Chapter 03.5

Lena : What is this...

Kaniha : See... No boy would be able to fully not care if his mother was doing something filthy... That is a fact!! However evil he is!! Also, he could not have been as shy either, when I asked who was inside, after hearing certain very provocative cries coming from the other side of the door... Hehe...

Lena : Ever since you started talking about this Guy... This Young Guy... You sound like A Possessed Bewitched Useless Female... Too many Inconsistencies in The Narration... Very Poorly Compiled... I cannot even follow half of what you are saying!! And Also, this is already too long... So long that nobody will care!! Aarghh... I asked you where you did it, and you only have all these unwanted uninteresting shit to tell me... What is the point you are even trying to make!!

Kaniha : You still seem to be very interested.

Lena : Fine...

Kaniha : Hehehe... What I am trying to suggest is... He knew who was inside... I Mean... He knew both of them... One was obviously his Mom... And... Her Companion... I feel... It was only his Dad with her!!

Lena : Why?? Why do you even think like that!! Hell... Why are you even telling me all this... Aarrrhhghhh... Why am I still asking you questions... Look... Kaniha... It was not his Dad... Come On... It could have been anyone other than his Dad!! Maybe, some of his Friends... And... Maybe, his Mom was never there... He just lied... You know!! You both were lying to each-other initially... So... And... Maybe, he really was this Very Rich Boy... He was there with his Gang of Friends, and with some Young Sexy Girl they managed to pick up!!

Kaniha : But... He told me he was there with his Mom...

Lena : He specifically told you his Mom was inside?? No... Right?!

Kaniha : Yes... He did!!

Lena : Really??

Kaniha : Yeah... And...

Lena : What...

Kaniha : He also did say it was after a very long time that he had gone somewhere with his Parents!!

Lena : What are you trying to say??

Kaniha : I am just trying to confirm to you that it was indeed his Dad who was inside the Cottage with his Mom.

Lena : What!! No Way!! Impossible!! I Mean... Who would plan A Family Trip to Cheery Times... Nobody can be so stupid... Just Too Impossible!! He was simply lying... I don't know why... But... I can guess... He was just lying!!

Kaniha : I don't think so... It was not like only that additional detail would give him a chance with me!! He did not have to lie to me!!

Lena : If he was always being honest, he would have also clearly told he was there with his Dad and Mom, very early... I don't think he did that!! He said nothing about his Dad!!

Kaniha : He did not!! But... How does that matter... He owed me nothing... There was no rule that stated he had to tell me everything, right away. Also... He told me just a few minutes later that he was there with his Parents!!

Lena : Did he use the Word DAD??

Kaniha : Parents means Dad and Mom!!

Lena : Not Necessarily!!

Kaniha : What?? Then...

Lena : Stepdad and Mom, too...

Kaniha : What difference does that make!!

Lena : Stepdad could be anybody!!

Kaniha : I know that!!

Lena : Somebody Young too... Younger than his Mom... As Young As The Boy himself!! Aaahh... See... Whoever it was with his mother, he did not have a problem... That is the reality, Kaniha!! The Boy knew what was happening inside the room, and he just did not have a problem, because he was always prepared to accept his mom being with other men!! It was just that!!

Kaniha : Huh!! What... No... Lena... It was just his Dad... His Own Dad!! It was nothing else!!

Lena : Why are you trying so hard to defend him!! Love-Struck?? Again?!

Kaniha : Why do you want to make everybody look like Cheap Sex-Craving Freaks??

Lena : You yourself told me the Boy was not all that OK... His Family could also be Not That OK!!

Kaniha : See... That is not what I meant... I am sure he was there with his Real Parents... His Mom was with his Dad.

Lena : Did he mention about his Dad anytime later... During your time together??

Kaniha : It was not a must that he did!!

Lena : Did He??

Kaniha : No!! Why would he!!

Lena : He would have... If his Dad was really there!!

Kaniha : That is such a baseless assumption!!

Lena : Did he mention about his Mom... I Mean... Later, too??

Kaniha : Err... Yes...

Lena : That is exactly what I am trying to say... He told you a lot more about his Mom, because she really was there!! He would have told you more about his Dad, if he too really was there!! But... He Never Did!!

Kaniha : No... He Did Not...

Lena : See...

Kaniha : But... It could also be something like he was more comfortable talking about his Mom... It seemed like that... Like he was more attached to his Mom...

Lena : What Is This Bullshit!!

Kaniha : Or... Maybe... It could be like he was dying to speak about his Mom to somebody, but he never could, and since he got a chance, he talked only about her to me... I don't know... Look... It was not all good things that he told about her, either... I mean... It was not anything very direct... But it seemed to have been connected to her, and it did not sound so right... I actually don't know what it was all about.

