Page 02

"Daddy. Ohhhh god, Daddy. Why do I love this so much?" his beautiful girl sighed over and over.

Max pumped his imposing rod desperately. Victoria's pussy seemed so tight and downright tiny, and he imagined how snugly she would grip his cock if they fucked. Yet he knew they could never have each other completely. Not the way they obviously both wanted so much. She was his one and only daughter, after all. What kind of man would fuck his own daughter, no matter how much she wanted him? Yet wasn't it because she was his daughter that he saw something more in her than any other girl he'd ever known? Wasn't that why, to him, she was always that much more beautiful? That much sweeter and funnier than any other? She was his daughter, and the whole world changed whenever she walked in the room.

She was his. From the day she was born she was completely his, and there was no way he could ever see anything more beautiful or want anyone more than he wanted her. It was a cruel twist of fate that the hottest, most perfect life mate for him was the one he'd created out of the wet seed of his own loins.

"Fuck!" he growled, his hand clamping down on his rock hard shaft with intense force.

Her gasping sighs of pleasure were turning into girlish whimpers of need. The mere sound of his baby's hot breath was enough to make his full balls tighten and gather up in his shaved sack. He was pumping his swollen rod without mercy, driving himself closer to the edge with every stroke.

Victoria brought her other hand between her legs and drove a finger into her slick hole while the other rubbed her clit in a blur of motion. She whimpered "Daddy" one more time and then, "Ohhh, fuck me, I'm gonna cum, Dad!"

Max was completely enrapt by the sight of his naked daughter's squirming body. Her moans grew ragged and desperate as the waves of sensation rippled through her. Max never took his eyes off her while his own need broiled within him to the breaking point. His cock exploded with a storm burst of cum that left him breathless, soaking his hand and shaft while the rest spattered on the slate tiles between them.

Catching their breath in the aftermath, Max couldn't believe what they'd done. Not that he was sorry. Seeing his precious Victoria cum openly and without restraint was one of the most amazing moments of his life. She was even more astonishing than he thought. It was beyond belief that they'd lost themselves together and allowed it to happen. Seeing what his girl looked like when she came, the way she sounded, was something he would remember the rest of his life.

"God, Dad, there's so much," she said with a brief giggle as she surveyed the plentiful splatters of cum on the tiles between their feet. "Do you always cum like that?"

Max didn't know what to say. Did his only daughter really just ask him if he always shot that much cum? She was gazing at the ground between them as if she'd never seen cum before. Yet he had to admit it was an especially heavy load. He'd never cum so hard or so long simply from stroking his cock. But this was no ordinary stroke session, and he knew there would be all kinds of unforeseen ramifications if they weren't careful with each other.

"Only for you, baby girl," he finally replied, telling himself he could be more careful another time. Even if they could never have each other the way they truly wanted, he at least wanted his daughter to know how she made him feel. And the way she was grinning at him triumphantly let him know she understood everything.

Max got up and gave the girl a long, deep kiss. They were careful not to touch each other. Being naked as they were, touching each other now could easily turn into something they'd never be able to control.

"I love you, Dad," she said with a look in her eyes no woman had ever shown him before.

"I love you, too, baby," he replied.

Then he apologized for having to rush back to his office. His meeting was scheduled to begin in a few minutes. On his way inside, he stopped off in the downstairs bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. He threw on a spare shirt that he kept in his office, but he was still naked from the waist down. Sitting at his desk in front of his laptop, his clients would never know the difference. For that matter, no one but he and Victoria would ever know about the life-changing explosion of love and cum they had just shared.

Both Max and Victoria savored the feeling of freedom they shared as the father and daughter stopped wearing clothes around the house and pool when it was just the two of them. Which was most of the time. Although Max had to admit there were times he missed seeing his incredibly sexy daughter in the hot looking outfits she often wore. He ended up taking her out to dinner or the movies just so she'd have to put on one of her sexy looking sun dresses or one of her tight miniskirts and cropped top combinations. It was fun and sexy, but having his girl around him naked the rest of the time only brought them even closer to each other emotionally.

