Episode 96
Mansi went to the kitchen and quickly fixed up a sandwich for her daughter, while she started dinner for her and her husband. Throwing herself into cooking seemed like the best way to clear the cobwebs. She decided to not think about the Duttsahab situation anymore. As it is, he was leaving for Europe the next day. So she had two months to figure out what to do next.
She did however also realize that this meant two months without any extra income. Maybe she really could do the job that she had been pretending to do. Help out Reena aunty with special events. If she asked, Reena aunty wouldn't say no. Although Mansi realized that she had been very brusque with Reena aunty a few hours ago. She might have felt offended.
Pinky had her sandwich and then the three of them had dinner, while watching TV. After a while, Pinky started feeling sleepy and went to the bedroom. Mansi was thankful that at least Amar hadn't invited his friends over that night. She really wasn't in the mood to put up with that extra duty. She just stared at the TV without registering anything that was happening.
"Should we sleep?"
After turning off the TV, Amar said, and then added.
"Why don't you sleep in a gown tonight? And take Pinky..."
"Not tonight." Mansi instantly said.
"Not tonight." she simply repeated.
"Oh...is it...that time...?" he uncomfortably said. Even after 8 years of marriage, the learned professor felt awkward talking to his own wife about her periods.
"No." Mansi said, getting up. "I just don't feel like it."
Just like Mansi had experienced something entirely alien and new earlier in the day, Amar also had a novel experience. His wife had actually brushed off his instructions to get ready for sex? Who did she think she was?
Mansi went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then laid down in bed next to Pinky. Her mind was still in turmoil. But the long three hour walk and the experiences earlier in the day had made her body a little tired. So she fell asleep soon.
Mansi was having a dream, replaying the events of earlier in the day, over and over. Then the dream changed a little. There was a hand at her ankles. And her sari was being pulled up. Maybe her toes would be sucked next. But instead her sari kept being pulled up. That's when Mansi realized it wasn't a dream. It was her husband, at her feet, his pyjama and underwear already off.
"Amar!!" she whispered and looked to her right in panic.
"Relax." he whispered. "I took her outside."
"Please Amar...I told you..." she said, trying to gently stop him.
"Just a quick one, Mansi." Amar said, by now rolling the sari and petticoat to around her hips.
"But Amar..." she didn't know how exactly to stop him. Part of the reason for her reluctance was that, having never experienced anything like what Dutt had done, she wondered if there might be telltale signs of it. That was the level of her sexual ignorance.
She felt his hands grab her panties by the waist and pull them off. She froze, wondering if, even in the darkness, Amar saw something that gave him an inkling of what she had done. Of course, he didn't.
He quickly got on top of her and penetrated her. She braced for pain, but was surprised to note that her vagina was already well lubricated. She didn't realize it was because of the dreams she had been having.
The bed creaked as Amar fucked his wife's warm wet cunt in rapid strokes. She closed her eyes and yet again, Dutt's face swam in front of her eyes. This time, she didn't try to resist it. She took the pounding from her husband as she mentally replayed how his thumb had given her so much pleasure.
"What are you doing?" Amar whispered.
"With your hand..."
Mansi had no idea when her right hand had slid down between their bodies and was trying to find her clit, even as Amar banged her rapidly.
"Oh...just an itch." she quickly said and pulled her hand away.
And then lay there letting her husband finish what he wanted. Once he came inside her, she couldn't help note to herself that she did not feel even a hundredth of the pleasure with him that she had from just Dutt's thumb and fingers. She wondered what Dutt was capable of if he could do whatever Amar did.
Day 2
Mansi was having a bucket bath after Amar and Pinky had left for work and college respectively. After soaping and washing the rest of her body, she started cleaning her private parts. And as she soaped herself down there, she suddenly remembered what Dutt had done. Using her fingers, she tried to locate the right spot. After a few attempts she did. And then, sitting naked on the bath stool, she tried to remember what exactly Dutt had done and tried to replicate it. The motions, the swirls, the pressure, the pace. And soon she was pleasuring herself. Sitting there with a soaped up crotch, masturbating for the first time in her life. She thrashed about on the bathroom floor as the orgasm hit. Then, feeling a combination of satisfaction and guilt, proceeded with the bath.
Day 5
"What is this picnic Pinky was blabbering about?" Amar asked one evening after getting home.
"You know, their college picnic. To Esselworld." Mansi shrugged.
"But we didn't send her last year because it was so expensive." Amar said skeptically.
"With my work, we can afford it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Do you want me to give you accounting details?" she testily said.
"No, no, if you think it's okay, then it's okay."
In reality, it had been a significant hit to her cash reserves. After that day in his suite, Dutt had transferred the largest amount until then - 10,000 rupees. But most of it had gone towards this picnic. It wasn't just the Esselworld ticket cost. Pinky went to an expensive college that spared no expense, because the rich parents would pay any amount. The picnic included transportation in premium mini-buses, catering and snacks from five star hotels, clowns and balloon artists and magicians to accompany the kids throughout, and of course, extra compensation for the teachers and staff accompanying them.
The previous year, it had been impossible. But this year, with some money at her disposal, Mansi didn't have the heart to refuse Pinky the opportunity.
Day 8
"Oh hi, Mansi! Long time!" Reena answered her phone.
"Namaste aunty. I just want to say sorry for my behavior that day." Mansi sincerely said. "You were being nice, and I was so rude."
"Don't worry about it, sweetie. You were in an emotional state. I understand."
"Thank you. And sorry again. I was wondering...is Duttsahab coming back soon?"
"You know more about his schedule than I do. I think he is in Europe."
"Hmm...well...do you have any other job I could do to help you out at the hotel?"
"You mean someone else you could...accompany?" Reena smiled.
"No no, not that!!" Mansi said instantly. "I mean...like what I have been telling Amar...helping you out with events and parties etc."
Reena paused. She actually could use Mansi's help for such things. But Dutt's instructions had been explicit. And he had paid Reena over and above her usual commission to keep it that way.
"Sorry, Mansi. With all the hotel regulations and union rules and so on, I can only hire you if you work full time, at least 8 hour shifts daily. And the pay won't be that high." she said.
"Oh, I understand." Mansi sadly said.
"Money problems? I can lend you some cash if you want."
"Oh no, nothing like that." Mansi said. "We're doing okay."
Day 16
Mansi had been masturbating during her bath daily, sometimes even twice or thrice. Initially, she assumed that just like with men, once she had an orgasm, she could not have another for a while. But she had started reading up a bit online and discovered that women didn't suffer from that restriction. As she searched more online, she found more information.
That was the first day she had a desire to do it in the middle of the day when she was home alone. She made sure the door was locked, the windows and curtains were closed, and then stripped naked and lay down on the bed. Then, replaying the time with Dutt, she played with herself for a couple of hours, having more orgasms than she could count.
Day 23
"How is your job going?" Amar asked one evening.
"It's fine." she simply said.
"Our financial situation is okay?"
"Very much. Why?"
"Well...for years I have had my eye on this early edition of Churchill's memoirs. And you know...if we can afford it...I mean it's my birthday in a few days so I was thinking...just a thought."
"Oh...how much does it cost?"
"Let me show you online."
The next day, Mansi made another big withdrawal from Pinky's college account.
Day 27
"Mansi, you don't go out during the daytime as much as you have been recently." nosy old Deshmukh aunty from next door said one day when she was returning from grocery shopping.
"Amar was saying that you had gotten some part time job. Which is why you wearing foreign clothes some days. And riding in those fancy foreign cars."
It was so annoying to live in a society where everyone thought they could just interrogate you about your life. And she knew how everyone liked to gossip. Soon word would get around to Amar that she didn't seem to have that job anymore.
"Oh, the last few weeks have been a little slow. But it's still there."
Day 28
Mansi dressed up in a skirt suit and called an expensive Uber. She made sure Deshmukh aunty was watching as she got into the car. She then just went to a nearby mall and fent a few hours there window shopping. She would do this every few days to keep up appearances.
Day 32
Amar's birthday. Mansi officially gifted her husband the early edition Churchill memoirs. She still could not believe a stack of musty old books could cost this much. But Amar had assured her it was a great bargain. And also that it was like an investment, because their value would just keep going up. Then the family went to a nice Chinese restaurant. That also cost a pretty penny, but not that the family had gotten used to these indulgences, it was difficult to say no.
Later that night, after sex, Amar noticed that his wife took longer than usual to come out of the bathroom. What he didn't know was that his wife, unsatisfied with the sex they had, was masturbating in the bathroom. By now, she had gotten really good at playing with her clit.
Day 39
"What is this?" Mansi asked as Pinky handed her an envelope.
"Invitation to Ira's birthday party."
