Chapter 03.6

Kaniha : Things he never thought would happen... He heard what he thought he would never hear... He saw what he thought he would never see!!

Lena : You are worse than him... Kaniha... He did not tell you what exactly was wrong?? How much time did you spent together??

Kaniha : We spent quite a lot of time...

Lena : Great!!

Kaniha : Lena...

Lena : He told you Nothing??

Kaniha : Your Men tell you Everything??

Lena : Huh...

Kaniha : Well... You Yourself don't tell me everything!! Why would the Boy do that then!!

Lena : What... Why do you keep saying that... What is that I have not told you...

Kaniha : There is Nothing??

Lena : No!! And if you still think so, you can stop telling me what you did!!

Kaniha : Sure??

Lena : Uggh... Fine... Hell... Why am I so interested in this... He really told you nothing??

Kaniha : No... But... More than once, it looked like he wanted to open up to me... Free himself of the burden he had been carrying with him for long... Yet, he just forcefully stopped himself from doing that!!

Lena : What was it about?? What is this all about!!

Kaniha : Even I wanted to know... I wanted to ask him... I wanted to compel him to tell me what his problem was... But...

Lena : But...

Kaniha : I did not want to give him more stress... I mean... He had given me a lot of pleasure... And, I thought that the least I could do was not give him unwanted pressure... And... I soon also waved goodbye to him!!

Lena : Is he really Normal??

Kaniha : I don't know... Look... I don't want to say anything bad about him... But, I don't know.

Lena : Oh... My... You... You are Crazy... You never liked Bitching about your men, however dumb they were!!

Kaniha : No... And... See... It was not like he was really dumb... It is not like that... It is just... You Know... There was this Anger in him... Real Anger... He could not deal with it... He was frustrated!! It was like he was very close to exploding with everything he had kept within himself!! He clearly was under a lot of stress, but otherwise, he was Normal!!

Lena : He still had sex with you... He wasn't under too much stress!! That is a given!! Hehehe...

Kaniha : But... He very often also looked distracted...

Lena : Distracted??

Kaniha : Not fully involved.

Lena : He still did you good...

Kaniha : He was great on the bed... Out of it, too... Hehehe

Lena : Slut!!

Kaniha : Thank You!!

Lena : Haha!! Bae... You wish he was less distracted?? So that you could have got more??

Kaniha : No...

Lena : No?! Really?! Why?? What was it then that you were feeling??

Kaniha : I may have truly loved it... And, I will never forget any of it... But, it also was not like he was very fascinated!! Of course, it went really well... However... His Mood Swings were a little worrying... Nothing like I was adamant he should be obsessed with me... But, I felt there was a lot more to it!!

Lena : Like What??

Kaniha : Like... He finally got a chance to release all of his hidden sadness... Perhaps, channel all of his frustration into a sexual act, and get rid of it, at the culmination of the event!! It was like he was busy thinking about something else, imagining him somewhere else, and with someone else... That was how he was when he did it with me!! But, it did not feel like he was doing it to make himself feel nice!! It was more like he was out for vengeance or something!!

Lena : Vengeance?? Now, that is a strong word!!

Kaniha : His emotions were strong!!

Lena : What is this... What could it be?? I am not all being excited, but this is still worth understanding!!

Kaniha : What do you think could have affected him so badly??

Lena : I have no clue... Do you have any idea??

Kaniha : I don't know... But... I was having this twisted feeling...

Lena : What?? You think you know what could have infected him?? Tell Me...

Kaniha : What if it was something like his Dad was always humping his Mom, and that too, always in front of him, and he finally lost it, and he dangerously craved to do the same to someone!!

Lena : What... Kaniha... That is Impossible!! We may have said a lot of things, and we may have also said stuff that are not very common... But, that does not mean anything and everything is Possible!! Moms and Dads keep such things a secret!!

Kaniha : You are saying that?? You of all Mothers?? You of all Moms!!

Lena : Come On... Fucker... I don't do anything in front of My Son!!

Kaniha : Only because you Never had the opportunity to!!

Lena : No... Just No!!

Kaniha : Still, What you Do is No Secret!!

Lena : Secret it was, When it was Me and My Former Husband being Mom and Dad!!

Kaniha : What was there to have been kept a secret, at that time?? Haha!!

Lena : Shut Up!!

Kaniha : Lol!!

Lena : Actually, There was a lot!!

Kaniha : Yeah... Yeah...

Lena : Ugghh!!

