Episode 29
Carlos was also apparently pissed at his good friend Eric. According to him, Eric should have known from the events of that night that Carlos was pining for Priya . And he should have been a loyal friend and waited before fucking her. Carlos had already let Eric go in the bathroom for a blowjob, after he got one. Eventually when he fucked Priya , he would have shared her with him too. But Eric instead went ahead on his own and fucked her before he could, which caused a rift between them.
Eric, although not as upset or angry as the other two guys, was being possessive himself. On Monday, he called up Priya and asked her if she wanted to go out with him some time. Priya answered she might... she told me she was looking forward to fucking him in more spacious and comfortable settings than a bar bathroom. But before making plans, Eric made it clear to her that they could only hook up if she agreed to break it off with Ramon. Priya found that very presumptuous and refused.
In a week filled with all this mess, there was some good news. Priya's car was finally delivered. She was thrilled because it now gave her newfound freedom. It did not matter that ramon was angry with her because she did not need him for rides any more. So when he ignored her, she ignored him back. For the whole week, it was as if they were two strangers. Priya limited herself to hanging out with Kristen in college, and their friendship grew stronger.
At college on Monday, Priya sat Kristen down and told her everything honestly. Kristen was surprised to learn that I knew about everything and was okay with it. She was also surprised at how daring or even reckless Priya had been and was now a part of some complicated sexual triangle...well...not even a triangle... maybe a polygon involving people almost a decade younger than her. Nevertheless, Kristen became a trusted friend and confidante and Priya was actually happy to have someone else to talk to about the whole mess other than me.
Meanwhile, I was not too unhappy about the situation. The drama amused me, much to Priya's chagrin. But the drama also meant no sex for her for a while from anyone except me. Although I was disappointed at this temporary halt in her adventures, it also meant that I had her all to myself. So everyday when I came home, I found my wife horny and ready to go at it as many times in the night as I could get it up.
However, on Thursday after we finished fucking for the second time that night, Priya was honest enough to admit to me that she was missing sex with others. I was great and she enjoyed our sex, but now that she had tasted the sample of sex with multiple partners, she felt like something was missing now that it had only been me for about 5 days. Her body was craving the company of some other men, and she readily admitted, bigger and thicker dicks. However, she still had her pride and said that she would not make the first move with Ramon, Carlos or Eric and it was up to them to get back with her.
On Friday, I had to go leave town for the weekend and attend a conference in Los Angeles. When I had booked my tickets a week or so back, Priya was happily fucking Ramon, so when I asked if she'd like to come, she said no, that would have her a couple of days to spend with him if possible. Now, with all the men on outs with her, she wanted to come with me, but all the flights were booked. So it was a downcast Priya , troubled by all the drama and the prospect of a lonely sex-less weekend, who dropped me off at the airport in her new car on Friday night.
When I reached LA, it was midnight there, which meant it was 2 am in the Midwest. When I turned my phone on, I saw two voicemails waiting for me, both from Priya . The first one was in a happy voice and said -
"Ajit!!! Great news!! Eric came to his senses. He called me up and apologized for being so possessive, and said he'd like to be in my life even if it meant sharing me with others. He wants me to go over to his place tonight, where he'll cook for me and then...hehe...you know. Anyway, I have to go get ready and drive over to his house. I'll talk to you later. Love you."
That sounded like good news. I was glad to hear that she was no longer morose and was happy. I was also looking forward to hearing updates from her about their night together. I then heard the second voicemail. In this one, she was whispering and she sounded drunk, sleepy, tired, but also somehow satiated.
"Ajiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I love you so much honey so so much. Tonight has been so awesome. I wish you were here. I am calling you from the bathroom so have to whisper. Eric is just something else. He has just been...ohh god...I can not tell you how the orgasms were.... and the whole new thing he got me into. I cant describe it on the voicemail. I have to go back now...oh and also, if you call me after you land, I wont be able to answer the phone. I'll tell you later why. But just send me a text message so I know you landed safely. Love you." and the whispering ended.
I found that message very curious and confusing. But I was hoping that the next day, I would be able to get the whole account of her night in detail. I sent her a text message saying I reached safely and took a cab to my hotel, where I fell asleep almost immediately.
