Episode 114
"Okay okay." he said, sounding defensive. "I don't know what happened then. Can you read out the key numbers to me right now? I am about to head into the meeting in like fifteen minutes. They are all there. Even their CEO."
"Fuck" I said, cursing my luck. "I am away from my car and my laptop is in it."
"This is really important, Rishi." he said, now an edge to his voice.
"Fine. Give me ten minutes and I'll call you back."
"Again, I am really sorry, Rishi." he said and hung up.
"What?" Urvashi sulkily asked without turning around.
"Honey, I will be back really quickly." I stroked her wet pussy lips. "I need to go back to the car and read out some stuff to Sharad from my laptop."
"Hmmmm...okay." She said in an exaggerated sad voice. But even that drunk, she knew the importance of what the CFO wanted.
"You stay right here. Don't move. I will come back and mount you without as much as a how do you do."
"Promises promises." she said, some more drool dripping down her mouth.
I turned around and jogged down the path leading to the road where I had parked my car. It took me eight minutes and I was about to unlock my car when the phone rang again. It was Sharad again.
"Hey Rishi, I found the email. I had accidentally archived it. Sorry to bother you."
If he weren't the CEO, I would have let loose a long stream of profanity right at that moment.
"Oh cool. Do you need anything else?" I asked instead, relieved that at least I could.
"Nope. Good night. Say hi to Urvashi for me. And sorry again."
"Good luck."
I hang up the phone delighted. Now I could go back instantly to my horny wife and mount her under the stars and the full moon.
I started sprinting up the trail path when I remember the shorter steeper way from my childhood. While my parents lumbered up the trail, my brother and I would climb up the steep edge, holding on to rocks and vines. I hadn't taken it while going up because Urvashi was too drunk. But now, every moment counted.
The other steep route took me to the side of the lookout point instead of the back, the way I had left. Pulling myself up rapidly but cautiously, I climbed up the final stretch, which was behind some leafy trees. I was at Urvashi's 4 o'clock, about 40 feet away, behind a thick cover of leaves and shrubs.
"Chale hi jaana hai nazar chura ke yun...toh thaami thi..." I heard Urvashi's drunken voice singing a Bollywood melody about separation.
I was about to step out of the woods and sing the next line when I froze. She wasn't alone. There was a man standing quietly about 20 feet behind her. I peered carefully to see who it was. And under the moonlight, I could make out a cop's uniform. He was staring curiously at my obviously drunk wife, who was still exactly the way I had left her, leaning over the railing, looking down into the valley. She was clearly oblivious to his presence.
Looked like a constable, not an officer, probably on his nightly rounds. Looked about 50ish, maybe about 5 ft 6, with a big paunch, balding head, holding a wooden baton in his hand.
This put paid to an hopes of having sex out there, I thought. In fact, Urvashi was drunk. And although I had chugged coffee, I am sure that it could be smelled on my breath too. I hoped we wouldn't get a ticket or a fine, or even thrown in jail. Cops in these parts were notoriously strict about drunk driving.
I was about to step out but something stopped me dead in my tracks. A big gust of wind came and made the back of Urvashi's pleated skirt billow up. Her naked ass was visible to me and the old man for about 5 seconds before the skirt fell back in its place. As Urvashi didn't try to push the skirt down instantly, this confirmed that she didn't know the old cop was there.
The old man's mouth fell wide open as he stared at the gorgeous sight of a beautiful young woman's naked buttocks. And I just found myself rooted to my spot, unsure of what to do next. Then I saw him slowly start taking steps towards Urvashi. What was he doing?
He took a few steps softly, not making any noise. Urvashi was still leaning over the railing singing. He reached right behind her. He then looked around, scanning 360 degrees a couple of times. I was still standing quietly behind the trees and shrubs so he didn't see me.
He then moved his hand and slipped it under Urvashi's skirt, feeling her naked ass. I froze. My first instinct was to go, yell at him and kick his ass, cop or no cop. I could take him. He was like a dwarf compared to me. But my feet had turned to lead. And then I heard Urvashi say,
"Mmmmmmmmm...you're back."
She thought it was me. The cop didn't say anything. He moved his hand lower and poked her cunt with his fingers. Urvashi wiggled her hips.
"Yes, still wet and waiting, lover."
The man looked around again. That's when there was another gust of wind. This time the back of the skirt blew up and stayed on her back, exposing her ass. Trembling, the man put both his palms on her ass. Urvashiw as clearly too drunk to realize that the palms on her naked ass were much smaller than mine.
