After 15 years of marriage, Ellen seemed to believe she was the straw that stirred the drink. We both worked, and I made slightly more money than she, but gradually she had begun to feel she owned the controlling interest in our marriage. I suppose we call that controlling interest 'pussy'.
I don't know exactly when it started, but Ellen used sex to achieve her personal agendas when dealing with me, and our marriage. I began to sense she held me in slight contempt in many ways. It was not any single thing, but I knew it was not my imagination. I was getting vibes from her and I realized I should take steps to rectify these inequities or they would continue to worsen.
Like many men, I was secure in my work and my marriage and had never felt the need to assert myself too much. If Ellen was happy thinking she was the driving force in our partnership called marriage, I saw no real advantage in resisting it too strongly. A happy wife is always the key to a man's contentment.
At 36, Ellen is an attractive, athletic woman. Her tanned, long, muscular legs were her most obvious assets. Her breasts were full with small round nipples that would harden like pebbles at the slightest touch. All in all, Ellen was a very lovely, desirable woman.
At 6 foot, I was four inches taller than my wife. My weight remained around two hundred pounds and I was a regular at the gym. I enjoyed the attention of women. They liked my easy way and quick smile. I prided myself on being able to, with a concentrated effort, schmooze any woman. Still, I was a faithful, loyal husband. It is just that there is no reason for false modesty.
I wonder now if Ellen mistook my fidelity for weakness. It was just that we had taken an oath those many years ago and I never felt there was any justification to break it. If I wanted sex outside marriage, I would first terminate the marriage. To me, there was nothing worse than a spouse sneaking around on their mate. If you cannot trust your partner, you have the wrong partner. If they cannot trust you, then you should not have a partner. You need to be alone. Marriage is a partnership, and it can only succeed when partners pull together for common goals. Each person must be willing to place their desires second to their spouses. At least this was the way I had approached, and functioned in, my marriage.
We attended an Independence Day party at our neighbors. There were around 30 people there and the drinks were flowing. It was a hot day and the neighbors had a beautiful pool, so most people were in swimsuits by mid-afternoon. Ellen wore a somewhat modest two-piece suit that looked sexier than some of the string bikinis some of the women wore. It was the bright orange color, her tan, and her wonderful figure that made it look so sexy. I noticed men watching her all afternoon, and felt quite proud of her.
For my part, I was chatting with the many wives, mothers and daughters, that were in attendance. I was careful to not be with any particular lady too long. I made an effort to spend time with as many as I could. I am in sales and networking is done everywhere, all the time. A good word here, or a recommendation there, can make a huge difference and no one knew it better than I. I made the ladies like me, without making their husbands dislike me. It was a fine line, but I had mastered it over the years.
Ellen understood this well and never seemed threatened by my attention to women. One thing was obvious to Ellen. I was nice to all women and never showed a preference for any one woman. I spread myself around. She had zero reason to worry about me and I like to think she felt some pride in my popularity with her gender. No one wants a spouse that others do not find attractive, or desirable.
As the afternoon wore on, I noticed that a fellow from the next block was staying close to Ellen. He was getting drinks for her and monopolizing her attention any way he could. I personally felt this was unwise at a public function. It sends the wrong message to those you are ignoring, as well as to the one to whom you give your time.
I am an old hand at noticing things without being obvious about it. I am sure no one realized I was annoyed with Ellen for allowing the guy to dominate her day. He was about my height and weighed a bit more, but it was in his stomach. Why can't soft men with big guts see it? They always strut around like gorillas with their waistband low (They still have a 32-inch waist, unless they pull their pants up where they belong!) and their arms hang away from their bodies. They seem to believe the large assortment of muscles under their arms forces them outward. Can't they see the fat?
I didn't know the guy's name, but I guessed it to be Frank, Tony, or maybe Dominic. This 'Frank' guy would touch Ellen's arm or back as he spoke to her. There are 'touchy-feely' types, but I personally believe that when a man does it, he is trying to sneak a feel. Maybe I am a natural skeptic, or too cynical. I only know what motivates me to touch and feel.
After watching this crap for an hour or so, and not seeing Ellen make any effort to get away from the guy, I worked my way over to where Ellen sat by the pool. The guy was in a chair next to her and held his hand on her shoulder as he was telling her some story.
Ellen looked up at me and smiled. "Dave! I saw you entertaining some ladies by the deck. Looks like you are having a good time," she concluded. "Have you ever met Tony?" she asked.
I had to smile to myself at the introduction. So it was Tony? These jerks are never named Milton, or Dudley.
I extended my hand and smiled. "Hello, Tony. Glad to meet you!"
