Chapter 02.2
Kaniha : Lol!! He is a good bastard!! Haha... And, it was not his fault... You can call it my desperation... OR... You can say he had the power to pull me!! It was definitely not him unfairly catching me!!
Lena : Ya Ya... I can see that!! I can clearly see that!!
Kaniha : I mean that!! He did not force me!! He is a good guy!!
Lena : Why do you say that?! I don't understand... Why do you keep calling him good?!
Kaniha : Because, he is a good person!!
Lena : You cannot judge a man by the size of his dick!!
Kaniha : Noo!! It's not about how big he was!! I liked how it went... I liked how he carried himself... I liked his style!!
Lena : Kaniha... I realise he has swept you off your feet... Still, you cannot judge a person with just one meeting. Especially, when it is a random sexual encounter!! It is a life lesson, for us hungry divorced mothers... Hehe... I cannot stop giggling thinking about the fact that you and I are in the same group now... Haha!! But, I am not joking... Okay?! Keep that in mind!! You can no way do that. It feels an easy thing to do, but just don't get to quick conclusions!! Especially, if the person is by all means a carnal offender who very openly chooses his victims!! You are in that phase, where you need to be very careful!!
Kaniha : I know all that... I was careful... And, I was not a victim!! I enjoyed it!! I very well considered myself to be his lover, though it was only for a small period of time, and he made me feel the same!!
Lena : You Bitch!! You will never learn!! I cannot believe you are so into him!! You always take men seriously, and you get heart-broken!!
Kaniha : Hehehehe... I only had my holes broken, this time!! He did it with a lot of care!!
Lena : Fucking Slut!! Tell me all about it!!
Kaniha : I feel so shy!!
Lena : I am going to kill you!!
Kaniha : Haha... It's just that... I don't know how to put this down in words... It was a really emotional thing... You know... Having someone who is not your real man inside you... Having someone you know nothing about inside you... Having someone you have just met a few moments ago inside you... It is such a taxing thing... I don't know how you do it... And the, you get the kind of pleasure you always wanted, but never got, and did not expect... I just don't know if I can propely explain it to you!!
Lena : Will it help if I bring myself there and fist your used slutty holes?! You Bloody Whorry Bitch!! Fucking tell me what he did!!
Kaniha : Whooaa... Okay!! So... I got up from the Sun Lounger, took two small steps, and I was already inside his room. It was that simple.
Lena : Do you think I even want to know all that?! Just start from the scene where he gets you naked!!
Kaniha : You don't want to know about him doing me?!
Lena : Are you really an idiot?? Of-course, Yes!! What else do you think I was asking for, till now?! You do realise that you need to get yourself out of your Swimsuit, for him to do you!! That is why I asked you to start from there.
Kaniha : I do!!
Lena : Then, What?!
Kaniha : I am confused, because he took me even before I got naked!! So, I am not sure if I should first tell you about him doing me, or tell you about him later ripping apart my Navy Blue Tankini!!
Lena : Oh My... Tell me whatever you want!! Please!! I just cannot understand what kind of absurd shit you did with that old fucker!! I just want to say that you have done a fantastic job with your narration so far, and you have made sure I remain supremely interested!! Thank You!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... See... I already told you... I just don't know how to type this!!
Lena : You did not seem to have a problem when you told me about Jordan, and shit!!
Kaniha : Did I tell you about Jordan?? Yeah?!
Lena : Bitch!! Don't make me angry!! I begged you for the details, and you dare to taunt me with same!! I am going to smash your head!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!!
Lena : I get it... Ok!! I get it... You want to keep your Diwakar for yourself!! You don't want to share with me about the blissful hour you spent with your dear lover!! You don't want to share with me about any of your men!! Awesome!!
Kaniha : I don't mind...
Lena : You don't mind?! Fuck You!! Talk now, or I am really coming over!! My hands won't mind doing the talking for me!!
Kaniha : Stay Right There!! Lol!! I will tell you everything!!
Lena : Good... Hehe...
Kaniha : Look... We did not get ourselves naked, right away. I expected him to first get rid off my swimsuit, because he had already put forward that idea, as soon as he saw me, but to my amusement, he just pushed the edges of my dry Tankini to the side, before starting to drill me!! He was so big and thick, Lena!! You won't believe it!! I would have felt him inside me, even if he had not slightly pulled his Trunks down!! That is how huge he was!!
Lena : Kaniha... Stop It!!
Kaniha : What happened?? You don't want to know?? Lol!!
Lena : I want to know the truth!!
Kaniha : I am telling you the truth!!
Lena : You are lying!! Nobody gets that lucky the very first time!! You got nothing from him!! I know that!!
Kaniha : No!! I am not lying!! Why should I?!
Lena : Peer Pressure!! What Else!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!! If that was true, I would have spread my legs even before I got divorced!! Your tales of straying were all the inspiration one would have ever needed!!
Lena : Hahaha!! Fuck Off!!
Kaniha : Ohk, Slutty Bae!!
Lena : Haha!! You are just imagining things!! Kaniha... You are so funny!! You are putting your creativity to good use!! I hope you gave the unfortunate senior daddy enough reasons to laugh, with your silly lame jokes!! Because I don't see any other take away for him, from this encounter with you!!
Kaniha : We did a lot more than just laughing, Lena!!
Lena : Lie!!
Kaniha : What?! Haven't I already told you he was banging me for an hour, without taking any kind of break?!
Lena : You have!! I am now telling you that I know it what you said was a lie!!
Kaniha : I don't have to lie!!
Lena : Fine... I will believe you!! Recreate the Scene!! Tell me what happened!!
Kaniha : You should just let me finish, instead of calling me a liar, everytime I tell you what happened!! You will then know I am not lying!!
Lena : Arrghh!! Fucking say it!!
