Page 04
"That's great but he's going to have to get a job before he gets a car. We'll loan him the money, but not until he has a job."
"Oh father," Mom said. "That's not why he's being so helpful. He's just growing up. He's becoming a young man."
"That so, son?"
"It's just discipline, Dad. A guard has to be to be disciplined and a good one should be helpful at home and contribute to the community."
"Well, you are being helpful."
"I'm trying."
"Maybe you can have that loan a little sooner."
Dad shook his newspaper and buried his head within it, a sign that he had said his bit. Mom said nothing but a faint, quirky smile perched on her lips. She looked so hot I wished she would go into the kitchen so I could pull her arms behind her and press her into the fridge and grind my pants against her old-fashioned, tweed skirt.
"Are you going to make tea, Mom?" I asked hopefully.
"No, I'm fine right where I am." The smile deepened. "I wouldn't mind a cup if you're making it, though."
"Me too," Dad piped up.
I made the tea and brought them each a cup, fixed the way each one liked it without asking for their preferences. Dad didn't notice but Mom did and rewarded me with a warm smile.
"Anyone mind?" I asked, waving the remote.
Nobody answered. I turned the TV on. It was still on the nostalgia channel which threw a splatter of electric sparks bouncing around my balls and cock for half a minute of remembrance. There was an old movie on.
"I love this movie," Mom exclaimed.
We watched it. It was boring but watching Mom wasn't. She stretched a few times, arching her back slightly. The good part was that she held her position, breasts thrust against her blouse, for longer than seemed necessary. At one point in the musical, she re-crossed her legs, bringing the right over the left, and began tapping her foot to the music. Soon her shoe was dangling from her toes, reminding me of that moment a few days ago. Eventually, the shoe dropped but Mom's freshly painted toes kept the beat.
I hardly got any sleep that night. I kept thinking of Mom in her June Cleaver outfit and, in my mind, I criss-crossed ropes all around it. Somehow, even though she was all tied up, Mom managed to cross her legs and bounce her foot over her knee, teasing me with her dancing, painted toes.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
I was in classes all day Friday and shortly after I got home, Mom and Dad went out for their regular dinner date. Mom looked striking in a muted outfit borne of another era. Dad was oblivious to what she was wearing but I complimented her and she seemed pleased. They didn't come home until much later than usual. Mom's doing, I'm sure. She knew how to tease.
The next day was Saturday. Dad always hung around the house on the weekends so I knew there would be little opportunity to get Mom alone, at least for the time needed to do what I wanted to do. I mowed the lawn yet again, did my own laundry, cleaned up the garage, and washed the cars, both Mom's and Dad's.
Looking down the street, across and one house down, I saw Mrs. Draper washing her car at the bottom of the driveway where it was easy to be seen, as usual. It was always a long affair for her, more advertising than cleaning. Her bleached blonde head turned whenever a car drove by and she often smiled and waved. Whenever she did, you knew it was likely a man alone in the car, one of the husbands living on the street. She was about ten years or so younger than Mom and had a killer body. Every man looked at her as they drove by.
The key to Mrs. Draper's behavior was the van parked in her driveway. "The Love Den" was painted on the sides underneath a line sketch of a sexy woman's prone figure. She and her husband owned a sex shop and the preening display of her hot body, clad in clinging, stretchy tank top and short shorts, was designed to attract potential customers.
At first, many of the neighborhood women had shunned Mrs. Draper but a number of them now nodded and waved discreetly as they drove by, though not as enthusiastically as the men. These were the women who benefited from their husbands' patronage of the Drapers' shop. She smiled when she saw me looking and beckoned for me to come over. Reluctantly, I went. She loved to tease me.
"Hey Heck," she greeted me, opening her arms wide, sponge in one hand and hose in the other, casually but not unknowingly thrusting her breasts out to be noticed and appreciated. Dutifully, I scanned her assets and she laughed.
"Hector," she scolded. "What am I to do with you?"
I turned to leave but she gripped me with a question, as she always did.
"Hey, there's something different about you. Have you got a girlfriend?"
I turned back, trying to think of a smart-alec retort.
She laughed. "You do, don't you?"
"Nah," I tried to dismiss her accusation casually.
"Bullshit, I can see it just in the way you walked over here. You swaggered, brimming with confidence."
Really? She can see that?
