Chapter 03.9
Lena : I still don't understand!! What was it really about, then?! What did he really tell you?? Please Tell Me!!
Kaniha : He Wanted to have Sex with Me... That is why he Texted Me... As Simple As That!!
Lena : What The Hell!!
Kaniha : Hahaha... Exactly!!
Lena : I cannot believe this...
Kaniha : Neither Could I... I Could Not Believe Anything of What He Said!!
Lena : I am Sorry... I never thought he would say that to you.
Kaniha : You have already said you are Sorry!!
Lena : But... Not for what he said to you!! He just should not have told you that!!
Kaniha : Why?? I don't look good enough for your Son to see a HOT MILF in me??
Lena : What... That is not what I meant... I thought... You know what I am saying!!
Kaniha : I Don't Know!!
Lena : Please... Not That... Not Now!!
Kaniha : What??
Lena : Just Tell Me What exactly He Told You!! Please!!
Kaniha : Hehehe... Okay... So... He told Me You were Heading to My Place
and You were Going to Have Sex with My Son... And... He Added... That... Since His Mother was Doing it with My Son, he Felt it was Highly Appropriate that I Do it with Him!!
Lena : Huh?! What The Fuck!! Are You Serious?? I still Cannot Accept he had the Guts to Inform you of about the Happenings!!
Kaniha : Lol... But, Yup!! Also... He wasn't really just Informing Me!! Read My Previous Text, One More Time... He was Clearly Putting Forward A Proposal!!
Lena : Bloody Fucker!!
Kaniha : Hahaha... I Know!! I Perfectly Agree!! That is just what I too felt when I finished reading his Texts!! It Started with Pure Agony, but Ended with Unbelievable Astonishment!! He is a Very Cunning Fellow... But, Don't Worry... He is still a Very Well Mannered Boy... He was gracious enough to tell me that he will patiently wait until I am back from the Resort, and all I had to do to keep him Satisfied till then was Send A Couple of My Nudes!! I don't know how he got to know about my Visit to the Resort, but I must say You have Brought Him Up Really Well!! Lol!!
Lena : Damn It!! I just Cannot Believe this... I don't think I ever can!! He never seemed to be someone who had the Courage to make any kind of moves in the Real World... I Mean... He was being Funny around me, but I never thought any of the Other Mothers would have to or would have had to bear with Him!! See... I thought that The Attraction he was showing was all mostly Harmless!! I thought it was his Age that was Messing Up things for him... I still really don't know what he is trying by Getting his Hands all over My Used Inners... I Don't Know... Not that I Want Anything of that from My Own Son... My Horny Pussy does push me to My World of Fantasies, every now and then, but all that is Nothing Serious... You Know Me... I don't Need My Son to worry about His Father not being around for His Mom!!
Kaniha : Now... Don't!!
Lena : What??
Kaniha : Don't Try To Change The Topic... Not Again!! Don't even Think About It... Don't!! Because It Won't Matter!! I still Hate You, and I will Continue to Hate You!!
Lena : Ohh Shut Up!! I know You Don't!!
Kaniha : I Really Do!!
Lena : No... You Don't!! You always Forgive Me!! You Don't Hate Me!!
Kaniha : Yes, I Always Forgive You... But Not This Time!! I Hate You!!
Lena : Wait A Second...
Kaniha : Done Talking to You... Bye... Forever!!
Lena : Noo... Please... Wait!!
Kaniha : What?? Just Stop It, Lena!! I don't want to Hear anything more!! You have Pissed Me Off enough!! Just Give Me Some Peace!! I am sick and tired of having had to talk to you all this while, keeping all my anger and disgust hidden within me!!
Lena : So You were Angry at me... You were Angry at me ever since that Night... You were Angry at me when we started Texting... That is why you did not want to talk to me about what you Did at the Resort... That is why you seemed to be disinterested when you finally started to talk to me about what you Did at the Resort... That is why there was No Clarity... That is why whatever you told me looked Out of Order and Irregular And Poorly Narrated... I get it... I get it now... You were Upset... And... All Alone... That is why you said you wished Shyam was there with you... At-least, At Home... So that there was somebody to guide Kishan... Tell him the difference between Right and Wrong... I get it all now... You could never have talked about this with Kishan... You could never have talked about me to him... That is why you wanted Shyam to be there... He was always good to Kishan... He would have been of use here... It was Support that you wanted...
Kaniha : Why were you Acting so Weird?! Why were you Acting as if you would Die if I did not tell you How Many Men Fucked Me at the Resort?? Why were you Acting as if you would Go Mad if I did not tell you My Ex-Husband was the Only Problem I had in Life!!
Lena : I was never... I Never Acted Weird!! I was just Casually Asking you...
Kaniha : You know that is a Lie!! You know you cannot say that to me!!
