Chapter 01.1

Let me begin by introducing myself. My mother and father named me Thomas Martin Kendricks, though I haven't gone by the name for a very long time. Be that as it may, I just go by Tom. Well, part of the time that is. I also go by another name. Mary to be exact. No, I'm not a cross dresser or a transvestite or even a transwoman. I'm a shapeshifter. Pick your jaw up off the floor, you read that right. And before you get ahead of my story here, I'm not someone who can just change into anyone at any time. I'm not like Mystique from the X-Men. My ability is very specific. I'm either Tom or Mary. That's it. I can shift at will with just a thought. It's as easy as taking a breath.

So now that you know my secret, let me start from the beginning. Quite literally my birth. I was born February 9, 1913. I am indeed over 100 years old, even though physically I look like I'm in my late 30's currently. I was born in the Northeastern part of the United States. The night I was born there was a meteor shower happening at the same time called the Cyrillid Shower. Now I do not know if this occurrence is what caused me to be different or not, I'm just pointing out the coincidence of it. I studied that shower for decades and finally gave up as I found no proof one way or the other. At this point, it doesn't matter. All I know is I'm unique and I've not found anyone like me anywhere else in the world. And, trust me, I have looked!

Not too soon after I was born, my father moved us to the Midwest. His family was from there and he moved back to take up the family business, a couple of general stores and 4 bars, which outwardly changed to music venues once Prohibition was the law with illegal booze being sold out of the back room. We weren't rich, but we were very well off. Even when the depression hit, we weathered it quite well. People needed their alcohol! But, as I grew up, I was your typical boy, with no hint of what would occur years later.

Fast forward to when I'm 19 years old and I'm college. Up to that point I had no idea what I could do. However, it was that time period that my life changed forever. I'll never forget the note that my professor was handed by a cute redhead. He called my name, asked me to gather my books, and told me to head to the office of the assistant dean of students. Once there I was greeted by the dean and a very somber looking man. I recognized him, but couldn't remember his name at the moment. I sat down and the somber man looked at me with tears in his eyes and told me my parents were dead. He kept talking, but damned if I can remember what was said. All I remember is he told me that a drunk driver ran them down as they were crossing the street and the driver, one Bobby Lance, was currently in jail.

Twelve hours later I was back home planning my parents' funeral, trying to wrap my mind around what was going on. 2 years previously my grandfather had passed, my grandmother having passed a decade before his death, and my father took over the business entirely. Now I guess it was all mine, but I had no interest in it. I wanted to be a mathematician and become a teacher or professor. Anyway, it didn't take long for me to make all the arrangements. My parents were well beloved by the entire town and I had more help than I needed or wanted, but I accepted it graciously. My parents were buried on a Wednesday in adjoining plots. It was a chilly, but sunny, day. As I stood there surrounded by people I barely knew, I silently cried.

The next few days were a blur. I made up my mind to sell off the entire business to a friend of my father's, though he was sort of a business rival. While I know he lowballed me on the offer, he still offered more than he would've to anyone else. In the end, I got just over $75,000 for a business that pulled in that much in alcohol sales every two or three months. Not a lot of money today, but then it was a huge amount. So I had the cash and my parents' house and no idea what to do next.

After about a week I decided to head back to college, but the next bombshell got dropped on me before I could leave. The asshole who ran down my parents had apparently gotten off with a mere slap on the wrist. I seems his daddy was some big shot Chicago politician. He greased enough palms to get junior off. My first reaction was complete and utter shock, then I got angry. Very angry. I'm not very demonstrative, in either anger or love, but when the anger hit, the glass I was holding was flung against the wall. I swore then I would get my revenge one way or the other on him. I took a deep breath and with a heavy heart I closed up the house, knowing I would probably return once I graduated college. I changed majors and switched to business and I'd spend the next few years on learning on how to make my money grow. If it was money that got him free, I figured money will be needed to bring him to justice.

