Episode 50
Then ArokiaRaj did the same kind of thing, then Christopher, then Sudalai muthu. The bonds between My Mother and the boys were deepening, and My Father was fearing that their work would be undermined by her getting too close to them.
As My Parents walked toward a large room remotely located in a corner of the basement, I noticed My Mother blushing as she spoke with the boys.
"Why this room?" My Father asked.
"This way we won't be disturbed," My Mother said, looking down at the floor.
They handed My Mother a present wrapped up in a box and she went to the washroom, then joined them in the meeting room. The room had a very solid looking meeting table in the middle of the room, a side room for a kitchen with full length windows in the partition wall. I t also contained several couches and chairs.
My Mother locked the door as she entered. As she sat down next to My Father he noticed that she was nervous, and had an alien, keyed up look in her eyes.
They all sat down to talk, Jenni still asleep in My Father's arms. Each of the boys was openly taking long looks at My Mother's breasts, and My Father seemed to have felt a pangs of jealousy, even dread. In fact he was fearing what was to come; there was a sexual suspense that was rising by the minute.
They focused all of their attention and directed all their comments to my Mother. She totally was into this ministry of helping these wayward young men. And they seemed to respond to her. So My Father tried to concentrate on the big picture and to avoid whining about the bumpy road of this outreach My Mother and he had committed to do.
My Mother's complexion, smile, and her white print saree made her a sight for sore eyes. The shoulder straps of her blouse seemed to be working overtime. But I must say I was disappointed that My Mother had chosen a dress that showed a good deal of her cleavage and her milk-swollen bosom, which pushed out so much against the blouse fabric. I was surprised the nursing bra remained out of sight.
My Parents were sitting at a couch in the middle of the room, and facing ArokiaRaj, Sudalai muthu and Christopher, who also sat at a couch. Albhonse, who seemed nervous, sat or stood at or near a chair to My Mother's left.
My Mother smiled and said, almost seductively: "So, how are you guys doing?"
ArokiaRaj said: "Excellent, as of five minutes ago." Then he and the others just sat there and stared at her.
"Well, I know we have to talk about some feelings and about family, but I have got some job leads for each of you," My Mother said, and she leaned far over to grab some papers out of her handbag, which was on the floor in front of her. She dumped the papers on the carpet.
"They are in here somewhere," she said.
"Take your time, Mrs Catherine," ArokiaRaj said, craning his neck, and it occurred to me that she did take her time.
"That's so considerate of you," My Mother smirked, still looking down, then smiled up at them, her eyes appreciating the stares.
Sudalai muthu elbowed ArokiaRaj and the boys laughed, something that bothered My Father a lot. He noticed at each boy would blatantly rub his crotch, particularly when My Mother was looking his way. He felt inhibited from saying anything because she had told them to be emotionally open.
"Ah," My Mother said, after what actually seemed like five minutes, "here we are." She sat up and pulled up on the pallu of her saree, saying: "Sorry, kind of falling out of this dress."
My Mother laid some papers in her lap and began to read off lists of local stores at the mall and in the city that were looking. "Come on over here and stand behind me and look at what I have got for you," she said.
Albhonse walked behind the couch and stood over My Mother, looking down at her as she read. Soon all four were behind her, leaning down, and Sudalai muthu said, "Unbelievable."
My Mother turned and looked up at him, smiling, and her eyes moved down his torso a few seconds as his hand rubbed his crotch.
My Mother put her hand on his arm, saying softly, "now Sudalai dear, we are here to work on your issues."
Christopher said: "I've got two issues I am looking at that I would love to work on," and he winked at Sudalai muthu. "Thank you," Sudalai said and they bumped fists.
Albhonse acted like the responsible one. "Look, Mrs. David is here to counsel us. Let's not mess up and get sexy with her."
ArokiaRaj shook his head. "That is hard to do. Look at the size of her tits!"
My Father was about to call a halt to this when, to his surprise, My Mother laughed and said: "Well, they sure are hard to miss, aren't they?"
Then My Mother put the papers down in her lap and said, her head leaning completely back: "So have I got your complete attention now?" She laughed suggestively, and stayed in that position for a minute.
"You got our attention when we first met you. And when we said wear a sexy saree to the meeting last week - you did," ArokiaRaj smiled.
That floored both My Father and me, and I was concerned that this meeting had already lost its Christian focus. Jenni, who had been stirring for a few moments, launched into the beginning of a hunger cry.
"Feeding time!" Albhonse said.
He spoke to My Father, a little patronizingly, as he gestured to hand the baby to My Mother. "God sure works miracles with a baby, Right Mr. David?"
My Father smiled wearily.
Albonse went on, his hand stroking his groin: "I mean, all the DNA shit is there from the beginning, and the baby grows up to be an adult! God I love kids!"
Assuming modesty was going to send My Mother elsewhere to nurse, My Father said: "Where do you want to feed her? In the women's lounge upstairs?"
My Mother said nothing and pulled down the pallu of the saree to her lap. Even with three rows of buttons across her blouse, the large gaps between those poor straining buttons showed that her breasts were extremely big.She then unbuttoned the buttons of her blouse, and opened it wide.
My Faher said with alarm, glancing at the boys: "Are you going to feed her here? Good Lord, what are you doing?"
My Mother looked at him calmly and said: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
My Father sat in shock and watched as My Mother pulled the blouse away to display a very revealing, scanty, red, sexy bra. From his look, I ascertained that he had never seen it before. The Bra cups' were less than half size, and cut daringly from the strap down to the center of the bra - breast flesh spilled out all over the place.
My Father was completely taken aback, and said discreetly, "Where's your nursing bra?"
"I didn't want to be rude to them," My Mother said, laboring to lift the cup of her very large left breast out of her bra.
What do you mean?" My Father asked, confused.
"They bought me this bra as a present, and I wanted them to see me in it," My Mother smiled.
Struck dumb, the only question My Father could summon was: "How did they know what size?"
My Mother giggled, and whispered in his ear, "They asked me and I told them. Remember: more than you can handle, honey."
Jenni's crying, My Mother's apparent willingness to nurse in front of virtual strangers, and this revelation of a gift, were conspiring to give My Father a shock.
He sat biting his tongue while My Mother looked up at them and asked in a coquettish voice: "So how do I look?"
ArokiaRaj, mesmerized, said: "Awesome. What do you dudes think?"
Sudalai muthu was now standing in front of her, and Christopher was walking around the couch. Four pairs of adolescent eyes were riveted on my My Mother's chest.
"Oh yes. Wow. But, can't see the whole boobs," Sudalai muthu complained.
"Yes, and we had to go to like, hey friend how many shops did we go to, Albhonse?" Albhonse was leaning almost at the level of My Mother's left shoulder, ArokiaRaj at her right shoulder level.
