Chapter 03
The next day Kevin caught my eye after class. He was confident, non-confrontational. "Are you ready to become my lover?"
I hadn't expected him to be this direct. My cunt heated up. I did want it, but was I? I loved sex with him. I didn't say yes or no, which he couldn't help notice, but asked, "How would we explain it to my daughter?"
"Are you sure she'd object?" he quipped and instantly noted the stern look of disapproval on my face. This was not something I was willing to joke about.
"Sorry. We're working on it."
I wasn't sure what that meant, but took the opportunity to change the subject. When I asked him about the river clean up project he gave me a quick report, noting how hard Julie had worked.
* * * *
The next weeks were pleasant, if uneventful. Teaching was going well; I received praise from both the students and administration. I also had to acknowledge that Kevin was good for Julie. He treated her with respect, she was getting excellent grades, and her social life was intense and rewarding. Her friendship with Ivy paralleled mine with her mother, Diane. I came to accept the fact that I had a thing for a student who also happened to be my daughter's boyfriend. I incorporated my desire for him into my truncated sex life. When she came home from a date, glowing with sexual satisfaction, I headed for the shower, where I brought myself off while fantasizing about Kevin. Outside of my encounters with Kevin, this was, in fact, the most satisfactory sex I had in years. Sex with my husband, when it happened, was desultory.
* * * *
The school was holding a rally for our girl's soccer team, which was scheduled to leave for the state championship tournament. Julie was set to speak. I was in the office adjoining my classroom trying to finish grading some papers before I went to the presentation.
What I was really doing was gently touching my breasts and daydreaming about Kevin and I in bed together. I looked out my window; the main building was all but abandoned and, I thought, why the heck not. I pushed a finger past my panties into my vagina. I was slippery wet. It felt good. I had plenty of time, the rally was only just beginning. Then I saw Julie and Kevin sneak out of the gym's back door, holding hands. They must be headed for a quick liaison; the thought of it drove up the temperature between my legs.
I had two fingers buried in my cunt and one working my clit when my classroom door open. Startled and a bit frightened, I pulled my hand from my crotch, waddled to my office door, and cracked it open. Julie and Kevin were locked in a deep sensual kiss. Thoughts flashed through my mind: where had she gotten a key, what was the last time my husband kissed me like that (I think never), and damn, those two are sexy together. By the time I focused on what I should have been doing, getting the kids out of my classroom, several minutes had elapsed. It would be impossible to explain my delay.
So I watched. Kevin sat on the counter that ran along the back of the room. He was facing my direction; his pants were at his ankles. He and Julie, whose back was to me, were kissing, their lips and tongues frantically working against each other. She fisted his erection. Pre-cum dripped from its tip. Their stifled moans signaled the intensity of their arousal.
Julie finally broke the contact and checked the wall clock.
"We better hurry."
She took his erection in her mouth. She was a woman on a mission. She displayed no subtle technique designed to slowly bring her man along. One hand rolled his balls between her fingers, the other wrapped around the base of his shaft, twisting. Her mouth was awe-inspiring. She bobbed up and down, swallowing about four inches and then spitting out all but the head, where she paused, licked, sucked, before swallowing his cock. Her cheeks and tongue moved with passionate intensity.
My hand was buried between my legs, my fingers squeezing my love-bud.
Under this kind of assault Kevin couldn't last long. He placed his hands on her head, affirming but not guiding her motions, his body tightened, and he shot his cum into her mouth, accompanied by a single deep grunt, "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH." She continued sucking and swallowing until she ingested every drop. She let the shrinking thing fall from his mouth.
His face full of appreciation he said, "Babe, that was amazing."
I could only see the back of her head, but her voice was light, happy. "Thanks, anytime, but remember, you owe me one. Gotta go and practice my remarks." She kissed him on the lips, said, "See ya' soon," and disappeared out the door.
Kevin sat there, contentment evident on his face. I withdrew my hand from my cunt, thinking would you please hurry up and leave, I am so fucking horny and I need to finish.
Then he said, "Don't worry Mrs. Huff, she didn't see you." He jumped from the counter and ambled towards me, his face bearing the happy lazy look of a man who had just had his dick sucked.