Now it was during those years in college that "blossomed". I still don't know what actually caused me to shift into Mary one night, but I did. I went to bed Tom and woke up as Mary. Now, as Tom, I'm a solid 6'1", about 180 pounds, fairly lean yet muscular, brown tousled hair, deep brown eyes. As Mary, I'm 5'7", around 140 pounds, I have long wavy auburn hair, bright green eyes, very busty (I can somewhat adjust my breast size from 38DD to 40DD, but tend to stay at 38DD), an hourglass figure and long legs. I have no idea what happens to weight when I shift, but it seems to just come and go depending on who I am. I stopped in trying to figure it out a long time ago.

The morning I woke as Mary was a Sunday. By now alcohol was legal again and I have to say really enjoyed myself on the weekends at that point of my life. All I could remember is that I had crazy dreams. Looking back at it now, my subconscious probably knew what changes my body was undergoing and it tried to prepare me. I wasn't prepared in the least.

I rolled out of bed sometime well before dawn to go pee and all of a sudden I was off balance and couldn't figure out why. I let out a squeal as I stumbled in an effort to regain my footing, plopping back down on the bed, and then I realized that my voice was different. I fumbled for the light and turned on the lamp next to my bed. I looked down and saw a massive pair of tits on me and cried out. I stood up and awkwardly rushed to my bathroom to see what the hell had happened. In the mirror I "met" Mary for the first time. I held up my hands and looked to see if this wasn't some sort of trick. It wasn't. I stripped entirely to see just how far the changes went. My dick was gone replaced by a pussy topped with a little tuft of red hair. Of course I touched to make sure and it felt real!

It was at this point I was quite happy that I lived alone since I was renting an apartment off campus. I didn't need a drunken roommate stumbling in seeing a gorgeous naked woman. I walked back into the bedroom and sat down on my bed, trying to figure out just what happened. By this point I was stone cold sober, but still needed to pee. Once again I walked into the bathroom and, out of habit, stood in front of the bowl, but realized quickly I needed to sit down! One question answered for me, the pussy was definitely real. I walked back to the bedroom, again, and my mind was all over the place. This was too fucking weird. How the hell did I go from being a guy to a girl in a few hours? Is this some crazy dream or some bad joke?

I laid down and just tried to figure out just what the hell happened. I was a girl now. But how? I knew the pussy was real because I just peed, but did it work in other ways too? Only one way to find out, so I reached down and kind of fumbled around a bit. As a man, I wasn't a virgin, but I really didn't know how a woman's body worked. After a minute or two, I hit the jackpot and started rubbing on my clit. Yep, very real. I continued with what I was doing and I could feel something was about to happen so I rubbed faster. It didn't take long before I knew I was close to cumming. Of course, at that point I had no idea, this was a first for me, but once it happened, I exploded. As a man, I never really knew what an orgasm was, but as a woman I just had my first. Holy fuck it felt so good.

I laid there panting as waves of pleasure continued to wash over me. I was exhausted by what had just happened and yet still confused. As much as I enjoyed myself, I didn't want to be a girl. Even though I was fucking gorgeous. As I slipped back into the darkness of sleep, I kept thinking to myself that I wanted to be a man again, that I wanted to be me.

3 hours later I awoke and I had a hell of a hangover. But once I remembered what had happened, I immediately sat up in bed. I looked down and saw that I was a man again, but I was different. Prior to my first change, I was a bit chubby. Not fat, but not fit either. Now I was chiseled. One other change that happened was that I went from being a guy with an averaged sized dick to now having one that quite large. If turning into a woman for a short period of time got me a huge dick, I'm OK with that! All I could figure out was that the first change set my body to what I thought was the ideal man, same for the ideal woman. I'm no scientist and I refused to allow myself to be studied, so this was my best guess.

The next few days after my first change, things were normal and I started to convince myself that it was all just a very real dream brought on by way too much alcohol. Boy was I wrong. After my last class on Thursday, I headed back to my place to study and grab a bite to eat. This was 1935, so there was no fast food restaurants or anything like that around, so I had to fend for myself by actually going to the grocery store. Let's just say that things now are a hell of a lot better food-wise than they were then. I was able to grab a couple of apples and some teacakes. I had no refrigeration then, so I bought what would hopefully last me a couple of days. Thankfully there was a diner nearby, so I never starved.