"Nobody sells bras this big," Albonse said, "it took us all day, man."
Christopher jumped in, "Yeah, so let us see the other side." He was speaking softly, a lewd grin on that rogue face.
By now the baby was crying constantly, and My Father had to nudge my Mother.
Staring hard, My Mother spoke softly, the lower lip of her unsmiling mouth somewhat challenging, even defiant: "I think it's nursing time."
My Mother took my baby sister to her lap and slowly, with her eyes still on Christopher, said to him quietly, in a challenging tone: "You ready for this?"
My Mother dug her hand in and pulled at her breast, finally getting all of it out of the cup. It looked so ripe, big and round. The massive tit was perfectly centered with dark blackish-brown areola about the size of coin. Her nipple was hard and stubby.
Everyone was completely speechless.
My Mother squeezed it lovingly a few times. She then pressed at the nipple, causing milk to squirt in two thin but long jets, in two different directions
"Oops," she said softly, still staring unsmilingly at Christopher's face, grooving on his lustful attention. I heard ArokiaRaj's deep voice: "Whoa."
As Jenni settled in for her Milk, My Mother rested her head back on the couch. My Father was very upset at the situation.
"Maybe we should take a break on this meeting," He said to the four, "my wife really should have some privacy here."
This was ignored. My Father was ready to repeat myself when My Mother said: "Oh I don't mind, Dear. Nursing is a beautiful thing. And they're watching me nurse brings them closer to me."
Then My Mother slipped the other bra cup strap down to expose the other side of her bust. She looked up at the boys, "Thank you again. I just love the way this bra shows off my big tits."
She turned to My Father, "Wasn't it considerate of them to buy me this? I should wear this at home when I'm nursing."
Then My Mother said, grinning, and looking up at the boys, "....and, oh I almost forgot, when you're being a peeping tom in the next room and staring at my reflection in the mirror."
One of the boys said: "Oooooh, kinky."
My Father's must have been spiked. It was surrealistic, her bringing it up in front of them. He glanced around at the young men and then at My Mother. "I just love to watch you," he stammered, clearing his throat, trying to be discreet.
My Mother spoke loudly, looking down at her chest, "so have you watched the video you made of me nursing lately?"
My Father said: "Catherine, this is not like you. The Lord wants us to keep these feelings to ourselves."
My Mother said, "We can't help these young Christians find their way if we're not open, can we?" She looked up at Sudalai muthu and said: "My husband made a video of my nursing, and you know what? He did close ups of my tits for his viewing pleasure."
After a minute of this increasingly tense situation My Mother said: "Maybe he'll run home now and get the video camera and run back here to do Volume II."
My stomach started to churn.
My Mother turned to My Father: "Honey, why not? Think of the hours of entertainment for you, sneaking a look at me nursing in front of these boys."
My Father said nothing, embarrassed beyond words.
when Sudalai muthu Started commenting about My Mother's breasts, My Father was at the end of his patientce. He sternly said,"Stop it now". It had a profound effect on the boys and thery became silent immediately.
My Mother also looked at the boys with an irritated look. She came back to her old self - A respectable mother and wife. I understood she had been little carried away when she was given charge of changing the life of the boys. Now I could say that she would not want to cross the forbidden limit.
A strong silence engulfed the whole room.
About a minute later, My Father's cell phone rang. It was Foster James. He must have asked My Father to bring the boys downstairs. They all went downstairs leaving My Mother in the room.
I was rejoiced and happy.
But after 5 Minutes, Four boys returned to the room. Where was My Father?
When My Mother asked the same question, they replied he was talking with Mr. James and he would come later.
Deep silence filled in the room. The boys tried to speak with My Mother but she did not reply.
ArokiaRaj said, "I hope Jenni has a big appetite. Those tits are full of milk, right Mrs. David?"
My Mother did not say anything and shot him a look.
Sudalai muthu said, "Yeah, your baby is really going to choke down.". He was right. Jenni was sucking away, her head lost in the massive titflesh:
ArokiaRaj approached mom and my suckling sister and slowly put two fingers on mom’s other nipple and squeezed lightly. A stream of milk shot in the air. Mom was furious but the four young studs began laughing and bumping fists.
“Look at that bitch. As soon as you touched her breast, she began to give you milk from her big tits” said Sudalai Muthu.
“You boys are lost. You shouldn’t be doing that. I am a married woman and these breasts only belong to feed my baby”
“You are saying that your husband never plays with them or sucks them? Oh woman you need a real man to show you how it is done” chuckled Albhonse “I bet you liked it when I grabbed your tits that day in front of your husband. Showing him what a real man does to a woman”
Mom shook her head telling the boys that they must took off these filthy ideas from their head and return to the right path boys their age should be on.
My father finished his talk with Mr. James and entered the romm where we were my mother, my sister, me and the 4 boys. The four hooligans didn’t stop chuckling when they saw my father.
My father knew something was wrong seeing my mother closing the buttons of her blouse her face all red. Passing behind dad to leave, Christopher patted him on the back and chuckling: “See you later Mr. David. Mrs. David gave us in these 5 minutes enough light and shining for the whole week”
My father replied by smiling nervously and asked my mother what happened.
“Nothing dear. Don’t worry about it. I can handle it”
Dad felt stung by this comment as my mother intentionally or not made him remember the comment of the 4 boys earlier that he couldn’t handle her alone.
We went back to our house and forgot this incident until Saturday afternoon when we went to the local pool for a swim, the whole family: my father, my mother, my baby sister and me.
As soon as mom entered the pool, all the men and even the women turned their heads to look at her slender figure and her big boobs. Even when she wears a one-piece suit because of her modesty, she couldn’t hide her big delicious breasts and her swollen milk filled brown nipples.
My father was always proud of the way other people looked at mom and he felt really blessed at having married her. He is a handsome man but he knew that was only average in bed. He thought that if my mother was not a virgin before meeting him, she might not be satisfied for 15 years staying with him when men with bigger cocks approached her. But he was relieved of the sexual naivety of my mother. It kept her with him all this time. Don’t get me wrong my father is a man’s man. He’s rugged, honest and provides for his family and for my mother whatever he wants and for that my mother loves him a lot and never has any thoughts about other men. His only defect was that he was passive aggressive. Earlier when Albhonse grabbed my mother’s breasts and squeezes them in the meeting room I expected my father to be more aggressive in defending my mother.
The four boys discovered that weakness early on and I was about to see the first move by their leader on mom today in the pool…
ArokiaRaj was the son of the richest family in town. At 17, his body was developed like the body of a 25 year old bodybuilder. Rippling muscles on his biceps and chest, rock hard abs from all the time in the gym and a tall dark figure that made most girls and women swoon to their knees.
