Chapter 03.7
Lena : How did you get him to stop, at last??
Kaniha : I don't know what exactly it was... But... He slowed down when I told him I was sorry... That is what I felt.
Lena : You told him you are sorry?? Why?? Why did you apologize to him!!
Kaniha : I don't know what made me do it... But... I said I was sorry for being a shameless slut... I said I was sorry for being a whore!!
Lena : What?? Why... You just did not have to!!
Kaniha : I don't know... I mean... I know!! But... I also said I was sorry for hurting him!!
Lena : But... Why??
Kaniha : Something made me feel that was what he was waiting for... And, only then he would stop!!
Lena : You did him no wrong... You had in-fact just met him!! You just had to be stern, and tell him to stop!! You did nothing to hurt him!!
Kaniha : But, Who knows whether it was My Own Self he was seeing in Me?? It was My Body... But, What if it was someone else that he saw??
Lena : What are you even saying??
Kaniha : You Know what I am saying!!
Lena : Oye... How can he really see somebody else in you, whatever his state of mind was!! Okay... He can imagine about whoever he wants to... And, he can fantasize about whatever he wants to!! But all of that works only up to a certain point!! Particularity, when in the midst of something so sensual!! Look... He was banging you!! He was still banging you... There would have been a limit for him to stay convinced it was not really you!!
Kaniha : It goes beyond that too... Way beyond that... There are Men like that, who can easily do it!!
Lena : Come On... No Way!!
Kaniha : Yes!!
Lena : No!! Nobody I Know... And, Also... I have never had any such experience!! I don't know anybody either, who has gone through something like this!!
Kaniha : You Do!!
Lena : I don't...
Kaniha : Your Best Friend...
Lena : You are My Best Friend...
Kaniha : Yes...
Lena : But, how are you associated with such experiences... I mean, Previous Experiences!!
Kaniha : I am A Living Example of Women mistreated by such men...
Lena : What... Oh Shit!! Kaniha... I... I did not think like that... I...
Kaniha : It is okay... You forgot about it, and It is okay!! You thought I too had conveniently forgotten about it... Right?! You thought it was like that earlier... Didn't You?? I Never Can... I hope you now know!!
Lena : I Am Sorry!!
Kaniha : You don't have to say sorry... Not for this... I mean, Why are you saying sorry?? It is My Husband who is to be blamed!! Pardon Me... My Ex-Husband!!
Lena : I know... And... I also know this is not the best time... But, Do you still have any of those Masks with you??
Kaniha : I think you can now say sorry!!
Lena : I am sorry... Please forget I even asked that!!
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : Can we get back to where we were??
Kaniha : Hhhmmm...
Lena : Please...
Kaniha : What do you want to know about??
Lena : Why you said sorry to the boy...
Kaniha : You don't want to know anything about the Masks I have still kept with me??
Lena : You have??
Kaniha : You want to know??
Lena : No... No... Let's just talk about your Young Lad!!
Kaniha : So... Getting back to why I had said sorry to My Young Partner... Not Some Lad!! Okay?!
Lena : Yes... Yes!!
Kaniha : Hehe... Lena... I started to feel that the person he was seeing in me owed him an apology??
Lena : What??
Kaniha : In-fact, a lot of apologies... That is why I told sorry to him!!
Lena : What is it that you are suggesting?? I am sure I don't want to talk about it... This has been really tough to follow... But neither can I just stop!! Kaniha... You always knew it was his mother that he saw in you?? From the very beginning?? You knew it... Right?!
Kaniha : I was almost sure!! Actually, I was sure!!
Lena : What kind of... What the hell is... You were still fine with... Whatever... There is no point asking you to clarify more!! So... He just pulled out, and quickly left, once you apologized?? That is how it ended??
Kaniha : No!!
Lena : Then?? He did not go even after that??
Kaniha : He was ready to go... Immediately...
Lena : What... Why have you stopped?? Tell Me he left!!
Kaniha : He looked apologetic...
Lena : So??
Kaniha : Like he was back to his senses, and knew he did something not very fair... He wanted to seek forgiveness, but I did not let him!! I did not want him to!! To be very honest, he looked like he had fucked his own mom for real, and he looked devastated!! I felt pity for him!!
Lena : What did you do next?? You were to ask him to leave...
Kaniha : I did not want to be rude...
Lena : You still did not ask him to leave??
Kaniha : No.
Lena : Then??
Kaniha : I told him not to worry... I held his hand tightly, and guided him to bathroom.
Lena : What!!
