Chapter 03.3

Kaniha : I was Loyal & Honest to My Husband... As A Mature Woman... As A Married Woman... I was Pure!!

Lena : Excuse Me, Again!! I though you did not want to mention Him here... Bae!!

Kaniha : Yeah... And, I won't another time.

Lena : Also... HE is not Your Husband!! Not Anymore... He is now your Ex-Husband!! Got That??

Kaniha : Yeah... Yes!! Ex-Husband!!

Lena : Ex-Husband What??

Kaniha : I said I was Loyal & Honest to My Ex-Husband... That is all... That is it... I was Pure!!

Lena : But it did not matter... Did it?! None of it mattered!!

Kaniha : I don't want this conversation.

Lena : We have to talk about it sometime... We always kept it pending.

Kaniha : I don't want to.

Lena : Fine... And, Neither do I... But, Since you started it, you also have to finish it... I won't make it very hard... Just Tell Me One Thing... Did It Matter?? Just Answer that Question of mine!!

Kaniha : Lena... We have talked enough about it... We have always discussed My Marriage and My Divorce. You already know everything that was there to know!!

Lena : Did It Matter??

Kaniha : Did What Matter?! What?? Sharing My Sorry Plight with you?! It did not!! That I know now!!

Lena : Did being Loyal to HIM matter??

Kaniha : Fine... I don't know why you love to do this... But Here Yo Go... Take It... Make Yourself Content... NO!! NOOOOOO!! Okay?! It did not matter!! You Feel Good?!

Lena : You Happy that you Divorced him??

Kaniha : Why?? Why Lena?? Why do you want to talk about it?!

Lena : I know the Answer is a YES.

Kaniha : Then, Why do you ask??

Lena : Why can't you simply give me a simple YES?? Okay... That Is Okay... Tell Me How Happy You are about the fact that You are Divorced... Tell Me How Happy You are to fully know he is Not in Your Life anymore!!

Kaniha : I don't want to Answer that.

Lena : Ohohohoho... You Miss Him, Don't You?!

Kaniha : No!!

Lena : Well... Then... There is something that you are not telling me!!

Kaniha : He did Love Me... A lot.

Lena : Love??

Kaniha : He did care for me... He did make me feel safe...

Lena : Aahaaa... You are Upset, aren't you?! Somebody is Sad!! Lol!!

Kaniha : No!!

Lena : Then, What?? Why did you say that??

Kaniha : I just told you that.

Lena : He Never Loved You... What he had for you was not Love!!

Kaniha : Listen... See... I know more about what happened between Us... He did seriously Love Me.

Lena : Okay... Maybe, Yes... In the beginning.

Kaniha : Yes!!

Lena : Not After That.

Kaniha : He Did... I don't know how to tell you this...

Lena : It's Fine... Relax... But, You know for sure that he does not Love You anymore... No More Love Now... Right??

Kaniha : Okay... Yeah... No... Obviously!!

Lena : Yeah!! Good... That is settled... And I agree there was Love earlier... But...

Kaniha : But What??

Lena : Love Won't Always Do!!

Kaniha : Why do you say that??

Lena : Love Alone Won't Always Do!! Better Now?!

Kaniha : Hhmm... I know!!

Lena : Chill... Let us Stop Talking about it.

Kaniha : Hhhmmm...

Lena : What?? You want to talk more about HIM?? You wish He was there with you now??

Kaniha : I Don't Know... I Think Yes!!

Lena : What?? Are You Serious?? What is happening here!! You are now really keen on talking about him?!

Kaniha : I don't know... I did tell you I do not want this conversation... But... Now... I don't know...

Lena : Why?? I mean... Why do you want to talk about him?? Don't tell me... Did you just say that you wish he was with you now?? You want to get back to him?!

Kaniha : No No... That is Not what I am saying... It's just that he could have helped me here!!

Lena : What are you saying, Kaniha?? Help you Here?! With what?? What Help do you need?? What is the Issue?? Did I miss something?? What is the problem!!

Kaniha : It's Nothing, Lena... Don't Worry... You have already done a lot for me!!

Lena : Come On... I am your Best Friend!! You can tell me, Kaniha... You know I will always be there for you... I will Help you!! Just tell me how I can Help you!!

Kaniha : It is not that kind of help... Lena... Look... I am just a little disturbed... That is all...

Lena : But Why... You are worrying me!!

Kaniha : Nothing.

Lena : Fine... See... I am Sorry I got Us here... It is my fault we had to talk about your Failed Relationship with Shyam... I am Sorry if that hurt you... But... Okay... Maybe, I am just going to hurt you more... I cannot stop myself from telling this to you... Kaniha... It was always on the cards... He was never the Right One for you!!

Kaniha : Hhmm...