She looked at the card. At the bottom, it said as always, "NO GIFTS PLEASE!" Mansi scoffed, knowing how meaningless that line was. the first couple of times she had taken Pinky to parties like that, there were tables full of gifts. And she felt embarrassed about coming empty handed. The next few times, she sent Pinky with a decent gift within their budget. But once or twice at parent-teacher meetings, she had overheard taunts about cheap gifts. That she new were directed at her.
"Let's get you changed and go to the mall." Mansi said to her daughter.
Later as she paid for the designer plush toy, Mansi wondered if all the gifts she had gotten in her childhood cost as much combined as this one did.
Day 44
She sent an sms to Dutt.
- r u back yet?
There was no answer.
Day 48
Mansi stood in her bedroom that afternoon, wearing just her bra and blouse, nothing else. She had the landline receiver in one hand. And was reading a webpage on the cellphone in her other hand. She still could not believe this would work.
She laid down on the bed. Set her phone to maximum vibrate. And remembering the instructions, placed it at her clit and then folding up her legs, clasped them around it. Then she dialed her cellphone number from her landline.
"Ohhhh...hmmmm!!" she closed her eyes and squirmed as the phone started vibrating.
This was even better than using her fingers, she realized.
Day 53
"But I want those shoesssss!!" Pinky was throwing a tantrum outside a shop in Borivali west where they had gone to visit a relative. She had just seen pretty rincess shoes in the glass display as they were walking by and made a demand. By now, Pinky was used to getting every demand of hers met.
"Pinky, please don't make a scene!" Mansi said, embarrassed as people on the stret stared at them.
"But why not?!!" she started wiping her own tears.
"Trust me, beta, I don't have the money for it." she said, remembering how the college account was almost down to what it used to be.
"I hate you." the little one sulked.
Day 56
Mansi was in the middle of using her phone as a vibrator, when it buzzed a little more than it should have. It was an SMS.
- Hello Mansi. Just got your message. Just returned from Europe. Will be in Mumbai tomorrow.
Mansi read the message, smiled, and then put the phone between her legs again. And dialed its number once more.
Day 57
That morning, as she got Pinky ready for college for Amar ready for work, made breakfast, and packed lunch for the two of them, Mansi kept checking her phone every few minutes. She wasn't sure why she was doing that. Duttsahab never messaged her that early. But the two months had made her realize how much she missed his company. And how much she was looking forward to seeing him again.
As the events described above unfolded, she realized many more things about herself and her life.
Most importantly, she realized how much that short but intense experience with Duttsahab in his suite had added to her self-actualization in terms of sexuality. Until now, she had learned a lot from him, from matters of art to using chopsticks to general behavior in high society. That experience in that hotel suite had for the first time, expanded her horizons sexually. Although in its immediate aftermath, she felt conflicted and guilty, as time went by, she came to terms with it. She started exploring her own body and discovered the pleasures it could offer her. Now, she was not as encumbered by the thoughts of morality and propriety as she wondered what Duttsahab had planned next.
Secondly, she realized how important money was in her life now. And how much its absence could sting. In the first two months that she had known Duttsahab, the cash was always flowing in, and it helped her enhance her lifestyle and make her family happier. Especially her daughter. But the two months since, when the cash flow had dried up, she found herself returning to that same old famished state. When a bulk of Amar's modest professor's salary went towards their two biggest expenses - a Mumbai rent and Pinky's exorbitant college fees. Whatever was left was enough for an austere existence, but not enough to fully relish life, much less save for Pinky's future.
So unable to cut back on her newfound splurging lifestyle, she had ended up exhausting almost all the money she had managed to add to the college account. Amar was never going to change jobs. So it was up to her to keep earning and ensure her family's wellbeing and especially, her daughter's happiness, both present and future. So just from that perspective, no matter what her slowly disappearing reservations about morality, she had to continue her association with Dutt for the greater good of her family.
And thirdly, she was finding herself getting more and more dissatisfied with Amar. And not just in bed, although that was part of it. Before the chance encounter with Reena thrust her into this new world, Mansi had been mostly content with the hand fate had dealt her. She had always known that she would end up marrying the man her parents chose and the rest of her life would be dedicated to running his household. She knew she would never have a career and her own tastes or interests didn't really matter.
But through Dutt, she had experienced a different reality. Where she was exposed to a wider and more interesting world. Where her own tastes, her own desires, her own interests got some breathing room. And the more she realized that, the more she started resenting Amar. She saw that for him, she was just a glorified maid and babysitter that he also occasionally had sex with. She always did what he wanted, but the one time she said no, she doesn't feel like having sex, he made her do it anyway. That still rankled.
So it was a much more composed Mansi, having had all these epiphanies, who kept checking her phone that morning. She knew in her mind that Dutt would probably want to take things further. And she herself would not mind it. And it would mean cheating on her husband. But taking a sum total of all the epiphanies, she had, well, why not?
It was a little past 11. Mansi had taken a bath, masturbating a few times in the process. She came out of the bathroom and checked her phone. There was an SMS from Dutt.
- 11:30
That's all it said. She was a bit nonplussed. usually he added more detail. Maybe he was busy catching up with work after his Europe visit, she told herself. Drying her naked body, she went to the cupboard. What should she wear? She thought about wearing one of the western clothes he had bought her. But eventually decided on a sari.
"Going to work, Mansi?" Deshmukh aunty asked.
"Yes, aunty." she said, climbing down the stairs.
At 11:25, she was waiting for the car. It pulled up at 11:40. Purposely late, as per Dutt's instructions.
"How was your..." Mansi started saying as as opened the door and got in. And stopped. There was no one there.
She heard a whirring sound. The partition separating her from the driver's cabin lowered.
"Good morning, ma'am." the driver said politely. "I am to take you to the hotel."
"Oh...okay. Where is..." she started saying, but the partition had been closed again.
Mansi sat in the car as it sped towards Malad. She was a little surprised at being picked up like this alone. Usually, he was always in the car. Again she told herself, maybe he is busy catching up with work after his foreign trip.
The limo reached the hotel in Malad. The driver opened the door, and said,
"You know his usual suite, right?"
There was a slight hint of condescension in that question. But Mansi ignored it and nodded.
She walked into the lobby. This was the first time she had been there since that fateful day. Very little had changed, except for a new sculpture in the corner. There were still well-dressed people milling about. And a small line in front of the reception. She walked to the lift and went up to the same suite as last time. She knocked on the door.
"Yes?" a young man opened the door.
"Oh!" she shrank back seeing the unfamiliar face and got a sense of deja vu.
"Are you...Mansi?" he asked uncertainly.
"Please come in." he opened the door. "Dutt sir is on a conference call."
Mansi walked into a suite full of half a dozen people with laptops or tablets on their laps. Everyone was immaculately dressed in western clothing, including two young women, one of whom was sitting in the same single loveseat that she had been sitting in. Dutt was standing by the side with a headpiece on, back towards her, busy in conversation about business.
The young housewife felt after months that same old sense of not belonging where she was. She stood where she was uncertainly, not sure about what to do. When she came here, she wasn't expecting such a big crowd. A few of them looked at her with blank expressions before looking at their screens again. What, she wondered, did they make of her presence there?
"One second." Dutt said tapping a button on his headpiece, and said. "Mansi, you're here."
She just nodded.
"Wait in the bedroom." she said and resumed his call.
Blushing a little, Mansi walked towards the suite's bedroom. From the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a few of the people sitting there, including both women smile and exchange knowing glances. That made Mansi uncomfortable and also a little angry. What did they think she was?
Mansi walked into the bedroom, but left the door open. She could overhear snippets of conversations. It was mostly business jargon that she had no idea about. She looked around the bedroom. Just like the suite, it was artfully decorated. There was a huge king bed with a couple of night stands. A glass desk and a chair. And there was a big screen TV. Mansi waited for a few minutes. Then sat down on the bed and turned the TV on, flipping through the channels.
She felt considerably more self-assured now than she was the last time she was in this suite. But these new circumstances made her doubt herself a little. The way some of those people had looked at her when Dutt told her to wait in the bedroom...she blushed again. But she tried to put it out of her mind and watch TV. She could hear that the conversations outside were getting lower and lower in volume and frequency.
About an hour passed like that.
And then she heard a door close. She had been intently watching a news bulletin when she heard that sound. Immediately she got up from the bed.
"Duttsahab." she said in a soft voice.
"Hello, Mansi. How are you?" he asked in a businesslike voice, taking the headpiece off.
"I am fine." she said. "How was Europe?"
"Europe was Europe." he shrugged.
She watched as he then took off his suit jacket, carefully folded it and placed it on one of the nightstands. She watched as he took his watch off. And then took his tie off. Was this...was this it, she wondered.
