Episode 55

When we reached the bedroom I opened the drawer and he began rummaging around. He pulled out each pair and inspected the labels. Once in a while he would set a pair of panties aside on the dresser. When he was finished he scooped up the six pairs and placed them in a clear plastic Ziploc bag he had pulled from his black bag.

"These are definitely from the shipment concerned. I'm afraid I have to confiscate these for testing. But don't worry, I'll give you a receipt. They will be returned to you when all this is over and we have cleared them of any possible contamination." He pulled a marker from his pocket and wrote my name on the Ziploc bag.

I was relieved. "Some of those are my favorite panties," I told him. He smiled and we returned to the kitchen.

"Now, about the panties you have on right now," he said. "I'll have to check those. Why don't you just bend over the table here and I'll quickly check the label." I did as he directed and he stepped behind me and flipped my negligee up.

I felt him grab the waistband of my sheer blue panties and roll it back to view the label." Bad news, I'm afraid," he told me. "These have to come with me." I went to stand up to take them off but he quickly offered to do it, so I bent over again and let him slide my panties down to my ankles and I stepped out of them.

"Can I stand up now?" I asked. I was feeling just a little embarrassed. "Of course," he said. "I'm really sorry to put you through this, but it is necessary. I hope you understand."

"Oh, of course, Doctor," I replied.

"Now that we know for sure that you have worn the contaminated panties, I have to do a quick test to see if you've picked up an infection from the parasite. It's a simple test, I just take a saliva sample from your mouth with this special instrument. It's a new technology and the instrument is large and can frighten some people. So just close your eyes till I tell you the test is over."

I sat down as he directed me and opened my mouth wide. I sensed him standing in front of me. "OK here it comes, Nisha. Open wide and coat it with as much saliva as you can. It will swell somewhat as it absorbs the saliva, so don't be alarmed." I felt the instrument enter my mouth and he wasn't kidding! It was quite large and had a fleshy taste. I did as he told me and tried to get as much spit on it as I could. I felt it start to grow in my mouth and as it did he began to work it back and forth. I assumed he was trying to gather as much saliva as he could. At one point he pushed it in too far and I gagged. "Sorry Nisha. Just want to get an accurate reading. OK I'm going to remove the instrument now, but just keep your eyes closed and relax for a minute."

I felt the large instrument pull from my mouth. After a few seconds he told me to open my eyes. "How do you feel?" he asked me. "I'm fine," I replied. To be honest I felt a little flushed and I wasn't sure why. He had removed a vial from his bag and was shaking the contents. "Just combining your saliva with this test mixture, Nisha, it'll just take a second. Uh-oh. More bad news. Looks like you've definitely picked up this parasite"

"Oh my God!" I shrieked. "What does that mean? Is it fatal?"

He started to laugh. "Heavens, no, Nisha. It can give you a bad vaginal infection, but we already have the antibiotics to kill it. I'm going to give you a shot right now and it will most likely fix your problem immediately."

Was I ever relieved! He positioned me over the table again, and flipped up the back of my negligee. "Am I getting the shot in my butt?" I asked. "Can't I get it in the arm?"

"Oh, no, you misunderstood" he replied. "The antibiotic is in liquid form and I need to apply it directly to the site of the infection in the vagina. I'll be using a large syringe and I'll have to pump it while it's inserted in your vagina to ensure I get enough pressure. I need to know that the antibiotic gets all the way up to attack the infection in case it has spread."

"OK Doctor. I'm a little nervous, I can tell you."

"Please don't be, Nisha. I'll be as gentle as possible. I've treated several women in this area and they all said afterwards that they found it pleasurable instead of painful!"

I was reassured. He positioned himself behind me and placed one hand on my lower back. "Close your eyes, Nisha, and this will be over before you know it."

I felt him position the syringe at the entrance to my pussy and slowly push it in. To my surprise it felt quite warm and not cold as I had expected. My God, I thought, it's a huge syringe and so thick! But I was determined to be a good patient and said nothing. He worked it further into my pussy. I realised that what he had said earlier was true. It was starting to feel really good! Modern medicine sure is wonderful. I felt so full down there. That syringe had to be at least 9" long!

"OK Nisha, I have the syringe fully inserted now. How do you feel, are you OK?"

"Yes, Doctor," I replied somewhat breathlessly.

"Now I have to pump the syringe a little to get the pressure up, Nisha. Are you ready? It'll all be over soon."

"I'm ready Doctor."

