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The minute Jaye turned eighteen she moved five states away and into her older brother's house. Dex had been the only child until he was fourteen, and his little sister came along as an unplanned surprise for the whole family. Dex loved having a baby sister, and he doted on her constantly. Consequently, their parents ended up leaving as much of Jaye's care and attention to her older brother as possible. This only increased as Jaye got bigger. Their parents weren't unhappy about Jaye's arrival, but they were relieved to have their son take up so much of the slack.
All of this meant Dex spent his teen years being more like a dad to his baby sister. As a result, when he left for college, four year old Jaye was confused and unhappy, and that began the strained relationship she ended up having with their parents. They gave her the bare minimum of love and attention, and it was only when Dex came home for summers and holidays that she was truly happy. This didn't change even after he graduated and started working a great job in another state.
Dex tried to get home to see his sister as much as he could, but it wasn't as often as during his college days. So, with the approval of their parents, Jaye went to stay with her brother as often as she could. It was almost like Dex and their parents had shared custody. He didn't mind at all. He was certainly familiar with how self-centered their parents were so he understood what it was like at home for her. Besides, he liked being able to give his pretty little sister the love and attention only he could provide. She made him feel special and important in a way that no girlfriend ever matched. It made him feel good to see the way she basked in her brother's love, and the way she loved him back felt even better.
As Jaye began to develop, she turned out to be a slightly pudgy girl so she didn't date as much as her skinnier friends. Yet she was more beautiful than any of them, and her thick legs and ass along with full, D cup sized tits, drew the kind of attention from guys she didn't like. She was quick to realize the boys were only after one thing. She wanted it, too, maybe just as much, but she wasn't about to share what she had with someone who didn't love her the way she wanted. She had standards. If she'd learned anything from her dashing older brother it was what it felt like when a guy really loved and respected a girl.
Meanwhile, Dex had his share of relationships with women, but they never lasted. Just when things would get serious, he'd end up putting everything on hold while he went to visit Jaye or if she came to visit him. The situation was frustrating sometimes, but Dex realized if a woman couldn't put up with him having his sister in his life then she wasn't the right one for him. Not surprisingly, he never spent much time pining over any of the women who broke up with him because of his sister. She was his blood and would always be the permanent one in his life.
It was nothing he could explain to anyone else, but Dex not only loved Jaye like a sister, but a little bit like a daughter, too. He took her to the mall and bought her clothes and things she needed for school. He helped with her homework. And whenever some guy made her feel like a prude for not putting out, he held her in his arms and reassured her she was sweet and beautiful. He lost track of how many times he'd told her those guys were just jerks who couldn't deal with the fact that she was so desirable but steadfast about being a good girl. There were a few times she made guys cum with her hand or mouth, but that was nothing she ever told her brother.
Jaye turned eighteen with four months still to go before she finished high school. Her parents had forgotten her birthday, but that was the day she decided to announce she was going to live with her brother, not bothering to wait for her graduation.
"And what about finishing school, young lady?" her father had asked with his usual tone of phony concern.
"They've got this program for kids with high grades like mine," she explained. "I can just test out of the whole last term and start applying to colleges early."
"That's nice, honey," her mother had said without looking up from the travel brochures she was reading through.
The entire conversation lasted about five minutes, and Jaye was already planning to move in with Dex by Christmas while their parents were planning to spend the holidays in a resort in the Caribbean.
Dex was overjoyed that his sister was coming to live with him. The two had been in touch every day ever since Jaye got her first cell phone, either texting or making video calls. It only made perfect sense to both of them that Jaye would come live with her brother. He did try to convince her to wait until graduation, but he was impressed with the way she'd planned things out with the accelerated testing program. He didn't want to wait that much longer, either, and he already had a stack of college brochures for her to go through. They were all from schools within driving distance so she could live with him while she was working on her degree.
At thirty-two, Dex had already become highly successful in his chosen field, and he was ready to take on any financial responsibilities for his sister that might come along. When Jaye talked about taking a bus, he insisted on buying her a plane ticket so the trip would be easier, and he was right there to pick her up at the airport the day she arrived.