"Which countries did you visit? I have always wanted to visit Switzerland." she said trying to fill the awkward silence in the room.
As she said this, he walked slowly towards her. She felt a little uncomfortable as he stepped right in front of her.
"You look even more gorgeous than I remember." he said.
She felt his big burly arms wrap her in an embrace. She had an instinctive reaction to push him away but she fought it. And placed her hands on his side. And then she saw his wrinkled puffy face come closer, with his lips puckered. She puckered her own lips.
And they were kissing.
Mansi was getting a masterclass in the art of kissing. With Amar, the kisses were almost perfunctory. He put his lips on hers, pressed and rolled a bit, the that was it. Dutt however was very skilled. He started by slowly brushing his lips against her, sideways, then up and down. He then placed tiny kisses all along the perimeter of her lips a couple of times. Even in that, he noticed that she seemed completely amateur in this. She just kept trying to respond with fish style lips. And she seemed tense.
He placed one hand under her jaw and gently massaged it to make her relax. That touch had an effect and he felt her exhale and her lips parted. Then he aligned his lips perpendicular to hers and softly started kissing her. Mansi felt a surge of passionate pleasure as the proper kissing started. She responded, mimicking his movements. He moved his hand from under her jaw to behind her head and pulled her in ever so slightly. And every few seconds he moved her head gradually tilting left and then right.
She felt weird when his tongue started probing her mouth. But soon she got used to it. And her own tongue started responding. She noticed that although this kiss was passionate and lasting such a long time, it wasn't a slobbery saliva-filled experience like with Amar. She then felt Duttsahab's other hand move from behind her back to her exposed side under her blouse. He gently stroked her skin, moving towards the front, stroking her stomach.
And then she felt his fingers deftly pull out the folds of the sari tucked into her petticoat waist. She was a little surprised and also impressed at this move. On the odd occasion that Amar took her sari off before sex, he did it the conventional way - pulling down her pallu and unwrapping all the folds. But the experienced Dutt with that one simple move had made half the sari unravel. He dug his fingers into her waist again and pulled out some more of the fabric and gave it a hard tug. And within seconds, the sari collapsed in a heap around her ankles, the pallu sliding down between their bodies.
Dutt felt Mansi inhale sharply even in the kiss and felt her fingers tightly grip his arms. He broke the kiss and raised his head. Mansi's hand went down and clasped her waist and thighs as if to confirm that she really had been divested of her sari so quickly. She looked into his eyes, surprised. He smiled. She shyly smiled back. And blushed as it hit her that she was now standing there in a blouse and petticoat in the arms of the burly old man.
Dutt's hand had been stroking her flat stomach all this while. He let her get used to being sariless for a few seconds and then quickly tugged at the knot of her petticoat. Soon, it too was lying in a heap and her legs were exposed. Such shapely legs they were. And she was wearing very simple, almost too modest panties. he made a mental note to buy her fancier underwear and lingerie.
Even though Mansi knew where things were going, standing there with nothing below her waist but panties made her feel very conscious and shy. Instinctively, she hugged Duttsahab and hid her face in his chest. His paunch pressed against her flat stomach. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, gently stroking her back to make her relaxed. They stood like that for a while, hugging and stroking each others backs. And soon Mansi started noticing it. The pressure against her thigh. He was getting aroused. And feeling it so close unnerved her.
She reflexively tried to pull away but Dutt held her pinned to him. And then putting his hands on her sides, effortlessly lifted her up a few feet off the ground.
"Hhhhha!" Mansi sighed in surprise as she felt her feet being lifted from the pile of fabric around them. And then giggle as he threw her on the bed.
Mansi was talking big steps, but was at heart still a demure middle class girl. She looked at the bulge forming in Dutt's pants and immediately covered her face with her hands shyly and closed her eyes.
Dutt chuckled at this. It amused and aroused him how this married woman, the mother of a 7 year old, was still so tender and innocent, almost virginal. Watching her laying on the bed, admiring the shapely smooth legs and the heaving mounds under her blouse, he slowly slipped off his shirt and undershirt. Then he took off his pants and got on the bed wearing just boxer shorts.
Mansi felt the mattress move as the big old guy got on the bed. She was still covering her face. And having a few conflicting thoughts. But the part of her saying she shouldn't be doing this was getting smaller and smaller.
She felt her right ankle being grabbed and pulled up. And just like last time, she felt his tongue and lips on her toes. Then the other leg was lifted. And then her legs were pressed together but folded in the knees as Dutt sat on the bed sucking her toes one at a time, massaging her calves. He smiled when he saw one hand leave Mansi's face. her eyes were still closed, but that right hand, as if moving my itself, slipped into her panties.
He was amused to see her playing with her clit so shamelessly. He let her do it for a few while and then sharply said,
"Don't do that!"
her hand stopped. Then left her panties and lay limply by her side. Dutt let go of her legs and slid upwards, grabbing that hand. He started licking her fingers one by one, really hard, just like the toes, and stroked the back of her upper arm. That gave Mansi goosebumps. She had no idea something as banal as the back of your arm, if stroked properly, could make her feel excited.
Dutt took her other hand and repeated the procedure. Her eyes were still closed, but her face wore a happy smile. he looked at those luscious lips and was eager to see them wrapped around his dick. But he assumed, correctly, that she had probably never given a blowjob in her life. So he decided to leave it for later.
Mansi felt her hands being let go. And then she felt his fingers at the front of her blouse, unhooking it. Finally, she thought to herself, he is paying attention to her breasts. She she was in for a surprise. Once Dutt opened the blouse completely, he rolled her over on her stomach. No interest in her larger than average boobs, she wondered. His hands tugged at her blouse. She raised her arms so he could pull it off.
She then felt his stubble and lips as they started kissing her back, starting at her waist. She didn't know that Dutt had this technique for first time seductions. Arouse a woman by stimulating all the other parts of her body before moving to the "main" items. This makes her almost anticipate it and long for it, and when it happens, she feels thankful.
As his lips planted kisses all over back back and shoulders, his fingers, she noticed, were stroking the back of her thighs. Not her butt or her private parts, but her thighs. And yet it was filling her with a surge of arousal. She felt his teeth stop at her bra. Then she had an odd sensation as she felt he was biting her bra. And suddenly it loosened. This really amazed her. Amar had to make half a dozen attempts even with his fingers to unhook her bra. And this old man had done it with one motion of his teeth.
Dutt unhooked the bra, but didn't take it off. He let it rest like that between her boobs and the bed. Now for all practical purposes, the only item of clothing on her body was her panties. She wondered when they would come off. She felt a fire in her loins and was desperate for release.
But Dutt was in no hurry.
She felt him straddle her, knees on either side of her waist. She then sensed him moving lower until he was at her feet. And then she felt his thick raspy tongue at the bottom of her middle left toe. She cringed a little as his tongue started moving up the bottom of her feet. What was he doing? That part was unclean. But thoughts of hygiene were soon replaced by arousal as the tongue slowly made its way up the back of her left leg. Parallely, his fingers were stroking the same path up her right leg. When he crossed her calved and the back of her knee, she shivered. When it started going up her back with the fingers in tandem. She shuddered.
"Ohhh god!!" she softly said as the tongue gently flicked her shoulder blades and made its way to the back of her neck.
And when he kicked her neck ending at the back of her ear, she was shocked. Her body started vibrating and her loins were on fire. Was she...was shaving an...
Mansi cried out as her body quaked through a small orgasm. Dutt kept licking and stroking her neck throughout, feeling very proud of himself. This didn't happen very often. In the dozens of women he had bedded over the years, he had managed to make only a couple of them have an orgasm by just stimulating the other parts of their body. Much like Mansi, they had been inexperienced and often sex starved repressed women. He had hoped to be able to add Mansi to the list and he had succeeded.
"Wha...wha..." Mansi said confused. The orgasm hadn't been as big as the ones she had using her fingers or the phone on her clit. But it was a wave of pleasure nonetheless. Was this man a magician, managing to do it without once touching her down there?
He let her come to terms with the orgasm for a few seconds and then pulled her by the shoulder to turn her over. Her eyes were now open and a bit glazed, staring at her elderly lover. The unhooked bra stayed on the bed and Mansi's breasts were revealed for the first time. He was impressed. They were big, but with no sad. Firmly shaped, and with prominent pink nipples which were rock hard. And nestled in her cleavage, was her simple mangalsutra.
"Take your panties off."
This was another ritual he followed with first seductions. He may take off all other items of clothing, but he always asked the woman to take off the panties herself. To make her realize, consciously or subconsciously, that she was the one who wanted this.
