Chapter 04

I skipped the morning's activities, happy to take the chance to rest. I hadn't been fucked like that in..., well, ever. I was sore; my pussy was sore. Nonetheless, I told Diane I'd be ready by lunch and when she asked if I felt up to accompanying some of the kids on a canoe trip, I agreed. After yesterday's hike sitting down seemed an excellent idea. I put on a pair of boat shoes, shorts, pulled a white shirt over a yellow bikini top, and reported for duty.

It was a perfect day. The temperature was moderate, a few puffy white clouds drifted across a clear blue sky. There were twelve students, all couples, and six canoes. I scanned the crowd, seeing the kids with new eyes, wondering how many of them were screwing each other. My musings were interrupted by Kevin and Julie, who handed me a life vest and invited me to join them. I sat on the bench in the middle of the canoe, Julie was in front, and Kevin, after pushing the canoe into the water, sat in back.

Unlike the day before, when Kevin had led the hike, today we lagged behind, providing the chance to share enough surreptitious caresses and kisses to keep us in a high state of arousal. When the group entered Bear Lake everyone but Kevin headed for a rock formation on its far side. He expressed a desire to explore a nearby stand of Colorado pines. I knew I should keep the group together, but temptation called.

I was struck by the quiet as the other canoes receded. I could barely hear the burbling of Kevin's paddle as he propelled us forward. "I can't believe how peaceful it is out here," I commented, keeping my own voice low.

"It's one of the reasons I ditched the group," Kevin said, "quiet time is good time."

I turned to face Kevin. He was wearing a tee shirt and a pair of cutoff jeans. He had kicked off his sandals when we entered the lake's placid waters. I leaned forward to caress his feet and legs.

"Quiet time is good," I said, "Are you two sure that being stuck with a teacher in the canoe is not going to cramp your style?"

The canoe rocked gently as my daughter moved towards me. Her hands took hold of the ties securing my life vest, loosening them.

"Yes, it's terrible," she said. "Kevin and I were planning to fuck like bunnies and now you're here."

Kevin, who was enjoying my fingers on his leg, smiled.

I leaned forward and dragged my fingers down his inner thighs. I looked at his shorts; I could see the outline of a swollen mass inside. My daughter's hands, which had succeeded in removing my life vest, reached under my white shirt and untied the bikini top; it barely clung to my breasts.

I hardly noticed. I was transfixed by Kevin's erection. Desire erupted within me. He had fucked me silly a few hours before and I was ready to go again. I reached for his cock, traced its outline in his shorts, and caressing the lump of meat with my fingers.

"He does have a nice cock, doesn't he Mama. Even better, its almost always ready to go. Go ahead Mama, pull it out, let's take a look."

My heart pounding, I opened the button at the waist of his shorts and unzipped the zipper.

"Kevin, you aren't wearing underwear."

" thought...maybe...well, it might get in the way."

I ran my fingers up and down the shaft. The skin was stretched tight along the sides; his veins bulged. I swept a finger over the flared tip; slippery fluid seeped out. I massaged the pre-cum into the head. Kevin trembled.

"Do you like that, my darling? Does it feel good?"

"Oh, yeah, Mrs. Huff. Feels incredible."

"Kevin dear, maybe its time you started calling me Hilary."

Julie's hands reached around, pushed aside my bikini top, and squeezed my breasts. They swelled. I ran my trembling hands up and down Kevin's erection, loving its thickness and strength. It was unbelievably hard; I could feel the blood vessels pulsing along its sides. It seemed a miracle, the thing I had been craving for months was mine, mine to share with my daughter, mine to fill my cunt, my mouth, my butt. I took a deep breath, leaned forward, and kissed the tip.

"Oh yes Mrs. H, Hilary, yes that feels good."

I grabbed the hem of Kevin's shorts. He shifted his position, allowing me to pull his shorts over his hips and past his knees until they lay around his ankles in the water at the bottom of the canoe.

"That's better sweet boy." Again, I kissed the tip of his shaft. My soft hair tumbled over his cock, tickling his belly and thighs, adding to the stimulation.