My mother has never seen him in his speedo yet. My father was no slouch but he was not a muscle god also. He was your average caring loving middle-aged father with a slight fat belly beginning to for in his stomach.
My mother and Jenni my baby sister were sitting at the edge of the pool on a table waiting for me and my father to finish our swim. My father was caught with some of his business partners talking inside the pool.
I looked toward our table and saw a tall muscular handsome dark man talking to mom and I saw that she was a little scared or a little aroused from talking with this man. I wondered who could he be.
Turning his head, I recognized him even when he was wearing his 1,000$ sunglasses. He was ArokiaRaj making his move on my mother in front of everyone even when my father and his business associates were a few feet away.
How can he be so bold, I thought. Approaching my mom not caring about my father at all. He sure is very confident like a real man should be.
From the pool I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I saw my mother looking at the package between the young stud’s legs from time to time. The sly smile on his face told me that he knew she was checking him out like any other woman would do. He knew he was irresistible to women.
But why would my mother check another’s man’s junk when she is married to my father. And this man is one of the young men she is helping to get over their dark side… I didn’t know what to think.
They talked a little and then ArokiaRaj turned his broad muscular back and shoulders to my mother and walked away. I watched her lick her lips and shiver a little as she watched him go away.
My father did not see any of this. When we got out of the pool, my mother told my father that she needed to freshen up a little and went to the changing rooms that are far away from the pool where not many persons go.
I knew something was going on so I followed her.
As I arrived at the door of the changing room I heard my mother talking with Raj.
“So you tell me that you feel you are slipping again in the dark and you need my guidance?” asked my mother.
I peeked inside and found her leaning against one of the lavatories while Raj stood tall in front of her crossing his arms and showing her his bulging muscular biceps.
“Yes, Mrs. David. I did something terrible and I need to talk to someone. When I saw you here today I was relieved I can tell someone how the dark side has taken me again and made me do bad things”
Feigning being sad, Raj lowered his head to make my mother think he is ashamed.
My mother approached him and put her dainty white hand on his bulging biceps caressing it.
“You can tell me anything. Remember my duty as your spiritual counselor is to help you and listen to whatever problems you have”
“My cock has made me fall in so many mistakes” saying that he grabbed the huge snake from outside the speedo and shook it.
My mother was taken back by his language but she thought he was a lost soul and he didn’t mean to use bad language in front of a lady.
“There is a woman, she is so fuckin hot, she is maybe as hot as you Mrs. David. But the problem is that she is our neighbor and she is married. I wanted her so bad that I began fucking her in her husband’s bed. But she didn’t resist. That whore would tell me while I was drilling her with my cock that she has never felt something so big inside her. And now two days ago, she came to tell me that she is pregnant with my child.”
“Mrs David I want to ask you is it my fault that I have a cock so big and thick that all married women want inside their cunts?” Saying that, Raj put his hand inside his speedo and took out a cock so big that made my mother scream a little.
I watched as my mother’s jaw opened at the sight.
The big black snake that she was seeing was double the size of my father’s penis and it was semi hard hanging from the strap of his speedo.
“Is it my fault that I have big balls that are always full of cum and that I have impregnated five married women until now and made their husbands fuckin cuckolds?”
Taking off his speedo completely, his muscular ass was halfway turned toward me but me and my mother could see the huge egg-sized hairy balls that Raj had under his 10-inch cock.
My mother spent a few seconds in silence and from the shock she reached out and grabbed the black cock of the muscular teenager from its base her wedding ring touching the filthy cock and balls.
That was just for a few seconds before my mother ran away leaving Raj inside the locker room in the buff smiling at the effect his cock had on her.
She couldn’t see me because I hid behind the wall rapidly.
When I went back I heard my unknowing father telling my mother that she had two damp spots on her breasts and that she maybe needs to feed my little sister.
If only my father knew how damp my mother’s cunt was then and the real reason her bodily fluids were oozing from her sexual organs, he would not be happy at all.
The next Sunday, my father entered the room and told my mother that it is time to go to church and have the meeting with the four boys.
My mother told him that she is not feeling well and that she prefers to stay at home. My father found that strange because my mother never skipped a sermon or a session with the social service.
I knew the real cause was Raj and his big muscular body and hung cock. My father had no idea what was happening. I began to wonder how is my father so dumb that he did not see what was happening.
I went out with my father and we were going to the car when I say someone hidinf behind the bushes. I recognized ArokiaRaj and knew that he was coming for my mother.
I decided to stay and watch but I did not want my father to suspect anything. The church was not far from home. When we got there, I told him I forgot my backpack at home and that I will go on foot to get it. My father did not object.
My mother did not sleep well the last week. After her encounter with the stud Raj, she could not remove the image of his naked Adonis body from her head. All her married life she did not think about any man other than my father. She thought that sex was only a duty for a woman to have kids. She did not believe that sex is for enjoyment.
Last week, she had sex with dad once but while laying still under him for the two minutes he usually takes to ejaculate, mom visualized the black cock of the big stud fucking her and she orgasmed for the first time in so long from the thought alone.
After finishing, she went to the bathroom and cried in shame for the dirty thoughts she was having of a young man having intercourse with her. She did not accept to cheat on my father even by thought.
If she only knew what was going to happen half an hour after we went, dad and I, she would not feel so ashamed of her dirty thoughts.
Sitting alone in the living room, the words of Raj stayed and played back in mom’s mind. How he fucked the married woman in her marital bed and how she got pregnant from him, from a man other than her lawfully wedded husband.
The ring on the doorbell woke her up from her lusty dreams. The last person she wanted to see was at her door. The young Raj was in his tight jeans and opened shirt showing his muscular pecs and abs.
“Hello Mrs. David. Are you ready to guide me into the light again like last time at the pool?”
Without waiting for her answer, Raj entered and closed the door behind him. Holding her in his dark arms he began to devour my mother’s lips with his big lips.
My mother was in shock. She tried to fight him and make him stop at the beginning. She suddenly felt a jolt of electricity in her body that made her lose all resistance and made her weak to the knees.
The devious teenager had his middle finger under her robe and fingering her hot wet cunt.
She tried to deny the pleasure and the lust she felt for the boy but she couldn’t hold up much longer.
I came just in time to watch from the window as I heard my mother moan from the long kiss she was sharing with Raj. I saw Raj’s tongue inside my mother’s mouth as he was grabbing her hair. For the first time I saw my religious demure mother kissing another man. He seemed to know how to control women. He was an alpha dog and my mother knew that she was helpless to stop him. In her mind she began to think if my father saw what this boy, no he was not a boy he was a man, what this man was doing, would he stop him or would he cower like he did during their meeting last time?