"What happened to fucking me without as much as a hello?"
This question indicated that she still thought it was me. And it could have been me. But I was just mesmerized by this turn of events. My only pedantic thought in response to her question was, I had said 'how do you do' not 'hell'. This creepy old man was brazenly feeling up my young hot wife. And now she had essentially just invited him to fuck her without realizing who it was.
Would he dare?
Turned out he would. He immediately fished his hard dick out of his pants. I saw that it was about an inch or so shorter than mine but considerably thicker.
He wrapped his fingers around it, bent slightly in the knees and placed it at Urvashi's cunt lips.
"Hmmmmmmm...finally!" Urvashi said, still bent over, staring into the abyss.
There was a tornado wreaking havoc in my brain. What was I doing? Why was I just standing there? I had never fantasized about seeing my wife with someone else. Teasing, yes. Sharing, hell no. So why was I not stepping out to stop this? And why the fuck was my dick harder than ever before?
He didn't need another invitation. The old man plunged his entire dick into my wife's wet vagina in one stroke.
"WOW!!" Urvashi moaned as her body jerked forward. "You seem so...so harddddd! And thick!!"
I saw the old man smile without making any noise. He then started to fuck her really hard.
"Mmmmmmhhhmmmm...yeah baby!" Urvashi loudly moaned. Her tits were half spilling out of her top. Her hair was forming a veil around her face which was still staring downwards. "Fuck me like that. Hard!! So hard today!! NNNNGGGGGGG!!"
And I still found myself unable to move. I just felt a throbbing in my head and a throbbing in my loins.
"Ahhhhhh!" the old man finally groaned himself as his skin started slapping against my young wife's ass.
And Urvashi froze. This was the first time she realized that it wasn't me. The old man also realized that he had given himself away and froze. Urvashi turned her head and her eyes widened as she saw who her new lover was.
"Who...who are you?" she asked in a terrified whisper.
"security officer constable Lallan." he said, and then started ramming her cunt hard again, driven by animal instincts.
"Saali dhandewaali! ( Fucking prostitute)" he added derisively in Hindi. He thought my beautiful career oriented wife was a lady of the night! Considering the way he had found her, not surprising. "Grahak bhaag gaya kya? ( Did your customer run away?)"
I waited for the other shoe to drop. I waited for Urvashi to scream, screech, cry, protest so that I could then step in and stop this.
Imagine my shock then when she just turned her head away, grabbed the railing even harder, and continued to get fucked without any protest.
Lallan was delighted that she hadn't raised an alarm. Now that he had her tacit sanction, Lallan decided to examine her breasts. He rolled down Urvashi's tank top. Her boobs spilled out.
"Softly!" she complained when he reached around, grabbed her tits and squeezed them really hard.
"Shut up, whore!" he growled in Hindi.
I expected Urvashi to take offense. But the slur seemed to turn her on even more. I noticed that she was now humping her ass back to meet the old man's thrusts. The back of her skirt, resting against his paunch, was folding and unfolding with the motion. My wife was cheating on me right in front of my eyes. Without even thinking about the fact that I might be back any minute. And I was letting it all happen.
The old man started ramming her pussy harder, grabbing on to her tits, looking around to make sure no one was coming. But...
Instead it was Urvashi who was actually cumming. And loudly. Going Meg Ryan. I had tantalized her all night and now this random old cop was getting to enjoy its fruits.
Urvashi's tits swung back and forth over the railings as she moaned her way through a powerful orgasm. The hardest I had seen her have in ages. I assumed part of the stimulus was this taboo situation that she had inadvertently landed herself into.
The night air was full of obscene sounds of their skins slapping against each other. And their grunts and moans. I noticed the old man land one final thrust, and then his buttocks clenched and stayed in place. Looking at the insanely erotic sight of Urvashi shuddering through an orgasm had set him off too. He was shooting his seed inside my wife!! Bareback!!
And I was just standing there with the biggest erection of my life watching this all unfold.
Once the old man got done cumming at the same time as Urvashi, he leaned forward and stayed like that, his chest resting on her back. The two of them breathed heavily for a minute.
"My...my husband..." Urvashi slurred, still sounding drunk. I wondered if she had seen me.
"Husband??????" the cop said, shocked.
"He'll be back soon." she said.
Right away, I slipped down the path. I decided to give her a little time to compose herself and the cop some time to escape. No point making a scene over something I had tacitly allowed to happen, even enabled. And had the power to stop at any time. I would talk to Urvashi about it later when she was sober.
