Episode 22

I felt a cloud had abruptly burst on me and I was flooded with water. My heart missed at least five beats in chain.

I got TWO and Reddi got THREE Stars. He was the clear winner.

Was he getting another star? I thought sweating almost to my neck.

I had lost track of time. I felt her female heat near my face and then drifted to my left ear.

She whispered," Are you angry dear giving three to Reddi ji! You swore me not to lie. "

Still closing my eyes rigidly, I pulled her and passionately kissed her lips," Nooo dear never thanks."

She kissed my ear again and I heard sounds of her walking out of room.

Still lying naked on bed, I was in hell of excitement as only few minutes before my cute wife had at last broken the
most critical dilemma of our married life and revealed her mind in favor of other man. My cock was steeling rigid and was straight up to roof.

The CEO of my mill after seeing my wife in a function had gone crazy for her beauty and had sent bumper proposals that my family had never dreamed. That obviously meant getting our consent for her hand.

For complete three days and nights my family had been in the clutches of extreme lusts and fears, grossly unable to decide the way. It was not in my guts to discuss those indecent things with my wife but my witty mother helped me to great extent.

After collating all possible plus and minus she modestly replied questioner by kissing CEO's mock cock precisely three times. That was exactly three times of my expectations and meant she gave three stars to CEO and one star to me and that finally meant, I could not only say yes to him but she admired him as a man.

Else she had also given me a silky rope to tie our future!

I felt as if I was sitting on a bullet train and objects were fast trailing behind like dots. For the first time in four days my colleagues appeared to me as tiny grains of sand.

On other real side, I had only few minutes for leaving for mill but my cock had left me in no position to go even for bath. It was exploding and wanted to cum. I swept my hand over that, it came parallel to my loins momentarily but sprang up again.

In grip of strong lust I called my wife just loud enough for her to hear me downstairs. Few minutes later I heard her footsteps climbing the stairs. She came in and saw me naked on bed with my standing pole.

She smiled with annoyance," Chhh chhh, You would be late!"

I looked in her eyes and spoke most sultry words of my life," Take it please."

She came towards bed and glanced my hard shaft for few moments. Then smilingly she knelt besides the bed and took her mouth near my shaft. She then opened her mouth quite wide and leaning further lowered that on my standing penis to almost three fourth of its length.

There was no lip or tongue contact with my shaft but I could feel the wet warmth of her breath around whole shaft. A couple of minutes later she lightly closed her mouth but not making any grasp to shaft and she slipped her lips loosely up and down few times. After that she finally kissed at mushroom tip and stood up.

She softly slapped her hand over my wet shaft and smiled," Get up now or you would be late."

Looking at my pity state but unable to stay any more, she left the room.

I got up from the bed but had the most difficult bath of my life with that hard cock.

At 8:55 am, I was entering the same gate of mill but that looked completely different that day.

I went to floor and then to my tinny cabin. I didn't know why I felt more affinity for that wooden cabin. Sitting there I tried to listen noises of machines but they appeared strangely calm.

Some where in my mind I was worried how it all was going to happen so drastically. It was important for this bumper assignment that my wife had better consideration for big people we were likely to confront. The most crucial to take- off was Reddi ji. My wife had hijacked his sexual peace. The others would be big and influential people of other continents.

I was now getting better perception of situation. Mr. Sen was a sharp man and had bigger dreams. To the best senses of me, he was looking himself as new CEO or may be vice president of company.

His primary concern was to capture highest trade links in Sub-Saharan Africa and show his strong talents to management. For this specific aim he wanted to obtain Reddi's endorsement on his indecent proposition to use my family for export aims and consequently unspoken approval from company board.

He was not taking risks with new comer like me and wanted me to put on a new additional place as manager exports just to use my wife's assets for new links in African sub continent. For the original post he needed an experienced man to look regular complex office business.

I was shaky how she would encounter colossal black Africans for multi million matters. To my guess if that came to her, she at the best might give them a limited freedom to the extent of touching and may be kissing but it was difficult beyond that. Today it was clear to me that she was conservative but it was not like that her assets were made only for me, there was every possibility for a man with capacities to attract her.

However I was afraid that if it came forcibly on her than our married life would be in greatest mess.

I kept on thinking but again and again came to same unsure ending: let the things take their own course. I was not sure that an uncertain answer would do with Sen.

Sitting in cabin I became scared of frequents tremors of uneasiness coming to me. I left the cabin and amid machine crawls, walked to the third floor that was next to mine and saw Ravinder. He was a colleague of me and we worked under the same boss. Seeing me, he flashed a smile and I towed him to canteen to have some rejuvenate.

