Chapter 03.1

Lena : What are you waiting for?! Type It Down!! Bitch!! Now!! You better do it... Right Now!!

Kaniha : Argghhhh... Stop Commanding!! For Once!!

Lena : Fine... Coming Over, Right Now!!

Kaniha : Don't!! Lol!! I don't want you to Break My Arm, again!!

Lena : What... Don't say that... It was a genuine mistake!! You know that...

Kaniha : You still use that to threaten me!!

Lena : Noo!! I was just pushing you!! I did not really mean anything like that... And... I am really sorry about that day!! I have already told you that a thousand times.

Kaniha : I know!! But, I am still scared of you!! One can never guess what you would end up doing!!

Lena : You are seriously saying this?!

Kaniha : Yes!!

Lena : So, all this while, you were really getting scared when I told you I would thrash you?!

Kaniha : Actually, Yes!! Yeah...

Lena : Noo!! Don't say that!! It hurts!!

Kaniha : It hurt me a million times more when you twisted my arm!!

Lena : I did not want to hurt you!! I did not know it would break your arm!!

Kaniha : Lol!! Why are you such an idiot?! You do not even know a Human Being can bear only that much pain?! You do not even know The Parts of A Woman's Body are really fragile?! I think I should just assume that the only areas you have been concentrating on are your bust & your crotch!!

Lena : Shut Up!!

Kaniha : Shut Up?! Yeah?! Sure?? You don't want me to say anything about my time at the Resort?! Fine...

Lena : No!! I am busy!!

Kaniha : Hahaha!! For Your Kind Information... My Second Day there was good enough to have made you want to swap places with me!! So Stop Acting Angry!!

Lena : Say No More!! Please Proceed with the Detailing!!

Kaniha : Lol!! I Love You!!

Lena : I Love You more, Bae!! Mmwwaahh!!

Kaniha : Eeewwww!! Gross!!

Lena : Fuck You!!

Kaniha : Oh Yeah?! Oooo... Ohh Yess, Babby!!

Lena : Hahaha!! What has got into you!!

Kaniha : Ahh... This feels so good...

Lena : What...

Kaniha : Hehehe...

Lena : What happened?? All of a sudden, you seem to be a different person!! Nothing like what you so far were during this Conversation... And... Like... Somebody a lot cooler... Or... Not Always... But... I don't know... You must be growing in confidence... Hehe... You are starting to talk... But, I don't know... Or... It's like you have something in your mind... And... I guess I just don't know...

Kaniha : Did you ever think about having sex with your Son??

Lena : What The... Noo!! Why?!

Kaniha : No?! Really?? Even after all that??

Lena : Yeah... No!! I mean... All that has to be considered harmless... I mean... His Age was the problem... And... I have not been the Best of Mothers... I have never been a Perfect Mom... See... What I tell you about him is nothing serious!! But... Still... Why?! Why did you ask me that question?? I mean... Why Now?!

Kaniha : Did you ever think of having sex with My Son?!

Lena : What The Hell!!

Kaniha : Why?? What Happened?! I was just asking you a question...

Lena : I mean... Why would I ever think about having sex with him?!

Kaniha : You sure about that?!

Lena : Kaniha... What is this??

Kaniha : You sure about what you said?!

Lena : Of Course!! Why would I ever think about having sex with your Son?!

Kaniha : Yeah Right... Why would you THINK about having sex with My Son if you are already having sex with My Son!! Right?!

Lena : What!!

Kaniha : What??

Lena : Kaniha... What did you just say?!

Kaniha : What I Said!!

Lena : Excuse Me?! Hello... What are you accusing me of!!

Kaniha : What do you think??

Lena : What Nonsense!!

Kaniha : Hahahahha...

Lena : What The...

Kaniha : Lol!! Chill... I was just reading out some of the most decent set of lines I have ever come across, found written on a badly crushed piece of paper, I happened to get my hands on, in the Dirty Overused Restroom, next to the Gym in the Resort!! I don't know why I got myself there, but I am glad I got myself access to this questionnaire-like scribblings... Certainly helped me scare you, I guess... Lol!! I still have it with me... And... Maybe... I can give the relaxing note to you when we meet!! Hahahaha!!

Lena : Ohh... No... No... I mean... Haha... That is so funny...

Kaniha : Hahaaha... Yeah... Exactly!! And you won't believe this... What I found written all around the Trek Site was even better... It was truly shocking... The Trees... The Rocks... The Walls of the Tiny Portable Toilet... It was just filled with Sexual Writings... I am assuming somebody was writing an Erotic Story sitting in that shithole!! Fucking Lol!! And... I was destined to read it!! Hehehe...

Lena : Whooaa... Hehe... Yeah... Hahaha!!

Kaniha : I know.

Lena : Bloody Idiot!!

Kaniha : What??

Lena : You actually scared me... You really scared me!!

Kaniha : Scared You?! But, Why??

Lena : Nothing... I just felt...