Lena : It was Nothing...
Kaniha : Guilt??
Lena : Guilt?? What Guilt!!
Kaniha : You felt Bad you Betrayed your Best Friend, by Pressuring her to get her Sexual Needs Fulfilled, while your Only Real Intention was to Seduce Her Son?! Or Rather, Complete The Whole Seduction Process, and give it the right conclusion!! And... Maybe, You realized you should not have done what you did... And... You wanted Something to Distract you... You Wanted to Convince yourself that you did not really Cheat your Best Friend, and You Wanted to Fill Your Mind with Soothing Thoughts of you Doing the Right Thing, Helping your Disarrayed Soul Mate get herself a Good Time... Yeah... Correct?!
Lena : No... Please... Don't Make it like that...
Kaniha : Admit It!!
Lena : Come On... I did not do...
Kaniha : What is that You did not do?!
Lena : I Mean... I Did Not Seduce Him... It was... See... Okay!! I am Sorry... I Accept It!! What can I do to make things better??
Kaniha : You Cannot!!
Lena : Please...
Kaniha : No!!
Lena : Everybody deserves a Chance!! Please Let Me Fix This!! I will do Whatever you want me to do to Make Things Right!!
Kaniha : You will have to do a lot!!
Lena : What do you want?? Just Tell Me that!!
Kaniha : Well... To Start With...
Lena : What is it?? What do you want to Start With?? Or... Let Me just come to your place, Right Now!! We should talk this out Face-to-Face.
Kaniha : Don't... No!! That is Not Needed!!
Lena : Why?? You really won't Let me In?? Really?! Wait... Is it like you Fear I will hurt you again?? I really wont!! I am Sorry about that too... I will Never Get Physical Again... I mean I won't Hurt You!!
Kaniha : Hurt Me?? Me?! Hahahaha!! No No... I am Not Worried you will Hurt Me!! I am Worried I will Hurt You... I am Worried I might End Up Killing You!! Bitch... I Never want to See You Again... I hope We won't have to!!
Lena : So This Is Over... Really?? You are telling me We are Friends No More... Our Friendship is a thing of the Past... That is What you are Telling Me... Right?! All Those Years of being Besties... 20 Full Years of being there for each-other... You are telling me Our Friendship is Dead... Seriously?!
Kaniha : Yes!!
Lena : Noo!! Please... Not Like This!! Let Me Just Come See You... Just Once!! Please!!
Kaniha : No Need!!
Lena : Please!! Let Me just Come Over...
Kaniha : I don't Want You here...
Lena : Please Please Please!!
Kaniha : Instead...
Lena : Instead?! Instead What??
Kaniha : You can Send Lishin to My Place!!
Lena : Whoaaa... What?! Really?! Why... I Mean... You really meant that?? Is this really what I think it is!! You seriously Want Me to Send My Son Over??
Kaniha : Yes!! And... Right Now!!
Lena : Oh My... Haha... I Mean... This is actually Happening?!
Kaniha : Yes!! How do you Feel about it??
Lena : I... Look... You are Going to Do it with him?! Really?!
Kaniha : Yes... Consider that My Revenge!!
Lena : And... What about Me?? What about What Happened between Me and Kishan?? That is OK??
Kaniha : I Don't Give A Fuck!!
Lena : Bae... Seriously?!
Kaniha : You can Do whatever You Want with him!!
Lena : I Am Sorry... I really am...
Kaniha : Chill... I Don't Have A Problem!! Kishan is All Yours, Darling!! Just Give Me My Lishin, and Promise Me you won't give My Son any of the STDs!! Lol!! At-least Try Not To!! I too will try my best to keep Your Boy well!! Hahaha!!
Lena : Kaniha... I am Glad you are Forgiving me... But...
Kaniha : What is it, Lena?? Don't Apologize, One More Time!! You don't have to... It's All Fine... I was Not Mighty Pleased... But it's All Cool, Now... Hehehe... I actually Feel like Apologizing to You, for My Rude Behavior, Seeing How Chilled You are about Lishin having Sex with Me!! Lol!! I should have handled the Situation more tactfully... I just did not know how to Process the Truth that Kishan had Sex with You!! Deep Inside, I knew it was completely mutual... I knew what you and him did was what both of you wholeheartedly wanted to do!! But... I just could not accept it... I just did not accept it... I did not want to!! I am not angry at you anymore, Lena... I am sorry I did not handle this better.
Lena : No... Wait... Wait...
Kaniha : What?? What Now?? What More??
Lena : Listen...
Kaniha : Girl... Stop Asking me more Questions about what Happened at the Resort!! You can also Stop Asking me about My Mood when I Started Texting you... I don't want to go back to any of that again... I don't know if I have told you enough... Or, told you what I was supposed to... But Not That anymore... At-least, Not Now... We have a lot more to Talk!! Hehehe...
