Chapter 03.2

Lena : Look... I still enjoyed that... I enjoyed everything that happened there... I did not think the events there were ever going to mentally break me, and so I concluded it was never going to cause hurt!! That is why I said only good things about the place!! You were only going to get what you wanted!!

Kaniha : Slut!!

Lena : What??

Kaniha : Nothing... Shameless Slut!!

Lena : What is the problem here?!

Kaniha : You pushed me there!!

Lena : What are you saying!!

Kaniha : Nothing!!

Lena : Fine... Listen... There are things being said about the Cuntagarh Resort... Like, the Guests remember nothing about what they have done during their stay in Merry Times... But... They mostly also feel perfectly normal, and a lot more wonderful, when they leave the Resort... So, I think it is all fine!!

Kaniha : Why are you so concerned about me believing you have done nothing with My Son??

Lena : What do you mean?? What are we even talking about here!!

Kaniha : Why is that part of Our Conversation stuck in your head?? Why are you always trying hard to make me accept nothing happened between you and Kishan?? Why?!

Lena : What The Hell!! Kaniha!! What is wrong with you?? That is not at all true!! What The Bloody Hell!!

Kaniha : What?? What Bloody Hell?? What is it, Lena?? What could it be?? You Tell Me!!

Lena : I don't understand you!!

Kaniha : Neither do I understand you!!

Lena : You don't get it!!

Kaniha : Get What?!

Lena : Uggghhhh... Don't you think it is a highly inappropriate thing to ask your Best Friend whether she has had sex with your Son??

Kaniha : I don't think so!!

Lena : What is it?? Speak Out!! Is there anything you want to talk to me about?!

Kaniha : This is the Second Day... I was feeling low...

Lena : Why?? What is Wrong?? What Happened?!

Kaniha : I Don't Know!!

Lena : Tell Me...

Kaniha : I just felt odd ever since I came back from his Room.

Lena : What?? Whose Room?! Wait... What are you saying??

Kaniha : I am just telling you what happened at the Resort, after I left Mr. Diwakar's Room, and after I fell asleep, and after I woke up the next morning.

Lena : Ohhh... What On Earth!!

Kaniha : You don't want to know?! I thought you were dying to know about it!! I thought you would kill to know what happened next!!

Lena : Okay... I get it... It is just that I thought you would have something else to tell me.

Kaniha : Something Else?? Now, what would that be!! What would that be, Lena?! Huh?? Tell Me That!!

Lena : I thought you wanted to tell me what you felt about what I planned for you... For Us... What Else!!

Kaniha : Oh... Well... Yeah, I actually do!! But... Not about what you planned for us!! There is actually something else I want to tell you... But... I will keep that for later!!

Lena : What?? What is it?!

Kaniha : You really want me to talk about it??

Lena : What is it, Kaniha?? What is the problem?? Open Up... Please... Speak Out for once!! Stop Keeping Things to yourself!!

Kaniha : Get Lost!!

Lena : What The Hell!! Why are you talking like I have committed a crime?? It is as if I am at fault, but you won't even tell me what is wrong, and I don't even know what I have done to hurt you!!

Kaniha : You want to know?? You really want to know??

Lena : I don't understand why you are acting all weird!!

Kaniha : Yeah... Good!! Great!!

Lena : Anyway... Leave It... I guess you are just having a bad day... I know you are tired...

Kaniha : Not Really... I can Talk!! I mean... I can Text!!

Lena : Then... Let's talk about what happened after you left his Room.

Kaniha : K!!

Lena : Please...

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : But... Why were you feeling low?? I don't think I have understood all of this... You were happy there!! That is what you were telling me... I thought it was just a case of you not being comfortable sharing with me details on Sexual Acts... Weren't You Happy?! What Happened after you said Good Bye to Mr. Diwakar?!

Kaniha : I don't know...

Lena : You Missed Him?? Already?!

Kaniha : Come On!! Noo!!

Lena : Tell The Truth!!

Kaniha : It was nothing like that... I really did not have anything more to give him!! I just felt bad about something... I just felt a few things were not right!!

Lena : Felt bad about what?? What was Not Right??

Kaniha : I don't know... Look... It's Nothing Big, actually!!

Lena : Still!! What was it?? What is it?? You wouldn't feel bothered for no reason!!

Kaniha : Lena... It's Nothing... Just That... You Know... Maybe... I should not have carried my Mobile Phone with me!!

Lena : Why on earth would you take your Phone along with you, when you are going to have sex!! You should have left it in the Room... I would have actually left it at Home, if I had no intention of updating the details with my buddies!! Lol!!

