Page 02

Instinct melded with lust and I did just that, suddenly thrusting madly into the lovely young woman who would be my mother, sobbing, "I love you, Mom -- Momma Chloe. I love you!" as I felt my cock slip deep inside her, her pussy flesh so incredibly soft and hot and wet, tightening around me in ways I never thought possible. Each thrust came harder and quicker than the one before it and my mouth busily tried to kiss and suck and lick her big, rolling breasts between passionate, tongue-twisting kisses.

Suddenly, Mom went rigid against me, her fingernails, short and ragged, clawing at my back while her legs wrapped around me, pulling me into her, swallowing my cock deeper into her womb, her cunt sucking and clasping it as she bathed in a flood of orgasmic fluids. Seeing my mother's young face twisted in an erotic vision of pure love and carnality as she held me tight was too much for me and I lost it again, cumming deep in her womb.

"YESSSSSSSSSS!" Mom screamed, her cries of ecstasy merging with Janis's cries on stage and it seemed to me that the great crowd around us roared and applauded as much for Mom and me as they did for that sweet, sad, angel-voiced girl on the stage.

Our joined orgasm seemed to just grow and grow until it overwhelmed us both, reshaping our convulsing bodies into one mass of passionate flesh, joined heart, mind and soul, Mom kissing me after sobbing, "You are the one! My true love!" That sweet kiss went on and on and on allowing us to blissfully descend back to reality and earth from our Olympian climax.

We remained joined for a long time, me rolling us over again so Mom could rest atop me, her breasts spread out on my chest, her heart slowing in time with mine as the music played and we watched silently the clouds and stars appearing overhead. At some point, I slipped out of Mom and she shifted to lie beside me, her head nestled on my chest and one full leg thrown over my thighs.

Despite the music and the crowd, sleep wouldn't be denied and the last thing I remembered before surrendering to slumber was Billy standing over us, gently covering us with a threadbare blanket and saying, "Dude, I've known Chloe since we was Freshmen and I ain't never seen her so happy."

I smiled back and nodded as I mumbled, "Me, either, man. I love her," and then I was gone, my last fleeting thought being I needed to tell him to run. Then I was gone, dreaming mostly of Mom and me, dancing and fucking, alone in that big field at Max Yasgur's farm while the bands played on and on.

I awoke to sunshine and heat and the sweet sensation of Mom's lips gently kissing my face. I rolled over to find her laying there, her head propped up on one elbow, grinning naughtily at me. The blanket had slid down to her waist, revealing to everyone around the glory of her heavy, sloping breasts, her other hand busy under the blanket, stroking my still slightly sticky cock.

A woman on stage said something about "Morning maniacs," and Mom said in response, "It's the Airplane, John. We don't want to miss this."

I pushed myself up on one elbow and kissed my future mother on the lips, our tongues gently and slowly greeting each other as Jefferson Airplane began playing. "Good morning, Chloe," I said with a scratchy voice. "I can't...thank you enough for last night. You, you were wonderful."

Mom grinned back at me and gave me a little kiss on the tip of the nose, sending a wonderful chill through me as I recalled that she had greeted me every day of my life with that same sweet, goofy kiss. "I think maybe I should be thanking you, John," she said softly back. Her hand let go of my cock and took my hand and put it on her belly. "Lover, if we didn't make a baby last night...nobody ever made love to me and made me feel like you did."

I glowed with pleasure at her words, not only feeling good about my first actual effort at lovemaking, but taking a strange pride in that it was Mom that I had made feel so good. Then I was hit by the realization that my hand rested on the tummy of which inside might be me, just a bunch of cells doing that mitosis dance thing. I grinned and said, "I love you, Chloe." I rubbed her belly gently and added, "Or maybe it should be, I love you, Momma Chloe."

Mom kissed me again and said, "I love you too...Daddy John." She showered my face with little kisses, pausing to nibble on my ear and whisper into my ear, "I hope I am knocked up...then I got everything I'll ever Daddy John and my Baby John."