Mansi put her thumbs in the waistband and hesitated for a few seconds. She had come very far already, farther than she could have imagined a few months ago. But this really was the last step. If she went through with this, she would be completely naked, in the company of a man who was not her husband. She had a moment of doubt. But then her eyes fell on the big tent formed in his boxers, and she knew she wanted it.
Dutt watched triumphantly as the once demure and chaste housewife raise her legs and slipped off the last vestige of modesty and fidelity from her body. He got a glimpse of how smooth and perfectly shaped her buttocks were. How her thighs were free of any cellulite or flab. And finally, her pussy.
She had a naturally sparse bush down there, which he appreciated. Many of the Indian women he slept with had such a thick jungle down there that it looked unseemly. Mansi was blessed with a more attractive set of public hair.
She saw him looking at her most private parts and that sense of shame returned. Again she closed her eyes and covered her face. She felt him move between her thighs and hold her knees apart. This was it. It was happening. From the bulge, she could make out that he was larger than Amar. Would she be able to accommodate him? Many times she felt stretched even with Amar's penis.
Her thighs shivered in anticipation as she felt Dutt move. Soon his penis would be at her...
"What are you doing???" she cried out, and propped herself up on her elbows. Her eyes had opened at the shock of not feeling the hardness of a penis but the wetness of a...tongue?
Sure enough, she saw Dutt's wrinkle old face and half band head between her thighs. He was licking her?? She was vaguely aware that people did such things, but always found the idea too westernized and perverted.
Dutt ignored her question and the tip of his tongue found her clit. And with one stroke, it made her shoulders fall back on the bed again. Another jolt of pleasure.
Dutt flicked her clit and played with it, but with restraint. He did not want her to have another orgasm. He just wanted to tease her to the edge of one, and then pull back. Keep doing that and she would literally be begging to be fucked. He liked it when married young women begged him for sex.
Mansi writhed and shivered in pleasure, waiting for the big climax. As she did, her mangalsutra jiggled around her boobs.
"And what are YOU doing?" Dutt raised his face and asked sternly.
Mansi paused and looked at him, the mangalsutra halfway up her head.
"Taking this off." she whispered.
"No, you cannot take it off. It has to stay on." he said with a tone of finality.
What did he mean it has to stay on? Is he crazy? As it is, here she was, naked on his bed, cheating on her husband. Surely he could understand why she would not want to have the ultimate symbol of her marriage in her sight when she did so. But he had said what he wanted. And she never seemed to be able to defy him. Soon the mangalsutra was back jiggling between her legs as she gave herself in to Dutt's tongue.
Dutt took great pleasure in the calculated cunnilingus he was giving his latest conquest. He used the old tried and tested trick of using his tip of tongue to trace letters of the alphabet on her clit, gradually increasing the pressure. By H, he could see her boobs jiggle and heave as she breathed harder. By P, he saw her fingers tightly grip the bed sheet. By T, he could feel her hips pushing back and writhing, and knew that she was close to an orgasm. At W he stopped and took a break. Mansi let out a slightly disappointed moan when his tongue moved away.
He gently stroked the entrance of her cunt. He could literally see the wetness. He started again from A. This time he had barely reached L when he saw she was on the verge. He pulled away.
"Noooooo!" she said loudly this time. "Keep going."
Her right hand reached towards her clit. He slapped it away. She looked at him. He was sliding how shorts down. An erect thick dick sprang up and down. Reflexively she looked away out of shame. She could sense his body moving higher. She felt his hands on her knees, folding her legs and then spreading them apart.
"Look at me." he ordered.
She did, and saw his thick white chest hair a foot or two away from her. She looked up at his face, which was tranquil. She felt his paunch gently rest her flat stomach. That was a new sensation. Amar was a lean man. The belly obstructed her view of what was happening beneath. But she could feel his erect and slightly moist dick slap against her thighs.
Dutt grabbed her wrists and pulled her hand together up over her head. Then he lowered his face. She closed her eyes and opened her lips slightly. He kissed her and at the exact same moment, pushed the tip of his dick at the entrance of her pussy. Again, purely on instinct, he felt her hips try to pull away, but when push back. She was kissing him very passionately now, as opposed to earlier when he was doing most of the work. He kissed her back and kept his dick just like that.
Mansi's brain was trying to comprehend everything that was happening. The kiss, the unfamiliar touch of his naked body on top of hers. The way his fingers were now interlocking with hers above her head. And of course the tip of her penis firmly resting at the entrance of her vagina. Why was it just there? Her butt and thighs were moving ever so slightly towards it but it didn't proceed. She broke the kiss and whispered.
"Why are you...what are you...waiting for?"
"What?" Dutt smiled.
"Why don't you...put it in?" she blushed even at that moment.
"Put what in?"
"Please what? I want you to say it."
"Please..." she paused for the longest time unable to get the next few words out. "...just make love to me."
"Are you sure?"
She eagerly nodded. And then closed her eyes and groaned as the thick head of the old man's cock invaded her cunt. Her back arched and her thighs stiffened at the invasion. Dutt noted that she was tight, but wet enough.
"Slow..." she said as the thick shaft made its way inside her cunt. She realized what a significant moment this was, but was worried about pain.
And then she was pleasantly surprised when Dutt complied and continued the penetration at an almost glacial pace. She had a naturally narrow vagina. Even child birth had been hard on her. All these years later, she still felt a little pain when Amar penetrated her too fast. She often begged him to slow down. But Amar wasn't really wired to listen to her in that moment. He would be in a hurry and often just rammed it in.
Dutt was cut from a different cloth. He knew that the best approach to such things is slow and steady, especially early on. So he was gentle in penetrating her, moving slowly, stopping often, letting her cunt get used to his girth. Which made Mansi happy and also a lot more aroused. There was a slight discomfort because of his girth. But no real pain. Her insides were getting enough time to adjust to his presence. And she was feeling the natural surge of pleasure that accompanies a properly done penetration. The real fucking had just barely begun and Mansi's brain already declared that this was the best sex of her life.
Dutt looked at her open mouth and closed eyes, her flaring nostrils and heaving chest, as his dick surged in slowly. And then he felt his balls land against her ass. Mansi felt it too because she opened her eyes and looked into Dutt's. She could not believe how gently and expertly he had penetrated her fully.
"Do you like that?" he asked.
She shyly nodded.
"Do you want more?"
She was confused. Of course she wanted more.
"Then..." he slid one arm under her shoulder. "...let's see how much you want it."
Mansi gave a startled cry as she unexpectedly felt her body being pulled up. Dutt's torso was leaning backwards. He pulled her with him, dick still buried deep in her cunt. And soon was on his back. He let go of her shoulder and Mansi found herself sitting on top of her old lover, still penetrated. Her legs were in an uncomfortable postion so she instinctively folded them so her shins were on the bed. And she was straddling the old man.
Resting her palms on his paunch for balance, she looked at him confused. This was unfamiliar territory for her. Never in all these years had she ever been on top of her husband during sex. The weight of her body had made Dutt's cock penetrate her a little deeper and she loved that feeling. But she wasn't sure what followed next. In her universe, a woman just laid there and took it as the man did the fucking.
"Go on." Dutt smiled and said.
"I have..." she said and stopped.
"You have never fucked in this position?" he simply asked. But the use of the word fuck made the chaste housewife blush.
He was surprised and amused when she just threw her face down into his hairy chest and hugged him. He gently stroked her thick hair and said,
"Just do what feels natural."
He looked past her at the mirror at the head of the bed and admired how lovely her young tight naked ass looked resting on his hairy old legs. How his thick dick was entirely buried in her cunt. And noted how her big supple breats were mashed against his chest and tummy. She just lay there stuck to him, her hand on his shoulder, not moving. Semed like this shy gorgeous housewife was not aware of her own body's potential and had no idea how to take the lead.
For a moment, he considered just flipping her over and starting it himself. But this was another ritual he took seriously. Always start with woman on top, so she is the one doing all the work. And realizes she is the one who wants it more than him.
He put his big hairy hands on her hips. Gently he pushed her ass downwards and inch, then pulled it back up. He felt her inhale sharply as this made his dick and the insides of her cunt gain friction. He did it again a couple of times and noticed that she was now moving her hips herself. He just placed his hands on her ample smooth ass cheeks without applying any pressure. And noted that she had started moving like that by herself.
Mansi had started off feeling confuse, shy, and conflicted about this position. But soon she got into the basic rhythm. Her face still resting on the old man's hairly chest, she slid her ass towards his stomach and then away from his stomach. And noted how unfamiliarly great the sensation felt. Soon she got comfortable enough to raise her face. She looked at Dutt who was smiling. Then, continuing the motion of her hips, she put her palms on his chest and raised her torso.
