Chapter 03.4
Lena : Not Really... I have another Special Group, formed after further filtering My Most Frequent Go-To Men List, to make sure I have the Best Men ready for Quick Selection!! Hehehehe... Lena 2 - Kaniha 0... Lol!!
Kaniha : Arakshan is Number 1 in that Special List, I know.
Lena : Maybe...
Kaniha : Who else do you have in that Extra Regular Extra Special List of yours?? Who else are you planning to add to it?? Shameless Slut!!
Lena : Do You mind telling what this is really about?? Lol!!
Kaniha : Who are you going to Fuck when he is not around?? You cannot simply choose Number 2, because he is Number 2 for a reason!! You got to have proper Backups!! There must be somebody like that!! Somebody you would have risked a lot to get in that List!!
Lena : Oh Okay... Thank You for the consideration and compassion... And, for your kind information... I do have Backups... In-fact, Plenty Of Them!!
Kaniha : Still... There would be A Very Special Other Man there... The Safest... The Most Bankable... The One That Guarantees Excitement... The One That Would be There, even when no one else is around... The One That Would Put Everything On The Line For You!!
Lena : There are a few like that... But sadly, Nobody you know!!
Kaniha : Ohhh... That is Sad... Very Sad!!
Lena : I know...
Kaniha : But A Lie!!
Lena : Hahaha... What do you mean by that!! Come On... Why would I lie!!
Kaniha : You are not lying??
Lena : I don't have to!!
Kaniha : Tell Me A Name!!
Lena : What.. What Name??
Kaniha : Somebody... Somebody I know must be in that List... Just give me One Name.
Lena : What The Hell!! There really is nobody... Nobody for now, I guess!! Lol... Maybe you may get to know some of them later... Hahaha... Can't say... Or Maybe, Who Knows... You may just snatch My Men and Put Them in Your List!! Damn... The thought of us Sharing the Same Cock is making me so wet... Hehehe...
Kaniha : Shut Up!! Just Shut Up!!
Lena : What?? I don't mind...
Kaniha : Stop It!! Just Stop It!!
Lena : What is Wrong with you??
Kaniha : Not In The Mood for Jokes!!
Lena : I am actually serious about that idea!! It is going to be so much fun!!
Kaniha : Give Me A Name!! Just Give Me A Name!!
Lena : Kaniha... What is this about... Are you actually angry??
Kaniha : Hehehe... Just Give Me A Name...
Lena : Okay... Hareendar?? Is that good?? He is not there in that List... Actually, he is not there in any of My Active Lists... Lol!! But, I don't mind doing him again, when I get a chance, and because he is the only other person among My Men you might really know, I don't mind doing him whenever possible, just to give you the pleasure!! Hehehehe...
Kaniha : Now, Who is that??
Lena : Great... I thought you would remember... The Distant Relative of My Ex-Husband... That Guy!!
Kaniha : The Old Bugger??
Lena : The Ass Grabber!!
Kaniha : Lol!! Him?!
Lena : Yes, Him... I Mean... Maybe, Him... Hahahaha...
Kaniha : But... I don't really know him!!
Lena : Yeah...
Kaniha : So... Not Him!! Cannot Be Him!!
Lena : What?? Cannot Be Him?! What do you mean by that?? What exactly are you hoping for??
Kaniha : You told me about him only a while ago, and I don't think I ever had a glance of him, to even remember what he looks like.
Lena : That is also correct...
Kaniha : Give me somebody I really know... Someone more interesting!!
Lena : But... Still... What is wrong with the Hareendar guy?? You may not really know him, but I told you about him... And... He was interesting enough!! It is Only Sex, anyway!! Lol!!
Kaniha : He was not the One I expected!!
Lena : Excuse Me?! Wait... What exactly are you trying here??
Kaniha : What??
Lena : What do you want?? What are you looking for??
Kaniha : Give me somebody younger, Lena... Check that List of yours, again!!
Lena : I am Sorry... But... What do you want from me?? I don't understand... We are still doing this just for fun, Right?! You are just messing with me, acting all weird... Right?!
Kaniha : Yeah... Of Course... There is Nothing else!! All Fine!!
Lena : Cool!!
Kaniha : Why do you ask that?? You feel there is more to it??
Lena : No!! Haha!!
Kaniha : Is there something that you want to tell me??
Lena : What do you mean by that??
Kaniha : Can't you follow my language?!
Lena : Kaniha... You are the one who is supposed to be telling me things... You are the one who is back after the experience of a lifetime... Lol... Hahahaha... So Stop Playing Around, and Start Talking!!
Kaniha : Fine!!
Lena : Now just tell me this first... How old was the Second One?? 27?!
Kaniha : What??
Lena : The Younger Dude... The Kid... The Boy!! How old was he?? 25?!