As I walked back to my apartment, I started to think back to Sunday and what happened. I was still trying to convince myself it was just a very real dream. I mean, it was completely ridiculous that I actually changed into a woman! However, what I didn't realize then, all I had to do was want to change and I could. I can control it now, but not then. I was about a block away when I had the thought it would be kind of neat if I could be her again just for a moment. And then I was.

This was the first time I actually felt what the change was like. Imagine standing under a shower and you're being covered entirely in very warm water, the sensation of how your body heats up and how glorious it feels. That's what the change is like, minus the water. I felt my body grow warm and everything sort of shimmered for a second, my vision blurred briefly and all of a sudden my bag felt quite heavy and my clothes felt baggy. I didn't know what happened, but I glanced in a window and I saw. I was a woman again. I nervously looked around to see if anyone had seen what had happened, but no one seemed to be reacting. My reaction, though, was immediate. I ran as fast as I could back to my apartment and hoped I wasn't being chased.

As I rushed inside, I shut the door behind me and locked it, just waiting for the police or someone to start pounding on my door. After a couple of minutes I realized I was safe, no one was chasing me. I sat down and tried to understand what had just happened to me. I wasn't sleeping this time, but I changed! But how??? I was just walking and not doing anything. I racked my brain for a few minutes before it dawned on me I actually thought about being a woman again and it happened. It couldn't be that simple, could it?

So I closed my eyes and thought about how I wanted to be a man again. And nothing. Not that simple. I tried for about 30 minutes and nothing happened. By now I was getting frustrated and began to cry. I sat there and sobbed, begging to whichever deity was listening to change me back. I thought deeply about much I wanted to be a man again. And I felt it. I could feel my body change and my clothes fill out. I got up and went into the bathroom to look in the mirror, I was staring back at me. Not a woman! It was right then I knew I had to get this under control sooner rather than later, otherwise it would cause me a lot of problems.

I skipped my classes the next day and stayed in my apartment. After a few hours, I finally was able to figure out how to change, but I needed to get it under control. That took me the better part of Friday night and Saturday. Eventually, I felt confident enough to show myself in public again without fear of accidentally changing. I had no choice but to go out and get something to eat. I had run out of food and I was starving. I got dressed and headed to the diner. Thankfully it was uneventful, but on the way back I passed by a dress shop and I realized that I would need to get some clothing for the female side of me. Unfortunately the shop was closed and I'd need to wait until Monday. But that also gave me time to practice more and get an idea what size she... I wear.

Monday I was back in school. It was my lightest day, so I was able to head to that dress shop. Again, this was 1935. Women typically wore dresses and stockings then. I was not exactly happy with that idea, but I didn't have much choice. As I entered, I realized I was both nervous and excited. The woman who helped me was quite pleased that a gentleman would take great care in what his lady would wear. I ended up getting a couple of house dresses, a few afternoon dresses (a woman then would never think of leaving the house in a house dress!), a few pairs of shoes, a handbag, and, most surprising of all, a couple of pairs wide bottomed pants and some blouses. I was all set, except for undergarments. A gentleman would never buy such things! I needed to get that figured out.

I headed home with my haul to try everything on. Once alone I allowed myself to change and I got down to seeing how things looked on me. Thankfully most things fit, but I needed different shoes. I'd need to return to the store, which was not the worst thing in the world. The bra would be the hardest thing to get. I was just too busty to go out without a bra. I'd need to wrap up my boobs the best I could and go shopping for one later.

A few days later, after practicing walking in those goddamn shoes, I felt like I could finally go out as Mary. I decided to name myself Mary since it was my mother's name. I changed and got my boobs wrapped and I put on a cute floral dress. I looked in the mirror and I loved how I looked. I also realized then I'd need to learn to do makeup if I was going to continue to lead this double life. Being a man is much easier! I grabbed my handbag, took a deep breath, and walked out into the world for the first time as Mary.

It was oddly exhilarating. The first thing I realized is the hair would be an issue, so I knew I'd need to learn how to do it up in a bun. I liked its length, so cutting it wasn't an option. Knowing I needed to buy more things for Mary, I hailed a taxi to take me to the large department store where I could get some feminine essentials. I spent hours in there. The ladies who assisted me in learning make-up and hair care were a Godsend. I also picked up a few bras and undergarments. They didn't bat an eye when I mentioned that I had lost my family and was starting from scratch.