He pulled the syringe out an inch or so and slowly pushed it back in. He repeated this a few times, then gradually increased the speed of his pumping till the syringe was driving in and out of my pussy like a piston. I realised I was grasping the edges of the table and sweating. He was right, it felt good. I cried out in ecstasy and at the same moment felt the syringe spurt its contents deep into my vagina. It spurted a few times and then I felt it gradually withdraw. I heard him fussing about behind me zipping up his bag. Then he instructed me to get up.

When I turned around, I was a little embarrassed about having cried out like that. He gave me a warm smile. I noticed he had beads of sweat on his forehead. "Are you OK, Doctor?," I asked. "You look a little flushed." "So do you," he said, "but don't worry, I'm fine. It just takes some effort to pump that syringe. How about you, Nisha, how do you feel?"

"Actually, Doctor, I feel great. I wish all medical procedures made me feel like that."

He suddenly seemed in a hurry to leave, mumbling about other calls to make. I wanted him to stay. I felt quite attracted to him even though he was not much older than me. But a few seconds later the door closed and he was gone. I went back to the kitchen still feeling flushed. As I sat down to finish my coffee, I felt warm wetness oozing from my pussy.

Uh-oh, I thought, the antibiotics! I ran to the bathroom, wandering how to keep it from escaping. I reached down and found a glob of it on my fingers. As I was about to try to push it back in, I thought that it looked awfully like sperm. I brought it to my mouth and gave it a quick taste test. It sure tasted like cum.
What a coincidence, I thought, as I pushed it as best I could back into my pussy.

Nisha the Saleswoman

Before moving to Canada, Nisha stayed in Bangalore with her husband. This is a story of those times.

N.B. This story is in third person. It seems better suited for these formats.

The only thing that saved Nisha from being called a dumb woman was that she was too nice. However there was little doubt that she wasn't the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer. Not that she didn't have a certain instinctive cunning; more that she was known by all who knew her as exceptionally naïve to the point of breathtaking gullibility.

Her husband, Vivek, despaired. Despite being a successful engineer, he knew he was more than lucky to have such a hot girlfriend. Apart from distinctive long dark locks, she had a stunning figure -- tall, slim and leggy but with enormous firm breasts and a perfect tight arse -- as well as striking dark eyes and delicate features.

However Vivek was constantly having to guard her against sexual advances from virtually every man who met her. He'd lost count of the number of times when, out for a night in the pub, he had returned from the lavatory to find Nisha being chatted up by strangers.

He'd even had to chase away one man who had been fondling her exposed boobs, claiming he was a doctor who had had to give her an emergency breast check. When he asked Nisha why she'd thought he was a doctor, she showed him a beer mat with some scrawled illegible writing on.

"See, he said doctors were famous for having awful writing and then he wrote down my name. And I definitely can't read it," she'd justified.

Luckily for Vivek, Nisha's job as a receptionist for a local hair salon involved very little unsupervised contact with the opposite sex. All the hairdressers were female, as were the vast majority of customers, and the owner, a matronly woman in her 50s, always kept an eye out for anyone trying to trick Nisha into over-familiarity.

Unfortunately, she herself was tricked by her less-than-honest accountant who embezzled enough funds to send the salon into financial ruin and it closed with all the employees losing their jobs.

Although Vivek made enough of an income for Nisha not to have to work, he'd realised that leaving her home all day wasn't a great idea either when, luckily, he'd come home early to find the window cleaner with his hand up her skirt, fingering her pussy.

Nisha had been indignant when Vivek had attacked him and thrown him out.

"I can't believe you did that! He's a poor blind old man. He was just touching me so that he could recognise me in the future."

However she hadn't been able to respond coherently as to how a blind man could be a window cleaner nor why he had needed to feel her cunt and breasts rather than just her face.

"Oh, yeah, I hadn't thought of that. Do you think he was just joking then?"

So Nisha embarked on a job search which was also very stressful for Vivek. Finding a role where her naïveté wouldn't be abused proved to be difficult.

In fact after an interview at a reputable bank, Vivek was dismayed to hear that Nisha had been invited back for a second interview.

"Isn't it exciting," she said, "The personnel woman didn't really like me that much the manager took me aside afterwards and said I needed to go back at 6 o'clock tonight so that he could do a thorough physical in private and if I performed to standard I might be able to get a job!"

She didn't really understand why Vivek refused to let her return.

