saw a trembling, teary-eyed, yet angry Suki bracing the now closed and locked door with all her might.
"What the fuck?" Benita said in a confused manner as she looked at Suki, whose anger increased the longer she looked at Benita. "Explain," Benita demanded, and glared at Suki.
"Explain? It's simple, you've ruined my life!" Suki spat with anger as she leaned forward yet not breaking contact with the door. "And now, you're going to make it right. You're going to take responsibility for your actions!" Suki continued in the same angry tone, glaring at Benita
"What?" Benita snorted in reply.
"Before YOU, I was 'normal' I was FINE! After you took me, broke me and fucked me, all I can think of is YOU!" Suki snapped in a hurt, yet angry tone.
"Not my problem. You'll find some other dick to satisfy you. Not as good as mine, of course, but you'll do fine," Benita replied in a condescending tone of voice. "Now move!" Benita commanded. Suki shifted her weight to comply before she stopped herself.
"I have tried to carry on and been with other people since you; several," Suki said in a calm tone before she looked down and sighed before continuing. "I keep coming back to the fact that what I want . . . what I really want is not your cock, but your control," Suki said in a soft, tender and heartfelt manner as she looked into Benita's quivering eyes.
"My what?" Benita asked incredulously in a shocked manner, and for the moment she lowered her guard.
"I want to serve you again, not for a night but from now on," Suki said before she slowly dropped to her knees in kneeled in a submissive pose, looking at the ground before she continued. "I give myself to you, once again, Mistress," Suki said and trembled as she awaited Benita's response.
Benita didn't know what to do and was genuinely stunned at not only the fact that Suki had somehow found her but by the magnitude and sincerity of her request. Benita had always taken, dominated women for one night, and then left. The women she had been with lately all knew of and had wanted her cock, so they willingly put themselves in her care for the night.
It was fun, but the thrill of the hunt wasn't there and the string of fucks all seemed to follow the same pattern. Benita was starting to feel the emotional emptiness of what she was doing. While Benita was getting pussy almost daily sometimes twice a day, it was starting to wear thin, even getting a little boring. What Benita started to realize on some level, but had not stopped to ponder was that what she lacked was any sort of connection or deeper feelings with anyone. That might mean that Benita was ready to start something with someone but why did it have to be this one-night-stand from a month ago?
"What's your name?" Benita asked in a plain manner, still unguarded.
"Suki, Mistress," Suki replied submissively, still looking at the floor.
"I'm Benita," Benita added and paused to look Suki over.
"You honour me with your name, thank you, Mistress," Suki said submissively and bowed her head slightly.
"Even if I let you serve me again, even if I give you the 'control' you're looking for, that doesn't mean that I would stop fucking others," Benita added in a touch of a harsher tone, examining Suki, expecting an argument.
"I understand, Mistress. I will serve and assist you in any way I can, even help arrange your dates if you wish, Mistress," Suki replied in a calm, submissive tone.
"I would expect that you remain faithful to me and only me, unless I order you to have sex with another," Benita replied in an almost challenging manner.
"Of course, Mistress, I would serve you and only you, saving my body for you and only you, to be used for your pleasure," Suki replied in a submissive tone and by now looked to be at peace, nervous but at peace.
"Why would you agree to this? What are you getting out of this?" Benita said dumbfounded, not sure as to why Suki still wanted to serve her.
Benita was sure that after she placed those conditions that Suki would balk, and run away. Yet Suki seemed as firm and steadfast in her determination to serve Benita. Benita had no idea why anyone would submit to anyone else. Benita always saw submission as a weakness, yet while Suki seemed submissive, she did not seem weak. Benita felt that she had been getting her way as a result of the strong conquering the weak and found some sort of "Darwinian" justification for it. Suki looked up and into Benita's eyes with a peace and contentment in her eyes. As Suki spoke, Benita listened intently.
"It is about service . . . about taking care of one another. I take care of you in practical ways, through my service and submission to you. You take care of me by guiding, shaping and looking out for me through your dominance and control over me. It is a symbiotic relationship, each one giving something to the other, something that the other needs in order to be complete. In return they get from the other what they need to be complete. You need to dominate, I need to submit, we are two sides of the same coin, complete together, incomplete apart," Suki said while looking deep into Benita's eyes.
Benita felt like she had been kicked in the gut, and didn't know what to say. Everything that Suki said made sense and felt right, but the very nature of it flew in the face of her "love them and leave them" attitude. Benita's eyes watered and she was very tempted to take Suki up on her offer. The thought of something real was of great appeal to Benita and her eyes watered over the conflict.
Benita wanted to put up a challenge, a further test to make sure that Suki wasn't just looking to humiliate her. If Benita was to care for someone and form any sort of connection with them, she had to make sure that whoever it was, wasn't going to run away. Benita steeled her heart once again; sure that Suki was just playing around and was not serious. The cynical part of Benita would make Suki run, away before the night is through.
"You say you want to serve me and that it is about service? Not simply about sex, right?" Benita said after a brief pause to consider her thoughts.
"That is correct, Mistress," Suki replied with a nod of her head.
"Well then, let me tell you this, tonight I won't fuck you. In fact, you won't even get a kiss. All you're going to do is sit right there and watch me fuck someone else," Benita said in a confident and commanding tone of voice.
"As you wish, Mistress," Suki replied submissively, with a bow, trying to hide her excitement.
"I'm not done," Benita said with a smirk, "I came here to fuck that blonde piece of ass," Benita said commandingly before pointing down the darkened hall. "And that's exactly what I'm going to do," Benita said in a confident and dominant tone of voice. Benita momentarily watched Suki for any hint of rebellion or anger, yet found none. "What's more, you're going to get her for me," Benita added with a cheeky smile.