I moved forward and sat on the canoe bottom. Tilting his erection away from me, I licked the length of the shaft and swirled my tongue around the tip. Kevin clutched the sides of the canoe and moaned. I cupped his balls in my hand and squeezed several times while staring into his eyes. Inspired by his moans, I tilted my head and lashed the side of the throbbing blushing organ, running my tongue up and down the side, rolling his balls in my hand. He rocked his hips, grunting, "Uh!! Uh!! Uh!!"

The canoe started swaying; better to calm things down. I released his erection, got up on my knees, using my life vest as a knee pad, and pressed my lips to his, sliding my tongue into his mouth. As our tongues lashed together I undid his life vest, tugged his tee shirt up to his armpits, and began kissing his chest, licking, then sucking, his nipples. My daughter moved onto the bench I'd vacated and reached around to stroke my belly. Her hand moved down, unbuckled my belt, and found my wet vagina. Her fingers ran along my swollen pussy lips.

I wrapped my fingers around his cock and began stroking. Kevin's gaze slid down my chest; my hard nipples were visible through my wet shirt. His cock was trembling and soft and strong and wonderful; passionate murmurs poured from his mouth. I bent forward, unfortunately pulling away from my daughter's hand, and took his erection back into my mouth, bobbing my head, keeping my lips wrapped tightly around the shaft while I caressed his legs and balls. I took him all the way into my mouth and then moved back until only the head was between my lips. I sucked with feverish intensity. I kept going. When his balls tightened up, I let his hard-on slip from my mouth.

"I'm sorry about cramping your style Kevin, but still, would you like to come? I do so want a mouthful of your jism. You can fuck my daughter later. I'd love to watch."

Kevin had lost the ability to make a smart ass comment. "Oh, God, yes. Let's get to the shore and ..."

I interrupted him with a kiss. "We don't have to go anywhere, darling. This is where your horny teacher is going to suck you dry. That is, if its okay with your girlfriend."

I gave my daughter my best puppy dog look. She nodded yes, a lascivious grin displaying her perfect teeth. I dropped my mouth back over his rod and resumed bobbing my head while massaging his heavy balls.

Kevin was shaking. I recalled the fierce blow job my daughter had given him in my classroom. Cheeks concave, I sucked him with greater force. I was quickly rewarded; Kevin groaned, jerked, and grunted from the depth of his chest. His sperm surged up his cock and thick sexy cream gushed into my mouth, filling every crevice. I had to gulp the warm, viscous fluid down to keep from gagging and kept sucking until I was sure I'd swallowed every drop. I gave his softening penis one last kiss and let it slide from my mouth.

My daughter placed her hands on my upper back, leaned forward, whispered, "Damn Mom, you are some sexy," and tugged my earlobe with her teeth. She nibbled her way down, then back up, my neck. She turned my head towards her, kissed my chin and cheeks, and brought her mouth to mine. We shared the taste of her boyfriend. I rested a hand on her leg.

She undid her life vest and tossed it behind her. I embraced her, crushing her body to mine, and sliding my hands up her back, drawing her closer, and undoing her bikini top. Our tongues danced together and then searched out the hidden crevices of each other's mouths. I moved my hands to her front, pulling the bikini from her breasts and running my hands up their plump sides. Julie pressed hard against me; I released her breasts and slid my hands along her now naked back. I kissed her neck and then lowered myself to the bottom of the canoe. My face was level with her breasts. I put my arms around her waist and kissed and licked her titties, avoiding her stiff throbbing areolas and nipples.

When she understood what I was not doing Julie said a single word, "Please."

I flicked a nipple with my tongue and sucked it into my mouth. I bit and tugged on it and released it in favor of her other nipple. Julie was jabbering incoherently and rocking her pelvis. I reached between her legs and rubbed her mound through her bikini bottom. The canoe was soon moving to the rhythm of Julie's moans and Kevin started paddling towards the shore, creating enough stability for Julie and I to continue. I increased the pressure on her sex, the wet fabric molded itself to her mons and pussy lips. Julie pushed her hips against my hand and covered my hands with her own, the heel of her hand on her clit. Soon she was gasping for air and then, in one short hard second, she jerked and came, and collapsed against me. She slid to the floor of the canoe - Kevin hung his legs over the side to make room - and rested her head on my shoulder, her arm around me.

"Are you alright?" I asked, running my fingers through her short blonde hair.

"Mmmmmmm, Mama, sure am."