Kaniha : Hehe... Ok... I don't have a lot to say... Because he kept repeating his moves. It was some kind of a loop!! I found it strange at first, but after he finished the second round, I feared I would die if he ever stopped doing it!!
Lena : The more you tell me about it, the more it feels like a mere fantasy!! A bigger lie!!
Kaniha : No, Lena!! I am serious!! It was a well designed set of actions!! He would first fuck my pussy, and cum inside, and take his tool out half-erect!! He would then make me blow him, and cum inside, and blow him again, and take his tool out wet & super erect!! He would finally fuck my ass, and cum inside, and take his tool out throbbing for more action!! It made me feel like a sex-toy, until I soon realised my body also was reacting accordingly!! Everytime he screwed my pussy, in the Missionary Position, I would fart!! Everytime he fucked my mouth, Deep-Throating me, I would pee!! Everytime he destroyed my ass, in Doggy Style, I would squirt!! It just went on and on and on, and he would just keep cumming more and more and more!!
Lena : Fuck!! This went on for 1 full hour?!
Kaniha : I swear!!
Lena : Damn!!
Kaniha : This is a real account!! I swear, Lena!!
Lena : I know!! There is no way you could have made all that up!!
Kaniha : He repeated the set for 6 times, I guess!!
Lena : Fuck!! You are so so lucky he was your new kind of first, and you are also lucky that this did not kill him!! Lol!! He would have had nothing left by the time he finished!! You would have drained him!! Girl... You are destined to do this!! Haha!!
Kaniha : You have no idea!! I am very grateful for the kind words, but you still have no idea. I am lucky that this did not kill me!! He was not at all struggling!! He pulled his dick out, for the final time, but he hardly seemed to have been affected!! In-fact, it seemed like he was doing me a favor!!I was the one panting, and fighting for breath!!
Lena : Oh My... What was he on?! Definitely not the Pills a normal man buys!!
Kaniha : He is no normal man!! He is a Bull!! Hahaha!! I can vouch for it!! I don't mind saying it out loud anywhere, anytime!!
Lena : Hahaha!! You are just exaggerating!! Come On... Maybe, you just got overwhelmed with the sudden injection of lustful happiness!! He could not have done much!! He is still only a grandpa!! A basic grandad!!
Kaniha : So, What?! He is a proper bull, too!!
Lena : Grandads are only horny losers!! No grandad was ever a bull!!
Kaniha : I don't know about the rest!! This Grandad is a Bull!! I can bet my life on it!! You have to trust me!!
Lena : Gosh!! Kaniha!! You are addicted to him!! The Power of Sex!! I have never found you so aggressively debating!! He sure knows how to satisfy a woman!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... Exactly!! I was thoroughly satisfied with what he did to me!! But I must say that I fully felt the need to forever submit myself to him, and admire him, only after he licked my ass-hole clean!! It was special!! Nothing like I had every experienced!!
Lena : Licked your ass-hole clean?! Really?!
Kaniha : Yeah!! Why?!
Lena : I guess it is the Weather there. Even I had my anal cavity given a lot of oral affection by each of the men I hooked up with!! They all acted like they wouldn't survive there if they did not show my back-door some love!!
Kaniha : Yeah?! It has to be something of that sort then... Because both my mates gave me that treatment, and they were very adamant I let them do it!! I thought they were both making me feel extra special!! Now I am starting to think it was something else!!
Lena : Both Your Mates!! The Suspense!! Still no information on the grandpa's successor!! Cool!!
Kaniha : Haha!! Yeah!!
Lena : Shut Up!! I hate you!! Hahaha!! But it is fine... I forgive you!! You are at-least not restricting yourself from opening up to me now!! And, you can do it slow!! I really don't mind your stretching this conversation. Every second spent talking about your time at the Resort is a happy throwback opportunity to my own super sensual time there!!
Kaniha : Thank Me!! I won't mind!!
Lena : Go Die!! You should be thanking me, Bitch!!
Kaniha : Yeah Yeah!!
Lena : Disgraceful Whore!! Why can't you just tell me everything!! And... You know what?! You actually let me down!! Your score of 2 is such a shame!!
Kaniha : Only when compared to your score of 17!! Otherwise, I did well enough.
Lena : Hahahaha!! Did you??
Kaniha : Yes!! I did perfectly alright!!
Lena : Yeah?! Really?? Well... Did you get fucked in the fully occupied Restaurant, as all the guests looked at you getting brutally violated, with some of them even dropping their forks to stroke their cocks, watching you in pain?! Did you get your head dunked in the commode, fixed inside the Common Bathroom, by the Swimming Pool, when you had your butt ploughed from the back?! Did you have the door to your room kicked open, and your legs & hands tied to the edges of your bed, as a a pair of Twin Brothers caused your holes damage?! Did you have the whole of your clothes stripped in front of the entire team of Staff, just because their General Manager had a fetish to humiliate mature women, claiming to have caught them stealing from their in-house Diamond Store, just to feel up the interiors of their openings?! Did you get pulled out of the cab, as you were just about to exit the property, to be mercilessly humped, one final time, in the Lobby, as multiple men shot their load on your face!!
Kaniha : What The Fuck!!
Lena : The Fuck Indeed!!
Kaniha : Huh?!
Lena : Did you go through any of that?? Did you experience any of it??
Kaniha : No!! I don't want to!! I cannot even think about it!!
Lena : Yeah... I know!! But, I have experienced it!! I have experienced each and every bit of it, during my time at the Resort!!
Kaniha : You did not tell me anything about it!! You told me only the pleasing arousing instances!! How could you send me to a place so dangerous?!
Lena : Ya!! You would never have gone there if I told you everything about it!! That is the difference between you & me!! I went there knowing it all!! So you keep your mouth shut, and do not even think about boasting of your poor performance!! You are a failure!!