Dex couldn't help smiling when he saw his much younger sister come into the baggage claim area. To him, she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, even though he knew she didn't think she was so attractive. She spotted him just seconds later and they immediately closed the distance between them and threw their arms around each other. The brother and sister always hugged when they hadn't seen each other in a while, but this time was different. They were finally going to live together under the same roof for the first time in years, and they held on to each other for dear life while the other travelers made their way around them.
"I can't believe you're finally here," Dex said excitedly, holding Jaye back a little by her shoulders as he looked her over.
Jaye was wearing a winter coat that she wouldn't need now, since Dex lived in a much warmer state than their parents. Underneath, however, the girl appeared to be ready for the warmer climate in a pair of clinging yoga pants and a cropped T shirt that left her soft tummy bare from an inch below her large tits to the waist of her leggings.
"Neither can I," Jaye responded just as excitedly. "I can't believe I don't have to go back home after a few days."
"You are home now. Finally."
"Oh, Dex, I'm so happy," she said, leaning back into the hug and pressing her boobs and face against her brother's large, solid body.
"You don't have to tell me, baby. I'm even happier," he said, lightly stroking her long, medium brown hair.
Dex thought it was weird to call his sister baby. He'd never done it before, always using her name or calling her sis. Fortunately, she didn't say anything to make him feel awkward about it, and hopefully she didn't mind. She just snuggled him as tight as she could, making him aware that she'd been traveling without a bra. Her firm melons squished against him tightly while he tried not to think about how good they felt.
It wasn't like Dex had never noticed the way his little sister's body had blossomed with a vengeance, but it was the first time he'd ever felt his pulse race when he hugged her. He wrote it off to the excitement of the occasion. This was his sister, after all, even if he'd always thought she was sweeter and more beautiful than any woman he'd ever gone out with.
The siblings finally broke their hug and went to the carousel where the luggage from Jaye's flight was coming in. Since she was staying permanently, she was traveling heavy and Dex had to get a cart to get her luggage back to his SUV. She had even more things coming by parcel delivery, but Dex had been planning for it and made plenty of room for her in his spacious condo. Once they got everything in the car, Jaye took off her winter coat and tossed it in the back. Her big tits were jiggling freely under her shirt, and her nipples were brazenly swollen and denting the fabric. Her brother had to hold his breath while she stretched and arched her back. Her nipples were hard, and if he hadn't known any better he would've thought she was showing off.
All Jaye did when she caught her brother looking at her tits was giggle and blush. Dex was relieved she didn't react badly. In fact, she even seemed pleased, but he felt like an idiot for getting caught looking at his baby sister like she was some kind of sex object. But this wasn't an average day. There was an excitement they shared in the fact that this wasn't just another temporary visit. They would be part of each other lives now more than ever, at least until Jaye finished college, but they would cross that bridge when they came to it. For now, the two siblings were excited and happy to be together.
While Dex was driving his baby sister home, he couldn't help admiring how happy she looked. It was like she was glowing, and the girl's excitement seemed to turn her from pretty to radiant. As they talked and laughed, excitedly making plans for things they wanted to do in the happy days ahead, Dex felt a weird sense of possessiveness about his sister. It was up to him to protect her more than ever now, and being as curvy and pretty as she was he knew he'd have to keep her safe from guys who would hurt her. The thought made his blood boil, but he kept that to himself.
That appealing glow of happiness that came over Jaye the moment she landed stayed with her. It showed no signs of ever going away over the next days and weeks. In the past, when Jaye had made her temporary visits, Dex had always given her as much attention as possible to make sure she felt good to be there. Now that she was there permanently, he became even more attentive, as if he wanted to make sure his baby sis was living a happy life.
Jaye basked indulgently in her handsome big brother's attention. She felt like she had everything she would ever need, except maybe late at night when she found herself lying in bed with her hand between her thick, shapely thighs. Just the way her brother looked at her now, and the way he'd been treating her like a princess made her feel the lack of male companionship in her bed. Not that she'd ever known it before. Her entire range of sexual experience consisted of a few handjobs and blowjobs for guys who only stuck around long enough to figure out they weren't getting their rods into her pussy.