Kaniha : Felt What??

Lena : Nothing.

Kaniha : Come On... Tell Me...

Lena : Why did you ask that to me??

Kaniha : Why did it scare you?? Tell me that first!!

Lena : Why did you ask me that!! I demand an answer... Now!!

Kaniha : Well... Because...

Lena : What?! Tell Me!!

Kaniha : Okay... Why are you so tensed?? Would you care to tell me that!!

Lena : Kaniha... Please Please Please... Tell Me Why, Right Now!!

Kaniha : Hahahaha...

Lena : What??

Kaniha : Relax!!

Lena : Tell Me... At-least Now!!

Kaniha : Because...

Lena : Because What?!

Kaniha : Because... I have nobody else to ask that... Simple!!

Lena : What??

Kaniha : You Are My Only Friend!! I cannot ask such things to anybody else... I thought you knew!!

Lena : Ohhh... Like that... Hahha...

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : I Know!!

Kaniha : I Love You...

Lena : I Know... I Am Sorry...

Kaniha : Why Sorry??

Lena : I Mean... I am Sorry I asked you that... I hope I did not make you feel bad... I know I am your Only Friend... And... It is the same for me too... You are My Only Friend!!

Kaniha : What exactly were you thinking??

Lena : What??

Kaniha : What do you think made me ask you that question?!

Lena : What!!

Kaniha : Hehehehe... Nothing!! Stop Freaking Out!!

Lena : I am not freaking out... I am just not able to understand you!!

Kaniha : Yeah... Okay... Fine...

Lena : Hhmm...

Kaniha : Hhhhmmmm...

Lena : So...

Kaniha : So What??

Lena : What Else??

Kaniha : What Else What??

Lena : Kaniha... Why don't you just get back to telling me What more Happened at the Resort!!

Kaniha : Why So Quickly?! What is the Hurry!!

Lena : Why Not Right Now?!

Kaniha : Let's do it slow... We have a lot of time...

Lena : Well... In that case, do you want me to ask you your opinion on certain complicated Father-Daughter Relationships I happened to read about, in the Internet... Definitely looks like a good topic to pass time!!

Kaniha : Immediately getting back to telling you What more Happened at the Resort sounds like a good idea... Actually, a great idea... Hehehehe...

Lena : Perfect... Superb... Let me help you get started... Lol!!

Kaniha : Haha!!

Lena : So, you wake up on your Bed...

Kaniha : Yes, That is Right!!

Lena : You have nothing on your body, because you had come back to your room naked from Mr. Diwakar's, and you fell asleep immediately, totally exhausted!!

Kaniha : That is mostly correct, but there is a correction required - I did have the Swimsuit torn apart, but the Senior Boy was kind enough to give me his Bathrobe. In-fact, he even offered to Walk Me to My Room!!

Lena : Aaha!! So Romantic!!

Kaniha : Hehehe...

Lena : What did you call him??

Kaniha : What??

Lena : What did you address him as?? Uncle?! Lol!! Fuck Me Harder, Diwakar Uncle... Hahahaha!!

Kaniha : What... Nooo!! Hehehehe... Not Uncle!!

Lena : Then What?? Sir?! Or Wait... Daddy?! Or... Dad??

Kaniha : Shut Up!!

Lena : Lol!!

Kaniha : Why do you want to know??

Lena : I just want to know!!

Kaniha : Why are you so curious about all this?!

Lena : What is so wrong about being curious!!

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : Fine!! Inner Peace thing, I Guess... You do know how badly I enjoy having the details of another person's Sex Life!!

Kaniha : Hehehe... In that case, will it give you some relief... I mean... INNER PEACE... If I told you that I called him BABBYYY!!

Lena : What The... Fuck... Lol!! Oh My Oh My...

Kaniha : What?? Hehehehe...

Lena : I have never heard about a Seventy Year Old Grandpa being called a Baby... Well... BABBYYY!!

Kaniha : He was actually older than that!! Hehe...

Lena : Kaniha!! Lol... Damn!! You have Lost It!!

Kaniha : Hahaha... Don't Worry... I was just showing him some love!!

Lena : Oh Yeah?! That is How You Love?! Niceee...

Kaniha : Yeah!! I always Love like that!!

Lena : Seriously?! That Is Interesting... I just did not know.

Kaniha : Really!! I have always been that kind of a Lover... And... For Your Kind Information, I also called the Younger Boy, I had a little fun with later, BABBYYY!!

Lena : Ohh Fuckk!! Lol!!

Kaniha : I call All My Men BABBYYY!! I sincerely thought you would have been already aware of it!! I guess No!!

Lena : Kanihaa... You Filthy Ho!! You have been very naughty... Haven't You, Bitch?!

Kaniha : I don't Really Think So!! Lol!! Wait... You Think So?? Hahahaha!!