Kaniha : Ohho... I see... Okay!! What kind of failure are you referring to here?? Are you telling me I am a failed slut?! You think that makes you superior to me?! Lol!!
Lena : Yeah!! I was telling you just that!! Yes!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!! Isn't that actually a good thing?! And above all, most of the examples you have given me sound like you were forced to do it!! It has nothing to do with you being a greater slut!! Lol o Lol!!
Lena : I was forced only in ways I could still find pleasure!! Idiot!! Haven't you ever heard about getting what you ask?! How would you know that!! You have never got what you wanted!! You have never wanted what you could get!! And also, failing to be a slut is not all that bad!! You are correct!! Failing to be a slut is not at all bad if you are not a slut, in reality!! However, if you are a shameless slut who was heavily rumoured to have once been on the bed with her ex-boyfriend's father, imagining him to be her own father, then it is an ethical problem if you fail to be a proper slut!!
Kaniha : Fuck You!!
Lena : Right!!
Kaniha : I hate your Memory Power!! Dog!! But for the record, as you rightly said, it was just a rumour!!
Lena : Lol!! Yeah, Right!!
Kaniha : Can we please get back to what happened to me at the Resort?! I may forget some of the intimate information if you keep shufflling between unimportant baseless topics!!
Lena : Hahahaha!! The concern!! The eagerness!! Everything is clear, now!!
Kaniha : Busy!! Bye!!
Lena : Okay Okay... What happened next?!
Kaniha : Nothing!!
Lena : Tell me, Bae...
Kaniha : I forgot!!
Lena : Lol!! Tell me!!
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : Please!!
Kaniha : We talked!!
Lena : What?!
Kaniha : We started talking!!
Lena : Nonsense!! Tell me about the real deal!! That is what I want to know.
Kaniha : I am telling you that only.
Lena : Come On... Don't be angry... Tell me the sensual stuff... I was just messing with you!! Tell me what happened after he pulled out!!
Kaniha : No... I am not angry... I am serious!!
We were talking after we had sex. We were not suppsed to... I mean, it was not something I was looking forward to, but we did spend a lot of time talking.
Lena : Ohh... Like, you two dirty-talked as he kissed you every other second, and fondled your tits, and as you stroked his meat... Right?!
Kaniha : No!! Not like that!!
Lena : Then??
Kaniha : We were just talking... We were talking normally. We talking about normal things.
Lena : What the hell!! What were you two talking?! What did you two have to talk about!!
Kaniha : He asked me about my family.
Lena : What?? Why!!
Kaniha : He asked me about myself... So, he asked me about my family, too. Like that...
Lena : And?!
Kaniha : He asked me what I am, and I what I do... Things like that...
Lena : What did he do after that?!
Kaniha : He told me about him...
Lena : What??
Kaniha : He told me about his children, his grand-children, about his time as a businessman, and about him enjoying his retired life, and what he was planning for the future. Some of the things he told me about his family were severely over the top, downright outrageous, and extremely vulgar, and I am not even sure if I heard it right in my sexually satisfied state!! But, he just did not shy away from sharing with me even the most malicious details!! He was very comfortable being open to me.
Lena : What kind of twisted shit is this!! I was asking you to tell me what he did after you two finished talking!! But I don't think you two ever stopped talking!! Fuck!! This is so odd!! Who would talk about their family after having sex with a total stranger, whatever the content discussed!! Why don't you also tell me that he asked your hand in marriage?! Dumb Bitch!!
Kaniha : Well... He actually did!!
Lena : Excuse Me?!
Kaniha : He asked me out!! He asked me if he could marry me, when I told him I was a divorcee. He had already told me he was as good as a widower, and then added he wouldn't mind being one for real, if it was to be with somebody as beautiful as me!!
Lena : What The Fuck?!
Kaniha : He said he will treat me like a Queen, and he wants to give me the life I truly deserved to be living!!
Lena : You Stupid Slut!! Have you lost it?! This is why you were calling him a good person?! Kaniha, do you even realise what he could have meant when he said he wouldn't mind being a widower for you. He said he would finish off his helpless wife!!
Kaniha : No!! He would not have done that!! He is not a cruel person!!
Lena : Yeah?! You sure?!
Kaniha : Yes!!
Lena : In that case, you would also know that he was making a fool out of you!! How else was he going to marry you with the grandma already with him!! This is so frustrating!! You have gone mad!! He is a good manipulator, and that is why you want to trust him, despite knowing there was no chance of the arrangement he promised being ever made practical!! He tricked you, and you fell for it!!
Kaniha : Noo!!
Lena : Yes!! I know a lot of men like him!! The very moment you would have left his room, he would have got someone else to replace the whorry spot you occupied!!
Kaniha : That is not true!!
Lena : How can you be so sure?! You are home, and he must be still there, doing tons of other women!! He had sex with another ho the very second you left his room!! I am sure about it.
Kaniha : No!! He was in no mood to!! He would not have!!
Lena : How can you be sure about it?! That is what I am asking!!
Kaniha : He asked me to sleep in his room!! He would not have asked that if he had other plans!!
Lena : You are so so stupid!! He was just playing with you!! The best he intended to do would have been to build a carnal bond with you, that he can slowly develop, if he reamins alive, and then fuck you in places of his convinience, later!! Kaniha... You were just one among his many!! You fell for it!!
Kaniha : That is not how it was!! Why can't you trust me for once, Lena!!
Lena : Kaniha... You should take my words seriously... I just don't want you to get into trouble... I don't want to see you hurt... Just tell what his reaction was when you said you will sleep in his room!! I will explain my point in better fashion, based on that. Tell me what very believable excuse he gave to soon push you out of the Cottage!! I cannot accept you are an idiot so big, that you still want to rate him good.
Kaniha : Lena... Listen... I think you have got it all wrong. I did not agree to that!!