Kaniha : Hhmmm...

Lena : You are such a strange person, Kaniha!!

Kaniha : I actually did not know this was going to happen!! I did not know any of this was going to happen!! I took the Phone with me to the Swimming Pool, like I carry it everywhere!! I had no idea about what was awaiting me... And... Since I went to his Cottage directly, I kept the Phone with me!!

Lena : Okay!! I now have a very clear picture!! This would have been a lot more entertaining if you had always taken the effort to explain this elaborately... But, It's Okay... Let us Not Talk More On That Topic...

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : But... Still... What exactly went wrong with your Mobile Phone?? What disturbed you?? Did It Fall Down?? Did the Screen crack?? Taking Your Phone With You Won't Break Your Heart!!

Kaniha : It is nothing important. Forget It!!

Lena : No Way!! Not Now!! Not after spending so much time reading this... I mean... Talking about it!!

Kaniha : What do you want to know??

Lena : I want to know what happened?? Tell Me... What Happened?? Wait... Did Kishan call you?? Did he call you when you were there in Mr. Diwakar's Room?? Did it make you feel like a bad person?? You were worried you were a Bad Mother??

Kaniha : Noo... No!! Why?!

Lena : Just Asking!! I thought maybe Kishan must have said something.

Kaniha : Kishan must have said what Something?? And... Why My Son?? Why did you ask that?? Why did you think My Son must have called me?!

Lena : Nothing.

Kaniha : Tell Me!! Why did you have to particularly ask about My Son!!

Lena : Look... I had to ask something!! You weren't telling me anything!!

Kaniha : But Why Him?? It could have been anybody!! WHY HIM?!

Lena : Because... There is Nobody Else... I Mean... I Am Sorry... I don't know... I didn't call you... And... I don't know a lot of people who would call you other than your Son... Kaniha... Why don't you tell me what happened there!! What I said hardly matters!!

Kaniha : Well... Let's not complicate it... Nothing Much happened... The Phone rang... I mean... I got a few Messages... The Phone kept making this alarming Beep Sound... And... I just felt like I was waking up from a dream I would have always considered a nightmare, and I felt I was brought back to the real world, and nothing about it felt right!!

Lena : That Is All??

Kaniha : Yeah!! That isn't enough?!

Lena : Hahahahahaha!! Kaniha... You are so funny!!

Kaniha : Maybe!!

Lena : Oh, Come On... Relax!! This is No Big Deal!!

Kaniha : Yaa Yaa... I Know... I am fine now... It was just back then... I felt completely out of place!!

Lena : I know... And it is alright!! It was just a small stage where you found it difficult to acknowledge the truth that you have turned into a Slut... It happens to everybody... It is something very natural!! Lol!!

Kaniha : Shut Up!!

Lena : Hahahaha!! I thought it was something really serious... And Bad!!

Kaniha : Like What??

Lena : Nothing.

Kaniha : Hhmmm...

Lena : Wait... Wait Again... What would you have done had you found Shyam there?! What if he too was there the same time you were there?? How would you have reacted if he appeared right in front of you?? How difficult was it going to be for you to live with the fact that he saw you there??

Kaniha : What The Hell!! Are You Mad?!

Lena : Just Asking You!!

Kaniha : I don't know... I want nothing to do with him!!

Lena : I know!!

Kaniha : Then What??

Lena : Just Asking... Hehehe...

Kaniha : Please don't remind me of him, Lena... Show Some Mercy!!

Lena : Sorry...

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : Chill... Don't you worry about it. Don't you worry about him!!

Kaniha : I know that!! I am not worried about it!! He is never going to know I was there!! I don't care even if he gets to know about it!!

Lena : What I was trying to say is... We will do with so many men, you will never ever even remember about the existence of your Ex-Husband... You will even forget how he looks!! You will even forget his name!! Hahaha!!

Kaniha : I don't think I want any more of this... I don't think I can handle this... This is too much pressure!!

Lena : Pressure?? Lol!! Wait till we get ourselves in front of some real men... Wait till you realize what they can do to us... Hehehe!! I am sure you will be the first to Start Stripping!!

Kaniha : They would all anyway only chose you!! So, All The Best To You... Have A Good Time... I am out of this!!

Lena : So... That is what you are worried about!! I am giving your Pressure!! Lol!!

Kaniha : Get Lost...

Lena : Hahaha!! Come On...

Kaniha : Well... You know that is the truth!!

Lena : What makes you say that?? Chill Girl... You know You Are Hot!!

