Page 01

Max couldn't help the warm feelings of arousal his daughter, Victoria, caused him to feel whenever she padded around the house or by their pool in anything that showed off her attention-getting body. And lately, that seemed to be everything she decided to wear. She was a young adult now and didn't need parental permission to wear skimpy string bikinis or skirts that were too short and too tight.

She was also more beautiful than ever with her wide, expressive brown eyes, silky, chestnut brown hair that fell just past her shoulders, and a face that could be innocent and devilish at the same time. She was even more fit and toned now than when she was still in school and always involved in cheerleading and dance. Her legs were smooth as silk and beautifully toned, and her firm, spherically shaped tits looked perfect in whatever she decided to wear.

Victoria had been the light of her father's life since the day she was born. He'd probably done too much to spoil her, but whenever she looked at him with her big, doe-brown eyes he felt powerless to deny her anything. Up to a point. She was also the prettiest and sexiest girl in town, along with her two best friends, Kayla and Teri. The three were practically inseparable up until they went off in different directions after high school, but they all stayed in touch and remained as close as ever.

Max had always known Victoria, as well as her friends, needed a vigilant presence in their lives to keep them safe from the kind of bad experiences that could befall girls as fun-loving and sexy as they were. Of course Kayla and Teri had fathers of their own, but whenever the three were in Max's home he treated his daughter's friends as if they were just as much his responsibility. Consequently, he was extremely cautious when it came to approving of which parties the girls could go to, or which boys they were allowed to date. And when it came to Max's girls, there never seemed to be a boy who was good enough.

Kayla and Teri loved Max's fatherly attention and care, and they often treated him like their second dad. This was even more true for Kayla, whose father had a well-earned reputation for being an insufferable prick and a foul-mouthed drunk. But to them, and even to his real daughter, he was the cool, hot looking dad who always showed up for the events they were involved in. But as is normal for any father and daughter, none of the girls were immune from getting exasperated by his occasional bouts of paternal strictness, even though deep down they loved that he was so caring and attentive. Despite this, it wasn't unusual for Kayla or Teri to blatantly flirt with him, which always made Victoria roll her eyes or put his ex-wife into another one of her cold moods. Victoria's mother was openly sarcastic about Max's relationship with all of the girls' friends, and younger women in general. He was always a warm, likable man that women of all ages felt comfortable with.

Victoria's parents divorced during her first year of college. With their daughter out of the house it was clearer than ever that she had been the only common ground keeping them together. The divorce had been no more spiteful than their marriage. They were both eager to end a relationship that had only one positive aspect, which was their amazing daughter. Of course, Ellen never found her daughter as amazing as her father did, and after the couple parted ways Victoria had very little contact with her mother.

Back when the girls were all eighteen they had always seemed much more attracted to older men than boys their age. Max couldn't blame them. He'd seen more than his share of the way boys that age treated girls who looked like Victoria and her beautiful friends. Yet there was so much more to them than hot bodies and gorgeous looks.

So it didn't come as a huge surprise when Victoria quit college in the middle of her second year and got married to a man who was in his thirties. It wasn't because of his age, but Max never liked his daughter's husband. He didn't see the relationship going well in the long run, but Victoria was almost twenty by then and had a right to make her own choices. However, just as he had all her life, Max was there for his beautiful daughter no matter what happened. When her marriage broke up less than two years in, Max wasn't surprised. But he was there for his daughter and supported her with his whole heart.

Victoria wanted to reboot her life and finish her education, but with nowhere else to go she moved in with her dad. By this time, he was living in a new house in a much more secluded area. The house itself was smaller than the one Victoria grew up in, but there was a much bigger yard that was surrounded by woods. There was also an in-ground pool with a large terraced area that was perfect for swimming and sunbathing. He also had a smaller, but much nicer home office for his business. This was on the ground floor of the house, with a window looking out on the pool and grounds in back.

"I could get used to this," Victoria had said the first time Max showed her around the new house.

"I hope you do," her father had said. "Because you're home now and I'd be perfectly happy if you never leave."

