Episode 118
Joan Kolar, Ph.D., head chemist for GynaDyne, a small pharmaceutical company specializing in women's products, sat in her small but adequate office. To the right of her desk were two floor to ceiling glass windows, looking out onto the experimental laboratory that was her domain. The windows were fitted with blinds that could be closed for privacy if needed. Mostly Joan kept them open, like they were now. It was six in the evening on a Friday and an hour past normal quitting time. Two of the associate chemists were finishing up their work for the day and for the week. The others had already left.
Joan was contemplating doing something that, as a chemist working on new formulas wasn't all that rare, but not encouraged by GynaDyne's front office.
Both of the associate chemists finished up what they were doing at almost the same time. Her office door was open and, as they left the lab they turned, waved and called out in unison, "Good night Joan." Joan smiled and waved back.
Another head chemist with a Ph.D. might have made them call her Dr. Kolar, but Joan was very laid back and informal, except when it came to the work at hand. "Our jobs are to be as careful and precise as we can." She didn't brook sloppy work. Any hand written notes had to be meticulously taken and then just as meticulously transcribed into the computer.
Joan got up and went to the door leading from the lab to the hallway. She locked the door then turned out the lights in the lab. Her office was still brightly lit though. She made her way through the lab to her office and to the small safe behind her desk. Only she and the CEO of the company had the combination to it. Among other proprietary drug formulas she kept there, as well as samples of same, was a small vile of the new drug Aphrodite.
Aphrodite had been specifically engineered to stimulate not only the general sexual arousal sites of the human brain, but also those sites specific to female arousal
Joan sat down at her desk and contemplated the little dark brown vial in her hand.
She took in a deep breath, held if for a couple of seconds, then let it out slowly. She did it again.
"Okay," she told herself out loud, "I'm going to do it."
The "it" that she was going to do was to dose herself with Aphrodite to be the first to see if and how well it worked.
The associate chemists she worked with had called it Viagra for women, but it was much more than that. Viagra worked, more or less, mechanically. It increased the production of nitric oxide in a man's blood and nitric oxide relaxes the arteries allowing more and easier blood flow. It also inhibited an enzyme that degraded this process. It also worked from the brain stem, through the spinal column, to the genitals. This allowed more blood flow into the penis when a man is contemplating having sex or involved in a sexual situation and, voila, he will get a fuller and more complete erection. Unless, of course, he has a damaged or blocked artery feeding the penis, then Viagra doesn't help him.
Aphrodite worked through various chemicals on different parts of a woman's brain to enhance sexual arousal, sexual desire, and pleasurable emotions. Of course, it also affected the various nerves that lead to and from the pelvic area and the genitals giving a woman more sensitivity there. In her research Joan had discovered that during sexual arousal there is an area of the cortex of women associated with pain that is activated, showing a distinct connection between pain and pleasure.
Two of the many effects of the aphrodisiac that she had created was a temporary increase of testosterone, normally associated with men, but necessary for women also for sexual desire. But the other effect was that the testosterone initiated the release of dopamine, the feel good hormone, which make us want to feel that pleasure again.
A third effect of Aphrodite was that it stimulated a woman's body to create the pheromone copulance, normally only produced by ovulating women. Copulance, researchers had found, even in amounts undetectable by a man, increased his own testosterone levels and, therefore, his desire for sex.
Joan was familiar with the literature of all the chemicals that went into Aphrodite, as well as being personally familiar with most of them from prior work and experimentation. That is, she knew down to the micro-dose how they should work and knew that they were not dangerous in the sense that they would give her a heart attack, stroke, convulsions, psychosis, or any other serious problems. They were all chemicals that had been used safely in other human applications, but not altogether at once.
GynaDyne had just gotten permission from the FDA to start human trials on Aphrodite and Joan was in charge of the process of setting up trial protocols. So what Joan was about to do wasn't in any sense illegal but, as the head chemist, it was frowned upon for her to be the first guinea pig.
Joan shrugged and smiled. Oh well, she told herself, it's unlikely if the Board of Directors finds out what I've done that they'll fire me. Five years ago Joan had come up with the vaginal gel formulation that also works to give a woman the pleasant feeling of sexual readiness and that was GynaDyne's biggest money-maker now, raking in a few hundred million dollars a year.
Joan had already decided to take the vial home with her for the weekend. If her first dosing didn't work the way she hoped it would then she could adjust it and try it again at home.