I backed into my office. He looked over at the clock. "I was hoping we'd catch you in here. It was some turn-on, having you watch. Don't worry, we have enough time for you and Julie's speech. On your desk, panties off, please."
There was no resistance in me. I sat on my desk, took off my heels and panties, spread my legs, and trying to keep the plaintive tone out of my voice, said, "Please Kevin, I'm so horny."
He pulled up a chair and massaged and kissed each foot, sucked my toes into his mouth, running his teeth along their pads, and slid my heels back on. He lightly stroked my exposed beaver, bringing a groan from me that was a synthesis of need and pleasure. He sank a finger into me, coated it with my juice, and stood, pulling me forward. He held the finger between us; he licked up one side and I the other. We exchanged a soul-searching mind-bending kiss. I slumped back to the desk, holding myself up on my forearms. He sat down.
"Please Kevin, please."
Instead of attacking my vagina, which was wet, swollen, and desperate, he kissed my left knee and then moved up, nibbling and nipping the inside of my leg. By the time he got to the top of my thigh I was moaning; there was a direct connection between it and the quivering walls of my vagina. I was shaking, his mouth was millimeters from my snatch, and then he switched to my right knee, which he kissed and then nibbled his way north, closing in on my snatch. I laid back on my desk. Sexual satisfaction and frustration merged in my groans.
And then, with me laying spread eagled on my desk, my whimperings aching with need, he returned to my left knee, repeating the process. It felt like my vagina was growing, spreading down my thighs. I could not stand any more delay. When he reached the top I grabbed his head. "Please god, I need it now."
Kevin listened to his teacher. He hovered over my bush, enjoying the smell of my arousal, and blew a stream of air over it.
He licked it once.
"Oooooooooooooooooooo... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
"You taste good, pretty lady."
He spread the lips of my pussy and licked from perineum to fur, nice and slow. He purred, digging it as much as I. He repeated the process, maybe ten, maybe fifteen times. Each time he passed over my clittie my body convulsed. I pushed myself up to my elbows to watch, watch my student take me on my desk.
"I could eat your sweet cunt all day long, but we have a speech to get to."
His fingers moved to the skin around my clitoris, pulling it aside. He blew on it, one long continuous stream.
"Ohhhhhh goddddd," I exclaimed, flopping back on my desk.
He took my clit between his lips, gumming it, moving it back and forth. I was breathing in short heavy bursts. He sucked it into his mouth, continuing to work it with his lips. He stopped sucking, holding it in place, slapping it with his tongue. I grabbed the side of my desk; my knuckles turned white. He started flogging my clit with his tongue, then sucked on it in while continuing the flogging, and then stopped sucking and continued the flogging. I was on fire, I didn't know a cunt could be eaten this well.
When I thought it couldn't get any better he ran the flat of his tongue, top to bottom, over my clit. Every nerve in my body - my toes, my fingers, my chin - burned. I locked my legs around his head, my black high heels pressed against his back. When I realized the sound of growing crowd in the schoolyard would drown out any noise I might make, conventions cracked. I grunted and groaned unashamedly, broadcasting the base depraved animalistic savage nature of the ecstacy pulsating in me. I was a balloon, inflated beyond its capacity, unable to sustain any more pressure, and then he pushed a crooked finger inside me, a guided missile heading to my g-spot. When he touched it, I exploded.
I see-sawed on the desk, my body thrashing about. Kevin stood between my legs, took my hands in his, yanked me to him, and kissed me. His tongue tasted like my pussy and when we broke the kiss - I was desperate to fill my lungs with air - I looked at his face. It shone with my juice. I cleaned it with my tongue.
"If we're going to see Julie, we better get out of here."
He helped me to my feet. I pulled my skirt back on, hastily combed my hair, and followed him to the classroom door. He stepped outside and said, "All clear." He went left. I went right.
When I got outside the air wafting up my skirt alerted me: my panties were still on my office floor. I didn't have time to retrieve them. I joined the principal and other teachers as Julie presented the soccer coach with a Happy Birthday card signed by the entire student body. I tried, but couldn't focus on what she was saying. My mind was scrambled by what Kevin had done to me. I was also wondering who'd find my underwear. Whatever she said, however, it was well received. When she was done Kevin and I congratulated her. I slipped him my keys with instructions to secure my panties.
