Episode 20
Ruchi came with tea tray and set besides me on bed. She said, "Mrs. Sen had sent car for mother. What is up there?"
I told her in short what mother had told me. She looked at me in disbelief. I saw excitement was also coming to her.
"Are you impressed by likely Manager exports?" I asked her.
She said smilingly, crossing and folding her arms in each other, "May be so -so."
I squeezed her shoulder, and murmured in her ear, " Now come and close the door."
"I am just here for tea. I hope you're not planning on taking advantage!"
She said shyly, disclosing her mind for the first time since our marriage," I know how terribly you want since morning but why do you want to waste your energy for two minutes contact... in morning too you wanted... Can't you wait only for three hours? Then take pleasures whole night and discharge too much like a bull... I am not willing at this time at..."
She shyly kissed me and said," Do eat light tonight" "
Her words were fire on raw patrol. For the first time she had shown her naked mind. She looked a new wife to me.
My whole body suddenly went sultry in passion. I wished to see more of dirty mind of my conservative wife.
I said in heat," Ruchi, tonight I am quite tired...I need you give me some relief...pleaseee do to me I have been doing you all the time."
Ruchi shyly baffled. " How can I do... I mean women don't have that thing. We can only take it."
A was bewildered what she was trying to say. " I mean some massage like thing. " I spoke as my words had become more sultry."
"Massage?" She said.
"I mean not with hands, that with your things, slowly you do with me. No lady has such beautiful things for husband. " I said pulling words out of my mouth with my best efforts.
'Seei!" her face went red," It is soiling." she spoke.
'Please do it tonight...wear kurta red one sleeveless... we brought from Delhi. I shall be ever thankful to my lovely wife. " I said in most sultry voice of my life.
She did not say a word, watching me mischievously left the room.
I took meal early and came upstairs. I had been in tremendous stress since last 24 hours. I laid myself on bed and soon went to sleep.
Some thing woke me in silence of late night. I could not see the time in dim light, perhaps it would have been over 1 A.M
I felt my wife was kneeling over me and was kissing my lips with her. I could hear her breaths coming from her beautiful nose. It was a soft sensation. Suddenly I remembered talks we had in evening. I tried to speak some thing but she kept kissing slowly and did not let me use my lips to speak. I surrendered and kept on lying quietly and put my labium at her disposal.
Gradually my eyes began to see better in dark. She was sitting on floor besides bed with her soft thick lips over mine. She had put an arm on bed that was full of red. Her hairs were loose and fell all over her back and sides. She looked silky cold and fresh, perhaps had taken bath. There was strong female fragrance coming from her.
I tried to raise my hands like but with out parting her lips she locked my arms with her hands. I again submitted to her desires. Increasing pressure of her lips she began moving her lips to my nose and to eyes and then bringing back to lips. She took my lower lip in her lips and began sucking. Her sucking gradually increased in passionate intensity. Her lips were becoming wet with our salvia and so were mine. She then slipped my lower lip between her teeth and bite. I jerked however the pain was within my tolerance.
Her kissing rhythm increased. I saw signs of fury coming to her. Releasing my lip, she began sneaking her tongue deep inside my mouth. Her actions were making sounds of interrupted sips.
She then left my lips momentarily and moving her head little lower towards my neck, she with her right hand opened my buttons of kurta and moved her palm on my naked chest. Her fingers traced my nipples and began massaging them slowly. Once securing them between her fingers she repositioned her juicy lips over mine.
This was the first time she was on me like that. Pressure exerted by her smooth lips gave me unusual sensation. Her right hand reached the hem of my kurta and she pulled it up over my chest exposing her fingers that were already playing with my nipples. She looked at them and slowly slipped her mouth lower to my nipples and kissed them and tried to pull tinny objects by her teeth.
She had not spoken a single word since I had opened my eyes nor let me say any thing. I had never seen her so occupied in game. This appeared no sentiment just a scrap passion in her.
A thought came to me – Here was a starved female playing with male assets. It did not matter who he was.
Releasing her lips from my tits, she put her right cheek on my naked chest and began rubbing that over my skin, gradually slipping further to cord of my pajama. She tried to tug off the cord from folds by her mouth and lips. My shaft swelled further below the cloth in anticipation but the opening that tight knot was too big a job for her tender mouth.