Setting the vial down on her desk, she went out to the lab to get a milligram scale. Back in her office she looked at the notes that her secretary had transcribed and printed out for her. Joan turned on the digital scale and placed a one-quarter inch square of sterile absorbent paper on it, then she tared the scale until it was zeroed out. Next she opened the vial and, using a minute dropper, added sixty milligrams of the drug. It was a small amount but, according to her calculations, it should be the correct dose for mildly enhancing her libido.
Joan picked the bit of paper up off the scale, looked at it, then popped it in her mouth. She then drank what was left of the coffee in her cup on the desk. She often drank her coffee cold, being caught up in her work and letting it cool to room temperature. She was used to it, even liked it that way sometimes. She put the scale away back in the lab. Joan hadn't noticed any particular taste from the drug, not that she was expecting any.
She went back to her office to do some paperwork, waiting for the drug to take effect. She figured it would be about twenty to thirty minutes. Fifteen minutes later she felt warm and realized she was squeezing her thighs together rhythmically. She also felt that familiar wet feeling in her vagina that meant sexual arousal.
"Oh yeah," Joan said out loud. "Mmmm!" She placed her hands on her 32C breasts, which at five feet, two inches tall and 108 pounds, looked really good on her. At age forty-five she was still a good-looking woman who took care of herself physically.
Joan had always had sensitive breasts. Now she squeezed them with her hands relishing their firm softness and feeling the hard nubs of her even more sensitive and now aroused nipples through the material of her white silk blouse and lightweight brassiere. Her body gave a shudder of pleasure as she squeezed her pussy particularly hard between her thighs while her hands firmly kneaded her breasts.
"Whew! This is coming on faster and harder than I thought it would. I need to go back over my calculations to see if I missed something."
Joan took in a couple of deep breaths as she continued to squeeze her thighs together and kneading her breasts.
"Mmm-mmm! Yeah, I'll do that... later."
Joan was getting more sexually aroused by the second. She stopped massaging her breasts and stood up. She was wearing a tight black skirt that stopped two inches above her knees. The matching jacket was on a hanger on the coat rack by the door. These were part of her going-to-meetings wardrobe, along with her three-inch high heels. Normally, she would be wearing cross-trainers but, with the two meetings she'd had today and the fact that the rest of her day had been taken up by paperwork at her desk, her comfortable shoes had remained at home.
Pulling the skirt up, Joan pulled down her panty hose and white lacy panties. She paused, then shrugged. She kicked of her shiny black pumps, sat down and removed her panty hose and panties altogether. Then she hiked her skirt up over her hips, sat back in her high-backed desk chair and spread her legs.
Joan looked through her windows and across the lab to where light was coming in through the hallway door window. If anyone was left in the building, besides the security guard, and came down that hall they could look in and, at an angle, see her sitting at her desk. For that matter, the security guard did make rounds occasionally and would come down that hallway at some time. She got up and closed the blinds on her office windows then pulled her skirt up again before sitting her ass on the edge of her chair and leaning back in it.
"Ooo, yeah," she sighed out loud as she reached down with her right hand to begin stroking and rubbing her pussy with its closely trimmed pubic hair. Her pussy was wet and her fingers felt so damned good manipulating it. Joan took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She closed her eyes as she slid two fingers into her pussy while she pressed the heel of her hand against her clitoris. Her left hand was massaging her breasts, switching from one to the other and pinching her nipples hard every now and then.
"Oh damn!" Joan exclaimed. She was beginning to breath heavily. Oh God, she thought, this feels so damned good.
Just then the phone rang on her desk, startling her. Her mind was very far away and it took the second ring to bring her fully back to reality. She grabbed the phone.
"Dr. Kolar," she said, barely able to control her voice. She could see from the digital display that it was an internal call, probably from the security desk in the lobby.
"Ah. Dr. Kolar, this is Chet, with security.
"Yes, Chet, what can I do for you," Joan asked. She had answered the phone with her left hand, which was a bit awkward, but she didn't want to stop stimulated her pussy with her right hand. Actually, she felt more than a bit of perverse pleasure doing this while talking to the security officer... . If he only knew, she thought, and smiled wickedly.
"Uh, yes mam', I'd noticed that you hadn't signed out and I wanted to check and see if you were... uh... if you were still working."
There had been a couple of times in the past when Joan had gone home and forgot to sign out, as was required by company policy. She hadn't done it intentionally, it was just that on those occasions she had so involved in her work and mentally calculating outcomes that she had just walked right out the front door, which, before 5:30 p. m., wasn't locked. That had caused a bit of concern, until she could be contacted. Jim Breyers, the CEO of GynaDyne, had called her into his office to gently reprimand her for her forgetfulness. Now, anytime after 6:00 p.m., if she hadn't signed out, the security desk always called to check.