Her words rocked me and I felt suddenly dizzy with regret and shame that it wouldn't turn out that way...that Mom would go through life alone, raising our baby...raising me all by herself. Then the thought hit me that maybe it would be different this time. I mean, Crazy Craig had said I'd be back in six hours and it had been over an entire day now.

"John, are you okay?" Mom's hand was on my cheek...the tender one that Grizz had punched and I shook off my thoughts and looked at my mother with a loving smile.

"Yeah, I am. I'm happier than I've ever been in my entire life." I kissed Mom again, slowly taking us back down to lie on the dewy grass, savoring her touch, her earthy, sex laced smell, kissing her as I ran my hands over her lush body, taking my time to explore every big, beautiful inch of her, cupping and hefting her meaty breasts, softly caressing her round belly, marveling again that we might have made me in the night and then finally sliding my fingers through her luxurious bush, marveling at that ever so womanly mat of pubic hair before finding her wet lips, already slick and hot, feeling muscles flutter in her lower abdomen as she writhed to my touch.

Our lovemaking was briefly interrupted by Billy and Daph as they strolled up, still dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, looking disheveled and very happy. "You're definitely holding up your end when it comes to making love and not war," drawled Billy as we both looked up at the sound of his voice. "But, sometimes you need to come up for air and food and fluids."

Daph squatted down next to us, holding balanced in her hands, two apples and two muffins. "Morning, lovebirds," she said softly, handing the food to us. She leaned in and kissed first me and then Mom, brushing her tongue against my lips and to my disbelief and arousal, Mom's.

Billy knelt next to her and extended two paper cups. "Kool-Aid," he said, making a face. " we could come up with." He also leaned in and kissed Mom on the lips and to my surprise, bussed me on the corner of my mouth. Looking like a mad monk, he gave us his blessing when he said, "You two look like you are meant to be. You're all the talk on our patch of this hill."

Daphne giggled and said, "I think some are really pissed -- they were so caught up in watching you two make love last night, they paid more attention to you than to Janis." She winked and said, "You two did look beautiful making love last night!" She took Mom's hand and held it. "He's the one, isn't he, Chloe?"

Between hungry bites of food, Mom nodded and said, "Oh yeah." She patted the ground next to us and said, "Pull up some ground and make yourselves comfortable." She nodded towards the stage. "I think this is going to be special." Finishing her muffin, Mom's hand again slipped beneath our blanket and stroked my semi-hard cock. She grinned naughtily at her friends and said, "Just ignore us if we lose control again."

Billy and Daph made themselves comfortable, Daphne sitting between Billy's legs, resting her head against his chest while he wrapped his arms around her body -- resting his chin on her head, making his thick beard spread out comically around her face.

We watched as Grace and Marty led the Airplane through their set, Mom suddenly smiling with delight as they began the opening chords of "Wooden Ships," obviously enjoying the CSNY song. She curled up against me, both of us sitting up now, both of us bare-chested with the blanket swaddled around our laps, her nipples swelling as our hands fondled each other's sex, the music arousing her maybe as much as my curious, exploring fingers.

Jefferson Airplane really began to get loose as they got into the song, the music soaring across the fields and captivating us all, filling us with a power I scarcely believed possible. I felt Mom shifting beside me, turning and rising to kiss me, her body rising up to climb into my lap as our tongues began to dance again. My cock, now hard and throbbing was trapped between our bodies, her furry muff tickling it wetly as Mom hunched her hips in my lap.

A five minute song extended into what seemed to be infinity as the Airplane began to jam freely on this song. The magic their song was producing seemed to infuse Mom and me, reigniting our passion and desire for each other. Mom rose up on her knees in my lap and her pussy lips kissed the tip of my cock and then seemed to engulf me, sliding her slick, steaming walls around my cock, slowly impaling herself on my erection as she moaned her pleasure into my lips.

