Episode 09


Hello…I'm Sudhir. Until recently I thought I had the perfect life – wonderful job with working hours that generally allow quality time with my family, a truly loving wife and an ideal mother, great sex, a very adequate income, and a home in a good neighborhood. What else could one ask for?

Things seemed very normal between my wife Sutapa and me and the only thing I was aware of was that recently our sex life seemed to be much more passionate and intense than it had been and that it was Sutapa who was driving it, but who's to complain?

One Friday afternoon when I came home I stopped, as usual, to play with the children before going into the house. While playing they asked me why Mommy was running so many errands and why she didn't always eat lunch with them like she used to. I told them that I didn't know but I was sure mommy was doing things she needed to do to keep us fed and clothed and happy. They accepted that explanation and went back to play.

As I walked into the house I was wondering what was happening that would make the kids ask such a question. I first thought I would simply ask Sutapa about it and then something in the back of my head said not to mention it. With the recent changes in our sex life, I had been having uneasy feelings for a while. Now and the kid's question just added to my uneasiness. Obviously something had changed so that the kids were aware of it.

By the time supper was over, I had dismissed my thoughts and after the children were in bed we had wild sex.

Next day was Saturday. We had a number of things on the agenda for Saturday and among them Sutapa had promised to take the kids to the new cartoon film at the theater. I had begged off the show since I wasn't really interested in the cartoon film. After the kids and my wife went to the theater, I decided to have some drinks. I took a bottle of wine from the fridge. Now the only thing I need was glasses (peg). So I entered in the kitchen and started to find my wine glasses. I started to find it everywhere in the kitchen but was not able to find it.
Then I tried to find it in one kitchen racks. I found it there. But while taking the glasses my hand touched some kind of plastic sealed cardboard. I thought it was an empty card from the some packed food. But, to my surprise, when I pulled it out into the daylight it was a card of birth control pills.

I smiled with my first thought, 'My, these are certainly dinosaurs from our past.' They have been stuck away since my vasectomy over three years ago. But my smile faded as I realized they were not dusty or dirty.

By now I was beginning to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. The question immediately came to mind, why would Sutapa need to have hidden them? Obviously she didn't need to hide them from the children. If she were using them, I'm the only one she would need to hide them from. I made note of the pills on the card and by coincidence, not surprisingly, the number of pills happened to match Sutapa's current cycle, as best I could calculate. Coincidence? I was having a hard time selling myself on the coincidence theory especially since the card wasn't discolored and it was clean. The notion that Sutapa was back on the pill could only mean she was engaging in sex, and not with me.

Then I sat in the kitchen floor and cried and asked myself, 'Why?' I had some thinking to do and I knew that a confrontation would not solve anything right now. Although not very likely, there may be some reasonable explanation. I had just enough time to regain my composure, and then I replace the pills before Sutapa and the kids got back home. Of course, she and the kids were happy and excited, and this clashed with my feelings. During supper I did my best to enter the kid's conversation, but I was really preoccupied and of course Sutapa picked up on it. After dinner she came around the table, put her arms around my neck, and asked what was wrong. I simply told the truth, that I didn't feel very well. She started to probe and I told her I just needed to get to bed. We tucked the children in and then she tucked me in and told me that she would come to bed in a little while.

She leaned over to kiss me. I started to meet her when, at that moment, I wondered who else was sharing her lips these days and turned my face away from her. I believe if I had kissed her right then, I would have slapped her across the room. She got up off the bed, said, "Goodnight sona," and left. I was restless all night as various horrible visions floated through my head. The next morning after breakfast, Sutapa came around to me and tried to sit on my lap, but I didn't pull back from the table to make room for her. She stood behind me and placed her hands on my shoulder.

She said, "You were very restless last night. Did you get any sleep?"

I told her that I had not gotten much.

She came around to the side of the table and looked me in the eye. "There's something serious bothering you, isn't there?"

I looked her squarely in the eye and said, "Yes, there certainly is."

Then she asked if I wanted to talk about it and I told her no, not now. She asked if there was anything she could do. I answered her, "I really wish there were." She wanted to continue but I told her that I would work it out and that there was nothing she could do now.