Lena : What??
Kaniha : I did not agree to sleep in his room.
Lena : Then??
Kaniha : I told him I have a room of my own!!
Lena : What?!
Kaniha : What What??
Lena : I don't understand!!
Kaniha : Neither do I!! Why are you talking to me like I had told you I was desperate to marry him!! I was only telling you what he told me!! He was the one who felt it would be great if he married me!! I am old enough to realise these traps, Lena!! I just felt he was still decent... He was somebody who acknowledged his dirty deeds, without worrying about it's moral impact!! That is why I am calling him good!! I knew he was just trying his luck!!
Lena : Oh Oh Oh Oh... You knew it?! So, you are just telling me that you were enjoying the attention, irrespective of who it was coming from, and how it was coming, and why it was coming, and whether anything was ever going to come out of it... Nice... I did not know you had it in you, to alter your thought processing skills, so quickly, and upgrade yourself to the standard of an experienced compassionate slut!! The Past is The Best Teacher, they say!! Now I know Why!!
Kaniha : You are a loser!!
Lena : Hehe... Kaniha... I was really upset!! I was scared thinking you had made some kind of commitment.
Kaniha : What The Hell!! I cannot accept that you were thinking I was hoping to marry him!! Not Again, Lena!! Definitely not so soon!! Lol!! I am not so dumb!! And never am I going for somebody who is actually older than my own Dad!!
Lena : I try my best to not talk about this... But... Why does your Dad keep making his way back in to this conversation?! Is it some kind of a signal?!
Kaniha : Shut Up!! Just Shut Up!! You have been relentelessly taunting me, and I am
going to hit back at you!!
Lena : Hehehe... Okay!! Let's just focus on your old man... I mean, your old mate!!
Kaniha : Hhhmmm...
Lena : Hahaha!! What did he say when you refused?? He did not compel you?? He did not ask you to reconsider?!
Kaniha : No!! Why would he?! He cannot do that!! He told me what he felt, and I told him what I felt. Even if he tried to compel me, he could not have!! I am strong enough, Lena!!
Lena : Wait!! What exactly did you tell him regarding what you felt about marrying him?! I don't think you told me that!! I don't think you told me what you told him!!
Kaniha : I just said I am not sure.
Lena : What?? You did not say NO to the proposal??
Kaniha : I told him we can think about something else!!
Lena : You bloody whore!! You never tell the whole story!! You left it Pending!!
Kaniha : I did not want to hurt his ego!!
Lena : He would have surely expected you to say YES!! That is true!! He must have been surprised to hear it from you... That is if you had also shared with him you have been mostly pure, of late!! Well... I must say you did conduct yourself quite well, Kaniha. You made sure you had the situation under control. I am proud of you, Bae!!
Kaniha : I know!! But, I also felt he was only delighted to hear my response, that suggested an alternative arrangement!! You have already put out a decent idea about the kind of man he is, and so you already know!! It was like he had done a lot of it, and got a lot of it, and was expecting me to react the same way. Maybe, he would have liked a better reply, just for his own mental satisfaction, considering the fact that he must have seen in me a naive lady, but it was okay, and truth be told, it was actually I who was always being taken aback listening to the things he told me. He had achieved plenty of sexual feats in life to feel unsettled due to my plainly insignificant views!! And... If I remember rightly, the only time he was really surprised was when I told him that I had booked a room, at the Resort!!
Lena : Why?? What did he take you for?! Did you get yourself a SLUT Tattoo in your forehead?! Lol!!
Kaniha : Noo... Hehe... He said that because he felt women usually do not book rooms for themselves in that Resort!!
Lena : Hahaha!! I should have guessed that!!
Kaniha : I thought you would!! You were supposed to know that... SLUT!!
Lena : Haha!! I did know that... I just had no clue that this old baby of yours was such a regular there!!
Kaniha : Lol!!
Lena : Kaniha... See... Next time we go there, we won't book any rooms!! I knew there was no need for me to, even before I got there for my solo trip, from all the knowledge I bought myself being a part of numerous Divorced Moms Associations, but I just did not want to make myself look ultra stupid, even though I went there prepared for everything!! You just cannot say what some of these creeps might want to do in the middle of the night!! And you don't want to be unnecessarily stranded naked in the open, if you are not fine with watching a random whore being grilled in front of you, in the same bed you are resting your stretched ass, though it would have been no new sight there!!
Kaniha : I think I know!! Seen quite a few nude bodies, helplessly walking around!!
Lena : Hahaha!! Kaniha!! We should do this very soon!! I am getting excited!! We should be adventurous!! We need to get to the Resort, together!! And hopefully, we will also end up spending the night in the same room, on the same bed!!
Kaniha : Lena!! Lol!!
Lena : That would be so much fun, Bae!! It is going to be one hell of an experience!! Particularly, if we get ourselves a young boy stud!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... I know!! These youngsters of today are so much fun. They just keep shagging you!! They have so much energy, and they do it with real intent!!
Lena : Aahaahahaa!!
Kaniha : What?!
Lena : So your second mate was younger than you!! Not Bad, Kaniha!! Not Bad at all!!
Kaniha : Hehehehhe...
Lena : Bloody Bitch!! How dare you grin?!
Fucked Up Slut!! You thought I will never find out?! You thought you could keep it hidden from me?!
Kaniha : No!! No!!
Lena : Yeah, Exactly!! No Way!! There was no way you could!! I made you blurt it out, without any kind of real effort!!
Kaniha : I would have told you...
Lena : I am going to seriously beat you if you ever use that phrase again!! Useless Whore!! I don't trust you!! Would have told me, it seems!! Fuck You!!
Kaniha : Lena... I was really going to give you the details...
