Chapter 03.8
Kaniha : Yes... YOU!!
Lena : What?? You really thought about having Your Son on the Bed with You??
Kaniha : No!!
Lena : Then What?? What did you just say?? I also did not understand what you meant by YOU!!
Kaniha : I was thinking about him... I was thinking about MY SON and YOU!! I was thinking about MY SON HAVING SEX WITH YOU!!
Lena : What?!
Kaniha : Lena... Did you ever have Sex with him??
Lena : Why do you ask that?? I feel like you have been asking this to me since forever, now!! What is It?? What is the problem??
Kaniha : Tell Me... Say YES or NO...
Lena : Whooaaa... Whooaaa... What Got us here?? Where exactly do we Stand?? I don't get this, Kaniha... I feel like you have never Trusted Me, and I feel like you have never considered me your Best Friend!! What all have you been asking me?! Wait... Let me Ask you something... Will you believe me if I told you I never had Sex with him?! You won't!! Because, you don't want to!! You seem to be on some senseless Mission to Prove me Wrong... So... Why don't we do this... Simply tell me this... Will you believe me if I tell you I never had Sex with Your Son?! Say YES or NO!!
Kaniha : NO!!
Lena : What?? Are You Serious?? You Cannot Be Serious!!
Kaniha : I am Serious... I am Very Serious!!
Lena : Why?? What is wrong with you?? Kishan is like My Own Son!!
Kaniha : But Kishan is Not Your Son!! And Also, it is only a matter of time before someone like you tells me that you Do Not Really Have A Very Big Problem Thinking About Having Sex with Your Own Son!! I mean... You are very close to it... You already almost do not have any problem with his Actions... So...
Lena : Why are We talking about this?! What have I done to Get Us Here!!
Kaniha : Why did you Force me to Go to the Resort this very Weekend??
Lena : What?? What are saying, Kaniha?? Force You?! You are telling me that I Forced you to go there?? Give Me A Break!! I was Helping you!!
Kaniha : Helping Me?? Really?? And what was in it for you?? What did you gain??
Lena : You are so... I did that to make you Happy!! I wanted My Best Friend to Reclaim her Life!!
Kaniha : Okay... But why Push me there on this very Weekend?? It could have been sometime later too!!
Lena : I thought it was best that you started to Enjoy your Divorced Life, straightaway!!
Kaniha : Why were you so adamant that I go to the Resort the very Weekend Kishan was Coming Home from College??
Lena : What are you saying, Kaniha??
Kaniha : Why did you Go to My House that Night??
Lena : Which Night?! What is this!!
Kaniha : The First Night... The First Night of My Stay at the Resort!!
Lena : What!!
Kaniha : You Got My Son To Fuck You... Didn't You?! You Had Sex with Kishan!! Right?!
Lena : Kaniha... No...
Kaniha : I Know...
Lena : Okay... Fine... I don't want to argue more with you!! I don't want to Spoil Our Friendship!! If it will make you happy to hear from me that I had Sex with your Son, then I will just say that!! Happy?? I will Lie to make your Happy... Okay?! You feel Good Now??
Kaniha : Don't Make It Worse, Lena... Please... That is the least you can do for me!!
Lena : Fine!!
Kaniha : Yeah...
Lena : Fucking Fine!!
Kaniha : Exactly...
Lena : I won't lie more...
Kaniha : Good...
Lena : I get it!! You know it!! You know it all!! I am really sorry I spoiled your Time at the Resort!! I know you couldn't enjoy with your Partners!! I hope you still could have some fun!! I mean...I hope you got to know about it only after you had a Good Time!! Well... When did you realize what was happening at your Home?? How did you understand?? How did you guess??
Kaniha : You can Un-Send it, if you want to!!
Lena : Noo... It's Fine... I have said Sorry... It Happened... Nothing can be done about it... I am sorry... I am sorry I disturbed your Stay!!