I should mention at this point that it was then that I realized just how different I was as Mary than I was when I was Tom. As Tom I'm 100% heterosexual. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in men. As Mary, it was pretty much the opposite. This hit me as I was shopping and the manager came over to see how I was being treated. He was obviously flirting with me and I reciprocated slightly. The attention he paid me affected me physically in that it caused my pussy to get quite damp. It shocked me and I got very shy, very quickly. He noticed and he excused himself so I could continue to shop, but he glanced back and me and smiled, which got me even wetter. I was not expecting to react in such a way.

As I was about to walk out of the store, the manager approached me again to formally introduce himself (his name was Michael) and to ask me how my experience had gone, if I was satisfied with how I was served. I must've blushed as he asked because he smiled softly at me. I let him know that all the ladies were wonderful and that he had an excellent staff. He then asked me if I was free for dinner some evening and I quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly, said I was free any evening. And just like that I had a date on Saturday night, which was the next night. He gave me the address of the restaurant and we made plans to meet there at 7:00. He walked me out of the store, hailed me a taxi, and said he would see me tomorrow.

When I got back to my apartment, I immediately flopped on the bed, spread my legs, and put my hand on my pussy. He had gotten me so aroused in just how he looked at me, that I had to masturbate. It didn't take me long to cum as I thought of his deep voice and piercing brown eyes. I slept quite well that night.

Now I wish I could say that after our date that we went back to his place and we fucked like bunnies, but this was the 1930's. Now while it did happen on occasion for many people, that didn't happen here. No, we had a lovely dinner and he was the perfect gentleman. He walked me home, as the restaurant wasn't too far from where I lived, and made sure I got home safely. We made plans for another date. I thanked him and kissed him chastely on the cheek.

For the next few weeks I lived as Mary when I wasn't going to school as Tom. It was then that I noticed how women were treated as compared to men. Women were not treated well for the most part. They were still thought of as "homemakers", even though many were entering the workforce, albeit at much lower wages as men. If not for such women as Ruth Nichols, Beryl Markham, and Amelia Earhart, who knows how women would've been treated? Unfortunately, it wasn't until 1938 that women had any sort of "women's rights" thanks to the Supreme Court. But I get ahead of myself.

I dated Michael for a short time, but we never went further than that. It turns out that I am "too strong willed", his words, and we parted company. It was during the time I spent with him where I figured out who I was as Mary as compared to Tom. Obviously, sexually speaking, I thought differently, but my personality for the most part was unchanged. I was just as outspoken, I was not quick to anger, and I had a very keen sense of right from wrong. As Mary, I was more flirtatious than as Tom and a bit more shy. Whereas when I was Tom, I tended to be more forthright in my opinions. As Tom I was quite sexually active, though not recently, as Mary I was still a virgin.

November of 1936 changed things though and a decision had to be made. Social Security numbers were introduced and I had to decide which of my identities should get one. I saw the writing on the wall and realized that if I was to work as Mary, I'd need one. As Tom, I knew I'd definitely be getting one. In the end, I got one for each identity on the off chance I decided to live full time as one or the other. I just applied 2 weeks later as Mary. In the long run, especially considering my long life, I didn't need to do that, but one never knows how the future will go.

Fast forward a bit to 1938 and I'm now working as an accountant at an investment banking company in Chicago. Not my ideal plan, but I knew I wanted my money to grow and this was the best place to do it. My plan before the death of my parents was to work as a teacher at a prestigious college of some sort, but that dream died when they did. However, as I worked there, I became friends with numerous traders and they helped me to grow what I had. I took in every bit of knowledge they gave me and I applied it grow my wealth. I took no risks and it paid off. Every paycheck I received I banked and I lived as frugally as I could. The $75,000 I had received after my parents had died had grown to nearly $200,000 by the time 1941 rolled around. I got incredibly lucky because it could have gone horribly wrong.