"A woman knows," she added. "Don't try to fool me."
"I knew it. Why don't you drop by the store. I can show you some stuff that will make that girl never want to leave you, not that she ever would."
Mrs. Draper glanced down my body. She was teasing but in her eyes I could see a grain of truth in what she was saying, or at least thinking. As her gaze dropped over my chest and down my muscular arms and legs, the teasing glint was replaced by a warmer but emptier look: Want.
I was surprised. Mrs. Draper had never looked at me like that. I was too young to be a customer. She only teased me because I was shy. Did I really look that different?
"Hey, you know what? I'll lend you a few things you can try with your girlfriend."
"No, I don't think so," I said, starting to blush despite my new look.
"Come on," she urged.
Mrs. Draper dropped the sponge in the bucket and let the hose fall to the driveway. She grabbed my arm but I resisted.
"Come on," she repeated. "She'll love it."
I let her pull me up the driveway to the "Love Den" van. She opened the side door and rummaged around in the back. I didn't look inside but I did check out her behind. Shit, it wasn't any better than Mom's, maybe not even as nice. I realized then that Mrs. Draper's sexiness derived more from the way she dressed than anything else. The thought of Mom made my cock stiffen.
"There," she said, straightening up and turning toward me. "An emergency pack. Trust me. Your girlfriend might be a little shy but she'll love it in the end."
Mrs. Draper held the plain, beige recycling bag out toward me and I took it. She would have made a scene if I refused. She dropped her eyes to the bulge in my pants and giggled.
"You better save that for your girlfriend. I don't think Mr. Draper would allow it, even if I wanted to."
"Thanks," I stuttered. "I will."
"Let me know how it works out," Mrs. Draper laughed.
I walked quickly home and managed to get into the garage without Mom or Dad seeing me. Thankfully, nobody was on the street or out on their front lawn. I didn't look into the bag until that night after sneaking it up to my room. By that time I was very curious and eager to explore its contents, having been exposed to Mom's subdued flirting for most of the day. I emptied the bag onto the bed.
The first thing that caught my attention was the large rod almost as long as my baton but thicker and with a bulbous, spongy end that looked almost like the cover over a microphone but made of rubber. At the other end was a ridged twist knob with a button in the center. I picked it up and twisted the knob. Immediately, the stick began to hum and vibrate and I almost dropped it. Yeah, of course. I twisted the knob twice more and smiled as the vibrator revved up. Depressing the button at the end of the joystick brought an even bigger smile as the love weapon throbbed, making me almost drop it again.
Who buys this kind of stuff?
Next was a long, translucent orange dildo. I was surprised by how supple it was. I had expected it to be hard but it felt stiffly spongy and so slick it almost looked wet. There was a butt plug, black of course, which I recognized immediately though I had never seen one in real life. For that matter, I had never seen a dildo or a vibrator either.
Another dildo left me perplexed. It was a double-ender, which made sense to me if one was bigger than the other, but they were both the same size. A combo pack, I supposed, for those who didn't want to buy two. Each one had a raised clit-tickler near the base.
The cuffs caught my eye next. There were four of them, two for the wrists and two larger ones, presumably for the ankles. They were all more like wide bracelets than cuffs, made of black leather with built-in rings to which ropes or chains could be attached. Mrs. Draper was obviously more interesting than I thought. I wondered if she shared Mom's fascination with restraint.
The last thing to catch my eye was a long, narrow wand. A set of tassels hung off one end while the other sprouted a flapping leather patch. I puzzled over this for a few minutes but finally realized it was pussy whip. I had seen one used on an online porn site. It hadn't intrigued me then but the thought of using it on Mom made be very excited.
Some emergency kit.
- - - - - - - - - - -
It was Sunday. How could I get Dad out of the house for a few hours? I racked my brain but came up blank. In my despair, I managed to make myself feel worse. Even if I could get rid of Dad, Mom probably wouldn't do anything because she wouldn't know for certain when he would return. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we knew Dad wouldn't be home until he got off work and drove home. He arrived at five-twenty-five like clockwork. Mom wasn't a risk taker.
It was a long day.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Classes dragged all day Monday but the evening was better. Mom gave no signs that the morrow would be different but nevertheless I felt a palpable tension in the air between us. Tomorrow was going to be my day again, I just knew it.