Tony stood and took my hand. He squeezed it pretty hard. I made a mental note that he was trying to assert himself as the alpha male. I made another mental note to kick his ass if the need ever arose. He hadn't even spoken a word to me yet and I already knew he was an asshole.
"Hello, Dave," he answered. "I was just chatting with your lovely wife. She really looks hot in that suit! I had to tell her how good she looks. You are a lucky man."
"Well, I sure feel better now, Tony," I sniped. "Without your approval of Ellen's 'hot' body, I don't think I could have finished the day."
What sort of prick tells a man he just meets that his wife is hot? Ellen looked great, but there are gentlemanly ways to express it. Ellen picked up my sarcasm immediately and gave me 'the look'. I reached down and took her hand and helped her to her feet. She didn't really want to get up, but she had no choice. I had made my mind up that she was going to mingle, at my side, for the rest of the party.
"See you around, Tony," I called as I led Ellen away.
"What was that all about, Dave? You were barely civil to Tony," she stated. "We were just chatting."
"Ellen, that prick wants to get in your pants, and he doesn't care who knows it," I replied. "I have seen guys like that my whole life. He is a shit, so stay away from him."
I could have been more subtle and worked at my phrasing, but I was annoyed and didn't have the patience to try.
"You are jealous?" asked Ellen. "Mr. Suck-Up-To-Every-Woman is jealous? You have a lot of nerve, don't you?"
"I do not want to get in their pants. That is the difference," I growled. "Tony is a snake. Stay away from him!"
"You don't tell me who I can speak with and who I can't," Ellen huffed. "I am a big girl and can take care of myself, thank you!"
"I don't want to have to tell you again, Ellen. Just stay away from that fat stud," I responded.
By this time we were near the bar and several other guests. Ellen was not able to graciously tell me to fuck-off. I spent the rest of the party with Ellen at my side. As time went on she lost her anger and actually seemed to enjoy my attention.
"I like you a little jealous, Dave," she told me. "It seems to keep you closer and more attentive to me."
"Ellen, I did not realize I was not as attentive as I should be, but I can change that. I seem to have the finest, sexiest lady here," I finished.
She smiled and squeezed my hand. That was the right thing to say, I realized, and it was the truth. We enjoyed the rest of the party and had some great sex that evening. The flirting, drinking, and I suppose, the 'jealousy', fired us up and it was great. I really felt I was not jealous. I was concerned that Ellen had no idea what she was toying with. I had seen pricks like Tony a hundred times. They don't make very effective enemies, but they can kill you if you think they are your friends!
We always have a party in late July and spend a lot of time and effort preparing for it. Our pool isn't the biggest, but it is neat and the good food and drinks prevent any complaints.
I was circulating with my neighbors and friends, being the perfect host. Ellen was doing the same and things were going great. She was wearing a small bikini and her globes were fantastic. It was a hot day and no one wore very much. We always invite mostly the same people every year. I throw the party for a good time. Things go so much better when you enjoy the folks you are partying with.
About 3 o'clock I saw Tony talking to Ellen and almost shit! How the hell had he found the nerve to crash our party? I just kept playing the good host and waited to catch Ellen alone. About half an hour later she went to the kitchen for more food and I quickly followed.
"How is it that Tony, the Asshole, is here?" I questioned. " I sure as hell didn't invite him. Do you have any ideas?"
"There is no reason to go postal, Dave. I ran into Tony at the store last week and invited him. Do we have to approve each other's invitation list?" Ellen asked. The sarcasm dripped to the floor.
"It would seem that we do, Goddamn it!" I answered. "We will hash this out tonight, but you can be sure you have fucked my day up."
I didn't wait for her response as I turned and headed for the bathroom. Few people would guess I have a bad temper because I have learned to take measures to control it. When I feel really angry, I try to get to a quiet place and talk myself into calming down. It usually works. I spent about 5 minutes working on my control, but I knew it was going to be close. It would require a lot of effort to conceal my annoyance the rest of the day.
Whenever I saw Ellen, she would glare at me but seldom spoke. She did not watch "Kung-Fu" as a child. (As a grasshopper, he had learned control. I struggled to be like him.) When she is unhappy, she lets it out. Tony was never far from her side and that was a huge thorn in my side as I smiled and joked with our guests. I wanted to slap that miserable prick so bad I could almost taste it.
The guests began to leave as dusk fell and those left moved inside to continue the party. Naturally, Tony was one of those that stayed. There were four other couples still at our place and I liked them all. Tony was the sore thumb and he really stuck out!
Tom and Janice were my favorite neighbors. They were just two doors down and we did a lot of things as couples. Tom was an easy-going guy and Janice was sharp as a tack with a great sense of humor and was totally devoted to Tom. Brad was a good friend from work and his wife, Sue, was an attractive woman. She was quiet but came up with some really good observations.