Leaving that tedious exertion she began to glide her cheek above taut of pajama. More blood moved to my erection as I felt her hot breath trickling to my cock through the cloth. I had to struggle to prevent my moan going out of room's territory. She took both of my testicles through the cloth in her right palm and squeezed them, avoiding to touch the tight shaft. It gave me more pain than little pleasure. I almost screamed, urging her to leave it. In the process I shrewdly opened the knot of pajama cord with out letting her know.
I pulled her head. She put her lips over mine and again gradually moved them lower towards the belly.
While playing in that area she noticed that I had left the cord loose, smilingly, she raised her head and saw my pleading eyes. She took pajama in fingers and began to slip it lower. She had to struggle a bit to slip it through the tent created by my erect penis. She slipped it to my thighs leaving my cock shark naked taunt to roof.
She brought her mouth around the erect shaft. I could sense her breath but she bypassed the pole and slowly moved her mouth at the base of testicles near hairy ass hole. It made me wild in passion. Now I desperately wanted my taunt six-inch in her mouth. She was bypassing that it over and again so I pulled her by head by my hand towards its mushroom head. She kissed shaft few times. I hold my shaft in my fingers and made a bid to insert it in her mouth but every time she slipped her mouth. She removed my grip to hold it in her long fingers and looked at it for some time.
I spoke in low sultry voice," Pleeasse! Take it...innn mouth."
"Had not I kissed it many times?" She asked whispering.
"Pleaasee take it all in standing full. " I too whispered.
"Why dear, you were taking it earlier. " I said.
"No, it is smelling pee... Some other time."
I had long fantasy for cumming in some ladies' mouth but had always felt that it would be too raw for my wife. That day I wanted it to become reality because she was acting quite shamelessly but since she showed unwillingness for even pee traces so I dropped the idea
Any way at that time I wanted relief, so I pulled her on bed and fucked her.
She had changed dramatically after that sexy encounter!
Mrs. Sen's last day's talks with my mother were like an ecstasy.
It was 8 in morning, I was getting ready for factory. It was going to be good day for me. Some time in day perhaps Sen would be calling me but in the back of my mind I was nervous; what return he would ask from me?
I was not sure of any thing but I am really a damn superstitious! At times when I feel confused or afraid of missing some thing great, I often make a challenge with me to do something daring. If I succeed than this gives me the good tone to me. I made a fanatic deal with me.
The challenge was; before leaving for mill, if I dare to speak to my wife something vulgar about my CEO's huge cock, cleverly enough to get a friendly response for Reddi, then the day was going to be positive for me.
It made me excited. Talking to my wife about a giant penis of man hungry for her! I tried again and again to gather words to say my wife but I miserably failed. I sensed that I lacked courage!
I failed and it was not a good omen.
My excitement had almost died as I reached mill. Looking at the huge campus and tall buildings of leading textile mill and hundreds men' entourage at the gate, I could only ridicule myself for thinking that big.
I reached to my floor and routinely supervised the machines and signed the log sheet. I went to my small wooden cabin and set on my chair and looked at papers on my medium sized table, nothing was important. I dialed floor supervisor on my intercom and discussed about that day's jobs and stock positions. Every thing was in routine. I began completing registers and then work I had to put to my Manager.
Still I was hopeful! May be, Mr. Sen would be calling me any time.
My eyes would automatically go to intercom in anticipation of a coming ring. At about 11:45 am, as I was about to go to canteen, intercom began ringing.
I quickly picked the receiver but it was from floor, calling me for a problem. I went to there and returned my cabin in twenty minutes after attending the issue. I asked attendant sitting out side of our cabins if there was any call in my absence. He bluntly said, "No!"
I was not feeling comfortable in that tiny cabin so I got up and walked out of floor sheds out in large ground and moved to administrative building across that big barren ground.
It was an mid fashioned four-storied air-conditioned building in side of mill campus and was enclosed by an another boundary around it. I walked through wide concrete road through impressive lawns to the majestic entrance door. The atmosphere here was quiet, different from noisy floors of factory.
At ground floor there was the big room of CEO. His staff and a big conference hall occupied the remaining ground floor. Any one hardly recognized me but I was scared of encountering Reddi so I quickly moved to stairs.