When we reached the shore I stepped out of the canoe and scanned the lake; the rest of our group could be barely made out in the distance.

I held out my hand for my daughter. "Come on, baby." She grabbed it, her balance still uncertain.

I asked Kevin to toss me the blanket we had packed and to keep watch. Julie and I had some unfinished business.

"Anything to please the ladies."

At a flat soft spot behind a sandstone boulder, I spread the blanket, slid out of my shirt, discarded my shorts, and pulled Julie's bikini bottom over the curve of her ass. I stopped to admire the beauty my daughter had become, her blue eyes, her blonde hair, her flat muscular stomach, her round gentle face. Julie returned my stare, smiled, and moved forward, taking me in her arms. She caressed and kissed my shoulders, leaving a trail of goose bumps. Her gaze turned to my firm swollen breasts. While her hands floated across my abdomen, she took a nipple in her mouth, sucked it voraciously, and then licked across my stomach, stopping briefly to explore my navel. Her fingernails moved up and down my thighs and circled around to my butt. She returned to my breasts, took the other nipple in her mouth, and teased it until I thought it might explode. We enjoyed a deep long kiss.

Julie sat down and in a voice laden with lust said, "Lie down." I followed her to the ground. We lay on our sides facing each other. I captured her lips with mine, stretching her lower lip. I sucked one of her fingers into my mouth. We kissed again. As our tongues danced our hands roamed, massaging arms, backs, thighs, breasts. The tempo of our caresses and kisses increased. Julie nudged me onto my back and rolled on top, our lips never breaking contact. Julie sucked and kissed my sensitive neck and kissed across my chest and stomach. She raked her fingers through the dark curls of my mound. My body shivered; moisture saturated my pubic hairs. I was desperate to cum. She spread my pussy lips wide, blew a stream of air over them, and alternated between licking and stroking them. She took her time, taking breaks to kiss my thighs.

Julie's teasing was effective. She had pushed me to the edge of sanity; I was desperate; I needed to cum. And then she sucked my clit into her mouth: my back arched, I grabbed the blanket, my breath came in short pants. I thought about staving off the orgasm, drawing it out, but Julie would have none of it; she sucked and licked my clit and when my orgasm arrived I howled like one of the creatures which whom we shared this desert. I closed my eyes, letting the sensations smother me.

Julie kissed her way back up me, arriving at my mouth. Her fingers entered me. I sucked on her tongue, I liked the way I tasted. She kept at it, fingers stroking my g-spot, thumb working my clit. I moved my hand to her mound and entered her, trying to mimic her fingers, but I was far too aroused for any co-ordinated movement. I was powerless; there was another orgasm about to be born within me; I was its slave. I heard the voices of the other students heading our way. Their approach made it seem so much more licentious, debauched, wanton, debased. My loins exploded; my depraved scream was muffled by my daughter's mouth.

My eyes were shut and I was gasping for air when a shadow fell across my face.

Kevin's voice intruded on Eden. "Out of time ladies, the rest of the crew is almost here." He handed us our clothes. We put them on and got in the water to wash away the evidence. Julie took the chance, shielded by Kevin's body, to kiss me on the lips, murmur an endearment, and remind me I owed her one.

The group headed back to the lodge. We washed up and boarded the bus for the trip home. Diane and I chatted on the way back. As we pulled up Kevin offered to give us a ride and help us unload. I called my husband, let him know he didn't need to pick us up, and affirmed he had not prepared a meal. I called Domino's. After we got into Kevin's truck I turned to my daughter. "I need pointers on how to swallow a dick."

Julie undid Kevin's zipper, pulled out his cock, and on the way home provided a quick tutorial.

Upon our arrival Julie, Kevin, and I emptied the truck. My husband sat, rising only to amble to the door when the pizza arrived. Julie took that opportunity to trap me against the refrigerator and slip her tongue into my mouth. While my husband invited Kevin to eat with us, he consumed his four slices in front of the television; Julie, Kevin, and I ate at the table, which screened our feet as we massaged his crotch.

When done Julie and I cleaned the plates. Kevin watched, fondling our asses. Julie scooted back to the living room to ask her Dad if she could show Kevin pictures from the trip on the computer in her room.

My husband looked at me. Was it okay? We had rules about entertaining boys in her bedroom.