And soon Dutt was looking at her ample tits and erect pink nipples rubbing against his chest as the young housewife on top of him started fucking him in an ever so slightly increasing tempo.
She did however also realize that this meant two months without any extra income. Maybe she really could do the job that she had been pretending to do. Help out Reena aunty with special events. If she asked, Reena aunty wouldn't say no. Although Mansi realized that she had been very brusque with Reena aunty a few hours ago. She might have felt offended.
Pinky had her sandwich and then the three of them had dinner, while watching TV. After a while, Pinky started feeling sleepy and went to the bedroom. Mansi was thankful that at least Amar hadn't invited his friends over that night. She really wasn't in the mood to put up with that extra duty. She just stared at the TV without registering anything that was happening.
"Should we sleep?"
After turning off the TV, Amar said, and then added.
"Why don't you sleep in a gown tonight? And take Pinky..."
"Not tonight." Mansi instantly said.
"Not tonight." she simply repeated.
"Oh...is it...that time...?" he uncomfortably said. Even after 8 years of marriage, the learned professor felt awkward talking to his own wife about her periods.
"No." Mansi said, getting up. "I just don't feel like it."
Just like Mansi had experienced something entirely alien and new earlier in the day, Amar also had a novel experience. His wife had actually brushed off his instructions to get ready for sex? Who did she think she was?
Mansi went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then laid down in bed next to Pinky. Her mind was still in turmoil. But the long three hour walk and the experiences earlier in the day had made her body a little tired. So she fell asleep soon.
Mansi was having a dream, replaying the events of earlier in the day, over and over. Then the dream changed a little. There was a hand at her ankles. And her sari was being pulled up. Maybe her toes would be sucked next. But instead her sari kept being pulled up. That's when Mansi realized it wasn't a dream. It was her husband, at her feet, his pyjama and underwear already off.
"Amar!!" she whispered and looked to her right in panic.
"Relax." he whispered. "I took her outside."
"Please Amar...I told you..." she said, trying to gently stop him.
"Just a quick one, Mansi." Amar said, by now rolling the sari and petticoat to around her hips.
"But Amar..." she didn't know how exactly to stop him. Part of the reason for her reluctance was that, having never experienced anything like what Dutt had done, she wondered if there might be telltale signs of it. That was the level of her sexual ignorance.
She felt his hands grab her panties by the waist and pull them off. She froze, wondering if, even in the darkness, Amar saw something that gave him an inkling of what she had done. Of course, he didn't.
He quickly got on top of her and penetrated her. She braced for pain, but was surprised to note that her vagina was already well lubricated. She didn't realize it was because of the dreams she had been having.
The bed creaked as Amar fucked his wife's warm wet cunt in rapid strokes. She closed her eyes and yet again, Dutt's face swam in front of her eyes. This time, she didn't try to resist it. She took the pounding from her husband as she mentally replayed how his thumb had given her so much pleasure.
"What are you doing?" Amar whispered.
"With your hand..."
Mansi had no idea when her right hand had slid down between their bodies and was trying to find her clit, even as Amar banged her rapidly.
"Oh...just an itch." she quickly said and pulled her hand away.
And then lay there letting her husband finish what he wanted. Once he came inside her, she couldn't help note to herself that she did not feel even a hundredth of the pleasure with him that she had from just Dutt's thumb and fingers. She wondered what Dutt was capable of if he could do whatever Amar did.
Day 2
Mansi was having a bucket bath after Amar and Pinky had left for work and college respectively. After soaping and washing the rest of her body, she started cleaning her private parts. And as she soaped herself down there, she suddenly remembered what Dutt had done. Using her fingers, she tried to locate the right spot. After a few attempts she did. And then, sitting naked on the bath stool, she tried to remember what exactly Dutt had done and tried to replicate it. The motions, the swirls, the pressure, the pace. And soon she was pleasuring herself. Sitting there with a soaped up crotch, masturbating for the first time in her life. She thrashed about on the bathroom floor as the orgasm hit. Then, feeling a combination of satisfaction and guilt, proceeded with the bath.
Day 5
"What is this picnic Pinky was blabbering about?" Amar asked one evening after getting home.
"You know, their college picnic. To Esselworld." Mansi shrugged.
"But we didn't send her last year because it was so expensive." Amar said skeptically.
"With my work, we can afford it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Do you want me to give you accounting details?" she testily said.
"No, no, if you think it's okay, then it's okay."
In reality, it had been a significant hit to her cash reserves. After that day in his suite, Dutt had transferred the largest amount until then - 10,000 rupees. But most of it had gone towards this picnic. It wasn't just the Esselworld ticket cost. Pinky went to an expensive college that spared no expense, because the rich parents would pay any amount. The picnic included transportation in premium mini-buses, catering and snacks from five star hotels, clowns and balloon artists and magicians to accompany the kids throughout, and of course, extra compensation for the teachers and staff accompanying them.
The previous year, it had been impossible. But this year, with some money at her disposal, Mansi didn't have the heart to refuse Pinky the opportunity.
Day 8
"Oh hi, Mansi! Long time!" Reena answered her phone.
"Namaste aunty. I just want to say sorry for my behavior that day." Mansi sincerely said. "You were being nice, and I was so rude."
"Don't worry about it, sweetie. You were in an emotional state. I understand."
"Thank you. And sorry again. I was wondering...is Duttsahab coming back soon?"
"You know more about his schedule than I do. I think he is in Europe."
"Hmm...well...do you have any other job I could do to help you out at the hotel?"
"You mean someone else you could...accompany?" Reena smiled.
"No no, not that!!" Mansi said instantly. "I mean...like what I have been telling Amar...helping you out with events and parties etc."
Reena paused. She actually could use Mansi's help for such things. But Dutt's instructions had been explicit. And he had paid Reena over and above her usual commission to keep it that way.
"Sorry, Mansi. With all the hotel regulations and union rules and so on, I can only hire you if you work full time, at least 8 hour shifts daily. And the pay won't be that high." she said.
"Oh, I understand." Mansi sadly said.
"Money problems? I can lend you some cash if you want."
"Oh no, nothing like that." Mansi said. "We're doing okay."
Day 16
Mansi had been masturbating during her bath daily, sometimes even twice or thrice. Initially, she assumed that just like with men, once she had an orgasm, she could not have another for a while. But she had started reading up a bit online and discovered that women didn't suffer from that restriction. As she searched more online, she found more information.
That was the first day she had a desire to do it in the middle of the day when she was home alone. She made sure the door was locked, the windows and curtains were closed, and then stripped naked and lay down on the bed. Then, replaying the time with Dutt, she played with herself for a couple of hours, having more orgasms than she could count.
Day 23
"How is your job going?" Amar asked one evening.
"It's fine." she simply said.
"Our financial situation is okay?"
"Very much. Why?"
"Well...for years I have had my eye on this early edition of Churchill's memoirs. And you know...if we can afford it...I mean it's my birthday in a few days so I was thinking...just a thought."
"Oh...how much does it cost?"
"Let me show you online."
The next day, Mansi made another big withdrawal from Pinky's college account.
Day 27
"Mansi, you don't go out during the daytime as much as you have been recently." nosy old Deshmukh aunty from next door said one day when she was returning from grocery shopping.
"Amar was saying that you had gotten some part time job. Which is why you wearing foreign clothes some days. And riding in those fancy foreign cars."
It was so annoying to live in a society where everyone thought they could just interrogate you about your life. And she knew how everyone liked to gossip. Soon word would get around to Amar that she didn't seem to have that job anymore.
"Oh, the last few weeks have been a little slow. But it's still there."
Day 28
Mansi dressed up in a skirt suit and called an expensive Uber. She made sure Deshmukh aunty was watching as she got into the car. She then just went to a nearby mall and fent a few hours there window shopping. She would do this every few days to keep up appearances.
Day 32
Amar's birthday. Mansi officially gifted her husband the early edition Churchill memoirs. She still could not believe a stack of musty old books could cost this much. But Amar had assured her it was a great bargain. And also that it was like an investment, because their value would just keep going up. Then the family went to a nice Chinese restaurant. That also cost a pretty penny, but not that the family had gotten used to these indulgences, it was difficult to say no.
Later that night, after sex, Amar noticed that his wife took longer than usual to come out of the bathroom. What he didn't know was that his wife, unsatisfied with the sex they had, was masturbating in the bathroom. By now, she had gotten really good at playing with her clit.
Day 39
"What is this?" Mansi asked as Pinky handed her an envelope.
"Invitation to Ira's birthday party."