Kaniha : You are the Hot Chick here!! Slim and Fit yet Gorgeously Curvy!! You always get whoever you want!!

Lena : You are being a little too humble... You know that!! You are the Thick Seductress here!!

Kaniha : I am just Fleshy... Zero Curves!!

Lena : So am I!!

Kaniha : You are perfectly thick, and fleshy only in the right places... That is certainly a Plus... A Big Plus!!

Lena : I don't know... But what I do know for sure is that you have the Greatest Butt ever... Yours is as firm as one can ever get!!

Kaniha : Still not as Huge or Well-Shaped as yours!!

Lena : Mine grew after I started getting cocks deep down My Anal Cavity!! Lol!! You had a Trophy Ass even before you had your Cherry popped, and while we were all just kids in College!!

Kaniha : Lol!! Hahahahaha... I Am Flattered!!

Lena : I mean it... You know that!! You know that is the truth!!

Kaniha : Hehehehe...

Lena : I clearly remember all the attention your swaying ass got...

Kaniha : You remember a lot of things!!

Lena : Hahaha!! I hope you find that to be a Good Quality!!

Kaniha : I don't know... There are certain things I was hoping you would forget!! Lol!!

Lena : Hahaha!! Don't Worry... I have not forgotten much about what your ASS meant to the Boys in College... Every Day... Every Single Day... There was this huge crowd in front of Our Classroom... You do remember why they were there... Right?! And... It was Not Just The Boys... Everybody had a thing for your Back-Side... In-fact, I will never ever forget the scary incident involving the Sneaky Physics Professor. I was right next to you, when he publicly lifted your Skirt up, during the Art Fest!! I was so stunned that day, and thinking about it today, all I can say is that if the Middle Aged Bastard could not control himself, wondering exactly what you had underneath your Bottoms, you should consider yourself extremely lucky that the Boys who Studied with Us did not Defile You!! I mean... Just think about the effect you would have had on their Young Meats!! That is the kind of Hotness you oozed!! They were all always shamelessly lusting for you, Bae!!

Kaniha : Fuck!! Shit!! I had almost forgotten most of it... Especially, the part involving Prasad Sir.

Lena : I will never forget any of it... I will never forget any of your Sirs... And... I will never forget any of your doings!! Hehehe... This particular day, we had the Art Fest, was also when malicious rumours sexually linking you to your Boyfriend's Father had started coming out... Along with the whole scandalous story of your other fantasies... Lol!! Maybe, Poor Old Prasad Sir could not behave himself listening to your Slutty Stories, that sure were spreading like wildfire.

Kaniha : You remember it all!!

Lena : Of Course, Yes!! It was also that phase where the Sex Symbol image I had of you was at its epitome!! I don't think I can ever forget any of it!!

Kaniha : Please forget everything about it!! Please!! All of it!! The Whole Period!!

Lena : Hahaha... Lol!! I will never forget any of it, Kaniha... And... I will never forget any of your Men... I cannot!! Because, that is how Strange & Creepy they were!! Just think about Prasad Sir... Classic Example!!

Kaniha : Come On... What do you mean by that... He was Not My Man!! What is that you are trying to say!!

Lena : What I mean to say is... He was your Favourite Teacher... Wasn't He?! Or... Was it just a case of you being his Favorite Student?? Aah... I don't know... I just don't know what you shared with him... I don't know what you have done with most of your Men!! Maybe someday, I am going to Write a proper Erotic Story with you in the lead... Let Me See what more I can find about you!!

Kaniha : Fucking Shittt!! Hahahaha!! I am seriously Laughing!!

Lena : Lol!! But Still... I continue to remain a little startled about the truth that he dared to do that to you... However, having said that, when I ultimately got to see your Round Hot Bums, that day, I myself could only stare in awe, at your Cheeks. Lol o Lol... I just don't think I can fully blame Prasad Sir for his Naughty Nosy act!!

Kaniha : It does sound a little funny now... But... Honestly, I did not even know how to react when it happened, back then!!

Lena : I know... I knew you were completely taken aback!! I could see it in your face!! But... Very Soon, I also realized you had more to be bothered about!!

Kaniha : I had no Panties covering me... I know... I mean.. My Private Parts were all left unprotected... I did wear them to College, but later... You Know... I really felt so embarrassed!!

Lena : I know... I very well know how you must have felt!! It hurt me too!! But, I really did not know whether I had to be angry only at Prasad Sir... Because, I also knew it was your then Darling Boyfriend who had taken away your Pair of Panties from you, and he was the reason you faced more humiliation than you should have... Oh Those Days... Lol!! Aftab too was such an idiot... Why did he actually make you do that?? Why did you give your Panties to him?? Oh Yeah... I remember now... You had to give it to him to make him trust your claims that you had nothing to do with his Dad!! Right?!