I climbed down all the way and then started walking up the main pathway. I made sure to step on a lot of leaves and twigs, and also started whistling to give an indication of my impending arrival.
When I reached the lookout point, I was surprised to see that the old man was still there. He was sitting on the bench. And Urvashi was sitting a few feet away from him fidgeting with her hands. They seemed to be talking in hushed tones.
"Hey!" I said, walking into view as if nothing had happened.
"Hi sweetie." Urvashi said in almost a rehearsed. "This is Mr. Lallan. security officer constable."
"Hello, constable." I said,
"Hello sir." he said politely. "I was on my night duty patrol."
Obviously, by now, the air had been cleared. Urvashi must have explained to him that she wasn't some lady of the night, but a married woman here just holidaying with her husband. As to what they discussed about the sex they had ended up having, I had no idea.
I looked at both of them with a polite smile, nodding like an idiot. Then I went and sat on the bench next to Urvashi. I could still smell him on her. I looked at him. He was lookng far into the distance. Having just fucked a man's wife, he was sitting in his company a few minutes later.
I noticed that he seemed more smug than guilty. Maybe it was a power trip for him to stick around and the meet the saab after fucking the memsaab. security officer constables in india are usually poor, not very educated, and don't move in the same social circles as white collar folks like us. before tonight, I can't imagine there ever having been a scenario in which he would have gotten to even touch someone like Urvashi, leave alone fuck her like a dog.
"He...he heard me singing. And then came." Urvashi said, putting her head on her palms. She still sounded drunk. I wondered if it was a Freudian slip or deliberate.
"I was just making sure she was okay." he said. "Lots of jackals in these parts."
"Thank you."
"Sir, are you...have you consumed alcohol?" he asked, now sounding stern.
"No." I flatly lied.
"Sorry, I have to ask. Because memsaab here is clearly." he made a sign of tipping his thumb into his mouth. And then chuckled. Urvashi didn't say anything. Just loked at the ground.
He then just sat there quietly. Made no move to get up and leave. or to ask us to leave.
I could sense the tension between them. He had just taken advantage of her. And she had let herself get taken advantage of. Was it just a one time drunken mistake? Or was this an accidental glimpse into my wife's character?
In our job, we traveled a lot alone. And she was beautiful. I wonder who else had showered attention on her and if she had given in. Was Abir even my son? Wait, what was I thinking?
"Did you get Sharad what he wanted?" Urvashi asked after a minute's silenc.
"Yeah...well actually..."
I had a brainwave. I decided to conduct an experiment to test my wife's character. or at least that's what I told myself.
"I just came back to tell you that I need to call him again. So I will be away for about half an hour. You can come with me and wait in the car."
"Ok." she said, starting to get up.
I was a little relieved. I had given her an exit route and she had taken it. So then I surprised myself when the following words came out of my mouth.
"Or...if Constable Lallan doesn't mind sticking around for a bit to ensure your safety, you can sit here and enjoy the breeze and the view. I will be back."
The two of them exchanged a quick glance.
"No problem, saab." Lallan smartly said. "We are here for your service."
Urvashi paused for a few seconds and then sat down again indicating her acceptance of the plan.
"OK, so I will be back." I said.
My heart was thumping as I walked away. What had I done? Was I really just testing her or was I actually hoping for something to happen again?
When I climbed back to my vantage point using a short cut, I saw a sight that made me feel heavy in the heart and also turned on. Things had progressed rapidly in just a few minutes.
The old man was still sitting on the bench. Urvashi was now sitting on his lap. Her top was rolled all the way down to her waist. Her nice big tits were in full view and Lallan was sucking her nipples one by one, drooling all over them. Her head was resting on his shoulder.
Lallan started rolling up her skirt as well. She lifted her ass and allowed him to roll it all the way up. Now her clothes just formed a circular bunch around her waist. Her naked ass was resting on this old man's lap. Her legs were parted so her shaved pussy was totally exposed. And he was sucking her tits while fingering her.
I wondered in Lallan had forced her into this second encounter. But that doubt disappeared when Urvashi reached out with one hand and fished his dick out of his pants. With her hands, she started jacking it off to make it erect. He moaned happily. She was always good with her fingers. Soon the old man was ready to go again.
"Chodu kya phir se? ( Should I fuck you again?)" he asked.
"Haan." she replied.
He effortlessly lifted her off his lap in two arms and laid her down on the bench, on her back. Urvashi was cooing and moaning already. He held her knees wide apart and then entered her.