Lena : Shut Up!! I am really angry!! And so, you better tell me all about it, without missing out on even a single point!! You get that?! And do it Right Now!! I want to know What more Happened at the Resort!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... Okay!! Okay!!
Lena : Ya Ya... I can see that!! I can clearly see that!!
Kaniha : I mean that!! He did not force me!! He is a good guy!!
Lena : Why do you say that?! I don't understand... Why do you keep calling him good?!
Kaniha : Because, he is a good person!!
Lena : You cannot judge a man by the size of his dick!!
Kaniha : Noo!! It's not about how big he was!! I liked how it went... I liked how he carried himself... I liked his style!!
Lena : Kaniha... I realise he has swept you off your feet... Still, you cannot judge a person with just one meeting. Especially, when it is a random sexual encounter!! It is a life lesson, for us hungry divorced mothers... Hehe... I cannot stop giggling thinking about the fact that you and I are in the same group now... Haha!! But, I am not joking... Okay?! Keep that in mind!! You can no way do that. It feels an easy thing to do, but just don't get to quick conclusions!! Especially, if the person is by all means a carnal offender who very openly chooses his victims!! You are in that phase, where you need to be very careful!!
Kaniha : I know all that... I was careful... And, I was not a victim!! I enjoyed it!! I very well considered myself to be his lover, though it was only for a small period of time, and he made me feel the same!!
Lena : You Bitch!! You will never learn!! I cannot believe you are so into him!! You always take men seriously, and you get heart-broken!!
Kaniha : Hehehehe... I only had my holes broken, this time!! He did it with a lot of care!!
Lena : Fucking Slut!! Tell me all about it!!
Kaniha : I feel so shy!!
Lena : I am going to kill you!!
Kaniha : Haha... It's just that... I don't know how to put this down in words... It was a really emotional thing... You know... Having someone who is not your real man inside you... Having someone you know nothing about inside you... Having someone you have just met a few moments ago inside you... It is such a taxing thing... I don't know how you do it... And the, you get the kind of pleasure you always wanted, but never got, and did not expect... I just don't know if I can propely explain it to you!!
Lena : Will it help if I bring myself there and fist your used slutty holes?! You Bloody Whorry Bitch!! Fucking tell me what he did!!
Kaniha : Whooaa... Okay!! So... I got up from the Sun Lounger, took two small steps, and I was already inside his room. It was that simple.
Lena : Do you think I even want to know all that?! Just start from the scene where he gets you naked!!
Kaniha : You don't want to know about him doing me?!
Lena : Are you really an idiot?? Of-course, Yes!! What else do you think I was asking for, till now?! You do realise that you need to get yourself out of your Swimsuit, for him to do you!! That is why I asked you to start from there.
Kaniha : I do!!
Lena : Then, What?!
Kaniha : I am confused, because he took me even before I got naked!! So, I am not sure if I should first tell you about him doing me, or tell you about him later ripping apart my Navy Blue Tankini!!
Lena : Oh My... Tell me whatever you want!! Please!! I just cannot understand what kind of absurd shit you did with that old fucker!! I just want to say that you have done a fantastic job with your narration so far, and you have made sure I remain supremely interested!! Thank You!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... See... I already told you... I just don't know how to type this!!
Lena : You did not seem to have a problem when you told me about Jordan, and shit!!
Kaniha : Did I tell you about Jordan?? Yeah?!
Lena : Bitch!! Don't make me angry!! I begged you for the details, and you dare to taunt me with same!! I am going to smash your head!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!!
Lena : I get it... Ok!! I get it... You want to keep your Diwakar for yourself!! You don't want to share with me about the blissful hour you spent with your dear lover!! You don't want to share with me about any of your men!! Awesome!!
Kaniha : I don't mind...
Lena : You don't mind?! Fuck You!! Talk now, or I am really coming over!! My hands won't mind doing the talking for me!!
Kaniha : Stay Right There!! Lol!! I will tell you everything!!
Lena : Good... Hehe...
Kaniha : Look... We did not get ourselves naked, right away. I expected him to first get rid off my swimsuit, because he had already put forward that idea, as soon as he saw me, but to my amusement, he just pushed the edges of my dry Tankini to the side, before starting to drill me!! He was so big and thick, Lena!! You won't believe it!! I would have felt him inside me, even if he had not slightly pulled his Trunks down!! That is how huge he was!!
Lena : Kaniha... Stop It!!
Kaniha : What happened?? You don't want to know?? Lol!!
Lena : I want to know the truth!!
Kaniha : I am telling you the truth!!
Lena : You are lying!! Nobody gets that lucky the very first time!! You got nothing from him!! I know that!!
Kaniha : No!! I am not lying!! Why should I?!
Lena : Peer Pressure!! What Else!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!! If that was true, I would have spread my legs even before I got divorced!! Your tales of straying were all the inspiration one would have ever needed!!
Lena : Hahaha!! Fuck Off!!
Kaniha : Ohk, Slutty Bae!!
Lena : Haha!! You are just imagining things!! Kaniha... You are so funny!! You are putting your creativity to good use!! I hope you gave the unfortunate senior daddy enough reasons to laugh, with your silly lame jokes!! Because I don't see any other take away for him, from this encounter with you!!
Kaniha : We did a lot more than just laughing, Lena!!
Lena : Lie!!
Kaniha : What?! Haven't I already told you he was banging me for an hour, without taking any kind of break?!
Lena : You have!! I am now telling you that I know it what you said was a lie!!
Kaniha : I don't have to lie!!
Lena : Fine... I will believe you!! Recreate the Scene!! Tell me what happened!!
Kaniha : You should just let me finish, instead of calling me a liar, everytime I tell you what happened!! You will then know I am not lying!!
Lena : Arrghh!! Fucking say it!!
Kaniha : Hehe... Ok... I don't have a lot to say... Because he kept repeating his moves. It was some kind of a loop!! I found it strange at first, but after he finished the second round, I feared I would die if he ever stopped doing it!!
