Part 02

Post-Game Celebrations

At the Toyota Park Stadium cheers were echoing throughout the entire complex. Filled stands were getting increasingly excited as they watched the soccer match unfolding. It was a packed house that had gathered to see the game between the home team, Chicago Fire, and the away team, the New York Red Bulls.

The visitors were also the league leaders, who came to visit the team that lay second to last on the table. The mere presence of the New Yorkers was enough to bring out the crowd, the stadium virtually packed. They went with low expectations, but they were being excited by something unexpected.

One of the home players had been entertaining the crowd with some spectacular moments of skill. Kevin Howard, a 19 year old youngster, was making his first appearance for the senior team. He was lifting the entire team around him, making great runs with the ball, exploring the gaps in the opposing team's defence, and just generally creating havoc.

As he got the ball at his feet from his teammate, Howard started jogging forward, a defender marking him right in front. Another defender tried to sneak behind his back, but he saw him and instantly spun with the ball, managing to get away from him, and then used a fancy trick to make it go between the other player's legs.

Amused interjections filled the stadium again, and Lana just watched with a smile on her face. Now he's just showing off... She was seated in one of the sideline seats watching the game unfold. Well, kind of. Her phone rarely left her hand, as she was constantly texting back her uni colleague.

Quickly responding to her previous message, Lana looked up in time to see Howard sprint quickly next to the sideline before making a perfect cross to a teammate, who headed it just wide off the mark. A disappointed "Oh" filled the stadium. The player who missed gave Howard a thumbs up for the good game vision.

The youngster made a wry smile, using his hand to push back his hair.

'Oh my God, does everything he do have to look hot?' A woman in front of Lana asked her friend.

'Right? I heard Tania knows a friend of his. I'm calling her. I want to be set up with that.' the friend said, looking suggestively at Howard.

Lana rolled her eyes, even though neither of the two could see it. They're practically drooling... There were definitely reasons to, though. He had body to die for, his muscles visible underneath his tight kit, and a face to match it. His cheekbones were perfectly defined and covered with light stubble. His straight long blonde hair was probably his best feature. It just made her want to put her hands through it and play with it.

Feeling her phone buzzing in her pocket, Lana made her way away from the mass of people in the stands and answered on the way to finding a quiet-ish place.

'Hold on.' she mouthed quickly onto her phone.

Finding a more secluded place in the stairway of the stands, she continued the conversation.

It was one of her classmates from college, telling her about the progress of the extracurricular project they were both enrolled in.

'That interview needs to happen, Kate.' Lana spoke. 'We need to get all the prep work done before the end of the semester.' she listened for a few seconds. 'Kate, I need this done today! I've worked my ass off to get him to grant us that interview! We are not going to blow this! Okay?' Kate replied. 'Okay, I got to go now, I'll see you later. Bye.'

Making her way back towards her seat, Lana couldn't help but get annoyed at the lack of seriousness her colleagues were handling the interview with. She'd managed to arrange an interview with a corporate big-shot through sheer persistence (and annoying the fuck out of his PR people) for the uni newspaper. Her friend's complacency was beginning to irritate her, though.

She took her seat once more, taking her mind off work. The big screen showed there were only 2 minutes remaining and the teams were tied at 1-1.

Howard was at it again. Tackling his opponent, he instantly got up again and started to run with it, beginning the counterattack for Chicago Fire. There a few possibilities for him to pass it off to, which the Bulls were trying to cover, having been caught out with too many players forward.

With his head always lifted, the youngster appeared to be preparing to do so, but instead he used a burst of speed to leave an opponent behind. Then he dribbled past another, who fell flat on the ground. He continued advancing and prepared the shot... No, he faked the shot and changed direction leaving another player on his ass.

There was only one man standing in front of the goal, the keeper, who was determined to stand firm. With quick feet movements, Howard managed to open up a gap to shoot, an almost impossible one. He finessed it, curling it beautifully. The keeper jumped but failed, and the ball went into the goal just beneath the crossbar.

A collective scream filled the stadium, as Howard went to celebrate near the fans at the far side of the pitch, a look of pure joy on his face. Lana was celebrating along, the happiness of everyone around her proving to be contagious.

The game finished shortly after, the new Yorkers not managing to flip the result back. Lana made her way towards the tunnel again, trying to get the jump on everyone else leaving the seats. Making her way quickly around to the bottom floor, she searched for the door she knew would lead to the corridor of the dressing room. Oh, the joys of having handy "sources"...

Waiting next to a side door, Lana let every player pass, the visiting team looking gloomy, whilst the winner's were almost jumping with excitement after greeting the fans. You better have had the decency to be a smug bastard and take your time, Kevin... she thought.

And he did. Looking shiny from the sweat he'd poured and with his long hair hanging everywhere, Kevin was shirtless, one Red Bulls shirt on his hand, having swapped jerseys with an opponent after the end of the game.

Opening the door, Lana grabbed him by the arm and pushed him into the access corridor. A look of surprise crossed his face momentarily before recognition. As she closed the door again, he smiled broadly at her.