It was also that year that I thought I made a huge mistake in being talked into investing $10,000 in a textile factory by one of my co-workers. I only did so after seeing the books and thinking it was a very sound decision. For many months it didn't seem like it. However, as loathe as I am to admit it, if not for the attack on Pearl Harbor, I could've ended up broke on that decision. Instead the factory was converted to producing munitions for the troops during the war. When I sold my stake on that investment 6 years later I got just over half a million from my partners after earning well in excess of a million from munitions sales. The government paid very well during the war. But, again, I get ahead of myself.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor I, like many men my age, rushed to sign up for service. Despite knowing I was in perfect health, the doctors said otherwise. Apparently something to do with my heart, something that no other doctor detected throughout my life. So I was given 4-F classification and had to sit out the war. After awhile, I quit the investment company and decided to help run the factory instead.

During the war years I didn't go out as Mary all that often. I felt "unmanly" enough as it was because I was turned down for service and I didn't want to be reminded of it. I eventually got over myself, but it took until the war was over for that to happen. Once it was, the factory slowly converted back to its original purpose, I then decided to celebrate a bit and go out as Mary. This is when I met Greg.

We met innocently enough at the lunch counter at Woolworth's. It was crowded for lunch, but he sat down on the stool next to me as its previous occupant had just got up to leave. We made eye contact and he smiled at me. I know I blushed bright red. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever seen. He was ruggedly handsome, with a cleft in his chin, blond hair cut quite short, and very broad shoulders. It wasn't until he stood up later that I saw that he was 6'3".

Anyway, we sat silently for a short period of time. He finally broke the silence and asked me if I could pass him the sugar. As I passed it to him, my hand shook slightly.

He finally said, "Am I making you nervous?"

I looked at him and he gave me a very broad smile.

I blushed again and said, "Oh. No. Not at all. I was... um... oh heck. Sorry. I don't know."

His laugh was like warn rain. It washed all over me.

He said, "Well, the last thing I want to do is make a very beautiful woman nervous. I'm Greg, by the way. Greg Price."

He held his hand out to shake mine and I took it. The moment I touched him it felt electric and I became aroused.

I guess I sat stunned as he said, "And you are...?"

"Oh! I am so sorry. I'm Mary Kendricks."

"It's very nice to meet you Miss Kendricks."

"Mary, please."

"All right, Mary. So do you come here often?"

I laughed at the obvious line, but he said it with such conviction I couldn't help but feel that it was sincere.

Smiling, I said, "Actually, I do, but it has been awhile. I haven't had much reason to, until now..."

God I was such a hussy.

He chuckled, "Well, that's very good to know."

And for the next hour or so we talked. And talked. And talked. Our lunches largely being ignored. Eventually we got up to leave the store and he asked me out to dinner for the evening. I didn't even pretend to be coy, I said yes immediately. He took down my address and said he'd pick me up at 6:00.

I thought to myself, "A man with a car. Impressive."

Once I got back home, I spent the next few hours fretting over what I was going to wear. I had never been so nervous and excited before. Ignoring Mary for the most part during the war seemed to amp up my need to be extremely feminine. And while it took many changes of clothing, I finally settled on jade green dress and pair of black heels.

When Greg showed up, I got the reaction I was hoping for as he stammered for a moment before complimenting me. I smiled flirtatiously at him and then slipped my hand in the crook of his arm as we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I slid in very carefully, showing him a bit more leg than I normally would've, but I wanted to really wanted to tease him.

As we drove to the restaurant, we talked a bit and got to know one another a little better. Like many men, he served in the war, but he hardly saw any action as he worked for the news service. He was slightly bitter over it, but he let me know that it led to the current job he had as a sports reporter for a local paper. I then impressed him with my knowledge of baseball and football (as Tom I was an avid football fan).

When we reached the restaurant, it was his turn to impress me. He had taken me to one of the best Italian steakhouses in the city. I knew I would be eating well tonight!

Throughout dinner our conversation never seemed awkward nor did it stall. It flowed naturally. And we certainly took out time with dinner, finally exiting the place at nearly 10:00.

Once back to my apartment building, he walked me up to my apartment. We lingered a bit outside of my door with some idle chitchat. He then leaned down and kissed me. Not a sexual kiss, just a nice soft kiss.

