Episode 113
"Another drink, Urvi darling?" I asked, stroking my wife's half exposed thigh under her pleated skirt, throwing a furtive glance at the middle-aged couple seated about fifty feet away from us across the balcony seating area of the restaurant we were at overlooking a deep valley.
"Noooooo, Rishi." Urvashi shook her head with her eyes half-closed, rubbing my hand with hers and helping me stroke her thigh. "Too much."
The husband was trying his best to pretend he was not staring at my newly-turned-30 wife's legs and cleavage whenever he got a chance. He looked like the typical new money businessman from Delhi, and whatever little I had overheard of his conversation with his plump sari-clad wife confirmed that he sounded like that too.
For over an hour, I had been plying my wife with alcohol while keeping mine moderate. In the three hours that we had worked our way through a leisurely five course meal, I was still nursing my third whiskey-soda while Urvashi had just downed her seventh vodka-tonic. My 6 ft 2, 200 lbs frame seasoned by years of occasional binge drinking was barely even buzzed. But my 5 ft 3 medium built wife with her legendary lightweight tolerance was very sloshed.
For two reasons. First, that it was my turn to drive the entire weekend, since this was HER 30th birthday weekend. And second, that more than a few drinks inhibit my ability to bang my wife as often and for as long as I would like. And that night was rapidly building up towards a majorly legendary romp session. Perhaps our finest since the initial days of dating.
"Come on! One more! You just turned 30, and there is no Abir to take care of. And I am driving." I said, kissing Urvi deep on the lips and moved my hands further up her skirt, stroking the moist crotch of her panties. She shuddered while kissing me back sloppily.
The businessman stared even more as we made out. His lump of a wife threw another nasty glance in our direction. But I didn't care.
"Uncleji likes your legs." I whispered, breaking the kiss.
"I know. I've been toning...notoning...no..." Urvashi held one finger up to gather her thoughts. "...noticing. Just like old times... sake's."
She finally got the word out although she mixed a couple of idioms.
"Yup, just like old times." I said. "So just like old times, another drink?"
"Okay!" Urvashi nodded her head speaking in a falsetto voice. "But then we go...fuckkkkkkkkkkkk"
She had whispered the last word in my ears in a throaty voice and fondled my half-erect dick from over my pants. yes, she was almost ready for the kill.
I beckoned the waiter over and ordered another drink for her and coffee for me. And we sat exchanging sweet nothings, caressing each other, kissing, and continuing our prolonged foreplay on the open-air balcony of the fancy restaurant. As the uncleji got his voyeuristic rocks off and his matronly wife kept getting more and more upset.
This wasn't the first time Urvashi and I had done something like this. It had just been many many years.
We had started dating 8 years ago when Urvashi was a fresh-faced attractive young recruit straight out of engineering college, and I had been working in the company that recruited her for 2 years. I had been assigned as her mentor.
I had been attracted to Urvashi's buxom beauty and infectious confidence from the first day we met. From the way she looked at me and flirted with me, I knew I had a shot. Once I ascertained that she was single ( and newly single just like I was then), I went for the kill.
The mentorship turned into dating within 2 weeks, a serious relationship in six more months, engagement in another year, and marriage in 18 more months.
Three years of courtship had been an absolute blast. We rarely fought. Our tastes were the same, be it in food, entertainment, literature, or the kind of friends we hung out with. And what I loved the most was that unlike the typical demure and sexual tentative young woman from India, Urvashi was a tigress in bed.
One of the things we realized early was that we both loved teasing others. Urvashi was a bit of an exhibitionist who loved wearing low cut tops and short dresses and skirts whenever the setting was safe enough. She liked being admired by a bunch of men, without letting it go any further.
So we'd often do stuff like this in clubs and pubs and big posh parties in Delhi. Making out, flashing some skin ( nothing X-rated), fondling each other, etc.
I too loved the ego boost I got from watching other men check my girl out without ever feeling the need or even the desire to share her with anyone. My large imposing physique meant that no one usually tried any hanky-panky either. A couple of times some drunk guys felt the urge to go beyond just enjoying the show, they ended up with black eyes and/or broken jaws.
"Waiter! Bill!" the matron across the balcony barked, throwing us another dirty look. I pushed my hand further up my wife's thigh in defiance.
The waiter fetched their bill after bringing Urvashi's drink and my coffee. The couple left soon, with the old man casting a long wistful look at my wife's legs one last time.
I checked the watch. It was almost midnight. Urvashi was sipping her drink, humming random songs as was her habit after getting drunk. We kept making out, getting bolder now that we were the only couple on the open balcony under the clear sky lit by a full moon. The waiters had been very professional and kept their distance.
"Rishiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" she closed her eyes and moaned as I slipped a finger inside her panties and stroked her clit.
"Like it?"
"Hmmmm." she nodded, leaned over and put her head on my shoulder allowing me to finger her under the table. I looked around to make sure the waiters were still keeping their distance. Then I did something I hadn't done in almost half a decade.
I moved my other hand under her skirt and inserted my fingers in the waistband of her panties. And I gently tugged. Immediately, I felt a little resistance as Urvashi's body stiffened.