"Mistress?" Suki replied questioningly as she looked up at Benita, perplexed.
"I'm, going to sit right here," Benita said, pointing to the couch, "and wait for you to deliver her to me. If you can get her to come here and fuck me, of her own free will, then, and only then will I claim you and let you serve me from now on, do you understand?" Benita explained in a confident and dominating manner.
"Yes, Mistress, I understand," Suki replied with a nod.
"You have five minutes, dismissed," Benita said in a commanding manner.
Instantly Suki got up and walked down the hall as swiftly as she could without running. Her manner was not rushed or panicked but rather matched the rest of her demeanour this evening: determined. Suki found her friend, Karen in her bedroom reading a book in bed. Karen had already changed into her flannel panamas and was settling down to sleep when Suki entered.
Suki explained what Benita wanted and the demand that she made. Karen immediately rejected it, reminding Suki that she only was the bait to lure Benita here so Suki could talk to Benita. A heated argument erupted and lasted four minutes, with neither side backing down. It was when Suki blackmailed Karen with an affair she had on her fiancée the previous year that Karen relented.
"You wouldn't!" Karen said in shock, fear in her eyes.
"If you cost me my one chance to serve my Mistress, again, then I'll ruin you. If I can't be happy, then neither will you!" Suki said in vibrating anger as her eyes closed to slits and she stood her ground firm.
"You really want her that much?" Karen asked incredulously.
"I do," Suki replied with pleading in her eyes.
"All I have to do is fuck her?" Karen asked sceptically.
"Yes, just this once," Suki replied with restrained hope in her manner.
"Fine," Karen replied with a defeated sigh.
Benita looked at her cell phone to check the time and sighed. Just as she was about to stand up and exit the apartment, a door opened down the hallway. What caused a stir in Benita's loins was not the fact that she heard one person approaching, but two people approaching. As Benita saw that in fact not only Suki was coming, but also the blonde who had answered the door, her cock got hard, fast. It was indeed a rush to know that she had ordered someone to convince someone else to submit to her and they had done it.
Suki brought Karen to stand in front of Benita and the two women stood beside each other. Benita looked Karen over and smiled, revelling in the reluctance in her eyes and the fact that clearly she didn't want to be there, yet was.
"I brought her, as ordered, Mistress," Suki said in a confident, yet submissive manner as she stood tall and proud, an odd combination, yet she managed it.
"So you did. Kneel by the door," Benita said to Suki in a commanding tone.
"Yes, Mistress," Suki bowed and then resumed her kneeling position, exactly as she had been, exactly where she had been.
"So you're here, are you blondey?" Benita said in a cocky manner, with a pleased smile.
"Yes," Karen said in an embarrassed manner, her eyes darting everywhere but looking at Benita.
"You know what you're here to do, don't you?" Benita asked, enjoying Karen's obvious discomfort.
"Yes," Karen replied, her lips pursed together, upset but not lashing out, just wanting this over and done with.
"And what is that?" Benita asked, pleased with herself and the situation.
"I'm here to fuck you," Karen replied softly, looking down.
"Are you here of your own free will?" Benita asked as she glanced between Karen and Suki.
"Yes," Karen replied in a mortified manner as she glanced at Suki, who was kneeling not far away, watching.
"Good," Benita added with a pleased smile and nod of her head. "Well, let's take a good look at you; strip" Benita said in a commanding tone of voice as she looked at Karen, who's eyes went wide.
Karen looked over at Suki whose eyes silently urged her to continue. Karen then sighed before she unceremoniously removed her pyjamas, revealing her tight, hot body underneath. Karen was about the same size as Benita and was built about the same, as she had an "athletic" figure. Benita's eyes roved over Karen like a trainer looking over a race horse, examining the finer points of her body. Benita finally nodded her approval before standing up next to Karen.
Benita grasped Karen by the head and forced a kiss on the reluctant woman's lips. Karen let the kiss continue for a moment before the power, intensity and force of the kiss forced her to involuntarily return the kiss. At that point and only at that point, when Benita had made Karen want her, did Benita break the kiss and throw Karen down on the couch.
Karen sat down harshly and looked up at Benita, stunned, blinking. Benita walked between Karen's legs and at that moment Karen thought the act was going to happen, that the fuck would happen and this evening would be over. Benita reached down between Karen's legs and ran two fingers up then down the slit of Karen's pussy, before thrusting two fingers inside.
"Not wet enough," Benita said as she withdrew her fingers and licked them clean. "We can fix that," she added with a smirk before looking over at Suki and adding, "Right?"
"Mistress?" Suki asked submissively yet confused.
"She's not ready for me to fuck yet, eat her, make her cum," Benita said with a commanding tone as she backed out of the way and watched Suki's reaction.
"But Mistress said I would not have sex tonight. Mistress said all I would do is watch," Suki replied submissively and respectfully, trying to hide her reluctance and fear.
"I said you would not have sex with me, I didn't say you would not have sex with blondey here," Benita said as she leaned forward to talk sternly at Suki while pointing at Karen.
"Hey, I don't want . . ." Karen started to protest but Benita cut her off.
"Shut up! You're a piece of ass! You already agreed to be here, so you do what I say! Now spread those legs wide and scoot your ass to the edge of the sofa!" Benita commanded and before Karen could think to speak or protest again, she moved and complied.
"As for you, I told you to eat her pussy and make her cum. I don't care that she's your friend, you said you wanted to serve me and would do what I say, and I say eat this piece of ass and make it cum. You don't have to, you can refuse, it is your choice, but if you refuse, then everything is off. I walk out of here and you lose this one chance to serve me as you told me you want to," Benita said in a daring and challenging tone of voice as she leaned in. "How badly do you want to serve me?" Benita added with a cocky smirk. Benita was sure that she had Suki now, Benita was confident that Suki would refuse.