Max felt closer to his daughter than ever, and much closer than he ever had been to his ex. At the same time, they were constantly aware of the lines they'd already crossed as much as the ones they were doing their best not to cross. Since they'd already masturbated in front of each other, it was no longer a taboo between them. They masturbated for each other at least every day, and the excitement they shared only got better the more they accepted this new twist on their reality.

At night, they went to their separate bedrooms to sleep. A few days after their first masturbation session, Max woke up in the middle of the night to find his nude daughter sitting on his bed. He'd been sleeping nude, of course, and he found it strange to see her just sitting there looking thoughtful. It was something she'd done back in the days before going to college: come into her father's bedroom at night when she needed to talk about something. Of course, in the old days she wasn't naked, and there had also been her mother to disapprove of her waking up her father in the middle of the night. But that was something Max never minded.

"Everything okay, baby?" he asked sleepily.

She hesitated a little while, but then finally asked him: "Dad? Are you ever gonna kiss me again? Like that time in your office? Ya know? I mean real kissing."

Max hadn't stopped thinking about that amazing, forbidden kiss. He'd been dying to kiss her again ever since, but then they'd been dressed. He knew if he kissed his daughter that way naked he'd never be able to stop himself from going too far and doing something he could never take back.

"Baby, it would be safer if we only do that when we're wearing clothes," he said. "If we kiss naked, there's no telling where it could lead."

Victoria heaved a sigh of resignation. "I guess you're right." She was disappointed, but it was all pretty mind boggling for her, too. "It would be incest, and that's wrong. Really wrong. At least that's what everyone says."

"Yeah, that's what they say. So we have to be really careful."

As they talked about it more, they decided to make a few ground rules. Kissing would be okay if they were wearing clothes. Touching through clothes would be okay, too, and they could go on masturbating together when they were nude as long they were only touching themselves. At least that would help them relieve their pent-up urges and stay sane. Other people would say it was going much too far for a father and daughter, but for Max and Victoria it made perfect sense. They had their ground rules now, and that would keep them from doing something they could never take back.

But then Victoria got a worried look on her face. "Dad, I know eventually you're going to need more. Someone you can really be with."

"I wish that could be you, my love. More than you can imagine."

"I know. I want that, too. But we both know it's just not realistic. So I just want you to know if you meet someone you can have a real relationship with that I won't do anything to interfere."

"That's really sweet, baby. I really don't want anyone else, though."

"Neither do I, Dad, but we both know it has to happen sooner or later. I just hope it's later. I love the way things have been going. But, I'm hoping if and when I meet someone, too, that you'll support me."

"Of course, baby. It's the least I could do."

After a thoughtful silence, Victoria went on. "You know," she said a little hesitantly, "the more I think about it, Kayla would be perfect for you. And you for her."

"She's a very beautiful girl," he replied noncommittally.

Victoria ended up spending the rest of the night in her father's bed. She spooned up to his naked body from behind, pressing her warm, smooth tits against his back. Max got so hard he thought he would never get any sleep. He was dying to just roll over and take his beautiful daughter once and for all. But they both did their best to keep from crossing the ultimate line despite how impossible it felt. On the other hand, having his baby girl beside him in bed was the most content Max could remember feeling in years.

By the time she was already asleep, he thought about what she'd said about Kayla. His daughter was right. The beautiful blonde couldn't be a better choice, except for her being a close, family friend. If they were in a relationship it would surely change the dynamics of how they all got along. But as Max thought about it more, he realized that didn't necessarily mean it would make anything worse. Maybe it would be just the opposite.

The next Saturday afternoon, Kayla and Teri were supposed to come to the house to hang out at the pool. Victoria almost made an excuse to get out of having to visit with them. It was the first time she would have to put on a swimsuit since she started going nude with her father, not to mention all the other changes in their relationship. But Max told her she had to see her friends sooner or later. She couldn't just cut off her already dwindling social life just so the two could have a few extra hours of walking around each other naked.

"I guess you're right," she finally relented with a sigh. "I just didn't want anyone invading our naked dream world."

"Naked dream world?" Max laughed good naturedly. He loved the way his daughter thought of their lives together that way. It was the way he liked thinking about it, too.