Eventually however, Nisha did land a job that seemed relatively safe and also one at which she might excel.

Interestingly, the role involved organising lingerie parties for an Anne Summers type networking company called Funky Lady. The customer base was female as were the staff. Despite the racy nature of the products, Vivek couldn't really see how Nisha could get herself into trouble. And the reality was that she loved pretty things, had great taste in clothes and would be a superb model for the underwear. It was this latter fact that had finally persuaded Vivek, particularly as Nisha had promised to give him a private viewing every night.

Nisha for her part was really excited that she'd found a role which she could really enjoy. She thought that Vivek was more than a little overprotective and even a bit prudish sometimes. She was a big girl and she could look after herself!

Which perhaps explained why she didn't tell him about some of Funky Lady's more adult products. They didn't just sell mainstream lingerie but also some more specialised role play costumes such as naughty nurse outfits as well as a range of sex toys and accessories.

What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, she thought.

The night of her first party came quickly and it was a huge success. The party was held at a friend of a friend's house and the 25 or so mostly middle-aged women reacted well to Nisha's open fun style. As the wine flowed more freely, Nisha brought out some of the more interesting items which caused a lot of giggling and joking.

She got a lot of lingerie orders and also sold a few toys, creams and lubricants on the night. She also made several follow-up appointments with some ladies who maybe felt a little shy and didn't want to buy anything in front of anyone else.

Later that week, she knocked on the door of a suburban house, ready for her final appointment of the week. She had with her two good-sized trolley-bags full of lingerie, in her own size, and a varied selection of accessories.

Gangadhar had been reading the newspaper when he heard the knock. In his early fifties, Gangadhar had taken early retirement from his job as a lorry driver the previous month. He was a relatively fit man for his age although his beer belly was a bit larger than it should have been and he was going rapidly bald. Miriam, his wife of 30 years was working a shift in the local supermarket and she wasn't due back until that evening.

When he opened the door, he found himself looking at a goddess. She was in her early-twenties and was wearing a cream business suit made up of a fitted jacket and a mini-dress. Her legs were bare and her matching stiletto heels had tasteful strapping up over her ankles.

Her black hair shone in the sunlight and her dark eyes were wide and inviting if a little vacant. Her figure was astonishing. He didn't think he'd ever seen a woman with such long legs and also such large breasts in one perfect package.

"Oh, hello, I'm Nisha from Funky Lady. I've got an appointment with Padma Kapoor?" Nisha said, surprised that Padma's husband would be around. She'd thought that Padma had wanted to make her purchases in privacy. After all, a lot of them would be for his benefit.

Gangadhar had no idea who Padma was. Perhaps it was because retirement had already become boring; or perhaps it was simply because he'd never before been in the presence of such a gorgeous young woman, but rather than admit his ignorance, he decided that it would more fun to just play along even if it resulted in just a few more minutes with her.

"Padma? She's just popped out but she won't be long. Come in. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Gangadhar helped Nisha in with her bags and showed her into the living room.

"There you go. Make yourself comfortable. I'll go and make a cuppa. Do you take sugar?"

Nisha sat down and opened her first case while Gangadhar made the tea. As he came back he allowed himself to peak around the corner, before entering the room.

She was sitting on a low sofa so that her legs were exposed to high up her thighs. And, unless he was going mad, she was holding up a bra. He saw that her case was full of lingerie and she had put some brochures on the coffee table. Funky Lady? Obviously this young woman had come to sell underwear to Padma, whoever she was.

"Here we are, milk, no sugar," he said as he sat down opposite her doing his best not to stare up her skirt.

"Thanks, Mr. Kapoor," Nisha replied. "Do you know how long Padma will be? I'm sure we agreed two o'clock."

"Um, yes, that's right. She said she'd be back by now. Let's give it a minute and I'll give her a call to see where she is."

"OK." Nisha was a little surprised that Padma, whom she recalled as being a slender elegant woman in her early-thirties, was married to such an unprepossessing and old-fashioned man but she knew that love could blossom between virtually anyone, no matter how poorly matched they might seem. She looked around at the kitsch décor and collection of porcelain cats and thought that Padma had a lot better taste in clothes than in interior design.

Meanwhile, Gangadhar had picked up one of the catalogues and was flicking through pictures of lovely young women in their underwear. He adjusted himself uncomfortably to conceal his growing erection.

"Do you like what you see?" Nisha asked artlessly.

Too right I bloody do, thought Gangadhar. Out loud, however, he said, "Um, yes there are some lovely items in here."