Lena : That is the Truth... You were aware of it!! You always were aware of it... Kaniha... Bae... Please Don't think about him, and bring yourself more pain... You are already feeling so low, and talking about him has made you all stressed... Well... You have been ever since he came in to your Life!!

Kaniha : Why are you so adamant about it??

Lena : About What??

Kaniha : About making me convinced that he is the only problem I have!!

Lena : Because, I know HE is the problem... I know what you are thinking now... I know why you are feeling bad... I know why you wish he was still around... Look... I just want to tell you that none of this is your fault!! You really don't have to worry!! You have a great future ahead of you!!

Kaniha : K.

Lena : What!! Listen... Just Don't Be Upset!!

Kaniha : I am Not!!

Lena : Okay... Just don't let anything disturb you!!

Kaniha : K.

Lena : Come On... Don't get angry!!

Kaniha : I am not angry.

Lena : Kaniha... Look... You know what it is... You know why I am saying all this... I very well remember the day he had come to see you... The First Time you two met... I was there at your place, for the Function... He was never the Right Person... And I straightaway knew that... I knew that the moment you told me how it went!! I will just not forget him asking you whether you were a Virgin?? That was so Cheap, and underlined the crudeness of his Character!!

Kaniha : Lena... That was a Common Question from the Groom-To-Be, back in those days... Everybody used to ask that to the Girl, before they said YES to the Alliance!!

Lena : I know... But, What made him ask you that?! You looked so Innocent!!

Kaniha : I looked innocent, I Agree!! But You and I both know I was not really Innocent!! I don't think I need to remind you of anything... You yourself did mention a while ago about the kind of Girls we were!!

Lena : Okay... I understand you are in No Mood to be Consoled, and it is Facts you are Interested in... But... Still?!

Kaniha : Yaaa...

Lena : What Yaaa?? You sound like I am the only one who is unhappy about it!! You are talking as if everything was Perfect between Shyam & You!! He was always a Loser!!

Kaniha : Lena... I did not like it... Isn't that something easily understandable?! Nobody would like to be Questioned about their Virginity... I too did not like it... Especially because of the reality that I was taking the effort to get ready for Shyam... I spent One Full Night trying to forget Aftab, and commit myself to the man My Parents wanted me to Marry... It was difficult, but the chances of settling down with my then Boyfriend was also very less, thanks to him being from another Religion, and I did not want to hurt the Families... Dad liked Shyam, and Shyam was the one I thought... I had taken the effort... And, So, I fairly felt let down when he asked me about my past... But Still, he actually was right about asking me that Question... See... I thought it was fair on his side to ask me that... He would have had his share of worries, and doubts, and all kinds of MALE ISSUES... To Top it All, there was no denying I had been brutally opened up even the Day before he came to see me... So... I always felt he was Right, and I was convinced I was Wrong!! I was Angry at him, that particular moment, but then I was also blushing the very next second!! I know I should have still been careful, and I know I failed, and I know you had Warned Me, and I know You remember that... But... At that time, I felt he did not mean any harm... I felt he was just making sure he had nothing to be worried about when he Started A Life with Me... I felt he Deserved the Chance to Ask... Honestly, I felt He was being Cute!!

Lena : DAFUQ!! Cute?! I Think I am going to have a Heart Attack!! Lol... If you were so understanding, and if you even found his Shittiest Nonsense to be Cute, Why the Divorce now?!

Kaniha : Things turned bad... Quickly...

Lena : Don't Say That... Definitely, Not Very Quickly... It was always bad!! Admit It!!

Kaniha : Fine... Because, I could not take it anymore!! I was done suffering!!

Lena : Take What Anymore??

Kaniha : You Know!!

Lena : I knew... I thought I knew... I don't think so now... I don't know what exactly you have been doing being his Wife, all these years.

Kaniha : Lena... You Know how it was!!

Lena : How Was It?? You never had a problem with him asking you about your Virginity, the very first time he ever saw you... What could have been more bad?! Enlighten Me!! What more regressive an incident would have happened in your life!!

Kaniha : You don't understand!!

Lena : Ya Right!! I don't!! Nobody will Understand this!! Nobody would understand what bigger problem HE could have given You, when what was supposed to Break You did not leave you Broken... Hell!! It Made You Fall For Him!!

Kaniha : Lena... I don't want to argue... An argument is the last thing I want now!!

Lena : What do you want then?? Tell Me...

Kaniha : Look... He was getting too annoying... It was just a case of me not able to take it anymore!! He was just too annoying!!

Lena : He always was!!

Kaniha : But He never acted like a creep... I did not feel that, all those years.

Lena : He always did... You know that.

Kaniha : Okay... He did show serious signs... But... I thought he was just Joking Around!!