Lena : The more you tell me about it, the more it feels like a mere fantasy!! A bigger lie!!
Kaniha : No, Lena!! I am serious!! It was a well designed set of actions!! He would first fuck my pussy, and cum inside, and take his tool out half-erect!! He would then make me blow him, and cum inside, and blow him again, and take his tool out wet & super erect!! He would finally fuck my ass, and cum inside, and take his tool out throbbing for more action!! It made me feel like a sex-toy, until I soon realised my body also was reacting accordingly!! Everytime he screwed my pussy, in the Missionary Position, I would fart!! Everytime he fucked my mouth, Deep-Throating me, I would pee!! Everytime he destroyed my ass, in Doggy Style, I would squirt!! It just went on and on and on, and he would just keep cumming more and more and more!!
Lena : Fuck!! This went on for 1 full hour?!
Kaniha : I swear!!
Lena : Damn!!
Kaniha : This is a real account!! I swear, Lena!!
Lena : I know!! There is no way you could have made all that up!!
Kaniha : He repeated the set for 6 times, I guess!!
Lena : Fuck!! You are so so lucky he was your new kind of first, and you are also lucky that this did not kill him!! Lol!! He would have had nothing left by the time he finished!! You would have drained him!! Girl... You are destined to do this!! Haha!!
Kaniha : You have no idea!! I am very grateful for the kind words, but you still have no idea. I am lucky that this did not kill me!! He was not at all struggling!! He pulled his dick out, for the final time, but he hardly seemed to have been affected!! In-fact, it seemed like he was doing me a favor!!I was the one panting, and fighting for breath!!
Lena : Oh My... What was he on?! Definitely not the Pills a normal man buys!!
Kaniha : He is no normal man!! He is a Bull!! Hahaha!! I can vouch for it!! I don't mind saying it out loud anywhere, anytime!!
Lena : Hahaha!! You are just exaggerating!! Come On... Maybe, you just got overwhelmed with the sudden injection of lustful happiness!! He could not have done much!! He is still only a grandpa!! A basic grandad!!
Kaniha : So, What?! He is a proper bull, too!!
Lena : Grandads are only horny losers!! No grandad was ever a bull!!
Kaniha : I don't know about the rest!! This Grandad is a Bull!! I can bet my life on it!! You have to trust me!!
Lena : Gosh!! Kaniha!! You are addicted to him!! The Power of Sex!! I have never found you so aggressively debating!! He sure knows how to satisfy a woman!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... Exactly!! I was thoroughly satisfied with what he did to me!! But I must say that I fully felt the need to forever submit myself to him, and admire him, only after he licked my ass-hole clean!! It was special!! Nothing like I had every experienced!!
Lena : Licked your ass-hole clean?! Really?!
Kaniha : Yeah!! Why?!
Lena : I guess it is the Weather there. Even I had my anal cavity given a lot of oral affection by each of the men I hooked up with!! They all acted like they wouldn't survive there if they did not show my back-door some love!!
Kaniha : Yeah?! It has to be something of that sort then... Because both my mates gave me that treatment, and they were very adamant I let them do it!! I thought they were both making me feel extra special!! Now I am starting to think it was something else!!
Lena : Both Your Mates!! The Suspense!! Still no information on the grandpa's successor!! Cool!!
Kaniha : Haha!! Yeah!!
Lena : Shut Up!! I hate you!! Hahaha!! But it is fine... I forgive you!! You are at-least not restricting yourself from opening up to me now!! And, you can do it slow!! I really don't mind your stretching this conversation. Every second spent talking about your time at the Resort is a happy throwback opportunity to my own super sensual time there!!
Kaniha : Thank Me!! I won't mind!!
Lena : Go Die!! You should be thanking me, Bitch!!
Kaniha : Yeah Yeah!!
Lena : Disgraceful Whore!! Why can't you just tell me everything!! And... You know what?! You actually let me down!! Your score of 2 is such a shame!!
Kaniha : Only when compared to your score of 17!! Otherwise, I did well enough.
Lena : Hahahaha!! Did you??
Kaniha : Yes!! I did perfectly alright!!
Lena : Yeah?! Really?? Well... Did you get fucked in the fully occupied Restaurant, as all the guests looked at you getting brutally violated, with some of them even dropping their forks to stroke their cocks, watching you in pain?! Did you get your head dunked in the commode, fixed inside the Common Bathroom, by the Swimming Pool, when you had your butt ploughed from the back?! Did you have the door to your room kicked open, and your legs & hands tied to the edges of your bed, as a a pair of Twin Brothers caused your holes damage?! Did you have the whole of your clothes stripped in front of the entire team of Staff, just because their General Manager had a fetish to humiliate mature women, claiming to have caught them stealing from their in-house Diamond Store, just to feel up the interiors of their openings?! Did you get pulled out of the cab, as you were just about to exit the property, to be mercilessly humped, one final time, in the Lobby, as multiple men shot their load on your face!!
Kaniha : What The Fuck!!
Lena : The Fuck Indeed!!
Kaniha : Huh?!
Lena : Did you go through any of that?? Did you experience any of it??
Kaniha : No!! I don't want to!! I cannot even think about it!!
Lena : Yeah... I know!! But, I have experienced it!! I have experienced each and every bit of it, during my time at the Resort!!
Kaniha : You did not tell me anything about it!! You told me only the pleasing arousing instances!! How could you send me to a place so dangerous?!
Lena : Ya!! You would never have gone there if I told you everything about it!! That is the difference between you & me!! I went there knowing it all!! So you keep your mouth shut, and do not even think about boasting of your poor performance!! You are a failure!!
Kaniha : Ohho... I see... Okay!! What kind of failure are you referring to here?? Are you telling me I am a failed slut?! You think that makes you superior to me?! Lol!!