"Aww, I love you, Dad," she had said, giving her father a tight hug that pushed her braless tits against his fit, firm body. "But I'm sure a man like you is going to need his privacy sometimes."

His daughter actually winked as she gave him a suggestive look. Along with the full, firm pair of tits that were crushed against him, Max couldn't help feeling a wave of heat pass through his body.

"Maybe if I meet a girl as smart and hot as you," he said. Then he pretended like he was suddenly remembering something obvious. "Oh, right! I've got you!"

Victoria had giggled happily and planted a quick kiss on her father's lips. He felt a little embarrassed for a long time afterward, but nothing more was said. He was just happy to have his beautiful daughter back home again.

Meanwhile, Victoria settled in quickly. Within the first month she was already rekindling her friendships with Kayla and Teri. It wasn't long before the other two girls were around the house just as much as they had been back in their high school days. The only difference was that they were now even more beautiful and voluptuous young women, with more experience in life. They even had sleepovers like they used to, and Max was happy to see that his daughter's old friends were there to support her throughout all the upheaval she was going through.

It was like old times, but better. Victoria's mother wasn't around to disapprove of skimpy sleepwear being worn around the house in front of Max. And she wasn't there to say something catty about the bikinis she'd always said were inappropriate for the girls to sunbathe in. Nor was she there to make everyone feel awkward by pointing out how Kayla and Teri shamelessly flirted with Max. Victoria's mother had embarrassed all of them many times over, but Max knew it was only in the spirit of good fun and never failed to defend his daughter and her staunchest friends.

That didn't mean it was all a walk in the park for Max, though. Now that the three were all in their early twenties and had even more self-confidence than a few years ago, the man found himself constantly tempted by the luscious young women almost constantly. It was a steady battle to keep up his role as supportive father as well as being an all-around good guy and friend/mentor to Kayla and Teri who were both still unmarried.

Kayla was easily the boldest and most precocious of the three. She had long, blonde hair and a fresh-faced look that earned her rapt attention wherever she went. At twenty-two, Kayla's body was noticeably thicker and curvier than before, yet still as fit as when she was eighteen. Her tits were now a full, round, distracting pair of D cups that she loved showing off in outfits that always accentuated them. Max had lost count of the times the coy blonde had caught him staring.

Teri, on the other hand, like Victoria, was curvier yet leaner and more toned now. She was a brunette, also like Victoria, but had blonde highlights. Like her friends, she was more confident and much bolder in her choice of outfits than in the past.

When her friends stayed over, it wasn't like in high school when they spent most of their time closed up in Victoria's room. They liked hanging out with Max, Victoria most of all, and treated him almost like he was one of the group. They dressed in the most revealing sleepwear ever, and Max had found himself waking up with the biggest, hardest erections of his life. It didn't help that they were flirting with him more openly than ever. There was no ex-wife around to inhibit anyone. Max caught his daughter blushing over this more than once, but she never said anything about it so he assumed she didn't mind.

Max flirted right back. It was just what he needed in light of his own divorce. He also loved playing host to the girls and always cooked for them when they were there. He never failed to fire up the grill on the patio when the girls were lounging around the pool in bikinis that put their high school swimsuits to shame. Even Victoria didn't hesitate to wear a thong around her father, or tops that left more of her tits exposed than covered.

Teri had a boyfriend now, a mystery man she hadn't introduced to her friends yet, which meant that she wasn't at the house as much as Kayla. But as a few weeks passed, it was almost like Max was the unofficial boyfriend to the whole trio, not just Victoria's hot dad like in the old days. He flirted with them, looked at them like the hot, gorgeous young women they were, but also respected them and took them seriously. Max started to see the girls as more like friends, too, even Victoria, although his fatherly instincts never left him completely, and all three savored that about him.

Max had expected he'd be starting to see other women by now. He was single and free, had a great place, and his online business was doing better than ever. But when Victoria moved in and her friends started hanging around on a regular basis, he realized he'd stopped looking. Except for sex, all of his needs for female companionship were being met. There were three beautiful, sexy girls that spent as much time with him as they could all manage. He loved them all each in her own way, and the idea of a lot of awkward first dates appealed to him less and less.