Kaniha : Hehe... Okay... Let us not go there... Hhmm... So... Then... What is the actual possibility of Parents planning A Second Honeymoon?? Something like the Son was shocked to witness the newly found love being exhibited by his Mature Parents, and he decided he had to get some action for himself, if he was to overcome the situation!!

Lena : Kaniha... What kind of Parents would do that... No Parents would do that!!

Kaniha : Why Not?? What is wrong with them falling back in love!! It could be like... You Know... Maybe they had problems... And... Things were getting better and they wanted to go on a holiday!!

Lena : There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!! It is all good!! But then, why would they take their child along!! They would want all the time for themselves!! They would hardly care about their son!! Also, Which Couple would go to a place like that, especially when they are Married, and Mature too!! Even if they dared to do that, they will never let someone else accompany them for their carnal adventure!! No Chance!!

Kaniha : But, if any of what we just discussed is the reality, the son would have felt disturbed!! He would have wanted to do what they were doing!! If he was a virgin, which I felt he was very close to being, and he never had sex before, his desires would have been even greater!! The frustration he displayed could have been a result of the venereal activities his parents carelessly performed in front of him, and he somehow wanted to get the steam off!!

Lena : Again... If at all it was something like that, he would have been satisfied once he took you!! You told me he still seemed lost!! You told me he looked bemused even after he jizzed inside you!!

Kaniha : Okay... Look... I don't want to say this!! I have tried my best to make you say it first... But, I guess you won't!! See... His Mother was definitely directly connected to his dismal state of mind!!

Lena : What are you suggesting??

Kaniha : I am pretty sure he nailed me thinking I was his Mother!!

Lena : What The Fuck!!

Kaniha : Why do you sound so damn shocked!! That must be something very causal for somebody like you!!

Lena : Get Lost!!

Kaniha : What...

Lena : I Mean... You are telling me that now... Only Now?? After all this?? Still... Like, Really?? You always felt it was like that??

Kaniha : I felt so... I feel so...

Lena : But Why?? Look... Wait... Why do you want to doubt about the chances of that?? Sons and Mothers... Seriously?? Did not know you had it in you to think of things so pure!!

Kaniha : Well... I do have Friends with Sons addicted to Their Mothers!!

Lena : Ugghhh... Stupid Shitty Slut!!

Kaniha : Hehehehe...

Lena : Whatever... Good Joke... Great Timing... Hehe... Haha... Happy??

Kaniha : Ya Ya...

Lena : Bae... But... Why didn't you tell me that before?? Hehehe...

Kaniha : It was really important??

Lena : What... You Suck!! You are Not Fit for this!! Quit... Now!! Do Something Else!! You will never learn!! Don't make yourself a liability for others!! This was already bad, and you have made it worse, and you are also stubborn about making this the worst!! What A Shit Show!! Is this how you talk about Sex!! Gross!!

Kaniha : Hehe... Lena... I can Stop if you are tired of listening to this...

Lena : Fine... What did you call him?? Okay.... I know... Baby... I mean... Babbyyyy.... Right?! Hehe... What did he call you??

Kaniha : Hehehe... I was actually getting to that...

Lena : Then Tell Me...

Kaniha : But... I feel too shy to tell you what he was calling me!!

Lena : Tell Me Now!! Bitch!!

Kaniha : Hehe... Well... It did not really matter what he was calling me... I did not really care... I only felt he was doing it for fun... I thought he was just being dirty... Until...

Lena : Until What??

Kaniha : Until, I felt he was really trying to say something...

Lena : Say What??

Kaniha : Lena... When he came inside me... When he ejaculated inside me, after what was like decades later, I just could not control myself!! It was not that I was not at all vocal earlier, but at that instant, I just felt out of control!! It still wasn't much... I just closed my eyes, and let myself enjoy the moment, and I also said I feel so so good and I have never felt as good before and I just want to always feel this good.

Lena : And??

Kaniha : I was expecting him to tell me something similar... I could almost confirm this was his real first time, and I was hoping for him to say how wonderful he too was feeling... But...

Lena : What??

Kaniha : He was talking about his Mother, instead!!

Lena : What The... What did he say!!

Kaniha : He said... Something like... OHH... SO THIS IS HOW SHE TOO MUST BE FEELING... THIS IS HOW MY MOM MUST HAVE BEEN FEELING EVERY TIME!! That is what he said.

Lena : Shit... He really said that?? He is Mad!!


Lena : Mummy?? He called you Mummy?? That is what he was calling you?? Mummy??