As he pulled away, I looked deep into his eyes. I knew immediately what I wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck, stood up on my tippy-toes and pulled him back down for a much more passionate kiss. We stood there and kissed for a good solid minute before I broke it, breathless.

I turn, unlocked my door, opened it, and said, "Please come in."

He didn't say a word as his smile said everything.

Once inside, I had barely gotten my coat off and we were on each other with a far different hunger than what we had earlier for dinner.

He pulled me close to him and we kissed deeply once more, our tongues meeting. With his body pressed against mine, I could tell he was getting extremely aroused and ready. Without breaking the kiss, I pushed off his jacket and let it fall to the floor. I felt his hands running up and down my body and then he reached down and squeezed my ass. I let out a soft moan and whispered, "more."

We broke the kiss and he started to remove his tie, but I stopped him.

I said, "Please, let me."

He stopped and I reached up to undo the knot and pulled the tie off. It joined the jacket on the floor. I then began to slowly unbutton his shirt. Once undone, he took it off and flung it in the direction of the jacket. He followed that by taking off the t-shirt and he stood there completely shirtless. I admired his build and his hairy chest. I ran my fingers through it and I think he might have purred as I did so.

I reluctantly stopped and turned my back to him and said, "I need a little help with the zipper, would you mind?"

He didn't hesitate in the least, but he certainly made the unzipping of my dress feel incredibly erotic by slowly pulling it down. I allowed it to fall off of my body and I stood there in nothing but my bra, panties, garter and stockings, and heels. Before I could turn back around, he wrapped his arms around me and began to kiss my neck. The man certainly knew exactly how to arouse a woman.

I finally turned back around and I started fumbling with his belt. Trust me, it's a lot easier when it's your own belt! I finally undid it, unbuttoned his slacks, and then pulled down the zipper, but before he let his pants fall, he slipped out of his shoes and then stepped out of his pants. There was a very obvious tent in his boxers. A large tent.

It was when I saw that tent that I somewhat panicked. Until then, I had never come close seeing another man naked. As Mary, I was still a virgin. He must've seen the look in my eyes as he stepped back.

He said, "Mary, we can stop if this is moving too fast. I desperately want you, but I want you to want to do this."

"No, I do want this. It's just that... um... well, you're my first."

"I'm what..?

I nodded softly, suddenly embarrassed.

He didn't say a word. He stepped forward and just pulled me in for a hug.

"Mary, we can stop."

I pulled back and shook my head vehemently.

"Greg, no! I want this. I really, really want this! I need... you to... to..."

He smiled and nodded softly. He picked me up, carried me to the bedroom and then placed me on my bed softly. Before he could do anything else, I put my hand up to stop him. I took off my heels. Slowly undid my stockings and rolled them down very seductively. I then reached behind me and undid my bra. As my breasts fell out I heard him gasp slightly. My nipples looked huge because I so turned on. I looked up at him with a very big grin and had him step forward. He took a step or two towards me, but not close enough, so I slipped my fingers into the band of his boxers and pulled him very close to me. I slid down his boxers to reveal his large manhood.

Now as Tom I'm not small. I'm about 8 inches, thickly veined, with large balls. But Greg looked to be a bit bigger because he had a large mushroom head. I had no idea if he would even fit, but I was going find out! Without a word I kissed the tip of his penis and he moaned. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew what I liked as a man, so I just did what I knew I liked.

It didn't take long and I had my lips wrapped around his penis. Greg, still being the gentleman, let me do the work and didn't push things, but I could tell he was wanting to. It was then that I found out that as Mary that my body was built for ultimate pleasure for a man. Even as large as he was, I was able to take nearly all of him into my mouth. I knew I could easily deep throat him as I didn't appear to have a gag reflex. At some point I felt his hands on my head, softly urging me to move a bit faster. I pulled off of his dick and looked at him with a very big smile. I knew what he wanted and I wanted to give it to him.

I said, "Don't hold back now, lover."