Standing behind his chair, my hand running lightly up the length of Kevin's erection, I said, "Julie, I'd like to see them also."

Her voice ingenuous, she said, "Great, why don't you join us Mom."

My husband, grateful for a solution that did not involve him, sank back into his chair to focus on the television. The three of us headed upstairs.

Kevin sat on Julie's bed. She pulled his shorts down to his knees. His erection swung freely. I sat next to him. Julie switched on her computer and pulled up a chair. I wrapped my hand around Kevin's pulsating member.

"Okay Mama, you wanna to learn and I'm ready to show you how to deep throat our boy here, but I have one condition."

"Which is?"

"Well, you gotta promise that yesterday and today were not one time things. From now on you'll be our lover, a hot cunt always ready to go."

Time to play coy.

"Are you guys sure? Do I really turn you on? I'm an old married lady. Julie baby, you have this well-hung stud. And Kevin, you have my hot young daughter to fuck. Julie, are you sure you won't tire of sharing your boy friend with me?"

"Not as long as you're my horny little cunt-munching Mama. Then I'll be fine if you wear Kevin out. As to Kevin, what young man doesn't fantasize about turning his hot teacher into his fuck-toy?"

This exchange, its crudity and degeneracy somehow intoxicating and exciting, set off fireworks in my sex; I couldn't believe I was talking like this. I rubbed my legs together. My daughter caught the movement. She leaned towards me and her soft wet tongue probed my ear while a hand ran up the front of my tee-shirt and covered my breast, fondling it through my bra. I gasped and pressed against her. Her arms circled my waist. I kissed her lips.

"Okay, but I have one condition. I'll need to be fucked a lot."

This time Kevin responded. He returned my hand to his dick and said, "Done."

"Oh, honey, I am going to be sooo good to you." I kissed my daughter and then kissed Kevin's cock-head. His fat cock shook and bulged in response.

I grasped the head and, using his pre-cum as lubricant, twisted it in my hand.

Julie's bra landed at the head of the bed. Her hands worked up my back and undid my bra. She reached under my shirt and pulled it from my breasts. I turned to my daughter and kissed her. Our hands squeezed each other's breasts through our shirts.

"Mom, I've wanted this so long. I love your body."

I pulled my tee shirt up over my head, removed my bra, and cupped my tits, holding them up for inspection. Julie looked at Kevin, then back at me, and ran her fingers over my boobs. I gasped when she reached my nipples. Julie took the hard nips between her fingers, squeezing them.

"Ohhhhhh, that feels good."

"You sure?"

"Oh yes, oh yes, fucking perfect baby."

I pulled up my daughter's red shirt. Her breasts were slightly larger than mine and perfectly round. The large brown nipples were hard. Her tits were perfect, beautiful.

I ran my thumbs across the nipples. She gasped and squeezed mine harder. I moaned, leaned forward, and sucked the areola into my mouth. Julie cried out. I swirled my tongue across and over the hard flesh.

Then I decided to try something different. I pressed my naked breasts to hers, sliding them back and forth. Julie loved it; she closed her eyes and moaned as our tits merged. Julie fastened her lips to mine. Kevin, not wanting to be left out, stroked the sides of our enmeshed breasts.

And that reminded me: we were here to swallow Kevin's cock. I reached for his thick erection, pumping the sizable tool.

My motion caught Julie' attention. She ended our kiss and reached for her boyfriend's balls. I ran my hand down to the base of his instrument. Julie took him between her lips, holding the head in her mouth, bathing it with her tongue.

When done she said, "Now Mama, when you deep throat a man the first thing is to make sure he is well-lubricated."

I took that as an invitation. I opened my mouth wide, flexed my jaw, wiggled my tongue, and lowered my face over his cock, pushing down until he reached the back of my mouth. It took time and I had to fight the urge to gag, but I got there. I rotated my head in small circles, letting his dick slide around the inside of my mouth. Kevin moaned, I released his tool, and smiled at my clearly delighted daughter.

Julie winked and took him into her mouth, bobbing her head while fisting the shaft. When she released it, I leaned in. Julie and I licked the head and ran our tongues down the sides of his shaft, and then licked back up. When our mouths met at the tip, I kissed her deeply, our tongues played against each other before we returned to his cock.