Lena : What are you even saying, Kaniha... What has even happened to this Conversation of ours!! Do you want a break or something?? You are already Texting really slow... And... Now... You also seem to be in no mood to make this interesting... This is not what I was expecting... I thought you were going to give me a thrilling account of what happened at the Resort... I am not blaming you... Maybe, a lot of things that happened are what only you can understand... However, this is not really what I was looking forward to... You Know that... I thought things would get better and better as we near the Climax... But... I don't want to be harsh, and leave right now... I just hope you are fine... I know you have told me you did not find that lad to be all that sane... I really hope your interactions with him have not made you insane...

Kaniha : He may not have been very sane... But he sure was truly skilled!! Hehe... Despite the Old Bull completely stretching me, I could still feel him inside me well enough... He certainly was of Good Size!!

Lena : Aah... Well... Now You Are Talking... Nice... This Is What We... I Mean... What I Want To Hear...

Kaniha : I still feel...

Lena : Feel what?? You Mean... You can still feel him in you??

Kaniha : No No...

Lena : Then??

Kaniha : I still feel his Mom was doing what she was doing with his Dad... Only With his Dad!!

Lena : Ugghh... Not Again... And Why?? Why do you think that!! Look... Why do you even have to think about that!!

Kaniha : I don't know... I just feel so... That Is All!!

Lena : What was his name?? What was the Boy's name??

Kaniha : His name can tell you who it was with his Mom??

Lena : No.

Kaniha : Then, Why do you want to know!!

Lena : To confirm he is Not An Alien... Or Rather, Not An Illusion!! Please... Don't even dare to think I am planning to steal him from you!!

Kaniha : Hehehe...

Lena : What was his name?? Does he even have one!!

Kaniha : More appropriate if you asked me whether I had the time to ask him his name!!

Lena : Stop Acting Slutty, You Incapable Loser!! You did nothing with him!! I know that... Nothing at all happened at the Resort... You are making up all of this!!

Kaniha : Fine... Don't believe me... I don't care!!

Lena : Young Man's Seeds deep inside you... My Foot!!

Kaniha : Oho... Yeah?? Well... It was not just that... Definitely not as simple as that... Okay?!

Lena : Yeah?! What was it like then!!

Kaniha : It was certainly a lot more... A Very Very Scintillating Affair... One that concluded only after he Licked My Asshole Clean!!

Lena : What... Shit!! He too?? No Way!!

Kaniha : I Swear!! I actually told you about it a long time ago itself... It certainly is something about that Place... Weed In The Air... Lol!! I don't know... But... I never imagined to see Men act like they would die if they are not allowed to feast on my filthy back-door!!

Lena : Hahaha... Kaniha... You really mean it... Right?! You really are telling me the truth... All of this really happened... Right?!

Kaniha : Why would I lie to you... You may lie to me... But... I won't!!

Lena : Ugghh... Shut Up!! I want to trust you... I know I have to... Because I want to enjoy this naughty narration of yours!! But you are also acting very weird... You don't feel that??

Kaniha : Lena... Listen... It could just be your feeling... It does not mean that it is the truth!! And... I felt the same about him too... I felt even he was acting weird... When he asked me to do it in the wilderness of the unattended space at the back of his Cottage!!

Lena : What The Hell!! Don't tell me you had sex there!! I don't want to tell you this now, but I have heard about a couple of instances where Woman who wandered in that zone where taken against there will by not just Sly Intruders, but even Wild Animals!!

Kaniha : Oh My...

Lena : You still did it there?? Kaniha!!

Kaniha : No No... Chill!!

Lena : Then Where... That Boy is Mad... Tell Me you did not do it in a place he chose!!

Kaniha : Lena... No!! He just suggested that... I don't know why... But... That is not where we did it!!

Lena : Then??

Kaniha : Guess...

Lena : Just Tell Me...

Kaniha : Try Guessing... Hehe...

Lena : Just tell me where it was...

Kaniha : You really have no idea??

Lena : Ugghh... Nooo!!

Kaniha : Hahaha... Lena...

Lena : What...

Kaniha : The Money I spent did not go to waste.

Lena : What??

Kaniha : We had Sex in My Room... I took him to My Room... Hehehe... It was in My Room that we had Sex... Nowhere else!!

Lena : You Bloody Slut!! Hahahaha!!

Kaniha : Thank You!!

Lena : You were bright enough to think about it... Not Bad... Not Bad At All... MILF!!

Kaniha : Lol!! Thank You... Thank You So Much!!