"Thanks for calling, Chet," Joan said, still smiling as she worked her finger in and out of her pussy. I've got a little bit more work to finish up, but I won't forget to stop by and sign out."
"Uh, okay Dr. Kolar. I'm, uh, sorry to bother you... ."
"Not a problem, Chet. I know I've been naughty before," here Joan's wicked smile became a broad wicked grin. She was barely able to suppress a moan of pleasure as she pressed the heel of her hand firmly down on her erect little clitoris and rotated it. "You're only doing your job."
"Yes mam'."
"Bye, Chet, see you in a little while."
"Goodbye Dr. Kolar."
Joan hung up the phone and went back to massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples. She also realized that her pussy was wet, more wet than since she had been an eighteen year old college student fucking every chance she could get. And, in those days, she could literally soak her panties.
"More," she told herself out loud. "I want more. I want a big fat cock fucking me." She wondered if she could seduce Chet. But really, he was over sixty and had a belly hanging over his belt; not really her type. Still, she was so horny she gave it serious consideration.
Only two things stopped her from calling him back. First, if it ever came out that she had fucked one of the security guards, especially after dosing herself with this new drug, well, that would be the end of her job with GynaDyne. Second, she remembered that she had a big flashlight in the bottom, left-hand desk drawer. It held four D-cells and was both thick and long.
When GynaDyne first moved into this building, there had been a major storm and the power was knocked out. Unfortunately, the electrical contractor had made a big mistake and the emergency lighting hadn't worked. After that Joan had bought the flashlight as a just-in-case back up.
Joan stopped playing with her tits and sat up in her chair. She looked down and realized that the leather was wet from her vaginal lubrication. Wow! she thought, this drug really works great. In her present state of arousal and desire, Joan didn't realize that she should only be mildly aroused, not feeling like a hot and ready mare wanting the stallion to mount her and penetrate her deep and hard.
She opened the drawer and there it was, a long, thick tube of red-colored brushed aluminum. It was nearly eighteen inches long. The end that unscrewed in order to put the batteries in had smooth, rounded edges. Perfect, she thought. Of course, she couldn't fuck the whole length, but she knew she was going to shove as much of it up her cunt as she could.
Joan placed the heavy flashlight on her desk then stood up. From another drawer she grabbed some tissues and wiped off the fingers of her right hand. Then she reached around behind herself and unzipped the skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She kicked it aside.
Taking the flashlight she marched, naked from the hips down, into her private bathroom and quickly washed the outside of the cold metal tube. She didn't have condom to put over it and the disposable lab glove clearly wouldn't work and she did want it clean before inserting it into her pussy.
The thought that, in seconds, she was going to fuck herself with the flashlight sent a shiver of anticipatory delight through her horny, highly sexually aroused body.
Back at her desk, Joan wiped up the wet leather with some more tissues then sat her ass on the edge of the plush chair. She leaned back into it and raised her legs to rest her heels on the edge of the desk, letting her knees fall outward. Holding the flashlight in her left hand, her right hand stoked her pussy some more. Yes, it was still dripping wet.
Joan took the end of the flashlight with her right hand and rubbed it through the wetness of her labia, then she positioned it at the entrance to her vagina.
"Oh, God yes!" she sighed as she slowly pushed the cold metal tube into her hot pussy. She pushed and pushed and pushed until she had nearly half of its length buried in the depths of her clenching, slippery hole... and then she had an orgasm. Her hips bucked up and her stomach muscles tightened as her head and upper body came forward and the wonderful, blissful, delightful waves of sexual climax took her.
Joan's teeth were clenched and she was grunting and panting. Slowly the orgasm passed leaving her with the wonderful warm afterglow that comes with the quick, intense release of sexual tension.
Joan took several deep breaths, still holding the flashlight deep in her pussy. After a few seconds, she laughed, shrugged her shoulders and rolled her head around.
"Wow," she said out loud, "that was a surprise. I wonder what else I can do."
Joan began sliding the thick, round, metal tube in and out of her pussy, slowly at first, but picking up speed as she went. It felt so good to her.
"Oh yes! Oh God yes! Oh fuck yes!" she cried out loud as she repeatedly pulled and shoved the flashlight in and out of her wet and wanton pussy using both hands. She was brutally fucking herself with the flashlight. It was right on the edge of pain but it was a pain that only served to intensify her pleasure.