I watched my wife's tits move in a circular motion on her chest as the old man fucked her pussy at a rapid pace. He kept looking at the path to make sure I or anyone else wasn't coming.
"Badhiya mammey diye hai uparwaaley ne ( god has blessed you with an amazing pair of tits)" he said.
Urvashi was clearly enjoying herself. With one hand, she squeezed her boobs, and with the other, caressed his bearded cheek. When he let go of her legs and leaned forward, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deep into her.
They fucked like that for 5 minutes. i just watched, my dick hard and leaking precum.
"My back is hurting." Urvashi said.
Lallan took his dick out and sat on the bench. Urvashi got up, stood between his legs, turned around and faced him. Then she put one foot on the bench outside his thigh. Then the other one on the other side, and stood up unsteadily on her high heels. There stood my wife, nearly naked, about to willingly ride a horny old cop for no reason whatsoever. I recognized this position. She grabbed his balding head for support and then started squatting. Then she lowered her ass on his lap. Making sure of course that his thick long dick entered her pussy.
And then, putting her hands around his neck, she started jumping up and down on his lap, making his erect dick piston up her cunt at a rapid pace. Lallan for his part was thrusting his hips upwards to match my slutwife's motion.
I watched this latest development, feeling angry as well as horny. This was far beyond a drunken impulsive thing. This time she had been seduced at leisure. And she had consciously chosen it.
My wife was a slut. Did she just become a slut? Had she always been a slut? Those questions could wait.
For now, I had other priorities. The plan at the beginning of the night was to get Urvashi drunk and horny enough to have sex in public, and perhaps coax her into anal sex. the way I saw it, she wouldn't require much coaxing.
I walked out of the tree cover, making a discernible sound. Lallan saw me right away and froze. Urvashi, still drunk, took some time to realize it. She kept going the way she was, her nice round fleshy butt slapping against his thighs, her cunt happily accepting this stranger's dick, bareback.
Then she heard me approach. And she stopped in mid air, Lallan's dick only halfway up her twat.
Her eyes met mine. She gave me the most lustful smile, the kind I hadn't seen in years. The smile I had missed. I smiled back. Her eyes went down to my crotch and she noticed the tent in my pants. She smiled again. I nodded and held up two fingers. She nodded this time. Her eyes locked into mine, she resumed riding the horny old cop.
I unzipped my pants walking towards them.
"Sir, listen...I didn't..." Lallan said tentatively.
"Shut up." I said bending in my knees and positioning my dick right behind my wife's asshole.
I spat on my dick a few times and started pushing it into her asshole.
"AHHH!!" she cried out, but it wasn't all pain.
She lowered her knees onto the bench. Leaned forward pushing him on his back so her face was right above Lallan's. Her drool fell inside his open mouth, which he didn't seem to mind. And I sensed a purposeful relaxation of her butt muscles as my dick surged in.
I don't know if it was the booze or the fact that Lallan's thicker dick had already relaxed her insides, but I had relatively little trouble planting most of my 7 incher all the way inside her ass.
"You folks are crazy!!" Lallan said, as he resumed pummeling my wife's cunt with his dick.
"Are you complaining?" I asked, now starting to gradually fuck my wife's tight asshole in gentle strokes.
"Not at all."
As our two dicks assaulted Urvashi's cunt and ass in alternating strokes, her butt started grinding itself in circles.
"FUUUUUUUUUCK!!" she said and shuddered.
"Meg Ryan?"
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" she responded with the actual thing, and continued for almost thirty seconds as she got DP-ed.
Lallan, Urvashi and I were there together for another couple of hours. During the DP, we reversed positions at Lallan's request. We flipped her around, and lowered her asshole first onto Lallan's dick. And I rammed her pussy with my hands pulling her hair as we stared into each other's eyes.
We fucked like that for about twenty minutes, by the end of which Urvashi had 2 more orgasms. I came first inside her sloppy cunt, and Lallan who had already cum inside her once that night, shot his seed into her ass to bring that session to a close.
Lallan and I shared a smoke while Urvashi took a nap naked on one of the benches for about half an hour. Then we made her suck our dicks as we stood side by side under the moonlight. And then DP-ed her again for a good 45 minutes bringing her to 4 more orgasms. At the end of it, she just passed out, exhausted and drunk.
Lallan finally had to get going. He accompanied me down the path carrying Urvashi's clothes as I carried my naked unconscious wife down to the car.
As I dressed her up and put her in the seat, she woke up long enough to just say,
"You...I love you...but...we need to have a talk."