Lena : I Know... I Mean... No... That is not what I too was talking about... It's not that what I was having in mind... See...
Kaniha : What?? Then What?? What Is It?? Tell Me...
Lena : I was just thinking...
Kaniha : Thinking What??
Lena : I don't know... It crossed My Mind only now... Only after you Mentioned both of Our Sons together right now...
Kaniha : What is it??
Lena : Do you think it was Kishan himself who told Lishin I was at your place?? Nobody Else knew about it, Kaniha... Trust Me!! I would Never do anything like that to You!! I won't let the World Shame Your Son!!
Kaniha : What?! What are you Getting At??
Lena : Kaniha... This is Something Serious... I am getting all sorts of doubts!! Do you think that Kishan was the one who also told Lishin about you being at the Resort?? You did say that My Son had told you he would wait until you come back from the Resort, Right?! He did mention the WORD Resort, Didn't He?! How Else would he know where you were!!
Kaniha : Fucking Shit!! Why didn't I think about it like that!! But... How is it possible??
Lena : Do you think They were Working Together all along?? Do you think They were both always aware of What Was Happening!!
Kaniha : Oh My...
Lena : You Get It... Don't You?!
Kaniha : A Mother Swap... Is that what you are hinting at?!
Lena : Exactly!!
Kaniha : Shit!! I cannot even Imagine what the Two of Them would have Discussed about Us!!
Lena : They would have definitely always called as MILFS!!
Kaniha : Damn... They would be addressing Us as Two Divorced MILFS, Now!!
Lena : Hahahaha... As much as a shocker this is... I cannot help feeling Amused... I mean... This is crazy!! They Knew Everything!! And You Too seem to know a lot about Sex and Everything Associated!! Did not expect you to so easily delcare the boys had A Mother Swap in mind!! Oh Bae... Hehehe...
Kaniha : Whooaa.... Hold On A Second... What exactly did you mean when you told me that you doubt whether it was My Son who told Your Son about me being in the Resort?! As far as I remember, I told him nothing about it... In-fact, I told him I was going on a Spiritual Journey...
Lena : Kaniha... Listen...
Kaniha : Did you tell Kishan I was at the Resort?? Did You??
Lena : Errr...
Kaniha : You did tell him... Didn't You?! How else would he know!!
Lena : Kaniha... I am Sorry... Don't Go Mad again... I am really Sorry... I just had to tell him...
Kaniha : You just had to tell him?! Fuck You!!
Lena : I just had to!! If I wanted IT to go as planned!!
Kaniha : Selfish Bitch!!
Lena : It's Not my fault that he feels You Love him a little too much!!
Kaniha : What?? He Said that??
Lena : Not Exactly!!
Kaniha : Then??
Lena : He just was not Ready to Take A Risk!! He kept telling me you would be Home all the time, when I... Okay... Sorry... But I think I should tell it all to you... So, He kept telling me that you would be always at Home, and even after I told him you were not going to be Home for the Weekend, and even after you yourself told him you were going on a Short Journey, he kept telling me that you were only joking, and you were in reality planning a sweet surprise for him, as he was coming Home after Months!! He also told me that you always hated the fact that he had to Stay in a Hostel, and you were never happy whenever he told you how boring his Life there is, and he was adamant that His Mother would not leave him alone, especially because His Dad too was not around anymore, thanks to the Divorce!! He kept telling me that You would have so much to talk to him about, and you would be keenly waiting to have Him Home, with his favorite food items ready on the dining table!! I told him many more times that You are really leaving, but he just told me that he believed even if You weren't Home when he arrived, You would certainly Come Back Home, any time!! I also tried Begging, and I even send Him some Very Provocative Home-Made Videos of Myself, and when Nothing seemed to work, I just had to tell him what exactly you were up to, to finally convince Him!! Sorry...
Kaniha : Hhhmmm...
Lena : You have Nothing more to say?? Please Say Something... Shout At Me... Let The Anger Go!!
Kaniha : Hm...
Lena : I am Sorry... I am Sorry I made him realize you were lying to him about the Spiritual Awakening you had!! I don't know why... I was so so into him... And... I... I will just keep my mouth shut!!
Kaniha : You should be Sorry not about making him understand I was lying to My Own Son... But, About making him realize his Mother had gone to make a Slut out of herself!! You should be Sorry that you made My Son understand I am a Shameless Hungry Sex Starved Bitch, who cares nothing about her Own Son, and only wishes for the goodness of her Holes!! Since I am pretty sure you will never come to terms with any of what I have just said, I don't think I should even ask you to be Sorry that you do not even realize what kind of Sexual Shit you are talking about a Son to His Own Mother!!