She looked at the card. At the bottom, it said as always, "NO GIFTS PLEASE!" Mansi scoffed, knowing how meaningless that line was. the first couple of times she had taken Pinky to parties like that, there were tables full of gifts. And she felt embarrassed about coming empty handed. The next few times, she sent Pinky with a decent gift within their budget. But once or twice at parent-teacher meetings, she had overheard taunts about cheap gifts. That she new were directed at her.
"Let's get you changed and go to the mall." Mansi said to her daughter.
Later as she paid for the designer plush toy, Mansi wondered if all the gifts she had gotten in her childhood cost as much combined as this one did.
Day 44
She sent an sms to Dutt.
- r u back yet?
There was no answer.
Day 48
Mansi stood in her bedroom that afternoon, wearing just her bra and blouse, nothing else. She had the landline receiver in one hand. And was reading a webpage on the cellphone in her other hand. She still could not believe this would work.
She laid down on the bed. Set her phone to maximum vibrate. And remembering the instructions, placed it at her clit and then folding up her legs, clasped them around it. Then she dialed her cellphone number from her landline.
"Ohhhh...hmmmm!!" she closed her eyes and squirmed as the phone started vibrating.
This was even better than using her fingers, she realized.
Day 53
"But I want those shoesssss!!" Pinky was throwing a tantrum outside a shop in Borivali west where they had gone to visit a relative. She had just seen pretty rincess shoes in the glass display as they were walking by and made a demand. By now, Pinky was used to getting every demand of hers met.
"Pinky, please don't make a scene!" Mansi said, embarrassed as people on the stret stared at them.
"But why not?!!" she started wiping her own tears.
"Trust me, beta, I don't have the money for it." she said, remembering how the college account was almost down to what it used to be.
"I hate you." the little one sulked.
Day 56
Mansi was in the middle of using her phone as a vibrator, when it buzzed a little more than it should have. It was an SMS.
- Hello Mansi. Just got your message. Just returned from Europe. Will be in Mumbai tomorrow.
Mansi read the message, smiled, and then put the phone between her legs again. And dialed its number once more.
Day 57
That morning, as she got Pinky ready for college for Amar ready for work, made breakfast, and packed lunch for the two of them, Mansi kept checking her phone every few minutes. She wasn't sure why she was doing that. Duttsahab never messaged her that early. But the two months had made her realize how much she missed his company. And how much she was looking forward to seeing him again.
As the events described above unfolded, she realized many more things about herself and her life.
Most importantly, she realized how much that short but intense experience with Duttsahab in his suite had added to her self-actualization in terms of sexuality. Until now, she had learned a lot from him, from matters of art to using chopsticks to general behavior in high society. That experience in that hotel suite had for the first time, expanded her horizons sexually. Although in its immediate aftermath, she felt conflicted and guilty, as time went by, she came to terms with it. She started exploring her own body and discovered the pleasures it could offer her. Now, she was not as encumbered by the thoughts of morality and propriety as she wondered what Duttsahab had planned next.
Secondly, she realized how important money was in her life now. And how much its absence could sting. In the first two months that she had known Duttsahab, the cash was always flowing in, and it helped her enhance her lifestyle and make her family happier. Especially her daughter. But the two months since, when the cash flow had dried up, she found herself returning to that same old famished state. When a bulk of Amar's modest professor's salary went towards their two biggest expenses - a Mumbai rent and Pinky's exorbitant college fees. Whatever was left was enough for an austere existence, but not enough to fully relish life, much less save for Pinky's future.
So unable to cut back on her newfound splurging lifestyle, she had ended up exhausting almost all the money she had managed to add to the college account. Amar was never going to change jobs. So it was up to her to keep earning and ensure her family's wellbeing and especially, her daughter's happiness, both present and future. So just from that perspective, no matter what her slowly disappearing reservations about morality, she had to continue her association with Dutt for the greater good of her family.
And thirdly, she was finding herself getting more and more dissatisfied with Amar. And not just in bed, although that was part of it. Before the chance encounter with Reena thrust her into this new world, Mansi had been mostly content with the hand fate had dealt her. She had always known that she would end up marrying the man her parents chose and the rest of her life would be dedicated to running his household. She knew she would never have a career and her own tastes or interests didn't really matter.
But through Dutt, she had experienced a different reality. Where she was exposed to a wider and more interesting world. Where her own tastes, her own desires, her own interests got some breathing room. And the more she realized that, the more she started resenting Amar. She saw that for him, she was just a glorified maid and babysitter that he also occasionally had sex with. She always did what he wanted, but the one time she said no, she doesn't feel like having sex, he made her do it anyway. That still rankled.
So it was a much more composed Mansi, having had all these epiphanies, who kept checking her phone that morning. She knew in her mind that Dutt would probably want to take things further. And she herself would not mind it. And it would mean cheating on her husband. But taking a sum total of all the epiphanies, she had, well, why not?
It was a little past 11. Mansi had taken a bath, masturbating a few times in the process. She came out of the bathroom and checked her phone. There was an SMS from Dutt.
- 11:30
That's all it said. She was a bit nonplussed. usually he added more detail. Maybe he was busy catching up with work after his Europe visit, she told herself. Drying her naked body, she went to the cupboard. What should she wear? She thought about wearing one of the western clothes he had bought her. But eventually decided on a sari.
"Going to work, Mansi?" Deshmukh aunty asked.
"Yes, aunty." she said, climbing down the stairs.
At 11:25, she was waiting for the car. It pulled up at 11:40. Purposely late, as per Dutt's instructions.
"How was your..." Mansi started saying as as opened the door and got in. And stopped. There was no one there.
She heard a whirring sound. The partition separating her from the driver's cabin lowered.
"Good morning, ma'am." the driver said politely. "I am to take you to the hotel."
"Oh...okay. Where is..." she started saying, but the partition had been closed again.
Mansi sat in the car as it sped towards Malad. She was a little surprised at being picked up like this alone. Usually, he was always in the car. Again she told herself, maybe he is busy catching up with work after his foreign trip.
The limo reached the hotel in Malad. The driver opened the door, and said,
"You know his usual suite, right?"
There was a slight hint of condescension in that question. But Mansi ignored it and nodded.
She walked into the lobby. This was the first time she had been there since that fateful day. Very little had changed, except for a new sculpture in the corner. There were still well-dressed people milling about. And a small line in front of the reception. She walked to the lift and went up to the same suite as last time. She knocked on the door.
"Yes?" a young man opened the door.
"Oh!" she shrank back seeing the unfamiliar face and got a sense of deja vu.
"Are you...Mansi?" he asked uncertainly.
"Please come in." he opened the door. "Dutt sir is on a conference call."
Mansi walked into a suite full of half a dozen people with laptops or tablets on their laps. Everyone was immaculately dressed in western clothing, including two young women, one of whom was sitting in the same single loveseat that she had been sitting in. Dutt was standing by the side with a headpiece on, back towards her, busy in conversation about business.
The young housewife felt after months that same old sense of not belonging where she was. She stood where she was uncertainly, not sure about what to do. When she came here, she wasn't expecting such a big crowd. A few of them looked at her with blank expressions before looking at their screens again. What, she wondered, did they make of her presence there?
"One second." Dutt said tapping a button on his headpiece, and said. "Mansi, you're here."
She just nodded.
"Wait in the bedroom." she said and resumed his call.
Blushing a little, Mansi walked towards the suite's bedroom. From the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a few of the people sitting there, including both women smile and exchange knowing glances. That made Mansi uncomfortable and also a little angry. What did they think she was?
Mansi walked into the bedroom, but left the door open. She could overhear snippets of conversations. It was mostly business jargon that she had no idea about. She looked around the bedroom. Just like the suite, it was artfully decorated. There was a huge king bed with a couple of night stands. A glass desk and a chair. And there was a big screen TV. Mansi waited for a few minutes. Then sat down on the bed and turned the TV on, flipping through the channels.
She felt considerably more self-assured now than she was the last time she was in this suite. But these new circumstances made her doubt herself a little. The way some of those people had looked at her when Dutt told her to wait in the bedroom...she blushed again. But she tried to put it out of her mind and watch TV. She could hear that the conversations outside were getting lower and lower in volume and frequency.
About an hour passed like that.
And then she heard a door close. She had been intently watching a news bulletin when she heard that sound. Immediately she got up from the bed.
"Duttsahab." she said in a soft voice.
"Hello, Mansi. How are you?" he asked in a businesslike voice, taking the headpiece off.
"I am fine." she said. "How was Europe?"
"Europe was Europe." he shrugged.
She watched as he then took off his suit jacket, carefully folded it and placed it on one of the nightstands. She watched as he took his watch off. And then took his tie off. Was this...was this it, she wondered.
"Which countries did you visit? I have always wanted to visit Switzerland." she said trying to fill the awkward silence in the room.