Kevin returned the panties after the day's last class. Julie then popped into the room. The two of them were heading for the soccer tournament. Our girls won the championship.
* * * *
In November the Nature Conservancy recognized the school's environmental club for the stream clean up I mentioned earlier. Club members were awarded two night's stay at the Grand Lake Lodge at Rocky Mountain National Park. Two teachers, including myself, and Diane, our principal, were assigned to chaperone.
The second day I accompanied a group, including Kevin and Julie, on a ten mile hike. Kevin, who had studied the area's geology, played tour guide to those interested. It was interesting but I returned exhausted. After a long hot shower I dragged myself to the dining hall and the evening lecture. The speaker's presentation, especially after Kevin's, was sodden. I snuck out and headed back to my room. Yep, a teacher playing hooky.
I opened the door to find Kevin on my bed, his pants draped over a chair, and my fully clothed daughter, her hand wrapped around the base of his penis and her mouth around its top.
As the light from the hallway bathed the room she turned towards me.
"Mom, come in, close the door."
I was more stunned then angry; I knew my Julie was sucking her boyfriend's fat cock, but still.
"I can come back later. I mean, I..."
Julie stood, took my hand in hers, and tugged me into the room, swinging the door closed behind me. Her smile was almost wicked. "No, join us. You know you want to."
I was in the room before I realized I was moving. She sat me on the side of the bed. "Come on Mom. Our boy won't mind if we share. I can show you some tricks he likes."
I stammered, trying to frame a response, "But, baby, but he's your boyfriend."
She ran her hand along the inside of my leg. It felt good.
"Mom, I see the way you two look at each other. He's acknowledged he has a thing for you, don't you think its time you did the same?
Thoughts flashed through my head: Run? How did I end up here? Am I really going to do this? I can't do this! I did nothing,
"Hey mom, can you deep throat? He really likes it when I swallow his dick." Julie leaned over him, taking him into her mouth, and slowly swallowed the entire length of his dick. I watched her slim neck bulge as his cock slid inside. I imagined my mouth sinking over the length of his cock. Could I do it?
I knew I should leave.
When she reached bottom she lingered. She was some cock-sucker I thought; I could learn from this young lady. The she slid back up, took one of my hands, and brought it to his exposed shaft. I wrapped my fingers around him and started stroking. My daughter took the head back in her mouth, moving my hand to his heavy balls. I started playing with them.
"Your turn," Julie said. She had his dick in her hands, pointing it in my direction.
There was no fight left in me. I was going over the line. I wanted Kevin, I wanted my student, I wanted my daughter's boyfriend. I couldn't think of a reason to say no, couldn't think of anything but how desperately I wanted this. I licked my lips, inhaled deeply, and gave reign to my desires. I bent forward, pushed my hair from my face, and swallowed Kevin's cock, furiously lathering it with my tongue as my head bobbed up and down. My daughter fisted the shaft; my lips occasionally bumped into her hand.
I tried recalling everything I knew about cock-sucking. I doubted I could equal my daughter, but I wanted to give her a run for her money. I used my lips and tongue to lick, probe, suck, and caress his tool. Kevin's moans and groans grew louder. He tangled his fingers in my brown hair, urging me forward. My jaw ached; I sucked harder.
"He's getting close Mama, keep it up."
I ignored the pain; I sucked and licked. Kevin's movements became erratic. His hand closed hard on my hair; he pushed me forward and thrust into my mouth.
"Unnhhhhhh." He spewed his cum, gasping as his jism exploded into me. I had only had the tiniest previous taste of his seed. Now there were gobs and it was delicious, thick and creamy, sweet and salty. Its taste was worth all the taboos I had just trampled, sucking off a student, licking my daughter's boyfriend's cock, sharing a man with another woman. It was crazy, but good crazy.
Then my daughter found another taboo to violate.
"Hey, no fair Mom! You always taught me to share."
I turned towards her. She smiled and licked up the drops of Kevin's cum that had leaked from the corners of my mouth. When I didn't react she grabbed my face and kissed me. I was caught off guard and my daughter took instant advantage, pushing her tongue into my mouth. At first, I was tentative, but was soon infected by her passion. I kissed her back, my lips and tongue working against hers. I placed a hand on Kevin's thigh and, as I moved it forward to balance myself, encountered his cock. It had returned to a full erection.