As I pondered the various anomalies of the past month or so, pieces started to come together. But still there were too many holes. Lots of circumstantial things, but nothing solid I could lay my hands on. I would be out of town until Wednesday so I could not check the pills again until then. That would provide the first tangible answer pro or con. And Wednesday night I got the answer. Yes…..she was cheating me. Now I have to find how and who.
I knew to find the answers of these questions, I have to work hard. But no….getting those answers were easy for me. I never thought it will be so easy for me. I started to find her diary and found it. It was hidden in a very old and damaged hand bag of her. If I have not searched it like a bloodhound it was not possible for me to find out about it accidentally. Just after our marriage, sometimes I saw her writing her dairy. But then for the last few years I have not saw her writing. I thought after the birth of my children’s she has stopped writing her dairy. I was wrong. It seemed that she was continuing her diary writing. Me be she used to write it in the afternoon when I was in my office. I found out everything about her affair from it.
Sutapa continues…

My name is Sutapa and I am 25. My husband, Sudhir (29), and I live in a modest three bedroom house in a middle class neighborhood in Hyderabad. We have been married seven years and have two girls, Mina (3) and Anna (5). Sudhir is a line supervisor for the telephone company. His normal work hours are 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. and he is usually home about 4. I work at home for an insurance company 4-5 hours per day. Ever since the children have been able to walk and enjoy playing outdoors, I have taken them, almost every day, to Sunita's house. Sunita is my best friend from high college and we ended up living a block and a half from each other. Sunita has two girls also and their ages are almost the same as Sudhire and mine. Her husband works in Dubai. Previously she was staying with her father- in- law. But last year he died and now she was staying alone with her kids. Our normal routine is for me to take the kids to her house about ten. Weather permitting we pack a lunch and walk to a nearby park. Shortly after lunch we return to one of our houses, usually Sunita's, and put the kids down for a nap. During nap time one of us stays with the kids while other runs errands when needed. After the naps we let the kids play for a while, sometimes returning to the park, and then I return home with my kids by three in the afternoon. If we aren't at the house when Sudhir comes home, he comes to Sunita's or the park and gets us.

The embryo to my problem was set in place about eight months ago. Sunita decided to sublet her house to supplement her income. She rented out one bedroom and bath to a middle-aged (38) Dark, North Indian man who works as a Hotel Manager. He works from 4 p.m. until 2 a.m. and usually comes home about 3 a.m. He sleeps until around 10 a.m. and on work days he showers, dresses, and leaves for work about 2 p.m. Off course her husband did not knew about that. She told me that the guy is staying in her place for few months. His husband comes to India in every alternate year. So he will never know about it. She can use the rent money for purchasing her favorite jewelry or saree.

I had met Barun, her roomer, and would see him from time-to-time as he was leaving for work. He seemed to be very nice. Anyway, about six months ago, I had to enroll Anna for kindergarten and was late getting to Sunita's that morning. I had let Sunita know the night before.

Sunita was acting strangely and seemed to be in a cloud. She was anxious to get to the park. Once at the park, she just sat with a sort of silly grin on her face. I didn't know whether to talk to her or just pretend that I didn't notice anything. After a while I couldn't stand it any more and said, "Sunita, Kiya hua tumko? You're acting strange." She looked at me with a big smile and said, "Sutapa, I thought you would never ask and what I'm going to tell you stays between us. OK?"

I affirmed that I would keep a secret and she continued. "It's funny that you asked what had gotten in to me because that's exactly what it's all about."

I looked at her questioningly. Her reply didn't make any sense. Then she went on in a twitter, "Barun got into me this morning. Sutapa, it was pure heaven. I haven't been with a man since last year when my husband came to India, and I can tell you this was worth waiting for. He's very well endowed and he knows how to use it."

Sunita then revealed the whole story. She and Barun had been innocently playing around for several weeks. A few days ago she passed Barun 's room and the door was not fully shut. She saw him dropping his towel as he prepared to dress after a shower and she saw his cock. She said it was enormous. (As it turns out, he is hung with eleven inches of meat.). Anyway, she couldn't get her mind off of what she had seen. The next few days she shied away from the playful games.

This morning, they had started to mess around again. He was holding her from behind and she backed up into his semi-erect cock. She couldn't pass off the feeling she had and turning around she told Barun that she had seen him dressing. He was a little embarrassed and said he would be sure to keep the door shut. They sat down and talked a little. Then she said she didn't know what made her do it, but she asked Barun if she could see it up close. Barun was reluctant saying he didn't think it was the right thing to do.