There was no denying the fact that he loved Victoria most of all. It was natural. She was his daughter, after all. What wasn't so natural was that Victoria was also the one who made him hornier than the others. Of course she was around him the most. They ate breakfast together every morning, dinner every night, and they even shared a bathroom. She was also getting more and more casual about showing her body around her father. Max didn't know it yet, but he was falling in love with his daughter in a way a father is never meant to. He saw her in his mind when he stroked his cock, but he knew he could never do anything more than indulge a few private fantasies.

The best way to deal with his dilemma was to show that much more attention to his daughter's friends. Even though Teri was coming over less because of her new boyfriend, her relationship didn't keep her from teasing and flirting with the older man as much as ever. But Kayla was completely unfettered by any other relationships and she was quickly taking the lead in vying for Max's attention. He often thought he could have a great relationship with Kayla, but being his daughter's friend held him back.

It was Kayla's flirting that led to a seeming insignificant decision that set off bigger changes. It was a Sunday afternoon, and Max was grilling steaks and ears of corn for himself and the girls. He was wearing his long, baggy swim trunks while the trio of beauties were all sunbathing in thong bikinis. They were halfway through the second bottle of wine when Kayla started teasing Max about wearing such a frumpy looking suit.

"If we're going to hang our tits and asses out here in thongs," she quipped, "the least you could do is get a speedo and give us something to drool over, too."

Teri broke out laughing. "You're such a slut, K," she snickered.

Victoria flashed her blonde friend a sarcastic smirk, but her father could tell she wasn't as amused as Teri. "You're not allowed to drool over my father," she said, trying to keep the mood light.

"Oh c'mon," said Kayla. "We've been drooling over your dad for years. Tell me you haven't just as much as me and Teri."

Victoria blushed. "Teri's right. You're a slut."

Max turned to the blonde and raised an eyebrow. "A speedo, Kayla? Seriously?" he laughed.

"You'd look so hot," she said. "Besides, we give you plenty to look at. The least you could do is return the favor."

Then the blonde sat up and shook her big, heavy tits at the man who was twice her age. Her skimpy top malfunctioned and left one of her nipples exposed. Kayla rubbed her finger over the nub a couple of times while she winked at Max and took her time covering it back up. He couldn't help feeling a little guilty for the wave of tingles that passed through his crotch, but the guilt passed as quickly as the tingling sensation.

Max laughed. He was convinced the busty young blonde was only teasing. "Okay," he challenged. "You girls start wearing a micro-thongs and I'll get a speedo."

All three girls wore bikinis that were so skimpy already that micro-thongs wouldn't have been a very drastic change. Max flashed his daughter a conspiratorial wink to let her know he was only kidding. When Victoria returned his wink with a sly smile he realized she was just as curious to see him in a speedo as her friends.

Max turned back to the grill the second he felt himself start blushing. It wasn't like he'd never worn a scant, form-hugging swimsuit before. For that matter, he'd enjoyed being a nudist at every opportunity he'd had since he was young. His ex never liked it, though, and then when Victoria came along there wasn't much opportunity for him to enjoy going nude. There was a brief period after his break-up and before Victoria moved in that he was able to enjoy going nude around the house and pool, and to go skinny dipping any time of the day or night he wanted.

This was something he'd never let the girls know about, though. Kayla and Teri would only tease him unmercifully, and Victoria would probably just end up feeling embarrassed. It wasn't as if he'd never imagined sunbathing nude with his daughter and her friends, but he didn't trust himself to keep from getting a big, ripe hard on in front of them. Being honest with himself, he would have loved showing off his swollen dick to all three of the hot girls, his daughter included -- and maybe even especially her -- but he didn't want to put her through anything that would make her uncomfortable.

Still, at forty-four, Max was in great condition. He'd always worked on keeping a hard, well-defined physique, and he loved the way Victoria and her friends reacted when he was out by the pool without a shirt. This was as far as he could seriously take it, though, no matter how often he stroked his throbbing dick while imagining the four of them all lounging together nude. But then again, just lying naked in the sun was only part of what he imagined. It was a good thing he knew how to keep a secret.