Kaniha : You Bloody Shameless Filthy Slutty Bitch!! How Dare You!! You Have No Regrets for Doing that To My Poor Little Son!! You Have No Regrets About Taking Away His Innocence!! You Are The Worst Person I Have Met in My Life!! How Could You?! Worse... What do you Think about Me?? What kind of a Woman do you Think I am?? Even After All This, You have the Guts to Ask Me How I would have Guessed What was Happening between You & My Son?! You have the Guts to Tell Me you Wish to Apologize for Not Letting Me Properly Enjoy My Time On The Bed?? You have the Guts to Even Try to Under-Play Your Deed of Fucking My Son!!
Lena : I am Sorry... I was just hoping to... You know... It just Happened!! I did not know how to... I just could not afford to Lose You!!
Kaniha : Fuck You!! And, It did Not just Happen!! You Planned it!! You carefully Put It All Together!!
Lena : Okay... I Am Sorry!! I Am Really Sorry... I don't want to lie anymore... Neither do I want to think I can unfairly force you into accepting this to be something very casual... See... Kaniha... I really wanted him!! I really wanted Your Son!! I always had a thing for Kishan!! It was something I had been craving for a long time... I Knew I should not have... But I did it... I am really Sorry... Please Forgive Me!!
Kaniha : Hhhhmmmm...
Lena : I Am Sorry...
Kaniha : How Did you even think about it!! How Did you do it??
Lena : I just... See... I Am Really Sorry... I Really Am...
Kaniha : How Did you??
Lena : Kaniha??
Kaniha : What??
Lena : You really want to Know??
Kaniha : Yes!! Bitch!! How Did you do it?? How Did you even think about Doing it!!
Lena : Look... Kaniha... I Never thought I would be telling You all this... I Never thought We would ever have this Conversation... Okay... Let Me Not Piss You Off more... I Agree I Never thought You would Catch Me!! I thought it was all OK... I am Not trying to Upset you... I am just telling you what you want to know... I just fell for him... I really found Your Son too irresistible, and I was Attracted to him... It actually all Started during My Time at the Resort... Maybe, if you try to remember, you will make out that I was going to the Resort the same time Kishan was going to Lakshadweep, from his College, for the Group Tour... And... He was regularly Updating the Events on Facebook, and Since I was Bored waiting at The Airport for My Taxi to the Resort, I just sent him a Message, Wishing Him A Good Time... He Replied immediately, telling me he was having a Great Time... I then told him to Have A Lot Of Fun, and Enjoy Himself... He once again Replied immediately, telling me he was already Having A Lot Of Fun, and also straightaway sent me A Picture of him, at the Beach... He was obviously Shirtless, and he was only wearing his Swimming Trunks, and I felt the Hots for him right away... I Am Sorry, but it was that easy!! He just Owned Me, I must say, regardless of the Sensual Mood I was in!! He sure must have meant No Harm, but I couldn't take it that way... I was so ferociously Lusting for the Young Boy, and I Masturbated thinking about him, Admiring his Chiseled Body in the Photo he had Sent Me, Sitting in the Taxi itself... I just couldn't control...
I was So Horny, I would have even let the Creepy-Looking Dirty Driver Do Me Right There, if he agreed to let me Call Him KISHAN!! Ogling at Your Son made me More Wet than Jordan's Touches later would... I Swear... I Just Fell For Him!! And... I Fucked there at the Resort thinking about him... I imagined how wonderful it would have been if He was there at the Resort, instead of being at Lakshadweep... Kishan was in my mind during Every Single Session I had there... Even the Incident on the Last Day, after the Check-Out, where I was Pulled Out of The Car, I visualized it was Him being Aggressive on Me... And, In All the Men who Fucked me after that, I Saw Only Your Son!! I Just Wanted Them All To Be Kishan!! See... I did not need to... I Agree... I Just Could Have Avoided It... I Did not need to Let My Desires push me to having him, and I knew I was going to Get Plenty at the Resort, but even Today, I still don't know if It was the Excitement of Going To The Resort that made me Go Crazy about Kishan, OR Whether Kishan was the Reason I had such a Cheerful Stay at the Resort!! And... One Day... I Just Told Him what I felt... And... He Reciprocated... We had been a Thing since then, at-least, Over The Phone!!