"Yes, we do."
I kissed her again and let her sleep as I turned the car towards the hotel
"Fuck" I said, cursing my luck. "I am away from my car and my laptop is in it."
"This is really important, Rishi." he said, now an edge to his voice.
"Fine. Give me ten minutes and I'll call you back."
"Again, I am really sorry, Rishi." he said and hung up.
"What?" Urvashi sulkily asked without turning around.
"Honey, I will be back really quickly." I stroked her wet pussy lips. "I need to go back to the car and read out some stuff to Sharad from my laptop."
"Hmmmm...okay." She said in an exaggerated sad voice. But even that drunk, she knew the importance of what the CFO wanted.
"You stay right here. Don't move. I will come back and mount you without as much as a how do you do."
"Promises promises." she said, some more drool dripping down her mouth.
I turned around and jogged down the path leading to the road where I had parked my car. It took me eight minutes and I was about to unlock my car when the phone rang again. It was Sharad again.
"Hey Rishi, I found the email. I had accidentally archived it. Sorry to bother you."
If he weren't the CEO, I would have let loose a long stream of profanity right at that moment.
"Oh cool. Do you need anything else?" I asked instead, relieved that at least I could.
"Nope. Good night. Say hi to Urvashi for me. And sorry again."
"Good luck."
I hang up the phone delighted. Now I could go back instantly to my horny wife and mount her under the stars and the full moon.
I started sprinting up the trail path when I remember the shorter steeper way from my childhood. While my parents lumbered up the trail, my brother and I would climb up the steep edge, holding on to rocks and vines. I hadn't taken it while going up because Urvashi was too drunk. But now, every moment counted.
The other steep route took me to the side of the lookout point instead of the back, the way I had left. Pulling myself up rapidly but cautiously, I climbed up the final stretch, which was behind some leafy trees. I was at Urvashi's 4 o'clock, about 40 feet away, behind a thick cover of leaves and shrubs.
"Chale hi jaana hai nazar chura ke yun...toh thaami thi..." I heard Urvashi's drunken voice singing a Bollywood melody about separation.
I was about to step out of the woods and sing the next line when I froze. She wasn't alone. There was a man standing quietly about 20 feet behind her. I peered carefully to see who it was. And under the moonlight, I could make out a cop's uniform. He was staring curiously at my obviously drunk wife, who was still exactly the way I had left her, leaning over the railing, looking down into the valley. She was clearly oblivious to his presence.
Looked like a constable, not an officer, probably on his nightly rounds. Looked about 50ish, maybe about 5 ft 6, with a big paunch, balding head, holding a wooden baton in his hand.
This put paid to an hopes of having sex out there, I thought. In fact, Urvashi was drunk. And although I had chugged coffee, I am sure that it could be smelled on my breath too. I hoped we wouldn't get a ticket or a fine, or even thrown in jail. Cops in these parts were notoriously strict about drunk driving.
I was about to step out but something stopped me dead in my tracks. A big gust of wind came and made the back of Urvashi's pleated skirt billow up. Her naked ass was visible to me and the old man for about 5 seconds before the skirt fell back in its place. As Urvashi didn't try to push the skirt down instantly, this confirmed that she didn't know the old cop was there.
The old man's mouth fell wide open as he stared at the gorgeous sight of a beautiful young woman's naked buttocks. And I just found myself rooted to my spot, unsure of what to do next. Then I saw him slowly start taking steps towards Urvashi. What was he doing?
He took a few steps softly, not making any noise. Urvashi was still leaning over the railing singing. He reached right behind her. He then looked around, scanning 360 degrees a couple of times. I was still standing quietly behind the trees and shrubs so he didn't see me.
He then moved his hand and slipped it under Urvashi's skirt, feeling her naked ass. I froze. My first instinct was to go, yell at him and kick his ass, cop or no cop. I could take him. He was like a dwarf compared to me. But my feet had turned to lead. And then I heard Urvashi say,
"Mmmmmmmmm...you're back."
She thought it was me. The cop didn't say anything. He moved his hand lower and poked her cunt with his fingers. Urvashi wiggled her hips.
"Yes, still wet and waiting, lover."
The man looked around again. That's when there was another gust of wind. This time the back of the skirt blew up and stayed on her back, exposing her ass. Trembling, the man put both his palms on her ass. Urvashiw as clearly too drunk to realize that the palms on her naked ass were much smaller than mine.
"What happened to fucking me without as much as a hello?"