I folded my lips around one side of the shaft; Julie did the same. Kevin wrapped his fingers in our hair and slid his cock between our mouths, thrusting faster as we got the hang of it. I rubbed his balls. When he pulled his cock all the way out I guided it into my daughter's mouth. He pushed hard into her; she moaned, her eyes rolled back in her head. He started pumping it into her mouth; more and more disappeared; his cock must have been moving into the opening of her throat.

When Julie let go I took him back into my mouth.

"Okay Mama, take Kevin as deep as you can, do it until you're uncomfortable and then hold him while still licking him. You'll start to build up a real thick heavy spit, keep doing it until your mouth is full."

I took her advice, staying just this side of gagging. She was right, my mouth filled with a slippery mucus. As my apprehension faded I pressed his cock deeper into my mouth, learning to suppress my gag reflex. The spit was working. He easily slid in and out, it was the most pleasurable friction imaginable. The heavy spit also made it easy to frig his shaft. I soon got it down: swallow his dick, pause when uncomfortable, let the spit flow, repeat. Julie kept her eye on my progress and her fingers on my hard nipples. I sucked Kevin even harder.

Kevin lay on his back; I lay on my stomach next to him. Julie scooted her chair over a few inches; the better to see my husband if came up the stairs.

"Okay Mama, head back, create a straight line to your throat."

I was no expert on anatomy, but I tilted my head, extended my neck, lining my throat up with my mouth. I took hold of Kevin's cock and slid it around my mouth until it was nestled at the entrance to my throat.

"Okay Mama, flatten your tongue - imagine a doctor with a tongue depressor - and open your throat - like you were yawning. Take a deep breath and slide Kevin along your tongue. If you feel the urge to gag pause and hold his penis in place as long as you can. Then repeat. His dick will go deeper and deeper."

I followed my daughter's precise instructions. She had a future as a teacher. Kevin's cock was soon sliding through my mouth to the entrance of my throat, but was having trouble getting past that point. There was resistance and when I tried to force him through my gag reflex flared up.

"Almost there Mama. Push your tongue outside your mouth, that's right, and then pull it back in while swallowing."

I did as she asked. Once, then tried again, and then on the third try, success. His penis pushed into my throat. With my daughter encouraging me I concentrated, taking in inch after inch until my was nose buried in his pubic hair. I held still, feeling like a champ, savoring my accomplishment.

"Okay Mama, let's try a throat massage. Make swallowing motions with your throat while licking his balls."

It took some effort, but I soon got it. Kevin loved it; Julie turned up the sound on her computer to drown out his guttural groans. I focused on his cock, where it was in my mouth and throat, how I was adjusting to it, trying to relax. The visualization was effective, I began to feel a sense of control, a sense of power. I moved my head back and forth, controlling the motion, and took hold of Kevin's shaft, sweeping my hand down the base of his dick and around his balls. Kevin initially let me dictate our movements, but as he gauged what I was doing began to move with me. His breathing flattened out, his dick trembled.

"Keep sucking him Mama, show us what a good little cocksucker you are."

I rubbed his balls and sucked him faster. Kevin began whimpering, struggling to hang on, to prolong the experience. This was wonderful! I sucked harder. His thighs shook.

Julie chimed in. "God, you two are so hot. My pussy's on fire. I'm playing with myself, my fingers are in my cunt. It feels so fucking good."

The image of Julie fingering herself filled my mind; Kevin's hand covered my head. He took over and increased the speed of the face fuck; dominating me, controlling me. He emitted short sharp grunts. His balls pulsated, then pulled back in his scrotum. And that was all the warning I got.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he grunted and came, shooting his cum into my stomach. I felt cheated, I wanted to taste him. As he pulled out I paused, rolling his softening cock inside my mouth, savoring his flavor.

"Is everything all right up there?"

Julie headed out the door and down the steps.

"Hey Daddy, we're done with the video. Mom and Kevin will be right down."

"What was that noise?"

"It was the computer, kinda loud huh?"

I put on my shirt, sans bra, and Kevin and I followed my daughter. My husband scanned my body. How could he not notice my braless tits, my erect nipples, my flushed face, the pungency of my dripping cunt? He said nothing. Julie walked Kevin to his truck.

"That Kevin seems like a real nice kid," my husband said

"That he is."

