Episode 21
It was 4:25 as I came out of Mr. Sen's office. I wanted to go home so took leave and left for home.
I felt that my life had changed all of a sudden. A man had talked so successfully about my wife's sexy assets and using that for seducing big business guns for muti-millions deals. It was greatest complement to me but how I was going to take it now? However again I realized hugeness of power of nature over human creations.
I reached home at about 5 pm two hours early than normal schedule. Ruchi and Manisha had gone to market. I took mother upstairs and told her, that had happened, as plainly as was possible.
She didn't look much surprised and was buried in thoughts for some moments and asked," What you really wish?"
"I don't know really!" I was confused for the first time on that day.
She began speaking slowly; " I too thought it earlier. See! our family has been loser from generations. People make jokes of us. "
She thought a bit," Your father retired from an inferior job and you too struggling just at middle level. Who in this world stands for us? "
She paused a bit," If you get this place... it can bring wonders to us, from honor to every thing. I know such things."
Remembering some thing she looked at my face and said," You know Sushma my cousin?"
"In Mauritius? " I said.
She spoke smilingly "We were grown up together. She got married three years earlier to me. Her husband was in Mauritius worked in a sugar mill. They have now made a big position.
One year after my marriage she sent me return air tickets to come to her for about a week and that was the only time your father and I went out went out. It was a great place to live and work. They suggested your father too may get good job there."
She said recalling her mind, " Incidentally in one late morning hours a Tanzanian living in Mauritius whom they know and his Egyptian friend who had come Mauritius for the first time, came to their house for a brief hasty halt just to refresh while they were passing through the town in a hired safari gypsy. He was escorting his friend to different places in island. They were on their way to National Park and Botanical Garden. The Tanzanian was quite a jolly and worked in manpower section in a textile mill in Mauritius.
Sushma and I quickly prepared some snacks but they had little time so we packed it for way.
Sushma hurriedly told him about us and asked him to tell a worthy job for your father. He looked quite interested. These people are very fond of Indian women's company. He wanted to take Sushma and me with them to National Park but your father didn't agree since it required a night stay. After that we didn't meet him."
She said," I think you make up your mind and act of your own."
"But if things comes up, how can I ever say to Ruchi to sleep with some one. That will spoil her. " For the first time I was so open before my mother.
She said in least audible words, "It is important that you two must have perfect confidence in each other. "
She was motherly telling me," It is difficult...I mean boyish to talk her like that. She can give company to a quality man with you or may be alone with some kind of freedom at times. "
She was speaking each word restrictively "I know adult homely ladies of our class have personal feelings but they would never speak. If she likes some one, she would have an inherent weakness for him and it is up to him how he passages with her. It is better if you limit yourself to that... I mean let her understand the net worth of a thing and put right atmosphere to her. If she hates any one don't insist or she would be spoiled. You know Mrs. Sen was to some extant in similar net but Sen had left it to her will. I do not think they have any problems in family."
She spoke sluggishly," More over If it comes at all, you can keep it very infrequent and for exclusive events. You may put limitations like rules... It doesn't mean that she should actually go in all events and you may find other solutions for him to keep your family upright."
She saw at my relieved face, "You may tell so directly or otherwise to Mr. Sen when you next meet him. "
I began to get idea of basket but still I was not sure how exactly it would be coming in our family. I had the same prudence that my wife would never accept any sex pushed on her but she was sensitive and a worthy man had good possibility for her but in confidence under explicit atmosphere. As regards Reddi ji I was certain that he had a set of huge genitals with enormous undischarged gummy semen boiling to flood my wife's married pleasure hole.
My wife Ruchi and sister Manisha returned from market after 6 p.My wife came upstairs to change in hurry and saw me on bed. She was looking stunning in blue sari and long sleeved blouse with bluish bangles in her arms. By surprise, I noticed that her 35 inches hips were looking a bit wider, giving a better trace of extensive crack between them. It strained my cock and I told her not to pleasssee change her sari. Looking me in dismay she went down for her busy evening schedules while I lay on bed just looking at ceiling and thinking of that crack.