She persisted and he relented and unzipped his trousers. He then pulled his semi-erect cock out for her to see. She just couldn't resist it and she reached over and gently stroked it. Then she began to gently stroke it. She said she didn't know why she did this but she seemed to be mesmerized by the largest cock that she had ever seen. Without a word between them, and knowing I would be late, she let him lead her to his bedroom I don't have to say what happened next. Simply stated, Sunita enjoyed one of the best fucks she had ever had. I asked her if she was going to do it again and she didn't hesitate to say she definitely would.

She leaned over, took my hand and said, "Oh Sutapa, you have no idea what it is like to have a monster cock completely filling your pussy. Until you have had the experience, you just can't imagine what it is like to be so completely fucked."

Over the next few weeks I could see Sunita blossom again into a completely fulfilled and happy woman. I know she was sleeping with him some nights and was also enjoying some early morning encounters, because she would call and bring the kids to my house before time to go to the park on some mornings. I was very happy for her and was very relieved to learn she was on the pill again.

One day, by the time we returned from the park, it had become very hot outside. We started chatting after the children’s were put down, suddenly Barun came into the kitchen before going to work. She called him over to her and whispered something in his ear with a giggle. Then she said "Sunita, I don't think you believed me when I told you about Barun. Would you like to see for yourself what he has?" Feeling light headed, and not giving it a thought, I just giggled, "Sure, Why not?"

Barun looked at me and asked if I was sure. I told him to go ahead. He then unzipped his pants and pulled out the biggest cock I had ever seen. I was taking a sip of my gimlet and I almost swallowed the glass.

Sunita asked if I would like to touch it. I knew that things were starting to head in the wrong direction and that I should leave and come back for the children after their naps. But I couldn't take my eyes off of that mammoth piece of manhood. I protested and made a feeble excuse, but I didn't move or take my eyes off his cock.

After a moment, Sunita took Barun 's hand and led him over to me. She then took my hand and placed Barun 's, now beginning to stiffen, cock in the palm of my hand and said, "Sutapa, don't be a prude, enjoy it for a minute."

My fingers could not go all the way around his cock, but I began to gently stroke it. I had made about three or four strokes when I heard one of the children in the bedroom. I popped out of my stupor, dropped Barun 's cock, and started for the door. Sunita was a step ahead of me and pushed my shoulders back and said, "I'll take the kids to the park, go ahead, enjoy yourself with Barun." The shock of what I had been doing, and hearing one of the children, had snapped me back to reality. Almost in panic, I pushed by Sunita and went to the children. I was shaking like a leaf. I got the kids, told Sunita I would see her tomorrow, and headed home. The kids protested and wanted to go back to the park but I told them that I was tired and that it was too hot. At home the children quickly went to play.

I sat, still shaking, as I recalled what had happened and what I had seen and felt. I was also wondering how far things would have gone if the children hadn't awakened. By the time Sudhir came home I had pretty well settled down, but I was still a little in awe and very unnerved. When we went to bed, Sudhir was horny and we started to make love. When I took his cock in my hand I was amazed at how small it felt compared to Barun 's. But when he entered me it didn't feel small and it was completely satisfying, as usual. I love Sudhir with all my heart but I must admit that while making love I couldn't help but wonder: If Sudhir felt so good and fulfilling, what would a cock the size of Barun 's feel like? The thoughts didn't linger very long as Sudhir carried me to a perfect climax with him. Over the next few weeks, nothing out of the ordinary occurred but I knew Sunita had begun to sleep with Barun several nights a week. She didn't make a big deal out of it but every so often she would indicate how satisfying Barun was, and I could tell by her actions that she was really enjoying what she was getting.

It was at this time that Sudhir began working extremely long hours repairing phone lines and equipment destroyed in a recent storm and I was missing some of the wonderful sex that Sudhir and I enjoyed. On one afternoon Sunita was a little more descriptive of her activities with Barun. Not having made love with Sudhir in over a week, I began to fantasize about having a big cock – Hell, any Laund !

Although these fantasies would come into my mind from time-to-time, I would always dismiss them immediately as though they had been a dream. I knew deep inside that I would never know any cock but Sudhir's. Thinking such thoughts were like thinking about owning and living on a large estate with a staff of servants. Something that I knew was never going to happen.