Victoria started to laugh too and then made a mock frown. "You can't blame a girl for dreaming, can you?"

"No, I guess I can't, baby. But it's only going to be a few hours. And maybe it'll be good for us both to get a little dose of reality and socialize with friends for a while."

"Oh my god, Dad," Victoria laughed. "You call hanging around at the pool getting tipsy on wine with Kayla and Teri a dose of reality?"

They both laughed. "Good point," her father said. "But you know what I mean. Besides, we'll be at the pool most of the day. It's not like we really have to get fully dressed."

Victoria agreed, although a little reluctantly. Then a coy smile crossed her pretty face. "Who knows," she said mysteriously. "Maybe the view will surprise you. And, um, maybe you should wear one of those new suits you mail ordered?"

Max looked at his daughter curiously, but she whirled around and went to her room to get ready for her friends' arrival. Meanwhile, her father pulled on a tight, blue speedo in lieu of briefs, knowing he'd be going out to hang around the pool in a while anyway. Over that, he pulled on a pair of shorts without bothering with a shirt and went down to his office to catch up on some work before he ended up drinking wine with his daughter and her playful friends. He was planning to grill a nice dinner for them all, having gotten some fresh, wild salmon steaks and vegetables he could cook on the grill.

Teri and Kayla got to the house just a few minutes apart, and Max could hear the murmur of sweet, female voices out at the pool. The conversation sounded fairly subdued at first, but it wasn't long before sudden peals of laughter started to make it sound more like the old days when the girls were giddy, excitable teenagers.

It was a comforting reminder of happy times, except when he thought it over again, Max realized he was much happier now than he'd ever been back in those times. It made him sad when he thought of how this magical connection with his beautiful daughter was only temporary, so he tried not to think about that. He was going to enjoy it as much as he could for as long as it lasted. And he vowed to keep his promise to her: that whenever she found someone to have a normal relationship with he would hide his jealousy and do his best to be happy for her.

It wasn't easy for a man to be deeply in love with his own daughter, but the way she made him feel was better than anything he'd ever known. Even when he had to fight against his deepest urges for her.

Max attempted to keep working for almost an hour before the cheerful sound of three very hot and beautiful girls out by the pool forced him to admit he couldn't concentrate on anything else. He finally shut his laptop and went outside where the sight of the trio all wearing obscenely skimpy micro-thong bikinis stopped him in his tracks.

All three of the girls laughed when Max stood there gaping at them, his eyes moving from one to the next and back again. Any one of them alone would have been an impressive enough sight to make him stop and stare, but all three together were beyond stunning. The tan lines left behind by the bikinis they'd worn previously made their micro suits that much sexier. He did think Victoria looked the best of all, but he also realized he was probably very biased when it came to his precious daughter. All three of them giggled triumphantly when they saw his reaction.

"I think you remember our deal," Kayla announced without so much as a hello-how-are-you. "We wear micros and you have to wear a speedo."

Max finally recovered and shook his head with a smile. "Maybe you remember I didn't actually agree to the deal. Not that I'm complaining. You all look amazing."

"It was your idea. You have to agree," the blonde said with a coy pout. "Besides, Vic already told us you did a little online shopping and we're not gonna let you back out."

Max shot a look at his daughter, who responded with a guilty smile. "Sorry, Dad. I couldn't help it."

"Snitch," he said.

He shot her a mock frown, and then glanced at the wine bottle on the low, plastic coffee table and noticed the bottle was already down to about one more glass. He went over to it and filled one of the plastic cups next to it for himself. It looked like the girls were ahead of him by a couple of glasses each. They were also smiling back and forth at each other and at Max while they preened and stretched their lush bodies. The bikinis they were wearing covered practically nothing, each consisting of the tiniest, V-shaped strips of material that covered little more than the width of their areolas and pussy slits.

Max noticed each of their pussies were shaved peach smooth and the sight of them made his pulse go jagged. He still hadn't gotten used to seeing Victoria naked, but now, seeing her like this felt like a merciless tease. He hoped the other girls didn't notice the way his eyes kept going back to his daughter as much as either of them, especially the beautiful, curvaceous Kayla.