This question indicated that she still thought it was me. And it could have been me. But I was just mesmerized by this turn of events. My only pedantic thought in response to her question was, I had said 'how do you do' not 'hell'. This creepy old man was brazenly feeling up my young hot wife. And now she had essentially just invited him to fuck her without realizing who it was.
Would he dare?
Turned out he would. He immediately fished his hard dick out of his pants. I saw that it was about an inch or so shorter than mine but considerably thicker.
He wrapped his fingers around it, bent slightly in the knees and placed it at Urvashi's cunt lips.
"Hmmmmmmm...finally!" Urvashi said, still bent over, staring into the abyss.
There was a tornado wreaking havoc in my brain. What was I doing? Why was I just standing there? I had never fantasized about seeing my wife with someone else. Teasing, yes. Sharing, hell no. So why was I not stepping out to stop this? And why the fuck was my dick harder than ever before?
He didn't need another invitation. The old man plunged his entire dick into my wife's wet vagina in one stroke.
"WOW!!" Urvashi moaned as her body jerked forward. "You seem so...so harddddd! And thick!!"
I saw the old man smile without making any noise. He then started to fuck her really hard.
"Mmmmmmhhhmmmm...yeah baby!" Urvashi loudly moaned. Her tits were half spilling out of her top. Her hair was forming a veil around her face which was still staring downwards. "Fuck me like that. Hard!! So hard today!! NNNNGGGGGGG!!"
And I still found myself unable to move. I just felt a throbbing in my head and a throbbing in my loins.
"Ahhhhhh!" the old man finally groaned himself as his skin started slapping against my young wife's ass.
And Urvashi froze. This was the first time she realized that it wasn't me. The old man also realized that he had given himself away and froze. Urvashi turned her head and her eyes widened as she saw who her new lover was.
"Who...who are you?" she asked in a terrified whisper.
"security officer constable Lallan." he said, and then started ramming her cunt hard again, driven by animal instincts.
"Saali dhandewaali! ( Fucking prostitute)" he added derisively in Hindi. He thought my beautiful career oriented wife was a lady of the night! Considering the way he had found her, not surprising. "Grahak bhaag gaya kya? ( Did your customer run away?)"
I waited for the other shoe to drop. I waited for Urvashi to scream, screech, cry, protest so that I could then step in and stop this.
Imagine my shock then when she just turned her head away, grabbed the railing even harder, and continued to get fucked without any protest.
Lallan was delighted that she hadn't raised an alarm. Now that he had her tacit sanction, Lallan decided to examine her breasts. He rolled down Urvashi's tank top. Her boobs spilled out.
"Softly!" she complained when he reached around, grabbed her tits and squeezed them really hard.
"Shut up, whore!" he growled in Hindi.
I expected Urvashi to take offense. But the slur seemed to turn her on even more. I noticed that she was now humping her ass back to meet the old man's thrusts. The back of her skirt, resting against his paunch, was folding and unfolding with the motion. My wife was cheating on me right in front of my eyes. Without even thinking about the fact that I might be back any minute. And I was letting it all happen.
The old man started ramming her pussy harder, grabbing on to her tits, looking around to make sure no one was coming. But...
Instead it was Urvashi who was actually cumming. And loudly. Going Meg Ryan. I had tantalized her all night and now this random old cop was getting to enjoy its fruits.
Urvashi's tits swung back and forth over the railings as she moaned her way through a powerful orgasm. The hardest I had seen her have in ages. I assumed part of the stimulus was this taboo situation that she had inadvertently landed herself into.
The night air was full of obscene sounds of their skins slapping against each other. And their grunts and moans. I noticed the old man land one final thrust, and then his buttocks clenched and stayed in place. Looking at the insanely erotic sight of Urvashi shuddering through an orgasm had set him off too. He was shooting his seed inside my wife!! Bareback!!
And I was just standing there with the biggest erection of my life watching this all unfold.
Once the old man got done cumming at the same time as Urvashi, he leaned forward and stayed like that, his chest resting on her back. The two of them breathed heavily for a minute.
"My...my husband..." Urvashi slurred, still sounding drunk. I wondered if she had seen me.
"Husband??????" the cop said, shocked.
"He'll be back soon." she said.
Right away, I slipped down the path. I decided to give her a little time to compose herself and the cop some time to escape. No point making a scene over something I had tacitly allowed to happen, even enabled. And had the power to stop at any time. I would talk to Urvashi about it later when she was sober.
I climbed down all the way and then started walking up the main pathway. I made sure to step on a lot of leaves and twigs, and also started whistling to give an indication of my impending arrival.