When I woke up the next morning, I saw two text messages from Priya . "gud to kno u reachd safe. i luv u." and "gonna spend the day wt eric. hav a gud conf." I couldn't think much about that though, because I had to get ready and go to the conference. The whole day was spent in talks, lectures and networking sessions. I tried calling Priya in between a couple of times, but she didn't answer. Instead sent me short text messages saying she was having a great time.
At night I had to go out for dinner and drinks with a few conference delegates and by the time I got back to my room, it was almost midnight. I went to bed right away. And overslept in the morning, which meant I had to go back to the conference floor without asking Priya about her time with Eric. I did get a couple of text messages from Priya saying she could not wait to tell me everything in great detail and I would be surprised to learn what all she had done.
Sunday night, after the conference wrapped up, I was on my way to my hotel room when I called up Priya. I was now finally free and could not wait to hear everything in great detail. The phone rang for a while before she finally answered.
"Hi honey, I am free." I said happily.
"I am glad to hear that, Ajit." Priya answered in her cold voice that she uses only when she is very angry. "But I have a couple of little kids to deal with here."
"What? You're babysitting?" I asked.
"No. Don't be silly. These two kids I am with - Eric and Ramon. Two stupid stupid kids who think that just because they have big dicks, they have the right to do whatever they want." and then she said loudly, "See you two babies? I am telling my husband about your dicks and he is not asking me for a divorce yet."
"Priya , what the hell is going on?" I asked, really confused.
"Ajit, when was the last time you checked your official company email?" she asked.
"After lunch, why?" I answered.
"Go check it and you'll see what's going on and why I am so angry at these two dicks. Meanwhile, I still have to give them hell for their stupidity. One dick thinks that he has to right to secretly videotape everything he wants and use it as a bargaining chip. And the other dick things the best way to get back at someone is to try and hurt someone completely innocent." Priya said.
"What???" I asked.
"Just go to your room and check your email. I'll talk to you later." she said and abruptly hung up.
I almost ran to my room and rushed to my laptop which had my company inbox open. I saw a bunch of emails from colleagues and clients and scrolled down until I saw it. Sender - Ramon Reyes. Subject - Fw: Who da man now?
I clicked on the email and it read -
Mr. Ajjeet
Hope you don't mind me mailing you. Got your id from your company website. I think you need to know some realities about your wife and what a lying cheating whore she is. she has been fucking around behind your back and you don't know it. If you don't believe me see the links in the email below.
Below it was a forwarded email from Eric Jackson to Ramon
Hey Ramon
Check these links. Who ad man now?
And then there were a bunch of links to URLs from a video sharing website. I clicked open the first one.
The camera showed a simple living room captured through what seemed like a camcorder kept in a corner. A couple of couches were visible as was the front door. Sitting on a couch was a tall lean and handsome black man who I guessed to be Eric. A few seconds went by and the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Eric yelled out, got up and came close to the camera. He brought his face very close to it and said, "Hey Ramon, wait till you see who walks in that door."
Then he went and opened the door. And there was Priya, standing there in her woolen coat, boots, gloves and a woolen cap.
"Come on in. Found the place easily?" Ramon said letting her in.
"Yes, it was no problem. But it's snowing so hard outside." Priya said taking off her gloves and coat. Underneath, she was dressed in a denim skirt and a sweater. She looked, as always, astonishingly hot.
"Yeah, the weather's a bitch." he said, taking her coat, gloves and cap and putting them on a stand. He then put his arm around her and led her to the couch saying, "I am so glad you came. trust me, this is a night you will not forget."
"Hehe, anything will better than the bar bathroom, Eric." Priya said, sitting next to him on the couch and in her arms. The contrast of her petite white-skinned body next to his tall black self seemed all the more stark as he hugged her.
"Now, do you want something to drink? How about a margarita? There's some in the kitchen." Eric said.
"Sure, that sounds good. Should I go get us some?" Priya asked, starting to get up, but Eric pulled her back down and said,
"No need for that." he then yelled, "Jojo! Get us two margaritas you bitch!"