Kaniha : Noo!!
Lena : Then?!
Kaniha : He was just a boy!! I think he was just around 18... Or 19!!
Lena : What?? No Way!! Really??
Kaniha : Yeah... He was just 18 or 19... Maybe 20... Under 21, for sure!! I clearly remember him telling me he is yet to finish College.
Lena : What... How did he even get himself there?! Who let him inside the Resort!!
Kaniha : Why that Question?? Is there an Age-Limit to enter the Property?? All that Happens there is No Secret?? I had no idea they were so openly Promoting Sex!!
Lena : No No... That is not what I meant... They are not going around calling it a Sex Paradise... Lol!! I just wanted to stress on the truth that they do make it really difficult for Stags to Book A Room there... Especially the Young Ones... They just don't want things to go completely Out Of Control, too!! Lol!!
Kaniha : Ohh I See!!
Lena : I feel he was just too young to be there on his own!! I mean... Who Was He?? Did you just get laid with some Super Rich Brat, we may soon see in Page 5 Magazine?! Lol!! Was he the kind of 19 Year Old who would feel he is spending his Pocket Money only if he feels he has wasted enough on stuff he shouldn't be buying?? The type who Celebrate their Birthdays in Ultra Luxurious Yachts, with even the Mothers of Their Best Friends happily flaunting their Naked Assets, to keep their Sons in the Good Books of the Millionaire!! Was he one of them?? Otherwise, How did he get the privilege to be in one of India's Most Expensive Resorts?! We Women get it Cheap, but that is another thing... Or Wait!! Wait!! Did you just Make this all Up?? Lol!! Feels very very unlikely you have had any kind of Action at the Resort!! But I also don't think you have had enough of anything to even have the kind of Imagination required to Create this Story!!
Kaniha : HHHMMM...
Lena : Hehehe... Just Kidding... And Just a little too Curious... How did he get there?? You must be knowing that!!! Tell Me... How did he?? And, how did you get him?? Hehe... Give me the Information I need, Girl!!
Kaniha : Okay... I did not know all these intricate details about the Resort, and so, I did not care to actually think about it... Neither did I feel the need to be really bothered about his Identity when he was Fucking me, because I thought it was something we were doing in Private, and I believed only I was there for Sex, and he was just a Regular Tourist, despite the fact that it was a given than anybody there would surely feel they are living inside A Porn Movie!! Having said that, after carefully reading what you just sent me, and recollecting what the Boy had told me, I am feeling a little perplexed!! Because... The Boy did tell me later that he was there with his Mom!! I now don't know what it means!!
Lena : Hahahaha... Okay!! So, He wasn't Alone!! Thank You!! Now, getting to the Next Part... Did you just tell me that the Boy who you had Sex with, fucked you the same time someone else was fucking his Mother, and that too, only a few meters away?! Superb!! The State of Our Country!! The Complexity of Your Restrained Texting!!
Kaniha : He did not tell me that... I am just being forced to think about the chances!!
Lena : Lol!! That is an obvious truth, Bae!! Don't be so naive... You did not need my Resort Tour to confirm what his Mummy was up to!!
Kaniha : It did not hit me then!! It did not feel like he was worried about his Mom being taken!! It even did not seem like he knew anything about it!!
Lena : Maybe... Because he did not have a problem with it... He must have been used to it!! Lol!!
Kaniha : Come On... One can understand such things... The Boy was only a little confused... It never was like he was going through something so hurtfully disgusting!! His Mother must have been Sleeping, and him just Relaxing Outside!!
Lena : Where did you meet him?? Swimming Pool, again?!
Kaniha : Noo!! Not There!!
Lena : Hehe... Then Where?? The Lobby?? I am sure you must have met him when he was desperately trying to stay as far away as he could from his Dirty Mummy!! Lol!!
Kaniha : Lena... Look... I found him sitting outside his Cottage, when I was walking back to My Room after the Trek. He looked mostly relaxed, and perfectly normal!! He did not look like he was compelled to be outside the Cottage, and neither did I feel the need to think something immoral was happening Inside.
Lena : Okay... I Agree... A Little!! See... What I feel is, he was there where you found him on his own terms, but why he decided to do that was definitely because what was happening inside the Cottage was what he was not supposed to see!! I think your stupid self just failed to understand this Complicated Philosophy!! Hehehe...
Kaniha : I don't know... Maybe, it is you who can expertly decipher such Immoral Activities, and Maybe, I am No Pro... I just did not feel something was wrong!! All I know is that he Fucked me Hard and he did me a lot of good!! My Whole Body was drenched in Sweat after the Trek, and only my Pussy was not Wet, and he made sure he got that too to Start Leaking!!
Lena : Lol!! Horny Ho!!
Kaniha : I Know... Thank You!!