Jaye didn't want to be as thick and curvy as she was, but she took excellent care of her skin and especially of her pussy, keeping it smoothly waxed and moisturized to a silky smoothness. She couldn't give that treasure to just anyone. Dex was the only man she knew who deserved it, and if he weren't her brother she would've given it to him long before now. Yet she still basked in his loving attention, and in turn she began dressing to please his roaming eyes. She also tried to do things around his condo to make life cozy for them, what with cooking and cleaning. She had time for it since she wasn't in school right now, and it made her happy to see the loving look her efforts put in her brother's eyes.
Jaye also had more time to hide in her room and watch porn on her computer. She spent hours at a time studying the way those girls sucked men's cocks, or learning the way they talked dirty. That was supposed to make the male viewers horny, but it made Jaye's pussy wet, too. Sometimes she thought of being able to talk that way to her brother, and she could only imagine how hard it would make him to hear his "innocent" little sister whispering her filthy desires in his ear.
Meanwhile, Dex made arrangements so he could do more of his work from his home office. He only had to go in to the main office a couple of times a week for a few hours. The rest of the time he stayed close to his sister. Sometimes he was afraid he could be smothering her, but the way she looked at him always calmed his fears. He knew she loved being taken out to dinner every other night, and he was sure she would be overjoyed at the surprise he had in store for her.
At the end of the second week, Dex said he wanted to take Jaye out for dinner. As usual, she wanted to look as pretty as possible for him. Dex knew most people would think it was weird for a girl to dress for her own brother like she had a hot date, but to her that's what it was. Dex made no secret of the fact that he loved every second of the way his sister dressed so nicely for him. There was no shortage of women he could've been taking out, but none were as sweet or beautiful to him as his baby sister. Besides, he just loved spending the time with her so much more, and no one knew they were brother and sister in any of the places he took her.
The only frustrating part was when he found himself alone in his bed at night, stroking his aroused cock when he thought about the way his baby girl looked that night, whether they went out or just spent the evening snuggled on his big couch. But the night in question, Jaye came out of her room looking like a curvy dream. Her long, silky, light brown hair was loose as it fell past her shoulders. Her makeup was light but perfect, and the little black dress her brother had never seen her in before looked amazing on her. The dress was cut daringly low, featuring the deep, satiny cleft between her full, luxurious tits. It was a rare occasion she wore anything that tight, allowing the fully ripened curve of her ass to stretch the fabric that left most of her stout legs bare.
"Wow," Dex said, barely above a whisper when his sister presented herself. "You look ... just ..."
He couldn't even finish the sentence, making his sister blush and smile sweetly.
"Aw c'mon, Dex," she said. "You make it sound like I'm hot or something."
"That's because you are."
"Even if I'm your sister?" she giggled.
Dex felt it better not to reply considering the way she was making his cock feel hot and tingly. It was bad enough to be on the verge of getting hard for the luscious girl standing before him. So with a mysterious smile, he escorted his sister down to the building parking lot. She looked confused when he walked over to a shiny, red, brand new BMW 2 series and handed her a set of keys.
To say Jaye looked stunned was an understatement. It seemed so unreal to her and it was a minute before she could let herself accept the fact that her brother was giving her a car. When she found her voice, she shrieked with excitement and rushed to hug him.
"Oh my god, Dex," she said, crying on his shirt. "No one ever did anything like this for me before. Not ever."
Dex smiled and hugged his sister tightly. She held onto him like she was afraid to let go while she sobbed. He stroked her back and hair, and angled his head so he could kiss her forehead.
"Sweetie," he told her, "I was hoping it would make you happy. Not cry."
"Oh god, Dex, I am happy, you big dumb jerk! I don't know how I could be happier. You've been treating me like a queen ever since I got here. And now this!"
"As far as I'm concerned, you are a queen. Besides, you're gonna need a car for checking out the area campuses, and then of course for fall when you start classes. I just wanted to make sure you have what you need."