When I reached the lookout point, I was surprised to see that the old man was still there. He was sitting on the bench. And Urvashi was sitting a few feet away from him fidgeting with her hands. They seemed to be talking in hushed tones.
"Hey!" I said, walking into view as if nothing had happened.
"Hi sweetie." Urvashi said in almost a rehearsed. "This is Mr. Lallan. security officer constable."
"Hello, constable." I said,
"Hello sir." he said politely. "I was on my night duty patrol."
Obviously, by now, the air had been cleared. Urvashi must have explained to him that she wasn't some lady of the night, but a married woman here just holidaying with her husband. As to what they discussed about the sex they had ended up having, I had no idea.
I looked at both of them with a polite smile, nodding like an idiot. Then I went and sat on the bench next to Urvashi. I could still smell him on her. I looked at him. He was lookng far into the distance. Having just fucked a man's wife, he was sitting in his company a few minutes later.
I noticed that he seemed more smug than guilty. Maybe it was a power trip for him to stick around and the meet the saab after fucking the memsaab. security officer constables in india are usually poor, not very educated, and don't move in the same social circles as white collar folks like us. before tonight, I can't imagine there ever having been a scenario in which he would have gotten to even touch someone like Urvashi, leave alone fuck her like a dog.
"He...he heard me singing. And then came." Urvashi said, putting her head on her palms. She still sounded drunk. I wondered if it was a Freudian slip or deliberate.
"I was just making sure she was okay." he said. "Lots of jackals in these parts."
"Thank you."
"Sir, are you...have you consumed alcohol?" he asked, now sounding stern.
"No." I flatly lied.
"Sorry, I have to ask. Because memsaab here is clearly." he made a sign of tipping his thumb into his mouth. And then chuckled. Urvashi didn't say anything. Just loked at the ground.
He then just sat there quietly. Made no move to get up and leave. or to ask us to leave.
I could sense the tension between them. He had just taken advantage of her. And she had let herself get taken advantage of. Was it just a one time drunken mistake? Or was this an accidental glimpse into my wife's character?
In our job, we traveled a lot alone. And she was beautiful. I wonder who else had showered attention on her and if she had given in. Was Abir even my son? Wait, what was I thinking?
"Did you get Sharad what he wanted?" Urvashi asked after a minute's silenc.
"Yeah...well actually..."
I had a brainwave. I decided to conduct an experiment to test my wife's character. or at least that's what I told myself.
"I just came back to tell you that I need to call him again. So I will be away for about half an hour. You can come with me and wait in the car."
"Ok." she said, starting to get up.
I was a little relieved. I had given her an exit route and she had taken it. So then I surprised myself when the following words came out of my mouth.
"Or...if Constable Lallan doesn't mind sticking around for a bit to ensure your safety, you can sit here and enjoy the breeze and the view. I will be back."
The two of them exchanged a quick glance.
"No problem, saab." Lallan smartly said. "We are here for your service."
Urvashi paused for a few seconds and then sat down again indicating her acceptance of the plan.
"OK, so I will be back." I said.
My heart was thumping as I walked away. What had I done? Was I really just testing her or was I actually hoping for something to happen again?
When I climbed back to my vantage point using a short cut, I saw a sight that made me feel heavy in the heart and also turned on. Things had progressed rapidly in just a few minutes.
The old man was still sitting on the bench. Urvashi was now sitting on his lap. Her top was rolled all the way down to her waist. Her nice big tits were in full view and Lallan was sucking her nipples one by one, drooling all over them. Her head was resting on his shoulder.
Lallan started rolling up her skirt as well. She lifted her ass and allowed him to roll it all the way up. Now her clothes just formed a circular bunch around her waist. Her naked ass was resting on this old man's lap. Her legs were parted so her shaved pussy was totally exposed. And he was sucking her tits while fingering her.
I wondered in Lallan had forced her into this second encounter. But that doubt disappeared when Urvashi reached out with one hand and fished his dick out of his pants. With her hands, she started jacking it off to make it erect. He moaned happily. She was always good with her fingers. Soon the old man was ready to go again.
"Chodu kya phir se? ( Should I fuck you again?)" he asked.
"Haan." she replied.
He effortlessly lifted her off his lap in two arms and laid her down on the bench, on her back. Urvashi was cooing and moaning already. He held her knees wide apart and then entered her.
I watched my wife's tits move in a circular motion on her chest as the old man fucked her pussy at a rapid pace. He kept looking at the path to make sure I or anyone else wasn't coming.