Damn, I said to myself, just when I thought the old Urvashi was back.
Towards the end of our courtship and then in the first year of our marriage, Urvashi had gotten progressively wild and adventurous in our teasing games. I still had some boundaries I wanted to push and if we had continued down the path, we would've crossed them for sure.
But then Abir happened. I love the little tyke of course, but a baby son changed our lives in ways we had never imagined. or rather, he changed Urvashi a lot. It was expected, of course. In the first year or two, babies are almost completely dependent on their mothers. Urvashi got hit by post-partum pretty bad. Plus our financial situation with home mortgage and car loans meant she had to go back to work. She compensated for the guilt of leaving our kid in daycare by spending almost every waking moment with him. Our sex life took a hit.
And Urvashi, previously so self-confident, developed body image issues. Although she wasn't fat by an means and she lost most of the baby weight, she wasn't the svelte size 2 she used to be. She got rid of the little pot belly soon, but the padding on her ass, waist, and boobs remained. Personally, I loved it. But she had a tough time fully coming to terms with the fact that she'd probably never go back to the even 100 pounds that she had been for years.
On the relationship front too, our fights, once extremely rare, became...not frequent...but much less rare. It's something most new parents have to deal with.
This long weekend in the foothills of the Himalayas a few hours from Delhi was something we both had decided would be a "reboot". Abir was old enough for us to leave with her sister for a few days. Urvashi had hit the big three-O just a few days before in the company of friends and family so the occasion was appropriate for a couple's retreat. And since it wasn't yet the peak tourist season, we'd find the mountainous resort town in a state of relative calm.
From the moment we left Delhi, it had seemed like the reboot was working. We were back to being as cuddly as we used to be. With no kid to worry about for the entire 72 hours, we could drink and have sex whenever we wanted. The mountainous air and the gorgeous vistas added to the romantic element. And most importantly, Urvashi was again acting the way she used to when she was my girlfriend, and not like a mom.
So where was I? Yes, tugging at my wife's panties. And her body stiffened.
But then it relaxed. And I felt her ass lift itself slightly off the chair. I chuckled and slipped her panties off, putting them in my pocket. And I got back to focusing on her clit. And inserted a couple of fingers into her pussy which was delightfully wet.
"Fuck!" Urvashi said after a minute or so, her head still on my shoulder. "I am about to..."
"About to what?" I asked, kissing her forehead.
"Go Magarararayan." she slurred.
"You mean go Meg Ryan?"
She nodded, breathing heavily.
Urvashi hadn't used that phrase, "going Meg Ryan" in years. It's what she referred to as her intense loud orgasms.
"Go for it!" I said, doubling down with my fingers.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Urvashi bit her lip and started.
It wasn't quite vintage Urvashi in terms of loudness. But the waiters noticed. I saw a couple of them turn their heads from inside the glass doors 60 feet away and whisper among themselves.
"I need fucking." Urvashi said breathing heavily and stroking the bulge in my pants that had developed as a result of watching my newly 30 year old MILF wife cum in a public place under the moonlight.
"Me too!" I replied and made a check sign in the air looking at the waiter.
A couple of minutes later, Urvashi had downed her eighth drink and I had downed my sobering coffee. She held on to my arm as she walked in tentative steps. Her skirt, a short pleated one I had gifted her just for this weekend, swayed, giving glimpses of her thighs. An inch of cleavage peaked naughtily out of her tank top under which she wore no bra. As the waiters did their best not to stare, I wondered if any of them had seen me slip her panties off and knew that my wife was not wearing any underwear at all.
I helped Urvashi into the driver's seat and buckled the seat belt.
"Driver, hotel!" she said to me. opening her legs and flashing me her pussy.
"Yes, memsaab." I said, and started driving.
Ten minutes later, I was worried to note that Urvashi was almost half-asleep as I drove through the serpentine mountain roads. I wondered if I had overdone the drinks. I wanted her horny and pliable, not passed out.
Soon, we reached our destination. The car stopping made Urvashi came back to her senses partially.
"Not exactly." I said.
"Rishhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!" she whined. "I am hornyyyyyyyyyy!"
"Me too!" I said, getting out of the car and then opening the door.
"Where...are we?" she asked as she took a couple of unsteady steps out of the car on a dark road with tress all around us.
"Butler Point." I said. "I have told you about it before. I used to come here all the time with my parents when we came here on holidays. And then a couple of times with my college friends at night. A lovely look-out point ten minutes walk up this path. It has a couple of benches. And a nice railing with a great view of the valley. Lovely breeze too. OWWWWWW!!"
Urvashi had kicked me hard on the shin with the toe of her high heels even as she clung to me for support.
"Asshole, I am like...like porny like a horn star...and you're fucking taking me sight...sight singing..." she yelled drunkenly.
I reached over with my hand and loudly spanked her naked ass. Then I put my hands behind her knees and picked her up in my arms.
"Urvi, you mean horny like a porn star. And I am also hard like a porn star. Which is why instead of driving you back all the way to the hotel, I want to fuck you up there. Under the moonlit sky."
