Episode 05
Poroma went to toilet while everyone was silently congratulating Rahul. Everyone was laughing and discussing about the matter. After few more minutes the party started again and everything seems to be normal. Suddenly I found Rahul was saying something to Sutapa and Sutapa said “ok ok I am arranging” and went to upstairs where there bedroom was. I was thinking about what Rahul was asking to her. More than 15 minutes passed by and Poroma was not coming out from the bathroom.
So I went to the bathroom to check for her but bathroom was empty. I was puzzled….where is she. Suddenly I found that there was another staircase after the bathroom for going to the 1st floor of the house. After reaching the 1st floor I started to find her. There ware total 4 rooms in the 1st floor and I found her In the last room. Well…..she was inside the room with Rahul. The door was closed but the window was slightly open. By the time I reached behind the window to see what was going on inside, Rahul already had buried his cock in her to the hilt. Poroma was threshing her head and literally crying out for release. I understood Rahul is literally taking her trophy and Sutapa went to upstairs for arranging her bedrooms for them. For one moment I thought I will break door of the room, step inside and kick that bustard Rahul in his ass, and put a stop to those events, but a hand on my arm stopped me before I could take the first step. It was Sutopa. “Poroma went into this with her eyes wide open Ranjeet,” She said softly as I looked at her restraining hand then at her face, “she won’t thank you for showing her up by breaking things up.” “Christ Sutapa ,” I gaped at her, “I can’t just stand by and let her be used like some little fuck toy.” “Of course you can,” Sutapa half smiled, “and you will. Look, Rahul is a bastard, but he won’t hurt her, not much anyway.”
“Come on Sutapa ,” I protested, “what if it was you there, how do you think Dilip would react?” “He reacted the same way you will. Why don’t you calm down and just enjoy what is happening.” Sutapa said softly. “You …?” I spluttered in surprise. “Yes, me.” Sutapa grinned. “Rahul pulled the same trick on me also, only I didn’t last half as long as Poroma. Ranjeet, believe me, it made sex between Dilip and me much better. It’s only an hour Ranjeet, and an hour you will relish in the future.” “For god shake Sutapa he is fucking my own wife who is the mother our children” I said looking to her face. It is just a fuck Ranjeet. Think of it like a shake hand. Two unknown people is trying to join there sexual organ together to know each other better. There body is connected to get some pleasure only nothing more. Rahul is not marrying your wife or taking her away from your children. Let them have some fun together. Don’t you understand Rahul is like a sex god. Poroma is finding that there are men who can fuck her better than you. Her love for you or the responsibility towards your children will not be decreased by this incident. I knew there is a possibility that this incident may not end here and Rahul may screw her again and again. You have to take it sportingly. Now don’t disturb them and enjoy. After giving me some more lecture she got back to downstairs. “You know,” Rahul commented as he held his cock still inside my wife, “an hour seems hardly enough to really appreciate a bitch like you.
” I could not believe my ears, the man was openly angling to increase the time he had with my wife from an hour to God alone knew how long, nor could I believe that I was going to let him do it. Although this had hit me instantly I was not sure that Poroma was really aware of what Rahul was saying, her whole attention seemed desperately focused on achieving a climax. When Poroma gave no response to his comment Rahul slid his cock in her pussy slowly until it was all but out of her pussy, Poroma writhed and struggled in an effort to get his cock back into her, but with no success. With a little sob of frustration Poroma lay still and looked up at Rahul , her eyes pleading with him to finish her off, grinning down at the now subservient woman beneath him Rahul slid his cock all the way back into her yearning depths. “What do you say Poroma,” Rahul spoke softy as his groin pressed to hers, “should we make it longer than an hour?” “Yes, anything,” Poroma sobbed softly, “only please fuck me properly!” “Oh I will, I will. You will be well fucked by the time I’m finished with you.” Rahul laughed. “But first let’s talk time. Perhaps we ought to make it 2 hours.” Poroma nodded a wild yes, her lower lip caught in between her teeth as she struggled to climax.