Lena : Yeah!! I was telling you just that!! Yes!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!! Isn't that actually a good thing?! And above all, most of the examples you have given me sound like you were forced to do it!! It has nothing to do with you being a greater slut!! Lol o Lol!!
Lena : I was forced only in ways I could still find pleasure!! Idiot!! Haven't you ever heard about getting what you ask?! How would you know that!! You have never got what you wanted!! You have never wanted what you could get!! And also, failing to be a slut is not all that bad!! You are correct!! Failing to be a slut is not at all bad if you are not a slut, in reality!! However, if you are a shameless slut who was heavily rumoured to have once been on the bed with her ex-boyfriend's father, imagining him to be her own father, then it is an ethical problem if you fail to be a proper slut!!
Kaniha : Fuck You!!
Lena : Right!!
Kaniha : I hate your Memory Power!! Dog!! But for the record, as you rightly said, it was just a rumour!!
Lena : Lol!! Yeah, Right!!
Kaniha : Can we please get back to what happened to me at the Resort?! I may forget some of the intimate information if you keep shufflling between unimportant baseless topics!!
Lena : Hahahaha!! The concern!! The eagerness!! Everything is clear, now!!
Kaniha : Busy!! Bye!!
Lena : Okay Okay... What happened next?!
Kaniha : Nothing!!
Lena : Tell me, Bae...
Kaniha : I forgot!!
Lena : Lol!! Tell me!!
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : Please!!
Kaniha : We talked!!
Lena : What?!
Kaniha : We started talking!!
Lena : Nonsense!! Tell me about the real deal!! That is what I want to know.
Kaniha : I am telling you that only.
Lena : Come On... Don't be angry... Tell me the sensual stuff... I was just messing with you!! Tell me what happened after he pulled out!!
Kaniha : No... I am not angry... I am serious!!
We were talking after we had sex. We were not suppsed to... I mean, it was not something I was looking forward to, but we did spend a lot of time talking.
Lena : Ohh... Like, you two dirty-talked as he kissed you every other second, and fondled your tits, and as you stroked his meat... Right?!
Kaniha : No!! Not like that!!
Lena : Then??
Kaniha : We were just talking... We were talking normally. We talking about normal things.
Lena : What the hell!! What were you two talking?! What did you two have to talk about!!
Kaniha : He asked me about my family.
Lena : What?? Why!!
Kaniha : He asked me about myself... So, he asked me about my family, too. Like that...
Lena : And?!
Kaniha : He asked me what I am, and I what I do... Things like that...
Lena : What did he do after that?!
Kaniha : He told me about him...
Lena : What??
Kaniha : He told me about his children, his grand-children, about his time as a businessman, and about him enjoying his retired life, and what he was planning for the future. Some of the things he told me about his family were severely over the top, downright outrageous, and extremely vulgar, and I am not even sure if I heard it right in my sexually satisfied state!! But, he just did not shy away from sharing with me even the most malicious details!! He was very comfortable being open to me.
Lena : What kind of twisted shit is this!! I was asking you to tell me what he did after you two finished talking!! But I don't think you two ever stopped talking!! Fuck!! This is so odd!! Who would talk about their family after having sex with a total stranger, whatever the content discussed!! Why don't you also tell me that he asked your hand in marriage?! Dumb Bitch!!
Kaniha : Well... He actually did!!
Lena : Excuse Me?!
Kaniha : He asked me out!! He asked me if he could marry me, when I told him I was a divorcee. He had already told me he was as good as a widower, and then added he wouldn't mind being one for real, if it was to be with somebody as beautiful as me!!
Lena : What The Fuck?!
Kaniha : He said he will treat me like a Queen, and he wants to give me the life I truly deserved to be living!!
Lena : You Stupid Slut!! Have you lost it?! This is why you were calling him a good person?! Kaniha, do you even realise what he could have meant when he said he wouldn't mind being a widower for you. He said he would finish off his helpless wife!!
Kaniha : No!! He would not have done that!! He is not a cruel person!!
Lena : Yeah?! You sure?!
Kaniha : Yes!!
Lena : In that case, you would also know that he was making a fool out of you!! How else was he going to marry you with the grandma already with him!! This is so frustrating!! You have gone mad!! He is a good manipulator, and that is why you want to trust him, despite knowing there was no chance of the arrangement he promised being ever made practical!! He tricked you, and you fell for it!!
Kaniha : Noo!!
Lena : Yes!! I know a lot of men like him!! The very moment you would have left his room, he would have got someone else to replace the whorry spot you occupied!!
Kaniha : That is not true!!
Lena : How can you be so sure?! You are home, and he must be still there, doing tons of other women!! He had sex with another ho the very second you left his room!! I am sure about it.
Kaniha : No!! He was in no mood to!! He would not have!!
Lena : How can you be sure about it?! That is what I am asking!!
Kaniha : He asked me to sleep in his room!! He would not have asked that if he had other plans!!
Lena : You are so so stupid!! He was just playing with you!! The best he intended to do would have been to build a carnal bond with you, that he can slowly develop, if he reamins alive, and then fuck you in places of his convinience, later!! Kaniha... You were just one among his many!! You fell for it!!
Kaniha : That is not how it was!! Why can't you trust me for once, Lena!!
Lena : Kaniha... You should take my words seriously... I just don't want you to get into trouble... I don't want to see you hurt... Just tell what his reaction was when you said you will sleep in his room!! I will explain my point in better fashion, based on that. Tell me what very believable excuse he gave to soon push you out of the Cottage!! I cannot accept you are an idiot so big, that you still want to rate him good.
Kaniha : Lena... Listen... I think you have got it all wrong. I did not agree to that!!
Lena : What??
Kaniha : I did not agree to sleep in his room.
Lena : Then??