At canteen we chatted aimlessly with cutlets and tea. He casually mentioned our boss's worries when Mr. Sen had asked a report of my work and conduct. I made a hit-or-miss type reply that was even not clear to me. In between talks I continued to think of the pleasures a woman can give to man.

We killed about an hour and then leaving him to his floor I came back to my cabin.

Slowly it was now 3:15 in after noon.

Fifteen minutes later again I would be in that princely chamber of Mr. Sen.

Mr. Sen looked friendly sitting on revolving chair as I said calculating each word," Sir I think as you said last day a touch by an exceptionally beautiful woman might break even a king. Certainly my wife can give reasonable freedom to high persons for specific company aims. "

"Suppose, demands more?" Sen asked keenly.

"If we push it on her...it may not work. Believe me sir, it would be a lifetime opportunity for shark African to have courtship with my cute wife, even if it has limits. We have positive outlook and things take a way of their own... I mean we may expect high success rate. "

"I appreciate your point." He spoke," But we are much counting on your wife's talents. Of course we appreciate your mother's maturity but I am yet to see how your wife answers a man of highest business."

I was now getting his shrewd prospective even better.

There was silence for few seconds before I said," Reddi ji is a great man. Believe me sir, I too wish that he got ease. I have no hesitation if he meets my wife but...she has never been with any man except me... he should have better patience with ladies. After all he can get any sexual comfort from women only...he can win a woman by patience." I gave him the best hint.

"That is helping," Sen said, "I believe Reddi ji would be diligent this time. "

After a brief silence Mr. Sen again spoke," You know! Reddi ji is leaving for South Africa tomorrow mid night...I will let you know later."

I said in no hesitation." As you like, sir."

"Ok thanks. " Sen said.

I left his office feeling an uncertain triumphant and came to my tiny cabin.

At about 4:45 while I was completing one register with weekly details my intercom buzzed. It was Sen himself. He asked," Would it be possible for you and your wife to come for dinner today around eight in evening. Please also bring your mother."

I was dazzled to hear him direct on line," It is a honor for us, sir." I said.

I was surprised how fast the jet was taking off.

It was little late than six as I reached home and told mother about the invitation. She smiled but was not surprised. Ruchi was in our room so I walked upstairs.

She wore black synthetic sari and was leisurely lying on bed reading a magazine. Her both legs were widely open and a bit folded upward, while her loose hairs were over her breasts. Hearing steps she looked up and found me at door.

She grimly smiled but her face was heavy and her eyes were filled by sexual tint. I came to bed, sitting besides her kissed her lips. Before I could speak she told me with dry tongue that about an hour back Mrs. Sen rang mother and invited us for dinner at 8 in evening. She has specifically asked for me.

She looked like as if she was in some fantasy.

Mrs. Sen invitation to them was surprising to me. That meant that before talking me on intercom, Mr. Sen had some consultations with his wife.

My wife was feeling some unease and was opening and closing her legs alternately.

I asked," What is darling?"

She shyly said," I am having uneasiness there." She vaguely pointed her finger towards her leg joints. I recalled her telling me last night of tightening underwears and itch problems.

That gave me a partial erection," may I give some relief by my tongue." I spoke sultrily.

"You naughty man!" She slapped at my back but her face lit in passion.

I said her," You are tempting... Now please get up and be ready for Sens. take a bath... I want you to look exceptional... Wear that black long kurta and white tight salwar?"

She made the same glance at me and closing her thighs bit more tightly she said," What you were saying?"

"I mean just hurry up..." I said.

"No about that... Here." she again pointed her finger towards her groin.

I had immediate reaction on my cock," I could give ease there by tongue."

"But we have no time."

"I can do that quickly." I said.

Her eyes became heavier and she swept her tongue on her dry lips.

"But in five minutes only. First close the door. " She said shakily.

Believe me, for the first time in our married life she said like that. My cock was tortuous.

I sprang to the door, closed that and came back to bed. She was still lying with open and legs folded upward.

I knelt and delicately hold the hem of her black sari and clipped it with her petticoat in my fingers and pulled them up together till both came to her waist. Her legs were already open wide.

I knelt further and saw her crack with small hairs. It had swelled and was wet that emitted an extremely salty smell. I put my tongue to her exact womanhood pie and she shivered. As I slipped my tongue more on her crack and she began hissing and pushing her shivering groin up.

Every tongue slip of me began drawing heavy liquid from her hole.

It continued for five minutes and she was completely blasted herself by passion.