Suki said nothing but looked up at Benita and nodded before she crawled over to Karen and kneeled before her. Karen watched in horror, stunned silent as Suki looked up into her eyes and wordlessly apologized. Suki reached out with her tongue and licked pussy from bottom to top, in one steady lick, finally flicking across Karen's clitoris. Suki was not an experienced pussy-licker and had been with only two women since Benita and none before Benita. Suki had a natural talent for bringing out the pleasure of a woman, as Karen would soon learn.
Karen looked down to see Suki settle herself into a good pussy-licking pattern. Karen shuddered as incredible pleasure shot through her body again and again. The image of Suki between her thighs was already burned into her memory and Karen knew that every time she saw Suki's face she would remember this moment. Their friendship would never be the same again, Karen knew that, and from the look in Suki's eyes she not only knew it but was sorry for it as well.
By the time Suki thrust her fingers into Karen's pussy all thoughts left Karen's mind. Karen moaned a deep, guttural moan as Suki continued her pussy-eating efforts. Karen slumped her body into the sofa, started to writhe and gyrate as the pleasure moved her. It was not long before Karen could feel the build-up to a powerful climax. Karen started to moan and whimper, knowing this was a larger cum than her fiancée had given her but not wanting to admit that to anyone.
When Suki shoved a finger up Karen's ass, Karen blanked out. As if Karen was struck by lightning she shook violently and so intently that it took great effort and concentration for Suki to hold on and continue to lick slit. With a final scream Karen arched her back, tensed up before slumping lifelessly on the sofa. If it wasn't for the movement of her chest, one might have thought she had a heart attack.
"Good girl, I think that'll do, my Pet, you may kneel where you were," Benita said as she walked up to Suki and stroked her hair soothingly.
Suki looked up to Benita and smiled a proud smile, happy and proud, not only for pleasing her Mistress but also for being called "Pet." Suki glanced up at the still closed eyes of the twitching Karen and licked her lips before she crawled over to where she had been ordered to.
Karen's eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was not a welcoming sight. Benita's face filled her vision, watching as Karen came back to consciousness. Benita smirked a cocky and arrogant smirk before she chuckled.
"I think you're wet enough now," Benita said arrogantly before she stood back up straight.
Karen looked at Benita and watched as Benita quickly prepared to fuck. Benita tucked the front of her skirt up into her belt, and then tugged on the Velcro of her panties. In a flash her panties were gathered around one leg, out of the way.
Benita's cock sprang into view and Karen drew a breath in shock when she saw the size of it. Karen's pussy wept in anticipation for the impending invasion of the fat monster. Karen's mind wept as she knew that it dwarfed her fiancée's cock and sex with him would never feel the same again.
Benita moved forward and positioned herself, getting ready to fuck but looked at Karen in an arrogant manner. Benita's cock was pointing at Karen's pussy and twitching in anticipation of its latest fuck but Benita did not line-up and sink in.
"Line me up, if you want to get fucked," Benita said as she placed her hands on the back of the sofa, one on either side of Karen's head.
Karen looked up at Benita who now towered over her in a completely dominant manner. Karen did the only thing she could do, reach down, grasp the shaft of the large, fat cock and lined up the mushroom-shaped head to her pussy. As Benita shifted forward Karen moved Benita's cockhead up and down her slit a few times. Karen wanted to lubricate the head of the large cock before she lined it up to the entrance of her pussy and waited.
"Look at me," Benita said in a softer, yet firm tone of voice.
Benita waited until Karen looked up into Benita's eyes before she shifted forward and sank her cock into the twenty-eighth woman she had ever fucked: Karen. Karen's pussy was one of the tighter pussies Benita had fucked. Karen's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the fat phallus steadily slid into her. Just when Karen thought the cock would hit bottom and stop coming in, more would come. When Benita's cockhead hit Karen's uterus Benita stopped. Karen moaned and whimpered at a sensation she had never felt before looking in Benita's eyes in wonder.
"Get ready for the fuck of your life, Slut," Benita said as she withdrew her cock until just the head was propping the entrance of Karen's pussy open.
Karen whimpered as for a split second she feared Benita would pull out. When Benita shifted her weight and shoved her cock back in, Karen felt bliss. It was by the third stroke of Benita's cock that Karen threw all caution to the wind. Karen wrapped her arms around Benita's neck and her legs around Benita's waist and eagerly participated in the fuck that she never wanted in the first place. Karen hated herself and felt like a slut and whore as she eagerly and fervently moved her hips to meet every one of Benita's powerful strokes. Each and every time Benita entered Karen, she hit her uterus; each and every time that happed it drove Karen a little more nuts.
Karen came twice more before Benita's cock erupted as it was wedged deep within Karen's pussy. If it wasn't for the fact that Karen was on the pill, she was sure that much cum shooting right into her uterus would knock her up. The glorious feeling proved too much for poor Karen and she came one last time, passing out afterwards. By the time Karen came to she felt alone, empty and very wet as she breathed hard while looking up, bleary-eyed at Benita.
"Clean me up," Benita said in a commanding tone as she looked from Karen's eyes to her own cock.
"What?" Karen asked confused.
"Lick my cock clean! I can't get dressed with my cock wet with your juices, so get over here and clean me off with your tongue," Benita said in a firm tone of voice.
"Do I have to?" Karen asked with reluctance in her manner.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you to put your toys away when you're done playing with them? Well, my cock is the biggest toy you've ever played with, so be a good little girl and clean me off," Benita said in a firm, demanding, yet slightly condescending manner.