Kaniha : I took him to the shower... With Me!! He was very reluctant, and even said that it was reminding him of a lot of things he want to do nothing with... But, I did not let him go!! I asked him to relax... I made him relax!! I rubbed his shoulders, as the hot water fell on our naked skin... It was only a calming session, but soon we were kissing under the shower!! I could bet he was feeling better, and I let him keep his hands on top of my butt, which he relished squeezing!! He felt a lot better when we came out... We were all wet, but we just fell on the bed, and smooched for some more time!! He looked happy for once, and he had a wide smile on his face when he left!!
Lena : I don't know if it is Shit or Wow or What I have to say for that!! Kaniha... This could have been so much better if he was okay... This could have been your greatest achievement ever!! Having said that, this could have still been so much better if you explained this better!! This could still have been the greatest story you could have ever told, if you had any kind of story telling skills!! Pathetic!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... He was okay... You can tell me I am being useless here... But, he was okay!! There is just no need to be so mean!!
Lena : Not Really... Not at all... I wasn't being mean... I am actually still being kind here!! He was supremely creepy, and even you know that!! You just cannot even think about telling me he was a perfect young man!!
Kaniha : Why Not?? He was perfect!!
Lena : Oh My... Kaniha... Fell in love with him too... Eh?! Fool!!
Kaniha : Well... I won't say it was love... But, I felt I could relate with him in so many ways!! I really could understand what he must have been going through!!
Lena : In what ways could you relate with him?? And how could you understand what he was going through?? He must have been half your age!! And, you don't even really know who or what he is!! If at all your assumptions were correct, you still would not have understand what it was like to have A Slut Mom!! Oops... Sorry!! I meant nothing bad!!
Kaniha : It is okay... And... For your kind information, there are still a lot of things that can be felt the same way at all kinds of ages!! Also... One doesn't need to have a slut mom to understand what he was feeling!! Neither does One Need To Be A Slut for that!! Oops... Sorry!! I meant nothing bad!!
Lena : Oho... Yeah?? Okay... That is how you want to play it... Nice... In that case, would you also be kind enough to tell me what kind of things are included in this lot-of-things you say can be felt the same way?!
Kaniha : Things like...
Lena : Like What??
Kaniha : Agony... Pain of Deceit... Disappointment at being ruthlessly let down... Feeling ashamed about things you had to do, you were forced to do, tricked to do, compelled to, lured to...
Lena : What are you even saying!!
Kaniha : Why do you say he was not very fine??
Lena : Because... He wouldn't have left you in that condition if he was okay!!
Kaniha : Oh... Hehehe... I did not realise you were still so carefully looking into the sexual content that was part of what I was telling you!!
Lena : Do you think I really care about anything else?? Hehe... So Sad he left you like that!! Poor You... Lol!!
Kaniha : Well... He sure left... But...
Lena : But What...
Kaniha : Only After he Licked My Asshole clean!!
Lena : Oh Shit!! I totally missed out on asking you more about it!! Thank You... And, when was it??
Kaniha : He was Perfect... Hehe!!
Lena : I Agree... Totally... He was Perfect... Now... Will you please tell me when was it!!
Kaniha : When was what??
Lena : Come On...
Kaniha : Hahaha... It was when he was about to leave... As I fixed my mind to wave goodbye to him!!
Lena : He asked you if he could do it??
Kaniha : No!!
Lena : You asked him to!!
Kaniha : No!! I did not have to!!
Lena : What was it like then??
Kaniha : He was almost out of the Room... Suddenly... Like... Suddenly... He stopped walking, and looked back at me... It was a very peculiar scenario... I did expect him to be capable of giving me trouble, if he wanted to... And, I was actually on my toes, anticipating some kind of... You Know... But, what I saw was what I never expected!! He was almost out of breath... He looked like he was going to faint, if he did not do what he ended up doing!! Seriously, Lena!! The Boy just rushed towards me, turned me around, ordered me to bend down, parted my ass cheeks to the side with his firm fingers, and without any kind of hesitation, he ate my dirty anal opening!!
Lena : Hahaha!! The Fuck!! Bitch!! You are... Bae... You owned him!! No Doubt!! This
was definitely not just the Weather at the Resort!! Hehehe... This was just him giving you all the love and care and respect and attention you rightly deserved!!
Kaniha : Lena... It was all nice... But I think I should tell you this again... He felt really lost when he was with me... He was upset... And Angry!! I am glad I could give him some relief... I am confident he went back with a heart less heavy.
Lena : I have a decent picture of the event now...
Kaniha : You do??
Lena : Yes... I can guess it was a very sexy time you had with him.