Mom was lost in a daze as ArkioRaj was getting closer to his intent. He made her take off her clothes in the living room, letting her stay in her bra and her underwear. He was also just in his underwear but it seemed the white fabric was barely holding the venomous black snake inside.
Without waiting anymore, Raj grabbed the clasps of the bra and destroyed them making my mother’s big breasts jiggle and sway from the strike. Like a hungry wolf, Raj began to knead my mother’s nipples and big breasts in his hands and put his mouth to one of the swollen nipples and began to suck.
“I need some mother milk too. Not only your daughter Jenni. Please Mrs. David save me from the dark show me the light”
As he was saying that and he was assaulting my mother’s sacred breasts with hands and mouth, I was shocked to see my mother caressing the top of his head in a motion that implied she liked what was going on. How could she do that to dad? How can she betray him in his own house and with a thug like Raj?
As I was thinking that, Raj whispered in mom’s ear and she led him to the master bedroom to the bed she shared with dad.
I followed them silently as I saw the natural place of my father being taken and filled by a more muscular, taller, stronger and bigger man ( bigger cock that is)
The underwear of the female ( my mother) and the male ( Raj) flew in the air as Raj placed his latest conquest on the bed that belonged to my poor unknowing father.
“Are you ready to get fucked by a real man for the first time in your life?” asked Raj before taking his big inflated black hose and lining it with my mother’s dripping cunt.
With one shove, the black cock popped inside my mother’s white tight cunt and she felt as if she was being deflowered by her husband on her first night after marriage.
The moans and screams of my mother made Raj hornier. But it was not the first time that a married woman would scream his name and beg for mercy and for his cock. He has already fucked half the married women in the neighborhood. The common trait between them is the weak personality of the father. He and his friends would analyze the man of the house. Once they see that he is a weak or mild-mannered man, they would show the mother their big cocks, muscles and aggressive nature. That is how his friend Albhonse got his science teacher pregnant.
Between the four of them, 15 fathers have been cuckolded and shamed into raising bastard children just for the pleasure of their young thick long donkey cocks.
My mother was no exception. Sensing that dad was not an aggressive man, they decided to use her sexually. Raj was an alpha man. He wanted to take my mother from my father because he felt my father did not have the balls to stand up to him.
Seeing his big cock tearing through my mother’s cunt, I wished that my father would stop him.
Raj was like a bull. My mother was laying on her back, her thighs widespread, her head swaying from side to side in pleasure, biting her lips as Raj played with her breasts as if he owned them all the while getting the pleasure of fucking her married cunt with his big cock.
“I will ruin you for your husband, bitch. I bet I am the first man to fuck you other than your husband”
“Please stop. I am not protected. I am not on the pill. Please stop.”
“Oh, I can’t do that Mrs. David. Once I begin fucking I will cum inside the womb of
the woman and give her my gift. Didn’t you see the twins I gave to your neighbor Mrs. Flamingo. Her poor husband is in Iraq while she is giving me bastard babies”
My mother was delirious and screaming now on top of Raj riding his big cock in her cunt and her eyes rolling in the back of her head.
After 30 minutes, my mother felt the big balls of her man boiling and his big 10 inch cock spewing buckets of potent cum inside her fertile belly. The cum hit her hard in her cervix and made her orgasm violently and fall on Raj’s chest kissing it to thank him.
I went hastily outside and a few minutes later I saw Raj kissing my mother and grabbing her tit before leaving.
When dad came back, he was happy with the progress he has made with the other 3 young men. He had no idea what Raj was doing to his wife in his absence. If only he could see the amount of potent semen in mom’s pussy as he was telling her the news.
Albhonse was a member of a wrestling team and he asked my father if he can have a match with him to tighten the bonds with the group. Dad was happy with this proposition as he used to wrestle a little in college.
Raj told his friends what happened with mom and they were all excited to deal the final blow to dad’s marriage on the day the wrestling match was going to happen.
On Wednesday afternoon, dad prepared the backyard with mattresses for the boxing match.
Albhonse came with Raj and the other two studs on time. Dad has never seen the four young men showing their big fuckin rippling muscles. Although he was a mature man and they were just teenagers, dad was a little afraid of their strength as shown by their awesome manly bodies.
But he knew that he couldn’t back off. He had to have the match with Albhonse.
Me and mom were sitting on the chairs at the side of the mattress watching the stud Albhonse facing dad.
Each time mom looked toward Raj, Muthu and Christopher they would do obscene gestures with their fingers and tongues and grab their crotches. Mom blushed as she knew Raj told them how he had buggered her and fucked her cheating cunt with his power horse cock the other day on dad’s bed.
As the match began, it was apparent that my poor dad had no chance.
Albhonse was a really aggressive son of a bitch and we witnessed that he was bent on hurting dad.
My poor weak father did not have a chance to deal any blow as Albhonse’s fist rained down punches on his middle-aged body.
In less than a minute, dad’s face was bloodied. His nose was probably broken and we have seen him spit out a tooth or two.
The most disturbing thing was to see my father, the man of the family, on the ground kneeling and crying in pain.
I never expected my dad to beg for mercy from one of these thugs. Albhonse swept his sweaty face with his hand and grabbed dad by the hair and slapped him right across the face with as much power as he could have.
My poor dad fainted from the force of the blow…
Dad woke up half an hour later but he didn’t see anybody in the backyard. Barely able to walk after the beating he had on the hands of the stud Albhonse, he entered the house to see me roped to a chair.
As he was freeing me, he heard noises and loud moans coming from his bedroom. Inside his head, he was 90% sure what was happening but he didn’t want to believe it.
The shock of his life came when he stood at the door and watched the orgy that was happening.
The four muscular teenagers were completely nude. All of them had big thick veiny cocks and huge balls probably double the size of his own genitals.
Mom was also naked and impaled on Christopher’s cock while Raj was fucking her ass. While moaning and screaming she was masturbating Sudalai and Albhonse with her hands.
A delirious slutty look was on her face.
As soon as the fuckers saw my dad broken standing at the door of his own bedroom like a beggar, they all laughed and speeded up their fucking rhythm.
Christopher was about to come but Raj looked at him sternly and he took off his cock to cum outside her cunt.
After Albhonse and Sudalai came, Raj asked them to wait outside as he wanted to be alone with his bitch.
The three studs took their clothes and went downstairs to sit with my dad as Raj continued his mating ritual with my mother…
A few months later, my mother was pregnant with Raj’s baby. Dad did not believe in abortion so he had no choice but to accept his place as the lesser man of the house and to accept and obey Raj out of fear.
Mom’s belly became bigger and bigger and with it Raj’s smugness and arrogance and dad’s humiliation.
Raj did not miss a chance to remind dad that mom was pregnant with his baby.