Lena : Wait Wait Wait!! Did you go for the Naked Trek??
Kaniha : Well... Maybe!!
Lena : Bitch!! Did you get Fucked during the Trek??
Kaniha : Maybe!!
Lena : Slut!! Liar!! Cheat!!
Kaniha : Hahahaha!! Chill!! No... I Did Not!! Nothing Happened!! I would have told you if there was something I had to tell you... It was just a Normal Trek!!
Lena : I don't trust you... You talking about the Trek multiple times is a Sensual Sign, and you mentioning earlier about the Dirty Scribblings you happened to see is more than just a Slip of Tongue... Something Happened... Your Pussy started Dripping even before you met the Boy!! I really won't trust you with your Nothing-Happened-During-The-Trek Tale!!
Kaniha : As If I Care!! Lol!!
Lena : Ugghh... I am going to Kill You!! Bitch!! I am going to make your life more miserable... I Promise You That!!
Kaniha : Hahahaha... I don't think you can do that, because I already am living a bad one!! And... Even if you still manage to do that... It won't change the fact that I have a Young Man's Seeds deep inside me!!
Lena : Bloody Whore!! You are so lucky to have had such a Young Boy as your First Young Mate... I thought you were cursed when you told me about your Very Old Mate, and when I heard about the kind of session it ultimately turned out to be, I thought the Stars were Smiling down on you, for once, and you would soon be back to your Sad Self. But Now... When You tell me about your Second Encounter... I am Starting to Think whether it is Greatness that is awaiting you!!
Kaniha : Lol!! You are Mad!!
Lena : I Am Serious!! I wanted to shed my inhibitions so badly, and yet My First Time with Men less than my age was with a Bank Employee in his late Twenties... I desperately needed a Loan... Yeah... But... See... I was only a few years elder to him then, and it did not feel like a big difference from what I was already getting. The Only Takeaway from the incident was that it made it clear to me that the Younger Generation thought & acted completely unlike Our Men!! I don't need to tell you all that... Hehehe... So... How did it feel to have someone so Young & Inexperienced inside you, so early in your Career, and how did it feel to take control of him?! Well... I do know how it feels, and I am just trying to re-confirm!! Lol o Lol!!
Kaniha : I felt Odd!!
Lena : What?? You are such a loser to have felt so!!
Kaniha : Let Me Complete!! I felt Odd... But At The Same Time, it felt Great... He did not look like he was all that inexperienced... He was helping me Adjust to the Rhythm of his Thrusts... However, It was still like he had got himself Theoretically Trained, and I did feel he did not have a lot of Real Action before this... But, it was Great!! He did make mistakes of a Non-Regular, and he was the opposite of what the Old Man was, but he definitely seemed to know a lot about Sex... And, Of Course, it's after-effects!! He even asked me to take a Pill, once he was done Ejaculating... All In All, he was a Smart Lad, who could sometimes tempt People around him to wonder whether he was all that fine!! Not exactly Abnormal... But Still... You Know... And... That is again just my feeling, but in general, it was All Good!!
Lena : Whoa Whooaaa... Explain Explain... More More... Tell Me Everything!! How did it Start?? Where did you guys Do it?? Intriguing Stuff this!! Hehehe...
Kaniha : Well... It started like how it is supposed to start... How it always starts... Hehe...
Lena : And, How is that!!
Kaniha : You Know...
Lena : I don't...
Kaniha : So... It started with... Hi... Hello... How Are you... Like how every other regular conversation would be...
Lena : Go On... Continue... Please...
Kaniha : Hehe... I don't know what made me feel like talking to him... There was nothing truly attractive about him... Even I looked least capable of making him interested in any kind... But... We still talked for a good few minutes...
Lena : Ugghh... Okay... About What??
Kaniha : Hehehe... You can guess!!
Lena : I can't!! Just Tell Me... Will You?! Loser!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!! You know what it must have been... Okay... Both of us bluntly lied to each-other, for around 10 Minutes, regarding why we were there!! Hehe... As simple as that!! Happy?!
Lena : Lol!! Now it makes sense... Hehe...
Kaniha : I like it when you are about to lose your patience...
Lena : No... You don't... Hehe!!
Kaniha : Aah, Yes!! Let me better explain things fast!!
Lena : Good!!
Kaniha : Hehe... So we talked and talked... Until we had nothing more to talk about... I mean... We lied and lied... Until we had nothing more to lie about!!
Lena : Get to the details... You Fool!!
Kaniha : Hahaha... Okay... Sorry... And... Once we knew we had nothing more to tell each other, we just shut ourselves up... And... There was this very long gap... But... Both of us just kept looking into each-other's eyes.
Lena : Have you lost the plot?? What all are you saying, Kaniha!!