After Teri and Victoria were both through admonishing Kayla for flashing her nipple at Max, he was surprised when it turned out to be his daughter who finally pointed out the obvious.

"Hmm, it's not like micro-thongs would be that much different than what we're wearing already," Victoria said.

Max turned back around to face her and was greeted with a coy smile that made his blood run a few degrees hotter. The idea of seeing Kayla and Teri in something even skimpier was hot, but seeing his precious daughter like that was in a whole different league. And maybe getting a speedo just to wear around Victoria when her precocious friends weren't there to make flirty comments could be exciting. But it was a crazy idea, just like suggesting the girls get micro-thongs was.

"Since none of us are really going to do that then we'll never know," Max told his daughter with a smile, hoping to put an end to the whole idea.

"Awww, that's no fun," Teri chuckled deviously.

Max gave her a half-serious frown. "I don't think your new boyfriend would appreciate another man seeing you in a micro-thong," he told the other brunette.

"Who says he has to know?" she smirked.

The other girls laughed. "At least I'm not the only slut in the group," Kayla announced.

"Yeah, just the biggest one," Victoria said.

Everyone laughed at that, including Kayla. Then the blonde stood up and went over to Max at the grill. "It was your idea so if we do it then you have to," she told him with a sexy, defiant smile. Then she brazenly rubbed her big, firm tits across his chest and dropped her voice so the other girls couldn't hear. "I could be a slut just for you," she whispered.

Max's surprise showed on his face while Kayla sashayed dramatically back to her chaise. Victoria and Teri were dying to know what she said, but she wouldn't say and neither would Max. He turned back to the grill and tried to focus on cooking so he wouldn't end up with a visible hard on in his trunks. He managed to finish cooking and sat at the patio table to eat with Victoria and her friends, but he couldn't stop thinking about the way Kayla's tits had felt rubbing across his body.

The following day while Victoria out getting information on signing up for courses at the nearest state university campus, Max went into his dresser drawer and made an inspection of the four or five swimsuits he owned. A couple were scant speedos, but they were old and he had to admit he was bored with them. He still liked sunbathing nude when Victoria was out, but he started to think it might not be so bad to order one or two new pair just to wear around her. Definitely not when Kayla or Teri were around.

Max tossed the oldest of his swimsuits in the trash and decided to order some new ones online. He went to his office, opened his laptop and ended up ordering four new pair of speedos. He hadn't even thought about when to wear them. They just looked comfortable and fun to wear, even if he only did it when there was no one else at the house. That was the safest idea anyway.

He went down to the basement and spent some time exercising on a couple of the machines he had, then he went out to the pool and stripped off his clothes. He lay in the sun for a while and then dove into the water to swim a few laps before Victoria got home. He didn't want to take too much time naked in the pool, wanting to get out and put something on before his daughter came back. But it felt so good to swim naked again, something he didn't get to do as much as he could before Victoria moved in.

Max's mind kept going back to the night before and the way Kayla rubbed her tits on his body. They'd felt so big and firm. He could only imagine how good they must feel in a man's hands. Then there was what she told him too softly for the others to hear, that she could be a slut just for him. It was the most outrageous thing she'd ever done where he was concerned. If she had said what she said loud enough for Teri and Victoria to hear then he would have just passed it off as more of her wicked flirting. But her whispery tone and the sultry look in her eyes were serious enough to melt butter.

As he swam, his cock started getting hard, and the more he thought about Kayla the bigger and harder he got, until he had to stop swimming. He leaned against the side of the pool where it was slightly above waist deep and fondled his cock. Uttering a sigh of relief, he thought about Kayla and wondered what it would be like to be in a relationship with her. The fact that he'd practically watched her grow up along with Victoria didn't bother him. She was a hot, willing, beautiful girl. By now, Max certainly knew her well enough to know there was much more to her than her brash, sexpot façade. She would make an amazing girlfriend, and probably even more.