Later that evening, I almost blew it playing around with the vibrator. I had it humming along a full speed when I heard the bathroom door close. Quickly, I shut it off and hid it under my pillow, then checked the hallway. The light was on in the bathroom so I went downstairs. I was surprised to see Dad because I thought it was him in the bathroom.
"Hey Dad, have you seen Mom?"
"I think she went upstairs."
So it was Mom in the bathroom. Why? She always used the ensuite off her bedroom.
I went back upstairs but the bathroom was dark and empty. Proceeding on to my room, I was shocked to find Mom there. She was wearing a robe so I assumed she had changed into her nightgown, ready for bed.
"Oh, Mom. What's up?"
"Nothing. I was just wondering if you needed your uniform washed or pressed before tomorrow."
"I do my own laundry now."
Mom knew that. That wasn't why she was in my room but she nodded as if it was a valid explanation anyway.
"Oh yes, of course."
Why had she come in? Was she as eager as I for the morrow to begin. Had the sound of the vibrator intrigued her?
"Hey Mom. I've got something to show you."
"What?" Despite her curiosity, Mom seemed suddenly apprehensive.
"Wait, I'll show you." I reached under the bed where I'd thrown Mrs. Draper's bag and rummaged around until I felt the leather cuffs. "No peeking," I said when I felt Mom leaning to look over my shoulder.
I stood up with empty hands.
"Stand over here and don't look," I said, moving her toward my closet and behind the door.
I faced Mom toward the corner and returned to the bed to retrieve the new cuffs and grabbed several soft ropes that I had also hidden there.
"Heck, you're not in uniform," Mom complained when I snapped the first wrist band closed but she didn't try to move her other hand away when I reached for it. I laughed to myself. Obviously, she didn't know I had taken all my clothes off except for my undershorts on Thursday.
"Wait until tomorrow," Mom said. She seemed strangely short of breath. I was encouraged.
"I just want to show you something."
"Your father..."
I cut her off. "It will only take a minute."
Mom allowed me to push her hands together in front of her and slip a rope between the rings on the cuffs. I was about to tie them together when I remembered the karate bag that used to hand in this corner of my room. I looked up. Sure enough, though the bag was long gone, the ring that had suspended it from the ceiling was still there. I fed the rope through the ring and hauled Mom's arms up above her head.
"Shhhhh," I cautioned. "Father."
I tugged the rope higher until Mom was on her tippy-toes, then relaxed it until her heels returned to the carpet, but only just, so her weight was mostly on the balls of her feet. I tied the rope off on the hook mounted into the wall in the corner that used to take the weight of the karate bag.
"Why are you..."
I knelt at Mom's feet and set the ankle bracelets. I couldn't resist running my hands up and down her calves before tying her left ankle off to the side, securing the rope around the leg of my desk about eight fee t away, so that Mom's feet were about two feet apart, forcing her slightly up onto her toes but not tippy-toes. I stood and went to leave.
"Where are you..."
"Shhhh. I'm just going to check on Dad."
I walked quietly down the hallway and peered downstairs. Dad was reading. Returning to my room, I searched under the bed for the blindfold and the vibrator. After covering Mom's eyes, I placed the vibrator on the floor and turned it on to its lowest setting, then sat on my bed to watch Mom while it hummed quietly behind her.
Mom's whole body had jerked at the sound when I first turned it on but then she stood quietly. After a while, she said, "Very funny."
I didn't reply and Mom waited patiently for me to realize the joke was over, and a bust. Eventually, I turned the vibrator off. Mom seemed smug and ready to be released but instead I aligned the vibrator along the inside of her left leg and strapped it to her thigh and calf. Mom tried to pull her leg away, to no avail.
"Hector, let me go."
Mom tried to stamp foot but couldn't. She repeated her demand, initially raising her voice but then realized attracting Dad would be a mistake, perhaps because it would be difficult to explain how she had let herself be tied up in the first place, let alone allow a vibrator to be strapped to her leg.
I turned the vibrator on to its lowest setting. Mom's whole body jerked and her legs flailed around in the restricted circle in which they were capable of moving.
"Let me go, right now!"
"Shhhhh. It will be alright."
I stepped around Mom so I could see her front. The robe had fallen part way open to Mom's waist, where it remained cinched, but it parted just below her panties to reveal a simple, short night slip that covered her legs only to mid-thigh level. The bodice wasn't deeply cut but was still low enough to expose more of the inner swells of her breast than I had seen before. And, of course, she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. She looked great.