Pete and Dottie were friends since high school and we thought the world of them. Pete was small for a man and Dottie was tall and full figured. She must have outweighed him by 30 pounds, but she loved the little guy. I remember once when a man made some unkind remark about Pete when we were all out one night. We had to physically stop her from ripping into the guy! We all made a mental note to never say anything bad about Pete! It became an ongoing joke.
Al and Doris were both teachers at the local high school and were intelligent and fun. Al was as big as Doris was small, but he never gave her any lip. They both seemed quite content with Doris in the driver's seat.
That was the group that was left. It would have been perfect, except for Tony, the Asshole. He was still hanging around telling loud stories centered on his many experiences. How can one person be so well versed on every subject in the world? No matter what the subject, he was well versed in that area. From history to chickens, he knew it all, and was more than happy to share his vast store of knowledge.
Pete asked if I had any more beer. Panic struck me at that point. I could not have run out of beer! What kind of host am I?
"I will go get some right now. It will only take a few minutes, Pete," I responded. We all knew the nearest place was a 15-minute drive away. Pete tried to protest, but I would have none of it. I knew the duty of the host.
"I will drive you, Dave," volunteered Janice. "I have not had anything to drink for a few hours and you don't want a DUI on your record."
I handed her the keys and we left. As we pulled out of the driveway, Janice turned and began giving me a tongue-lashing!
"Why do you have that prick, Tony, here?" she demanded. "He is following Ellen around like a stallion after a mare! I don't know how you could leave Ellen there with him!"
I was taken by surprise at Janice's passion. She was serious and quite upset.
"I didn't invite the fuck! We have already had words and Ellen is pissed at me for it," I countered. "When this party is over, we will hammer it out."
Janice pulled into her driveway and parked.
"We have a case of cold beer in the spare refrigerator. We will get that and you can replace it tomorrow," she reasoned. "You don't want to leave that bastard with Ellen for any length of time."
I carried the beer to the car. We were headed back in less than 5 minutes from when we left. I carried it in and put the bottles on ice. Then I handed one to Pete.
"That was quick! How fast does Janice drive?" he joked.
The others laughed and I noticed Ellen and Tony were not in sight. I excused myself and began to look for Ellen. She was nowhere downstairs, so I went up to the bedroom area of our home. I heard voices from our bedroom and quietly opened the door a very slight way.
Ellen's top was on the floor and Tony was squeezing her bare tits like his life depended on it. Ellen seemed flustered, and not very pleased.
"Tony, what are you doing? That hurts," she cried. "I promised a peek, not a mauling. Now stop!"
Tony was still in his swim trunks. He laughed as he released one of Ellen's tits and pulled his trunks down to his knees with his free hand.
"Give me a quick blowjob, then. You have been teasing me all day and I am ready to explode," he growled as he put his hand back on Ellen and started pushing her to her knees. "Suck my big cock. You know you want to."
"It really isn't all that big and I will not suck it!" Ellen growled back. "Now get the hell out of here and leave me the fuck alone!"
It happened so fast, that I was caught completely by surprise. Tony backhanded Ellen hard. He struck her in the face and she reeled back, stunned. That was all I needed to see.
I pushed the door open all the way and grabbed a handful of Tony's well coiffed locks and the trunks that were still around his knees. I spun him around and aimed him for the doorway. I would like to be able to say that I threw him down the stairs, but I didn't. He landed at the very top and went ass over heels down to the bottom. It looked like his head hit every step and he landed with his ass in the air and his head face down on the carpet at the bottom.
Eight people stared in disbelief as Tony moaned on the floor. I rushed down the stairs, still in a rage. I already mentioned that Janice was sharp, and she proved it. I was on Tony in a flash and had his hair and trunks in my hands again. As I yanked him off the floor, Janice was opening the outside door and standing clear! This time he never touched the three steps on our front stoop. He landed on his face and big belly about six feet from the door. The incredible thing was he seemed to bounce when he hit. As he bounced, he got his feet under himself and took off down the walk. I have no idea how he was able to even breathe, but he was gone in a matter of seconds. He pulled his trunks up as he ran.
I went back inside and everyone was standing open-mouthed. I stalked back up the stairs. Ellen was recovering from Tony's blow and there was blood on her lip. Her right eye was already starting to discolor. Tony really cracked her good, and he had a big hand.
I grabbed her hand and led her downstairs with her tits jiggling as we descended. I moved fast and she was still groggy, so it wasn't until we reached the bottom that she realized she was wearing only her bikini bottoms.
"Dave! Wait! I don't have my top on! I need to cover up, please!" she cried.