Priya sounded as surprised as I was to learn that there was someone else in the house.
"Yes, Master." said a female voice on the distance.
"Who's Jojo? And why is she calling you master?" Priya asked.
"You'll see." Eric said with a wry smile.
In a few seconds, Jojo appeared on the screen carrying a tray, and I almost flew off my seat. Jojo was a tall hispanic-looking woman with striking features and a very voluptuous body. She was at least 5 ft 10, if not taller. A beautiful olive-skinned face with a body to match. And she had a big build. Not fat, because there was no flabbiness anywhere. Just wide shoulders, wide hips, long muscular legs and huge massive boobs, easily size DD, with big pointy nipples.
I knew how the nipples were because I could see them. No, she was not naked, but everything vital was on display. She was wearing a black leather teddy, made up of straps rather than a contiguous material. There was a gap for the boobs to hang out, and the teddy was also crotchless. Her shaved pussy was visible through a triangular hole in the teddy. And she turned, I saw that the back only had a few leather straps and her ass was completely naked.
Apart from that, she was wearing back leather boots, much like Priya's, and in her neck, she wore a black studded collar with a leash hanging from it. On her face, she was wearing dark make-up with a black lipstick, which matched well with her jet black hair, and gave her a very gothic look.
"Your margarita, Ma'am". she bent down and brought the tray in front of a shocked Priya, who was staring at her with her mouth agape. Priya absent mindedly took a margarita, and then looked away, not wanting to stare too much.
"For you, Master." Jojo said to Eric and he took his glass.
"Good job, Jojo. Come, sit next to me." Eric said.
Jojo kept the tray on the coffee table, and walked behind the couch. I was surprised, like Priya seemed to be too, when Jojo, instead of sitting in the empty space on the couch next to Eric, sat down on the floor on bent knees. Eric looked at her approvingly, put his hand on her head and said,
"Nice bitch. isn't she a nice bitch, Yoyo?" he turned towards Priya.
"Yoyo?" Priya on the screen and I sitting in the room said at the same time in a similar tone of voice.
"Yes, I'd like to call you Yoyo. Jojo, meet Yoyo. Yoyo, meet Jojo.' he said.
"Good evening, Yoyo." Jojo said in a deferential voice.
"Okay what the fuck is this, Eric?" Priya said, getting off the couch and putting her margarita glass on the table.
"Here's what the fuck it is. Jojo here is my sex slave. For a couple of days. She does whatever I tell her to, wears what I tell her to, and fucks whenever I tell her to. And then Sunday morning, she takes off her slave uniform, puts on her regular clothes, and goes back to her regular life." Eric explained.
"Are you blackmailing her or something?" Priya asked.
"Haha, not at all. She does it because she enjoys being a slave. Don't you, Jojo?"
"Yes, Master. I love being your slave." Jojo replied.
"She enjoys it because she is a natural submissive. She craves to be dominated sexually. She gets sexual pleasure out of being my slave. And from what I saw of you that night in the bar, you enjoy being dominated too." Eric said.
"What nonsense." Priya said, but not in a very convincing tone of voice.
"I know a submissive when I see one.... and fuck one. So here's the deal. If you want to be with me tonight and maybe even tomorrow, you have to become Yoyo, my other slave. Do what I say without answering back or protesting. And I promise you that you, me and Jojo here will have a great time together." Eric said.
"You're insane!" Priya said and then looking at Jojo said, "and you're insane. Both of you. This is way too creepy for me. I am leaving."
And Priya started walking to the door.
"Sure, go ahead and leave if you want. No one's got a gun to your head. The best submissives are the ones who voluntarily submit. Like Jojo here." Eric said. "make sure you lock the door on the way out."
Priya went to the stand and took her coat and cap from it. As she was doing that, Eric got up and stretched his arms. Then he reached for the leash, held it in his hand and yanked it hard saying,
"Get off the floor, you bitch."
Jojo got off the floor at once. He then pushed her towards the couch, and she feel forward. Her knees were on the couch, her stomach was against the backrest and her face and boobs were hanging over the top of the backrest. Eric spanked her ass really hard a couple of times and that big naked ass jiggled like jello. Eric then started walking towards Priya who had frozen like a statue in the middle of putting her coat on.