That's all he needed to hear. I opened my mouth wide and he slid on in and began to slowly fuck my mouth. I instinctively just knew what he needed and let him do it. I reached up and grabbed his firm ass with both hands to just hold on to something and his speed increased. He wasn't being rough, but he was giving my mouth a good hard fuck. It didn't take long until I felt his ass begin to tense up and I knew what was about to happen. He let out a loud grunt and he filled my mouth with his seed. It felt like he had a gallon of cum built up, but I was able to swallow most of it. My first blow job and I nearly took it all down.

I felt him weaken a bit and he stumbled as he collapsed/sat on the bed next to me. I smiled as I kept trying to swallow his entire load, even though a little bit dribbled out and ran down my chin. I so wanted to kiss him, but I knew it wouldn't be in good manners right after I had taken his cum. I excused myself and went to rinse out my mouth.

When I got back to the bedroom, he was laying down on his side, propped up on his left arm. I could tell he was not done with me left. As I walked to the bed, I paused only long enough to remove my panties, and joined him on the bed. He drew me and kissed me deeply, his hand reaching down between my legs. I spread them and I felt him slip in a finger, then two, then three. He quickly brought me to orgasm, not just once, but twice. I was so ready for him then. He sat up slightly in bed, getting between my legs, and I could see he was very ready to deflower me.

As I looked at him, I said, "Greg, take me please. I need to feel everything you have to give me."

"Oh I will, honey."

And with that he slowly slid into me.

I gritted my teeth a bit as he pierced my hymen, but the pain was very brief. His pace then slowly increased and I could feel my pussy squeeze his dick as he fucked me. With each thrust he went in deeper. I swore he was pounding into my womb, but I wanted more. At some point I realized I kept saying, "fuck me, fuck me harder," and he did. The man was just flat out slamming into me as hard as he could. I have no idea how long we fucked, all I knew is the longer we fucked, the more I was cumming. Not just cumming, but squirting as well. Eventually I felt him tense up and he filled me up. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

He rolled off me and laid there next to me breathing hard. I could feel him cum escaping my pussy and I reached down to feel it. As I brushed my clit, I shuddered and came again. I was still extremely aroused. And I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I lifted up my hand to my mouth to taste our mixed juices and I audibly moaned when I did. I absolutely loved it.

I looked over at Greg and, despite the workout he just had, he was looking back at me, smiling. I leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek. Not wanting any of this to end, I reached down to fondled his softening penis. It was still very slick from our fucking. I had no idea if he had another round in him or not, but he wasn't protesting at all in what I was doing, so I kept stroking him. After a few minutes I could tell he just might be able to go again, so I increased my stroking slightly.

It didn't take long before he was ready for round 3. I didn't even ask if he wanted to go, I just sat up, lifted up my leg over him and straddled him. I guided his very hard dick right in and sat down. As full as I was earlier, this was far different. If I had any doubts that he could pound his way into my womb, they were gone at that point. I sat there just for a moment or two, slowly grinding into him, but he wasn't having any of that. He suddenly reached around and grabbed my ass. He lifted his hips up off the bed a bit and lifted me up with his hands.

The fucking I had received earlier was nothing compared to what I was about to receive now. He let me know that he was going to pound me into submission and I had no problems with that at all. The more he drove into me, the more I screamed. I didn't care if my neighbors heard me or not at this point. I didn't care what they thought of me. But then I realized, they probably thought it was me as Tom screwing some floozy. And then I really let loose.

"Fuck me!! Oh GAWD!!!! Yes yes yes YES! Don't stop!!"

He smacked my ass a few times and I yelped and came. He then lifted me off of him, resituated me doggy style and slammed right back into me. I came so hard I saw stars. He was an animal at this point and I wanted him to be that way. I wanted to be his slut, his wanton whore. All that mattered was his pleasure. I kept yelling out unladylike things and it drove him wild. I felt his thumb push up against my anus and it slid right in. With his other hand, he kept smacking my ass, I'm sure it was beet red at this point. AND. I. WANTED. MORE!

As my pussy was being abused, my mind was aswirl with passion and lust. I could then tell he was close to cumming again and I pushed him off of me, turning around quickly, and taking his hard dick into my mouth. I wanted to taste him again. This time he grabbed my hair and gave my throat a good pounding. I slobbered and gagged a bit until I got used to it. And then he let loose. Not as much as before, but a powerful jet of cum hit the back of my throat and this time I didn't lose a drop. When he finished, he pulled out and we both collapsed in complete exhaustion on the bed.