After an awkward pause, Nisha looked pointedly at her watch.

"Right. I'll just give her a call to see how long she'll be," Gangadhar said, leaving the room ostensibly to find a phone.

In the kitchen, he thought about his options. He could make up an excuse for Padma's absence and allow Nisha to leave. Or he could somehow persuade her to stay for a bit longer. Maybe he was perverted, but he couldn't deny that talking to a hot young lady about underwear was more than a little arousing.

After a couple of minutes he went back in.

"Nisha, I'm so sorry but Padma has been delayed. She sends her apologies but she won't be able to make it back for ages."

"Oh, well that's a shame." Nisha was disappointed. She'd already hit her week's sales target which meant that a high proportion of everything she sold today would be converted to commission in her pocket.

"But she's told me what she likes and said to surprise her with a few things. I've got to say there's loads of good stuff in here," he said, sensing her frustration and pointing to one of the brochures. "I think I'd like to get her quite a few things, if that's OK."

He could almost see Nisha's eyes light up as she sniffed an impending sale.

Nisha considered. She knew that she was alone in a house with a strange man and was potentially putting herself at risk. But he looked so harmless and she so wanted to be able to prove to the semi-sceptical Vivek that she could be a real success in this career.

"OK. Is there anything in particular you like the look of?" she smiled.

Gangadhar sat down next to her and pointed randomly to the open page. The picture showed a stunning young woman wearing a lacy red bra, a matching thong and suspender belt and sheer red stockings. Her nipples were obvious through the bra and the rear shot of her arse left nothing to the imagination.

"Oh, yes," Nisha gushed. "That's a very popular set." She rummaged in her case and brought out some skimpy bits of ruby lace. "Do you know what size Padma is?"

Never having seen Padma, Gangadhar didn't have a clue. He decided to take a chance. "Um, I think she's the same size as you," he said nodding to her substantial bosom.

Nisha looked puzzled. She lifted up her breasts as if offering them to Gangadhar. "Are you sure? She was about the same height and shape as me but I didn't think she had such large breasts."

Gangadhar groaned under his breath as he openly stared at her chest. He decided to push things further. "Well, it's really difficult to tell through that dress."

"OK, well let's assume she's a size 10 with a 34DD bra size for now. If you order the full set I can throw in a set of stockings for free," Clare offered, sensing that Gangadhar was really interested in a purchase.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. It's really difficult to tell what it looks like on..." Gangadhar had no idea where this was going but he could already tell that not only was Nisha desperate for an order but that she was probably going to be easy to manipulate.

Nisha paused. If this were a full party or even if she were selling to a woman alone, she wouldn't hesitate to get changed and give the customer a proper viewing. However she could just imagine Vivek's voice if he were ever to find out that she'd stripped to her underwear for a male client. But this sounded like it could be a big sale.

"Well I suppose I could model them for you..." she started uncertainly.

"Oh, that would be great!" Gangadhar enthused.

"Er, OK. Where can I change?" Nisha asked.

"Let me go and tidy up the dining room -- you can change in there." He almost capered to the dining room and when he got there, he did a little dance. He couldn't believe she'd fallen for it! He needed to stay calm and not give away his excitement.

He looked around the room. Was there anything in here to give him away? He took down two family pictures which showed Miriam and him. What about in the living room? He went back in.

Luckily Nisha hadn't bothered to look on the mantelpiece or she'd have seen several photos which would have been difficult to explain.

"Right, in you go," he said, pointing the way. "Come back in when you're ready."

Just as she left, her phone, which she'd left on top her case, began to flash, luckily in silent mode. He froze for a second and grabbed it. It looked like a local number. Carefully he pressed the answer button and quietly said, "Hello."

"Oh hello," said a cultured voice. "I was after Nisha. This is Padma Kapoor. She was due to come and see me today at two?"

Gangadhar thought quickly; he looked around the room for inspiration. "I'm sorry. Mrs. Kapoor. This is Tony Somany, Nisha's boss. Nisha has been regrettably called away. A family emergency. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience."

"Oh, I see. Well perhaps she can come and see me next Tuesday, Mr. Somany?" Padma replied.

"Erm. Yes that would be great," Gangadhar answered. "Shall we say 2pm again?"

"Yes, that's fine thanks."

"OK then. Actually please can I just confirm your address?" Gangadhar asked.