The look on her face showed that she was worried Eric would manhandle her too. But instead he ignored her presence, walked to a cabinet next to her, opened a drawer and took out what looked like handcuffs with leather loops. Without a word to Priya, he turned around, and strode to the couch. Once there, he roughly grabbed both of Jojo's hand, pulled them behind her back and cuffed them together. Without her elbows supporting her, Jojo's body fell forward, and there was a small thump as her stomach hit the backrest hard. Her huge boobs swayed back and forth like a pendulum.
Priya stared as Eric then got on his knees sideways on the couch next to Jojo. He raised his right hand, looked towards Priya, smiled and brought it down really hard. There was a loud smack as Eric's big strong palm spanked Jojo's substantial ass, and Jojo let out a yelp. he then spanked the other ass cheek, producing another loud smack and yelp. He kept spanking her ass cheeks one after the other, harder and harder, until all that was heard was smacks and yelps.
After a minute or so he stopped, and there were red palm prints on both of Jojo's asscheeks. She seemed to be sobbing softly with the pain. Eric then got off the couch stood behind her and roughly inserted two fingers into her cunt which seemed to be wet. Jojo really was enjoying this. He then pushed his thumb against her asshole and it effortlessly slid in, and soon he was grabbing her crotch by the two holes like someone holds a bowling ball.
"You want to be fucked, bitch?" he yelled.
"Yes please, master." Jojo cried out.
"You sure you want to be fucked?"
"Yes please, master."
With his other hand he unbuckled his pants and brought out his big erect black dick.
"Which hole do you want me to fuck you in, bitch?" he asked.
"Whichever you wish, master." Jojo whined.
"Good answer, slave. Hmm...which hole do I fuck?" he said, pretending to think. And then taking his fingers out of her holes said, "I know...neither. Instead.." he said and walked around the couch until he was in front of her, "..I am gonna fuck this hole."
Very roughly, he shoved his whole dick into Jojo's mouth. It must have hit the back of her throat, because she started making gagging noises. But Eric ignored them, grabbed her hair with both his hands and started humping her mouth really hard, his dick sliding in and out of her mouth. Jojo made short gagging noises in the rhythm with which the cock was fucking her mouth.
Meanwhile, Priya had been watching this whole spectacle with an amazed and slightly aroused look on her face. There was no denying it. What had seemed creepy to her a while back was now turning her on. With her coat still in her hands, she walked towards the two of them, as if being pulled by a magnet. She came to a halt a couple of feet away from the couch, and stared at the rough way in which Eric was fucking Jojo's mouth. Ad she didn't even realize when she dropped her coat on the floor.
If Eric noticed Priya, he didn't give any indication of it. He kept fucking Jojo's mouth mercilessly for a minute or so and then finally took a break by pulling it out. Jojo gasped loudly when her mouth was emptied and exhaled visibly, her breasts heaving a few times. She looked at Priya and gave her an understanding smile.
But that didn't go down well with Eric. He slapped her hard across the face, the sound of which rang through the room, and made Priya take a step back in surprise.
"Who the fuck told you to look at her and smile, you bitch?" he yelled and slapped her once more.
Tears streamed down Jojo's face as she looked up at Eric with a wild expression on her face. Eric responded by shoving his dick back in her throat and started face-fucking her. The face-fucking continued for a couple more minutes, and then Eric took his dick out. He grabbed Jojo's hair, and holding it in one hand walked around the couch. Jojo's torso moved 90 degrees from facing the back of the couch to facing the side away from Priya.
He then let go of his grip and Jojo's face and shoulders fell on the couch with a thud. She was now on the couch on her knees and shoulders, her big ass jutting upwards. Meanwhile Eric took off his shirt, pant and underwear and got fully naked, revealing a muscular well-defined body. He threw a quick glimpse in Priya's direction who was now standing there looking positively horny.
He then got on the couch on his knees behind Jojo's ass, and put the tip of his dick at her sopping wet cunt lips. Jojo's body shuddered in anticipation of the penetration, but she kept waiting for a few seconds as it didn't happen. Eric stayed still, his dick at her cunt lips and said,
"You know what to do, bitch."