Max stroked his cock, making it pulsate with heat while he imagined having Kayla as his own. It was far from the first time he'd played with a hard dick thinking about the luscious blonde, but then, he'd also had as many fantasies about Teri. This was different, though. She'd suggestively offered herself completely to him. He was sure he could have an amazing, long lasting relationship with either Kayla or Teri, although he had to admit he did love Kayla's bold attitude. Deep down, he felt like she was the one who was more compatible with him.

But they were both long term friends with his daughter. Wouldn't starting a relationship with one of her closest and oldest friends be a slap in the face to the girl he loved more than anyone? When he was being honest with himself, he knew Victoria was the one he really wanted. She was everything he could ever want in a woman. Yet she was the only one he could never have.

Max sighed and stroked his cock. It felt so good to feel the water rush around the motion of his hand. While he ran that all too brief contact with Kayla through his mind for the hundredth time, he remembered catching Victoria's look when it happened. There was a lustful glaze in her stunning, brown eyes, but there were daggers in them, too. Max didn't know if the daggers were meant for Kayla or him. It didn't really matter that much. It meant the same thing, that she would have a problem with her father getting into a sexual relationship with one of her friends.

Thinking of his daughter's possessive attitude only made Max's cock throb harder. He smiled at the same time. He felt possessive of her, too. It had driven him crazy to keep his feelings inside about her getting married. He'd hated the idea. No one was good enough for his gorgeous baby girl.

His thoughts quickly turned from Kayla to Victoria. The image of her was so clear it was like she was still sitting there on her chaise in the daringly scant, turquoise bikini she'd been wearing. The triangle strips containing her tits were fully stretched and showing mouth-watering nipple erections. Even though Victoria's boobs were a bit smaller than both of her friends, Max thought they were the nicest. They had a firm, up-thrust look about them like a work of sculpture. While Kayla and Teri both had the edge on size, Victoria's had a world class shape.

Kayla had a firm yet softer, curvier overall body than the others. Teri's body was lean and fit, almost hard. Victoria's body was somewhere in the middle, with legs and a compact bubble ass that had taken her father's breath away more times than he could count.

As he stroked his cock faster and harder, Max imagined that look on Victoria's face the day before to be jealousy. It wasn't so hard to believe. He'd felt jealous when she got married, and he'd done everything in his power to conceal it. But now she was back home with Daddy where she belonged.

Max closed his eyes and let himself go. He started whispering his daughter's name as he pumped his cock to the edge, finally calling out her name at the top of his voice when the pleasure building in his balls erupted. He stroked himself hard and fast while his cock pulsed and spurt jets of cum into the water.

All was quiet after Max's climax. He swam to the far end of the pool and pushed himself up onto the patio. Picking up a towel off one of the chaises, he dried himself, then wrapped it around his waist and went back inside. He was startled to find Victoria already at home when he ran into her in the kitchen. When she suddenly blushed as hard as he did he knew she'd seen him stroking his excited dick in the pool. The look on her face left no doubt. Now he could only hope she hadn't heard him calling out her name when he came. It was bad enough that she saw what he did, even if his cock had been underwater.

Victoria was wearing a light, summer dress that fell around mid-thigh. It was a pale yellow that set off the tan she'd been getting since moving in. She looked so fresh and healthy. The bodice of the dress covered her tits but molded to their shape and advertised the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. She looked every bit as sexy and desirable in a dress as in that little turquoise bikini.

He asked her how things went on campus and she finally made eye contact, but her expression showed frustration.

"It was okay, Dad," she said. "I can start classes in September, but I don't know how I'm ever going to pay tuition. I'm so broke after paying off my divorce lawyer."

"So I'll pay," her father said.

"Oh my god, Dad, I can't ask you to do that."

"You didn't ask," he reminded her. "Besides, you're my little girl. It's my job to take care of you."

A huge sense of relief crossed her pretty face and she went in for a hug automatically. Max was acutely aware of hugging his daughter with nothing but that towel around his waist, feeling the warm crush of her thinly covered tits against his body. He cautiously hugged her back. He didn't want to risk her feeling his cock responding to her, despite the fact that he'd just cum barely fifteen minutes ago.