Kaniha : Whore!! You Bloody Whore!! I Am Going To Kill You!! You Have Destroyed My Boy!! You Have No Regrets!! You Consider It An Achievement!! I Will Kill You!!
Lena : Kaniha!! Please...
Kaniha : Shut The Fuck Up!! How Dare you say that to Me!! Is that What You Think You Can Say About A Son To His Mother!!
Lena : Kaniha... I am Sorry... But... You asked me to tell you about it!!
Kaniha : What The Hell!! You are telling Me I asked you to Tell Me about Your Sexual Interest in him?? Fuck You!!
Lena : You Did!!
Kaniha : I Did Not!! I cannot believe I am still Texting You!!
Lena : You asked me How I Did it!!
Kaniha : No!! Bitch!!
Lena : You Did!! Check Your Previous Messages!! You asked me How I Did it!!
Kaniha : I asked You How You Could Even Think About It!! I asked You How Could You Even Do It!! I was expecting to See You Repent... But You... You... You are shamelessly telling me how you Relished!! I Hate You!!
Lena : Wait... Could?? You Asked Me How I Could Think About It?! You Asked Me How Could I Do It?!
Kaniha : Yes!! Just Get Lost!!
Lena : You did not use the Word COULD... You used the Word DID!!
Kaniha : What The...
Lena : DID was what you Typed!! Please... Go Check your Texts... Please...
Kaniha : Fine... Could*
Lena : I did not understand... I am sorry... I thought you really wanted to know How I Did it!! How I got there with Him... What took Me there!!
Kaniha : Are You So Stupid?! You did not have the Brains to even Understand that was a Typo?!
Lena : I Am Sorry... I thought you were seriously asking me, and I thought you would want to know, and I thought you would be more angry if I do not tell you about it!!
Kaniha : Hhhhhmmmmm...
Lena : How did you know?? Who told you??
Kaniha : What?!
Lena : I Mean... Nobody saw me Enter your House!! How did you get to know about it??
Kaniha : Lena!!
Lena : Look... I just... See...
Kaniha : I don't think I want to talk to you... Not Anymore!!
Lena : Please... I am Sorry...
Kaniha : I can accept your apology... But, I cannot continue talking to you!!
Lena : Please...
Kaniha : What??
Lena : Please!!
Kaniha : What Please?? I have already taken the Decision!!
Lena : At-least tell me how you got to know about it!!
Kaniha : You Suck... Shameless Female!!
Lena : I Agree... I Agree... I am at Fault here... But... Please tell me how!! Don't let me Rot!!
Kaniha : Lishin.
Lena : What??
Kaniha : All Thanks to him!!
Lena : What...
Kaniha : All Thanks to Your Son!!
Lena : What!!
Kaniha : I am not telling you anything more!!
Lena : You Have To!! I Need To Know!! I Deserve It!!
Kaniha : No!! All You Deserve is a Painful Death!! You are a Cheat!! You are never going to know anything more... Nobody is going to Tell You!!
Lena : Please Kaniha... I have only you... I am begging you!! I will do anything you want me to do!! Please... Please tell me how?? How is Lishin involved in this?? What does he know?? How does he know?? You have to tell me!!
Kaniha : No!!
Lena : Please!! I will Fall Down on your Feet!!
Kaniha : Hahaha!! Fine Bitch... Do That... Fall Down On My Feet!! Just Don't Pull My Pants Down!! Lol... Hahahahaha!!
Lena : What?? You really said that?! You are Laughing??
Kaniha : Hahahaha...
Lena : You are Okay talking to me??
Kaniha : No... But...