One day, without thinking, the children and I went to Sunita's much earlier than usual. Her kids were playing in the yard and mine joined them. I asked where mommy was and they told me she was in the house talking to Uncle Barun. I didn't think twice about it and went into the house. Then I heard them. Barun and Sunita were in her bedroom and there was no question about what was happening. I knew that I should turn and leave, but my curiosity took over and I slipped down the hall. Before getting to her bedroom door, I spotted them in the vanity mirror. I was shocked that they would be engaged in sex with the bedroom door open and the kids up and about. But the shock quickly went away as I watched and determined Barun was near climax. I began to feel a dampness between my legs as Barun thrust his enormous cock into Sunita and then withdraw only to lunge again. I could then see his buttocks start to quiver as he pumped his seed into her. By this time I had two fingers fully inserted in my sopping wet pussy and in a moment I came to a climax and leaned against the wall with an un-muffled moan.

Sunita heard me and before I could gather myself together and get out, she came to the door. I don't know which emotion had the greatest hold on me, embarrassment or arousal. On the one hand I felt like a college girl who had been caught masturbating in college by the college master. On the other hand, my pussy was on fire and soaking wet. I had never seen anything that had turned me on so much as what I had just witnessed. My legs were like butter and I just slumped to the floor.

Sunita came to me and took me in her arms. She told me she was sorry but I had come much earlier than I usually do. Then she let me know that she was sorry if they had shocked me, but she wasn't sorry for enjoying Barun. About that time Barun came out. He had put on a pair of boxer shorts but his cock was very apparent beneath the thin material. They helped me up and guided me in to Sunita's bedroom where they set me on the edge of the bed. Barun started to apologize and I told him that there was nothing he needed to apologize for. I should have known better than to come so early. We talked for a little while and my weak knees began to regain their strength. I finally started to get up and just as I did, Barun got up also.

As he stood up, his now limp, giant cock fell out of the fly in his shorts. I stopped and stared. I couldn't pull my eyes away.

Sunita saw me and she asked me if I would like to touch it again.

I couldn't say anything for a moment and before I could speak, Barun stepped over to me and guided my right hand to his cock. When I touched it, it jumped slightly as if to say, 'I'm alive and waiting for you.' I couldn't stop myself and I began to stroke him. Barun pulled me to him and began to massage my breasts through my light cotton sari, blouse and bra. My stroking was bringing the monster back to life and I was getting very wet again. Sunita smiled at me, "I'll go look after the children. I can see that you two need to get better get acquainted."

She slipped her dress on and left the room.
My head was screaming. I knew what I should do but the feel of the big, hard, and growing cock in my hand was overpowering. I was weak mentally but I physically tried to pull away. My physical attempt was moving me away no farther than my deep breathing was moving me.

Barun moved his lips to mine and his tongue sought entrance to my mouth. After a moment I allowed it to enter. Our mouths were now wide open and our tongues were exploring each other to the maximum. By now his cock was hard as a rock and standing straight out.

We moved back to the bed and I lay down on my back still holding Barun 's cock. He began to unbutton my blouse and then he began kissing my neck and working his way down to the top of my breasts inside my bra. I was beginning to burn with passion and I began to pull his cock toward me. Barun had all of my buttons undone and I felt his hand slip under the waist band of my petticoat and panties and one of his big fingers was seeking the entrance of my pussy. I spread my legs to give him access and quickly his finger was inside me. I let out a little gasp as his finger found its Barun and it was quickly followed by a second finger. I was over the edge and I knew it. I don't know what it would have taken to stop me from doing what I knew I was going to do next. I turned myself around on the bed until his cock was in my face and then I opened my mouth and slowly closed my lips around it. I had to stretch my mouth as far as it would go to accept his wonderful tool. As I accepted his cock, Barun removed my panties and pushed his tongue into my wet clit. Although Sudhir and I had practiced oral sex to some degree, it was nothing compared to what I was experiencing right now. I was hotter than I had ever been in my life. The feel of his enormous cock in my mouth and his broad tongue caressing my pussy was incredible. As I continued to suck his cock I reached around and unhooked my bra and since my dress was unbuttoned, I just shrugged out of the sari and bra.

Barun brought me to a climax with his mouth and then he pulled his cock from my mouth and positioned himself above me.