"I don't know why you're so good to me, Dad," she sighed as she pressed the side of her face against her father's bare chest. "I wish I could've found a husband who treats me like you do."

"It's because I love you, baby. You're my baby girl and you always will be. Daddy will always love you the most."

Victoria's body filled and then emptied with a deep breath. Max wanted to keep holding her forever, but he forced himself to let her go before something dangerous happened under his towel.

"Dad," she smiled and shifted gears. "Have you been skinny dipping?"

Max laughed it off like it was nothing important. Maybe she hadn't caught him jerking off after all. "If you must know, yes," he said. "I do it when you're out, and of course before you moved back in I was doing it all the time."

Victoria giggled a little deviously. "I can't believe my father is a nudist."

"Used to be," he smiled. "Then your mother came into my life and things changed."

"I'll bet. But, um, if you like it you shouldn't change anything because of me. I'd feel bad if you miss out on things you like. Besides, going nude isn't a big deal, Dad. In case you haven't noticed I'm all grown up."

"Uhh, yeah, I did notice that," he said diplomatically. "But you're not used to it so I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"I'm sure I could get used to it," she said with a coy smile.

"We'll see," he said, avoiding the subject.

But then Victoria said, "Just don't do it if Kayla and Teri are here. They already treat you more like a boyfriend than my father."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. That's not about to happen."

Victoria grew quiet for a moment. Then she asked the last question her father wanted to hear. "By the way, what did Kayla whisper to you last night?"

Max froze for a split second, but Victoria caught it. "Nothing important," he said cryptically. "Just her usual teasing. You know how she is."

"Yeah, I do. And I know she usually flirts with you out loud so everyone can hear. It's not like her to shut me and Teri out like that."

"It was nothing, really," he said, eager to change the subject.

"If you say so," his daughter said, obviously unsatisfied with his answer.

Max ducked out before Victoria could bring up anything else he didn't want to talk about. He went up to his room and pulled on a pair of shorts without a shirt, and then he went back down to his office to work for a while. He lost track of time, and when he left his office he found Victoria out by the pool sunbathing. Completely naked.

She was on her back on a chaise with her eyes closed, and he stopped to take in one of the most beautiful sights he'd ever seen. Max had already assumed his daughter kept her pussy shaved from the styles of bikini she wore, but seeing that perfectly silky mound in all its glory took his breath away. Her legs were parted ever so slightly as she lay on the chaise and her slit looked so smooth and inviting. It seemed like her tits barely leaned to the sides. Her areolas were about twice the size of a quarter. They were a deep russet color and her nipples stood up hard and proud despite the warmth of the sun.

Max smiled. If her nipples were any indication, his daughter was just as turned on by being nude in the open air and sun as he always was. He almost went out and joined her, but he thought she was probably just trying it out to see if she liked it, so he left her alone. Instead, he went into the kitchen and started going through the refrigerator to see what there was to cook for dinner.

A couple of days later, the speedos Max ordered were delivered. He was in his office working when the truck pulled up, and it was Victoria who picked up the package off the front step. She recognized the name of the company, and moments later she was standing in the doorway to her father's office, holding up the package with a grin on her face.

"So, I guess you were serious about your micro-thong challenge, hmm?"

"What?" her father said, looking up and seeing the package in her hand. "Oh, that! No, of course not. That was just the wine talking the other night. Those are just because I needed some new suits."

"I don't know if your girlfriends will see it that way once they see you in these," she teased him.

Max rolled his eyes. "My girlfriends, huh?"

"That what they seem to think. You practically treat them that way."

There was a sarcastic look on the girl's face that made her father think she wasn't really joking. Max heaved a dramatic sigh.

"First of all, Teri already has a boyfriend," he pointed out.

Victoria frowned. "Yeah, supposedly. Whoever he is. But I bet she'd dump him in a second if she thought she had a shot with you."

"That's ridiculous. I'm more than twenty years older than she is. It's just a bunch of friendly teasing. That's all," he insisted.

"God, men can be so dumb," Victoria said.

"Did you just call your father dumb?"

"No," she said. "I only suggested it. At least as far as women are concerned. And I'm still dying to know what Kayla said to you the other night."