"Yes, it's 33 Acacia Drive." Gangadhar now understood why Nisha had turned up at his house -- his address was 33 Acacia Terrace. She'd made a simple mistake although Acacia Drive was at the other end of town and significantly more upmarket than this area.

After he'd rung off and put the phone back on the bag, he hid all incriminating pictures around the room. He smoothed down the wisps of hair still left on his head as he looked into the mirror over the fireplace. If he were honest with himself, he'd never been a particularly attractive man even when young. He was shorter than average, had a heavy brow and bad teeth. Age had made him overweight and his hair had first turned grey and was now disappearing. He did still care for his wife but the chance to get this close to woman beautiful enough to be glamour model who was willing to parade in front of him in her underwear was just too much to turn down.

"I'm ready, Mr. Kapoor." He heard the call and forced himself to take some deep slow breaths.

But when she came back in he almost swore out loud as she unselfconsciously strode into the room and stood in front of him.

The deep ruby hue of the lingerie set showed Nisha's flawless body off perfectly. He hadn't appreciated just how fabulous her breasts were. Her red nipples were clearly visible through the intricate bra and he thought he could see a small dark patch in between her legs through her g-string. She was still wearing her high-heeled shoes which emphasised the fabulous length of her stocking clad legs. The suspender belt was tiny and the straps cut delicately into her thighs.

"What do you think?" Nisha asked ingenuously.

Gangadhar forced himself to speak slowly. "Yes, that's really nice. Can I have a closer look?"

"Sure," Nisha replied enthusiastically. The bra has got fantastic built-in support. It's really comfortable. And the whole set is 100% silk. It feels wonderful on the skin."

Gangadhar had sat down in front of her so that her crotch was only a foot from his face.

"It does look great, I have to say," he managed to get out as Nisha turned to give him a view of her incredible peachy bum. The red string disappeared between the top of her buttocks giving him an uninterrupted view of her creamy arse; her long black hair came halfway down her back. He rubbed his erection a couple of times before strategically placing a cushion on his lap as she turned back.

"Well can I put you down for a set?" Nisha turned and smiled down at him over her imperious breasts,

Gangadhar's mind spun as he thought about how to take things further still. "Are you sure that it's nice and smooth. My wife has very delicate skin."

"Oh, yes. It's lovely and cool," she replied.

"Can I feel?" Gangadhar asked, trying to keep his voice relaxed.

"Erm, well, OK," Nisha wasn't too surprised at the request as lots of customers wanted to feel the product. Of course, she should have allowed him to do so before she put it on.

Gangadhar stood up and reached for her breasts. At first he slid his first two fingers on each hand behind the top of the bra cups and felt the material with his thumbs.

"Oh, yes very nice," he said as he pushed his fingers into the low-cut bra a little further until he could feel the tops of her nipples with them. He couldn't believe how smooth and velvety her bosom felt.

Nisha assumed he had touched her nipples by accident so when he said, "What about the panties?" she pushed her hips forward slightly to allow him access.

Gangadhar slid his right hand down the front of her thong allowing his fingers to play through her trimmed pubic hair.

"Nice isn't it, Mr. Kapoor?" Nisha asked guilelessly as felt up her crotch with one hand and, by chance of course, brushed his fingers over her right nipple with his other.

"Oh yes," Gangadhar moaned

After a minute, Gangadhar realised that Nisha would suspect if he persisted so he tried a different tack. He just had to see those breasts.

"You said that the bra has got good support but it seems to me your breasts are very firm so they don't need that much help. It's really difficult to judge just how supportive it is without being able to compare to your breasts without a bra."

At the party she'd hosted, she'd been fairly relaxed about going topless in front of the customers as she changed. But it was a bit different with a man. Still if it helped the sale. "Erm, well I suppose I could just let you have a quick look but only as a comparison."

"Great," Gangadhar smiled. "It would really help me decide what I'm going to order." He couldn't believe she was going to swallow his story but she reached behind to unclasp her bra.

As she did so, her breasts surged forward but didn't sag much at all. She pulled the bra off completely, leaving Gangadhar breathless with desire.

As he'd suspected her nipples were red and, relative to the size of her tits, quite small. Her bosom was milky with a light smattering of freckles. She could easily have got away without a bra.

"They are nice and firm but I promise the support this bra provides is fantastic," she said conversationally.

Gangadhar couldn't resist. He reached out and took hold of one breast in each hand, weighing them to judge their firmness.​
Next page: Episode 56
Previous page: Episode 54