“I didn’t hear you.” Rahul said. “Yes, two hours, yes.” Poroma half gasped and half sobbed. “Hmmm, well I’m not sure,” Rahul mused while making a slow withdrawal of his cock, “can I do everything I want in two hours? I don’t think so. Let’s make it three shall we?” “Yes, anything, only please fuck me!” Poroma pleaded with him. “Anything?” Rahul grinned while pushing his cock slowly back into Poroma’s yearning pussy. “In that case how about this. The time is almost twelve thirty; you do whatever I want until seven in the morning, that’s a little over six hours. Still not enough in my view, but I don’t think you could stand any longer. So Poroma, what do you say, will you be my wife until seven?” I held my breath as I waited for my wife to answer, though deep down I already knew what she would say. “Yes!” she wailed and I let the air sigh from my chest. “Yes what?”Rahul asked firmly. “What you said,” Poroma gasped out, “I’ll do whatever you want until seven in the morning.” “That’s like a good girl.” Rahul crowed. “And now for your reward.” With that Rahul began to fuck Poroma in earnest, his cock started sliding in and out slowly, but in a few heartbeats he had picked up the pace and that was all it took to make Poroma climax.
Climax was too mild an expression for what hit Poroma as all the pent up excitement crashed over her, it started with a shudder that became violent jerks of her body, at the same time she was almost screaming out the bliss she was feeling. This orgasmic explosion just seemed to go on and on, throughout all this Rahul continued fucking her with hard, heavy strokes that just seemed to make her ecstasy increase even more. Rahul was clearly enjoying the sensation of fucking my wife and seemed to be doing everything he could to draw out that pleasure, but despite himself his thrusts became ever harder and faster until their bodies were virtually crashing together. With a groan Rahul pushed hard into my wife and I watched his buttocks clenching as he came deep inside her, by this time Poroma’s movements had become weak and almost listless but when Rahul ’s seed filled her she gave a yelping cry then shook violently again.
“Oh am I going to enjoy this.” Rahul puffed as he leant back on his heels, his cock slithering wetly from Poroma’s pussy. My wife’s pussy was oozing sperm. Rahul took some liquid from there and spread over her face. Now his thick sperm coated in her lips and chin, and some even glistened on her throat and boobs. Panting and shivering in post orgasmic pleasure Poroma lay on the bed taking Rahul in her top. After laying 10 minutes over there, Rahul , once again sporting an erection, stood over Poroma, he seemed pleased at the well used look she wore and as she looked up at him questioningly. He gave a little laugh. “You’re not done yet my darling.” Rahul spoke meaningfully. “There’s one hole that hasn’t been used yet.” Poroma’s eyes widened as she realized which hole he was referring to, but though we didn’t do it more than 4-5 times in our entire married life my wife was not an anal virgin. As the realisation reached her eyes Rahul grinned even more and nodded down at her as though confirming her thought. “Assume the position like a good little bitch.
” Rahul chuckled. Poroma sighed then moved onto her hands and knees, her bum facing Rahul as she looked over her shoulder awaiting his pleasure. “Damn you’ve got your wife well trained Ranjeet.” Rahul laughed as he moved closer to my wife. He stuck his cock in her pussy to gather the juices there then withdrew it, a moment later Rahul was pressing his cock to Poroma’s small puckered anus. As he applied pressure Poroma hung her head between her shoulders and gave a small groan of pain, then she yelped and I saw Rahul ’s cock surging all the way into her back passage. There was nothing gentle about the way Rahul fucked her arse, his thrusts were fast and almost drove her to the floor with their power. Despite this Poroma managed to hold her position and, to my surprise, was soon moaning in pleasure which made Rahul laugh then thrust even harder. “You like it hard don’t you my little bitch.” Rahul commented breathlessly. “Yes.” Poroma gasped back even though his words had not been a question. “I bet you never let your husband fuck you hard and mercilessly.” Rahul grunted as he picked up the pace even more. “No.” My wife responded breathlessly. I blushed at her reply, even though it was true that I had always treated her lovingly her admission was humiliating and Rahul ’s response even more so. “Well you sure love having a real man fucking you,
” He laughed. “it takes a real man to handle a woman like you. Perhaps we’ll get together again after this just to keep you satisfied.” Thankfully Poroma made no response, but that may have been simply because she was too busy climaxing to talk. While I thought about his comment that they get together again Rahul began to groan, moments later his cock was thrust deep inside Poroma as he filled her bowels with his cum. For a few moments after cumming Poroma remained still, clearly savouring the sensations of my wife’s arse around his cock, then, after a few idle thrust “Okay,” he sighed moving away from Poroma. I understood they may get out right now. So I came out from the window and entered another room. I hard Rahul saying “let’s go get cleaned up.” I wasn’t too happy to see Poroma and Rahul leaving the room together, but I had little choice in the matter. A few minutes later Rahul returned without Poroma, grabbing his discarded clothing he quickly dressed then headed to the telephone. I again went behind the window. I made an attempt to hear his phone conversation.