Lena : Hahaha!! Phew... The Room finally came in handy... Great!! And, I am glad you did not settle with doing it in the Garden, either... I was worried you would have selected that location when you told me you decided against the unkempt space behind the Cottages... The Garden there is lovely... But... Too Many Group Activities happen there... Not a good place to Enjoy Sex... And more of an area to Show-Off each-other's Partners... Hehe...

Kaniha : We could not have done it in the Garden even if I had said I wanted to do it there... It was already filled with this huge crowd... It was literally an Orgy!!

Lena : I Know...

Kaniha : And I am very happy I also did not go with whatever was behind the Cottages... Definitely was in no mood to have A Dog or A Horse inside me!!

Lena : Lol!!

Kaniha : Hehehe...

Lena : What happened once you got him to your Room?? What did you do!! What were you thinking??

Kaniha : Truth be told, I badly wanted to Take A Shower... Not that I was ready to wait, and I was seriously craving to have him bang me... But... I was drenched in Sweat... I felt I was stinking after the Trek... And... Talking to him... Ahem... Made me so excited, and I was damp... Everywhere!! I really thought I had to clean myself, if I did not want to make him feel disgusted.

Lena : Hehehe... I know... I know what kind of Dignified Soul you are... Haha!!

Kaniha : Yeah... Yes!!

Lena : So... You made him wait until you finished??

Kaniha : No!!

Lena : Then... Ohh... I see... He gave you a Bath?? Romantic...

Kaniha : Haha... Actually... No!!

Lena : Then...

Kaniha : I did not have to take a shower... I was made to understand that there was no need to!!

Lena : Aah... And... Why?? How!!

Kaniha : I was sure I smelled bad... Like, really bad... But... He hardly cared!! He looked me at for a few seconds... I mean... He lavishly checked me out once inside my well lit room... Hehe... And before I could even ask him whether he would be kind enough to wait till I freshen up and change, he caught me by my bust, pressed my tits a couple of times, pushed my Yellow Colored Sports Bra up above my melons, and started loving my boobs!! I was stunned with the speed of the proceedings, because I seriously thought I was the one who was going to call the shots, but there was no denying the fact that I was thoroughly enjoying his Oral Affection!!

Lena : Fuck!! I think I just rubbed My Clit!!

Kaniha : Lol!!

Lena : Make Me Rub Myself Harder!!

Kaniha : Hehehe... Well... My Neon Green Yoga Pants were gleefully pulled down, and though he did not Fully Strip Me Out Of It, he had got The Access Points conveniently exposed!! His Black Shorts too hastily found itself on his feet... And... Stand And Deliver it soon was!! Hehe... Lena... He Fucked Me So Hard, Lena!! I am sure he made me more sour than Mr. Diwakar had!! It was Awesome!!

Lena : He fucked you from behind?? Swiftly turned you around, and rammed his meat in... Right??

Kaniha : No!! He did me in The Standing Front Position!! He was Long!! I just had to make sure I had My Thick Legs spread wide enough!! He went in and out of me at full throttle!!

Lena : Wow... Wow... And... Also... Before he got you Fully Naked??

Kaniha : Yes!!

Lena : Clothed Sex... Again?? Really?? Twice?! Too Good... Too Lucky... Too Unbelievable!!

Kaniha : This really happened, Lena!! But on this occasion, it was not any kind of kink, or any kind of desire to ascertain dominance like what the Old Man went on to do... This was nothing Bullish, and nothing like my own need to be roughly taken... It was clearly out of desperation this time... Both of us really were at the edge!!

Lena : The Ache for Cock... The Itch for Pussy...

Kaniha : Hehe...

Lena : Bitch!!

Kaniha : Very Soon... The Two of Us were fully in the nude... Totally Bare... And... Missionary on The Bed!!

Lena : Ohohohoho... How Was It??

Kaniha : You know how it must have been like... Hehe... You still want me to explain??

Lena : Yes Yes... Please... Or... Maybe... No... Don't... Don't Explain... This is already too boring... Dirty Stinky Sex never aroused me!!

Kaniha : Hahaha!! Well... Talking about Dirty Stinky Sex... Lena... I guess I forget to tell you regarding how he had vigorously licked my armpits as well, right after he finished sucking my boobies, and well before his penis entered me!! Haha!! For The Record, I did have a mostly newly shaved pussy for him to feast on if he had skipped his meals for the day, but he still choose to rub his tongue up and down my smelly hairy armpits, most probably as a sign of him completely accepting me!! Once he had my yoga pants down, he thoroughly gazed at the shiny view my leaking priced hole offered, bringing his manhood closer to me, only to be made to pause by the sight of my unusually unpleasant pits, when he raised my arms up in the air, while he steadily pushed me towards the wall. I felt very very ashamed, but the way he sniffed either of my underarms, the very next second, and the way he chewed the rough skin all over the axilla, convinced me to believe he was doing a lot more than just rewarding me for using the razor over more sensitive areas!! Hahahaha... Lol!!