The music and our lovemaking intertwined, the cries of the Airplane's vocalists echoing in our ears and vibrating through our bodies as they improvised lyrics along with the hypnotic music. As Mom rocked in my lap, the song about abandoning war and pain for love and a better world seemed to be realized in our being as our passionate lovemaking became that glorious escape into a new age that promised so much love and peace.

The words 'Ride the music!' resonated in our ears as Mom and I reveled in our abandon, losing ourselves in the sweet friction of our bodies moving as one -- Mom's pussy moving slowly up and down on my cock, her breasts dragging deliciously over my chest and our tongues sliding and swirling around each other as we rode our love towards ecstasy.

The song went on and on for what seemed forever, Mom stiffening in my lap, grinding against me with my cock buried deep in her pussy as she yielded to her first orgasm of the morning. Mom threw her head back in orgasmic triumph, leering up at the sky as her heavy breasts rose, drawn taut in her body's tensing response to being overwhelmed by lustful pleasure. I wrapped my lips around one immense nipple, sucking it hungrily, teeth nipping the rubbery skin and making Mom mewl with increased carnal delight.

Then we were kissing again, Mom hunching against me hard, her hands scrabbling over my arms and shoulders to claw at my back as I cupped her ass cheeks and helped her along, trembling with the effort to forestall my own climax, glorying in the sweet feel of my mother's youthful cunt surrounding my cock with wet heat and slick flesh.

Other moans and cries echoed in our ears, entwining with our sighs of passion and the soaring vocals of Mickey and Grace. A quick glance over at Billy and Daph confirmed that they too were caught up in the moment, Daphne's long legs wrapped around Billy's waist, his narrow, pale butt a blur as they made love passionately. Mom took a quick peek and then grinned at me with a sexy, merry expression as she pushed me down onto my back and rode me with abandon, her breasts bouncing wildly as she bounced up and down on my aching cock, making me feel so big inside her. Mom's braided hair danced in rhythm to her carnal movements as her hands found mine, using them for leverage as she fucked me.

I'm not sure that I heard the finale of "Wooden Ships," because Mom and I were in a finale of our own, my cries rising as I could no longer resist the summons her wondrous pussy was issuing for my seed. Mom gave a loud cry of orgasmic pleasure as I suddenly flung my hips upwards, getting deep within her as my semen exploded in her womb, my orgasm so intense, it nearly hurt. I was cumming harder and more than I would have dreamed possible and we both wept from the sheer joyous and carnal ecstasy of the moment, locked together in a moment of pure love and happiness.

As Mom collapsed atop me, both of us gasping for breath in the hot, humid morning air, I felt that if last night's passion hadn't led to my conception, then this had to have been the moment. As Jefferson Airplane shifted into the next song in their set, I knew I had been as close to touching heaven as any human had ever done.

Mom and I remained cuddled together, wrapped in our blanket for the rest of the Airplane's set, not saying anything...not having to say anything as we simply stared into each other's eyes. Afterwards, we napped a little and then in the long interlude of that wonderful morning, we wandered about, bathing in the nearby stream, still saying little as we washed each other's back and then each other's hair, wandering back to our original sight with Mom wrapped in the blanket and myself wearing only my ugly Bermuda shorts.

We shared another meal of rice and beans with Billy and Daphne, me struggling to find a way to convince Billy to make a run for Canada and to take Daphne with him. The war inevitably came up as it always did, Billy ruminating on whether or not to go when his deferment expired.

"And the fucking thing will be up soon and I expect to be 1A and get my greetings from the Cobb County draft board," he said.

"Go to Canada, man. Stay safe...don't get involved in this fucking thing," I said, maybe a little more vehemently that I planned to.

Billy looked at me. "Man, I am already involved...we all are. America's involved and if I run, I'm just part of the problem, not part of the solution."