Soon, she felt the feeling she always got shortly before coming and knew she would be coming again in a short time. She began rotating the flashlight around in her cunt with her left hand while her right hand began rubbing and slapping her clitoris.
"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!" she cried. And then... .
"Ahhhhhh-ahhhhh-AHHHH!" Joan gave voice to an incredibly intense orgasm. Her body convulsed and her vaginal muscles clenched repeatedly around the thick aluminum tube, now stuffed as deep into her pussy as it could go.
Within a few seconds the tension drained from Joan's body and she flopped back into the chair, her hand letting go of the flashlight. The weight from its big end and gravity made it start sliding out of Joan's vagina, tipping down towards the floor as it did. Finally, it plopped out, landing on the floor with a dull thud. As the blunt end of it left her throbbing cunt it kicked against her clitoris, sending an intense shock of pleasure through her body.
Joan stayed there for a few moments with her legs spread and her heels on the edge of her desk, knees splayed wide apart, wet pussy still throbbing slightly, and feeling wonderfully weak as a rag doll and wonderfully satisfied.
As her head cleared, Joan sat up and took stock of where she was and what she had done. Oh my God, she thought. I've made some sort of terrible miscalculation with this drug. But then she pushed that to the back of her mind to take care of later. Right now she needed to clean things up, get dressed and get home.
The flashlight was washed and put away. Her vaginal juices were cleaned off her chair. She had used some wet paper towels to wipe her pussy and thighs. It would have to do until she got home and could take a shower. Joan stuffed her panty hose and panties in her purse, put her skirt back on and zipped it up then put on her jacket and slung her purse over her shoulder before giving her office one last look. Everything was neat and tidy. And then she saw the vial of Aphrodite still sitting on her desk.
Aphrodite is a good name for this drug she told herself ruefully as she slipped the vial into her purse. She turned out her office lights and lock the door and made her way to the hallway door by the dim light its window let in.
Joan came into the lobby through the door that led back to the labs and her office to dutifully signed out at the security desk. She looked at Chet.
"Chet? You are Chet, right?" she asked with a slightly puzzled look on her face.
The security desk was three-sided with the desk, proper, sitting behind a higher countertop. Joan leaned against the countertop resting her upper body on her forearms as she looked at the security guard. The slight breeze caused by her movement through the air carried the pheromone, copulance, she was producing in relatively copious amounts, towards Chet.
"Yes, Dr. Kolar," Chet answered. He smiled at this attractive, older woman that he would have been happy to... . God, he thought. Dr. Kolar is even more attractive than I remember. He could feel that warm feeling in his groin preceding getting an erection.
"Somehow I thought you were older... ."
"Oh, that's Chuck. Yeah he's, I don't know, at least sixty, I think."
"Ah yes, Chuck. How could I get you two mixed up."
Joan ran a hand through her auburn hair, cut just below her ears. Her pale gray eyes sparkled as she gave Chet a winning smile.
Chet, Joan noticed, was about the age of her sons, Eric and Ethan. The fact that he was a handsome young black man was even more enticing to her, never having had sex with a black man before.
Joan realized that she was about to seriously start flirting with Chet, but stopped herself in time. It's just the drug still working, she told herself. Still, she couldn't help but give him another big smile as she said goodnight.
As she was clacking across the marble floor in her high heels on her way to the front door, realizing that she was naked under her skirt, she couldn't help letting her hips swing more sexily than she normally would have, hoping Chet was watching her.
Chet was definitely watching her, closely, as she walked away from him. He appreciated the play of her firm buttocks in her tight skirt. He appreciated the lovely curve of her toned calves. He knew she was forty-five, old enough to be his mother. But so what? Dr. Kolar was a short but curvaceous woman, altogether a very tidy and hot package of a mature woman. He would have been happy to fuck her.
Had she been flirting with him, he wondered? His cock must have thought so. It was already more than half hard.
As Joan reached the front doors, Chet pushed the button to release the lock. Joan pushed through the buzzing door then turned to give Chet another big smile and wave goodbye.
"Damn!" Chet said out loud. "I'd really like to get into that." And then he sighed, knowing that it would never happen. He reached down to his groin and gave his "bad boy," a firm squeeze.
"Go back to sleep big fella, there ain't gonna be no action tonight," he said quietly out loud. At least not until he got back to his apartment and masturbated while fantasizing about Dr. Kolar he told himself.