Lena : But What??
Kaniha : I will tell you what happened!! Not Because I feel I Owe you anything... But Because I know it will make me Feel Better!!
Lena : Tell Me... Please!!
Kaniha : It was Lishin... Your Son...
Lena : I don't understand... What about him?? What did he Tell You??
Kaniha : Ask Him... He will tell you...
Lena : I can't...
Kaniha : Why??
Lena : Please... What did he tell you...
Kaniha : He told me you were at My House... And...
Lena : And What??
Kaniha : He also said... You Were Going To Have Sex With My Son!!
Lena : What The Hell... How did he know...
Kaniha : I Don't Know... I have no idea... You Tell Me!! He is Your Son!!
Lena : I Really Don't Know!!
Kaniha : Well... You Ask Him!!
Lena : I Cannot Ask Him.
Kaniha : Hahahaha!!
Lena : But Then... Why!! Why would he tell you that... Why did he?!
Kaniha : How will I know!! You have to sort it out with Him!!
Lena : When did he tell you this... When did you get to know about it??
Kaniha : Bye...
Lena : Please!!
Kaniha : Bye...
Lena : I am begging you...
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : Please...
Kaniha : I got a Message from him when I was with Mr. Diwakar... I was So Happy with my Newly Found Sex Life... I was enjoying... Until... The Contents of his Message broke me!! I felt deceived, when I received those Messages from him... I was Shattered to realize YOU had Tricked Me!!
Lena : I am Sorry... I am Sorry I did that to You... I never thought you will get to know about it... But... I should not... I mean... You Know... I thought it would remain between Kishan and Me... I did not know someone else was aware of all this... I did not know My Own Son was aware of this!! I did not know he was Spying on Me!! Maybe... It is all my fault... I gave him the reason to!! I was Shamelessly Slutty enough to Seduce his Buddies... They were very close to him, and he would have got to know about it from them... That would have Hurt him... That would have really Hurt him... I did not just Seduce them, I gave the Trio a Proper Group Session!! That would have hurt Lishin, when he got to know about it... My Poor Son must have been so ashamed of his Dirty Mother... He would have felt his Heart Break... His Friends would have made fun of My Poor Boy!! Shit!! I feel So Bad!! Why did I do that... Why didn't I think better... I should have been more careful!! I was actually just a little Angry at him... I never told you this... Because I never wanted you to think I was having any kind of Hardship... I was just Angry at him that Day for what he did the Previous Evening... That was the First Instance of Him Sneaking into My Room, and finding happiness by Feeling Up My Used Pairs of Bras & Panties...
I only wanted to tease his Friends a bit, when the Three came Home the Next Day, and I wanted it to Happen in front of My Own Son, hopefully when he made A Sudden Entrance to the Kitchen, where I would be having his Boys held at Boob-Point!! And that is why I had put on a Sexy Black Colored Deep V-Neck Mini Dress, and matched it with Black Stockings, that Day, and otherwise if My Intention was to always Get Drilled, I would have Skipped My Thin Transparent Hosiery too!! I would have Put On Some Sexy Lingerie, if I really had other Plans... It would also have been more than fine if I had just walked around in My Undies!! I did not do any of it... And... It was just that... I did not want anything more!! I soon had things moving just the way I wanted it to, and I felt it was all OK!! The Boys were gladly Feasting on the View I was offering Them!! They had Their Tongues being all Raunchy, Their Fingers Rubbing their Poles, and It was just a case of My Son seeing Us there, and feeling uncomfortable, and It was just a case of Me giving Him A Smirk, and letting him know that I want him to behave Himself, if he wants Me to Be A Good Mom!! I really had No Idea that he was going to Sleep for that long, That Morning, and I just did not expect that he was never going to even Come Out of his Room!! I feel so Bad, Kaniha...