Daphne shot me a grateful smile and Mom squeezed my hand as I said, "But, man, going over there and dying ain't part of the solution. Better to be alive in Canada than just a fucking name on some wall someday."

Billy looked at me a little perplexed by my words and I was afraid I had already said too much. "I think I grok what you're saying, John, but, man, dig this if you can. This war ain't going to end on its own. Maybe me going over there and doing the right thing...whatever the fuck that might be, might help end it sooner."

He gave Daphne a smile, reaching out to stroke her face as a shadow passed over it and I realized she was deathly afraid of what might happen if he went. "Y'know," he began in a thoughtful, almost dreamy voice, "My old man thinks I hate America, that all any of us want to do is piss on the flag and throw shit on the guys over there fighting. I reckon there's some damn fools that think that way, but not me." Billy grinned at me. "Man, I love this country...I love what it has the potential to do, but we can't solve the problem by running away. You want to fix the problem, you got to be in the middle of it all. When my time comes, I'll step up to the plate and take my swings. Who knows, maybe I'll make a difference."

I nodded and looked away, finding Mom's eyes with my own." She smiled solemnly at me as I wiped sudden tears away.

No more was said about Billy and running away and I didn't even have a clue on how to say something to maybe ward Daphne from her own fate so I didn't try. Instead, I simply found comfort in Mom's arms, relishing her embrace until the music began again and then watching as the world finally discovered the truth about Joe Cocker and his music.

It was an electrifying set and when he did his encore of "With a Little Help From My Friends," the entire crowd was on its feet, swaying and singing along with him with the fervor of a revival meeting. As the backup singers repeated again and again the line, "Do you believe in a love at first sight?" and Joe countered with "I believe it happens all the time," Mom and I were dancing slowly, our arms wrapped tight around each other, singing the words to each other as we moved, feeling as if he was singing them directly to us...Mom's words from late last night echoing in my mind and heart of knowing she loved me from the moment I had appeared to her less than two days or an eternity ago. I wasn't sure I could ever be more content.

Then the storm clouds broke...the sky that had been darkening all afternoon unleashing its fury and suddenly we were in a torrential downpour and lightning began to flash all around us. People began scattering for cover or simply hunkering down as the storm raged over us.

Billy pointed to their little tent, still standing in the wake of the storm's wrath and said, "It ain't much, but it's better than nothing." Laughing, we all made a break for it, Mom and I holding hands as we ran down the hill. Mom had just glanced over her shoulder at me, looking lovely as the rain trickled down her face, grinning happily before I slipped and stumbled. I didn't fall, but let go of Mom's hand so as not to drag her down with me if I did. As I recovered, I took a step towards her retreating form and seemed to walk into a bolt of lightning...

...And again existence seemed to come apart at the seams, tearing me into atoms and scattering me along the width and breadth of the universe, each minute part of me conscious of the infinite branches of reality before comprehension disintegrated in a brilliant and painful light that coalesced, vaporized and coalesced again to leave me shivering and steaming in the dank air of an cavernous structure, reeking of blood, ozone and somehow the odor of old, soured milk.

Hands grabbed at my aching flesh, yanking me clear of a metallic tube and then as the face of Crazy Craig loomed in my face, screaming questions at me, realization set in and I clawed at his T-shirt and sobbed, "No, man! Send me back, send me the fuck back, now!" I struggled to break out of his clasp and turned to see the titanium tube, its supernatural glow gradually fading away. I flung out my arms to it, trying to go go back to Mom and then I was falling and the world faded to complete and despairing black.

I woke up on a cot in a small room once used as an office. It was familiar as I'd used it to take naps on when doing long stretches of work for Crazy Craig, but I wanted to curl up into a ball and will the ugliness of the dingy room away, aching for even the fleetest of remembered sensations of waking up with my head cushioned on Mom's pillow like breasts. For the longest time, I didn't want to uncurl from an almost fetal position, wanting to deny that my reality was again 1988 and that I was a lonely and miserable student at MIT working for a mad scientist.