Although I couldn’t make it all out I got enough to realize that Rahul was making arrangements for a two day trip near a seaside area, But I couldn’t make out the location. As he finished his call I found some one is coming so I again took shelter in the next room. Oh my god….it was Poroma, still naked, reappeared. Seeing Poroma Rahul grinned and instructed her to put on her dress. Puzzled Poroma did as instructed then stood there waiting for whatever was to come next and when Rahul spoke I felt my face go white. “Okay my baby,” Rahul grinned, “We’re going for a little ride to my apartment, we will spend the night over there and tomorrow we are going to a seaside for a two day trip.” I came down to the ground floor of the house where the party was going on. After few minutes I found they ware coming down together. They came and went outside without saying me or anyone anything. I was so surprised that I could not stop them. When I herd the sound of Rahul’s car I realized that they were really going.
I could not understand what was going. I returned back to my home.I have tried to call her in her mobile. But her mobile was switched off. But I got one sms in my mobile where she said “going for a trip with Rahul……… I will explain to you everything when I will return.
That was a Sunday evening when Rahul ’s car stopped outside the house, a tired and disheveled Paromita got out and as the car moved away she turned to face the house. Moving away from the window I waited for my wife to come in. “Ranjeet!” Paroma gasped in surprise as she saw me waiting for her in the middle of the living room. “Have a good time?” I asked cruelly. “Do you want to start a fight right now………look I am very tired as well as hungry. I need to take a shower also. I will discuss about it later” She answered. After the dinner I was waiting for her in my bedroom. She sat in the bed quietly and then asked “are you angry”? I said “yes”. “Why” She asked again. I said because my wife fucked the man I hated most. She suddenly became very angry and said “Rangeet you were there in the party all the time. You saw how I got stuck in the situation. Rahul tricked me and you know I have tried my best to resist him. I lost because he is not an ordinary man……. he is like a sex god. He can seduce and take any woman in his bed. I was completely taken by his charm. I was doing what he wanted me to do.” “But you went for a 2 day trip with him without giving me any information…how could you do that” I told her loudly. “Yes I did but……..don’t you understand I was acting like his slave that day”.
“So what is your plan now” I asked her quietly. Look Rangeet I am requesting you to take the matter sportingly. You know how much I love you and care for you. Give me some time to recover from the effect of his charm, I am promising you that you will get full control of your wife very soon”. “You mean it is not over yet. You are going to meet him again” I asked my wife being completely surprised. “Look Rangeet our affair has just started…….It is not possible for me to stop seeing him right now.” “So you will again let him fuck you” I asked her looking it to her eyes. “Yes …….I will definitely get screwed by him many more times in your absence. But don’t loose faith. I love my husband and my children. I will be completely yours very soon. Please give your wife few more months dear.” I was stunned and I could not answer. “We are just fucking each other and having fun……..there is no love or any kind of bond between us other than sex…….I promise you, the attraction I am feeling about him will not last long” She confirmed me again. I was completely helpless. I could not do anything other than allowing my wife to fuck him.
I knew that in my absence Rahul was coming in my house and regularly fucking her in my bed. But she did stop seeing him. It took eight months and I got complete control of her just like she said. I was very happy getting my wife back. But in those eight months our sex life was improved tremendously, just like Sutapa said. Every time I imagined that my wife getting screwed by Rahul in my absence and my wife screaming in pleasure, I became very very horny and we had wild sex. One year passed by. One day she went to the supermarket to buy some garments. When she returned I found that she was very very excited as well as horny. That night when I asked her about that she said she met someone in the supermarket. That guy was very very sexy and he took her in a nearby coffee shop. Later he dropped her in front of our house in his car. He also took her mob no. She asked me “if you give permission then I can go ahead”. I asked her “what is in your mind”. She came to me and hugged me tightly and taking her mouth in my ear she said in a husky voice “mera mon me sirf eak hi bat hai” I asked again “what” she answered “ohi ….heaven in10 minutes …
The white wife lay beneath the black stranger in his bed. Her legs were spread wide and her hands gripped his muscular arms. The black stranger's cock was beginning to push ever so slowly into her married pussy. The guilt she felt in the betrayal of her husband of twenty-four years was easily pushed aside by the compelling need to feel the large black cock inside her body. The mother of two had married her childhood sweetheart at the age of eighteen and had never experienced a cock other than the 4" cock of her husband. At least until now...