That’s how four thugs destroyed my faithful father and one of them made mom his
wife disregarding dad as her husband and impregnating her with his superior seed.
As My Parents walked toward a large room remotely located in a corner of the basement, I noticed My Mother blushing as she spoke with the boys.
"Why this room?" My Father asked.
"This way we won't be disturbed," My Mother said, looking down at the floor.
They handed My Mother a present wrapped up in a box and she went to the washroom, then joined them in the meeting room. The room had a very solid looking meeting table in the middle of the room, a side room for a kitchen with full length windows in the partition wall. I t also contained several couches and chairs.
My Mother locked the door as she entered. As she sat down next to My Father he noticed that she was nervous, and had an alien, keyed up look in her eyes.
They all sat down to talk, Jenni still asleep in My Father's arms. Each of the boys was openly taking long looks at My Mother's breasts, and My Father seemed to have felt a pangs of jealousy, even dread. In fact he was fearing what was to come; there was a sexual suspense that was rising by the minute.
They focused all of their attention and directed all their comments to my Mother. She totally was into this ministry of helping these wayward young men. And they seemed to respond to her. So My Father tried to concentrate on the big picture and to avoid whining about the bumpy road of this outreach My Mother and he had committed to do.
My Mother's complexion, smile, and her white print saree made her a sight for sore eyes. The shoulder straps of her blouse seemed to be working overtime. But I must say I was disappointed that My Mother had chosen a dress that showed a good deal of her cleavage and her milk-swollen bosom, which pushed out so much against the blouse fabric. I was surprised the nursing bra remained out of sight.
My Parents were sitting at a couch in the middle of the room, and facing ArokiaRaj, Sudalai muthu and Christopher, who also sat at a couch. Albhonse, who seemed nervous, sat or stood at or near a chair to My Mother's left.
My Mother smiled and said, almost seductively: "So, how are you guys doing?"
ArokiaRaj said: "Excellent, as of five minutes ago." Then he and the others just sat there and stared at her.
"Well, I know we have to talk about some feelings and about family, but I have got some job leads for each of you," My Mother said, and she leaned far over to grab some papers out of her handbag, which was on the floor in front of her. She dumped the papers on the carpet.
"They are in here somewhere," she said.
"Take your time, Mrs Catherine," ArokiaRaj said, craning his neck, and it occurred to me that she did take her time.
"That's so considerate of you," My Mother smirked, still looking down, then smiled up at them, her eyes appreciating the stares.
Sudalai muthu elbowed ArokiaRaj and the boys laughed, something that bothered My Father a lot. He noticed at each boy would blatantly rub his crotch, particularly when My Mother was looking his way. He felt inhibited from saying anything because she had told them to be emotionally open.
"Ah," My Mother said, after what actually seemed like five minutes, "here we are." She sat up and pulled up on the pallu of her saree, saying: "Sorry, kind of falling out of this dress."
My Mother laid some papers in her lap and began to read off lists of local stores at the mall and in the city that were looking. "Come on over here and stand behind me and look at what I have got for you," she said.
Albhonse walked behind the couch and stood over My Mother, looking down at her as she read. Soon all four were behind her, leaning down, and Sudalai muthu said, "Unbelievable."
My Mother turned and looked up at him, smiling, and her eyes moved down his torso a few seconds as his hand rubbed his crotch.
My Mother put her hand on his arm, saying softly, "now Sudalai dear, we are here to work on your issues."
Christopher said: "I've got two issues I am looking at that I would love to work on," and he winked at Sudalai muthu. "Thank you," Sudalai said and they bumped fists.
Albhonse acted like the responsible one. "Look, Mrs. David is here to counsel us. Let's not mess up and get sexy with her."
ArokiaRaj shook his head. "That is hard to do. Look at the size of her tits!"
My Father was about to call a halt to this when, to his surprise, My Mother laughed and said: "Well, they sure are hard to miss, aren't they?"
Then My Mother put the papers down in her lap and said, her head leaning completely back: "So have I got your complete attention now?" She laughed suggestively, and stayed in that position for a minute.
"You got our attention when we first met you. And when we said wear a sexy saree to the meeting last week - you did," ArokiaRaj smiled.
That floored both My Father and me, and I was concerned that this meeting had already lost its Christian focus. Jenni, who had been stirring for a few moments, launched into the beginning of a hunger cry.
"Feeding time!" Albhonse said.
He spoke to My Father, a little patronizingly, as he gestured to hand the baby to My Mother. "God sure works miracles with a baby, Right Mr. David?"
My Father smiled wearily.
Albonse went on, his hand stroking his groin: "I mean, all the DNA shit is there from the beginning, and the baby grows up to be an adult! God I love kids!"
Assuming modesty was going to send My Mother elsewhere to nurse, My Father said: "Where do you want to feed her? In the women's lounge upstairs?"
My Mother said nothing and pulled down the pallu of the saree to her lap. Even with three rows of buttons across her blouse, the large gaps between those poor straining buttons showed that her breasts were extremely big.She then unbuttoned the buttons of her blouse, and opened it wide.
My Faher said with alarm, glancing at the boys: "Are you going to feed her here? Good Lord, what are you doing?"
My Mother looked at him calmly and said: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
My Father sat in shock and watched as My Mother pulled the blouse away to display a very revealing, scanty, red, sexy bra. From his look, I ascertained that he had never seen it before. The Bra cups' were less than half size, and cut daringly from the strap down to the center of the bra - breast flesh spilled out all over the place.
My Father was completely taken aback, and said discreetly, "Where's your nursing bra?"
"I didn't want to be rude to them," My Mother said, laboring to lift the cup of her very large left breast out of her bra.
What do you mean?" My Father asked, confused.
"They bought me this bra as a present, and I wanted them to see me in it," My Mother smiled.
Struck dumb, the only question My Father could summon was: "How did they know what size?"
My Mother giggled, and whispered in his ear, "They asked me and I told them. Remember: more than you can handle, honey."
Jenni's crying, My Mother's apparent willingness to nurse in front of virtual strangers, and this revelation of a gift, were conspiring to give My Father a shock.
He sat biting his tongue while My Mother looked up at them and asked in a coquettish voice: "So how do I look?"
ArokiaRaj, mesmerized, said: "Awesome. What do you dudes think?"
Sudalai muthu was now standing in front of her, and Christopher was walking around the couch. Four pairs of adolescent eyes were riveted on my My Mother's chest.
"Oh yes. Wow. But, can't see the whole boobs," Sudalai muthu complained.
"Yes, and we had to go to like, hey friend how many shops did we go to, Albhonse?" Albhonse was leaning almost at the level of My Mother's left shoulder, ArokiaRaj at her right shoulder level.
"Nobody sells bras this big," Albonse said, "it took us all day, man."