My thoughts gradually drifted again to present events.
Although my wife had good idea of on-going events but I didn't know how I was going to make her listen me. I was only sure that I would have to talk her. I thought again and again of my mother's words and that really proved an excellent guide to me. I took a writing pad from side drawer and began logically writing the issues and points. Ultimately I came to a good conclusion and wrote the steps concisely on a fresh pad paper, making an extra copy and put the pad back in that drawer.
She came up around 10 p after finishing downstairs' works. She was still in same synthetic blue sari, she had wore for market. While she turned her back to me to bolt the door I was sure that her hips crack had widened in few days and that invited my eyes to her forbidden rosy opening. I lost track of priorities before me.
She opened almerah and picked salwar and kurta to change but I asked her to come with out changing. She appeared unwilling but still obliged me.
As she laid on bed, I put my hand on her breasts and said in sultry words," Please lay on your belly...I just want to kiss you only at your lovely back, uninterrupted!"
As I slowly said this odd request she looked at me and seeing at my gradually intoxicating eyes her face and eyes too began turning heavy and she slowly turned her back for me. I put my lips on her on her silky flat back. Feeling the tight bra lines I began slipping my mouth all her over blouses tightly covering her back. I moved my lips to the back of her neck and raising her arms, glided my lips in her moistened arm- pits to the extent I could manage from her back.
Gradually I shifted my lips to her naked silky back below bra line between her blouse and sari and moved fingers swiftly over her sari on her hips. Now very slowly I was traversing erotic hill mound feeling every centimeter of it. I thought, how many males would give up every thing to feel this beautiful crack between those mounds?
Replacing my fingers by my tongue, I made it to gradually drift to valley but the layer of her sari and then petticoat over panty were hindering any true feel of that. I extended my right arm towards her feet and pulled the hem of her sari. As the sari began uncovering her legs a wave of shame shivered her. She thrust her face deep in pillow with arms folding on back of her head. I pulled sari up releasing it from tugs as much as I could, and that gave me way to my mark. I rolled a bit sideways and slipped my head to her wide pulpy hips still under white petticoat. I moved my lips just below to her covered thick thighs joint and began counting my kisses till they were exactly twenty.
She again gave a shiver and rolled a bit on her right and folding her one leg upwards. This brought her pulpy hips before me in their full width and widened her hip crack. I knew that just by pressing the taut petticoat bridging her mounds, I would be on her valley crack.
I was laying on my right. I again extended my left hand to the hem of her petticoat with clear intention to pull it up and uncover her hips. She moved her hand from her head and jerked my hand that was trying to pull petticoat.
"Why darling please let me...see your hips naked." I said in hardly audible words.
"Nooo...I know... you will put your mouth there...it looks very dirty. Just do that if you want with petticoat there. " She spoke word by word.
"Pleasse let me pull petticoat, I will not remove underwear...please!" I said.
She firmly hold my hand saying softly," Ohhh please, but... have no underwear there."
"Why darling! "
"Those have become very tight in last few days and squeeze my joints and hips. Today I brought Itch-guard tube from medical store, I always feel itch there." She said.
Oh! Now I knew the reason of her hips looking wider. I was not wrong. She had no underwear there to hold them tightly.
Respecting her wish, I left the hem of petticoat and moved my lips to the cloth over spongy cushions hiding her crack.
I opened my eyes at 6:35 in morning. My wife was in deep sleep lying on her right but mostly rested on her belly. I had been fucking her till 2 in morning. Her sari, laid on side chair, and her petticoat had come up almost to her leg joints that only covered her crack.
I saw her exposed back of her thighs and then they're meeting place. I got glimpses of her hairs and start of slit hidden in closed pulpy seat. How beautiful, women look lying that way.