Finally, the demands of nature insisted and I stumbled out of bed and into the small adjoining washroom. Inside, I found neatly folded on the sink, my jeans and T-shirt. Once I returned, I found my sneakers peeking out from underneath the cot. It wasn't until I was dressed that I noticed that on a small table was an envelope with my name on it. Inside was a single sheet of paper wrapped around ten one hundred dollar bills. Unfolding the sheet, I discovered Craig had written me a letter.


I'm sorry to take my leave of you without a proper goodbye and thank you for your work on my machine. Obviously it works, although my calculations were somewhat were gone a total of three hours although from your ravings upon your return and your muttering and cries while asleep, it was much longer on your part. I hope that it wasn't too unpleasant and despite your battered face, some of your post trip ravings indicate that it is so. I hope the two weeks severance pay will at least in part make up for any pain or ill you suffered.

I am of course, leaving. I have rewired the rune box to work from within the machine and I hope to carry it with me so that I might travel through time at my whim. I think I will visit the ancients first so I can compare their work with mine own. Think of me from time to time and I will do the same for you.


Below his signature was a crude diagram of his rewiring of his machine and something about it punctured my grief and self pity...something wrong. "This won't work," I muttered to myself. "THIS WON'T WORK!" I shouted as I broke into a dead run out of the office, down a long, narrow hallway and then came to an abrupt stop as I entered the main room.

Most of Craig's Time Machine was gone...a spherical area of maybe ten feet in diameter...just empty space ending in a partly collapsed pile of titanium tubing and rubble. I studied it silently for long minutes, wondering if Crazy Craig had successfully made his trip back in time or if he had simply annihilated himself and a great portion of his machine. I felt in my heart with an absolute certainty that I would never know.

Pocketing my money, I walked back to town in an early morning misty rain, feeling as if my world had ended. In my little pest infested room, I surveyed my surroundings and knew that I did not belong here anymore. I packed up a backpack with what little I cared to take with me and then leaving my apartment keys lying on the bed, I closed the door behind me and hiked down to the bus station. It was time to go home.

Riding the Gray Hound home took most of two days, what with all the layovers and waits for connections. It gave me time to think about what happened and to wonder about my future. My heart ached for what had been lost and in the few fitful bouts of sleep I managed to catch during my ride, I was both blessed and cursed with images of a life that might have been -- living the last twenty years with Mom as husband and wife, raising a family, although to think about being my own father, made my head hurt. I was plagued by images of more children...dark headed little boys and girls that Mom and I would never have.

I sat for hours watching America pass by, aching for the pain I had caused Mom, loving her and leaving her in one breathtaking moment, seeing first hand the passion her younger self had had for my father...for me, and finally understanding how that part of her life had gone essentially unfulfilled all these years. Then for the first time since this craziness had begun, the implications of it being least, kind of -- sort of, began to surface.

I didn't know if Mom knew or how she would feel about it. All these years, I'd never seen an inkling of anything but motherly feelings or emotions from my mom. I wasn't sure how I could even bring it up with her without her thinking that I was nuts and then what if what Craig and I had done was beyond the pale of reality...what if the whole thing had been a massive delusion on my part. The only evidence I had of my entire magical trip was the hellacious bruise on my cheek and that could have come at anytime during the "experiment."

The bus trip seemed to go on forever and even when it was finished, I still had thirty miles to hitchhike into the mountains of East Tennessee. Still, I was lucky as I caught rides that had me in a couple of hours walking up the mile long gravel road that ended in a hollow where our house and Mom's herb business was nestled. I was scared and nervous at my reception. If I confessed the truth of what happened to Mom, would she understand or would she feel violated and betrayed? I couldn't resolve it in my head -- the entangling complications and paradoxes of our relationship becoming entwined with the deeper complexities that time travel represented.