"I think he's good for Julie. She seems so happy."

"Yes dear, very good for Julie."

Julie returned, lay on the couch, her head in my lap, and pulled a blanket over she and I. She gave her father the PG version of our trip to the national park while running her hands down my legs, rubbing my calves, massaging my feet. I played with her short hair and unbuttoned the top few buttons of her shirt, slipping my hands inside. I found her breasts, her nipples were warm and erect. I traced their edges with my fingers, running my thumbs along their bottoms and nearby flesh. Julie mewled; she rubbed her head against my groin.

"Are you comfortable baby?" I asked.

"Oh yes Mama, very comfortable."

I played with her breasts for several happy minutes. If I was a guy, I realized, I'd already be attacking her nipples. This girl-on-girl love, I thought, promised much happiness. The outline of Julie's hand crawled up the inside of the blanket and under her shirt. She lay them on mine, encouraging me. Her eyes closed; she ran her tongue over her lips. She sat up, her back now pressed against my breasts. Her breathing deepened; blood poured into my daughter's tits; they heated up and swelled in my hand. Her face flushed.

Julie lay my hands on her breasts, they almost covered her fat tits, and moved them in a kneading motion. Following her lead I stroked and fondled her sweet boobs, squeezing and manipulating the firm warm flesh. My daughter closed her eyes, her head rested on my shoulder. She kissed me lightly on the cheek.

I ran a tongue in her ear and whispered, "Mama loves your tits. They're beautiful, you're beautiful."

A happy content smile crossed my child's face. She was taking long deep breaths and her hands fell away from mine. I worked her titties, imaging them as divine dough. Then she said something. I could not make it out. I lowered my ear to her mouth.

"Nipples mommy, play with my nipples."

I thumbed them, I rolled them between my fingers, I licked my fingertips and used them to lubricate her nips. I pushed her nips into her tit flesh and let go, enjoying the way her breasts jiggled against my hand. Julie gasped and I felt a steady movement of her hips. She was humping the air. I checked the blanket, it still obscured any view.

She mouthed a word. I couldn't make it out. She repeated it. I thought I understood.

"Harder?" I whispered.

She nodded yes.

I took her nipples between thumb and forefinger and squeezed. Julie shuddered and again mouthed the word harder. I increased the pressure; Julie's breathing became intense. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. I twisted her nipples, almost cruelly while squeezing the rest of her breasts. She dug her fingers into my thighs and, using her feet, pushed her body against mine.

"I've got to go to the bathroom."

My husband stood up and headed down the hall. Julie turned towards me, her eyes hooded and dilated, and pushed her tongue into my mouth, pressing one of my hands to her sopping sex. When the bathroom door opened Julie turned back around and stood. Holding the blanket in her arms, the better to hide her erect nipples and swollen, partially exposed, breasts, she said, "Daddy, if you don't mind, Mommy and I are going to sit outside for awhile. It is such a nice evening."

"No honey, that's fine."

My husband's attention returned to the television; my braless tits and erect nipples escaped his notice. It was a lovely evening, temperature moderate, and Julie and I sat on the swing. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into my body. Julie told me how long she had wanted me; how she had dreamed of making me her lover. Our hands glided over each other, driving up our considerable states of arousal. We brushed our lips together in short sweet kisses, not daring to plunge our tongues into each other's mouths with my husband a few feet away. Julie pulled out her phone; we watched the video she made of me deep throating her boyfriend.

Finally my husband announced he was going to bed. I told him Julie and I were going to sit up a while longer. We watched the progression of lights turn on and off as he headed upstairs. When the bedroom light flicked off I faced my daughter.

"If I recall correctly, I owe you one," and kissed her, her lips parting and playing with mine. I ran a hand down her back, stopping at its base. She pressed her sweet nubile form to me. Her hand kneaded my thigh. Her tongue slipped between my lips and licked mine. I moaned. My free hand went to the back of her head, tilting it forward; I kissed her nose, eyes, cheeks. Then our mouths were together again, our tongues twisting and dancing with each other. When we broke the kiss she rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Do you have any regrets?" she asked.

"Other than we didn't start sooner, no. But there is something I need to tell you."

My daughter picked up my suddenly serious tone. She rested her hands on mine.