Kaniha : I told him I have a room of my own!!
Lena : What?!
Kaniha : What What??
Lena : I don't understand!!
Kaniha : Neither do I!! Why are you talking to me like I had told you I was desperate to marry him!! I was only telling you what he told me!! He was the one who felt it would be great if he married me!! I am old enough to realise these traps, Lena!! I just felt he was still decent... He was somebody who acknowledged his dirty deeds, without worrying about it's moral impact!! That is why I am calling him good!! I knew he was just trying his luck!!
Lena : Oh Oh Oh Oh... You knew it?! So, you are just telling me that you were enjoying the attention, irrespective of who it was coming from, and how it was coming, and why it was coming, and whether anything was ever going to come out of it... Nice... I did not know you had it in you, to alter your thought processing skills, so quickly, and upgrade yourself to the standard of an experienced compassionate slut!! The Past is The Best Teacher, they say!! Now I know Why!!
Kaniha : You are a loser!!
Lena : Hehe... Kaniha... I was really upset!! I was scared thinking you had made some kind of commitment.
Kaniha : What The Hell!! I cannot accept that you were thinking I was hoping to marry him!! Not Again, Lena!! Definitely not so soon!! Lol!! I am not so dumb!! And never am I going for somebody who is actually older than my own Dad!!
Lena : I try my best to not talk about this... But... Why does your Dad keep making his way back in to this conversation?! Is it some kind of a signal?!
Kaniha : Shut Up!! Just Shut Up!! You have been relentelessly taunting me, and I am
going to hit back at you!!
Lena : Hehehe... Okay!! Let's just focus on your old man... I mean, your old mate!!
Kaniha : Hhhmmm...
Lena : Hahaha!! What did he say when you refused?? He did not compel you?? He did not ask you to reconsider?!
Kaniha : No!! Why would he?! He cannot do that!! He told me what he felt, and I told him what I felt. Even if he tried to compel me, he could not have!! I am strong enough, Lena!!
Lena : Wait!! What exactly did you tell him regarding what you felt about marrying him?! I don't think you told me that!! I don't think you told me what you told him!!
Kaniha : I just said I am not sure.
Lena : What?? You did not say NO to the proposal??
Kaniha : I told him we can think about something else!!
Lena : You bloody whore!! You never tell the whole story!! You left it Pending!!
Kaniha : I did not want to hurt his ego!!
Lena : He would have surely expected you to say YES!! That is true!! He must have been surprised to hear it from you... That is if you had also shared with him you have been mostly pure, of late!! Well... I must say you did conduct yourself quite well, Kaniha. You made sure you had the situation under control. I am proud of you, Bae!!
Kaniha : I know!! But, I also felt he was only delighted to hear my response, that suggested an alternative arrangement!! You have already put out a decent idea about the kind of man he is, and so you already know!! It was like he had done a lot of it, and got a lot of it, and was expecting me to react the same way. Maybe, he would have liked a better reply, just for his own mental satisfaction, considering the fact that he must have seen in me a naive lady, but it was okay, and truth be told, it was actually I who was always being taken aback listening to the things he told me. He had achieved plenty of sexual feats in life to feel unsettled due to my plainly insignificant views!! And... If I remember rightly, the only time he was really surprised was when I told him that I had booked a room, at the Resort!!
Lena : Why?? What did he take you for?! Did you get yourself a SLUT Tattoo in your forehead?! Lol!!
Kaniha : Noo... Hehe... He said that because he felt women usually do not book rooms for themselves in that Resort!!
Lena : Hahaha!! I should have guessed that!!
Kaniha : I thought you would!! You were supposed to know that... SLUT!!
Lena : Haha!! I did know that... I just had no clue that this old baby of yours was such a regular there!!
Kaniha : Lol!!
Lena : Kaniha... See... Next time we go there, we won't book any rooms!! I knew there was no need for me to, even before I got there for my solo trip, from all the knowledge I bought myself being a part of numerous Divorced Moms Associations, but I just did not want to make myself look ultra stupid, even though I went there prepared for everything!! You just cannot say what some of these creeps might want to do in the middle of the night!! And you don't want to be unnecessarily stranded naked in the open, if you are not fine with watching a random whore being grilled in front of you, in the same bed you are resting your stretched ass, though it would have been no new sight there!!
Kaniha : I think I know!! Seen quite a few nude bodies, helplessly walking around!!
Lena : Hahaha!! Kaniha!! We should do this very soon!! I am getting excited!! We should be adventurous!! We need to get to the Resort, together!! And hopefully, we will also end up spending the night in the same room, on the same bed!!
Kaniha : Lena!! Lol!!
Lena : That would be so much fun, Bae!! It is going to be one hell of an experience!! Particularly, if we get ourselves a young boy stud!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... I know!! These youngsters of today are so much fun. They just keep shagging you!! They have so much energy, and they do it with real intent!!
Lena : Aahaahahaa!!
Kaniha : What?!
Lena : So your second mate was younger than you!! Not Bad, Kaniha!! Not Bad at all!!
Kaniha : Hehehehhe...
Lena : Bloody Bitch!! How dare you grin?!
Fucked Up Slut!! You thought I will never find out?! You thought you could keep it hidden from me?!
Kaniha : No!! No!!
Lena : Yeah, Exactly!! No Way!! There was no way you could!! I made you blurt it out, without any kind of real effort!!
Kaniha : I would have told you...
Lena : I am going to seriously beat you if you ever use that phrase again!! Useless Whore!! I don't trust you!! Would have told me, it seems!! Fuck You!!
Kaniha : Lena... I was really going to give you the details...
Lena : Shut Up!! I am really angry!! And so, you better tell me all about it, without missing out on even a single point!! You get that?! And do it Right Now!! I want to know What more Happened at the Resort!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... Okay!! Okay!!