Kaniha : Lena... It was not just sexy!! It was intense!! Really Intense!! As if he was destroying me, on purpose... He was this captured yet wild untamed animal, that was waiting to be released from his constrained cage, and once he was in the open, he took out all of his frustration... On Me!!
Lena : Gosh...
Kaniha : The pounding I got was unbelievable!! I must tell you that, Lena!! He ploughed me so roughly!! It was a rampage!!
Lena : Who was better?? The Old Man or The Young Boy??
Kaniha : The Old Man maintained the rhythm all through our time... The Young Boy was different... He was at times too soft... But also very quickly turned aggressive!! He mercilessly grabbed and pulled my hair, when he entered me from behind, though it was only for a very little time, and in between the very twisted phase I earlier mentioned to you!! It was a similar feeling when he made me blow him as well, and I actually felt forced... It was like I was being Mouth Fucked, and Deep Throated, against my will!! I still don't know what it was in him, and I still don't know what caused it!! Of Course, we have discussed a lot, and we also have our opinions, and even one highly probable conclusion... But, I don't know... However, I am sure there is a poor wronged soul in him, fighting a battle only he knows, and perhaps one he can never win!! I don't know, Lena... I feel sorry for him..
I hope his Mom realizes her mistakes, if she has made any, and corrects herself!! I hope his Dad fully forgives her!! I hope the Son happily accepts them both!! I hope he wins whatever battle he is fighting!! I hope he can be at peace with his Parents!! I hope they all live well!! I hope he lives a good life!! And... If he still cannot wholeheartedly accept any of it, I just hope he gets laid often... Very Very Often!! He will definitely feel better!! I know!! I know that will make him happy!! And... It is also not just that... He is Made for Sex!! He is Made to have Sex!! Maybe, it is in his Genes!! He really has it in him!! I have already told you he touched me despite me being really tested by The Grandad's Huge Dick!! The Youngster clearly wasn't as big, but there was real determination, and to be frank, he made me cum more than Mr. Diwakar did!!
Lena : Fuck!! Whooaaa... So much compassion... Still... Bae... That certainly was not an easy read... The whole episode was not an easy read... Lot of Issues with how you explained it... Lack of Clarity too... Maybe has got a lot to do with your own state of mind back then, the reason for which you are not very keen on fully telling me... But... Regardless of all that... I can Cum for a Whole Year, if I get to Live something like what you did!! Not Bad, Bae!!
Kaniha : His Hot Cum felt so nice inside My Pussy!!
Lena : Fuck!! Fuck!! You are addicted to him... Aren't You?!
Kaniha : Varun... That was his name...
Lena : I can bet you will never forget his name... And... His Cock!!
Kaniha : It was Good... It was Really Good...
Lena : If it was So Good, then what made it Odd!! Lying Bitch!! You always say very little!!
Kaniha : It was still Odd...
Lena : Why??
Kaniha : You know Why!!
Lena : Hehe... But... Whatever he said during the Act could actually be considered Dirty Talking, and forgiven. After all, It was Just Sex!! You made it less exciting by unwantedly mixing sentiments to it!!
Kaniha : I Know!! That is why I still say it was Good!!
Lena : You also still say it was Odd!!
Kaniha : It was just that he was not even as old as Kishan...
Lena : Shit!! There is still actually more to it?? It was not just him seeing his mother in you, but also, you seeing your son in him?? Shit Shit Shit!!
Kaniha : I mean... He did not look that way for sure, and he had a very weak Body when compared to My Son.
Lena : How do you know about the kind of Body your Son has?!
Kaniha : Shut Up Lena!!
Lena : Sorry... But what I just asked is the Least Insensitive in the Set of Questions I have for you!!
Kaniha : What do you mean??
Lena : You actually bothered to think about your Son, when a Random Lad was Screwing You... Seriously?! Especially, when that Young Dude was by no means in his senses!! What the Fuck!!
Kaniha : I don't know what got into me... I just had to wonder what Kishan would have been doing, at that exact instant of time... I don't know why... I guess I was already thinking about My Son, and I just continued doing that!!
Lena : What?? Like... Did you Imagine it was Him who was Doing you?? Is that what you are saying?? Seriously??
Kaniha : What?!
Lena : I mean... Did you Imagine Your Son as the One who was Fucking You?? The same way your Partner fantasized about someone else!! That is why you could feel for him, I guess!! He thought about his Mother, and you about your Son!! Wonderful!!
Kaniha : Lennaaa!! Gross!! No Way!! Ohh Shitt!! Don't Say Such Things!! You know that is not what I must have meant!! I just said I was thinking about him... Normally!!