I walked on first floor. It was for Chief General Manager [Purchase], Mr. Sen. His big chamber was at right of stairs just above Reddi's room. It had an impressive nameplate displaying A. Sen Chief General Manager. Near that door there were his three peons dressed in company's blue winter dress with an imposing brass badge, a sign of high office. One of them had typical small moustache. On his front was the hall partitioned by plywood for CGM's personal staff. On the other side, at right hand of gallery were the rooms for managers and assistant managers. I walked in gallery. Six attendants were sitting on benches in gallery. Some of them were known to me, they nodded seeing me but none of them cared as I walked. The third room on right of gallery had still the nameplate R.S. Dubey Manager [Exports]. I looked at it and felt a skip of couple of heartbeats. I walked further to the end then returned and again passed through that room. Now at my right just in front of that room was the hall for my...I mean for export's junior staff. I peeked in. It was a spacious hall with wooden partitions. The cabins looked bigger than my present sitting place. Just near the door, were his typist and two clerks' table. One of them saw me peeping but did not pay any attention. I had an impulse! If they knew I may be here as their boss! How they were going to behave now?
Upstairs was the office of General Manager [Productions] who was my super boss but I didn't go there.
As I came back to my tinny chamber, I felt I had returned from a dream walk. It was now around four in evening. Only two more hours were left for finishing the day. The attendant attached to four cabins told me that as far as he was there, he didn't heard any ring on intercom.
The day had been disappointing and I thought Mrs. Sen's talks were only a joke. May be she just wanted to see our reactions. It was ridiculous to think that they would put me as Manager (Exports) in that great mill. There was no connection of that place with my present work and experience. How a big company like that was going to risk so much even if it is in exchange of some one's wife?
Trying to shift my mind I went to floor amid roaring of machines. However still in corner of my mind, I cursed myself for not able to speak to my wife something about other man's huge penis and failed to win a good omen for the day.
I wandered on floor aimlessly for more than an hour from one machine to other looking at moving wheels.
Precisely at 5:35 my heart suddenly again skipped many beats as I saw that peon with small moustache walked on my floor imposing his majestic brass badge! I recognized him; he was sitting out side of Mr. Sen's room.
Here reality was coming to me! Why on earth Mrs. Sen would lie to mother? Suddenly I felt I was an important man! I looked at him and for a moment our eyes met. He walked in my direction but just as I was expecting him to speak, he walked past and moved to other end of long floor towards the room of my boss.
It appeared that I had been completely blown by hot wind as I saw him entering his chamber. After a while he came out with a file and walked past me out of floor.
I didn't want to stay there any more. I went to cabin, locked my drawer. Still there were fifteen minutes left but I finished the day and walked out of floor.
At home the things were not different than mill. Mother had nothing to tell me, there was no call from Mrs. Sen.
I was not in mood to talk with any one and went upstairs. I had been waking all through last night so after dinner, I went to sleep.
I woke around five in morning by noises of doors from downstairs but there was nothing to talk with mother. My lady was in sleep besides me. Her thick lips were again inviting me. I could distinctly see some minute swellings and cuts on her lower lip.
I recalled the dream-walk and the disappointing yesterday. Certainly for a man like me, that position in exports required a price. I knew that my wife was best in mill rather in town. Further I had no doubt that CEO of my mill had intensely fallen for her and the exchange proposal, he had sent was very much in balanced to her beauty. They do not see such women daily on roads. If there were any substance in Mrs. Sen's talks then my wife would be there in some or other way.
Looking at her on bed I thought; would Reddi ever sleep with her? Why I desperately waited call from Sen? I was not sure myself what exactly I wanted! But every act of me testified - I wanted that position!
As I looked at my sleeping wife, my dick began itching and soon I had full erection. I sat on bed and opening my pajama, I took out hard shaft pulling its fore skin, put its tip on her lips I rubbed its mushroom head very sensuously on her lips. Then I repeatedly tried to insert it in her mouth; she woke. Looking at me with wide eyes she lowered her eyeballs and saw at the hard shaft that I was trying to slip in her closed mouth.
I wanted day to be successful form the first act of day. Not to put any uneasiness to my lady and I carefully I withdrew tip from her lips and looked in her widened eyes. I lovably put my left hand on her head and moved my fingers very gently on her hair.
Again looking deeper in her eyes I slipped fingers to her lip and said whispering," Please take it in mouth, please, please pleeaaseee!"
Her eyes slipped to my cock that was just touching her mouth and were fixed on it.
She reluctantly opened her lips a bit and not missing the moment I quickly fed it in her mouth and slipped further by exerting softest possible pressure but that began choking her mouth.