We broke the kiss and I thought, oddly detached for a second, that my daughter was quite a good kisser, aggressive, sensitive, and sweet.
She stood up, said, "He's all yours," and left.
I was disoriented. I was also as aroused as I'd ever been. I had permission; I could fuck Kevin. I went to rip my clothes off, but Kevin, who had slid to the head of the bed, his head resting on a pillow, said "Take your time, I like to watch."
And so I did. It was not the sexiest outfit I owned, but I made the best of it. I let the sandals fall from my feet and pulled my blouse over my head, exposing my sensible athletic bra. I removed my belt, unzipped my shorts, and turned around. After a shake or two of my ass, they fell to the floor. I pulled my bra over my head and tossed it at him; it landed at his feet. Now there were only my panties, which I removed and also threw at him. To finish, I inserted three fingers of my left hand into my snatch, held them up as the light glistened off the moisture, and smeared the juice across my right breast.
I started towards him, but he held up a hand. I stopped. He got out of bed and undressed, imitating my strip show and inducing belly aches of laughter. When done he took my hand in his and kissed me while walking me backwards until I was against the wall, standing on a small mat, about two inches high. He ran his hands up my arms to my head, turned it to the side, and kissed my cheeks, chin, eyes, and nose, before running his tongue across my lips. They parted as if the Red Sea. Our tongues met and swirled together. His chest was pressed to my tits; his erection lay across my sex. I kissed his ear, exploring its contours with the tip of my tongue. I said what I thought he, with remarkable restraint, had yet to say.
"You told me so, didn't you. That you'd make me yours. I'll never say no to you again."
We were eye-to-eye, separated by millimeters. I loved the warmth of his body against mine; his breath against my skin; his hands on my sides. He bent his knees. I reached for his prick and set its head in my vagina. He rose, slowly; his cock slithered inside me. I put my hands on his shoulders. I had never been fucked standing up and was grateful that he started slowly, methodically, giving me a chance to understand the position. My wet cunt welcomed him and, knees bent and pushing from his hips, he entered me over and over.
I relaxed, taking long shallow breaths, lost in what was happening between my legs. He put his arms between us, elbows on my breasts, hands on my shoulders, forcing me to lean back. His pelvic bone pressed against my clitoris with each thrust. I let out a short growl each time it rolled over my horny bud. I grabbed his ass, pulling it tight against me, which racheted up the sensations. He worked his left leg between my right and the wall; I wrapped my leg around his for balance. His cock penetrated me even deeper. He grabbed my suspended thigh to steady me and then rocked me back and forth; his thrusting tool shifting from left to right and, unbelievably, he penetrated me even deeper.
I was grunting and groaning, panting and wheezing, consumed by what he was doing to me.
Then his voice, intense enough to catch my attention, "Listen."
People were outside the room, talking. Kids from the school were chatting in the hallway. They were only a few feet away, inches from where I was being fucked by one of their classmates. The thought was exciting, a catalyst for the burning fury between my legs. I kissed my lover and started groaning loudly. I knew that if I kept this up the kids would know their teacher's cunt was being filled with an impressively handled cock, but I couldn't stop.
"Put your arms around my neck."
I did and Kevin locked his hands together on my ass and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. We continued to fuck, our bodies banging against each other, as he carried me to the back of the room, against the rear wall.
I loved being taken by this man. I'd been wanting it for months. I had brought myself to countless orgasms thinking about it. I knew it was wrong, but my daughter had offered him to me, she understood. I recalled her lips on mine, the memory mingling with the jolts of pleasure radiating from my groin. I squeezed my thighs a bit tighter, narrowing my vaginal canal, enhancing the friction on his wonderful cock. I clenched my muscles, creating even more tension in my body. I felt the pleasure building.
"I'm so close, so close, so..."
He pinned me against the wall and let go of my ass, letting my legs slide to the floor, and started pounding my pussy. His eyes were shut, his face contorted with pleasure. He growled and he came, he was cumming inside me! His body shook and he struggled to suppress a scream, grunting in libidinous delight.
As his cum poured into me, my cunt blazed and reality shattered. He pulled my face to his neck so I could scream into his shoulder as the orgasm welled up from inside me, the pressure exploding from deep inside my vagina.