Max had been hoping his daughter would have forgotten about that. "Just friendly teasing. I already told you that," he claimed unconvincingly.

"Yeah. It looked very friendly to me and Teri," she smirked.

Max tried not to think about what Kayla had whispered to him that night, but he was also getting exasperated. He sat back and took in the sight of his daughter as she stood there in a pair of tight running shorts and a tank top that hugged her jutting boobs in the most distracting way. Her friends had been teasing him to the boiling point for years, even though they'd turned up the heat lately. Especially Kayla. But if he hadn't given in to her before, why should he now?

Max felt like he was in an impossible position. He couldn't imagine being with anyone else now that Victoria was back living with him again. Yet she was the last woman in the world he could ever be with, and the more he thought about it the less he really understood why.

She finally took a deep breath that pushed her tits forward, but then she seemed a little deflated.

"I'm sorry, Dad," she said. "I guess my head is still messed up from going through the divorce, school, living with you again. It's a lot to deal with."

She went into the room to put his package down on his desk. Max grabbed her by the wrist before she could turn and leave.

"You moving in is the best thing to happen to me in years. Maybe since you were born, darling," he told her. It felt like the words were just coming out in a rush. "I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but I'm glad you broke up with him. I never liked him and I never thought he was good enough for you. I know that probably sounds terrible, but I don't care."

"Oh...Daddy." She seemed to deflate even more, and then she plopped down onto his lap without warning, just like she used to do when she was half the size she was now. Max automatically put his arms around her held her protectively. "Are you just gonna keep rescuing me when I'm supposed to be a big girl and take care of myself?"

"Yes, baby. I'll always be here for you. I love you so much, and that's never gonna change. Besides, in case you've forgotten, I've been going through a divorce, too, and your moving in has rescued me, too." He kissed the top of her head as she nuzzled her face against his neck. The side of her firm, substantial boob was pressed against his body while the pressure of her tight ass in his lap was doing dangerous things to his pulse rate. But she was his baby girl. He couldn't bring himself to let go of her.

"I wish I could've married you," she said softly.

Max felt his pulse jump. He wanted the same thing, but how could he ever say something like that to his own daughter? It was a sweet thing to imagine, but nothing they could ever take seriously. The next thing he did just happened by instinct, as if his hands were moving independently of his mind. He put a finger under his daughter's chin and lifted her face so they were looking into each other's eyes from a very few inches apart. He'd never seen such a beautiful pair of eyes.

He then rubbed the pad of his thumb across his daughter's supple lips. "As long as I'm alive," he told her then, "you'll always have a man who loves you more than anyone."

Victoria's eyes looked watery. "You'd have probably met someone by now if it wasn't for me," she said.

"I don't need anyone else."

Then he pressed his lips to hers. They felt intoxicating. So warm and soft. She kissed him back until their mouths opened and their tongues slipped against each other. The kiss was deep yet tender, their tongues searching and swirling. They kissed for a long time, and Max began to feel his daughter's nipples through her top. She whimpered softly into his mouth as he went back and forth from one to the other, just grazing his fingers over each hardened nub. Despite his cock quickly swelling to a full erection against his daughter's ass, Max never rushed. He wanted so much more, but the intense heat of the mutual love expressed in their kissing was more overwhelming than anything he'd ever known.

Victoria's ass moved gently against the hard shaft she was sitting on, but eventually the kiss finally broke apart. They looked at each other in awe and then kissed again, almost as long as the first one. But the second had to come to an end, too. She got up from her father's lap with a dazed expression as she looked down to see the enormous bulge distorting the front of his shorts.

"Uh, I guess maybe I'll cook tonight," she said dreamily.

"Sure. That'd be nice," her father replied. He wasn't even sure if he heard what she said.

Max watched her leave the room. She walked out slowly, each individual sphere of her ass flexing and swaying more than normal in her tight shorts. Her father rubbed the shaft of his wildly throbbing cock through his shorts, knowing he was in trouble.