"Whew!" Joan felt like she was on the horns of a dilemma. She had somehow miscalculated the proper dosage of the new drug and was acting inappropriately. At the same time, she was loving the totally raw sexual feeling it was giving her. It made her feel so alive and sexy and ready for anything sexual. It was an exciting and giddy-making feeling.
She also hoped that she hadn't miscalculated the duration of the effect of the drug. She should only have five to six more hours before she was back to normal. At least, she hoped it wouldn't be any longer than that, no matter how good she was feeling now.
Joan would have been home in half an hour if there hadn't been a major accident on the freeway. After fifteen minutes, just before coming to a complete stop due to the accident, she began feeling that familiar warm feeling in her pelvic region again, the one that precedes full sexual arousal. The drug was definitely still working on her. But of course it would be she realized.
By the time traffic got moving again—stop and go, stop and go for nearly twenty minutes—Joan was squeezing her thighs together rhythmically, she could feel sexual wetness in her vagina once more and her nipples were hard again. She wanted to reach between her legs and rub herself. She also wanted to squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples.
Oh God, she thought, I'm so horny. I don't know how I miscalculated the dosage, but at least I know this drug definitely works.
All she wanted to do was get home, get naked, get her fat dildo out of the bedside stand and fuck herself. Oh yes! She thought as she finally approached her exit, I want to feel that dildo sliding in and out of my pussy. God, I'm so hot! And the image of herself fucking her pussy with her dildo wouldn't go away. It mingled with the image of fucking herself with the big aluminum flashlight. Joan was having a hard time concentrating on driving.
As she pulled up behind a car at a light that had just turned red, Joan maneuvered her skirt up and reached between her legs to rub her fingertips up and down her pussy. Gasping as just how good it felt, she closed her eyes and rubbed even harder, up and down, up and down, against her clitoris.
A car honked behind her. Joan looked up to see the light had turned green and the car in front of her was nearly across the intersection. She straightened up and started moving to more honks. Five minutes later she pulled into her garage.
What the hell is going on, she wondered? This drug was affecting her more than she could have imagined. Again, she thought, I couldn't have miscalculated that much. I know my chemistry and my math.
Joan got out of her car, closed the garage door, and went into the house through the laundry room and into the kitchen. After putting her purse down on the counter she headed for her bedroom, but almost immediately turned around to grab her panty hose and panties out of her purse.
Her boys, Eric and Ethan were off packing up Eric's apartment and putting his furniture in storage. Eric, aged twenty-five, was moving back in, temporarily. With his degree in construction engineering he had gotten a good job with an interstate construction firm with a branch office located in their city. But, with the economic downturn affecting the whole country the company had had to lay off some employees. Eric, one of the newest, was let go but with a reasonable severance package.
At first Joan thought that her son might be depressed, but he just laughed and said, "Better now than if I had been married with children and a mortgage. It might be tough going for a while but I'll find another job." And then he laughed again, "Even if I have to flip burgers at McDonalds."
Joan didn't mind her son moving back in. She loved both of her sons so very much. She had raised them by herself ever since their father, an oncologist, had divorced her ten years ago and married a younger woman, a trophy wife. Her boys had rallied to her defense and had been good at keeping her spirits up until she recovered from the emotional shock and got her emotional self back into good working order.
Her youngest son, Ethan, was in his last year at the university. He was majoring in Western History and wanted to be a teacher.
In the bedroom, Joan stripped off the rest of her clothes, letting them lie where they fell and went in the bathroom to start the shower. It was her habit to shower upon coming home from work. But today she felt she really needed it. Her pussy, thighs, and the crack of her ass were sticky from all her vaginal juices that her body had secreted while masturbating in her office and in the car. Then, with a fresh, clean body, she was going to fuck herself with her fat dildo and come again... maybe even more than once.
Just before she got into the shower, Joan heard a knock at her bedroom door.
"Mom," Eric asked as he opened the door and called out. "You in there?"
"Yeah, sweetie. What's up?"
Ethan and I are hot and sweaty and were going to go jump in the pool and cool off, then have a couple of beers," he said as he walked into his mother's bedroom and stood in the doorway to her bathroom.
This didn't bother Joan. Nudity was not a problem in their house. The boys were used to seeing their mother naked and she was used to seeing them naked, too. She had explained to them years ago that there is nothing wrong or shameful about the nude body.
Eric's eyes quickly took in the lovely sight of his naked mother... and her closely trimmed pubic hair. He didn't realize that he was inhaling the pheromone copulance that his mother was giving off in large amounts.