'Mpppppppppp... fffffffffffffffffff..."
He carried me to the bed. I spent the next, actually I have no idea how long, laying next to him, wallowing in how good my body felt. It tingled, everywhere.
* * * *
I drifted, slowly, back to reality. I snuggled up to my lover.
I was curious, not angry. Grateful actually. "When did you tell her?"
"Tell her what?" Then he figured out what I meant. "Oh, tell Julie about you and I."
"Yes," I replied. Only my post-orgasmic glow kept me from being annoyed at his playing dumb.
"I've not told her; she doesn't know."
"Then how come..." I stopped, at a loss for words.
He finished my thought. "How come she wanted to get the three of us together?"
At the moment I I did not catch the three of us part. I was thinking only of Kevin. I did not catch the three of us part. "Yes."
"She saw how I looked at you and when she confronted me about it I said yes, I found you very attractive. Well, my word choice was a bit more tawdry. My honesty impressed her; her other boyfriends would check you out one minute and deny it the next. She's also noticed your interest in me - you'll have to ask her how she figured that out - and is aware of your husband's limitations as a lover. She listens at night. She started talking about ways to get us together. I, of course, encouraged her, but what happened tonight was her idea, although I guess I'll need to let her know."
Why should Kevin have all the fun? "No, I'll tell her."
I was growing tired and could still hear voices in the hall. Amidst a yawn, I said, "How do we get you out of here?"
"No need to worry. By now Ivy's in my room in bed with my roommate. Everyone assumes I'm in bed with Julie in her room."
I wanted to explore all of this further, but I was tired and with the concern about the sleeping arrangements addressed, I drifted into a comfortable sleep.
* * * *
Movement on the bed and tongues and lips working my breasts ended my slumber. A hand covered my eyes. When I reached up to remove it Julie said, "No peeking. Kevin and I are having a contest, whose better at making love to your titties. Lay back, enjoy, and tell us which of your boobies is happier."
I tried to play the game, but failed. Both tits were loving the mouths and hands that licked, kissed, nipped, coddled and caressed then. One nipple was sucked into a mouth and lashed hard. The other breast was rolled forward and a tongue, leaving a trail of saliva behind, started a long firm journey that traveled around until it reached my nipple, where it delivered a long hard firm wet swipe.
My tits, both my tits, became the center of my consciousness. How was I to decide? Then, from the softness of a whisker free-face I knew which one was Julie. I couldn't let Kevin get any more cocky than he was.
"My left tit."
Julie threw her hands up in triumph. "I win, I go first."
Julie was naked. She was beautiful. Her bright eyes were light, almost sky, blue. Her skin pale, paler then mine. She did not share my wide mouth; she was more classically beautiful. Her nipples, unlike my small red ones, were large and brown with wide areolas. She had painted her fingernails, which were shorter than mine, pink. I knew all this, but the stirring in my sex at the sight of her, that was new.
Being awakened in the middle of the night by my naked daughter, who was lapping at my breasts with as much enthusiasm and more skill than she had exhibited as a new born, was a new experience. I decided to take the easy path. I just lay there. My teenaged daughter kissed my lips, then my neck, while squeezing my boobs. She began to work her way lower, returning to my tits, kissing licking lapping them. The sensations barreled down an expressway to my pussy; Julie pushed as much bliss down that road as it could bear. She circled my nipples with her tongue, bringing them to full puckered hardness before sucking them between her soft lips and working them with her tongue. I moaned, holding this sweet product of my loins to my chest.
There was no fleeting about how wrong this was or that I was compounding my earlier error in judgment with Kevin. If to feel like this I had to abandon self-control and respectability, to become some sort of out-of-control slut, then let the slutting begin. I loved how Julie, and Kevin before her, made me feel. They were the right lovers, I wasn't going to give them up.
Julie's fingers wandered down, across, and through my pussy hair. Another finger drew a line up my side. The touch was light, stimulating, arousing. It was Kevin. His dancing eyes were enjoying the show. I ran my hand down Julie's back to her tight little ass and kneaded her butt, letting them know I was more than willing to play.
Julie rubbed my pussy with the heel of her hand, pressing just above my clit. I was dripping wet. I spread my legs wide and Julie pressed two slender fingers inside me, grazing my g-spot with her fingernails. I arched my back and pushed my sex into Julie's fingers. She slowly moved her fingers in and out of me, bringing me closer and closer to a climax.