"But you are crushing me," She said pushing my belly up by her hands, "If you want me to do than sit on your feet or lay straight on bed and let me come up"
I carefully ensured her comfort and moved up to squat on bed bridging over her neck so my erect cock was just touching her lips. She opened her mouth and I lowered myself a bit. The mushroom went in her through her teeth and she raised her head to take it further. There after she began sucking taking it more and more. It began sensitizing me to break. I had never cum in her mouth and at that was not the time to do it. In about ten minutes I begged her to leave my cock.
She moved her head down and my shaft coated by her salvia hanged in air. My juices too quoted her lips.
I was happy, as that was the good start of day, good omen, which I desperately needed.
I gave her a good morning fuck to the best of my ability.
Ruchi wiped semen traces by a napkin from her fenny and tiny hairs there, rearranged her and kurta and tied slawar cord and went downstairs. I however favored a nap.
It was around 7:30 when I woke up and in an hour I would leave home to reach factory at 9:00.
I had a pleasing start of day. I expected the day to be good. Moving scooter on bumpy road to mill was tiring job but I was happy as my cute wife had given me a nice daybreak. After denials and teasing for two days, this morning she resumed pleasing my cock by her mouth. With that I could shed my apprehensions that she was neglecting me after her eyes met with those of horny CEO.
At 8:52 AM I was in daily crowds entering the mill gate but today I felt differently. Who else in that herd possessed that lovely wife?
I reached my departmental floor in sheds and did routine morning stock checks before coming to my tiny ply wood cabin. There were no fresh papers to look.
My thoughts began rambling. I was in jumble and I still was unsure of sharing my wife's with any one.
The intercom buzzed and interrupted my thoughts. It was my boss who broke a pleasing news to me. Last evening Mr. Sen had asked him to send a special reports about my work and conduct and little later he event sent his peon to collect it from him! However my boss feared that the report was asked because of some mischievous complaint against me. He assured me that I should not be worried any more as he had sent a pleasing report. I could only give him warm thanks.
Impulsively I began feeling a sexy itch in my belly. By all consequences I would be getting a call from Mr. Sen very soon or may be even from Reddi ji. I sense the urgency of having clear thoughts while I talk with them.
A simple cup of tea helps to put nerves at right place so locking my drawer I walked toward mill canteen. I sat on the small table at an empty corner.
The tea came and I began to put the things one by one.
God had placed me equally with them. If they had power and money, I had most pretty lady on my bed. If I acted like dumb they would steal her in some or other way. The offer was unbelievable as I compared my crap cabin with the impressive position of manager exports, I had seen last day. I recalled morning crowds at mill gate running in herds to their machines. I knew this was the time to act; opportunities do not knock again and again.
I must talk with them open-mindedly and see their basket and may do so even for fun. I could talk them presuming that my wife would accept Reddi to some extent for the betterment of my family. May be with that price it would not be only a one-night-stand. There could be many other complexities but I too would be having many options. If at later stage I didn't feel for it, I could always back out telling them that my wife was not going with it.
I even shrewdly considered bribing Sen in some way to sway the deal in my best favor as Reddi was depending on him.
I had now a concrete setup in my mind. I thanked tea and walked out of canteen.
As I reached my cabin, the blue dressed peon was waiting outside of my cabin but it was no more a surprise for me. He informed me that Sen Sahib wanted to see me at 3:15 today after noon.
So it had come.
At 3:15 as I entered the princely room of Mr. Sen I felt tender fingers of some beautiful lady slowly gliding on my strained underwear. That was a big room with tender green tint, nicely lit by soft florescent lights, wall to wall carpet and long green curtains. The room had a select smell that gave me a sexy feeling.
Mr. Sen appearing tall and fair colored, sat on revolving chair behind an elegantly arranged table and was occupied in pile of documents. He wore a superior quality gray suite and matching tie over his explicit white shirt. The rectangular framed glasses over his electric eyes matched his face. Just behind of him on wall was a door, perhaps leading to his rest room.
As I moved towards his table, he raised his head and smilingly waved me to sit. I sat on graceful chair in front of him.
' How are you, young?" he asked knocking his words on me.
"Nice, sir." I said as pleasing as I could. I felt better nerves in me.
He said imposing his words, "I wanted to talk some thing about a new place in exports area, but your mother told us that you have been quite upset after Reddi met your wife in that marriage function."