"Get Suki to do it. I've fucked you, that's all I was supposed to do. I've done my part," Karen protested in a weak and meek manner, sounding more like a pout.
"She's not allowed to touch me tonight, and I can't go out like this, so that leaves you. I've just fucked you two three orgasms, I think you owe me a little tongue work, don't you?" Benita demanded and stood firm looking right into Karen's eyes.
Benita saw and recognized the moment of submission, the moment when Karen gave in; she could read it in her eyes. Karen looked at the floor as she slid off the couch, kneeled before Benita and looked up only as far as Benita's cock. Karen then reached out with her tongue and licked the tip of Benita's cock. Karen had never had anything to do with her fiancée's cock after he had fucked her, so this was a first for her. Karen started at the head of the cock and licked her way down, going around the shaft so that once she was at the base she was done, or so she thought.
"Clean my pussy too. I can't put my panties on with a wet crotch, can I?" Benita said with a calmer, more satisfied demand.
Karen then sighed and continued to lick her way down and around Benita's pussy and thighs until once again, Benita's pussy was clean.
"Do my panties up. Don't forget, you have to put your toys away once you're done with them," Benita said with a demanding smile, as she dragged out Karen's submission just a bit more.
Karen found both flaps of Benita's "Getting Busy" panties and did them up, taking a moment to figure it out. Along the way she made sure that Benita's cock was in place and comfortably situated. Without being told, Karen reached up and untucked Benita's skirt from her belt and let it fall down, covering Benita respectably once again. Karen looked up into Benita's eyes, to see if she was done.
"Good girl. You've done well. I am pleased," Benita said in a soft and warm tone of voice as she stroked Karen's hair gently.
Karen smiled but was inwardly simply happy the experience was over. Karen didn't move from her spot and watched as Benita walked over to Suki, who had not moved from her spot, kneeling where she had been told. Benita stopped right in front of Suki, reached down, grasped Suki by the hair and made Suki look up. Benita hovered her face over Suki and made Suki look straight up, as if at the ceiling.
"You've done well and earned your place at my feet, so I will claim you and make you mine from now till the day you die or I get tired of you, Is this what you want? To be owned by me? To be my slave?" Benita spoke in a firm, unambiguous manner.
"Yes, Mistress, I want that very much, I want to be your slave?" Suki replied with wet eyes of joy as she looked up into Benita's eyes.
"Remember, you're my slave at all times, so you do what I say, when I say and how I say it. If you walk away from me, if you leave me, don't look back because I will never take you back. Do you understand?" Benita said in a stern tone with the hint of fear in her eyes as she looked into Suki's eyes.
"I understand, Mistress, I won't run from you, I swear," Suki assured as she nodded and looked at Benita with love and devotion.
Benita stood up and turned away, momentarily in order to wipe the tears from her eyes and regain her composure. The touching moment got to her and the shell around Benita's heart started to crack. Benita's own emotions got the better of her and while she did not love Suki, she respected her dedication and genuinely liked her.
"Let's go home," Benita said as she looked at the door.
At that Suki stood up, grasped her purse and unlocked the door. Suki then opened the door, holding it open for Benita to walk through.
"Thank you for everything, I don't know how to repay you," Suki said with wet eyes to Karen as Benita left the apartment.
"Tonight never happened," Karen said with determination as she stared into Suki's eyes.
"As you wish," Suki nodded before exiting the apartment, closing the door behind her.
After the door closed behind her, Karen sat there and cried, feeling like crap for not only cheating on her fiancée but loving the experience. It was just over a year later and six months into her marriage that Karen could stop faking orgasms with the man she loved.
Benita was standing on the sidewalk talking on the phone to the cab company when Suki arrived. Suki stood one pace behind and to the side of Benita. Suki did not announce her presence, yet waited to be addressed. Benita then hung up and turned her attention to Suki.
"I won't make you act like my slave in public, it will draw too many stares and questions. I will however, have you act like my girlfriend, in public. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to openly be my girlfriend in public and my slave in private?" Benita asked plainly, with a raised eyebrow.
"I would love that, Mistress! I expected to be treated like a slave always or simply act as your friend in public," Suki replied in wonder and amazement at her elevated status.
"I won't stuff you in the shadows, I have been there and I won't do that to anyone else," Benita said with a pained expression as she looked into Suki's eyes. "While it's nobody's business to know the true nature of our relationship, that doesn't mean that people can't know that we're together, right?" Benita said in the same friendly, yet confident manner.
"Yes, Mistress, I am still your slave at all times, but I will not draw attention to us," Suki said with a warm smile, pleased with how well the evening had turned out. "What shall I call you in public, Mistress?" Suki asked curiously.
"My friends call me, Ben," Benita said with a smile as the cab pulled up.
"When will I see you again, Mistress?" Suki asked as Benita opened up the cab door.
"Tonight. You're coming home with me now," Benita said as she got in the cab and left the door open.
"Home? With you, M . . . Ben?" Suki asked with a stunned wonder as she entered the cab and closed the door behind her.
"Yes, and tomorrow morning, over breakfast, I'll introduce you to my parents," Benita replied confidently with a warm smile.
"Really?" Suki replied still stunned.
"I told you, I will not shove you in the shadows, and since I have a girlfriend now, I think it is time they not only meet her but learn of my preference for women," Benita said as she reached over and pulled Suki to her by her far shoulder.
"Yes, Ben," Suki replied as she settled into a nice snuggle with her beloved Mistress.
"You wanted to talk to her, so talk," the blonde woman said over Benita's shoulder. She then turned and walked out of the living room and down the hall, disappearing deeper into the apartment.