He asked, "Are you ready?"
I nodded and reached for his cock. Then I guided his love tool into me. I felt the walls of my pussy expand to accept him and for a moment I felt like he was going to tear me open. It hurt some but quickly waves of ecstasy engulfed me as his huge member penetrated deeper and deeper. Never in my life had I felt anything so arousing. Fireworks were popping in my head and shortly I was experiencing one of the biggest and strongest climaxes ever.

As the climax subsided I turned my head to the side and there in the bureau mirror I could see Barun pounding his cock into me. I can't explain the waves of pure lust that were now driving me. I grabbed his smooth buttocks and helped him drive his cock into me. Oh, it was beyond belief. Suddenly I felt his cock start to convulse and then big wads of his seed filled my cunt. As Barun filled me, I had another thundering climax. When he finished, he lay on top of me as his manhood softened.

We both lay there still breathing hard and Barun rolled off and began to massage and kiss my breasts again. I could feel a couple of globs of his cum run down between the cheeks of my ass and drop to the sheet. The afterglow was fabulous and I made no attempt to move away. Very quickly I began to feel new wetness developing and I couldn't resist reaching down and taking hold of his cock again. To my surprise he was starting to harden again. This man must be made of steel; he was now getting hard for the third time in no more than an hour or so. He lifted his head and our mouths and tongues met again. Soon we were breathing hard and I was handling his manhood with finesse. He started to get up to get on top again but I pushed his shoulders away. I got on my knees and then straddled him. His beautiful cock was pointing straight up and I slowly impaled myself on the glorious shaft. It was fantastic, lowering myself a little at a time, and enjoying the feel as his cock contacted every nerve in my pussy. I actually had a small orgasm before I completely enveloped his entire cock. And this time his organ was touching me further in my love canal than it had the first time.

I bounced up and down with abandon and was completely lost in the sensations of feeling a cock as I had never felt one before. I almost wanted to pass out as the feeling was so intense. Then Barun pulled me towards him and sucked a nipple and I couldn't help but cry out in passion. I wanted the sensations to go on forever but another crashing climax hit and soon after Barun pumped a second load of his sperm into me.
I lay there, on top of him, for a few minutes reveling in the afterglow. Then I heard Sunita and the children enter the back yard. I panicked for fear the children would see me. My watch told me we had been fucking for almost two hours. Hearing their voices snapped me back to reality and what I had just done crashed down on me. I grabbed my clothes and dashed for the bathroom. I sat on the toilet crying and trying to empty Barun 's cum from my pussy. I now fully realized what I had done. Even if Sudhir never finds out, I will always have to live knowing that I cheated on him. I didn't mean to; I just got carried away under the circumstances and I was a fool for not having stopped when I knew I could have.

Sunita knocked on the bathroom door and asked if I was OK. I know she could hear me crying and I told her I just needed to be left alone for a while. She was insistent that I let her come in and talk with me and I finally relented. I asked where the kids were and she told me they were playing outside. She was quick to tell me that I shouldn't worry about having sex with another man and that I had to agree that he was wonderful. I told her it wasn't Barun that was the problem, it was me. I had cheated on my husband and I felt sick about it.

Then a second terrifying realization hit me and I gasped. I screamed at Sunita that I had had unprotected sex with Barun. Sunita tried to comfort me by telling me that Barun was clean and that I had nothing to worry about. I told her that was not what I was talking about. Sudhir had done vasectomy after our last child and Barun hadn't used a condom. I could get pregnant. Sunita helped me do the calculations and I was somewhat relieved to find that I should be safe. But, I was still worried.

Sunita tried to convince me that Sudhir would never know and that my indiscretion wasn't all that bad. As she kept talking, and trying to justify my actions, I started to get angry with her. A married woman, having sex with Barun, was not the same as Sunita, whose husband works in Dubai and comes after every alternate years, having sex with him. Sunita wasn't fully comprehending the difference and I finally told her to get out. I don't think I ever felt worse in my whole life.
A short time later Anna, my daughter, knocked on the door and wanted to know what I was doing. I told her I wasn't feeling well and that we would be going home in a few minutes. I cleaned my face up as best I could and took the children home.

On the way home Mina asked me, " Aap Row Kiyo rahi hai, Maa? Aap sick tou nehi hai ?"

I told her it was.
The children were disappointed that we were not going to have lunch with Sunita and I told them I was sorry but that I needed to get home. They played for a while and lunch and nap time didn't come soon enough for me. I needed to shower and to clean up. Barun 's cum was dribbling down my leg at times. After I put the girls down for their naps I went to the bathroom, douched, and took a long hot bath but I couldn't make myself feel clean.