"Kevin and I, we were lovers before this week. It happened three times. I guess he seduced me, but it was wonderful. I haven't been able to stop wanting him."

She was silent as she absorbed the news. When she spoke there was no anger in her voice.

"Well, that explains a lot. He never told me, but man could I feel the heat between you two, it was pretty intense. I could see how he turned you on, the way your eyes lingered on him, the unconscious ways you touched yourself when he was around. I asked him if he was attracted to you. He admitted it freely; he was my first boyfriend who acknowledged wanting you, although they all did. There would be something wrong with a guy who didn't.

"Well, I guess I'm supposed to be jealous or something, but Mom, I've wanted you for years. I've long fantasized about sharing my boyfriends with you. So when I saw the chemistry between you and Kevin, I figured I'd take advantage and use it to get the three of us in bed. When I suggested it to Kevin he put up no resistance. Now I see why. Heck, I wish someone had clued me in earlier.

"I've also heard you and Dad over the years; he clearly ain't much in bed. Mom, I love you and a woman as sexy and desirable as you are deserves to be fucked well and often and you've got to admit, Kevin knows his way around the bedroom."

I pulled her tight. I wondered if I should be angry over having been manipulated, but the idea had no traction. I hadn't been honest with her either. The truth is that I loved what had happened.

"So no jealously."

"No Mom, no jealously."

With that she turned back to me. Her kisses were more passionate, more needy. I responded in kind and soon our mouths were locked together. We took turns exploring. I savored her insistent talented tongue. I pushed pas the hem of her shorts and slipped a finger into her thong, shoving it inside her. She whimpered and ground her hips into my hand. Julie undid my belt and pressed three fingers into my cunt while thumbing my clit. She was tireless, her fingers twisting around inside, stroking my g-spot. Her mouth was a whirling dervish, kissing my neck, my ears, licking my upper chest, visiting my mouth.

I was grunting, low and quiet, in time with my groin, which steadily humped her hand. I felt the tension and pressure build up within me, craving release. The spring kept tightening, tightening. My purring sounds became a louder continuous moan. And then it broke loose. Pleasure burst inside my cunt, flooding my body; juice squirted, coating Julie's hand. I tried to confine myself to low shuddering groans. There was no need to alert the neighbors. But I failed, yelping my joy. It was wonderful and sweet and I loved my daughter and, for the moment, we sat holding each other under the beautiful night sky, wallowing in the feelings, and making sure no one had heard me.

However, the sweet soft feel of the body next to mine could not be long resisted. After waiting to make sure all was safe, I nibbled on the back of her neck and moved to an ear, into which I sank my tongue.

She squealed.

"Sensitive spot?"


And that is where I focused my attention while I undid the buttons to her shirt and cupped and fondled her breasts. Her breasts swelled with need; her nipples were erect and hard; my hand drifted south, taking the time to dance over her flat sensitive tummy. Her cunt was wet and I slid two fingers inside her and, slowly and methodically, moved them in and out. My other hand returned to her delightful breasts. It was time to eat my daughter's pussy. The swing would not provide enough stability.

"Baby, get up."

She did as asked. She did not know what I intended, but she knew it was going to be good. I dragged her to one of our heavy lawn chairs, straddled her, and sucked on her perfect round tits, making love to her nipples. I grabbed her shorts. Julie lifted her hips, allowing me to pull them and her thong off. She spread her legs.

My daughter had the smoothest, pinkest, prettiest pussy I'd ever seen.

I pressed my face to her, took a deep breath, inhaling her sweet scent, and shoved my tongue into her hot little box.

"Oh yes! Oh, Mama that's so, ohhh."

I spread her pussy lips open and dragged my tongue across her snatch. I placed a soft kiss on her clit and then licked it hard. Her hips bucked and she moaned, "Ohmigod, I can't believe it, oh Mama I love it, Oh, damn!"

I pushed two fingers inside her, she was warm, wet, tight. I reached up to pull on her right nipple. Julie rocked her hips into my fingers. I released her clit and ran my tongue up and down the soft wet folds of her delicious pussy.

"Oh Mama, oh that feels good!"

"You like it, you like your Mama licking your pretty pussy. You proud baby? You've turned your Mama into your fuck-mate. Are you going to suck my pussy like I suck yours?"