Lena : You Bloody... Ugghhh... I think we should just move on to what the Kid had to offer!! The Oldies have given us Women enough displeasure... Hehehe... And Also... You have pissed me off considerably well, for me to tell you that I want no more of your Prideful Shit Show!! Just Give Me Some Sexy Information, Slut!! Hehehehe... Tell Me All About The Kid!! Now!!

Kaniha : So, it is Kids you are interested in... I See!!

Lena : I am interested in all kinds of Men, but Young Boys in their early twenties excite me extra now!! Hahaha!!

Kaniha : I Know That!! Bloody Whore!!

Lena : What?? Why do you sound like you are angry?!

Kaniha : Nothing!!

Lena : What is the matter?!

Kaniha : You felt the Anger in My Texts?! Lol!! Maybe, because I am Very Very Angry!! Maybe, because you know I should be Angry!!

Lena : What Is It?? Why are You Angry??

Kaniha : It's Nothing!! So... Yeah... What were we Talking About...

Lena : Kaniha... What is it?? You have to Tell Me!!

Kaniha : It's Nothing, Lena... Trust Me!!

Lena : Whatever!! I don't think I can force you to Open Up anymore... I have been trying to do that ever since we began talking... Phew... Alright... Kaniha... I don't know what is wrong... But... Just Promise Me One Thing!!

Kaniha : What?? What Promise?? Promise You What??

Lena : We really should go together to this Resort, very soon!! I really want to have a lot of fun there, with you!! Promise Me you will come with me!!

Kaniha : Why??

Lena : So that you cannot Back Out!!

Kaniha : Not That!!

Lena : Then What?? What WHY are you asking me?!

Kaniha : Why do you want us to go there together?! What are you going to get out of it!!

Lena : Kaniha!!

Kaniha : What?!

Lena : You are My Best Friend... I want to Do it with You!!

Kaniha : Do What??

Lena : Have Fun!!

Kaniha : Why?? Why with Me?? You can have fun even if I am not around... In-fact, you can have more fun if I am not around!!

Lena : Look... You have No Idea!! You are just not understanding it... This is actually so exciting, Kaniha... Just the thought of having an adventure together is making me leak!! Listening to you sharing the details of your time there has convinced me more than enough to confirm you are ready to travel with me... Lol!! Hehehe... We should both really go there together, and do all of it together, just like I have always told you we should, and make great memories!!

Kaniha : Hehehehe...

Lena : Yes, Okay!! I get it... I know you are not really liking the idea... But, I am sure you will finally accept the proposal... It's just that you are too tired to process the plan... Maybe, it's simply because you are just back, and you feel a little lost... Otherwise, you would have straightaway said YES!! I know that!! And... I also know that I keep telling this a little too often, and you must be sick of hearing it... But To Be Very Honest, This is The Right Time!! You know that better than anybody else... We should really go together!! Hahaha... I Am So Excited!! Thrilled... Super Thrilled!!

Kaniha : Calm Down!! Please... We Will Go!! Okay?! Just Calm Down!!

Lena : Yeah?!

Kaniha : Yes!!

Lena : Promise??

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : Maybe... We should both go to their Property in Cuntagarh!! The Promoters of Cheery Times have a very big Resort there, situated deep inside the forest. If I remember correct, it is called Merry Times, and the reviews I have heard from my friends... Hehehe... Are indeed very promising!!

Kaniha : Lol!!

Lena : At-least Stop making the disinterest so evident!! Hhmm... Say Something!! Sometimes, You really irritate me!!

Kaniha : Why are you hiding things from me, Lena??

Lena : What do you mean??

Kaniha : What I Said!! Exactly What You Read!!

Lena : Kaniha... I really did not have sex with Kishan!! Trust Me!! I mean... Come On... Your Son is like My Own Son... Why don't you believe me?? Why can't you believe me?? Why is it so difficult!!

Kaniha : Whooaaa!! Whoooaa!!

Lena : What??

Kaniha : I said Nothing about it, Lena!! I said Nothing about you having sex with Kishan!!

Lena : What?! You asked me about it...

Kaniha : I asked you Nothing about it!! I only asked you why you are not telling me everything about the Property in Cuntagarh?!

Lena : Huh!!

Kaniha : Hhhmmm... Nothing.

Lena : Kaniha... Look... I just got confused... What everything about the Resort?? What are you saying?!

Kaniha : The Risk involved, The Traps, The Hidden Agendas!!

Lena : Kaniha... What are you even saying?! I just don't understand any of this!!

Kaniha : You only say the Good Things!! You only say what I want to hear, while there are so many other heart-breaking stuff happening around!!

Lena : When did I ever do that?! And about what is this!! Why are you talking like this, Kaniha!!

Kaniha : You only said great things about the Gaandland Resort I just came back from... Cheery Times, according to you, was the Safest Place on Earth... You made it sound like that, even after you had encounters that very easily could be labelled as forced, and painful, and even lawless!!

Lena : Oh Like That!!

Kaniha : Yeah!! Just Like That!! Explain It!!
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02.2