Her mouth left my breasts, to be replaced my Kevin's. She started kissing her way down my stomach. I moaned and closed my eyes as Julie approached my sex. An odd thought popped into my mind: I had never been with a woman. Was I bisexual? I guess I was about to find out.
As she moved down my cries got louder; I twisted this way and that, taking advantage of the big bed. Then Julie pulled the skin above my clit and kissed it, just once.
God fucking yes, I was bisexual. My cunt swelled and pulsated, spilling juice. It took me a second to realize Kevin was gone. I opened my eyes; he was at the foot of the bed. He spread Julie's legs and kneeled between them. One hand went under her body to her cunt; the other landed on the small of her back. He looked me in the eye, winked, and bent forward, dragging his tongue up the crevice of her ass. Julie raised her head and squealed. Kevin rose up on his knees, fisting his prick. Julie turned her full attention to me, sucking and licking my clit while frigging me hard with two fingers. After several minutes, when she had be helplessly bucking my groin into her face, she turned to Kevin. "Fuck me now!" It was a demand, not a request. He picked her up to her knees and effortlessly entered her.
I played with my nipples with one hand, stroked Julie's short blonde hair with the other. I was no longer a respectable school teacher; I was a nymphomaniac with two exquisite wonderful lovers whose ages, combined, did not equal my own. Julie was moaning into my cunt and the look on Kevin's face made it clear that my daughter's pussy was wet, hot, and tight. I sailed along, my pussy pulsating with my daughter's expert tongue, my eyes aglow with the sight of Kevin fucking my child. I groaned and overflowed with pleasure. It was no longer clear on how long it had been going on when my entire body tensed. I dug my heels into the bed and my toes curled. Insatiable Julie slurped away at my pussy.
"Oh God! Oh God, Oh God!!" I cried as I came, arching my back, pushing my pussy into my daughter's face.
As I squirmed in orgasmic joy, Julie kept licking me, walking me step-by-step back from my peak. Finally I just lay on the bed, my breathing deep and regular. Kevin, mesmerized by the power of my orgasm, had stopped fucking my daughter. Julie pulled her head from my crotch; her face, covered with pussy juice, was split by a wide smile.
"Did I do good, Mommy?"
As to my answer, interrupted by several quick breaths, there was no doubt. "Oh yes baby, you did real good. It was wonderful."
"Good, I want to do it again. Now Kevin, fuck me."
Kevin obeyed. He resumed fucking her and Julie, her Mom temporarily satiated, turned her full attention to the cock pumping in and out of her cunt. Kevin took his time, varying his motions, in and out, left to right, and in short circles. I was rapt watching Kevin fuck my little girl, shoving his cock in and out of her. Drops of spittle dripped from her mouth and she moaned incoherently, effortlessly absorbing every inch of Kevin's fat cock. I couldn't wait until it was my turn again. The bed rocked with their rhythm. I crammed two fingers into my pussy and extended my foot to caress Julie's breasts, which swayed under her body. She opened her eyes and nodded her appreciation, before closing then to focus on the fire between her legs.
They were fucking harder and harder, their moans sharper, less coherent. Their climaxes were inevitable. Then it was Kevin who shoved in hard and stopped.
That was all Julie required.
Julie slumped forward, her head landing on my stomach. Kevin slid forward on top of her and rolled to the side
After a brief respite we went at it for another several hours. When they left the room at 4:00 A.M. Julie switched off my alarm.
"Last night I told the Principal you were running a fever. She told me to tell you to sleep in. She'll check on you in the morning."
There was no objection in my orgasm riddled body.
* * * *
I heard knocking. I looked at the clock. It was 9:00 A.M. I bolted from the bed and put on a light robe.
"Who is it?"
"Diane." My daughter's cover story of the night before came back to me.
I opened the door. Diane stepped in the room. She placed a soft hand on my forehead and asked how I was doing.
"Fine, the fever broke a few hours ago."
"You look a bit wan, it must have been a long night."
You have no idea, I thought. "Yes, I'm still a bit worn out."
Diane touched the sheet. "Wow, it must have broken. I can feel the dampness on the bed."
She kissed my cheek. "Take it easy today."