The trance his daughter left him in lasted for hours. He couldn't look at her without catching himself staring and finding the same sense of wonder in her eyes staring back. Late that night, he ended up in the bathroom with his big, throbbing cock in his hand while he stroked himself and thought about their kiss and the way her nipples had felt through her dress.

The following day, Max came out of his office to take a break before having an online meeting a little later. He went outside to the pool and found his daughter sunbathing nude again. He stopped in his tracks to admire her just like he had the first time. She was truly magnificent. But this time he decided to join her. He couldn't avoid the issue forever, so he went to a nearby chaise where he pulled off his shirt and let his shorts drop to the patio slate. He smiled when she sat up to look at him through her sunglasses.

"I guess you decided to try going nude after all," he said.

"Well, you were right. It really does feel amazing."

"You look amazing, too," he told her.

She seemed to register the compliment, but he realized she was also seeing her father's naked body for the first time, and even with her shades on he could tell her gaze kept returning to his cock.

"Boy did Mom ever fuck up," she said, almost as if to herself.

Max sat down before he started getting hard.

"I guess a lot of families do this together, don't they?" she added. "Like going to nudist resorts and such, right?"

"Yes, they do," he replied, watching her lie back again and giving him a sensuous stretch before settling into position.

"So it shouldn't be weird for us to do it. I mean, you don't feel weird about it, do you, Dad?"

"No, baby. It's perfectly natural."

"Yeah, natural. I'm feeling really natural. I wish we started doing this a long time ago."

"Yeah, except your mother never liked it."

"Can we not talk about her?" she asked.

"Easily," he said. "How about we don't talk about your mother or your ex, either?"

"Perfect. I want to enjoy the way this feels with just us here and not think about either of them."

They lay together quietly in the sun for a while, but they both kept turning to look at each other. Victoria kept shifting positions, always trying put herself in the right pose to look perfect for her father. It was hard to see her eyes behind her shades, but the faint smile of contentment never left her face. It was a coy smile, and Max forced himself to admit his nude daughter was teasing him. The last thing he could bring himself to do was discourage her.

As much as he was trying to avoid it, Max's cock started getting hard. His daughter was making it impossible the way she kept changing from one position to another, each one more suggestive than the last. It wasn't long before he had a fully swollen cock. He caught her checking out the long, thick rod jutting up against his taut lower belly.

"Sorry, sweetheart," he said. "But this is pretty much natural, too. It just, uhhh, happens sometimes."

"I don't mind," she giggled playfully. Then she turned on her side, giving her father a full on view of her perfect body and looked openly at his erection. "It's bigger than I thought from the other day when I felt you under me."

"You probably shouldn't be noticing things like that," he said, even as he was staring at her perfectly bald pussy. He was throbbing without even being touched.

"I may be your daughter, but I'm still a woman. I still have feelings, Dad," she said. "Sometimes people want things they shouldn't, but that doesn't stop them wanting them."

"That's very true, baby. But there's a line people should never cross." He angled himself toward her and despite what he said, he wrapped his hand around his aching cock and stroked it lightly. Victoria gnawed on her bottom lip as she watched him.

"Was kissing like we did go across the line, Dad?"

Max groaned, stroking as he remembered the moment they shared. "It's at least right on top of the line, baby. But looking...just looking...fuck, it's impossible not to."

Victoria sat up and swung her feet onto the tiles. She squared her shoulders, pushing her tits forward as she spread her legs and revealed her tender, hairless slit.

"Then look at me, Daddy," she cooed. "Please. I want you to see everything. It's not so bad if we just look, right?"

At the moment, Max found it impossible to disagree. He sat up in the same position his daughter was in. They faced each other with their legs open while his hand continued pumping his thick, rigid shaft. Victoria touched her clit and sighed. She began rubbing her pearl as she watched her father stroke himself. He was spellbound, completely intent on his baby girl's beautifully naked body. Her pussy was like an open flower, every fold and petal glistening in the sun with her trickling dew. Her tits jiggled and heaved to the motion of her arm as she rubbed her clit and started breathing deeper and harder. Her nipples stood out thick and hard, begging to be taken between her father's lips and sucked.​
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