By all means this was not new territory for the large black man. He routinely had several white wives that he could depend on for servicing his sexual needs on demand. He would meet them at the local mega mart and seduce them over a period several weeks. The large black man knew that once he let the prospective white wife lover know when he would be back next, they would almost always show up. Like this wife, he especially like the ones that were somewhat shy and most likely hadn't taken a cock other than their husbands. This was simply a try-out of sorts where he was concerned. As he pushed his cock to the halfway point in the married woman's pussy he was evaluating the married woman's tightness, her scent, and her willingness to receive him, among other things.
The white wife gasped as the black stranger's cock pushed the rest of the way into her vagina and came into contact with her cervix. Her husband, who was at home with the children as another man's bare cock became fully buried in his wife's pussy, had clearly never reached this area of his wife's womb. "Oh my god" she whispered.
The black stranger began working his magnificent tool in and out of the white wife's pussy. The white wife was moaning constantly. She began to visualize the cock that was giving her such pleasure. It was then that the white wife realized that the strange cock pounding against her cervix was completely bare. "Oh no" she managed to verbalize in between moans. The white husband always placed a condom over his 4" cock before entering his wife. The black stranger ignored the married woman and increased the speed of his thrusting, causing the white wife to forget about the possibility of insemination.
The black stranger was nearing orgasm. It had only been a few minutes, but he had not had sex for a few days, so his strong cock and large balls were filled to the point of bursting with baby-making seed. The large black man was now pounding the cervix of the white wife over and over again with the head of his cock. Only for a brief second did the white wife come to her senses. "Pull out" she managed to request in between one of lover's thrusts, but it was too late. The black stranger slammed his cock fully inside the white wife one last time and held it against her cervix has he shot his sperm over and over again into her body. The warmth of the sperm and the feel of his cock caused something within her that had never happened before. She began having a cock-induced orgasm. The white wife wrapped her legs around the waist of the black stranger and pulled him in tighter as the black man's semen continued its assault on her womb. The white husband was only able to give his wife an orgasm with his tongue, but it had been eight years since he last ate his wife's pussy, so she wanted this moment to go on forever.
The white wife expected the black stranger to remove his cock immediately following their copulation. The white husband always removed his condom-clad cock immediately in order that the condom wouldn't slip off his tiny cock inside his wife. The black stranger had other ideas. He began kissing the white wife as he lay upon her. She was taken back at first, but quickly began enjoying the feel of the black man's tongue probing her mouth. The large black cock inside her had softened but was still far too large to slip out of her now soaked vagina. As they kissed in the afterglow of their first sexual experience together the black stranger began sliding his soft cock back and forth within the pussy of the white wife.
The white wife had been so mesmerized by the black stranger's tongue probing her mouth that she hadn't realized his cock beginning to regain its strength until once again the enormous black cock made contact with her cervix. Her soft pale legs instinctively wrapped themselves again around the large black torso of the stranger. The white husband, who had been told by the white wife that she would be working late, had tired of waiting and now was in bed by himself. As the white wife prepared again to receive the black stranger's seed, the white husband took the opportunity of his wife being away to begin masturbating his tiny cock.
The white wife had gained much more confidence. The low moans from the first coupling were now replaced with shouts of "FUCK ME HARDER" and "OH GOD THIS FEELS SO GOOD". The black stranger would not deviate from the missionary position during this evening. He knew that the married woman would not be accustomed to taking a cock a her mouth and he knew that her virgin asshole would have to wait until later meetings. The black man liked the way this married pussy felt around his cock. He liked the way the white wife returned his kisses with passion. He wanted to eventually taste her sweet pussy, so for now would simply work at pleasuring the white wife as best he could in the missionary position, which he know would be most familiar to her.