I put my lips just at that pace which gave me a pungent mushy smell. I began kissing leg joint counting every kiss till they were fifty.
She opened her eyes and I pulled her to me. Now this was the time to talk her of business; about man who was mad to sleep with her.
I struggled a bit to gather words to say, " Darling! Last day Sen told me that they are likely to put me in exports."
"Great! Congratulations. " She said.
I said sultrily," Sen also told me that Reddi is not coming to senses after seeing you that night."
She blushed red as if all of her blood had come to her face. Her face and eyes again began becoming heavy. She looked at me in perfect amaze.
I said in my ever-lowest voice, "I think we need not feel Reddi ji a beast any more. Sen asked me to believe that Reddi is too shy and simple a man to ask for any woman. He had acted abnormally on that evening only due to a mischievous instigation's by some one. In fact his wife left him three years back and..."
Interrupting me suddenly she said in humid voice, " He is a worthy and nice but too shy, having large energies. He goes to gym and likes rich food but had not thought any woman till saw me that night...Like- like, Is it so!"
I almost jumped, "How do you know that?"
"Ladies have special ear," she smiled," Mother told me every thing you had said to her." She appeared lost some where.
"Really but when?"
"After we returned from market and you were laying here. "
An anxiety came in my mind that mother might have also told her some thing about proposed job's requirements of decoding big business contacts. That might unnecessary widened the scope of more ifs and buts.
"What did she told you?" I asked her.
"She told me gigantic things about your CEO."
Thanks! Mother had limited herself in giving her information only about Reddi ji.
"Look Ruchi, it is important that we understand the situation. They are giving us the position that we had never dreamed. " I said to her in most plain words.
She didn't say a word.
"Darling you know it, Reddi is in tortured state after seeing you that night... I mean if we consider this some way and we meet him again just to thank him or some thing like that."
"But what is the guarantee he would not loose his mind before every one after seeing me again." She said.
"Sen feels he is in real misery and expects us to give him bit of ease. It may be important for export things to go further although Sen had not said it categorically but it may be implied. " I said, "Well, I know it is difficult question for a lady to think and answer."
I put my lips to her lips and kissed them intimately.
"It is like that. You are married to me and we have an unbelievable opportunity for biggest career boost. We know that breaks not come again and again."
I said glumly," You are tempting and difficult to resist by any man particularly living in female exile... He has every thing - great life, great food, great body but is restless for a particular woman. He was keeping strict control over him for years but you melted him as if he was wax."
I continued," What if we give him some of your company to him? Not necessarily...I mean beyond limits...further it will depend only on you how you feel with him. "
She blushed and spoke in taunt," A man suggesting his wife to be flirted by his powerful boss. Is it not please, husband?"
"I am rather giving you purpose to think and feel. We can logically analyze the situation. Look, assume you are most pretty woman of earth and have two men here. One is your husband. The other man...I mean big man eager to boost your husband's career."
I said raising her curiosity," You love your husband and we are faithful to each other. The big man after seeing you, is killing himself."
She was truly looking in my eyes,' The more you restrict to your husband, we drift away from unbelievable coming to us. While as you think more for that big man, unbelievable begin chasing us but you may feel drifting from husband. "
She was mindful of my words.
"I thought over it that...
Here I lay on bed. Suppose the upper part of me is mine...I mean your husband and the below waist is Reddi. You have seen him quite closely and felt his vast heat on that evening. Now depending how you feel exactly you give stars to both of us, like they give to heroes. I mean for honest understanding of situation."
"Me giving him and you stars. You crazy man! " She asked.
"Wait a minute I am telling you...
Five stars to me: You kiss my lips five times distinctly: means-I AM ONLY YOURS. Highest possible grading to me but that would eradicate any chance for getting this boost. Lesser number of kisses means lessening step by step my husbandly position."
I continued with a pause," Now look at Reddi...I mean at my hard penis. NO KISS MEANS: it not possible for you to give him any company. Like five stars to me. Export things may not move that way.