His cock was starting to get hard as he was talking to his mother and, for the first time in his life, he was seriously wishing that she wasn't his mother. Of course, he knew his mother was a sexually attractive woman and, as a hormonally raging teenager, he had had some passing fantasies about her, albeit, with some feelings of guilt. He had gotten over that he thought but now, as a man in his mid-twenties, he was clearly seeing his mother as a sexually desirable women once again.
"We'll be au natural," he continued. He swallowed dryly, "And, seeing as how you're already naked, you could join us, if you want."
Joan's house was at the top of a hill. All the other properties were lower than hers. Well, any that could see into her backyard over or through the privacy bushes that enclosed her backyard on three sides. Nudity around the pool was the norm with Joan and her two sons. They even had parties with other nudity tolerant friends from time-to-time.
"I'd give you a hug... ," and here he pretended like he would, and secretly really wanting to.
Joan could see that his dust-smudged, sweat-soaked T-shirt was clinging to his hard, muscular body. She stepped back. "Don't you dare, young man," she said. But she was laughing.
Looking at her son—actually at his handsome face and lean, muscular body—and being in a state of high sexual arousal. Her mind flashed to an image of her legs spread wide open and Eric on top of her, his hips between her legs, his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. Before she could put that thought out of her mind she spoke up.
"Yeah. Sure sweetie. I'd love to come for a swim with you and Ethan."
"Okay, sweetie," Eric said, mimicking his mother. Then he bent forward to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh my!" Joan said out loud after her son had left to join his brother in the swimming pool. She realized that the scent of his sweaty male body had enhanced her sexual arousal. It was a very strong, male scent. She stood there, inhaling deeply, feeling the heat throbbing through her pussy.
"I shouldn't do this," she told herself. But she was so horny and masturbation, while good, just wasn't good enough if she could avail herself of a willing male... or two.
"They're my sons", she told herself out loud, "how could I even think about having sex with them?" But another voice, deep inside her sex-crazed brain answered with a "So what? They're men. Good-looking, handsome young men."
But it was more than their physical attractiveness. Her sons were good boys. Hard working, honest, and reliable. She knew that raising children without a father would be hard, but she never gave in again to the feelings of despair and anger that she had first felt when her husband had left her... and the boys. She always presented a strong, positive side of life. She knew, from observing some of their friends that her sons were more mature for their age than the average young man.
Neither of her sons were teenagers anymore. But when they had been they hadn't acted like so many teen-aged boys their age. And both of them had worked—not that they needed too—at paper routes or mowing lawns or any other job opportunity that came their way.
Yes, her sons were handsome young men, but the real root of their attractiveness came from the core of their being, the good, right-thinking young men that they were: Honest, hard-working, tolerant, logical, good-natured, friendly, caring, and always willing to help.
Joan loved her sons for the good boys they were, but now... now she was feeling something different for them. The aphrodisiac she had taken was making her see them in a strongly physical sexual light. Yes they were good young men, but they were also strong, handsome, muscular young men and her body was overriding the part of her mind that was saying this is wrong. Her body wanted to be dominated and penetrated by these two young men, her sons. She wanted them to fuck her and fuck her a lot.
Joan looked into the large bathroom mirror and saw a mature, but still very attractive women looking back at her. She watched herself as she reached down to her sticky, wet pussy and pinch the top of her labia together over her clitoris and squeeze hard. She shivered with pleasure and wanted more. She gave her image a wicked grin.
Hey, Ethan," Eric said after stripping off, diving into the pool and coming up for air. "This is going to sound kind of strange but have you, you know, ever thought of Mom in... well, in a sexual way?
Ethan looked at his older brother and furrowed his brow. What is he up to, he asked himself.
"No, really," Eric said, seeing his brother's look. I just talked to Mom in her bathroom. She was getting ready to get into the shower, but I invited her to join us in the pool. She was naked, but it's not like we've never seen her naked before. But I got this feeling... . I don't know how to tell you. And, Ethan, I'll admit that I've kind of, sometimes, thought of Mom in a, uh... ." He was embarrassed admitting this to his little brother. "Well, I've kind of thought about her and sex and... ." He trailed off.
"Okay, big brother," Ethan said with a smile. "I'll let you off the hook. Yeah, I think Mom, as a Mom and a, you know, older woman is pretty hot. And, if you're saying that sometimes...sometimes you might have thought of her in a, uh, graphic sexual way, then, yeah, so have I."