It was little dark at 7:50 when we reached in mill estate adjoining to our mill. There was a VIP enclosure, which had six old red brick bungalows. Each had a hedge boundary. Sen's bungalows were third in row. A guard with gun at gate escorted us to verandah through a wide paved way. The out side of house was full of flowers and to the extreme right was green house for plants.

While moving on that small approach road through big lawn I looked at Ruchi. She wore long black kurta, tight enough to nicely display her sexy contours and that had slits from hem up to her waist on both sides. These long cuts to some extent sexily revealed sides of her thigh warped in white curidar salwar. Her white bra over her firm round & heavy breasts revealed through her tight black kurta. Her both arms were full of glass black bangles.

Her delicate clean feet were ties in moderate 2" high heel black sandals and showed her dark red polished nails and silver toe ring. At my insistence she had kept her hairs loose that were flowing at her back to her hips.

I was just following her and looked at her lovable wide hips gracefully swaying with her every step. I really felt proud for what I had at my bed. In winters before bathing she stroked her body by wax like cake of solidified coconut oil, which maintained her silky skin and sexy female fragrance. Indian herb shampoo kept her hairs dense and deep right up to her hip mounds.

The guard pressed the bell and a servant quickly answered the call and led us through a wire netted verandah to a lavish living room.

It was big and high roofed room richly carpeted and with long curtains hanging over imposing windows. There were two parallel majestically large sofa sets each with one large four seated and a pair of love seats in graceful blue tapestry. A big-black glassed center table was placed at the center over a white and blue checkered Persian carpet. A number of chairs and stools were placed in between sofas. Roughly those six sofa pieces made a hexagon.

A big TV and musical system was set along right wall. The room was softly lit through over hanging lights. All around on wall there were big imposing oil paintings and enlarged photographs.

Towards inner wall there was a large dining table separated by a carved collapsible wooden stand. On back of it was a door for kitchen and a gallery in center leading inside of house. There were other doors on sidewalls for other rooms.

Ruchi and I sat on a big sofa towards dining side while mother preferred love seat on our right.

A little after Mrs. Sen emerged from gallery. She appeared in late thirties, fair color, not very tin nor fat but bit busty and with nice hips of high-class matures woman. She looked artistic in blue sari with sleeveless blouse and matching black sandals. Her untied hairs not very long, were loosely fell on her back.

On her both arms she wore a pair of gold bangles and in between them her almost forearm half arm was filled by about a dozen of dark blue glass bangles and in few whites between them. Her nails on long fingers were carefully polished in reds and she wore a diamond wedding ring in her forefinger and a silver ring on her married feet's toe.

Although other's wife always look attractive but if I was made a beauty judge, I would have given her half marks to my wife.

Ruchi and I stood as she greeted us. She came near to Ruchi and waved me to sit on sofa that was on verandah side. She sat close to my wife on her right on that large sofa. Mother remained on her right on love seat arranged at an angle to large sofa.

She looked at us intimately as if knowing all for years. Her eyes said she was delighted to see us. The air was calm except some noises of cooking coming from kitchen

She asked my mother about her health and said something about their only kid of ten years. Looking at my wife, she smiling congratulated me and asked my mother to tell her the place where such beautiful ladies are made. Mother smiled and softly tapped her back.

Little later Mr. Sen bit tall and with out unnecessary flesh appeared from gallery. He was wearing a steel gray suite and black tie and had same shining rectangular glasses on his fair face. He was carrying a colorful booklet in his hand.

This time mother also got up from her love seat. He smiling folded his hands towards mother and waved us sit. He came near to me and sat same large sofa to right of me. I was directly opposite to Mrs. Sen while he faced my wife.

The room had a pleasing cool air but it was giving me erotic blow- hot-- blow- cold type breezes. I looked again at Mrs. Sen. How on earth one could even think that she was sleeping with some big man that too with the consent of her husband? The couple looked absolutely faultless.

Mr. Sen flashed a brief smile at my mother and asked," How are you? I still remember the old days!"

" We are well by grace of God and well wishes from good people like you." Mother said waving at me," I very much remember your help in taking him in mill."

"No... No you shouldn't say like that," Sen softly said and asked mother," How do you like we are doing now?"

"I know you always think big." Mother said admiringly.

With a pause he again spoke to mother looking at his wife across the carpet," She was telling me you felt bad for Reddi ji."

I saw that a wave of redness crept on my wife's face. Had he known how many stars she had secretly given his boss, he would have lost his breath!

"No... No Sen sahib...you are our own people, how can we feel wrong." Mother replied gracefully.

"You know Reddi ji is careless about that but later he felt extremely said." He said.