Victoria's friends had never invited Max's attention as much as they were right now, and he was taking full advantage of it, letting his eyes roam over their barely covered tits and legs. It was a little strange, but it was also a big relief that Kayla and Teri didn't seem to see anything wrong with his looking at his daughter the same way he was looking at them. After downing at least half his wine in the first sip, he flashed the girls a grin. Victoria gave him an encouraging nod, and he proceeded to drop his shorts, revealing his new speedo.

It was almost as skimpy as the bikini bottoms the girls had worn before today, except it was bulging with the man sized cock and ballsac that looked ripe and thick. With the girls displayed before him in nothing but strings and tiny patches of fabric, it was a struggle to keep from getting hard, especially with Teri and Kayla openly staring at the clearly outlined shape of his cock head.

"Oh god, Vic, you're so lucky to have such a hot dad," Teri said with a giggle that seemed a little nervous to Max. But then he caught his daughter's eye and saw the deep blush come to her face. Teri and Kayla both caught it, too. Kayla snickered deviously while Teri suddenly looked away. Max realized she was blushing too, but Victoria and Kayla didn't see.

"Oh hey, look at that," Max said before anyone else had a chance to respond. "Looks like we need another bottle of wine.

"Nice ass, too," Kayla called after Max when he turned to go inside for another bottle.

There were two more bottles of white chilling in the fridge, and Max pulled one of them out, uncorked it, and then took a moment to himself in the kitchen. He had to brace himself before going back outside or else he would end up with a hard on that would never fit inside his speedo. It would most certainly embarrass Victoria even more than him. On the other hand, he couldn't deny how much he liked having her friends boldly looking at the full bulge stretching his tiny suit. The fact that they were doing it right in front of his daughter made his pulse beat even faster. It didn't look like he was going to get through the rest of the day without getting hard at some point, but he decided he could always jump in the pool to hide the evidence until it went back down.

He finally brought the newly opened bottle out to the patio and topped off everyone's cup. Kayla and Teri both sat upright and pushed out their barely covered tits while he poured for them, and he didn't know how he got through it without spilling wine all over their succulent melons. When he poured for Victoria he turned his back to the others and the father and daughter exchanged a meaningful look. Max felt like his daughter was making him melt inside. The look in her eyes said she was proud of him, yet there was something possessive about it too.

"I love you," he whispered, softly enough so the others couldn't hear.

"I love you, too," she whispered back.

They spent the next hour working their way to the bottom of the second bottle while everyone was openly staring at everyone else. Kayla was the boldest, finding every excuse to shift her position and open her shapely thighs to reveal the barely covered slit outlined in her micro-thong. Victoria kept flashing her father her pussy, too, but only when Kayla and Teri were looking the other way. And Max had to admit it appealed to the exhibitionist streak he'd always had to have those three, beautiful vixens openly checking out the fully packed bulge in his tight speedo.

It was a while before the topic of conversation turned away from how everyone looked in their new swimwear. The wine was putting them all in a more relaxed mood, and they were talking and laughing together like any other day, except for the constant sexual tease of the situation. Kayla and Victoria started kidding Teri about keeping her new boyfriend a secret. Despite being more relaxed with the wine, Max could tell from her body language that they were making her nervous.

"You should bring him here sometime so we can meet him," Kayla told her. "We won't attack him, I promise," she giggled.

Teri flashed her friend a good-natured but sarcastic look. Max tried to smooth it over.

"With as beautiful a girlfriend as you, I'm sure your new boyfriend wouldn't even be interested in Kayla or Vic," he said.

"Thank you, Max," Teri said with an appreciative smile.

"Don't worry, Ter," Victoria added, "we'll make sure Kayla keeps her hands off your man."

"That won't be hard to do with Max here," the blonde said suggestively.

Everyone laughed, including Kayla. One of the reasons everyone liked her so much was that she never took herself too seriously. They all knew the blonde would never go after the boyfriend of one of her friends, even if she was always the first person to come out with the most inappropriate comments. Her next statement was a classic example.