Jaye still wasn't letting go. Her tits were crushed against her brother's taller body, and the warm pressure of them felt much better than it should've. Dex was in danger of getting hard right against his little sister's body, but he didn't want to let go any more than she did.
She looked up at him, her eyes still watery. "Oh, Dex, you make me so happy. It's not even about the car. It's just ... just that you love me enough to do such a thing. What did I ever do to deserve you?"
Dex smiled at his pretty sister. He was dying to kiss her, not as his sister but a real, lover's kiss. Her supple mouth was driving him crazy and his cock was beginning to stir despite his best efforts to hold off his reaction.
"What can I say? I have the best sister in the world," he smiled.
They looked at each other for a long moment or two without saying anything. Dex knew it was wrong, but he didn't seem to have a choice in the matter as he lowered his head and kissed his sister's luscious mouth. She saw it coming and readied herself for it. Within seconds, the kiss grew deep and hungry, their mouths opening and their tongues swirling around each other. Dex's cock instantly swelled to the point there was no way his sister couldn't avoid feeling his shaft trapped between them.
He knew it was so wrong, but he never felt this way with any other girl in his arms. His hands started to move from the base of her spine onto her ass. Just as he began to grasp and squeeze his sister's large, round spheres, the reality of what he was doing sank in and he broke off the kiss, pushing away from her at the same time.
"Oh god, Jaye, I'm sorry!"
She was frowning and almost looked confused, like it never occurred to her that a brother and sister shouldn't kiss the way they just had. Her excitement over the new car completely deflated. Dex felt bad, but making out with his hot, younger sister in a public parking lot wasn't something people did. At least not normal people. Although at the moment he felt anything but normal. He felt ashamed of himself while his cock was still partially swollen in his pants. And as he looked at his frowning sister, he hated knowing he'd upset her on what was supposed to be a happy occasion. He also couldn't stop taking in the way she looked in her cocktail dress.
"I'm the one who should be sorry," Jaye said, looking down. "It was my fault. I guess I got carried away."
Dex stepped closer to her again and took her back in his arms, needing to soothe her. It was what he'd always done. His cock was still halfway erect, but since she'd already felt it pressing on her once it wasn't much of a secret anymore. He held her close, though not as tight as before, hugging her with one arm and brushed the streaming tears off her face with the other.
"No, baby, it was my fault. I'm older so I'm supposed to be the responsible adult here," he said.
"In case you haven't noticed, I'm an adult now, too." At least she was starting to smile again.
"Um, yeah, that's part of the problem," Dex said with a light chuckle. "My little sister turned out to be, uhhh ... whatever."
"Hey, you can't just start and stop like that. Your little sister turned out to be what?"
Dex gave her a bittersweet smile. "Sorry, sweetie. There are just some things a guy should never say. And, we really need to get going to dinner now because I made reservations. And you're driving."
As they moved apart to get into the shiny new car, Jaye threw her brother a look and said: "One way or another, I'm gonna get you to tell me whatever you were about to say."
Dex knew she would try, but when they got in the car she grew excited about her brother's expensive gift again. He looked at her proudly as she started the engine, letting the dash lights illuminate her face and the bulging mounds of her tits. He kept looking at her while she familiarized herself with the controls. Now sitting in her seat, her dress was even shorter, and the big, smooth legs she'd always complained about never looked more beautiful to her big brother. But he kept that to himself. For now, he just had to brace himself to deal with a night out with the sexiest vision he could imagine. She finally started to drive while he gave directions.
Jaye was impressed with the restaurant. It was in a secluded area of the hills on the outskirts of their city, with sweeping views of the valley below showing the flickering lights of downtown. Once inside, Dex felt proud of the way his sister turned the heads of the men in the dining room. He felt a surge of jealousy when he realized half of them were watching the youthful bounce of her lush tits as she crossed the room to their table. The waiter assumed they were a couple, and neither of them did anything to act otherwise. Dex knew it didn't matter to a bunch of strangers, but he'd never felt this proud of being out with a "girlfriend" ever before. Jaye was everything to him, and it was getting harder to remind himself that included her being his little sister.