Mrs. Sen looked at her right to mother," Actually aunty, these both man have become biggest admirer of your family. " Then looking mischievously at her husband she said," Last evening Reddi ji was here and he said me to ask you to find an another wife for him just like your bride."

I looked at my wife sitting in front of Mr. Sen. The redness of her face suddenly engulfed also her ears.

Mrs. Sen hold my wife's hand and teasingly eyed her husband before she spoke to mother," Aunty, Reddi ji is having his problems but you know what my husband said to me...he said me I ask you... You should not to forget him for another wife for some time... "

Sen's fascination for my wife -that was news to me. I was compelled to look at my right to Mr. Sen. He was sheepishly looking at his wife. Mrs. Sen teasingly continued to hold my wife's hand who had lowered her eyes and her face had completely gone red.

My mother again smilingly slapped at the back of Mrs. Sen sat at her left.

An old servant came with a try having coffee and served us.

I looked at Sen from corner of eyes. He was stealing a glance at my wife as she slightly bent to keep her cup on a stool and eased her legs again crossing one over other.

The atmosphere in the room had turned sexy.

As the servant disappeared behind the wooden partition Sen gave me the booklet he was having in his hand.

As I carefully saw and turned paged, I felt that my wife was looking at me curiously.

It was a brochure prepared by India's Textiles Exports Promotion Council displaying pictures and data that exports of synthetic and rayon textiles had risen sharply to Rs. 4,3350 millions a 27 % rise over the previous year. The brochure highlighted that it planed to explore market potential in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana and Mauritius. The council also had programs to introduce Indian manmade textiles through exhibitions in Kenya and had invited industries.

Sen told me that we are one of the best in country in synthetic and rayon's and had best scope in that matter. He meaningfully suggested that my wife and I should begin getting all knowledge regarding this trade.

Mrs. Sen was talking to my mother and I was keeping my ear as mother was telling about my wife's cooking perfection and her talents in music and dancing.

I intervened looking at my wife," Actually if you ask me, she was fanatic for making garden but we do not have much space. She has been insisting for bonsai plants and I think that is what she wants most." I looked at my wife. Ruchi eagerly nodded.

This made Mrs. Sen almost to jump. "You never told..." Then realizing it was our first such meeting She said," We had big collection on bonsai. Last year Reddi ji went to Japan and added a truck load to that."
It compelled my wife too to jump in talks and she asked," Really, in this house?"

'We have a semi closed terrace garden on roof. It is best in area. I will show you. It is in fact a creation of Reddi ji."

I never saw Ruchi so curious.

Mr. Sen took brochure from me and waved her to come to him. She was swift to answer and walked to us. He waved her to sit and she carefully sat on his right, tilting towards him and not resting her back on back of that large sofa. She had shrieked her legs inwards to base. Surely he had a good feel of her coconut mingled womanly fragrance.

Sen gave her the booklet and asked her to see it. She turned the pages with keen interest. As she came to last leaf, Sen tried to explain by extending his forefinger to paper but she had difficulty in holding paper flat in air so she put that on her lap.

Sen told her moving his fingers over the paper, "See this, I would like to know how you think about this exhibition business in Africa." He explained at length to her about business prospects in Africa with his fingers softly moving on graphs and data on the paper. Her ears were becoming reddish.

She read that again and told him that was best idea. Sen told her to think about it and they may discuss it some other day. She took that booklet and glanced at me for couple of seconds and went to her place on the side of Mrs. Sen. While Sen was talking to my wife I had seen that his wife had been curiously seeing him few times form edge of her eyes.

It was now little late than nine and I though of time.

Suddenly we heard a sound of a car that stopped on paved road just outside the house. Then there were thuds of closing of car's door. Mr. Sen sitting on my side came to a distinct alert and every one looked towards door.

Few moments later to my surprise I saw Reddi ji entering the door escorted by gunned watchmen.

The first one he saw in nicely lighted room was my wife sitting on sofa that was almost facing the door. He then looked around. His amazement told me that he was not expecting us.

Sen and we all except Mrs. Sen stood as he walked in.

Reddi ji came in and sat on that large sofa on right of Mr. Sen and I went to love seat on left of Mr. Sen. In that way I was near and opposite to my mother. That made Reddi ji directly in front of my wife.

I was seeing him first time after that horrible incidence in the wedding function but he appeared better composed today. His large wheatish body was not sweating but as usual his hairy chest was visible through his cloths.

He wore white sports shirt below a dark black blazer that had three large shining brass buttons but none of them was used. He did not put tie and had pulled out his shirt's large collar over his blazer and folded them over it. His top button of shirt was also open. He had shark white pant that was little loose and his testicles countered below his leg cloths.