Now ONE kiss at penis head means ONE STAR: you don't like him but can meet him only in my presence for career sake. Ascending number of kissed indicates better position for him. "
I looked at her face, which was red like a fresh tomato. She spoke shakily," I can't...no please...I can't."
I said," We have to give answer to ourselves dear before I reply Sen. It is not a force on any one of us."
She looked in my eyes.
I took out the pad from drawer, pulled the paper from binding and gave it to her.
"Darling, I have written choices on it. Read it."
She took it in uncertain hands and saw amazingly at it. T took another copy and read to her what I had written ;
STARS to me.
*I am yours but impressed by Reddi ji for his big manly capacities.
**I am yours but also think of Reddi ji.
***I am yours.
***I am ONLY yours.
*****I am only –only- only-only-only yours.
STARS to Reddi ji.
* As woman I don't like him, but we are grateful to Reddi ji so I can give him some company in my husband's presence..
**After meeting him with my husband if I feel impressed, I may take me to public places like movies and hotels.
***I am impressed by his manly capacities and if he behaves properly in public while I am around him, he may win me discretely.
**** I am impressed too by his devotion for me and would like to consider him.
*****I too is attracted to him. "
She looked at me as if I was crazy but I sustained my seriousness.
As she tried look at paper, " Read that darling. It would give us a logical answer."
Looking at wall clock I said," It is now 7:12. I shall be leaving for mill at 8:30. We have little less than one and half-hour. Please think and come upstairs at 8:15. I shall be on bed with eyes closed and naked below sheet. You remove the sheet and uncover me completely. Tell to Reddi and me through your lips. I will not open my eyes till you reply."
I said with a pause," I would open my eyes only after your reply and none of us would ever speak of this again. "
I saw trace of treats in her eyes. She read the paper again and again at least three times and cut her lower lip between teeth. I saw her eyelids were becoming heavy and intoxicated as she read it third time. Uncertainly an unprecedented rag of passion was engulfing her like wild fire.
I said deeply looking at her," But you would swear in name of my life...and speak truth how you take him."
She looked at me as if she had been thrown from a cliff. Even her ears began turning red.
Before her tears could emerge any more, I spoke," Take it in you please. I would never feel offended how you feel about him dear. He is a damn sexy man even from his look. He has biggest possible manly energies and is untouched by any woman for so much years. A virgin strongest and important man indeed. Every one has feelings. Now this has become prime important as I have to reply Sen in after noon. I fact I would also be excited if you have some fancy. This would really help us."
As I spoke about his capacities her eyelids dropped heavily and her lips went dry. She took my arm in her palm," But I can't swear for your life."
" We want to know truth even from ourselves. I can swear what I said is true to letters."
She took the paper and folding it went downstairs.
I had more than an hour to lay. Although I had given her that set of questions but I knew what her reply would be! She had the only choice of giving Reddi one Star means she didn't like him but may meet him while I would be there. Although stars for me didn't matter much but she had no choice but to give me three stars means she was only mine.
My basic idea was to break her erotically for the first time, as she would compulsorily kiss my cock knowing that it meant kissing Reddi's huge naked penis.
It gave me a strong surge in my loins. I would have to control or I may cum on my face. I didn't want to show my own weakness even to me at moment because that stuffed multi-millions transitions in it.
I had been laying there for more than half an hour.
It was 7:50. She came swiftly counting her steps. Her face was still heavy and reddish with sex load she had.
She came near to bed but before she could speak I pulled her to me and put my lips on hers. I kissed her and slid my tongue in her mouth. The three minutes union under that circumstance sent both of us in hot furnace.
She whispered as if she was in biggest guilt,"Pleasseee don't ask me to do that. I can't think...Nooo I can't dare that."
"Do that, open up pleeaassee. We have to, you know." I said pulling her lower lip between my teeth.
"You will not be upset?" She asked shakily.