Kaniha : Oh My Oh My Oh My!!

Lena : What??

Kaniha : This is all So Crazy... I cannot even think about it... But... What is actually giving me the chills is the fact that somebody has been keeping a tab on the accounts!!

Lena : Hahahaha!! I know... But... Don't Thank Me... Lol!! I did not really have to take a lot of effort... It was just too easy to not forget!!

Kaniha : Hehehe... Stop It...

Lena : You never told me what you did to the Professor.

Kaniha : What about it?? What was I supposed to do with him?! Tell Me That First!!

Lena : Not WITH him... TO him!!

Kaniha : What!!

Lena : Did you File A Complaint?? That is what I am asking... I remember you threatening him, when he refused to let go of your Skirt, and you did tell him you would bring the matter to the Principal's attention... But... I don't think I remember how that went.

Kaniha : Leave that Topic, Lena... We are well over it... It happened years ago!!

Lena : You always restrained from talking about it... Why?!

Kaniha : It's Nothing!!

Lena : What Happened?? Did you complain?? At-least tell that to me!! I cannot recollect seeing any kind of action being taken against him.

Kaniha : I Did Not... No Complaint was filed.

Lena : What... Why?!

Kaniha : I did not want to make a scene.

Lena : A Scene was already made... He did that to you in front of at-least a 100 other girls... More importantly, this took place inside the Girls Toilet... He had the audacity to disgracefully plot, slyly follow you around, and then finally almost run behind you, and do what he did!! One can Guess what kind of a person he was, and you are telling me you did not want to make a scene!!

Kaniha : I know... I know all that... I just did not want to make it worse.

Lena : But Why?! You just had to raise that issue!! Whatever the kind of girls we were, It was still an absolutely atrocious act from his side... It was a heinous thing to do... A very serious unpardonable doing... Yeah... It was a Sin...

Kaniha : I Know... But...

Lena : But What?!

Kaniha : I did not want Prasad Uncle to get into trouble.

Lena : Uncle?! Prasad Uncle?!

Kaniha : I Mean... Sir.

Lena : What??

Kaniha : I did not want to give Prasad Sir more trouble!!

Lena : Why?! That is What I want to know.

Kaniha : Look... Fine... He was a Close Friend of Dad.

Lena : What!! You never told me that!!

Kaniha : I Know!!

Lena : Why??

Kaniha : I did not think it was that important...

Lena : Ughhh... You are making me very angry!!

Kaniha : Sorry... I am Sorry I never told you about it... Actually... Prasad Uncle was My Dad's Schoolmate, and they have always been Good Friends... I did not tell you that because I did not want to give you a wrong feeling... I mean... I always did well in Physics... I did not want to give you a feeling he was being partial with me... I really earned my grades... I worked hard for it... It wasn't him helping me... He just showed me some extra care, whenever I wanted... That Is All!!

Lena : Whooaaa... Great... And... He still did that to you?!

Kaniha : Yeah...

Lena : Or Wait... Maybe... He just showed you some affection... He just showed you some genuine care... Right?! Tell Me... Why don't you just tell me that was how he always gave you that EXTRA CARE!! He would have sensed you wanted it... Your Tiny Skirt would have been the Signal!! Bloody Slut you are... Or Maybe... That was one of the many instances you WORKED HARD to get Good Grades in Physics!! Gross!!

Kaniha : Lena... Come On!! Stop It... You are crossing the limit!!

Lena : I am Crossing Limits?? I Am?! Great!!

Kaniha : Leave It... Why do you want to talk about it!! It's something that happened so long ago... We don't even know what he was going through when he did what he did!!

Lena : What Nonsense!! I cannot accept you are such a big idiot!! You should have raised that Issue with the Authorities!! Maybe, you still don't realize the intensity... What happened to you that day was something that would get National Attention if it happened Today!!

Kaniha : Lena... Let me be clear with you... I did not want more people to know about it... It was as simple as that... Word would have spread... I know there were Witnesses... But I did not want it to be my own self who walked around talking about it!! And So, I kept my mouth shut... And Also, Prasad Sir was just drunk that day... He always had a miserable lonely life... He was not married, and he was never ever going to get married... See... It just happened at the heat of the moment... He apologized to me, almost immediately.

Lena : I did not see him apologize!!

Kaniha : Well, He Did!!

Lena : When?? Where??

Kaniha : I don't remember all that!! Just Leave It!!