I pulled her face close to mine and snarled, "Is Tony better than our friends? Are you telling me that only Tony gets to see your tits? Are you saying you would rather have Tony see your tits than the people in this room?"
Ellen appeared frightened as she looked into my face. I was ready to toss her after Tony if I didn't like her response.
"No, Dave. I much prefer everyone here to that bastard. What do you want me to do?' she asked. "I will do what you want."
Somehow she knew she had come very close to getting tossed. I felt my anger begin to subside, but I was still hot.
"I want you to tell our friends what just occurred and how you have come to have blood on your lip and the makings of a black eye. I want you to do it here, and now. I want you to do it with your tits showing. Not do it!" I demanded.
"I will get some ice for her eye," Janice volunteered. "I will be listening though, so go ahead." With that she hurried to the kitchen.
I have to give Ellen credit. She had just been through a bad experience and she could see I was livid. She composed herself as well as she could and began her story.
"Everyone knows I was flirting with Tony today, but only to get even with Dave," Ellen began. "He demanded I stay away from Tony. I thought it was because he was jealous, so I invited Tony here today. It was to make Dave jealous and horny."
"Tony was very pushy and he kept after me to give him a little feel. Thanks, Janice," Ellen said as she accepted a cloth with ice in it from Janice. "I finally agreed because I felt guilty about inviting him. I should have known he would think it was because I had the hots for him, the stupid fuck."
"We went up stairs and he pulled my top off rather than just sneak a feel. I was shocked but didn't want to act afraid so I let him feel me for a few seconds. He was very rough and it was the worst experience of my life," Ellen sobbed. "I told him to stop and he laughed and dropped his trunks and insisted I give him a blowjob!"
There were several gasps as Ellen revealed that demand. I had never seen Tom get angry before, but he was now as he muttered, "That son of a bitch! If I had known that, I would have helped Dave fling him out! Not that Dave needed my help."
"I refused and told him to leave, and he... he hit me in the face," cried Ellen. "He almost knocked me out. I was dazed and fell back. I looked up and I saw Dave grab him. I thought Dave was going to kill him. I have never seen Dave so angry! I was afraid I had caused a death!"
"It was pretty damn close to one," chuckled Janice. "If I had not seen it I never would have believed Dave could throw that shit so far, and I knew Dave could throw shit!"
Sue, who had been listening quietly asked, "It may not be my place to ask, but what are you going to do with Ellen, Dave? I have to know she will be ok. You were very angry, and we all agree you had every right to be. I was thrilled to see that jerk bounce down the stairs, but I think the world of Ellen and don't want her punished too much for one mistake."
By this time I had regained my composure and realized how lucky I was that Tony didn't get a broken neck or something. I could be spending the next ten years in jail! That was why I had always tried to control my temper.
Ellen seemed more interested in my response than anyone else. She looked at me and then down at the floor as I framed my answer.
"I apologize to all of you for that display of temper. I try to keep it in check, but it boiled over today. To answer Sue's question, I have never loved anyone but Ellen and I love her more than ever. I would never hurt her in any way. That said, I came very close to tossing her out with Tony. If she had refused me anything or defended that fuck in any way, she would not be here now."
I continued, "Ellen is my wife and I expect certain things from her. I expect loyalty and even obedience at times. That may sound sexist, but it will have to be that way from now on. If she accepts my terms, we will be together till we die."
Ellen sobbed and threw her arms around me. I could feel her wonderful tits through my shirt and I loved it. I kissed her hard and then I held her away from me.
"I want you to get another round of drinks for our friends, then you can cover back up. It looks like the guys are beginning to enjoy this," I laughed.
Ellen turned crimson, remembering she was still exposed to everyone.
"If my husband wants me to serve you like this, I will gladly do it, but you had better enjoy it. Unless he has me do it again, none of you will ever see these babies again!" she chuckled.
"We will certainly be talking about this party for a long time," laughed Janice. "My favorite part was Tony bouncing down the stairs with his pecker flopping around. I knew where he was headed next. If I hadn't opened the door I think Dave would have put him through it! I suspect the favorite part for the men will be the drinks that Ellen is about to serve to them!"
Ellen was in the kitchen for a couple minutes and returned with a tray of drinks and she looked great! I heard Brad gulp as she handed him a beer. Ellen carefully presented each person with a beverage of choice, then reached into the closet and pulled out a sweatshirt and slid into it.
Then Pete, whose wife once threatened a man that had insulted his name, proposed a toast. "May every person here have learned not to betray their spouse's trust, and may everyone here have learned how to handle the situation if it arises!"
I think everyone was surprised when Pete's wife, Dottie, beamed at this proclamation. We all raised our drinks as one.