Christopher jumped in, "Yeah, so let us see the other side." He was speaking softly, a lewd grin on that rogue face.
By now the baby was crying constantly, and My Father had to nudge my Mother.
Staring hard, My Mother spoke softly, the lower lip of her unsmiling mouth somewhat challenging, even defiant: "I think it's nursing time."
My Mother took my baby sister to her lap and slowly, with her eyes still on Christopher, said to him quietly, in a challenging tone: "You ready for this?"
My Mother dug her hand in and pulled at her breast, finally getting all of it out of the cup. It looked so ripe, big and round. The massive tit was perfectly centered with dark blackish-brown areola about the size of coin. Her nipple was hard and stubby.
Everyone was completely speechless.
My Mother squeezed it lovingly a few times. She then pressed at the nipple, causing milk to squirt in two thin but long jets, in two different directions
"Oops," she said softly, still staring unsmilingly at Christopher's face, grooving on his lustful attention. I heard ArokiaRaj's deep voice: "Whoa."
As Jenni settled in for her Milk, My Mother rested her head back on the couch. My Father was very upset at the situation.
"Maybe we should take a break on this meeting," He said to the four, "my wife really should have some privacy here."
This was ignored. My Father was ready to repeat myself when My Mother said: "Oh I don't mind, Dear. Nursing is a beautiful thing. And they're watching me nurse brings them closer to me."
Then My Mother slipped the other bra cup strap down to expose the other side of her bust. She looked up at the boys, "Thank you again. I just love the way this bra shows off my big tits."
She turned to My Father, "Wasn't it considerate of them to buy me this? I should wear this at home when I'm nursing."
Then My Mother said, grinning, and looking up at the boys, "....and, oh I almost forgot, when you're being a peeping tom in the next room and staring at my reflection in the mirror."
One of the boys said: "Oooooh, kinky."
My Father's must have been spiked. It was surrealistic, her bringing it up in front of them. He glanced around at the young men and then at My Mother. "I just love to watch you," he stammered, clearing his throat, trying to be discreet.
My Mother spoke loudly, looking down at her chest, "so have you watched the video you made of me nursing lately?"
My Father said: "Catherine, this is not like you. The Lord wants us to keep these feelings to ourselves."
My Mother said, "We can't help these young Christians find their way if we're not open, can we?" She looked up at Sudalai muthu and said: "My husband made a video of my nursing, and you know what? He did close ups of my tits for his viewing pleasure."
After a minute of this increasingly tense situation My Mother said: "Maybe he'll run home now and get the video camera and run back here to do Volume II."
My stomach started to churn.
My Mother turned to My Father: "Honey, why not? Think of the hours of entertainment for you, sneaking a look at me nursing in front of these boys."
My Father said nothing, embarrassed beyond words.
when Sudalai muthu Started commenting about My Mother's breasts, My Father was at the end of his patientce. He sternly said,"Stop it now". It had a profound effect on the boys and thery became silent immediately.
My Mother also looked at the boys with an irritated look. She came back to her old self - A respectable mother and wife. I understood she had been little carried away when she was given charge of changing the life of the boys. Now I could say that she would not want to cross the forbidden limit.
A strong silence engulfed the whole room.
About a minute later, My Father's cell phone rang. It was Foster James. He must have asked My Father to bring the boys downstairs. They all went downstairs leaving My Mother in the room.
I was rejoiced and happy.
But after 5 Minutes, Four boys returned to the room. Where was My Father?
When My Mother asked the same question, they replied he was talking with Mr. James and he would come later.
Deep silence filled in the room. The boys tried to speak with My Mother but she did not reply.
ArokiaRaj said, "I hope Jenni has a big appetite. Those tits are full of milk, right Mrs. David?"
My Mother did not say anything and shot him a look.
Sudalai muthu said, "Yeah, your baby is really going to choke down.". He was right. Jenni was sucking away, her head lost in the massive titflesh:
ArokiaRaj approached mom and my suckling sister and slowly put two fingers on mom’s other nipple and squeezed lightly. A stream of milk shot in the air. Mom was furious but the four young studs began laughing and bumping fists.
“Look at that bitch. As soon as you touched her breast, she began to give you milk from her big tits” said Sudalai Muthu.
“You boys are lost. You shouldn’t be doing that. I am a married woman and these breasts only belong to feed my baby”
“You are saying that your husband never plays with them or sucks them? Oh woman you need a real man to show you how it is done” chuckled Albhonse “I bet you liked it when I grabbed your tits that day in front of your husband. Showing him what a real man does to a woman”
Mom shook her head telling the boys that they must took off these filthy ideas from their head and return to the right path boys their age should be on.
My father finished his talk with Mr. James and entered the romm where we were my mother, my sister, me and the 4 boys. The four hooligans didn’t stop chuckling when they saw my father.
My father knew something was wrong seeing my mother closing the buttons of her blouse her face all red. Passing behind dad to leave, Christopher patted him on the back and chuckling: “See you later Mr. David. Mrs. David gave us in these 5 minutes enough light and shining for the whole week”
My father replied by smiling nervously and asked my mother what happened.
“Nothing dear. Don’t worry about it. I can handle it”
Dad felt stung by this comment as my mother intentionally or not made him remember the comment of the 4 boys earlier that he couldn’t handle her alone.
We went back to our house and forgot this incident until Saturday afternoon when we went to the local pool for a swim, the whole family: my father, my mother, my baby sister and me.
As soon as mom entered the pool, all the men and even the women turned their heads to look at her slender figure and her big boobs. Even when she wears a one-piece suit because of her modesty, she couldn’t hide her big delicious breasts and her swollen milk filled brown nipples.
My father was always proud of the way other people looked at mom and he felt really blessed at having married her. He is a handsome man but he knew that was only average in bed. He thought that if my mother was not a virgin before meeting him, she might not be satisfied for 15 years staying with him when men with bigger cocks approached her. But he was relieved of the sexual naivety of my mother. It kept her with him all this time. Don’t get me wrong my father is a man’s man. He’s rugged, honest and provides for his family and for my mother whatever he wants and for that my mother loves him a lot and never has any thoughts about other men. His only defect was that he was passive aggressive. Earlier when Albhonse grabbed my mother’s breasts and squeezes them in the meeting room I expected my father to be more aggressive in defending my mother.
The four boys discovered that weakness early on and I was about to see the first move by their leader on mom today in the pool…
ArokiaRaj was the son of the richest family in town. At 17, his body was developed like the body of a 25 year old bodybuilder. Rippling muscles on his biceps and chest, rock hard abs from all the time in the gym and a tall dark figure that made most girls and women swoon to their knees.