Jojo inhaled deeply and said,
"Please Master. Please fuck me. I beg you. I truly beg you to fuck me. Please. Have mercy on me and fuck me."
Priya let out a gasp and covered his mouth with her hands as she watched with wide eyes Jojo wiggle her butt and beg Eric to fuck her.
"And why should I have mercy on you, bitch?"
"Please Master. I beg you. I beg you." she wailed.
Eric smiled and then slowly started penetrating her cunt. Jojo let out a small cry of relief that stretched out as inch by inch Eric's dick penetrated her. In a few seconds, his dick was completely buried inside her cunt. He then took it out like that gradually all the way and started inserting it again, slowly. Jojo was now making guttural noises like an animal, enjoying the slow fucking she was getting.
All this had by now gotten too much for Priya. She plonked herself on the cushioned chair arranged perpendicular to the couch. She put her hands on her knees and kept watching Eric fuck Jojo slowly. The lust on her face was self-evident and Eric looked at her and smiled, confident that she had taken his bait. Priya looked at Eric's and smiled weakly and then turned her gaze towards the writhing grunting body of Jojo.
And I could see why Priya was so entranced. Just watching it on the screen, I was incredibly turned on at the sight of Jojo's tall busty well built body, clad in the skimpiest of leather teddies, kneeling with her head on the couch. And Eric's well toned body slowly slapping into hers and his huge dick slid in and out of her cunt. Priya was getting to watch all this live, in 3 dimensions, just a couple of feet away from her.
Eric then shifted to a higher gear and sped up a bit. Not too hard, like I had seen him pummel Priya in that clip on the phone. But fast enough. The gradual increase in pace caused a gradual increase in Jojo's moans too, and they became more high pitched. Her plump ass cheeks kept jiggling every time Eric's hips slammed into them.
Priya also shifted to a higher gear. Until now she had been shifting and fidgeting in the chair. Finally she could not take it any more. She pulled her denim skirt up until it was bunched around her waist, revealing that she was wearing a thong again. Her hand went down and slid the fabric of the thong to one side, and her fingers started working on her clit at once. She let out a big sigh of relief as she was able to pleasure herself after exercising self-control for such a long time.
Eric watched all this triumphantly and suddenly went from second gear to overdrive, hammering Jojo's cunt so rapidly that this thighs were a blur on the screen. Jojo started howling with pleasure as he did that and Priya, as if to match their pace, started moving her fingers on her clit rapidly as well. Eric's mach speed hammering finally had the effect it was bound to have and Jojo started shaking and shivering and her howls got really piercing. She was clearly having an orgasm.
Watching Jojo made Priya hit her peak as well, and soon she also started moaning loudly, her voice mixing with Jojo's. Jojo's body raised itself off the couch a couple of times and crashed down with a bang as her orgasm washed over her, and Priya had by now slid down the couch so much that her whole ass was suspended in the air. The two of seemed to climax at around the same time and Eric watched with an accomplished grin as he brought two women to orgasm simultaneously, without even touching one of them, even as he himself had not cum.
In a few seconds, both Jojo and Priya came down to earth and their howls now turned into short soft moans as their bodies felt the receding after effects of their respective orgasms.
"Thank you, master." Jojo said in almost a whisper as Eric pulled out his cock from her cunt and stretched back. It was still fully erect, and it was confirmed that he had not cum. "Thank you, thank you....finally. Oh god, finally!" Jojo exclaimed and started crying and laughing at the same time as if in relief.
Eric got off the couch and stared at Priya, who stared back at him with glazed eyes. He smiled and got down on his knees in front of her. Half her body was already off the couch. He put his big hands under her ass cheeks and lifted her up, so her cunt was just a couple of inches away from his hard cock. Priya smiled in anticipation as Eric slowly advanced his dick towards her pussy. As the tip of his dick touched the entrance of her cunt, she inhaled and braced for his entrance.
Instead Eric backed away and took his hands out from under her ass, making it hit the floor with a soft thud. He got up, and by now the smile on his face had been replaced with a stern look.