Benita turned to look at the door and saw a trembling, teary-eyed, yet angry Suki bracing the now closed and locked door with all her might.
"What the fuck?" Benita said in a confused manner as she looked at Suki, whose anger increased the longer she looked at Benita. "Explain," Benita demanded, and glared at Suki.
"Explain? It's simple, you've ruined my life!" Suki spat with anger as she leaned forward yet not breaking contact with the door. "And now, you're going to make it right. You're going to take responsibility for your actions!" Suki continued in the same angry tone, glaring at Benita
"What?" Benita snorted in reply.
"Before YOU, I was 'normal' I was FINE! After you took me, broke me and fucked me, all I can think of is YOU!" Suki snapped in a hurt, yet angry tone.
"Not my problem. You'll find some other dick to satisfy you. Not as good as mine, of course, but you'll do fine," Benita replied in a condescending tone of voice. "Now move!" Benita commanded. Suki shifted her weight to comply before she stopped herself.
"I have tried to carry on and been with other people since you; several," Suki said in a calm tone before she looked down and sighed before continuing. "I keep coming back to the fact that what I want . . . what I really want is not your cock, but your control," Suki said in a soft, tender and heartfelt manner as she looked into Benita's quivering eyes.
"My what?" Benita asked incredulously in a shocked manner, and for the moment she lowered her guard.
"I want to serve you again, not for a night but from now on," Suki said before she slowly dropped to her knees in kneeled in a submissive pose, looking at the ground before she continued. "I give myself to you, once again, Mistress," Suki said and trembled as she awaited Benita's response.
Benita didn't know what to do and was genuinely stunned at not only the fact that Suki had somehow found her but by the magnitude and sincerity of her request. Benita had always taken, dominated women for one night, and then left. The women she had been with lately all knew of and had wanted her cock, so they willingly put themselves in her care for the night.
It was fun, but the thrill of the hunt wasn't there and the string of fucks all seemed to follow the same pattern. Benita was starting to feel the emotional emptiness of what she was doing. While Benita was getting pussy almost daily sometimes twice a day, it was starting to wear thin, even getting a little boring. What Benita started to realize on some level, but had not stopped to ponder was that what she lacked was any sort of connection or deeper feelings with anyone. That might mean that Benita was ready to start something with someone but why did it have to be this one-night-stand from a month ago?
"What's your name?" Benita asked in a plain manner, still unguarded.
"Suki, Mistress," Suki replied submissively, still looking at the floor.
"I'm Benita," Benita added and paused to look Suki over.
"You honour me with your name, thank you, Mistress," Suki said submissively and bowed her head slightly.
"Even if I let you serve me again, even if I give you the 'control' you're looking for, that doesn't mean that I would stop fucking others," Benita added in a touch of a harsher tone, examining Suki, expecting an argument.
"I understand, Mistress. I will serve and assist you in any way I can, even help arrange your dates if you wish, Mistress," Suki replied in a calm, submissive tone.
"I would expect that you remain faithful to me and only me, unless I order you to have sex with another," Benita replied in an almost challenging manner.
"Of course, Mistress, I would serve you and only you, saving my body for you and only you, to be used for your pleasure," Suki replied in a submissive tone and by now looked to be at peace, nervous but at peace.
"Why would you agree to this? What are you getting out of this?" Benita said dumbfounded, not sure as to why Suki still wanted to serve her.
Benita was sure that after she placed those conditions that Suki would balk, and run away. Yet Suki seemed as firm and steadfast in her determination to serve Benita. Benita had no idea why anyone would submit to anyone else. Benita always saw submission as a weakness, yet while Suki seemed submissive, she did not seem weak. Benita felt that she had been getting her way as a result of the strong conquering the weak and found some sort of "Darwinian" justification for it. Suki looked up and into Benita's eyes with a peace and contentment in her eyes. As Suki spoke, Benita listened intently.
"It is about service . . . about taking care of one another. I take care of you in practical ways, through my service and submission to you. You take care of me by guiding, shaping and looking out for me through your dominance and control over me. It is a symbiotic relationship, each one giving something to the other, something that the other needs in order to be complete. In return they get from the other what they need to be complete. You need to dominate, I need to submit, we are two sides of the same coin, complete together, incomplete apart," Suki said while looking deep into Benita's eyes.
Benita felt like she had been kicked in the gut, and didn't know what to say. Everything that Suki said made sense and felt right, but the very nature of it flew in the face of her "love them and leave them" attitude. Benita's eyes watered and she was very tempted to take Suki up on her offer. The thought of something real was of great appeal to Benita and her eyes watered over the conflict.
Benita wanted to put up a challenge, a further test to make sure that Suki wasn't just looking to humiliate her. If Benita was to care for someone and form any sort of connection with them, she had to make sure that whoever it was, wasn't going to run away. Benita steeled her heart once again; sure that Suki was just playing around and was not serious. The cynical part of Benita would make Suki run, away before the night is through.
"You say you want to serve me and that it is about service? Not simply about sex, right?" Benita said after a brief pause to consider her thoughts.
"That is correct, Mistress," Suki replied with a nod of her head.
"Well then, let me tell you this, tonight I won't fuck you. In fact, you won't even get a kiss. All you're going to do is sit right there and watch me fuck someone else," Benita said in a confident and commanding tone of voice.
"As you wish, Mistress," Suki replied submissively, with a bow, trying to hide her excitement.
"I'm not done," Benita said with a smirk, "I came here to fuck that blonde piece of ass," Benita said commandingly before pointing down the darkened hall. "And that's exactly what I'm going to do," Benita said in a confident and dominant tone of voice. Benita momentarily watched Suki for any hint of rebellion or anger, yet found none. "What's more, you're going to get her for me," Benita added with a cheeky smile.