"And you know you don't have to worry about Vic," the blonde said to Teri. "She's got Max to keep her happy."

Max didn't know if Kayla was just trying to make everyone laugh at an outrageous idea, but Teri suddenly grew very quiet. Then it got even more tense when Max and Victoria both blushed and avoided looking at each other. Teri and Kayla could tell there was something to it, but everyone just went silent for a couple of minutes.

It was Teri who finally stood up and announced she felt like swimming. "It's hot today. I need to go in the pool."

Everyone else agreed and stood up, too. Max nearly got hard just watching each of the smiling girls strut toward the diving board while they took turns diving into the water. Every one of them came up to the surface with a shriek when they realized their tops all went out of place during their dives. All three of them came to the surface with fully exposed tits. Max stood at the edge of the pool with a wide grin on his face while the girls laughed. Teri and Victoria made a half-hearted attempt to cover their big, round boobs, but Kayla didn't even bother to try. She just flashed Max a beautiful smile and thrust her large melons outward with pride.

Then, while the other girls were trying to pull their tiny little strips and strings back into place, Kayla took hers off and tossed it onto the deck. "This was obvious not meant for swimming," she said with a laugh. When the other girls laughed and jokingly accused her of being a slut, she said, "Hey, we're all grownups here, right? We're capable of skinny dipping in front of each other."

That was when Victoria took her father completely by surprise and admitted to her friends that the two of them had been skinny dipping several times together since the last time they visited. Max was just as stunned as Kayla and Teri. He and Victoria had agreed to keep their new way of living to themselves, but he blamed it on the wine and the excitement of being as good as naked in public to begin with. He watched without flinching as both Teri and his daughter also pulled off their tiny suits that were no longer covering what they were supposed to.

"C'mon, Dad, you too," Victoria said with a giggle.

"Oh, I'm gonna love this," Kayla crooned eagerly, staring straight at Max.

He took a good look at the three naked beauties standing in his pool, each of them with their large, round tits hovering wet above the water's surface. They were looking back at him in anticipation. He took a moment to set their wine cups at the side of the pool, and then got booed when he climbed down the ladder and took off his speedo under water.

"Totally not fair," Kayla said.

The other girls laughed, but the water was clear enough that all their pussies as well as Max's cock were visible, and everyone was taking full advantage of looking at everyone else. Kayla especially. She gazed at Max's cock and bit her lower lip seductively. Then she slowly walked toward him and turned at the last second to pick up her wine. She took a sip, and then holding her cup in one hand, she reached under the water and quickly fondled Max's cock and balls with the other. She stopped when the other girls both called her a slut. They were laughing, but there was a more serious tone to the accusation than usual. Max couldn't help wanting to feel Kayla's hand back on his cock. Her touch had been electrifying.

Kayla just gave an exaggerated shrug, which made her tits bounce. "You can't tell me you didn't think about it," she rationalized. "Even you, Vic. I mean, maybe you've already felt it sometime when we weren't here. You did say you guys were skinny dipping without us."

"Ugh! You're so ridiculous," Victoria scoffed. But at the same time, she and Teri both came close to Max and Kayla on the pretense of getting their wine. Max grabbed his, too, and they all stood close together drinking their wine and staying cool in the water.

Max finally lost his battle of will and his cock started getting hard until he was completely and obviously swollen to his throbbing limit. It was impossible to avoid with Kayla rubbing up against him at every opportunity, not to mention Victoria and Teri being so close. He could see every droplet of water clinging to their lush tits, and the sight of all three with proudly hardened nipples made his blood heat up.

The wine was really relaxing everyone now, and Kayla kept reaching for Max's cock, giving it brief strokes and squeezes right in front of his daughter and their other friend. He was powerless to stop her. His cock was throbbing and aching for attention. He felt guilty about it happening in front of his daughter, though, but by now everyone was used to it and they even managed to talk about a few topics that didn't have anything to do with nudism or sex. Besides, it wasn't so long ago that his daughter suggested a relationship with her hot, blonde friend would be just what he needed.