The second coupling of the white wife and the black stranger would be a much longer and more satisfying coupling than the first. The black man was again thrusting his thick hard cock against the white wife's cervix over and over again as they lay joined in the black man's bed. Meanwhile the white husband lay naked at home in the marital bed with his tiny 4" cock pointed upwards as he stroked it with his all to familiar hand. The white wife's pussy was overflowing with her juices and the thinning seed of her black lover's first orgasm. The white husband's cock was slick with his own pre-cum and saliva.
The black stranger had been fucking the white wife for over a half hour now. The huge black balls again were filled with the seed that would soon be searching for the white wife's eggs. The black man felt the rising urge deep within himself. The white husband, at home, was fighting to maintain his 4" erection without success. The white husband's cock had deflated and while now soft began simply oozing his cum onto his belly. In another house, on the other side of town, fate happened that the black stranger's cock at the same time began shooting its seed full force into the white wife's womb. "OH GOD, CUM INSIDE ME!" the white wife screamed. She followed with "OH YES, FUCK YES" as she felt spurt after spurt of the black stranger's hot sperm invading her body once again.
Eventually on both sides of town it was all over. The white husband lay on his back with a small pool of his useless sperm on his belly. As he dipped his finger into the pool and brought it to his own mouth to savor the taste of his own juices, on the other side of town his wife reached down between her legs and brought the combined juices of herself and her black lover to her lips as the black stranger finally withdrew his cock. The white husband scooped up the small pool of cum with his hand and poured it into his own mouth. He hurriedly them jumped up and put his pajamas back on fearing that his wife would return and catch him in his depravity.
Later that night when the white wife returned home to her white husband following her tryst with the large black stranger, nature would take its course. The white husband did not recognize the scent of the white woman's infidelity with the black stranger, but his body subconsciously did. As they joined each other in bed, the white husband inexplicably began kissing his wife. It had been years since they had sex on a weeknight, but the pheromones present with the wife as a result of the coupling between her and her black lover were drawing in the unsuspecting white husband. His mouth tasted the mixture of his wife's sweet saliva mixed with that of the black stranger. His cock began to stir.
The white wife didn't worry about the white husband finding her black lover's sperm inside her because he hadn't eaten the her pussy in years. They didn't realize the power of nature. The white husband sat up and removed the white wife's nightgown. Instead of putting on a condom however, the white husband laid back down halfway up his wife's body and began kissing her tits. Slowly the white husband lowered his kissing down her abdomen until he reached her trimmed bush.
The white wife was now terrified, but was afraid if she denied her husband that he would be suspicious. The white husband slid further down and forced his wife's thighs apart. The scent released between her legs intoxicated him. The white husband moved forward and extended his tongue between the white wife's pussy lips that had been stretched apart by her black lover less than one hour ago. The white husband pushed his mouth up against the white wife's pussy and began to lick and suck with all his might. The white husband was eating the black stranger's sperm, but because it had been eight years since he last ate his wife, the white husband failed to recognize that he was eating another man's cum.
Now relaxed, the white wife began enjoying the workings of the white husband's tongue on her clit. The white wife recalled the feeling of the black stranger's cock within her. The white husband regained his 4" erection and was rubbing it against the sheets as he unknowingly swallowed mouthful after mouthful of cum that his wife had received from the large black cock. The white wife began to feel yet another impending orgasm. Her black lover had already caused her to orgasm five times earlier. The white wife was thrusting her pussy up and down against her husband's mouth. Her excitement was causing the white husband's small cock to begin to twitch. Together they came. The white wife, dreaming of her black lover's cock and orgasming again while her husband's worthless cock squirted its useless seed onto the sheets beneath him.
This scene would be played out over and over again during future evenings. The white husband would forever be oblivious to the fact that a large black stranger was giving his bride her much needed sexual fulfillment. The white wife would secretly seek out her doctor for the morning after pill as well as birth control pills for her future sexual activities, but would continue to make the white husband to use condoms for their rare sexual activity. The large black man had become a part of yet another couple's marriage. This leaves only one question. Is this your wife?
My name is Rohan and I am from India. I am happily married with my wife for last ten years. We have two beautiful children. We live in a Mumbai suburb. I work for a big engineering company. My bhaia and Bhabi live in Nasik, a place not far away from Mumbai.