His face was reasonably wide but appeared slightly extended to neck with a pair of thick male lips and those thin moustaches of four to five millimeter hairs were best suited to his frame. He had sharp eyebrows and his hairs were moderately dense and combed backwards making his broad forehead dominating over his face.

The broad shoulders and flat strong tummy were quite muscular as happens with gym lovers. He wore black calf lather sandals in his big feet.

The other feature that attracted me was the pair of his huge thighs that was almost double thick than mine. I thought a while that they were made stronger to give better support to hanging weight of his huge genitals. He saw at my mother who was sitting at his diagonal left and submissively folded his hands. She replied folding her hands too and also gracefully leaning towards him.

Mother was now in late fifties and always looked a refined elder lady. She wore a pink blouse and white sari with streak pink borders and had medium sized golden button type earrings pinned to her earlobes. A long golden chain that had black beads in between in her neck went up to her busts. Her hairs still reasonably black were folded in a bun on the back of her head.

His eyes moved right and passed though Mrs. Sen to my wife wearing that black kurta and white thing slawar. In this hush up I had forgotten about her. I too looked at her. She sat cross-legged, sinking her back on that cozy sofa and arms half full of black glass bangles were folded in each other displaying her a reserved female beauty.

She looking as if suddenly a hot wind from Reddi ji had melted her in a sex object. Her eyes were at ground to ignore eyes of the man in her front.

Her right thigh was crossed above her left thigh so on her left the long side slit in her kurta had made black kurta fallen on seat. Although her thin black duppata [About a meter cloth for covering bosoms] nicely covered her killing bosoms but the display of the sides of her white slawar tightly warped over her thigh's pulpy rounds with her overhanging feet in black sandals was mouth watering.

Believe me! With that look she had the capacity to make a real man to cum in his pant with out even touching her.

Seeing her like that, Reddi ji's face displayed colors of extreme temptations but he quickly composed him before he was caught publicly. Her face had become sexily heavy.

I recalled my wife kissing his mock penis in morning and though of his luck! Last day I had given hint to Mr. Sen that if Reddi ji wanted womanly pleasures from my wife or from any lady he should show better respects for s females. Tonight definitely he was showing better control over his wild passions.

He smilingly looked at me and said, "How are you, man?"

Lowering my eyes I said," Very nice sir."

"I hope you had useful discussions with Mr. Sen during last days," He said, "we are much looking at you for results."

I said just raising eyes," I will do best of me sir."

He then turned to Sen," I hope we will talk on that report for Pretoria. I shall be meeting Mabuto on Friday. I think there appear no overlaps this time."

"There are certain more points I would like you to know tomorrow about that New Delhi group." Sen replied curiously.

While they talked I continued to look at my wife and once while our eyes met. I gave her a discrete admiring look but she avoided her eyes.

Mrs. Sen turning her right spoke to my mother, "Actually aunty, Reddi ji is going abroad so we planned a dinner for him and wanted to give him biggest surprise but...," She teasingly looked in Reddi ji's eyes for half a minute and then glancing at me said," a real treat would depend on his patience."

Then she again turned her eyes to Reddi ji and asked him," Have you put every thing in roll."

"Yes madam." He replied with a smile that came to him first time since he came.

Mother looked at him and gracefully said," You are going that long for fifteen days!"

He appeared gratified to hear her speaking," Aunty for a month."

"For a month! I thought it was for a week or so." Mother too was surprised like me.

"Initially it was for ten days but only today evening it has been extended like that."

"Where are you going.You always remain busy." Mother asked.

He said showing apparent regard to that elder lady, " From here I shall go South Africa and then to Nigeria, Ghana, Turkey. After that I plan to stay for a week to Mauritius before going Europe. I shall be here next month."

Mention of Mauritius had distinct effect on mother and me too. She said softly," I have been at Mauritius. My very near cousin lives there. They are in Port Louis."

This raised Reddi ji's curiosity," Really when? That's a paradise."

Mother said," After my marriage she invited me."

Mrs. Sen who was hearing this conversation said naughtily," You went for honeymoon, aunty?"

Mother smiling slapped her back.

Sen interrupted," It is place only for honeymoon."

Mrs. Sen said," Why don't you go there?"

"Alone?" Sen asked.

Mrs. Sen said to her husband, "I have seen you can make honeymoon at other's cost." Then she lightly hold my wife's arm and looking at Reddi ji, spoke mischievously," I will tell you later Radii ji about what he was doing with...!"

The air of room was turning sexy.​
Next page: Episode 23
Previous page: Episode 21