Either way, Max's cock was aching more and more for Kayla's touch. He wanted his daughter's hand around his shaft just as much, but that was out of the question, especially in front of her friends. He could tell she was thinking about the same thing whenever her eyes drifted down to Kayla's hand every time she touched his cock. Teri watched, too, with a faraway look in her eye that Max couldn't quite figure out. It had to be the wine and the increasingly charged atmosphere.

Yet despite the sexual implications of the day, there was a relaxed feeling among everyone that only comes with people who feel comfortable being naked around each other. Max was soon reaching to caress Kayla's ass as often as she kept touching his cock.

"I could get used to this," Teri said. "I'd love to get rid of these tan lines, too."

"That mysterious boyfriend of yours will love that," Kayla said, giving Max's cock another couple of strokes while the others glanced down.

Part of Max didn't want to encourage Kayla to keep touching his cock in front of Victoria and Teri. After their talk about setting ground rules, it felt like they were already breaking some rules they hadn't covered yet, but her hand felt too good. It was obvious she knew how to handle a man's hard cock, and she was also a girl he'd already imagined fucking a few hundred times over. But then again, he'd imagined his daughter and Teri the same way just as many times, his daughter, probably even more than the others.

It wasn't fair. But maybe Kayla was the closest he could come to being with Victoria. At the same time, he was both pleased and intensely aroused by the idea that the three most beautiful girls he knew would start using his home as a safe-haven for exploring their eager interest in becoming nudists.

Kayla took a longer chance to play with Max's cock this time. He leaned against the side of the pool and let a sigh of pleasure escape his lips while she pressed her full, heavy tits against his arm.

"Geeze, Kayla, are you seriously gonna jerk off my dad right in front of me and Teri?" Victoria said, although her eyes were cast down and gazing at her friend's hand stroking that long, thick shaft of man flesh. Her nipples were dripping wet from the pool and hard as rubies. Teri was staring just as intently.

"You're not complaining, are you, Max baby?" the blonde cooed.

"Definitely not, but ... maybe this isn't the best situation."

Kayla then leaned close to the man's ear so she could whisper without the others hearing her. "Your daughter's just jealous because she wishes it was her stroking you instead of me. Or haven't you noticed she's in love with you as much as I am?" she said.

Max would've been happy to let Kayla make him cum. She had a sure, talented hand that was making his cock throb for more, and he was also fully aware his daughter was just as frustrated by their situation as he. He thought he would break the tension by turning around and pouring more wine in everyone's cup. Kayla was forced to let go of his cock, but it turned out the bottle was empty.

"There's another one in fridge, isn't there, Dad?" Victoria asked.

Max nodded, ready to get out of the pool to go get the other one.

"I'll get it," his daughter said, pushing herself out of the water before he had a chance.

"I'll come with you," Teri added.

Teri went up the ladder, and after a quick moment to pat themselves dry the two brunettes went inside. Kayla turned to Max, pressing up to his body and taking hold of his cock again. Max couldn't help another sigh of pleasure while he put his arms around her and began firmly fondling the bubble shaped cheeks of her ass.

"I want to enjoy this while I can," Kayla said, lifting her face to Max's, inviting him to kiss her mouth for the first time.

Max kissed the seductive blonde intensely. Her lips opened immediately and her tongue did an obscene dance inside his mouth while she kept stroking his cock. Her tits were rubbing against his chest and he soon brought his hands to the hefty, smooth globes and kneaded them. He couldn't believe he was kissing one of his daughter's best and oldest friends, not to mention that her hand was bringing his cock to the boiling point. They kissed for as long as Max dared, and then they broke apart and both looked toward the house, knowing that Victoria and Teri would soon be coming back with another bottle of wine.

"What did you mean 'while you can'?" he asked, his hands still exploring her tits while she continued stroking his cock.

"Because my dear friend, your daughter, is only going to take so much of me playing with the man she loves."

"But I'm her father, Kayla," he said seriously. "Victoria and I could never be together, not even if she loved me the way you're suggesting."