"You think it would be so easy? I told you. If you want to get fucked, you have to be my slave. You have to be my Yoyo." he said.
"Fine. I am your slave. I am your Yoyo. Fuck me now." Priya almost screamed impatiently, pulling herself up on the chair.
"Not so fast, Yoyo, not so fast. You don't just become a slave by saying it." Eric said and got back on the couch on his knees and behind Jojo who was still whimpering softly.
"Then what do I have to do?" Priya said in high voice.
"You can start by losing that demanding attitude you have. Be more like Jojo here. Deferential." he said as he inserted his dick into Jojo's cunt and started fucking her again. Priya stayed silent and looked at him angrily, as if debating if she should just walk out right away. But she stayed there, a picture of contrasts. Her face wore an angry self-respecting look. Her top was still the way it was. But the waist is where the contrast started. Her skirt gathered around it in a bunch. Her thong displaced, her wet cunt in full view and her legs spread apart and suspended in the air as if placed on invisible stirrups.
As Eric fucked Jojo again and started getting her worked up, Priya's attitude started melting away. The look on her face got softer as she watched the two of them go at it. Eric seemed to have an amazing stamina and continued to pound Jojo like a madman for a full fifteen minutes until finally he started cumming. Jojo had already orgasmed twice more by then and Priya had fingered herself to climax once more.
By the time Eric finished filling Jojo up with his seed, both ladies were a sight to see. Jojo was almost semi-conscious because of the multiple orgasms and Priya's face held the hunger of a bitch in heat, but the pliability of a bunny rabbit. Eric took his dick out of Jojo and it made a short plop sound and the cum started oozing down her thighs. He then looked at Priya and said,
"You sure you wanna do this too?"
"Yes." she said hoarsely.
"Yes what?" Eric asked in a stern voice. Priya looked confused for a second before realization hit her.
"Yes, Master." she croaked.
"Hmmm. This is your first mistake, so I am letting you off with a warning. But from now on if you don't address me properly, there will be hell to pay. Get it....Yoyo?" Eric asked.
"Yes, Master." she said.
"Good. Now, first things first. Get completely naked. Even those boots. I want them off." Eric said and right away, Priya started taking her clothes off, starting with her skirt. "I am going to get your uniform from inside. But meanwhile, I want you to get started on your first task."
"Yes, Master?" Priya, who had already gotten naked from waist down, asked as she started taking her top off.
"Your first task is to clean her cunt up completely." Eric said pointing towards Jojo. "Using your mouth only. No hands. Lick the juices off her thighs, off her pussy lips and from inside her cunt by putting your tongue in it."
Priya's face broke out into a grimace in disgust at the idea of what she was being asked to do.
"And that's another thing. Stop making faces when I give you orders. If I give you an order as your master, you should be happy to carry it out. The next time you make a face like there's a bug in your food, I swear to god, you will regret it. Now get to it." Eric scolded her and headed inside.
Priya took off her boots and reluctantly got on the couch behind Jojo's kneeling body and looked at the overflowing cunt doubtfully. Jojo waited until Eric had left the room completely and then said to Priya,
"Don't worry Yoyo, it'll get better."
Priya let out a sarcastic snigger and said,
"Yeah right." She then started licking the cum off Jojo's thighs.
"No, trust me. You'll get used to it. I was like you in the beginning too. Doubtful, disobedient. But as time passes, you get into the groove and it starts making you hot. oooh...that feels nice" Jojo said the last part because now Priya was inserting her tongue inside the cunt to get the cum out. She moaned a bit until Priya was done cleaning, and basically eating all the cum, and then said,
"You're very pretty, by the way. Really nice and petite, but still a nice rack."
"Thank you. You're very sexy too. I wish I were tall like you." Priya replied.
"Tall, short don't matter to Eric, honey. All he likes is the booty. Grab-able booties like yours and mine. If the booty is nice, fleshy and round, he'd fuck a midget too." Jojo said and started laughing. Priya joined in.
"Nice accent, by the way. Where ya from, Pakistan?" Jojo asked.
"No, India." Priya said.
"Oh of course, India. And what's your real name, Yoyo?" she asked.