By the time I was through with the bath, I was crying uncontrollably again. I couldn't put the mirrored vision of Barun 's big cock in me, out of my mind. What really hurt was that I couldn't say the experience was disgusting and horrible. The fact was that I had enjoyed it. It had been exhilarating, naughty, and sexually very gratifying. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous knowing Sunita was getting that beautiful cock whenever she wanted it.

I lay down on the bed and tried to take a nap but the mixture of my infidelity on the one hand, and the sheer ecstasy of the experience on the other hand, kept looming in my mind and I couldn't sleep. The children woke up from their naps and I helped them get ready to go back out and play. They wanted to know why Mommy was still crying. I simply told them that my tummy hurt and it would go away and not to worry. I knew that my crying would be reported to daddy when he came home, if they were still awake. I needed to get control of myself.

As bad luck would have it, Sudhir came home only a couple of hours late (5:30) instead of ten, or later. When he came into the house, as I knew, he had already been told that mommy was sick. When I saw him gigantic waves of guilt and remorse swept over me and I almost fainted. I stopped Sudhir from taking me to a doctor. I explained things away as severe cramps before my period. I hoped he was not keeping track of my period, and apparently he wasn't.

The next two days were terrible. I didn't want to go to Sunita's but I couldn't deny the children their outing. Fortunately, I didn't see Barun. Sunita wanted to know how I felt and whether I had enjoyed it. I told her, honestly, that 'Yes' I had enjoyed it but that I felt rotten for having cheated on Sudhir and that she needed to drop the matter. Sunita knew enough to let it drop. However, I couldn't clear my conscience and both nights the sight of Sudhir would cause me to break into tears. God, how I hoped he didn't pick up on the real cause of my tears. I have now learned that guilt is a terrible customer to deal with.

With Sudhir's late hours and my fears, our sex life ended until after my next period some three weeks later. I know it is silly, but I was afraid that somehow Sudhir would detect something different about me if we had sex.

After my period was over, I felt better about having sex again and lost my fear that something wouldn't be right. We had wonderful sex two or three times a week as Sudhir had returned to his normal hours.

A few weeks later, as I had gotten myself back in order and was putting my indiscretion behind me, the kids and I made our usual trip to Sunita's. When I saw her that morning, Sunita had that radiant face of a woman who has just had some great sex. Until this day, Sunita had been good about keeping her relationship with Barun out of our conversations. But today at the park Sunita was quick to tell me what a fantastic time she had with Barun last night. I asked her to please change the subject and she did. But the damage had been done. My memories of the romp in the sack with Barun came flooding back. I could even feel wetness start to build.

I can't deny that the fucking Barun gave me was one of the best I ever had, but it was wrong. I wrestled with the recurring thoughts and after a while I was able to dismiss them. When I got home I showered and changed my underwear. The children were late getting down for their naps and I was hot as a firecracker. I knew Sudhir would be home soon so, after the shower, I put on my short nylon robe and nothing else. When Sudhir got home, I almost bangd him before he could get through the kitchen.

When we went to the bedroom, I didn't even allow him to take a shower before I was on him. We made wild love. I explained that I had been thinking about him all day and that we could shower together when we finished. I did something new. I performed oral sex on him and swallowed his sperm. The oral sex wasn't new but swallowing his load was. Swallowing made me feel good because I was giving him something I had never given anyone else. I discovered swallowing was not all that bad and being the first time it was kind of exciting. Oh, how I love this man and how great he is in the sack. His loving is powerful yet always tender and I always feel so loved and completely sexually fulfilled when we finish. It's not the same as with Barun where it is just pure lust and sexual gratification.

Later when we went to bed for the night, we played with each other for a while before Sudhir fell asleep. I couldn't sleep right away because of my mental turmoil. I was extremely satisfied and content with our love-making. So why was I getting excited whenever I recalled my time with Barun?

Was it the forbidden fruit aspect? Was it his large cock? Was it the fact that he was black? Was sex with Barun more satisfying? The answers didn't come except to the last question. The answer there was that it definitely wasn't better. However, it was different. I had to admit that the experience had been exciting. Then I shocked myself into tears with an admission to myself that given the right opportunity I would probably do it again. I quietly cried myself to sleep hating that part of me that said I would do it again.
The next day Sudhir was called out of town to help with a system installation in a city over 200 miles away. He expected to be gone two weeks and likely wouldn't be home over the weekend.