"Oh, she loves you like that," the blonde replied with total conviction. "You're way more than just a father to her. And Max, it couldn't be more obvious you love her the same way. I've wanted you to myself for years, and I know you love Teri and me like we're family, but ... I know you'll never feel for me like you do for her. And if you think Teri doesn't see it, too, then you're kidding yourself."

Max sighed. He knew Kayla was right about most of it, and he had to admit he wasn't surprised to realize Victoria and he were more obvious with their feelings than they thought. At least to Kayla and Teri. Like the blonde had said, they were close like family.

"Then why have you been playing with my cock all afternoon?" he asked, grinning but thinking about the implications of what she said.

She giggled briefly. "Because, silly. There's a really long shot maybe we could be together. But, I know that daughter of yours, and I'm pretty sure she's not gonna let us get very far before she steps in and claims you for herself. We all know you're too afraid of fucking her up to make a move yourself. I'm just here to help things along."

Max couldn't help smiling. "You can't seriously think I can have any kind of sexual relationship with my daughter," he said.

"I sure can. And I happen to know if one of you doesn't make it happen soon you're both going to be miserable."

"That's pretty compelling logic," Max replied. "So why are you still playing with my cock and I can't seem to take my hand off your amazing tits?"

Kayla giggled. "Because it feels so fucking good. There's no reason the solution to your little problem can't be fun."

Max couldn't help smiling at her again, even though she was making his mind spin in a hundred directions at once.

"It feels amazing," was as much as he could manage to say at the moment. "And you're amazing. I bet you already know I've been in love with you as long as you've been in love with me."

"Oh, I doubt that," she giggled deviously.

"I think you'd be surprised," he told her. "And maybe it wouldn't be such a long shot as you think. I mean you and me."

"Don't say things you don't mean," she said with a serious frown.

"I never do, and I think you know that, baby."

"God, I love when you call me that," she whispered, even though there was no reason to.

Max looked at her intensely. He loved all the girls, of course, and Victoria in a way that was so special he could hardly bring himself to accept it. She was his daughter. His daughter! And yet both Kayla and Teri were like daughters to him too. But now he could see something in the blonde's eyes he'd never seen before. There was the undeniable gleam of love and hot desire that there was only one way to satisfy, and he was feeling the same fire of need. If only his forbidden love for Victoria wasn't making it all seem so complicated. Not to mention sordid and kinky.

Yet there was also a feeling of bittersweet sadness in Kayla's expression. It was the expression of a girl who was willing to give up a man she loved for a friend she loved just as much. The man had always known, but could now see the proof, that there was so much more to her than her brash, sexpot facade.

"They seem to be taking a long time just to get a bottle of wine," Max finally said, studying her face while giving her hard nipples a firm squeeze.

"They can take the rest of the weekend, as far as I'm concerned," she said with a soft moan. Then she pulled the tip of Max's cock directly to her smoothly waxed pussy, widening her thighs and rubbing his dome along her warm, slippery sex lips. "Ohhhh, that's so nice," she cooed. "I've wanted to feel this for so long."

Max kissed her again. So hungrily, and even more deeply than before. He ground his cock against the slick furrow of her pussy slit while he held her naked body and felt her generous tits mash into his chest. And while their tongues entwined inside their mouths, Max could feel the floodgate open between them, letting all the feelings pour into each other that they'd kept in check for so long. He drove his tongue deeply between her supple, welcoming lips, his heart pounding as she moaned and exhaled into his mouth. He grasped and squeezed the deceptively firm cheeks of her round ass, grinding the hard shaft of his cock along her slit without entering her hole.

"Oh god, are you trying to make me love you even more?" she asked when the kiss finally broke apart.

"I do love you, Kayla," he told her. "No matter what happens, I want you to always know that."

"I love you, too, Daddy," she purred happily.

It was the first time she'd ever called him that, even in all the years he'd been like a second father to both her and Teri. It made his cock throb with heat.

"Fuck," he said, softly.

"If you only knew how many times I imagined you were really my father, and you needed me so much you didn't care and fucked me anyway," she confessed. "I always knew Vic was so lucky to have you."

Max didn't want to take his pulsating dick out from between her legs, yet he didn't dare plunge his thick shaft into her pussy no matter how much he wanted to.