I had a great time when I used to live in Nasik as a kid and then as a young man. Both my parents were dead in a motor accident when I was just 16. My Bhaia and Bhabi were very loving and caring and they look after me. My Bhaia used to work for a small company as a clerk. He is retired now and my Bhabi was always a housewife. She is a very good lady and I always was very close to her. My Bhabi was married to my Bhaia when she was only nineteen and my Bhaia was then twenty nine. I was born when my Bhabi was twenty.
My Bhaia was not health conscious his food habits were not good and he used to drink on a regular basis. But my Bhabi always avoided oily food and the daily chores kept her fit. I was a happy go lucky guy. I was good in studies and also on the play ground. Much of my time was devoted towards cricket and cycling.
As I grew up I often used to fantasize about making love to my Bhabi. She was the only woman in my life who was present all the time around me. I did have a huge crush on a girl who was my classmate. Her name was Anuradha, I could never propose to her till I left the college. But she was friendly to me and we used to talk and exchange notes sometime. I did not see her for a long time after she left the college.
I passed my secondary college ( SSC) and opted science for higher secondary college. I was determined to become an engineer.
Everything went on as normal till I was in my third year of engineering I was 20 and my Bhaia was 50. My Bhaia suffered a stroke and was paralyzed. He was in the hospital for a week. Fortunately because of his relatively young age he regained some control over his limbs. His right side of the body was affected. He could no longer use his right hand and walked with some difficulty. He would ( and still) limp and drag his right foot while walking. His speech is slurred. But otherwise he is ok. I spent a year massaging his legs, hands and back to stimulate the muscles and encourage the recovery. But despite of best of my efforts and extensive physiotherapy he could not recover completely. But anyway he doesn't have any other problems as he has given up drinking and eating oily food. He also goes for a walk everyday to keep fit.
This story is of those turbulent days when my Bhaia was brought home from the hospital.
Back To Home
I opened the door of the taxi to help my Bhaia move out of it. I pulled him out and supported him while walking towards the door of our house. Bhabi was walking next to him. I helped him get into his bed so that he could rest.
"That's it Bhaia. You rest till evening then I will give you a massage."
My Bhaia did not say anything he was too shocked because of what had happened to him.
He was about to cry.
"Don't worry Bhaia you will be alright."
I put up a brave face but I was also worried. There was always a danger of another stroke. I walked out of the bedroom and signaled my Bhabi to follow me. We went in our living room.
"Look Bhabi this is a serious situation and we must do our best to help him come out of this."
"I know Rohan."
"Follow the strict diet which doctor has prescribed and try to keep him happy."
"Ok" She said in a low voice.
The emotional trauma had drained our energy.
A few weeks after my Bhaia started some physiotherapy and I continued to massage him daily. There was some improvement in his leg but not in his right hand. This continued for months. My Bhaia took a retirement as he could no longer perform his duties. He was now getting some pension which was not enough for us to survive. This was because he did not complete his full service period. We were surviving because of some savings which my Bhaia had. Now I was totally devoted to my Bhaia and Bhabi. I had to help my Bhaia do household work, go to market for grocery, vegetables shopping etc. I also helped my Bhabi for cooking and cleaning.
My life was totally changed. I was cut off from my friends. I mostly stayed indoors after attending my collage. My Bhabi knew this and she felt very sorry for me.
One day my Bhabi asked me
"Rohan why don't you go and play cricket with your friends?"
"I can't do that Bhabi"
"Why not? Your Bhaia is now ok you can go out now."
"But I want to stay with you Bhabi, who knows when I am needed here"
"That's true but the playground is not far away from our home. I can call you if we need your help Rohan."
"No Bhabi I don't want to get into it."
"Oh Rohan you are such a good boy. Now everything is on your shoulders."
"It's ok Bhabi I will take care of everything."
My Bhabi looked in my eyes proudly.
As months passed my Bhaia's bank account was almost exhausted and we were now feeling the pinch. We had to ration everything, food, water, electricity everything. I realized this rationing is not going to help us for long. I decided to do some part time job. Luckily the owner of the company where my Bhaia worked offered me a part time job as a token of gratitude towards my Bhaia's service. I used to work five hours everyday between 7 pm to 12 am. He gave me a job of keeping records of the goods transported from the warehouse during that period.