I sensed the shrewdness but I didn't speak.
"Is it so?" He asked looking at me.
"Reddi ji is a big man sir." I spoke hesitantly.
His eyes penetrated deeper in me," No, You should speak, it is important. We are like family here "
" Sir if you ask me, I think he had extremely lusty eyes over my wife's body but the whole thing became so apparent to every one there -that embarrassed me." I paused a bit," I knew she attracts lot of people but if you look a lady like that before others particularly her in- laws... I mean every one...is it not embarrassing to her?"
Contrary to his expectations I had not acted like a dumb.
My reply appeared to have set a fire in him. He said with interest, "I value your feelings," he said then thinking a bit," Well there are things you also should know."
He paused and looking at walls as he said," I think we may better come in retiring room." Then picking up his intercom instructed his personal assistant that he should not be disturbed.
I followed him to back wall door and entered a nice retiring room that had a homely touch in white curtains and wall to wall carpeted floor. It had a medium sized sofa with two love seats and a black glass center table. There was a small white fridge in corner. On wall, there was a big imposing photograph of him and his wife with Reddi ji against background of Niagara Fall.
He preferred the large sofa and I sat on love seat to his right.
He spoke, "Putting it plainly, I agree that Reddi ji was quite impressed by your family and to say by the most desirable lady he had ever seen. However for this you can not entirely blame him, I believe, if you know he was misinformed about something."
He continued," Reddi ji and me are from same college and have been more than friend for twenty-five years. He has very large energies of every type. You know this mill was dying. I suggested our board to try and bring Reddi ji here from Gujrat were he was Chief Manager in a textile factory." He spoke." Now see, here we are expanding every day."
To me it looked that he meant some thing special by very large energies!
I said trying to push my shoe toe through the carpet " This is true but why should some one misinform him about my wife and make him unnecessarily so horny!" I saw he again avoided his eyes, this time longer than was necessary.
I too was showing my skills.
He began, "This is a personal side of him but since you have some feelings, let me tell you. He is not fortunate like you in ladies and had terrible marriage. Since last three years his wife has left him and even took their daughter and is living with her parents at Bombay. This whole thing had been extremely agonizing to Reddi ji."
I had heard but didn't know that much. "Oh! It is depressing!" I said
"Is it really necessary for you to know more?" He asked.
"Not necessary sir but it may help me to appreciate his miseries and may be, I could be of some help to him...in mean in some way." I put a set of meaningful words before him.
Mr. Sen eased on back of sofa and said," Even after break of marriage he keeps great stamina to work and keeps him entirely fit. His mornings are spent in gym and he eats complete flawless non-vegetarian & extremely potent food. As far as I have seen that has generated huge male energies in him. But please believe me, till that night he saw your wife, he had rigidly kept his eyes away from any woman because he is too shy to even talk and miserably fails with ladies. I, as his intimate friend always wanted him to get relief from his such unending physical tortures. I even tried to shift beautiful females from other sections to his office. "
Perhaps to me he clearly meant that Reddi was an unsatisfied strong but shy bull living in extreme sexual tortures. So seeing a very sexy lady he lost all his controls.
The thoughts further strained my underwear as I remembered his huge testicles that were showing through his pants. They must be dripping with thickest semen.
I said with better understanding, "He is miserable, and giving him wrong clues about some beautiful lady literally killing him. He is lucky to have considerate friends like you. "
He looked in my eyes, "Is it ok now? "
'Yes sir, if you tell a bit more."
"Certainly I would like to talk to an understanding man like you." He said, "but let me first talk about the main business which is important for mill."
"Sir." I didn't insist in best salesman's spirit.
"You know we are gigantically expanding our export business. Board has set export targets to Rs 4500 million for next years against 3200 millions done so far in this year. That would be a great jump. "
I exclaimed," Almost double!... But they should have no problem till a capable man like you is here."
I saw a spark in his eyes.
He said," It is a challenge. We are dealing in many countries in Middle East; Africa, Latin areas and West Asia. The main problem was that our men were busier making their own jobs and fly with company's secrets. We have to expand this wing with people committed to mill. I was worried about the challenges and talked to board about it. They have almost approved one more post for manager with set targets." He said.
"That's a good, truly sir." I said.
He was appreciative for my interest in his problems," It is important for you to understand that consideration to put you in exports has no direct connection with CEO's fascination for your wife."