'How could I? I know a weighty man that matters me has gone insane for you." I said like a child,"You tell your mind and after that we will never speak about it and reply to Sen that, let the things come at their own. But please not forget you are under swearing. "
Her face had gone wholly sultry as if she had extreme twitter deep in her female wealth.
She bite her lower lip and moved out of room.
I was 7:58, only fifteen minutes more –I was not worried about her answer, as I knew her only choice. It was the thrill of speaking to my wife about another man that had given me a wild excitement.
I had not taken bath but I postponed that for between 8:15 and 8:30.
My cock was straight and up and bursting under an unknown fear and tingle. I felt I would not be able to hold discharge. But in any case I had to keep control over me.
I got up from bed and with shaking hands put off my night kurta and pajama, followed by baniyan and underwear and carefully concealed them under the mattress. I was shark naked standing besides that empty wedding bed.
I laid myself on the bed. I lay straight and pulled the flower printed cotton sheet over me up to neck. My stiff had tented the sheet. I had no control over that but thanked God that I had not cum.
I saw the clock. I was 8:08.
I continued to watch bigger needle moving second wise. Its each 360-degree round looked like moving along periphery of Pacific Ocean. I didn't know how many times I might have tried to count my beats till it trickled to 8:13.
I prayed to God to give me more self control.
I pulled the sheet over my face and head. I lay there like a man waiting for a tempest to come in my life.
Ultimately a minute later I heard cautious sounds of opening and then closing and bolting the door.
From the micro pores in sheet fibers I sensed her image coming near the bed. She remained there for few seconds perhaps looking at the stiff tent. I closed my eyes tightly.
She drew the sheet from my face and pulled downwards to my thighs. My pole was fully erected, naked to ceiling.
I got a feeling of complete stillness in the room for about five seconds and as I had anticipated I felt her kneeling on my face.
I was going to get four may be five hot kisses from my sweet heart. Her tender lips touched mine. If she gave me five stars ; I thought ending of export line.
She kissed me once, lowest grade I could have
I am yours but impressed by manly Reddi.
Her lips moved away and after about 10 seconds again came in contact with my lips and she kissed once more. I clearly felt her lips were shaky.
Second kiss, I was unguarded to second step:
I am yours but also think of Reddi ji.
Her exhalation drifted from my lips and again there was the gap. I loosened my lips this time just to give her lips this time a swift bite.
I gap of time became more evident, she was teasing me.
To my wildest incredulity of life I felt her face was moving towards Reddi's side.
I sensed her breath close to my strained shaft. It came near the testicles and gradually climbed upwards along the shaft. I shivered as I felt her exhalation seeping on mushroom head of my...I mean on Reddi ji's penis.
She kissed the head by flatting her lips to hold it as much as she could do.
Reddi got one star, lowest grade but better than zero ;
---As woman I don't like you, but we are grateful to you so I can give you some company in my husband's presence.
Two stars to me and one to Reddi ji and that were the solution. I could give some positive answer to Mr. Sen.
Her breath drifted away but I could hear her both, the inhalations and exhalations. My heart had come almost to stand still. Reddi ji had a kiss on his shaft from my wife.
Again very slowly I felt another feel of her breath gradually coming near to penis.
Surprising she again began from balls, gradually climbing up. She almost took the head in mouth and gave a feeling of her salvia wetness all over it and then withdrawing her lips, she kissed again.
Second kiss, best possible stars to Reddi ji
---- After meeting you with my husband if I feel impressed, you may take me to public places like movies and hotels.
There was a deadly silence in the room and I heard breathing of both of us.
I thanked my lady. She had given reply in most suitable way. I could now perfectly speak to Sen and things would become straight. I still had my eyes tightly closed.
Suddenly I felt her fingers trickling on the shaft again and she pulled the skin to towards base, making pink head more exposed to air.
Gradually I felt her breath again coming near the head. She brought her lips near to it in hesitation. She lowered her shaking lips and kissed it once more.