It was very difficult for me. I was attending collage, doing home work, doing a part time job and also attending my Bhaia everyday. Those were the most painful days in my life. I often used to come home very tired and sleep as soon as I lay in my bed. During this period I went even closer to my Bhabi. She was so proud of me and would often kiss my forehead. She would often come in my bedroom in the morning and move her fingers through my hair to wake me up. Sometimes I would even get a kiss on my cheek in the morning.
I passed my engineering and got a job as an apprentice in a company. This company produces spare parts for automobiles. I was appointed as a trainee supervisor on the shop floor. The salary was not very good but now I was much relaxed as I need not study anymore. I was more interested in doing a job in Mumbai. But I decided to get some experience before moving to Mumbai.
Now I had more time for myself. I again started to have fantasies of making love to my Bhabi. Sometimes I used to feel guilty but those fantasies would come again and again.
My Bhabi was really beautiful. She was strongly built with broad shoulders. Her black eyes and dense black hair were really defying her age. Her breasts were quite big and the roundness of her bottom made her look more desirable.
As years went by my sexual frustration also increased. I was now twenty four and still virgin. My Bhaia and Bhabi did not talk about my marriage because they were worried if I moved out they will be left to fend themselves.
I am disciplined.
One Saturday my Bhaia had gone out for a walk. I was sitting in the living room watching morning news. My Bhabi came with two cups of tea and offered me one and sat besides me sipping her own cup. I always felt good when she sat beside me like this. On the news channel they were showing some mur*er case because of some sexual reasons.
"This guy should be hanged" said my Bhabi.
"That's not fair Bhabi. He is just a suspect, not yet guilty"
"I know I know but he must be the one"
"Bhabi but he could have also done this because of some frustration"
One thing led to another and our discussion went on and on and finally it took a dramatic turn when I asked her
"Bhabi can I ask you one thing?"
"Anything dear, go on"
"Bhabi it is very personal"
"Ok no problem ask me"
"Bhabi how is Bhaia?"
"What is so personal in this? You know he is good now"
"Not that" I said.
"Then what?" she asked
"I mean how is he in ... in the bed?" I chew my tongue as I asked her.
She did not reply and seemed crestfallen.
"Bhabi don't misunderstand me Bhabi."
She looked at me confused what her dewar wants to know.
"I just want to know if Bhaia can perform after his stroke that's all Bhabi, and I am sorry if I have offended you."
Her tension eased as she realized what my concern was.
"Its nothing Rohan"
"Means?" I asked
"I don't know how to talk about it with you."
"Its ok Bhabi I am sorry."
"No Rohan why you should be sorry? You are grown up and as like my son you have the right to ask. But I don't know what to tell you. I always wanted to talk about this with someone." Her vice cracked.
"Tell me Bhabi may be you will feel relieved." I said.
"Rohan your Bhaia can not do anything after the stroke"
"Oh no Bhabi."
"Yes Rohan , few months after his stroke I tried, but could not get him going. He can not get "it" up."
"So how do you.. I mean uh I mean" I wanted to ask her how she satisfies herself.
"When it becomes unbearable I do it myself." she knew what I wanted to ask.
I was getting turned on by all this talk.
"It must be very hard on you Bhabi. It has been four years now."
"Yeah but what can be done" she finished her tea and kept the cup on the table.
"Bhabi it has been four years for you, but for me it has been ages"
I was turned on by the nature of talk between us. I kept my cup on the table and moved near her and put my arms around her. I pulled her towards me and I tried to kiss her lips. She immediately got up pushing me away.
"What you are doing Rohan?" She was furious.
"I just.."
She slapped on my cheek. She had never slapped me that hard ever before.
"Bhabi I just"
"Shut up Rohan. I always thought I don’t have children….. so what…. you are like my son. I talked about your Bhaia's disability and my frustration because there is nobody with whom I can talk on this issue."
"I am sorry Bhabi, please forgive me." I hung my face in shame and walked towards my bedroom.
I was devastated by the insult and shame. I did not go out of the room as I did not have courage to face my Bhabi again. I did not even go out to have lunch. My Bhaia asked me to come out for lunch but I told him that I was not hungry he did not ask me again and left. I was praying that Bhabi should not tell anything to my Bhaia.