For the first time he used CEO for Reddi ji.
"It looks great but how could you ever thought of me sir." I asked him as speechlessly as I could. "
He said, "Manager exports under present circumstances would not be just a routine office job. We have big challenges by throat cutting rivals and they have all tactics. They were even using ladies to break official's shelves. We need synthesized endeavors round the clock. If we have finest lady with us like you have...This is like taming all influential people –in countries. You have to find appropriate solution for each man."
His tone changed to firm, "and we have real challenge in Africa. It has biggest business potential but due to corruption our rivals breaks their way easier."
"How you expect me to do it." I put a natural question.
"You have seen just two days before a childlike attraction of big men towards fine lady."
He paused a bit and asked me in lower voice," Would it offend you if I talk on that line? "
"I would hunt every possibility to get the result." I said in shrewdness to extract best from him.
For a moment he thought and saw in my eyes," Actually on that night for the first time I realized that how quickly a big and strong man like Redii ji fell on his knees before your beautiful lady by a little misinformation about that woman. Instantly I had an idea that we can break any thick headed man... I mean think over that. Little homely touch in business can be wonderful and may lead us to top shelves."
I was getting his point but still who misinformed Redii about my wife was puzzling me.
My confidence in me was now better. I asked," Still I am confused what misinformation could be that?"
Mr. Sen smiled," Forget man...but I would like to speak about that too..." after little thinking he said," Like to have some coffee?"
With out waiting me he picked intercom and asked his PA to send two coffees.
"How do you think you can do here?" He asked me.
"It is interesting to deal different people in other countries," I felt ready to fly.
"I appreciate that... Are you sure you would be getting cooperation from your family...I mean from your wife." He asked.
The same blue dressed peon came with a try having two cups and placed cups on center table. From corner of eyes he looked curiously at me for a few seconds.
This was the first direct question that made my red blood rushing to my face. While sipping coffee I felt that my nerves had further improved.
I said cautiously weighing each of my word," Sir I think we can not neglect our rivals' tactics. I am not sure at this moment but I have seen men strongly falling for my wife. I think we may give them highest attention depending on requirements, if the man is really worth."
"That would be basic theme for your consideration to that place." Sen said straightly peeping in my eyes.
Sen had put the things direct to me in best way. I gathered all my nerves.
" If you tell me bit more of Reddi ji's fascination for my wife, how it would be in coming days?" I said.
Sen taking an unusually long sip of coffee spoke," Look, I may again tell you Reddi had excellent control over his tremendous sexual energies till he saw your lady under some illusion.. "
It raised my excitement and curiosity," Ohh! You were not joking that he had not touched a woman in three years. "
"Absolutely true! He is like burning a furnace ready to explode. Is it not torturous with out any woman particularly when nature has given him such massive sex organs? As a friend I had been telling him to find some woman at least temporarily but he always laughed. "
He hold his breath before he spoke again," On that marriage night, your wife looked stunning. I had not seen such a lady before. We didn't know she was your wife. I asked Reddi ji to look at her and in no time he was absolutely mesmerized by her erotic appeal."
He said looking deeper at me," Should I tell?"
I said," Please, it is fascinating."
Mr. Sen continued," Some one told him...Well you can assume it was me...that she likes hard fucking and I had contacts with her. It was just a pass time remark but it gave him strongest shiver.
It was a coincidence that you with family walked to us and introduced her to Reddi ji. I saw him melting his entire rules of three years in three minutes and he became ragged under passion."
I was stunned by his plain admission but that brought me a kind of frenzy in me too.
"Do you think he is still under that state. " I asked him.
"Certainly, he is worst now. The problem is that he is too simple and takes many things for granted. "
It was now my turn to open up," As his true friend do you want my wife to sleep with him?"
His eyes showed an extreme valuation of my words as he said," As I told you, putting you in exports has no direct connection to that incidence. My wife feels that your family has been loyal to the mill ; so you are a choice. "
"Sir I mean... Reddi ji expect me to do... favors to him if you moot the case." I asked him plainly.
He replied keeping his words calculated," Our board wanted some thing like this. It is a strong case. However regarding other side of my friend, Reddi ji certainly needs some relief, it is for you to evaluate his miseries but surely he would never insists for this against any one's will."
Mr. Sen smilingly concluded," Ok young, think over it and let me know tomorrow at 3:30 here."
So it would be a complete business cum sex package.