Lena : Joking Around?! For How long can someone get away with the Joking Around thing!! I don't know how you allowed yourself to Categorize his Actions in the Joking-Around Tier!! Kaniha... He always showed those signs... You never really wanted to accept you were realizing it, until he kept bringing Home more and more of those Printed Masks!!

Kaniha : But he was always around... Always helping me with the Dishes!!

Lena : The Perfect Husband!! WOW!! Lucky You!!

Kaniha : It was only a few months ago that he totally lost it... He was completely neglecting me only after that... I don't know how to put it... He was always with me... But... You Know... It wasn't ME who he wanted Me to be!!

Lena : You Let Him do that to You!! I feel Sorry for you, Kaniha... But... I don't know... You must have thought it was him trying to have some Kinky Sex with you... Right?!

Kaniha : I feel so ashamed to admit that to you!!

Lena : It is Okay...

Kaniha : You know how things were... I feel so bad... I don't even know what he had in his head, all the time he spent with me!! He just broke me!! He was just not mine, and I couldn't take it!!

Lena : Yes... I know!! He had not been yours ever since he got addicted to the Bollywood Bitch Katherine Khan, and unfortunately, that addiction started a long time ago... Ever since she made her Debut... Ever since she ruthlessly exposed her body... Look... He never was Yours, Kaniha... You do understand what I am saying... Don't You?! He never really Touched You... And... You Know... Whenever he did, you hardly felt it... He was never the one... As you said, he always was around, but it is anybody's guess that he had also stopped acknowledging the fact that you even existed!! He clearly saw Somebody Else in You, and by Living with those Printed Masks Covering Your Face, you let him do that to you!! I am Sorry, but I had to say this!!

Kaniha : It's Okay... And... You are Right!! It was My Mistake... I should have been more careful... I just let myself think he was doing it out of Love... And... He was Reigniting or Restarting or Rather Simply Starting Our mostly non-existent Carnal Life!! I did not know he was so into that Actress, and I did not know he was using me to fulfil his Dirty Fantasies!!

Lena : Not Your Fault!! It Happens... Nobody would have guessed his intentions were so wicked!! Also, he started making it so obvious only very recently.

Kaniha : Yes!! It was very close to the time I seriously thought about Splitting that I even fully confirmed he was a Man so Filthy!! Thank You so much for helping me Get Out of that Relationship, Lena...

Lena : He acted like a Professional Pervert... I Mean... He was One!! I always knew that!! I always knew you would someday need my help!!

Kaniha : Yaaa...

Lena : If you are agreeing to all of it, why can't you simply agree to my claim of him not being the right choice for you? What the hell is your problem?? Why do you have to fight for him?? You are an Idiot to have spent so much trying to Justify a Total Loser's Actions!! No wonder you got what you got!!

Kaniha : Please... You are making me feel miserable!! I just wanted some kind of Support... I was hoping to get that from you... It is just that you are... See... I don't know... I don't know what I am even saying... He would have been of use here... He would have taken care of Kishan... I am just... I feel like I want to cry!!

Lena : What are you even saying... Kaniha...

Kaniha : Lena... I don't know... I feel so... I think I am going to break down...

Lena : I am sorry, Kaniha... I did not mean to hurt you... This is not something I want to tell you... I just want you to know it is not your mistake... Look... But I still cannot imagine how you let him do that to you for such a long time... I wish I do not say anything more about him... And... I don't want to hurt you being so brutally honest, and I am also just angry... But you went through that disturbing ordeal for so many days... I don't think I would have survived it... I don't think anybody would have survived it!! What he did to you, is a Criminal Offence!! I mean... Who would make his Own Wife put on Printed Face Masks of a Bollywood Actress, for him to Look & Fap to!! Horrifying!! Not to forget him making you wear Undersized Kinky Clothes & Inner-Wear, for him to Click Pictures, and Post in Social Media, through his Fake Accounts!! I cannot even... I don't even want to think about it!! How can someone treat somebody as a Sexual Object!! I can still try to understand his Crazy Liking for Katherine Khan, and I can also try to Pardon his Sensual Cravings to give her Cum-Tributes, but Why Did he Involve You!! Why did he have to Make You Act Like Her, and Why did he have to Shoot His Load On Your Body!! He could have just wasted his useless semen down the drain!!

Kaniha : Don't you think we should stop talking about Him?? You know I don't want any of those Memories. You are only making it worse!!

Lena : I know... I Am Sorry!! I am just angry... I still cannot believe he dared to hit you the day one of his Fake Accounts got banned, for Overly Posting Explicit Content... His meaningless frustration... Shit!! Why can't I stop talking about it!!

Kaniha : The Time at the Resort could be a better Topic...