Lena : Hhmm...

Kaniha : That is it?? Just Hhmm?? Yeah?? Really??

Lena : Yes.

Kaniha : Stop Being Jealous... For Once!! Lol!!

Lena : Jealous?? Me??

Kaniha : Yes... You!! Don't be jealous... You have already got a lot more than what I ever will!!

Lena : I am not at all jealous... In-fact... You have only managed to tell me a very underwhelming story!!

Kaniha : Yeah?? Maybe I haven't been able to express myself well enough... Maybe I haven't done a good job with typing it all down... You know I always was having trouble giving you a clear picture... So Sorry... I am No Expert... Please Pardon Me... But, there still is one thing I can assure you!! I had the Best Sex of My Life!! You will never get to live something like that!! Slut!! Hehehe...

Lena : I Hate You!!

Kaniha : Hahahaha... Lol!!

Lena : You know what... You are a disgrace... You have no manners... You had no problems in shamelessly serving your dirty stinking body to a well hung young man!! Poor Lad... He must have felt so bad... He will never want to have sex again!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!

Kaniha : I know... I know you would have been much better there... You would have presented your fresh hot body... I know I did bad... And even I did not feel very pleased about the condition of my body... Hehe... Until, we later showered together... Lena... Ohh, Lena... It was such an amazing feeling... My Wet Boobs crushing on his Chest, as I hugged him tight!! Unfortunately, I don't think you will ever get to experience something like that!! You may be Neat and Nice... But Still, Only Use and Throw Material!!

Lena : Damn... You bloody...

Kaniha : What... What... Bae!!

Lena : Ugghhh!!

Kaniha : Hahahaha!!

Lena : You would have kept him if you could... Right?!

Kaniha : Should have...

Lena : I too could have got to meet him...

Kaniha : Don't think so... Hehehe...

Lena : Oh My... Lol!! Possessive... Eh?!

Kaniha : Haha...

Lena : Kaniha... You should have taken him with you... I know you don't want me to see him... Still... You could have at-least kept him for yourself!!

Kaniha : I totally agree... And... I would have asked him if he was interested... I was so close to letting him know I want more of him... But... Something did not seem alright... He looked a bit disturbed...

Lena : What?? Like...

Kaniha : I don't know... It was like he was reminded about something or someone... Something from the Recent Past derailed him!! It disturbed him!!

Lena : I don't understand what you are saying...

Kaniha : I just found him to be suddenly bothered about something.

Lena : After Sex??

Kaniha : Well... Before... After... In The Middle... You Know... When We Were Doing It... Always!!

Lena : What?? Why can't you ever make anything properly clear!!

Kaniha : You told me not to explain!!

Lena : You know I did not really mean that!!

Kaniha : Actually... I did not feel I had to be concerned about it... That is why I did not tell you anything...

Lena : What exactly was it?? What was his problem?? Why was he acting all strange, despite being able to be on the Bed with A Hot MILF!!

Kaniha : Thank You for the compliment... Bae!! Hehe...

Lena : Just Shut Up!!

Kaniha : I think he was having difficulty with focusing... His Concentration Level was Below Zero!!

Lena : What is this guy... Prick!!

Kaniha : No!! No!! He was Sweet!!

Lena : I am going to break you into pieces!!

Kaniha : Hehehe... Lena... Look... I did not bother much about his antics earlier... But after sex, he felt too lost... He felt completely lost... More lost than ever...

Lena : You did not ask him what was happening to him??

Kaniha : I Did...

Lena : And, What did he tell you??

Kaniha : He just told me it has always been like that with him, since the last many months... Like, The Last few Years or so was very taxing... Especially, 2019... And, it had taken a big toll on him...

Lena : Like What?? And... What Happened??

Kaniha : Lena... I don't know... But... See... We all feel lost at times... Right?! It was just like that, I guess... It was nothing else, but him feeling lost.

Lena : Still... Something important must have happened for him to start feeling that way... He could not have been born like that!! He would have told you something!!

Kaniha : Look... He did not give me much details... He just told this and that, every once in a while... I don't know... A lot had happened it seems... A lot of things... Very unusual... And... Very unacceptable... He kept muttering, every now and then...

Lena : What kind of things??​
Next page: Chapter 03.6
Previous page: Chapter 03.4