On Tuesday morning of the second week of his assignment, Sunita called me and told me she was feeling very ill and asked if I could bring the kids and spend the day and maybe the night and look after her kids. She could only offer the sofa for me and air beds for the children. I told her I would be happy to help. I packed a few essentials for an over night stay and the three of us spent the day and the night. I called Sudhir and told him what had happened and that until I told him otherwise, to call me there or use the cell phone.
As it turned out, Sunita was not feeling better the next day so I agreed to stay on. Again and I let Sudhir know the situation. That night, or I should say the next morning, Barun came home from work about 2:30 a.m. He went to his room and, apparently while he was preparing for bed, he decided he wanted a glass of milk.

The previous night I had slept like a log and never heard Barun come in. Tonight I was having a fretful sleep and was awake at the slightest noise. Barun passed by me on the way to the kitchen and I could see from the refrigerator light that he was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts.

As he headed back to his room I made a big mistake and said, "Goodnight Barun."

He stopped and turned in my direction and told me he was sorry to have awakened me. I told him it was not his fault, that I was having a restless night. He asked if it was OK if he sat on the edge of the couch and talked while he drank his milk. I told him I didn't mind. He wanted to know how Sunita was doing and then we exchanged pleasantries and talked for a few minutes. He finally got around to telling me that he hoped I wasn't too upset with what had happened but that, seriously, he had really enjoyed it.

I don't know why, but I told him that I had enjoyed it too and that I didn't hold it against him (poor choice of words).

He said, in a joking manner, "I wouldn't mind it if you did hold it against me."

It had been two weeks since Sudhir and I made love and I was feeling a little horny. Though there wasn't much light except what came in from the street light across the street, I could see Barun 's cock starting to rise slightly in his shorts. It gave me a little thrill to know that I was causing 'junior' to get active. His back was to the street light and I could not see his eyes but he could see mine and that I was looking at his shorts. He reached over and gently took my hand and placed it on top of the tent that was forming in his shorts and with a big smile, said, "Do you mind if I hold you against it?"

When my hand rested on his shorts, his cock reacted as it had before and then started to rise some more. I started to withdraw my hand but instead, I found myself wrapping my fingers around it. Again, I knew I should stop but I also knew what was coming if I let things continue. The memories of our first encounter flooded my head and I found myself in turmoil. My logic finally gave in to the thinking that infidelity is not based on the number of times it happens. It is based on the fact that it happened at all. Added to the fact that I was feeling horny, I let lust take control.

I reached through the fly of his shorts and pulled his love tool free. With just a slight twist, I was able to get my mouth positioned in front of his cock and without a second thought I let my lips engulf almost half of his cock. The move was perfect because Barun was able to lift my nightgown and shove his tongue into my waiting pussy. I wanted to scream out, but I controlled the impulse lest I wake the whole house.

We gave each other oral pleasure for a few minutes and then Barun started to position himself to enter me. Just then it hit me that Barun was about to enter without protection and I spoke up.

Barun told me that since Sunita was on the pill he didn't have any more condoms.

I told him we could continue only if he promised to pull out before he deposited his seed.

Barun agreed to pull out and I was quickly rewarded with that beautiful cock entering me and completely filling my pussy. I don't know if it was the naughtiness of my actions or the fantastic feeling of being completely fucked again, but I lay back and utterly enjoyed our sex.

I'm glad that Barun was good to his word and he pulled out as he was ready to cum. By the time he shot, I was so hot that I would have allowed him to deposit his load in me and then I would most likely have ended up pregnant and divorced. I was feeling so hot that I took his cock into my mouth just before he erupted. I swallowed most of his cum and then cleaned his cock completely.