"Mistress?" Suki replied questioningly as she looked up at Benita, perplexed.
"I'm, going to sit right here," Benita said, pointing to the couch, "and wait for you to deliver her to me. If you can get her to come here and fuck me, of her own free will, then, and only then will I claim you and let you serve me from now on, do you understand?" Benita explained in a confident and dominating manner.
"Yes, Mistress, I understand," Suki replied with a nod.
"You have five minutes, dismissed," Benita said in a commanding manner.
Instantly Suki got up and walked down the hall as swiftly as she could without running. Her manner was not rushed or panicked but rather matched the rest of her demeanour this evening: determined. Suki found her friend, Karen in her bedroom reading a book in bed. Karen had already changed into her flannel panamas and was settling down to sleep when Suki entered.
Suki explained what Benita wanted and the demand that she made. Karen immediately rejected it, reminding Suki that she only was the bait to lure Benita here so Suki could talk to Benita. A heated argument erupted and lasted four minutes, with neither side backing down. It was when Suki blackmailed Karen with an affair she had on her fiancée the previous year that Karen relented.
"You wouldn't!" Karen said in shock, fear in her eyes.
"If you cost me my one chance to serve my Mistress, again, then I'll ruin you. If I can't be happy, then neither will you!" Suki said in vibrating anger as her eyes closed to slits and she stood her ground firm.
"You really want her that much?" Karen asked incredulously.
"I do," Suki replied with pleading in her eyes.
"All I have to do is fuck her?" Karen asked sceptically.
"Yes, just this once," Suki replied with restrained hope in her manner.
"Fine," Karen replied with a defeated sigh.
Benita looked at her cell phone to check the time and sighed. Just as she was about to stand up and exit the apartment, a door opened down the hallway. What caused a stir in Benita's loins was not the fact that she heard one person approaching, but two people approaching. As Benita saw that in fact not only Suki was coming, but also the blonde who had answered the door, her cock got hard, fast. It was indeed a rush to know that she had ordered someone to convince someone else to submit to her and they had done it.
Suki brought Karen to stand in front of Benita and the two women stood beside each other. Benita looked Karen over and smiled, revelling in the reluctance in her eyes and the fact that clearly she didn't want to be there, yet was.
"I brought her, as ordered, Mistress," Suki said in a confident, yet submissive manner as she stood tall and proud, an odd combination, yet she managed it.
"So you did. Kneel by the door," Benita said to Suki in a commanding tone.
"Yes, Mistress," Suki bowed and then resumed her kneeling position, exactly as she had been, exactly where she had been.
"So you're here, are you blondey?" Benita said in a cocky manner, with a pleased smile.
"Yes," Karen said in an embarrassed manner, her eyes darting everywhere but looking at Benita.
"You know what you're here to do, don't you?" Benita asked, enjoying Karen's obvious discomfort.
"Yes," Karen replied, her lips pursed together, upset but not lashing out, just wanting this over and done with.
"And what is that?" Benita asked, pleased with herself and the situation.
"I'm here to fuck you," Karen replied softly, looking down.
"Are you here of your own free will?" Benita asked as she glanced between Karen and Suki.
"Yes," Karen replied in a mortified manner as she glanced at Suki, who was kneeling not far away, watching.
"Good," Benita added with a pleased smile and nod of her head. "Well, let's take a good look at you; strip" Benita said in a commanding tone of voice as she looked at Karen, who's eyes went wide.
Karen looked over at Suki whose eyes silently urged her to continue. Karen then sighed before she unceremoniously removed her pyjamas, revealing her tight, hot body underneath. Karen was about the same size as Benita and was built about the same, as she had an "athletic" figure. Benita's eyes roved over Karen like a trainer looking over a race horse, examining the finer points of her body. Benita finally nodded her approval before standing up next to Karen.
Benita grasped Karen by the head and forced a kiss on the reluctant woman's lips. Karen let the kiss continue for a moment before the power, intensity and force of the kiss forced her to involuntarily return the kiss. At that point and only at that point, when Benita had made Karen want her, did Benita break the kiss and throw Karen down on the couch.
Karen sat down harshly and looked up at Benita, stunned, blinking. Benita walked between Karen's legs and at that moment Karen thought the act was going to happen, that the fuck would happen and this evening would be over. Benita reached down between Karen's legs and ran two fingers up then down the slit of Karen's pussy, before thrusting two fingers inside.
"Not wet enough," Benita said as she withdrew her fingers and licked them clean. "We can fix that," she added with a smirk before looking over at Suki and adding, "Right?"
"Mistress?" Suki asked submissively yet confused.
"She's not ready for me to fuck yet, eat her, make her cum," Benita said with a commanding tone as she backed out of the way and watched Suki's reaction.
"But Mistress said I would not have sex tonight. Mistress said all I would do is watch," Suki replied submissively and respectfully, trying to hide her reluctance and fear.
"I said you would not have sex with me, I didn't say you would not have sex with blondey here," Benita said as she leaned forward to talk sternly at Suki while pointing at Karen.
"Hey, I don't want . . ." Karen started to protest but Benita cut her off.
"Shut up! You're a piece of ass! You already agreed to be here, so you do what I say! Now spread those legs wide and scoot your ass to the edge of the sofa!" Benita commanded and before Karen could think to speak or protest again, she moved and complied.