Lena : Lol!! Ohh Bae!! I am so proud of you... I am so happy you have come of that Toxic Relationship!! Shyam always was a Bad Person!! He was Never the Right One for You!! You just did not understand that!!

Kaniha : I think we really should start Talking about What more Happened at the Resort!! We are Straying!!

Lena : We already have Strayed!! We are Two Lost MILFS!! Lol!!

Kaniha : I meant... Stray from the Topic!! Not a lot of People will like it!!

Lena : Hahahaha... Right!! I usually prefer having the details without any kind of complications... But, I also never thought this Conversation of ours was going to be a straightforward affair... Hehehe... And... I am Glad... So, The People reading your Texts are also really glad you told all those things... They at-least now know what to expect... So Be Ready... I Now Know What I Should Be Asking You Next!!

Kaniha : The Experience I had at the Resort desperately needs to be shared with you... Hehehehe...

Lena : For Once, You seem to be very keen on telling me what exactly transpired!! Must say that You are getting me excited!! Hope you won't disappoint me!! Hahahaha!!

Kaniha : Lol!! I have used this technique before, as well!!

Lena : I know!! You always do it!! You always do this when you want to Change the Topic of Discussion... Mostly, when you want me to stop talking about your Dad!!

Kaniha : Shut Up, Lena!! I Hate You!!

Lena : Hehehehe... You yourself are acknowledging it!! But it's fine if you don't want to go to that... We can talk about it later!! Lol!!

Kaniha : I am telling you Nothing more!! Bye!!

Lena : You are telling me Nothing more about your Dad?! Nooo... Hehehehe...

Kaniha : Hhhmmm...

Lena : Haha!! Tell Me... What Happened at the Resort??

Kaniha : Nothing!!

Lena : Come On!! I can sense you are thrilled about telling that to me.

Kaniha : Hehehe...

Lena : Aahaa... So, it's real... Definitely something extremely enticing has happened there... You wouldn't be so eager otherwise!! Your current desire to shed light on the events at the Resort is beginning to look more and more like an announcement that you have found redemption... Hehehe... Bitch... Tell Me... Tell Me what this something hot enough to wipe away all your sorrows is!!

Kaniha : Stop being so Dramatic... It is nothing like that!! Just A Normal Thing!!

Lena : Normal Thing?? Whooaaa!! Did not know you had it in you!!

Kaniha : It was just that!!

Lena : You can lie!! Your Pussy cannot!!

Kaniha : Hehehehe...

Lena : I See... You are Blushing, aren't you?! Nice... All Credits to the Young Dude, I must say!! And... I can also conveniently guess You are Leaking, thinking about everything he gifted you!!

Kaniha : Lol!!

Lena : He gave you a great pounding!! That is for sure!! The delight you are exhibiting now is clearly not just from what the Old Uncle gave you!!

Kaniha : Well...

Lena : Say It... Say Yes!!

Kaniha : I Think Yes.

Lena : Slutty Whore... You seemed to have been on Quite A Roll!! You have already confessed to 2 Erotic Encounters, and that itself is already a lot for somebody who began the conversation claiming Nothing Major Happened at the Resort!! Who knows what all you are keeping in the dark!! I am very positive of the fact you that you have done a lot more than just that there!!

Kaniha : There were just 2!! Really!! Trust Me!!

Lena : Ya Ya... We will get to that!!

Kaniha : I Swear!!

Lena : At-least wholeheartedly confess that you wish to fuck the two again!! Or... At-least tell me who among the two is the one you would like to go for another round with!!

Kaniha : Come On, Lena... I don't feel that!! I am done with Both of them!!

Lena : Liar!!

Kaniha : I mean it!!

Lena : Why??

Kaniha : Because I have had enough!!

Lena : No No No!! No Way!! Those 2 are definitely forever your Go-To Men!! I know you have it all planned!! I now know what you meant when you said you TALKED with Mr. Diwakar, after you finished with him. I can guess you would have TALKED with the Youngster too!! I just want to know who the Other Men in your List are!! Hahaha!!

Kaniha : That is Not True!! I have Planned Nothing!! I have nothing more to do with those Men!!

Lena : Yeah?! You expect me to believe that??

Kaniha : Why can't you?? I have not done anything before that would tempt you to not believe me!! Besides, You are the Planner here... The Bloody Plotter!!

Lena : You have MEN waiting for you... Wooohooo... Slutty MILF Kaniha has got MEN waiting for her!! Lol!!

Kaniha : Ohh Yeah?? Is That So?! Well Then, What About You?? Who are your Go-To Men?? How Many of them are in your List?! Ohh, I Forgot... You have too Many!! All Men are Your Men!! Fuck... You cannot even Fit them all in a Single List!! It must be taking you days to even decide on whom to Spread Your Legs for!!​
Next page: Chapter 03.4
Previous page: Chapter 03.2