As she said this, he walked slowly towards her. She felt a little uncomfortable as he stepped right in front of her.
"You look even more gorgeous than I remember." he said.
She felt his big burly arms wrap her in an embrace. She had an instinctive reaction to push him away but she fought it. And placed her hands on his side. And then she saw his wrinkled puffy face come closer, with his lips puckered. She puckered her own lips.
And they were kissing.
Mansi was getting a masterclass in the art of kissing. With Amar, the kisses were almost perfunctory. He put his lips on hers, pressed and rolled a bit, the that was it. Dutt however was very skilled. He started by slowly brushing his lips against her, sideways, then up and down. He then placed tiny kisses all along the perimeter of her lips a couple of times. Even in that, he noticed that she seemed completely amateur in this. She just kept trying to respond with fish style lips. And she seemed tense.
He placed one hand under her jaw and gently massaged it to make her relax. That touch had an effect and he felt her exhale and her lips parted. Then he aligned his lips perpendicular to hers and softly started kissing her. Mansi felt a surge of passionate pleasure as the proper kissing started. She responded, mimicking his movements. He moved his hand from under her jaw to behind her head and pulled her in ever so slightly. And every few seconds he moved her head gradually tilting left and then right.
She felt weird when his tongue started probing her mouth. But soon she got used to it. And her own tongue started responding. She noticed that although this kiss was passionate and lasting such a long time, it wasn't a slobbery saliva-filled experience like with Amar. She then felt Duttsahab's other hand move from behind her back to her exposed side under her blouse. He gently stroked her skin, moving towards the front, stroking her stomach.
And then she felt his fingers deftly pull out the folds of the sari tucked into her petticoat waist. She was a little surprised and also impressed at this move. On the odd occasion that Amar took her sari off before sex, he did it the conventional way - pulling down her pallu and unwrapping all the folds. But the experienced Dutt with that one simple move had made half the sari unravel. He dug his fingers into her waist again and pulled out some more of the fabric and gave it a hard tug. And within seconds, the sari collapsed in a heap around her ankles, the pallu sliding down between their bodies.
Dutt felt Mansi inhale sharply even in the kiss and felt her fingers tightly grip his arms. He broke the kiss and raised his head. Mansi's hand went down and clasped her waist and thighs as if to confirm that she really had been divested of her sari so quickly. She looked into his eyes, surprised. He smiled. She shyly smiled back. And blushed as it hit her that she was now standing there in a blouse and petticoat in the arms of the burly old man.
Dutt's hand had been stroking her flat stomach all this while. He let her get used to being sariless for a few seconds and then quickly tugged at the knot of her petticoat. Soon, it too was lying in a heap and her legs were exposed. Such shapely legs they were. And she was wearing very simple, almost too modest panties. he made a mental note to buy her fancier underwear and lingerie.
Even though Mansi knew where things were going, standing there with nothing below her waist but panties made her feel very conscious and shy. Instinctively, she hugged Duttsahab and hid her face in his chest. His paunch pressed against her flat stomach. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, gently stroking her back to make her relaxed. They stood like that for a while, hugging and stroking each others backs. And soon Mansi started noticing it. The pressure against her thigh. He was getting aroused. And feeling it so close unnerved her.
She reflexively tried to pull away but Dutt held her pinned to him. And then putting his hands on her sides, effortlessly lifted her up a few feet off the ground.
"Hhhhha!" Mansi sighed in surprise as she felt her feet being lifted from the pile of fabric around them. And then giggle as he threw her on the bed.
Mansi was talking big steps, but was at heart still a demure middle class girl. She looked at the bulge forming in Dutt's pants and immediately covered her face with her hands shyly and closed her eyes.
Dutt chuckled at this. It amused and aroused him how this married woman, the mother of a 7 year old, was still so tender and innocent, almost virginal. Watching her laying on the bed, admiring the shapely smooth legs and the heaving mounds under her blouse, he slowly slipped off his shirt and undershirt. Then he took off his pants and got on the bed wearing just boxer shorts.
Mansi felt the mattress move as the big old guy got on the bed. She was still covering her face. And having a few conflicting thoughts. But the part of her saying she shouldn't be doing this was getting smaller and smaller.
She felt her right ankle being grabbed and pulled up. And just like last time, she felt his tongue and lips on her toes. Then the other leg was lifted. And then her legs were pressed together but folded in the knees as Dutt sat on the bed sucking her toes one at a time, massaging her calves. He smiled when he saw one hand leave Mansi's face. her eyes were still closed, but that right hand, as if moving my itself, slipped into her panties.
He was amused to see her playing with her clit so shamelessly. He let her do it for a few while and then sharply said,
"Don't do that!"
her hand stopped. Then left her panties and lay limply by her side. Dutt let go of her legs and slid upwards, grabbing that hand. He started licking her fingers one by one, really hard, just like the toes, and stroked the back of her upper arm. That gave Mansi goosebumps. She had no idea something as banal as the back of your arm, if stroked properly, could make her feel excited.
Dutt took her other hand and repeated the procedure. Her eyes were still closed, but her face wore a happy smile. he looked at those luscious lips and was eager to see them wrapped around his dick. But he assumed, correctly, that she had probably never given a blowjob in her life. So he decided to leave it for later.
Mansi felt her hands being let go. And then she felt his fingers at the front of her blouse, unhooking it. Finally, she thought to herself, he is paying attention to her breasts. She she was in for a surprise. Once Dutt opened the blouse completely, he rolled her over on her stomach. No interest in her larger than average boobs, she wondered. His hands tugged at her blouse. She raised her arms so he could pull it off.
She then felt his stubble and lips as they started kissing her back, starting at her waist. She didn't know that Dutt had this technique for first time seductions. Arouse a woman by stimulating all the other parts of her body before moving to the "main" items. This makes her almost anticipate it and long for it, and when it happens, she feels thankful.
As his lips planted kisses all over back back and shoulders, his fingers, she noticed, were stroking the back of her thighs. Not her butt or her private parts, but her thighs. And yet it was filling her with a surge of arousal. She felt his teeth stop at her bra. Then she had an odd sensation as she felt he was biting her bra. And suddenly it loosened. This really amazed her. Amar had to make half a dozen attempts even with his fingers to unhook her bra. And this old man had done it with one motion of his teeth.
Dutt unhooked the bra, but didn't take it off. He let it rest like that between her boobs and the bed. Now for all practical purposes, the only item of clothing on her body was her panties. She wondered when they would come off. She felt a fire in her loins and was desperate for release.
But Dutt was in no hurry.
She felt him straddle her, knees on either side of her waist. She then sensed him moving lower until he was at her feet. And then she felt his thick raspy tongue at the bottom of her middle left toe. She cringed a little as his tongue started moving up the bottom of her feet. What was he doing? That part was unclean. But thoughts of hygiene were soon replaced by arousal as the tongue slowly made its way up the back of her left leg. Parallely, his fingers were stroking the same path up her right leg. When he crossed her calved and the back of her knee, she shivered. When it started going up her back with the fingers in tandem. She shuddered.
"Ohhh god!!" she softly said as the tongue gently flicked her shoulder blades and made its way to the back of her neck.
And when he kicked her neck ending at the back of her ear, she was shocked. Her body started vibrating and her loins were on fire. Was she...was shaving an...
Mansi cried out as her body quaked through a small orgasm. Dutt kept licking and stroking her neck throughout, feeling very proud of himself. This didn't happen very often. In the dozens of women he had bedded over the years, he had managed to make only a couple of them have an orgasm by just stimulating the other parts of their body. Much like Mansi, they had been inexperienced and often sex starved repressed women. He had hoped to be able to add Mansi to the list and he had succeeded.
"Wha...wha..." Mansi said confused. The orgasm hadn't been as big as the ones she had using her fingers or the phone on her clit. But it was a wave of pleasure nonetheless. Was this man a magician, managing to do it without once touching her down there?
He let her come to terms with the orgasm for a few seconds and then pulled her by the shoulder to turn her over. Her eyes were now open and a bit glazed, staring at her elderly lover. The unhooked bra stayed on the bed and Mansi's breasts were revealed for the first time. He was impressed. They were big, but with no sad. Firmly shaped, and with prominent pink nipples which were rock hard. And nestled in her cleavage, was her simple mangalsutra.
"Take your panties off."
This was another ritual he followed with first seductions. He may take off all other items of clothing, but he always asked the woman to take off the panties herself. To make her realize, consciously or subconsciously, that she was the one who wanted this.
Mansi put her thumbs in the waistband and hesitated for a few seconds. She had come very far already, farther than she could have imagined a few months ago. But this really was the last step. If she went through with this, she would be completely naked, in the company of a man who was not her husband. She had a moment of doubt. But then her eyes fell on the big tent formed in his boxers, and she knew she wanted it.