The next thing I remember is sunlight hitting my eyes. It was morning. I reached over to the other side of the bed and he was gone. I sat up quickly, suddenly wide awake. I looked down and I was still Mary, I sighed with relief. Then my bedroom door opened and there was Greg in just his boxers, holding a cup of coffee for each of us.

He said, "Hello, honey, sleep well?"

I giggled, "Oh yes! I had a wonderful evening last night, very tiring one, too."

He sat down on the side of the bed and handed me my cup and said, "Yeah, me, too. I gotta tell you, you really surprised me, Mary. I'm not that kinda guy, but you brought it out in me. I hope you're doing ok today."

I leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek and said, "I am wonderful. And I loved last night. I'm not that kind of girl, but last night just seemed so perfect. Once we started, I... I don't know.... I just seemed to know by instinct what you wanted."

"Yeah, and that was your first time? My God, Mary, you're... you're so incredible."

I looked deep into his eyes and saw the lust. I knew what I needed to do then. I placed my cup on the side table, slid off the bed, got on my knees and pulled his boxers to the side. He was already getting hard.

I looked up at him and said, "Greg, use me. Do not hold back. I know you don't want to hurt me, and you won't. I trust you."

And with that I took him in my mouth. It didn't take long before he grabbed my hair once again and took control. And by now I knew I could take him completely. He pushed his massive dick into my mouth all the way and my throat contracted around it. I knew he didn't want to cum that way, I could sense it for some reason. After a few minutes, I got up off the floor and back on to the bed in doggy position.

I looked back and said, "I know what you really want, so do it."

He grinned and reached behind to finger my pussy a bit and then slid in with his cock. A few good deep strokes and he was very wet. He then pulled out and repositioned himself and pushed his penis up against my anus. I pushed back to let him know to not hold back. As he tried to work in slowly, I was having none of that. I finally pushed back hard and he went in balls deep and I screamed out in pleasure.

"Just fuck me, Greg!!! DO IT!!"

He grabbed my hips and did exactly what I craved. He was merciless in his pounding and I loved every fucking minute of it. Even after three rounds the night before, he was ready and it didn't take long until he came deep inside me. I squeezed his dick and milked him.

When he pulled out, I heard the little pop and I could feel the cum leaking out.

"My God, woman, you're going to be the death of me, but what a way to go."

I laughed and rolled over, "Yes, drained of all your fluid."

We laid in bed for another hour before he said he needed to go. He freshened up in my bathroom, collected his rumpled clothing off the floor, and got dressed. I put on my robe, Tom's robe to be exact. Kissed him and we made plans for a future date. I ended up dating Greg for about a year until he got a job offer from a New York newspaper. He wanted me to go, but I couldn't. I knew I needed to remain in Chicago as I had unfinished business. I think I may have spent more hours as Mary during that time as I ever have since. I was Mary almost 24/7 for weeks on end. Every man I've had since as Mary was compared to Greg, some of them surpassed him, but not many.

It wasn't too soon after Greg left for his job that I sold my stake in the factory. Now that I had "more money than God", I took to finally exacting my revenge. My only hope is the asshole didn't perish during the war. So I hired a couple of high priced detectives to search for him. It took almost 3 months, but he was found. Surprisingly, he was still nearby and not too far from my old house. It seems his daddy had set up him up with some innocuous business that I didn't give a shit about, but after doing a bit of research I saw he needed a good accountant. Perfect. I had a way in.

I packed up my belongings, gave up my apartment, and moved back home. Walking back into my childhood home was surreal. The last time I was here I was 19 and now I was a month shy of my 34th birthday. The neighbors had cared for the house and lawn for me. I offered to pay them, but they refused. They felt they "owed it to my parents" as they knew I would return some day. After I settled in, I contacted the asshole to see if he was still looking to hire an accountant and, thankfully, he was. A short time later he hired me. He had no fucking clue who I was, he had completely forgotten the names of the people he killed.​
Next page: Chapter 01.2