Lena : Come On, Kaniha... Tell Me... Please... I really want to know... You can be honest with me... I won't tell anyone... And... I have told you what I feel about Lishin... I Mean... I have never had the want to have Sex with My Son, but I do tell you about his Doings turning me on... I really won't have a problem if you tell me you want to have your Son fill you!!
Kaniha : Stop This Lena... I have already told you I have no such thoughts... As far as you are concerned, you feel that about Lishin, because you Caught him Sniffing your Panties, at-least a million times, and it is now as if you are waiting for him to Sneak into your Room, and get himself ready to be Caught by you... You have a fair reason to think Dirty about your Son, how much ever harmless you still rate it... On the contrary, My Son has never given me any such Signals... He has always only been a Son to his Mother!!
Lena : Okay... But... Still!! What you said above does not mean you cannot think about your Son!! You can if you want to, irrespective of the fact that he is yet to make the First Move!! In-fact, you just said you thought about him in the middle of having Sex, and that is a Sign big enough!! It needn't always be from the Boy himself!! And Also, he never had a lot of chances to express himself in front of his Mother!!
Kaniha : Do you even realize what you are trying to say?? I never knew you had such a Fucked-Up Mind!!
Lena : Fine... I thought we two were close enough to discuss that Topic... But it's Okay if you don't want to... My Mistake that I wished to have No Secrets between us... It is Alright... Okay.... Hhmm... Kaniha... Why don't you then just tell me what exactly you thought Your Son was doing at that particular moment!!
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : What?? You don't want to??
Kaniha : I think NO!!
Lena : In that case, do you want me to ask you regarding what you thought your Dad must have been doing when the Oldie, Mr. Diwakar, fucked you??
Kaniha : Lena... Enough!!
Lena : Come On... Don't Be Shy...
Kaniha : Shut Up!!
Lena : Did he remind you of your Dad?? I know it is YES.
Kaniha : No!!
Lena : Yes!!
Kaniha : I have said this before as well... NO!!
Lena : I find that a little too difficult to digest...
Kaniha : Why!!
Lena : I don't know... Do you know??
Kaniha : No...
Lena : Really??
Kaniha : I really don't... But... There is something else that I thought might make sense...
Lena : And... What is that??
Kaniha : I was wondering...
Lena : What were you wondering... Dear Kaniha!!
Kaniha : Whether... Mr. Diwakar reminded you of someone...
Lena : I don't even know him...
Kaniha : But... I have told you enough!!
Lena : Still... I don't think he reminds me of anybody.
Kaniha : There is someone he could remind you of...
Lena : Who could that be??
Kaniha : The Same Person you think he reminds me of!!
Lena : What??
Kaniha : Does he remind you of My Dad??
Lena : What... What do you mean... Why would he remind me of Your Dad??
Kaniha : You love talking about him... You love talking about My Dad too...
Lena : Ohh... I See... Well... Only because I am sure you are enjoying it!!
Kaniha : I know it is not as simple as that!!
Lena : What are you trying to say??
Kaniha : Did you do anything with My Dad??
Lena : Kaniha... Bloody Hell!! Have you fully gone mad!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... So... The Answer is No??
Lena : Fuck Off!!
Kaniha : Hahaha... I thought you wanted to know what exactly I thought My Son was doing when I was having Sex with Strangers!!
Lena : You are Crazy!! I am actually scared...
Kaniha : Lol!! I was just kidding... I was just trying to get the Topic Changed!! Hehe...
Lena : Bitch...
Kaniha : You don't want to know what I thought??
Lena : Ugh... Fine... Tell Me...
Kaniha : Hehe... I was just thinking...
Lena : Thinking... What... About What?? What did you think??
Kaniha : Calm Down... You Nosy Lady... I have already told you that... I was only thinking what he must have been doing right then!! Nothing major as such!! You Know... I was just wondering what he would have been doing!!
Lena : What!! Why??
Kaniha : What?? Why?!
Lena : Like... What I am asking is Why would you Think that!! What made you think that?? What made you wonder what he was doing!! I agree you have all the Right To Care for your Son, But Why in the middle of what you were doing!!
Kaniha : It was just...
Lena : Tell Me...
Kaniha : See... Lena... I don't know... I don't think you will be very pleased hearing about this... But... I actually pondered on the possibility of him having Sex!!
Lena : You Naughty Slutty Mummy!! Hahaha... I am Not at all Not Pleased... Hehe... See... So you did think about Your Son having Sex!! I Knew It!! And with Whom did you Imagine him?? Just tell me it was You!!