Lena : And... You forgave him?! It was that easy?? That is all what the incident meant to you?!

Kaniha : I forgave him... I thought he deserved a chance... He had never been indecent with me before... And... Above all of that... I also thought how upset Dad would be, when he got to know about what his Dear Friend did to his Darling Daughter.

Lena : What The... Phew... I don't know what to tell you... But... What actually gets me excited is... I mean... It's like some Strange Supernatural Phenomenon...

Kaniha : What is so strange here??

Lena : Bhaskar Uncle!!

Kaniha : What?? What about him?!

Lena : You don't feel anything??

Kaniha : Feel Anything about what?!

Lena : Why does your Dad keep making his way into our Conversation?? Why do I think there is something very fishy here... What exactly is his role here?! Are you giving hints regarding what our Next Topic of Discussion could be?? You have given quite a lot already!!

Kaniha : Lena!!

Lena : Yes...

Kaniha : You Have Lost It!!

Lena : What??

Kaniha : Stop talking about it!! Stop talking about him!!

Lena : Why??

Kaniha : No Dad would think about his Own Daughter... Understand that!!

Lena : You never know!! And Also... There is nothing much a Dad can Do when the Daughter is adamant she makes him Do things!!

Kaniha : Just Shut Up!! You are Wrong!!

Lena : What wrong did I say?? I seriously feel something is not very right... I mean... Something here is not what it seems it is...

Kaniha : You feel that because... You Know... There is a reason why you feel that...

Lena : Because What?? What is the reason?? Say It!!

Kaniha : Nothing...

Lena : Hehehehe... There is nothing you can say!! Sad!!

Kaniha : Actually, There Is!!

Lena : What is it?? I dare you to say that!!

Kaniha : Fine... Nothing!!

Lena : Lol... Lena 1 - Kaniha 0... Poor Soul!! But It is Okay... I won't irritate you more... No more Dad Is Daddy talks!! Hahahaha... No more telling Your Daddy had a thing for You... Most Importantly, No more telling You had a thing for Your Daddy!! Lol!!

Kaniha : So... The First Day... I arrived at the Resort, and got myself a Massage almost immediately... Then, in the Evening I met the Old Man, and I had a good time... The Second Day there was mostly a long slow silent affair... I spent most of my time inside my Room... I was thinking about I don't know what... I was lost in thoughts, I guess... I went for the Highly Publicized Trek, sometime after Tea, and later that Evening I came across the Young Boy... And... Yeah... That was it... I returned Home the Next Day, early in the Morning.

Lena : Whatttt!! Wait Wait Wait!! Okay... Hehehehe... Slow Down!! Not So Fast!! Don't Be Such A Bad Sport!! Lol... Tell me in Detail about all that happened after your left Mr. Diwakar's Room... What you just said makes me Puke, Not Cum!!

Kaniha : I don't think I want you to Cum!!

Lena : Come On... Be A Good Girl... Lol!!

Kaniha : Hhhmmm... What do you want to know??

Lena : Tell Me what you did after you left Mr. Diwakar's Room??

Kaniha : I went to my Room, and I slept!! That is all what I did!!

Lena : Again, Not exactly the kind of information I was hoping for... But it's Ok... I will help you to do better... Tell Me what happened after that... What did you do after you woke up?? Please...

Kaniha : Nothing!! I did not do anything... I just felt lost... I woke up on Day 2 with a very bad headache... That Morning and That Afternoon were spent trying to Pick Myself Up... I did not feel like doing anything... I did not even have my Breakfast... Lunch too... I even skipped Lunch!!

Lena : Why?? What was the Problem?? What exactly was it??

Kaniha : I think I was still just a little startled with what I went through the Previous Night...

Lena : What exactly did you go through?? I thought you already told me everything about the Night Before!!

Kaniha : I Mean... Yes... I was talking about What I Did.

Lena : What?? What About It??

Kaniha : I had never imagined another man was going to Fuck Me... You know that!! Stop making me repeat it!!

Lena : Hehehehe...

Kaniha : It was a different feeling to realize I was no longer that Pure Mature Woman... You get that?? Do You?? Aahhh... Well... You don't really understand what I am saying... Do You?! Ohh... I Forgot... How Would You?! Slut!!

Lena : Excuse Me?! Pure?? You just called yourself Pure?! Okay... I give you the Freedom to Say what you wish... That is All Fair... But... Before you begin to Slut-Shame me, please please remind yourself that you had a very lewd past, My Dear Best Friend!! Fucker!!
Next page: Chapter 03.3
Previous page: Chapter 03.1