There was the low rumble of far off thunder as I trudged up long the gravel road. A songbird was making a special effort in the trees above me. Finally, I topped the last hill and saw the house I had grown up in down below, looking peaceful. It was a modified craftsman house, two stories tall with a large, wraparound porch. A battered pickup truck sat in the driveway -- Mom's old Ford truck that we'd traveled to Tennessee in fifteen years ago.

On the bricks at the bottom of the steps, napped my dog, an aged beagle named Mushroom, or Mush for short. As I descended the last sloping hill, maybe a hundred yards out or so, he picked up my scent and raised his head and gave one, short, baleful howl before putting his head back down. I adjusted my backpack strap on my shoulder and continued on down. At least now it wouldn't be a total surprise, Mush being Mom's early warning system.

A moment later, Mom stepped out of the front door. Even at seventy-five yards or so, she made my heart leap and I knew that whatever I had felt three days ago or nearly nineteen years ago, nothing had changed. I could feel my breath begin to increase and a warmth flow through my body, the end result being a hardening of my cock in my blue jeans.

It was still my Mom, as lovely as she'd been at twenty-two. Her dark mahogany hair with little hints of gray was unbraided today and fell across her shoulders and down her back to brush against her plump butt. Yes, in her face maybe there was a few lines here and there...a few added pounds and below her peasant blouse with one shoulder exposed, I imagined her breasts were a little larger and hung a little lower, but it all only enhanced her beauty.

Mom watched me approach, a confused smile on her face as she recognized me...a smile that slowly faded as I got closer. Her eyes squinted as she studied me and she slowly began to back up, withdrawing from the top step of the porch to stand with her back against the screen door by the time I had climbed up the porch steps. We stared at each other, a odd, almost frightened smile barely curving her lips. Thunder rumbled again in the distance, a little louder and a little closer. A storm was about to break and the air held tension and power in it.

"John," Mom said softly, her eyes locked on my face.

"Mom," I replied, not knowing what else to say.

Mom took a tentative step towards me...her soft, stone-washed jeans making a whispery sound as she came closer to me. In bare feet, she was almost silent in her movement. We stood bare inches apart, her breasts jutting out in her blouse almost touching me. She reached out and stroked my face, taking care as she slowly ran her thumb across my bruise.

"Oh, John," Mom breathed. "You finally came back to me." Tears began to run down my mother's face. "What took you so long?"

Again, I didn't have a clue as to what to say to her...or how to explain it all and I never got past, "Mom...I..."

"Your poor looks like it just happened yesterday, John."

I nodded as I stepped closer, placing my hands on Mom's plump waist. In a trembling voice, I replied, "For was practically yesterday, Mom." I was crying now too -- feeling Mom's pain at all the years of not knowing...feeling absolutely awful that I had spent the best part of the last three days without her and absolutely horrified at the thought of not having her in my arms for the last twenty years.

Mom bit her lip and nodded and said haltingly, "But you've come back to me...after all this time, you're back to stay?"

I managed to gasp, "Forever," and then we jumped into each other's arms, Mom's lips pressing against mine, her tongue sliding into my mouth, instantly familiar and absolutely right as I held her tight too me, lifting her off the ground as we kissed, relishing the feel of her lush body pressing into mine, her left leg curling around my leg, hugging me fiercely as our tongues renewed their loving relationship.

Things became a bit of a blur as we tugged and pulled at each other's clothes. We parted lips just long enough to yank each other's shirts over our heads, Mom's fingers clawing at my chest while I cupped and squeezed her breasts which were larger than I remembered and sagged more, but which were beautiful in their shape and heft -- the pendulous, sloping breasts of an Earth-mother goddess. I felt her nipples, thick and round, swell between my fingers, her pulse evident against my palms.