"Did you know I only ever act like a slut around you?" she confessed.

"I know," he said. "I always knew that."

Then she got a devious look on her pretty face. "Wanna know something else?"

"I wanna know everything you want to say."

"Mmmm, that's why we all love you," she purred. "Well, that and this amazing cock," she added, squeezing his shaft with her thighs. "You can't say I told you this. But your daughter, my best friend...she, um, likes to watch almost as much as she likes being watched."

Kayla punctuated the surprising statement with a coy giggle. Max couldn't help feeling his rod pulsate in response to the kinky little bomb she just dropped.

"And how would know that?"

"Because we've been friends forever. And, um, maybe I was in on a couple of threesomes with her and Danny, her ex," she admitted.

"Fuck," Max nearly moaned. Knowing his daughter was that sexually open only made his shaft throb for more and more.

"But that's how things went bad between them. Danny wanted to start fucking me behind her back, too. I refused, of course, and I told her what happened. I didn't want to see my best friend in a marriage with an asshole like him."

Only Kayla could be a saint and sex goddess all in one. But at the same time he felt a wave of anger for Danny, who he never liked to begin with.

"Thank you for looking after our girl," he told Kayla.

"Of course, Daddy. She's my sister."

"God, you're gonna make me explode."

"As long as you do it inside me," she purred in a tone that made his blood boil.

Victoria and Teri then came back out. They were both noticeably preoccupied and quiet. Max and Kayla could tell they must have been having their own, sensitive conversation while they were inside. He and the blonde looked at each other curiously, but they didn't move apart while Victoria and the other brunette climbed back down into the pool. They were so intent on whatever they were thinking about that they didn't even say anything about the way Max was standing up against Kayla with his rigid cock nestled between her legs. They were so matter of fact in their attitude it almost felt like they were expecting to find Max and Kayla in a compromising position.

Victoria filled the plastic cups again. Teri was standing behind her, close enough to be pushing her tits against her friend's back. Everyone took a drink, but Max still didn't move. He didn't want to pull his cock away from Kayla any more than she wanted him to. The blonde and he waited to see if the other two were going to say anything about what took them so long inside. But they didn't. Everyone just drank in awkward silence that did nothing to kill the prevailing sexual charge in the atmosphere. If anything, it only seemed to add to everyone's sense of anticipation. Victoria and Teri were definitely drawn to the way Max and Kayla had moved together.

"Looks like you finally got my father's dick between your legs, K," Victoria said, flashing a smile.

Max caught a worried look in her eye, but also an intent fascination that made him think again about everything Kayla had said a few minutes ago.

"Yeah, but not the way I really want it," the blonde replied.

"Slut," Victoria said, making her usual joke, but her tone was completely distracted as she gazed at the spot under water where her father's cock was trapped between her friend's thighs.

Max looked at his daughter and couldn't resist sliding his cock in and out between Kayla's thighs in a fucking motion, even though he was still only pushing his shaft along the outside of her slit. The blonde sighed loudly, making sure everyone heard.

Max didn't sense a feeling of jealousy from Victoria like he expected. No, she was fascinated by the sight. He himself had had a few public sexual experiences back in his more active nudist days, but having his daughter staring in awe at the pleasurable stroke of his thick rod between Kayla's thighs was making him throb like he couldn't remember. Thinking that the two of them had already had threesomes with Victoria's ex made him feel bolder and hornier than ever before.

Kayla flashed them all a devious grin and moved out of her position. "Come with me, Daddy," she made a point of emphasizing as she took hold of Max's impressive cock and led him toward the shallower end of the pool. She stopped where Max's cock was now just above the surface of the water. His organ stood out thick and rigid, bobbing slightly while Kayla sat up on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water.

Max felt the attentive gaze of the other girls while he knew he was going to fuck the gorgeous blonde. Finally. And he was going to do it right in front of her two best friends, standing there naked as she was, and one of them his very own daughter. The man's long, thick stalk was pulsing like mad. He grabbed his shaft and stepped into position, but then Kayla suddenly stopped him.​
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