"As for you, I told you to eat her pussy and make her cum. I don't care that she's your friend, you said you wanted to serve me and would do what I say, and I say eat this piece of ass and make it cum. You don't have to, you can refuse, it is your choice, but if you refuse, then everything is off. I walk out of here and you lose this one chance to serve me as you told me you want to," Benita said in a daring and challenging tone of voice as she leaned in. "How badly do you want to serve me?" Benita added with a cocky smirk. Benita was sure that she had Suki now, Benita was confident that Suki would refuse.
Suki said nothing but looked up at Benita and nodded before she crawled over to Karen and kneeled before her. Karen watched in horror, stunned silent as Suki looked up into her eyes and wordlessly apologized. Suki reached out with her tongue and licked pussy from bottom to top, in one steady lick, finally flicking across Karen's clitoris. Suki was not an experienced pussy-licker and had been with only two women since Benita and none before Benita. Suki had a natural talent for bringing out the pleasure of a woman, as Karen would soon learn.
Karen looked down to see Suki settle herself into a good pussy-licking pattern. Karen shuddered as incredible pleasure shot through her body again and again. The image of Suki between her thighs was already burned into her memory and Karen knew that every time she saw Suki's face she would remember this moment. Their friendship would never be the same again, Karen knew that, and from the look in Suki's eyes she not only knew it but was sorry for it as well.
By the time Suki thrust her fingers into Karen's pussy all thoughts left Karen's mind. Karen moaned a deep, guttural moan as Suki continued her pussy-eating efforts. Karen slumped her body into the sofa, started to writhe and gyrate as the pleasure moved her. It was not long before Karen could feel the build-up to a powerful climax. Karen started to moan and whimper, knowing this was a larger cum than her fiancée had given her but not wanting to admit that to anyone.
When Suki shoved a finger up Karen's ass, Karen blanked out. As if Karen was struck by lightning she shook violently and so intently that it took great effort and concentration for Suki to hold on and continue to lick slit. With a final scream Karen arched her back, tensed up before slumping lifelessly on the sofa. If it wasn't for the movement of her chest, one might have thought she had a heart attack.
"Good girl, I think that'll do, my Pet, you may kneel where you were," Benita said as she walked up to Suki and stroked her hair soothingly.
Suki looked up to Benita and smiled a proud smile, happy and proud, not only for pleasing her Mistress but also for being called "Pet." Suki glanced up at the still closed eyes of the twitching Karen and licked her lips before she crawled over to where she had been ordered to.
Karen's eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was not a welcoming sight. Benita's face filled her vision, watching as Karen came back to consciousness. Benita smirked a cocky and arrogant smirk before she chuckled.
"I think you're wet enough now," Benita said arrogantly before she stood back up straight.
Karen looked at Benita and watched as Benita quickly prepared to fuck. Benita tucked the front of her skirt up into her belt, and then tugged on the Velcro of her panties. In a flash her panties were gathered around one leg, out of the way.
Benita's cock sprang into view and Karen drew a breath in shock when she saw the size of it. Karen's pussy wept in anticipation for the impending invasion of the fat monster. Karen's mind wept as she knew that it dwarfed her fiancée's cock and sex with him would never feel the same again.
Benita moved forward and positioned herself, getting ready to fuck but looked at Karen in an arrogant manner. Benita's cock was pointing at Karen's pussy and twitching in anticipation of its latest fuck but Benita did not line-up and sink in.
"Line me up, if you want to get fucked," Benita said as she placed her hands on the back of the sofa, one on either side of Karen's head.
Karen looked up at Benita who now towered over her in a completely dominant manner. Karen did the only thing she could do, reach down, grasp the shaft of the large, fat cock and lined up the mushroom-shaped head to her pussy. As Benita shifted forward Karen moved Benita's cockhead up and down her slit a few times. Karen wanted to lubricate the head of the large cock before she lined it up to the entrance of her pussy and waited.
"Look at me," Benita said in a softer, yet firm tone of voice.
Benita waited until Karen looked up into Benita's eyes before she shifted forward and sank her cock into the twenty-eighth woman she had ever fucked: Karen. Karen's pussy was one of the tighter pussies Benita had fucked. Karen's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the fat phallus steadily slid into her. Just when Karen thought the cock would hit bottom and stop coming in, more would come. When Benita's cockhead hit Karen's uterus Benita stopped. Karen moaned and whimpered at a sensation she had never felt before looking in Benita's eyes in wonder.
"Get ready for the fuck of your life, Slut," Benita said as she withdrew her cock until just the head was propping the entrance of Karen's pussy open.
Karen whimpered as for a split second she feared Benita would pull out. When Benita shifted her weight and shoved her cock back in, Karen felt bliss. It was by the third stroke of Benita's cock that Karen threw all caution to the wind. Karen wrapped her arms around Benita's neck and her legs around Benita's waist and eagerly participated in the fuck that she never wanted in the first place. Karen hated herself and felt like a slut and whore as she eagerly and fervently moved her hips to meet every one of Benita's powerful strokes. Each and every time Benita entered Karen, she hit her uterus; each and every time that happed it drove Karen a little more nuts.
Karen came twice more before Benita's cock erupted as it was wedged deep within Karen's pussy. If it wasn't for the fact that Karen was on the pill, she was sure that much cum shooting right into her uterus would knock her up. The glorious feeling proved too much for poor Karen and she came one last time, passing out afterwards. By the time Karen came to she felt alone, empty and very wet as she breathed hard while looking up, bleary-eyed at Benita.
"Clean me up," Benita said in a commanding tone as she looked from Karen's eyes to her own cock.
"What?" Karen asked confused.
"Lick my cock clean! I can't get dressed with my cock wet with your juices, so get over here and clean me off with your tongue," Benita said in a firm tone of voice.