Kissing and caressing, we somehow danced our way into the house, stumbling into the screen door along the way and tearing off the upper hinge so it hung precariously, something I noticed absently as I kissed Mom and steered her towards the stairs that led upstairs to her bed. Before we reached the stairs, we'd both shucked jeans and I discovered to my delight that Mom was going commando and that she still had that marvelously hairy bush, still black and wild, still feeling so soft and inviting as I palmed her pussy, feeling the wetness and the heat spreading between her legs.

Then we were stumbling on the stair steps and the bed was forgotten as Mom sat down on the wooden steps and leaned back and spread her legs, her hand wrapped around my cock as she drew me to her and said, "John, I've missed you for so long. Take me, lover...take your Momma Chloe!" And then I was in her and what had been just a few days for me and nearly two decades for her were swept away in the span of a couple of heartbeats as I sank into her hot, slick flesh, coming home forever to my mother...coming home to where I belonged.

My head spun with desire and delight as Mom and I made love, hungrily hunching into each other, savoring each sweet moment my cock was buried deep inside her cunt, relishing every bit of pleasure that was her sopping wet and clasping flesh wrapped around my throbbing erection. Our ravenous kisses were punctuated by Mom's moans and cries each time I broke the kiss to duck my head and wrap my lips around one of her immense and swollen nipples. Mom's legs came up, full and long, to wrap around my hips, her feet crossing as she would constrict her strong thighs and urge me deeper inside her.

We were man and woman, mother and child, soul mates -- all combining to create a higher level of love making, each aspect enriching our pleasure and our love for each other. If anything, our lovemaking now was made greater than it had been at the music festival by the complete and total understanding of each other...the simple acknowledgment that we were mother and son and what our nineteen years together contributed to making our intimacy greater than before.

Mom's cries echoed through our house, filling the absences of all these years alone with a love nearly indescribable. Mom's orgasm swept over her and she clawed my back as she screamed, "YESSSSS! FUCK ME, JOHN! FUCK ME, BABYYYY! CUM IN ME, JOHN, CUM IN ME, CUMMMM IN MOMMA CHLOE, CUMMMMM HOME TO MOMMA!" while she bucked and squirmed against my thrusting cock.

Mom felt so good, so right and my own climax raced to join hers and as I cried out, "I LOVE YOU, MOM!" I sank deep into my mother's pussy, my pubic hair grinding against her hairy crotch and began shooting my hot seed into her womb -- thick jets of scalding semen that seemed to rekindle her orgasm.

"OHHHH, YESSSSS!" Mom sobbed as she wrapped her arms and legs around me tight, hanging on for dear life itself as we both stiffened and shook with ecstatic delight, keeping my cock buried deep inside her as I filled her cunt with wad after wad of thick sperm.

I remember us kissing then for what seemed an eternity. I don't remember us somehow getting to our feet and making it to Mom's bed. Mom claimed later that I carried her to bed like a groom carries his bride. It all seemed a warm and pleasurable dream that I wound up waking up from under the covers in my mother's bed -- finding her watching me sleep, her long dark hair spread out on the pillows, most of her breasts above the blankets, slowly rising and falling majestically. I could hear songbirds outside the window in the trees and there was the gentle noise of a light rain on the tin roof of our house.

I didn't say anything for a long time, just smiling at Mom who had a radiant smile on her I had seen at Woodstock, but not ever in all the years I was growing up. There wasn't a need to speak -- her smile and mine conveyed almost everything we needed to say...that we each loved the other and that all was right between us.

"How long have you known, Mom?" I finally said, breaking the silence.

Mom snuggled up closer to me, her lips nuzzling mine as she took her time in answering. Finally, "I'm not sure, baby. Part of me wants to say that I've known since the first time I held you in my arms after your birth and saw you looking at me. I looked into your eyes and knew that they were your' lover's, I mean." Mom pursed her lips and then giggled. "This time travel stuff makes my head hurt, trying to sort it all out."

I nodded and said, "You have no idea, Mom."