"Oh yes Mama. That's it Mom, make it feel good."

Trying to recall what she had done to me the night before, I pulled the skin above her clit taut and touched the nub with the tip of my tongue. I swirled my tongue around in hard fast circles and thrust my fingers into her. She moaned in delight.

"Right there! Oh, please, please don't stop oh I want to cum!"

I kept at it; I loved pleasuring my daughter. Julie accepted it all, letting her body respond freely without control or conscious effort. From now on that would be me: I would be open to all the pleasure the world could bring me. I would deny myself no longer. The thought was intoxicating. I was so damn aroused; my pussy was wet; I was humping the air. I licked her as hard and as fast as I could; Julie's whimpers grew higher in pitch.

"Please, please Mama, keep going."

She was ready. Her legs shook; her body tensed. I wiggled my fingers inside her, torturing her g-spot. Her pussy contracted. She arched her back, covered her mouth with her forearm, and writhed wildly as she tried, and failed, to suppress a feral howl. My daughter was consumed by her orgasm: wailing, screaming, head-thumping, grinding, thrashing into my face. Her tight hot blond pussy gushed liquid. I kept moving my fingers and forced my face into her gyrating sex, lashing her clit with my tongue and lips. Julie yelped and moaned. The feeling of her young pussy convulsing around my fingers was exhilarating.

I loved it, loved controlling her body, making her cum. As the final convulsions of her orgasm washed through her she rolled on her side. I wrapped my arms around her. She was damp with perspiration. We spooned. She held my hand in hers and kissed it. "I love you Mama."

We lay still for a long time, just holding each other, enjoying the soft breeze on our bodies. Then my daughter, her voice regaining its strength, said, "Oh my god Mama, I came so hard. It was wonderful. Now it's your turn!"

I was ready. I lay on my back, lifting my legs in the air. Julie removed my shorts and underwear and perched between my legs. She blew a little breath of air across my dew-covered jewel.

"Oh yesssss," I whispered. Julie licked my fat, blood-engorged lips, following the curve of one labium from bottom to top, stopping just a hair short of my clit. Then, tracing a line just under my clit, she moved to the other lip and slowly licked down, arriving at my slippery, wet, oozing pussy hole. She stiffened her tongue and thrust into me.

I groaned my delight.

Julie started back up again, slowly, teasingly licking the cream-filled slit until her tongue was poised, just below my clit.

"I love you Mama, the way you smell, the way you taste, I love the feel of your soft sweet hot wet pussy."

She raked her tongue across my clit. My hips twitched. She flicked her tongue along my labia and rubbed her fingers against my pussy; two snaked inside. Julie placed her tongue over them and slowly licked, up and down, back and forth. When she got to my clit I tried to push it into her tongue, but Julie moved back and swirled her tongue around the folds of my pussy. I raised my head: I was transfixed at the sight of her cute little face and pink tongue between my thighs. It was where she had come from. I took hold of my breasts, kneading them. Julie made her way back to my clit, teasing it with her tongue.

"Harder, please harder."

Julie complied and I happily sighed. I placed my legs on her back, moaning as her soft tongue played across my aching needy flesh. Julie moved her strong fingers in and out of my hungry cunt; I thrust my hips into them and her soft tongue, letting go of my tits to caress my child's soft hair. My legs trembled. Julie started sucking my clit. I arched my back and gave my nipples a hard, almost painful pinch. I was so close. I moaned loudly and started bucking wildly, thrusting my pussy into Julie's experienced eager tongue.

I clamped my legs around her head, pinning her face to my thighs, bucking, and then it happened: a wonderful powerful divine orgasm crashed through me. I started with a wail, which quickly degenerated into a long shuddering moan.

Thank god my husband is a sound sleeper.

Julie sat up. I licked my lips at the sight of her glistening face. She crawled forward and I pulled her into a deep kiss, then licked my juice from her lips and cheeks. Julie kissed my neck and chest. I held her tight. We lay together, waiting for the strength to climb the stairs. I asked, I thought playfully, "Well are you cheating on Kevin with me or is Kevin cheating on you with me?"

My daughter laughed. "Mom, Kevin may be my main squeeze, but were not exclusive. If you're a good girl I might introduce you around."​
Next page: Chapter 05
Previous page: Chapter 03