The bulbous tip of the vibrator disappeared under Mom's slip and appeared to be lodged tightly on the inside of her upper, left thigh, about two inches below her panties. She was wearing panties. I could see their edges under the slip.
"I'll be back," I said.
I left and closed the door most of the way, but didn't shut it completely. In the hallway, I couldn't hear the vibrator. I was sure Mom had gone into my room because she heard it but then I'd had it on its highest setting. I went downstairs and left Mom to stew.
"Have you seen your mother?" Dad asked after I sat down.
"Yeah, I think she's in her room."
Dad nodded and continued reading. I turned the TV on but kept it so low I could barely hear it. I sometimes did that to screw with Dad and make him think he needed a hearing aid. I grinned thinking about Mom upstairs with the vibrator strapped to her leg.
What are you grinning about?" Dad asked, annoyed.
"I know the sound is turned down, if that's what you're up to."
I felt like the Beav if not quite Dennis the Menace. I turned the sound up and Dad snorted. About ten minutes later I noticed Dad nod off. He jerked his head up but a moment later it slumped back to his chest. I got up as quietly as I could and returned to my room.
Mom heard me come in but she didn't say anything. Her left leg was quivering. I loosened the lower strap around Mom's calf and pulled the upper one away from her thigh. Mom sighed but I couldn't tell if she was pleased about her imminent freedom or disappointed that her entrapment would soon be over.
I pushed the vibrator higher up Mom's leg until the bulbous tip briefly hit her panties and then fell back a fraction of an inch, probably nestling in the hollow where her upper thigh joined her torso. I tightened the strap around her calf and sat on the floor to watch. Mom let a soft moan escape from her lips.
"Yeah, fuck yeah," I muttered, then clapped my hand over my mouth but Mom didn't hear me.
I watched, fascinated by Mom's legs as they jerked and quivered, especially the left one on which the vibrator was strapped. I loved the way her muscles tensed when she pushed up on her tippy-toes, held herself aloft for as long as she could and then relaxed, only to repeat the cycle seconds later.
Occasionally, I reached out and pushed the vibrator up to achieve brief contact with her panties. Mom always moaned quietly whenever I did that so I did it more often. On one occasion, I mistakenly pressed the button at the base of the handle and the vibrator throbbed. Mom jerked violently, her legs moving spasmodically around the vibrator as she tried desperately to close her thighs around the titilating shaft.
I pulled the upper strap out and shoved the vibrator right up, leaving it in full contact with Mom's panties, causing her thighs to clutch and quiver.
I retreated to my bed where I quietly undressed, completely, except for my socks. I even took off my underwear before retrieving a condom from my drawer and pulled it over my raging hard cock. I went to the closet and grabbed my robe, donning it before stepping in front of Mom even though she was blindfolded. She was really grooving on the vibrator.
I grabbed the bottom of Mom's partly open robe and pulled it up until I was able to fold it over her shoulders but it fell down because she was twisting around so much. Pulling the now loose belt out of the loops, I folded the night slip up and used the belt to tie it around Mom's waist, exposing her panties and the full length of the vibrator strapped to her left leg.
I stood back to admire my work. The robe, now completely open, hung down from Mom's upstretched arms and flowed over her back like a cape. Her beasts jutted upward into the thin night slip which failed to disguise her erect, encased nipples. I loved the way I could now see more of Mom's fine figure covered, at least in front, only by the thin material of her short nightgown. I stepped behind Mom and sat down, quickly mesmerized by the faint motions of her active cheeks under the robe as she continued to react to the buzzing vibrator.
Fucking awesome!
I placed the tip of my left index finger on the throb button and depressed it, holding it in for at least five seconds. Mom moaned out loud. I threw off my robe and started stroking my cock. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Moan, moan, moan. I jerked my head toward the door, then kicked my foot out to close it.
Buzz, longer buzz, even longer buzz, really long buzz. Mom was moaning constantly, jerking around beneath her clasped wrists, legs quivering and flailing. My cock was humming, strumming, and then coming. I got up, stripped the rubber off my cock, and wiped it on my bedspread—shit, I was doing the laundry, right?—and put on another. I wasn't through yet.