"Ah!!" she said, locking her hands around my neck.
It had been a fantasy of mine since my younger days to have sex at Butler Point. Any such public location would have done too. But back in Delhi, we didn't really get secluded locations that were safe. And on other occasions when we had gone out, even during our dating days, Urvashi had drawn the line at sex in public. Flashing some skin, yes. Making out, yes. Nudity, no. And sex, hell no.
So now you get the hidden agenda behind getting my wife super drunk and horny. I was betting on her inhibitions being lowered enough that she'd beg me for it. I'd be able to fuck her out in the open in the mountains. And then, maybe coax her into giving anal sex another try. We had initiated it a few times but she had always stopped me before any meaningful penetration happened. But one thing at a time.
I carried my wife up the trail path, my erect dick poking against her waist. I even raised her up by the knees almost upside down to admire her beautiful her naked ass looked with her skirt back hanging below it.
"I'm heavy." Urvash slurred. Oh no, this was not the time for her body image issues to return.
"Shut up! You're sexier than ever!" I said, and then to demonstrate that she wasn't heavy, I twirled her body behind my back and then back to the front like figure skaters do.
Bad idea. She retched and coughed a little with all the booze sloshing about inside her. But it subsided.
"You dick, don't show off." she slapped my cheek lightly.
About 50 feet from the top, my cellphone started ringing. I ignored it.
"Answer it!" Urvashi said.
"It can wait." I said, stepping up my pace as the benches and the railing came into view.
"Could be Abir about...about Abir." she said in her motherly voice.
Fuck! If the little tyke had chosen this moment to create a situation with his aunt, I swore I'd put him up for adoption.
"Unlikely." I said, now almost close to the railing.
"Please sweetie!" Urvashi begged.
"Fine." I said, putting her down.
Urvashi swayed a little, holding on to my arm. I fished out the phone which had stopped ringing by now.
"It's not your sister. It's Sharad calling from San Jose." I said, showing her the screen
"Our CFO?"
"Yup." I said slipping the phone back into my pocket.
"Fuck him!" Urvashi said throwing her right hand in the air behind her shoulder.
She stumbled a little, but stabilized herself. Then she walked towards the shoulder high railing, bent forward and pushed her chest against it, thrust her ass back, and gyrated it invitingly.
I sprinted over, rubbing my crotch. As I did, my phone buzzed for a couple of seconds, indicating there was a text message. I barely registered it. I got to where my wife was standing. Threw the skirt over the wist, exposing her lovely smooth inviting ass. Put a couple of fingers in her pussy to make sure she was still wet. Turned out she was almost leaking. A bent down to give her clit a couple of licks as perfunctory
"Ahhhhh!" Urvashi moaned, and then yelled at the open valley "WE ARE GOING TO FUCKKKKK!!"
"Hehe, shhhhhh. Someone might hear us." I said, putting my arms around her and on the railing.
I rubbed my hard 7 incher against her naked ass through my pants. I reached around and rubbed her boobs over the tank top, which she was wearing without a bra at my coaxing earlier in the day.
I kissed Urvashi's neck at the spot she loved and she moaned. I felt her nipples harden under my fingers.
"I am so fucking wet!! Forget the foreplay." Urvashi growled. "Do it already."
"As you say."
I pushed Urvashi's shoulders so she was leaning over the railing. I started unzipping my pants to free my dick when suddenly
"Fuck! I should have just put it on silent." I said, reaching for my phone. The timing could not have been worse.
"Abir???..." Urvashi said, slurring, her spit dropping into the valley below.
"Has to be Sharad." I said, my dick now about to enter her.
"Just check..." she said, switching from whore to madonna again. She was still bent over, ready to get to the fucking if all was clear.
"Fine." I fished out the phone. It was Sharad obviously.
But then I saw something else. The text message he had sent me flashed on my screensaver. It said.
- 911. MAJOR 911. SORRY. CALL ASAP. MAJOR 911.
"Motherfucker!" I swore loudly.
"What?" she asked. "Abir?"
"No." and I held the phone in front of her face.
As you can guess, the code for a big urgent emergency in our company was 911. Our bosses usually didn't call us when we were on vacation or late at night. But if they did, it was important. And it was REALLY important, the cod was 911.
Sharad, our CFO, was in San Jose working to close a deal that was really important for our company. I had worked on the proposal with him. I knew he was scheduled to met the clients any time now. And a 911 meant he needed my help with something.
"Motherfucker." Urvashi agreed. "Well, you call to have to...I mean...CFO after all..."
She knew how important the deal was. She knew I had to call him back.
Leaving my dick out in the cool air, I called back, hoping it would be something really quick.
"Yes Sharad?" I said.
"Rishi, I am really really REALLY sorry to call at this time. I know you and Urvashi are on a special holiday. But trust me, I had no choice. I cannot find the quotes with the new specifications. Didn't you email them to me?" he said, sounding tense.
"I did. Yesterday." I said, not hiding my annoyance.
There was a short silence.
"I checked again. I don't see an email." he said.
"I swear I sent it." I said, as Urvashi lifted her skirt with her hands, and wiggled her naked ass at me.