Kaniha : Yes... Throughout... Also as if he really meant that... I don't know... He should not have... I know he should not have... He should not have... Right?!

Lena : Fuck!! Why weren't you telling me all this!! Mummy?!

Kaniha : Yes!!

Lena : Lol!! Kaniha... He was Normal?? You Sure?? Because... The more you tell about him, the less normal he feels... Did he give you any other major wrong signs?? Can you confirm he was not a retarded patient, who ran away from the mental hospital?? Wait... Did you give him your Phone Number?? Does he know where you live??

Kaniha : Why do you even ask that!! I am not so stupid... I have already told you I am never going to meet either of My Men from The Resort!!

Lena : I know... But... It is You!! One can never be sure!! Just cannot say what you might end up finding to be Hot or Cute!! The MUMMY Chants must have got you hooked on to him... Who knows what is coming!! Lol!! All The Best!!

Kaniha : It was Nothing like that!! You don't understand!!

Lena : I will if you tell me what happened next!!

Kaniha : I don't know what it was... He had cum... It was over... At-least, I thought it was over... He had already tried hard to spoil the mood... But, he still kept drilling me... Again and Again... It was like he was Still Stiff... And Also, even after what he told me, I remember myself shamelessly moaning, many more times, and relentlessly grunting I FEEL LIKE I AM A DIRTY SLUT!!

Lena : Mahn... And... Did that bring in any kind of change in him?? What was the reaction from his side?? Did he say anything more about his Mother??

Kaniha : Nothing Particular... But...

Lena : What...

Kaniha : He just blurted out things like All Woman Are The Same... ALL OF YOU ARE SHAMELESS... And...

Lena : And...

Kaniha : Whores... WHORES!!

Lena : What...

Kaniha : He said I myself was A Whore... He went on to call me A Whore, a minimum of a dozen more times!!

Lena : What The... Straight... From Mummy... To Whore??

Kaniha : Yeah... I was really taken aback... And... I did not know what to do!! But, he wasn't done!! Not Yet!! He proceeded to further leave me startled!! By Adding... He said I too was just like his Mom... A SLUT... A WHORE!!

Lena : What The Hell... Where is this heading to!!

Kaniha : I don't know what it was, Lena... I know he was very broken... I know he told me what he told me only because he was seriously broken...

Lena : But Why!! You can defend him, as you please... But Why Did He Say What He Said!!

Kaniha : It was because of his Mom!! It has to be because of his Mom!! It is very obvious!!

Lena : I know... It must be his Mom... And, Maybe... What if she was A Filthy Slut... Who was always getting sex... Who was always wanting sex...

Kaniha : Who also got paid for sex!!

Lena : Not Necessarily...

Kaniha : But then... Why would he call her A Whore, if she was not getting paid!!

Lena : A Whore need not always be A Prostitute... A Whore need not always be someone who gets paid for sex!! It could just be A Very Very Shameless Slut!! I mean... I often get called A Whore!! That is not because I charge them!!

Kaniha : You are a whore, whether you charge them or not!!

Lena : Because, I am a shameless slut... Right?! But, You know what?? I am proud about that!! I chose to be one, instead of being an idiotic weeping housewife!!

Kaniha : You are a lot more than just that!!

Lena : Now... Do you really want to talk about that?? Or... Do you want to find out what could have been wrong with the Boy??

Kaniha : Err... The Boy...

Lena : Good...

Kaniha : Hehe...

Lena : What I am trying to say is... The Son always knew what his Mother was doing...

Kaniha : You mean to say that she would have done it with his Friends, like some of the Mothers here??

Lena : Fuck You!! Bitch!!

Kaniha : Hehe...

Lena : Whatever... Look... Her Hubby too knew what was happening... And, So... He decided to take her where all the sluts in the world go to, and give her the pounding she rightly deserves, and give her what he could never give her before!!

Kaniha : Exactly!! I am so glad you said that... Even I was feeling the same... But I just did not know how to tell you that!! I was still confused as to why the Son was with them!!

Lena : The Dad simply wanted to tell his Son to give No More Fucks about his Mom being A Slut!! If her Husband did not have a problem, why should his Boy have a problem!! That was the point he must have been trying to make!! He wanted his Son to think nothing about it, and just live his own life!!

Kaniha : And... Maybe, it worked... He was definitely made keen to forget about all of it... That is why he wanted to do it with me, and take it all out... Right?!

Lena : Yes...

Kaniha : Okay...