Lena : Kaniha... Come On... He does not feel that way!! I can assure you that.
Kaniha : You cannot!! How can you!!
Lena : Because I Know...
Kaniha : What do you know??
Lena : I know he was Happy about it... He said he always felt you needed Some Good Meat Time!!
Kaniha : Shut Up!! How Dare You!! My Son would never say such a thing... He loves me... He knows how much I love him!! It's all your fault... You have turned him into a Creep, and now, you have the audacity to Lie about things he would never even think about saying!! You should be ashamed of yourself, Lena!!
Lena : I am not lying... Why should I!! What difference will it make now!! He really said that... Those were the Exact Words he used... Well Almost... He actually said Great Meat Time... Great was the Word he used, and he also added... Believe Me, Okay... This is real... He further also added that A Decent Pounding Will Do You A Lot Of Good!!
Kaniha : I will Not Believe this!! What nonsense is this!! What the Fuck is happening here?! I feel so... I don't even know what this is!!
Lena : You still like it... Don't You?! You are enjoying what you are experiencing now... Right?! I know you are liking what you just found out!! You find it Exciting, Right?!
Kaniha : What makes you think I am finding all of this Very Exciting??
Lena : Because I know you... Because I and You are the same... Because I for some Strange Reason am finding all of this Super Thrilling!!
Kaniha : I am going to Kill You, if you send me such bullshit one more time!! Don't you dare Send me another Text!!
Lena : Kaniha... Relax... What is this!! Calm Down!!
Kaniha : Hhhmmm...
Lena : Please...
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : I Am Sorry...
Kaniha : Hm...
Lena : Please... Say Something...
Kaniha : I don't have anything to tell you...
Lena : I know there are a lot of things you want to tell me... At-least... Curse Me!!
Kaniha : Well... There is something...
Lena : What??
Kaniha : I was just thinking... It is actually somewhat comical...
Lena : What is it??
Kaniha : No... Nothing... It's just that... You Know... Me telling you about the Young Lad at the Resort...
Lena : What About It??
Kaniha : It changed a lot of things... Right??
Lena : I don't understand...
Kaniha : It helped Connect the Link between You and My Son.
Lena : Excuse Me?!
Kaniha : What??
Lena : You made that up... Didn't You?! You made all of that up... Just to make me Admit... Just to get me to admit to me being with Your Son!!
Kaniha : What do you think??
Lena : It really was that??
Kaniha : Maybe...
Lena : Ohh... So... That is why all those Talks about the Boy looked all messed up!! That is why it was all confusing... That is why his Character was not at all well developed... That is why it all seemed too strange... You were only trying to make a point!!
Kaniha : Yeah??
Lena : You had to lie about it... You had to make all of that up very quickly... That is why it felt so Odd!!
Kaniha : I cannot accept you are still keen on letting me know about how poorly I had expressed myself!!
Lena : I am just telling you that you did not have to do that.
Kaniha : It could also be something else... Like, it hit me at multiple levels... You Know... His Mom was Cheating... I felt I too was Cheating... I saw A Son's Pain... I was made to think about My Own Son's Pain... My Own Son's Actions... And... It worsened when I was forced to think about My Own Son's Time with My Best Friend!! It could also be that... Right?! I must have felt really let down, and I could never properly recollect and note down what happened!!
Lena : You just made all that up!! I Know...
Kaniha : How does it matter?? How does it matter whether I made that up or not?? It certainly turned out to be useful.
Lena : You did not need to do that!!
Kaniha : Do What?? Huh?? I should not have Confronted you for having Sex with My Son??
Lena : No... Not That...
Kaniha : Then??
Lena : You did not have to Fake It!!
Kaniha : Fake what??
Lena : You did not have to Make A Story!! You could have just asked me... Straight... Directly!!
Kaniha : I did ask you... Yes... I did... Very Early itself!!
Lena : No... You did not!!
Kaniha : I did, Lena!!
Lena : Okay... Maybe, You Did!! But then, you also made it sound too stupid... those Dirty Scribblings... Then the Questionnaire... And All That Shit... Stupid Shit!!
Kaniha : Stupid?? Shit??
Lena : Fine... Sorry... But... You could have told me what you had in your mind... You did not have to do all this!!
Kaniha : I did tell you... You did not understand!!
Lena : Yaaa... But, because I never thought about the possibility... I knew there was a chance... I knew I could have failed with being extra careful... But... I did not want to believe it... And... I just could not have told you... Come On... Never!! I was scared... I knew what I did was wrong!!
Kaniha : Really??
Lena : Yes!! I Mean It!!
Kaniha : Hhmm...
Lena : Sorry...
Kaniha : You have anything more to tell??
Lena : No... Forgive Me... Please!!
Kaniha : You won't do it again??