Mom giggled again. "I think I really became suspicious when you reached your teenage years. I remember when you were about sixteen, you unloaded a truck load of organic fertilizer one summer day and your shirt was off and you looked so handsome and so like the boy I made love to at Woodstock." Mom's tongue peeked out and she grinned evilly when she continued. "I think that's when I first had naughty thoughts about you, son."

"Really?" I answered, feeling myself begin to blush.

"Well...I mean, you looked so much like the only man I ever really loved and back then...well, who'd have thought that the man of my heart and the father of my child was actually my child who'd traveled through time to seduce me." Mo m grinned evilly at me.

I felt my blush deepening and I could barely keep my eyes on Mom's face as I said, "I never meant to do be your lover."

"Mom reached out and stroked my bed-mussed hair out of my eyes. "But, I don't think you tried real hard to walk away from it, did you, son?"

Taking a deep breath and then slowly letting it out, I replied, "Not from the moment I first saw you. You were...are so beautiful and when we first kissed, I knew that it was meant to be."

Mom nodded and scooched closer to me, her breasts seeming even more voluminous as she lay on her side and mashed them against my chest. "Me too -- I felt the same way. The moment I saw you...despite the weirdness of the moment, despite you actually calling me 'Mom' the first time you spoke to me, I knew that we belonged together. I knew you would be the father of my children and my soul mate for all eternity."

"Children?" I said, playfully, my hands already slipping down to her abdomen, searching for her wild and hairy pussy.

"Mom smiled and said, "Why not? I'm only forty-one." She reached down and wrapped her hand around my cock, gently stroking the already hard and long shaft. "Who knows...I think you knocked me up the first time you fucked me, son." Mom kissed me then, her tongue teasingly rolling over my lips. "Hell, baby, you might have knocked me up again a little while ago on the stairs."

Mom kissed me again, this one lasting much longer as she eased back and gently guided me between her legs. She broke the kiss, breathing heavily as she looked down between us, her hand running the swollen head of my cock up and down the length of her blossoming pussy. "Well, just to be sure...we might want to do it again, Mom," I said. I kissed her as she brought me between her labia and then I whispered softly, "And again and again and again," as I slowly sank into her motherly cunt.

Mom cried out happily and thrust her hips upwards to meet my hard cock as she cried out, "Oh yes, son...forever!"

It might be a cliché, but it is also true that you could say that we've lived happily ever after. Mom and I have lived as husband and wife for twenty-three years. Mom still runs her herb business and grew it into something quite large and profitable in the internet age. I abandoned engineering and gained a Masters in history and teach in a local community specialty, the 1960s. Last summer we watched with pride as the first of our twins, Daphne graduated from college with a nursing degree. Her brother, Billy will pick up a chemical engineering degree this coming spring. Our youngest, Janis starts college next year and she wants to follow Mom into the herb business.

As for Crazy Craig, I still don't know what happened to him. Maybe he blinked himself and his machine out of existence with his tampering of the design. Maybe he's back there ages ago, hobnobbing with the Ancients. Maybe he's somewhere in the future. I hope he's happy. I still think he was nuts, but I owe him so much. I owe him the life that I lead with the woman I love more dearly than anything.

Mom, at sixty-four years old, is as beautiful as ever, only her silvered hair betraying the years that have passed. Every day with Mom is more magical than the one before, our love growing deeper and richer with each passing day. Working and raising the kids up and life in general has kept us busy day in and day out, but we make sure we have our own, private moments whenever possible.

I'm sure the kids all roll their eyes each time they hear Jefferson Airplane or Janis or Joe coming from the speakers of the sound system in our bedroom and in the forty some years since Woodstock, there has been some great releases of the music performed there -- far beyond what one can see in the movie or original soundtrack. The kids have long known that when the music is playing that they need to give Mom and Dad their privacy. They know we're making love and magic, recreating and returning to the past even as we savor each moment of the present and anxious await the future...they know that this is our own magic time and that time itself is magic.
The End​
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