Barun pulled me up and swabbed my mouth with his tongue. He said he had never tasted his cum before. I had to admit that this was only the second time I had swallowed cum. This had been one of the most erotic adventures I had ever experienced. I wish I could say I felt guilty, but I didn't. I had enjoyed every moment of it. I had soared to a sexual height I had never known before. I knew for sure that I wanted it to happen again and I now realized that I would probably fuck Barun any time it was possible. This mental acknowledgement scared the hell out of me. I wanted more of Barun and I didn't want to hurt or lose Sudhir. One thing was for sure, if I was going to play with Barun, I needed to go back on the pill. Sunita was up and about on Thursday so I didn't need to spend the night. When I talked with her before going home, she asked if I had fucked Barun last night, that she had thought she heard activity. I blushed and admitted that I had but asked her not to use that nasty four-letter word. While Sunita looked after the kids I went grocery shopping and I stopped at a pharmacy and bought birth control pills.
I was not getting any idea the place where I could hide it safely. At last I kept it in the kitchen drawer. I knew Sudhir will never put his hand there. I was able to start the pills the following week.

I had some deep pangs of guilt as I started the pills the day after Sudhir returned from his two-week assignment. Mentally I battled with the deceit I was preparing to carry on and with the sexual spike I would get when I thought of fucking Barun again. It was unfortunate that Sudhir's return coincided with the beginning of my period so we were unable to make love upon his return.

During this time I had serious conversations with Sunita. She knew I wanted to have more of Barun and she was more than willing to share. It seems that Barun was turning out to be more than she could handle. We agreed that on one or two days a week she would take the kids to the park and I could have the house and Barun to myself. It so happened my period ended on the Sudhire day that we made our final arrangements.
I went home that afternoon with a mixture of emotions and feelings again. I was excited about having more of Barun 's cock and knowing it would be on a relatively frequent basis. The other side of me was about to cry as I mentally acknowledged that I was going to continue to deceive and be unfaithful to Sudhir. I vowed that I would be very careful and would end the affair soon. Sudhir would never know and would not be hurt.

Two days later I told the kids that I had some extra errands to run and that Sunita would take them to the park. After they left I went into Sunita's room and got out of my shirt and slacks and slipped into a very daring baby doll set that I had brought with me. Sudhir had given it to me for my birthday and I had only modeled it once for him. While I was changing, I heard Barun come in and go to his room. When I had finished my transformation from 'wife and mommy' to 'unfaithful wife looking for sex,' I went to his door and knocked. He opened the door and his jaw dropped when he saw me.

I asked, "You receiving visitors?"

He smiled and said, "Hell-l-l yes," and pulled me into his arms.

He guided me to the bed, removed my thong, and sank his tongue into my pussy. I immediately squirmed around until I could get his cock in my mouth. We were playing the sixty-nine game and we continued until we both came. We rested a few minutes and thankfully, Barun recovers fast. Shortly, we were in the missionary position while he pumped in and out of my pussy and I lifted my hips to meet his thrusts. He now knew I was on the pill and he pumped a huge load of warm sperm into my convulsing cunt. It was fantastic and I was on cloud nine.

Afterwards I went into Sunita's bathroom, douched, and showered and while in the shower I couldn't help but rub my still tingling pussy. I left the baby doll outfit on the bed to take home. I would need to get a new something sexy for use with Barun.

When Sunita and the children came home we had lunch and put the children down for naps. Sunita took me to the kitchen to hear how things had gone. Well things had gone well. Sutapa has successfully transformed from 'wife and mommy' to 'unfaithful wife.

Sudhir continues…
Well I knew everything from her dairy now. How she started her affair and how it is going now. But the million dollar question is what I should do about it. Should I divorce her making the things bitter for her and making her a villain in the eyes of her children, family and society? She is cheating me just because Barun is having an extraordinary large cock and he can fuck like an animal for long. I know Sutapa loves me very much. I love her too and she knows that very well. Her relation with Barun is based on pure sex and lust. There is no love or other emotional bond between them other than pure sex. Yes….. I am jealous because she is having fun with another man. But I can’t deny that our sex life was also improved dramatically after she started her affair. I am having plenty of sex from her. I have to admit that she was making me completely satisfied in bed. Barun is not taking something from me. Actually he made my wife satisfied, energetic, and happy.

I want to know what will happen next if I let Barun continue fucking my wife. I want to know how long Sutapa cheats me. Just because he is having an enormous cock and he fucks really well, some day will Sutapa leave me? Just for fucking another man is it possible for her to leave her children’s too. I don’t think so. So I have decided to give the matter a pass and continue to love my wife as before. I know that things can go other way too because she is a women and no one knows how woman thinks. But I have decided to play the game. Pl tell me your opinion about it.​
Next page: Episode 10
Previous page: Episode 08