Lena : Bae... Kaniha... Are you still concerned regarding why he was really there??

Kaniha : Actually... Yes.

Lena : Is it more like you are more bothered regarding what he was, and what his real role was?? Do you really still feel his Mom was being Pimped out, maybe by his Dad, and the Boy too could have been involved in some ways, and he regretted the same, and he felt none of it should have happened??

Kaniha : It was like that... Look... It was like that too... I was thinking a lot of things... But Now, I feel it was maybe only the Dad trying to bring his Family back together!!

Lena : So you did think like that... I get it... I get it now... That is why you were hesitant... That is why you were very careful about what you were telling... That is why you did not want to divulge the details together... You did not want to tell me you made a fool out of yourself!! I mean... You did not want me to ask you whether you were fucked by the Son of A Slut... Or Worse, A Whore... A Prostitute!!

Kaniha : It was actually a combination of a lot of things... And... You know what?!

Lena : What??

Kaniha : He actually had not finished... He went on to call me A Slut Mom... He started it again... He was silent for a bit, but kept rumbling things again... He was then more gentle with his thrusts, and words too, and settled with telling stuff like All Moms are Sluts, and All They Need Is Sex, but there was no real hatred in his voice!!

Lena : That Is Gentle??

Kaniha : It was... To begin with... Till...

Lena : Till?? This is Not Over... Till...

Kaniha : He also said that it is their husbands who are really at fault, and they are the reason that these women stray.

Lena : Did he something about his Dad??

Kaniha : No... Why??

Lena : Just checking whether he had anything against his Dad, too!! What if there is more to this!!

Kaniha : I did not feel like he had anything against his Dad... But, I also felt he was not very happy with his Dad getting back with his Mom, after all that happened!! It was like he was not expecting his Dad to forgive his Mom, and accept her!!

Lena : Why do you say that??

Kaniha : Because he had also hinted at... I Mean... He stressed at How these Husbands are still unashamed to accept their Wives back as Sexy HotWives, and be Worthless Cucks to their Sex Hungry Partners... I don't know... I feel it was him indirectly indicating to what was at that moment happening between his Dad and Mom!!

Lena : What did you try telling him after hearing that??

Kaniha : I mostly tried to say nothing... I did not want to retaliate, or even reply, and make him more angry!! Also... I did not realise it back then... I was not able to confirm anything... So, All I told him then was not to say such things... I told him to not hurt himself, though I don't know why I wanted to let him know I could guess he was actually only hurt... But, it did nothing... He kept saying that again, and he was verbally abusing me, as well!! I tried to strictly tell him to stop...I was just not ready for this act from him, and back then, I was also only thinking he was just taunting me more and more... I almost pushed him away, and I had almost succeeded, but I could not do enough to get him out of me, and he just kept going deeper and deeper, and I could only cum more and more for him!!

Lena : Kaniha... Bae... What did you get yourself into?? How did you get in the middle of all that!! All you were looking forward to was Sex!!

Kaniha : I know!! Yes!! And, I still feel a little shaken!!

Lena : I can feel that... Look... Kaniha... You sure he did not harm you in any other way?? Is there anything you want to share with me?? Kaniha... Dear... I sent you there... I am responsible for what happened... And... I am sorry.

Kaniha : You don't have to say sorry to me!! It is just that I got into something with somebody who was more than just a little disturbed.

Lena : Are you really okay?? You can tell me... You sound disturbed yourself!!

Kaniha : No... I mean... Yes!! I am okay... And... It was Okay... It was okay, otherwise... I don't regret going with him... Or doing with him...

Lena : You always have problems with selecting the Right Man!!

Kaniha : It was good... Just that the unusual set of dialogues were a bit too much for me... I don't know... Maybe, it is no big deal... Maybe, I was just not prepared for it... Maybe, I was just not in the right space to accept it as it was, and just move on!!

Lena : I See... It is nice that you are coming to terms with what it is like to be one among us... Hehehe!!

Kaniha : Shut Up...

Lena : Haha!! But... Such stints are sometimes like that... I too have got myself involved with a few such weirdos!! That is the biggest risk involved with being fine with spreading your legs for whoever comes our way!! But, that is also the beauty of it... The Thrills... Hehe...

Kaniha : The Thrills?? I only felt The Chills!!

Lena : Don't be so humble... Lol!!

Kaniha : Hehe...

Lena : He was still doing you... Right?! Still inside you...

Kaniha : Yeah...​
Next page: Chapter 03.7
Previous page: Chapter 03.5