My mother has never seen him in his speedo yet. My father was no slouch but he was not a muscle god also. He was your average caring loving middle-aged father with a slight fat belly beginning to for in his stomach.
My mother and Jenni my baby sister were sitting at the edge of the pool on a table waiting for me and my father to finish our swim. My father was caught with some of his business partners talking inside the pool.
I looked toward our table and saw a tall muscular handsome dark man talking to mom and I saw that she was a little scared or a little aroused from talking with this man. I wondered who could he be.
Turning his head, I recognized him even when he was wearing his 1,000$ sunglasses. He was ArokiaRaj making his move on my mother in front of everyone even when my father and his business associates were a few feet away.
How can he be so bold, I thought. Approaching my mom not caring about my father at all. He sure is very confident like a real man should be.
From the pool I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I saw my mother looking at the package between the young stud’s legs from time to time. The sly smile on his face told me that he knew she was checking him out like any other woman would do. He knew he was irresistible to women.
But why would my mother check another’s man’s junk when she is married to my father. And this man is one of the young men she is helping to get over their dark side… I didn’t know what to think.
They talked a little and then ArokiaRaj turned his broad muscular back and shoulders to my mother and walked away. I watched her lick her lips and shiver a little as she watched him go away.
My father did not see any of this. When we got out of the pool, my mother told my father that she needed to freshen up a little and went to the changing rooms that are far away from the pool where not many persons go.
I knew something was going on so I followed her.
As I arrived at the door of the changing room I heard my mother talking with Raj.
“So you tell me that you feel you are slipping again in the dark and you need my guidance?” asked my mother.
I peeked inside and found her leaning against one of the lavatories while Raj stood tall in front of her crossing his arms and showing her his bulging muscular biceps.
“Yes, Mrs. David. I did something terrible and I need to talk to someone. When I saw you here today I was relieved I can tell someone how the dark side has taken me again and made me do bad things”
Feigning being sad, Raj lowered his head to make my mother think he is ashamed.
My mother approached him and put her dainty white hand on his bulging biceps caressing it.
“You can tell me anything. Remember my duty as your spiritual counselor is to help you and listen to whatever problems you have”
“My cock has made me fall in so many mistakes” saying that he grabbed the huge snake from outside the speedo and shook it.
My mother was taken back by his language but she thought he was a lost soul and he didn’t mean to use bad language in front of a lady.
“There is a woman, she is so fuckin hot, she is maybe as hot as you Mrs. David. But the problem is that she is our neighbor and she is married. I wanted her so bad that I began fucking her in her husband’s bed. But she didn’t resist. That whore would tell me while I was drilling her with my cock that she has never felt something so big inside her. And now two days ago, she came to tell me that she is pregnant with my child.”
“Mrs David I want to ask you is it my fault that I have a cock so big and thick that all married women want inside their cunts?” Saying that, Raj put his hand inside his speedo and took out a cock so big that made my mother scream a little.
I watched as my mother’s jaw opened at the sight.
The big black snake that she was seeing was double the size of my father’s penis and it was semi hard hanging from the strap of his speedo.
“Is it my fault that I have big balls that are always full of cum and that I have impregnated five married women until now and made their husbands fuckin cuckolds?”
Taking off his speedo completely, his muscular ass was halfway turned toward me but me and my mother could see the huge egg-sized hairy balls that Raj had under his 10-inch cock.
My mother spent a few seconds in silence and from the shock she reached out and grabbed the black cock of the muscular teenager from its base her wedding ring touching the filthy cock and balls.
That was just for a few seconds before my mother ran away leaving Raj inside the locker room in the buff smiling at the effect his cock had on her.
She couldn’t see me because I hid behind the wall rapidly.
When I went back I heard my unknowing father telling my mother that she had two damp spots on her breasts and that she maybe needs to feed my little sister.
If only my father knew how damp my mother’s cunt was then and the real reason her bodily fluids were oozing from her sexual organs, he would not be happy at all.
The next Sunday, my father entered the room and told my mother that it is time to go to church and have the meeting with the four boys.
My mother told him that she is not feeling well and that she prefers to stay at home. My father found that strange because my mother never skipped a sermon or a session with the social service.
I knew the real cause was Raj and his big muscular body and hung cock. My father had no idea what was happening. I began to wonder how is my father so dumb that he did not see what was happening.
I went out with my father and we were going to the car when I say someone hidinf behind the bushes. I recognized ArokiaRaj and knew that he was coming for my mother.
I decided to stay and watch but I did not want my father to suspect anything. The church was not far from home. When we got there, I told him I forgot my backpack at home and that I will go on foot to get it. My father did not object.
My mother did not sleep well the last week. After her encounter with the stud Raj, she could not remove the image of his naked Adonis body from her head. All her married life she did not think about any man other than my father. She thought that sex was only a duty for a woman to have kids. She did not believe that sex is for enjoyment.
Last week, she had sex with dad once but while laying still under him for the two minutes he usually takes to ejaculate, mom visualized the black cock of the big stud fucking her and she orgasmed for the first time in so long from the thought alone.
After finishing, she went to the bathroom and cried in shame for the dirty thoughts she was having of a young man having intercourse with her. She did not accept to cheat on my father even by thought.
If she only knew what was going to happen half an hour after we went, dad and I, she would not feel so ashamed of her dirty thoughts.
Sitting alone in the living room, the words of Raj stayed and played back in mom’s mind. How he fucked the married woman in her marital bed and how she got pregnant from him, from a man other than her lawfully wedded husband.
The ring on the doorbell woke her up from her lusty dreams. The last person she wanted to see was at her door. The young Raj was in his tight jeans and opened shirt showing his muscular pecs and abs.
“Hello Mrs. David. Are you ready to guide me into the light again like last time at the pool?”
Without waiting for her answer, Raj entered and closed the door behind him. Holding her in his dark arms he began to devour my mother’s lips with his big lips.
My mother was in shock. She tried to fight him and make him stop at the beginning. She suddenly felt a jolt of electricity in her body that made her lose all resistance and made her weak to the knees.
The devious teenager had his middle finger under her robe and fingering her hot wet cunt.
She tried to deny the pleasure and the lust she felt for the boy but she couldn’t hold up much longer.
I came just in time to watch from the window as I heard my mother moan from the long kiss she was sharing with Raj. I saw Raj’s tongue inside my mother’s mouth as he was grabbing her hair. For the first time I saw my religious demure mother kissing another man. He seemed to know how to control women. He was an alpha dog and my mother knew that she was helpless to stop him. In her mind she began to think if my father saw what this boy, no he was not a boy he was a man, what this man was doing, would he stop him or would he cower like he did during their meeting last time?
Mom was lost in a daze as ArkioRaj was getting closer to his intent. He made her take off her clothes in the living room, letting her stay in her bra and her underwear. He was also just in his underwear but it seemed the white fabric was barely holding the venomous black snake inside.