Kaniha : Look... We just stared at each other... It was like... We were... I mean... Like... We had some kind of connection... I could see a lot of pain in his eyes... And... I am sure he too could see the same pain in my eyes...
Lena : Pain?! Kaniha!!
Kaniha : We both easily sensed either of us were in a lot of pain... The kind of pain one cannot explain... Helpless... Disturbed... Lonely... Depressed...
Lena : Stop This Nonsense... Just tell me nothing happened with the boy, and all you did was say goodbye, and move on!! I am tired of listening to your cooked up tales.
Kaniha : Arey... You don't understand... That was exactly the problem... We just could not say goodbye!! We had nothing to talk about... But... We just kept looking at each-other!!
Lena : Did anything happen at all?? Stop Wasting My Time!!
Kaniha : A Lot Happened!! Hehehe...
Lena : Then... Tell me What Happened!!
Kaniha : Suddenly... Like... All of a sudden... Something happened!!
Lena : What happened!!
Kaniha : He winked at me...
Lena : Winked at you?? What difference can a wink make!!
Kaniha : I don't know... But... There was something about it... Almost Magical... The way he smiled at me, after he winked!!
Lena : Magical?? Kaniha... What is this stupid shit!! What on earth is going on here!!
Kaniha : Not Real Magic... Not Magic as in Real... It just felt like that... His smile had a very innocent pure feel to it, and it seemed like he was smiling to someone he always knew, and cared for, and loved, and it surprised me... It pulled me towards him... I moved closer to him... I felt forced to be right next to him...
Lena : And...
Kaniha : I smiled back...
Lena : Shut Up... And... Get Lost!!
Kaniha : Wait... Listen... I am not done...
Lena : Fuck You!! I have waited long enough!!
Kaniha : Hehe... I Know... Even I had waited for long, looking forward to what his next move will be.
Lena : You Are Mad!! I am going...
Kaniha : I expected him to say something sweet... I thought he was all set to make me feel happy with his positive words... Only for him to totally shock me...
Lena : What did he do?? What did he say!!
Kaniha : You won't believe it!!
Lena : Will you just tell me what he told you!!
Kaniha : You are hot!!
Lena : I know... I mean... Why are you telling me that now!!
Kaniha : YOU ARE HOT... That is what he told me!!
Lena : Oh... But... What is there in that to be so shocked about!! Nothing that will make me not believe you!!
Kaniha : Let me complete...
Lena : Whatever...
Kaniha : He himself looked surprised he had told that to me... But before I could even think about what to reply... He also asked me Whether He Can Fuck Me!!
Lena : Whooaa... What...
Kaniha : I am serious!!
Lena : How did you react... I Mean... I know what ultimately happened... And... I know it is no big deal there... But... It had shocked you... So... What was your initial reaction!! What did you do... What did you reply??
Kaniha : Fuck Me...
Lena : What!!
Kaniha : Fuck Me... Now...
Lena : Idiot... Not that... Stop Trying To Talk Dirty to me... You Suck In It Anyway... Stop It... And, just tell me what you told him!!
Kaniha : Fuck Me... Now...
Lena : Uggghhhh... I am going to kill you... What did you tell him!!
Kaniha : FUCK ME!! NOW!!
Lena : You are going to... Ohh... Shitt... No... Really??
Kaniha : Hehehe...
Lena : Bloody Bitch... Slut!! That is what you told him?? Like... Straightaway??
Kaniha : There were a lot of things I had in my mind at that time... But all I could say to him was that...
Lena : Haha!! I completely understand!! Lol!!
Kaniha : I Love You...
Lena : I Love You More, Bae...
Kaniha : Hehehe...
Lena : Tell Me... What happened next...
Kaniha : I was actually more than just stunned that I was being so raunchy... Even he knew I was a little shaken... But it was like... We both had already come to an agreement... We both knew what was going to happen... It was as if We both knew this was meant to take place... Something like we had both so far lived a very Cursed Life, and we both had been Gifted With Boons to make our lives better...
Lena : I cannot accept you are Being So Philosophical in the middle of this... Are you alright??
Kaniha : Hehehe... I Am... And... What I am trying to say is... The Boy used the Boon he had to make me want him... Or Maybe, I should just say that I used the Boon I had to make him make me want him!!
Lena : What?? Lol... What are you High On!!
Kaniha : Hehehehehehehehe...
Lena : How is this... Fine... Leave It... Where did you do it with him?? At-least tell me that properly!!
Kaniha : I first thought he would propose to do me in the very Veranda of the Cottage he was sitting outside of... Right There... Right Then... But... He Did Not!! And... That is why I feel whatever was happening inside the Cottage was Nothing Carnal... I mean... It could still may have been something carnal... But definitely Nothing Wicked, or Sinful... Because if that was the case, he would have chose to do me there itself...