"Do I have to?" Karen asked with reluctance in her manner.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you to put your toys away when you're done playing with them? Well, my cock is the biggest toy you've ever played with, so be a good little girl and clean me off," Benita said in a firm, demanding, yet slightly condescending manner.
"Get Suki to do it. I've fucked you, that's all I was supposed to do. I've done my part," Karen protested in a weak and meek manner, sounding more like a pout.
"She's not allowed to touch me tonight, and I can't go out like this, so that leaves you. I've just fucked you two three orgasms, I think you owe me a little tongue work, don't you?" Benita demanded and stood firm looking right into Karen's eyes.
Benita saw and recognized the moment of submission, the moment when Karen gave in; she could read it in her eyes. Karen looked at the floor as she slid off the couch, kneeled before Benita and looked up only as far as Benita's cock. Karen then reached out with her tongue and licked the tip of Benita's cock. Karen had never had anything to do with her fiancée's cock after he had fucked her, so this was a first for her. Karen started at the head of the cock and licked her way down, going around the shaft so that once she was at the base she was done, or so she thought.
"Clean my pussy too. I can't put my panties on with a wet crotch, can I?" Benita said with a calmer, more satisfied demand.
Karen then sighed and continued to lick her way down and around Benita's pussy and thighs until once again, Benita's pussy was clean.
"Do my panties up. Don't forget, you have to put your toys away once you're done with them," Benita said with a demanding smile, as she dragged out Karen's submission just a bit more.
Karen found both flaps of Benita's "Getting Busy" panties and did them up, taking a moment to figure it out. Along the way she made sure that Benita's cock was in place and comfortably situated. Without being told, Karen reached up and untucked Benita's skirt from her belt and let it fall down, covering Benita respectably once again. Karen looked up into Benita's eyes, to see if she was done.
"Good girl. You've done well. I am pleased," Benita said in a soft and warm tone of voice as she stroked Karen's hair gently.
Karen smiled but was inwardly simply happy the experience was over. Karen didn't move from her spot and watched as Benita walked over to Suki, who had not moved from her spot, kneeling where she had been told. Benita stopped right in front of Suki, reached down, grasped Suki by the hair and made Suki look up. Benita hovered her face over Suki and made Suki look straight up, as if at the ceiling.
"You've done well and earned your place at my feet, so I will claim you and make you mine from now till the day you die or I get tired of you, Is this what you want? To be owned by me? To be my slave?" Benita spoke in a firm, unambiguous manner.
"Yes, Mistress, I want that very much, I want to be your slave?" Suki replied with wet eyes of joy as she looked up into Benita's eyes.
"Remember, you're my slave at all times, so you do what I say, when I say and how I say it. If you walk away from me, if you leave me, don't look back because I will never take you back. Do you understand?" Benita said in a stern tone with the hint of fear in her eyes as she looked into Suki's eyes.
"I understand, Mistress, I won't run from you, I swear," Suki assured as she nodded and looked at Benita with love and devotion.
Benita stood up and turned away, momentarily in order to wipe the tears from her eyes and regain her composure. The touching moment got to her and the shell around Benita's heart started to crack. Benita's own emotions got the better of her and while she did not love Suki, she respected her dedication and genuinely liked her.
"Let's go home," Benita said as she looked at the door.
At that Suki stood up, grasped her purse and unlocked the door. Suki then opened the door, holding it open for Benita to walk through.
"Thank you for everything, I don't know how to repay you," Suki said with wet eyes to Karen as Benita left the apartment.
"Tonight never happened," Karen said with determination as she stared into Suki's eyes.
"As you wish," Suki nodded before exiting the apartment, closing the door behind her.
After the door closed behind her, Karen sat there and cried, feeling like crap for not only cheating on her fiancée but loving the experience. It was just over a year later and six months into her marriage that Karen could stop faking orgasms with the man she loved.
Benita was standing on the sidewalk talking on the phone to the cab company when Suki arrived. Suki stood one pace behind and to the side of Benita. Suki did not announce her presence, yet waited to be addressed. Benita then hung up and turned her attention to Suki.
"I won't make you act like my slave in public, it will draw too many stares and questions. I will however, have you act like my girlfriend, in public. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to openly be my girlfriend in public and my slave in private?" Benita asked plainly, with a raised eyebrow.
"I would love that, Mistress! I expected to be treated like a slave always or simply act as your friend in public," Suki replied in wonder and amazement at her elevated status.
"I won't stuff you in the shadows, I have been there and I won't do that to anyone else," Benita said with a pained expression as she looked into Suki's eyes. "While it's nobody's business to know the true nature of our relationship, that doesn't mean that people can't know that we're together, right?" Benita said in the same friendly, yet confident manner.
"Yes, Mistress, I am still your slave at all times, but I will not draw attention to us," Suki said with a warm smile, pleased with how well the evening had turned out. "What shall I call you in public, Mistress?" Suki asked curiously.
"My friends call me, Ben," Benita said with a smile as the cab pulled up.
"When will I see you again, Mistress?" Suki asked as Benita opened up the cab door.
"Tonight. You're coming home with me now," Benita said as she got in the cab and left the door open.
"Home? With you, M . . . Ben?" Suki asked with a stunned wonder as she entered the cab and closed the door behind her.
"Yes, and tomorrow morning, over breakfast, I'll introduce you to my parents," Benita replied confidently with a warm smile.
"Really?" Suki replied still stunned.
"I told you, I will not shove you in the shadows, and since I have a girlfriend now, I think it is time they not only meet her but learn of my preference for women," Benita said as she reached over and pulled Suki to her by her far shoulder.
"Yes, Ben," Suki replied as she settled into a nice snuggle with her beloved Mistress.