Without waiting anymore, Raj grabbed the clasps of the bra and destroyed them making my mother’s big breasts jiggle and sway from the strike. Like a hungry wolf, Raj began to knead my mother’s nipples and big breasts in his hands and put his mouth to one of the swollen nipples and began to suck.
“I need some mother milk too. Not only your daughter Jenni. Please Mrs. David save me from the dark show me the light”
As he was saying that and he was assaulting my mother’s sacred breasts with hands and mouth, I was shocked to see my mother caressing the top of his head in a motion that implied she liked what was going on. How could she do that to dad? How can she betray him in his own house and with a thug like Raj?
As I was thinking that, Raj whispered in mom’s ear and she led him to the master bedroom to the bed she shared with dad.
I followed them silently as I saw the natural place of my father being taken and filled by a more muscular, taller, stronger and bigger man ( bigger cock that is)
The underwear of the female ( my mother) and the male ( Raj) flew in the air as Raj placed his latest conquest on the bed that belonged to my poor unknowing father.
“Are you ready to get fucked by a real man for the first time in your life?” asked Raj before taking his big inflated black hose and lining it with my mother’s dripping cunt.
With one shove, the black cock popped inside my mother’s white tight cunt and she felt as if she was being deflowered by her husband on her first night after marriage.
The moans and screams of my mother made Raj hornier. But it was not the first time that a married woman would scream his name and beg for mercy and for his cock. He has already fucked half the married women in the neighborhood. The common trait between them is the weak personality of the father. He and his friends would analyze the man of the house. Once they see that he is a weak or mild-mannered man, they would show the mother their big cocks, muscles and aggressive nature. That is how his friend Albhonse got his science teacher pregnant.
Between the four of them, 15 fathers have been cuckolded and shamed into raising bastard children just for the pleasure of their young thick long donkey cocks.
My mother was no exception. Sensing that dad was not an aggressive man, they decided to use her sexually. Raj was an alpha man. He wanted to take my mother from my father because he felt my father did not have the balls to stand up to him.
Seeing his big cock tearing through my mother’s cunt, I wished that my father would stop him.
Raj was like a bull. My mother was laying on her back, her thighs widespread, her head swaying from side to side in pleasure, biting her lips as Raj played with her breasts as if he owned them all the while getting the pleasure of fucking her married cunt with his big cock.
“I will ruin you for your husband, bitch. I bet I am the first man to fuck you other than your husband”
“Please stop. I am not protected. I am not on the pill. Please stop.”
“Oh, I can’t do that Mrs. David. Once I begin fucking I will cum inside the womb of
the woman and give her my gift. Didn’t you see the twins I gave to your neighbor Mrs. Flamingo. Her poor husband is in Iraq while she is giving me bastard babies”
My mother was delirious and screaming now on top of Raj riding his big cock in her cunt and her eyes rolling in the back of her head.
After 30 minutes, my mother felt the big balls of her man boiling and his big 10 inch cock spewing buckets of potent cum inside her fertile belly. The cum hit her hard in her cervix and made her orgasm violently and fall on Raj’s chest kissing it to thank him.
I went hastily outside and a few minutes later I saw Raj kissing my mother and grabbing her tit before leaving.
When dad came back, he was happy with the progress he has made with the other 3 young men. He had no idea what Raj was doing to his wife in his absence. If only he could see the amount of potent semen in mom’s pussy as he was telling her the news.
Albhonse was a member of a wrestling team and he asked my father if he can have a match with him to tighten the bonds with the group. Dad was happy with this proposition as he used to wrestle a little in college.
Raj told his friends what happened with mom and they were all excited to deal the final blow to dad’s marriage on the day the wrestling match was going to happen.
On Wednesday afternoon, dad prepared the backyard with mattresses for the boxing match.
Albhonse came with Raj and the other two studs on time. Dad has never seen the four young men showing their big fuckin rippling muscles. Although he was a mature man and they were just teenagers, dad was a little afraid of their strength as shown by their awesome manly bodies.
But he knew that he couldn’t back off. He had to have the match with Albhonse.
Me and mom were sitting on the chairs at the side of the mattress watching the stud Albhonse facing dad.
Each time mom looked toward Raj, Muthu and Christopher they would do obscene gestures with their fingers and tongues and grab their crotches. Mom blushed as she knew Raj told them how he had buggered her and fucked her cheating cunt with his power horse cock the other day on dad’s bed.
As the match began, it was apparent that my poor dad had no chance.
Albhonse was a really aggressive son of a bitch and we witnessed that he was bent on hurting dad.
My poor weak father did not have a chance to deal any blow as Albhonse’s fist rained down punches on his middle-aged body.
In less than a minute, dad’s face was bloodied. His nose was probably broken and we have seen him spit out a tooth or two.
The most disturbing thing was to see my father, the man of the family, on the ground kneeling and crying in pain.
I never expected my dad to beg for mercy from one of these thugs. Albhonse swept his sweaty face with his hand and grabbed dad by the hair and slapped him right across the face with as much power as he could have.
My poor dad fainted from the force of the blow…
Dad woke up half an hour later but he didn’t see anybody in the backyard. Barely able to walk after the beating he had on the hands of the stud Albhonse, he entered the house to see me roped to a chair.
As he was freeing me, he heard noises and loud moans coming from his bedroom. Inside his head, he was 90% sure what was happening but he didn’t want to believe it.
The shock of his life came when he stood at the door and watched the orgy that was happening.
The four muscular teenagers were completely nude. All of them had big thick veiny cocks and huge balls probably double the size of his own genitals.
Mom was also naked and impaled on Christopher’s cock while Raj was fucking her ass. While moaning and screaming she was masturbating Sudalai and Albhonse with her hands.
A delirious slutty look was on her face.
As soon as the fuckers saw my dad broken standing at the door of his own bedroom like a beggar, they all laughed and speeded up their fucking rhythm.
Christopher was about to come but Raj looked at him sternly and he took off his cock to cum outside her cunt.
After Albhonse and Sudalai came, Raj asked them to wait outside as he wanted to be alone with his bitch.
The three studs took their clothes and went downstairs to sit with my dad as Raj continued his mating ritual with my mother…
A few months later, my mother was pregnant with Raj’s baby. Dad did not believe in abortion so he had no choice but to accept his place as the lesser man of the house and to accept and obey Raj out of fear.
Mom’s belly became bigger and bigger and with it Raj’s smugness and arrogance and dad’s humiliation.
Raj did not miss a chance to remind dad that mom was pregnant with his baby.
That’s how four thugs destroyed my faithful father and one of them made mom his
wife disregarding dad as her husband and impregnating her with his superior seed.