I Swear I did not want to have Sex with His Buddies!! It just happened!! I only wanted to show Them a little of My Cleavage... I was in Control... But... I just lost it when they all Flung Their Cocks Out in the air, right in front of My Anxious Eyes!! I Stripped before they even asked me to, and I Spread My Legs wide before they even had the time to fully convince their own aroused selves that I was truly Submitting to them!! I don't even need to tell you what must have Happened Next!! And What Would Have Happened Later!! The Boys would have mercilessly shamed My Son... Calling his Mother a Slut, and Calling him The Son of The Slut!! Poor Boy... I cannot imagine what he must have gone through!! I Should have given him more Love... I was busy bringing myself pleasure, and I forgot My Duties!! It is all My Fault... I have been such a Bad Mom!! It really is my fault... I still did not Learn... I did not even realize I am committing a mistake!! I just happily waited for him to Sneak into My Room more, so that I could let myself think I had the Right To Seduce his Boys again!! But Yeah, I also let myself allow his own actions to make me feel Sensually Excited, and only I am to be blamed for that... I Failed... I Deserve this... I Always was a Bad Mother... And Maybe, he was always Hurt!! He must have understood a lot of things even before his Friends told him what happened that Day!! Maybe...
He was only Sniffing My Dirty Panties, in the Laundry Basket, to Check whether I had been doing any Wrong!! The Truth would have been there in My Panties... The Wetness of My Most Intimate Wear would have told him a lot of Stories... What if it was just that!! What if I was always wrong about what I thought about him!! What if he was So Broken, and he wanted Revenge, and What if that was why he told you what I was doing at Your Home!! Or Wait... Maybe, he was just Stopping Me Sinning More... He was of course always Good Friends with Your Son, and My Poor Boy must have been just trying to Stop the Possibility of Him being Shamed more!! My Little Son... I feel so sorry for Him... I Never was A Good Mother... I hope My Son does not leave me!! I hope he gives me a chance to tell him How Much I Really Love Him!! I feel so Bad... And, I Hurt You, as well... I am really Sorry I did that to you... I am Sorry!!
Kaniha : Shut Up!!
Lena : I am really Sorry.
Kaniha : Just Shut Up!!
Lena : I mean Each & Every Word I said!!
Kaniha : Lol!! Hahahahaha!!
Lena : Don't Laugh... I Am Sorry...
Kaniha : Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Lena : What Is It?? Please...
Kaniha : You don't have to say all that you said!! Don't bother yourself too much!!
Lena : I meant what I said!! I know I failed!! I never could be a Good Friend to You... I never could be a Good Parent to My Son... I know what I made him feel... I know what I made him go through!!
Kaniha : Lol... Relax!! You just don't know Your Son!!
Lena : What??
Kaniha : You don't know Lishin well enough... Hehehe...
Lena : What do you mean by that??
Kaniha : It's Not like what you Think it is... Lena... He is hardly even concerned about it!!
Lena : What exactly do you mean?!
Kaniha : Lena... He was not hurt... Lishin was not hurt one bit!!
Lena : Then?? Why did he tell you what I was doing!!
Kaniha : Why he told me about What You and My Son were up to has nothing to do with the fact You had Sex with his Dearest Buddies... It did cause him a little pain... I don't know how he took it... But I am Sure he was not overly hurt or depressed!! The Group Activity was definitely not the Reason he cared to Text Me!! What kind of Woman you were was not the Reason he Texted Me!! I don't think so... I did not feel so... And... I Mean... It is just not like how you think it is, Lena!!
Lena : Then, What... What is it like?! I don't understand what are you saying!!
Kaniha : Hehehehe... Well... Actually... What happened between You and His Friends did bring about a change in him... He took that Improper Affair as an Unconditional License for him to Lust for the Other Mothers in his Life, especially the Mothers of his Friends, and Friends of his Mother, without any kind of remorse, and also, to do everything he can in his capacity to go all the way with them!! Now, I still don't know what he has for you... But, I am sure he is not looking for Revenge!! Lol!!