"Damn, that's a mouthful. I'll just stick to Yoyo. My name ain't Jojo. It is..." she said but was interrupted by Eric's yelling.
"Who the fuck told you two bitches you could chatter and gossip away like two old maids?" he said.
"Sorry Master" Jojo said, and Priya repeated the same right away.
"You two bitches wanna run your tongues so much? I'll find a good use for them. But first.." Eric said and handed the garb to Priya. "Here's your uniform. Put it on."
My naked wife obediently started completing the formalities of becoming Eric's slave. She first took the teddy, which when folded could have fit into her fist. It was identical to Jojo's in design and shape, except that it was bright red. But apart from the color, everything else was the same. As she put it on, her boobs jutted out of the two holes for them, and her shaved cunt and ass were completely visible. Next she took the boots, also a matching bright red, sat down on the chair and put them on.
Finally she reached for the red studded collar and was about to put it on when Eric stopped her.
"You don't do that. I do that. I will collar you, thus making you my slave." he said taking it from her hand. "But remember, once the collar is on, until I take it off, you are my completely slave. You have to follow my every order or else I'll slap you around if I have to. Are you sure you want to be collared by me?"
"Yes, Master. Please collar me, Master." Priya said.
"Alright then." Eric said and wrapped the collar around her neck and buttoned it. It also had a leash like Jojo's except of course, red in color. "Great. My two lovely slaves. Jojo and Yoyo."
He then took a step towards the couch and opened Jojo's handcuffs. She got up and stretched her hands and stood there next to Priya, looking almost like an Amazon. Eric took both their leashes in his hand, smiled and then yanked them downwards. The two slaves immediately fell to their hands and knees.
"Come along, my bitches." Eric said, dragging the leashes making the two of them crawl around the couch and behind him. "Let's start playing."
And the final shot of the scene had the two unmatched asses, Priya's shapely substantial, and Jojo's shapely and massive, jiggled softly as the knees behind them moved to take them away out of the camera's view. The last thing I saw were their boots, red and black, sliding away.
I sat there, as the clip ended and realized that I had cum all over my shirt without even realizing it. What I saw there, involving my wife, was hotter than any porno I had ever seen. No wonder she was so excited about the whole thing. I got some napkins and cleaned my semen off my clothes and clicked on the second link.
The next clip was not very long. It started in a bedroom, with a big kingsize bed with a lot of wooden bars in the frames at the top and bottom. Jojo and Priya were both handcuffed to the bars, and were on their knees. Eric was kneeling behind them with a small paddle in his hand, and was smacking their asses with it one by one. He was doing it pretty hard, because both his slaves were yelping pretty loudly when a shot landed, and their asses were red. The redness of Priya's ass was particular remarkable, because of her whiter skin tone and also because she was wearing red. As I paid closer attention to their yelps, I realized that Eric was smacking Jojo a lot harder than he was Priya. But the bigger woman seemed to be able to take it. And then the clip ended.
The third clip started from the same angle with both ladies in the same position. The redness of their asses had faded away a little, which indicated that it had been some time since the last clip was shot. Eric came into the picture, wearing just jeans and got on his knees between their asses. He then put his two hands up, and folded all fingers except for the index finger on both hands, looking like a cricket umpire about to signal six. He then looked at the camera and winked.
And then he started fingering the clits of both women using one finger for each. They had been silent so far, but both of them started moaning and squirming. In a couple of minutes, he made both of them climax once each and the two of them were shaking their butts like they were desperate to get out of the bondage. But Eric mercilessly kept going, bringing both of them to orgasm after orgasm. Both of them were howling for him to stop, begging him to stop. But by the time he stopped, it had been fifteen minutes and both of them were on the verge of passing out. And the clip ended.
The fourth clip was one of my favorites. Jojo was sitting, legs folded, yoga style, nodding at something Eric was saying that I could not hear. Then Priya came into the picture, and sat down in Jojo's lap, facing her, and stretching her legs out behind Jojo. The two of them stared at each other uncertainly for a few seconds, when I heard Eric yell,
"Get on with it, bitches!"