"Badhiya mammey diye hai uparwaaley ne ( god has blessed you with an amazing pair of tits)" he said.
Urvashi was clearly enjoying herself. With one hand, she squeezed her boobs, and with the other, caressed his bearded cheek. When he let go of her legs and leaned forward, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deep into her.
They fucked like that for 5 minutes. i just watched, my dick hard and leaking precum.
"My back is hurting." Urvashi said.
Lallan took his dick out and sat on the bench. Urvashi got up, stood between his legs, turned around and faced him. Then she put one foot on the bench outside his thigh. Then the other one on the other side, and stood up unsteadily on her high heels. There stood my wife, nearly naked, about to willingly ride a horny old cop for no reason whatsoever. I recognized this position. She grabbed his balding head for support and then started squatting. Then she lowered her ass on his lap. Making sure of course that his thick long dick entered her pussy.
And then, putting her hands around his neck, she started jumping up and down on his lap, making his erect dick piston up her cunt at a rapid pace. Lallan for his part was thrusting his hips upwards to match my slutwife's motion.
I watched this latest development, feeling angry as well as horny. This was far beyond a drunken impulsive thing. This time she had been seduced at leisure. And she had consciously chosen it.
My wife was a slut. Did she just become a slut? Had she always been a slut? Those questions could wait.
For now, I had other priorities. The plan at the beginning of the night was to get Urvashi drunk and horny enough to have sex in public, and perhaps coax her into anal sex. the way I saw it, she wouldn't require much coaxing.
I walked out of the tree cover, making a discernible sound. Lallan saw me right away and froze. Urvashi, still drunk, took some time to realize it. She kept going the way she was, her nice round fleshy butt slapping against his thighs, her cunt happily accepting this stranger's dick, bareback.
Then she heard me approach. And she stopped in mid air, Lallan's dick only halfway up her twat.
Her eyes met mine. She gave me the most lustful smile, the kind I hadn't seen in years. The smile I had missed. I smiled back. Her eyes went down to my crotch and she noticed the tent in my pants. She smiled again. I nodded and held up two fingers. She nodded this time. Her eyes locked into mine, she resumed riding the horny old cop.
I unzipped my pants walking towards them.
"Sir, listen...I didn't..." Lallan said tentatively.
"Shut up." I said bending in my knees and positioning my dick right behind my wife's asshole.
I spat on my dick a few times and started pushing it into her asshole.
"AHHH!!" she cried out, but it wasn't all pain.
She lowered her knees onto the bench. Leaned forward pushing him on his back so her face was right above Lallan's. Her drool fell inside his open mouth, which he didn't seem to mind. And I sensed a purposeful relaxation of her butt muscles as my dick surged in.
I don't know if it was the booze or the fact that Lallan's thicker dick had already relaxed her insides, but I had relatively little trouble planting most of my 7 incher all the way inside her ass.
"You folks are crazy!!" Lallan said, as he resumed pummeling my wife's cunt with his dick.
"Are you complaining?" I asked, now starting to gradually fuck my wife's tight asshole in gentle strokes.
"Not at all."
As our two dicks assaulted Urvashi's cunt and ass in alternating strokes, her butt started grinding itself in circles.
"FUUUUUUUUUCK!!" she said and shuddered.
"Meg Ryan?"
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" she responded with the actual thing, and continued for almost thirty seconds as she got DP-ed.
Lallan, Urvashi and I were there together for another couple of hours. During the DP, we reversed positions at Lallan's request. We flipped her around, and lowered her asshole first onto Lallan's dick. And I rammed her pussy with my hands pulling her hair as we stared into each other's eyes.
We fucked like that for about twenty minutes, by the end of which Urvashi had 2 more orgasms. I came first inside her sloppy cunt, and Lallan who had already cum inside her once that night, shot his seed into her ass to bring that session to a close.
Lallan and I shared a smoke while Urvashi took a nap naked on one of the benches for about half an hour. Then we made her suck our dicks as we stood side by side under the moonlight. And then DP-ed her again for a good 45 minutes bringing her to 4 more orgasms. At the end of it, she just passed out, exhausted and drunk.
Lallan finally had to get going. He accompanied me down the path carrying Urvashi's clothes as I carried my naked unconscious wife down to the car.
As I dressed her up and put her in the seat, she woke up long enough to just say,
"You...I love you...but...we need to have a talk."
"Yes, we do."
I kissed her again and let her sleep as I turned the car towards the hotel