Dutt watched triumphantly as the once demure and chaste housewife raise her legs and slipped off the last vestige of modesty and fidelity from her body. He got a glimpse of how smooth and perfectly shaped her buttocks were. How her thighs were free of any cellulite or flab. And finally, her pussy.
She had a naturally sparse bush down there, which he appreciated. Many of the Indian women he slept with had such a thick jungle down there that it looked unseemly. Mansi was blessed with a more attractive set of public hair.
She saw him looking at her most private parts and that sense of shame returned. Again she closed her eyes and covered her face. She felt him move between her thighs and hold her knees apart. This was it. It was happening. From the bulge, she could make out that he was larger than Amar. Would she be able to accommodate him? Many times she felt stretched even with Amar's penis.
Her thighs shivered in anticipation as she felt Dutt move. Soon his penis would be at her...
"What are you doing???" she cried out, and propped herself up on her elbows. Her eyes had opened at the shock of not feeling the hardness of a penis but the wetness of a...tongue?
Sure enough, she saw Dutt's wrinkle old face and half band head between her thighs. He was licking her?? She was vaguely aware that people did such things, but always found the idea too westernized and perverted.
Dutt ignored her question and the tip of his tongue found her clit. And with one stroke, it made her shoulders fall back on the bed again. Another jolt of pleasure.
Dutt flicked her clit and played with it, but with restraint. He did not want her to have another orgasm. He just wanted to tease her to the edge of one, and then pull back. Keep doing that and she would literally be begging to be fucked. He liked it when married young women begged him for sex.
Mansi writhed and shivered in pleasure, waiting for the big climax. As she did, her mangalsutra jiggled around her boobs.
"And what are YOU doing?" Dutt raised his face and asked sternly.
Mansi paused and looked at him, the mangalsutra halfway up her head.
"Taking this off." she whispered.
"No, you cannot take it off. It has to stay on." he said with a tone of finality.
What did he mean it has to stay on? Is he crazy? As it is, here she was, naked on his bed, cheating on her husband. Surely he could understand why she would not want to have the ultimate symbol of her marriage in her sight when she did so. But he had said what he wanted. And she never seemed to be able to defy him. Soon the mangalsutra was back jiggling between her legs as she gave herself in to Dutt's tongue.
Dutt took great pleasure in the calculated cunnilingus he was giving his latest conquest. He used the old tried and tested trick of using his tip of tongue to trace letters of the alphabet on her clit, gradually increasing the pressure. By H, he could see her boobs jiggle and heave as she breathed harder. By P, he saw her fingers tightly grip the bed sheet. By T, he could feel her hips pushing back and writhing, and knew that she was close to an orgasm. At W he stopped and took a break. Mansi let out a slightly disappointed moan when his tongue moved away.
He gently stroked the entrance of her cunt. He could literally see the wetness. He started again from A. This time he had barely reached L when he saw she was on the verge. He pulled away.
"Noooooo!" she said loudly this time. "Keep going."
Her right hand reached towards her clit. He slapped it away. She looked at him. He was sliding how shorts down. An erect thick dick sprang up and down. Reflexively she looked away out of shame. She could sense his body moving higher. She felt his hands on her knees, folding her legs and then spreading them apart.
"Look at me." he ordered.
She did, and saw his thick white chest hair a foot or two away from her. She looked up at his face, which was tranquil. She felt his paunch gently rest her flat stomach. That was a new sensation. Amar was a lean man. The belly obstructed her view of what was happening beneath. But she could feel his erect and slightly moist dick slap against her thighs.
Dutt grabbed her wrists and pulled her hand together up over her head. Then he lowered his face. She closed her eyes and opened her lips slightly. He kissed her and at the exact same moment, pushed the tip of his dick at the entrance of her pussy. Again, purely on instinct, he felt her hips try to pull away, but when push back. She was kissing him very passionately now, as opposed to earlier when he was doing most of the work. He kissed her back and kept his dick just like that.
Mansi's brain was trying to comprehend everything that was happening. The kiss, the unfamiliar touch of his naked body on top of hers. The way his fingers were now interlocking with hers above her head. And of course the tip of her penis firmly resting at the entrance of her vagina. Why was it just there? Her butt and thighs were moving ever so slightly towards it but it didn't proceed. She broke the kiss and whispered.
"Why are you...what are you...waiting for?"
"What?" Dutt smiled.
"Why don't you...put it in?" she blushed even at that moment.
"Put what in?"
"Please what? I want you to say it."
"Please..." she paused for the longest time unable to get the next few words out. "...just make love to me."
"Are you sure?"
She eagerly nodded. And then closed her eyes and groaned as the thick head of the old man's cock invaded her cunt. Her back arched and her thighs stiffened at the invasion. Dutt noted that she was tight, but wet enough.
"Slow..." she said as the thick shaft made its way inside her cunt. She realized what a significant moment this was, but was worried about pain.
And then she was pleasantly surprised when Dutt complied and continued the penetration at an almost glacial pace. She had a naturally narrow vagina. Even child birth had been hard on her. All these years later, she still felt a little pain when Amar penetrated her too fast. She often begged him to slow down. But Amar wasn't really wired to listen to her in that moment. He would be in a hurry and often just rammed it in.
Dutt was cut from a different cloth. He knew that the best approach to such things is slow and steady, especially early on. So he was gentle in penetrating her, moving slowly, stopping often, letting her cunt get used to his girth. Which made Mansi happy and also a lot more aroused. There was a slight discomfort because of his girth. But no real pain. Her insides were getting enough time to adjust to his presence. And she was feeling the natural surge of pleasure that accompanies a properly done penetration. The real fucking had just barely begun and Mansi's brain already declared that this was the best sex of her life.
Dutt looked at her open mouth and closed eyes, her flaring nostrils and heaving chest, as his dick surged in slowly. And then he felt his balls land against her ass. Mansi felt it too because she opened her eyes and looked into Dutt's. She could not believe how gently and expertly he had penetrated her fully.
"Do you like that?" he asked.
She shyly nodded.
"Do you want more?"
She was confused. Of course she wanted more.
"Then..." he slid one arm under her shoulder. "...let's see how much you want it."
Mansi gave a startled cry as she unexpectedly felt her body being pulled up. Dutt's torso was leaning backwards. He pulled her with him, dick still buried deep in her cunt. And soon was on his back. He let go of her shoulder and Mansi found herself sitting on top of her old lover, still penetrated. Her legs were in an uncomfortable postion so she instinctively folded them so her shins were on the bed. And she was straddling the old man.
Resting her palms on his paunch for balance, she looked at him confused. This was unfamiliar territory for her. Never in all these years had she ever been on top of her husband during sex. The weight of her body had made Dutt's cock penetrate her a little deeper and she loved that feeling. But she wasn't sure what followed next. In her universe, a woman just laid there and took it as the man did the fucking.
"Go on." Dutt smiled and said.
"I have..." she said and stopped.
"You have never fucked in this position?" he simply asked. But the use of the word fuck made the chaste housewife blush.
He was surprised and amused when she just threw her face down into his hairy chest and hugged him. He gently stroked her thick hair and said,
"Just do what feels natural."
He looked past her at the mirror at the head of the bed and admired how lovely her young tight naked ass looked resting on his hairy old legs. How his thick dick was entirely buried in her cunt. And noted how her big supple breats were mashed against his chest and tummy. She just lay there stuck to him, her hand on his shoulder, not moving. Semed like this shy gorgeous housewife was not aware of her own body's potential and had no idea how to take the lead.
For a moment, he considered just flipping her over and starting it himself. But this was another ritual he took seriously. Always start with woman on top, so she is the one doing all the work. And realizes she is the one who wants it more than him.
He put his big hairy hands on her hips. Gently he pushed her ass downwards and inch, then pulled it back up. He felt her inhale sharply as this made his dick and the insides of her cunt gain friction. He did it again a couple of times and noticed that she was now moving her hips herself. He just placed his hands on her ample smooth ass cheeks without applying any pressure. And noted that she had started moving like that by herself.
Mansi had started off feeling confuse, shy, and conflicted about this position. But soon she got into the basic rhythm. Her face still resting on the old man's hairly chest, she slid her ass towards his stomach and then away from his stomach. And noted how unfamiliarly great the sensation felt. Soon she got comfortable enough to raise her face. She looked at Dutt who was smiling. Then, continuing the motion of her hips, she put her palms on his chest and raised her torso.
And soon Dutt was looking at her ample tits and erect pink nipples rubbing against his chest as the young housewife on top of him started fucking him in an ever so slightly increasing tempo.