And the bitches got on with it. They started kissing each other. And not just pecks, but proper lip-to-lip lingering kisses with their tongues playing with each other. I found that whole clip extremely hot. I had often fantasized about seeing Priya with another woman. But even after our recent experiments, she had refused to entertain the idea, saying it seemed "yucky". And here she was, obviously loving the way Jojo was kissing her. When the clip ended ten minutes later, one look at both their faces made a fact clear. Jojo was not really turned on by what she had done, although she had played her part perfectly. But Priya was turned on beyond belief, as I could see from the way had that familiar look. When they got done kissing, she just breathed heavily and stared at Jojo for a while before Eric yelled at them to get up.
The next clip turned me on and disturbed me. Or rather, I was disturbed by how much it turned me on. Because it was the first look at my wife being subjected to hardcore BDSM. Until then she had just been handcuffed or hit on her ass, which is really no big deal, given how fleshy her ass is. But this one was wild. The clip started with Jojo turning Priya on to her front and then putting her knee on her back. She then told Priya to bend her legs in the knee as far as she could, which she did. Jojo then took a thick rope and tied it around each leg tightly. She then took both of Priya's hands and pulled them towards the feet really hard making her arch her back as much as she could. Holding the hands there, she used the end of the same rope that tied her feet to tie her hands tightly right next to the feet.
Priya's body was completely stretched arched in a D shape, with her hands and shins forming the straight line and her thighs and torso forming the curved part. Her big firm boobs were spread apart and jutting out. The discomfort was clearly visible on her face, but I also noticed that her nipples were erect, which meant she was getting pleasure out of this. Jojo then got off her back and sat next to her side. Eric then entered the picture, fully naked, with his dick fully erect. He grabbed hold of Priya's hair and roughly yanked it upwards, so that her head was touching her back and her face looking at him.
He then slapped her across both cheeks one by one a few times really hard, and I saw tears well up in her eyes. His fingers left their red marks on her face. Eric then got on his knees in front of Priya and roughly inserted his cock into her mouth. She started making gagging noises like Jojo had been in the first clip when Eric did the same to her. But Eric kept fucking her mouth fast and hard, and I was convinced that part of his dick was sliding up and down my petite wife's throat. After about half a minute, he took his dick out and Priya started coughing and retching, and gasping for air. As she did that, he slapped her again a couple of times.
"Want more, bitch?" he asked sternly, and I was shocked as my wife said,
"Yes, master. More, master." in an unrecognizably lustful voice. She was clearly enjoying this, and honestly, so was I. I knew that it turned me on to see another man fuck my wife, but I had no idea that her being abused would also get me horny.
I watched with my dick erect again as Eric shoved his dick down her throat again and fucked it mercilessly for a minute more. Priya kept making the gagging noises, but there were also moans of pleasure in between. Eric then made a gesture to Jojo who had been watching all this with fire-filled eyes. She must have had this experience herself and was excited to see someone else put through it.
Jojo got up and reached above her head to pull down another rope which was apparently hanging from the roof. It had a carabineer at the end and although I could not see the roof, the way she stretched the rope, I guessed there was some sort of a pulley mechanism at the other end. Jojo took the carabineer and snapped it into the rope around Priya's hands. She then pulled the carabineer hard to make sure it was shut and said meekly,
"It's done, master."
Eric got off the bed and disappeared from view. Then I heard a squeaking noise and saw the rope from the roof pulling Priya up by the hands. Her boobs were lifted from the bed, then her stomach, then her crotch and thighs until she was arched straight like an actual D, with just her knees resting on the bed. Priya started whining in pain, but not too loudly. Eric got back on the bed and stood in front of her. He then grabbed hold of her head with her hair and shoved his dick into her mouth once more. Because she was hoisted straight, she could not take his huge dick down her throat and half of it stayed out even when he pushed it in the most. This time, he fucked her mouth longer, maybe 2 minutes or so.
This time when he took his dick out, Priya started coughing again and I could see tears streaming down her cheeks. Eric bent down, grabbed her face with one hand and started kissing her hard. To my surprise, she kissed back enthusiastically, and when they broke the kiss, there was a loud smooching sound followed by an "ahhhh" from Priya.