'And how may I help you, Miss?'

He was taller than her, so she had to look up at him.

'Don't "miss" me, young man.' Lana replied with mock indignation. 'I've just had to sit behind two drooling girls in the stands who were very vocal about what they wanted to do to you.'

'So you want me to apologize for that...?' Kevin replied amused.

'Well, it wouldn't cost you anything.'

'Except my dignity and sanity.'

'Like you still have any of those two left.'

Without hesitating, Kevin brought his lips to Lana's, savouring the taste as he grabbed her lower back. Although she was caught slightly off guard she invited him in to explore by opening her mouth. She was impatient, though, and when he took a little longer than she wished to take the invitation, she made her own move, by making her tongue part his lips. Lana felt a sting in her tongue.

'Ouch!' she reacted, glaring at Kevin and trying to seem upset, but not being able to help but feel the corners of her mouth quirk up. 'Did you just bite me?'

'You licked your lips before I kissed you. I asked you not to do it when we can't fuck.'

'We can't fuck here? Why not?' Lana asked, pouting.

'We're in the middle of the corridor of a stadium full of people!'

'Spoilsport. Fine! Don't forget about our special dinner tonight.'

'I'm kind of expecting that there'll be a party after this...' Kevin muttered apologetically.

'Kevin, me and my tongue will be waiting for you at home, wearing sexy lingerie and eager to fuck your brains out. Do what you want with that information.'

With that she headed off, knowing she'd won that particular round.

As they both lay naked in post-coital bliss, Kevin took a moment to admire Lana as he always enjoyed doing. Their hands were just grazing each other, fingers entwined. She was lying on her back, her blonde hair falling behind her. Although she had her eyes closed, he knew they were deep water blue.

Letting his eyes wander further down, he studied her black corset top, which highlighted the bulges of her perky breasts. Even further down, she was stunning in her equally black stockings and garter belt.No panties, though, so her pussy was exposed. Lana knew he loved this look and had greeted him at the door with it when he arrived.

A phone ringing at the bedside table broke his concentration and made Lana open her eyes reluctantly. Without looking she grabbed it and put it next to her face.

'Hello... Hey Ellie, how's it going? All is awesome, thanks.' After a few seconds pause, she looked to her left where Kevin was still admiring her. 'Yeah, we're all proud of the young star, I'll patch you through.' She handed him the phone. 'Your sister.' Lana mouthed silently.


'Someone is turning into a star...' Ellie said instantly.

He rolled his eyes.

'Don't use that tone on me, Miss.' Kevin said, good naturedly, repeating something very similar to what Lana had used on him.

'Hey, I've dealt with that tone the entire day from mom and dad, so you can deal with it for this conversation!'

'Mom and dad are crashing at your place?'

'God help her soul...' muttered Lana, sitting on top of his ribcage, distracting him.

'Yeah, they nearly drooled when they saw you on the news. You should have seen them, they're really proud of you Kev. We're all really proud.'

'Thanks, sis.' He blushed, and not just because of Lana rubbing her breasts over the fabric of the corset.

They talked for a few minutes about what they'd been up to. Before saying goodbye she had one last request.

'Would you mind putting our sister on the phone?'

'Sure thing.' Kevin replied, handing the phone back to Lana.

'Big Sis!' she greeted loudly. 'Yes, you have told me not to call you that, but I have chosen to ignore it.' She added with sass. 'Yeah, we're heading there on the 22nd. Kind of early, like 9am. That good for you? Okay, see you then, Ellie. Bye!'

She threw the phone to the vacant side of the bed. Kevin had taken the time his sister had been busy in conversation to run his hands on her thighs, over the stockings, whilst admiring her suggestively. He felt her pussy lips come into contact with his chest hair, as she ground herself on him with a sly smile.

'Tsk, tsk... Grabbing my thighs whilst I'm on the phone with our sister. Have you no shame, sir?'

'You're the one who's been rubbing your boobs while I was talking to her!' Kevin protested, with fake indignation.

'Are you complaining about that?' Lana asked, pushing the strings of the corset top. It lost its firmness around her, just about hanging in there and covering her breasts.

'Fuck no!'

'Good.' She wiggled, making the corset top fall back onto the bed, her incredible breasts exposed to Kevin's eyes. He adored the way they hung, firmer than you would think when you considered their slightly bigger than average size. 'Suck my titties for me, Kev.'

Letting her body fall forwards, Lana hovered her chest just above Kevin's face. He didn't waste any time and started to trail soft kisses on the patch of skin between her hanging bulges, marvelling, as he always did, at the softness his lips found. His hands were grabbing hungrily at her arse, one hand on each buttock.

Kevin let his eyes drift towards his sister's face, watching her pant with anticipation, her hands grabbing onto the headboard as she observed his ministrations with interest. He started licking his way towards her left nipple, giving it playful flick with his tongue, before enclosing his mouth around it. Lana's mouth made a silent "Oh" in response.

With Lana's breast for his own entertainment, Kevin made sure he covered as much of the surface of her skin onto his mouth as possible, sucking and licking her until she started to moan more audibly.

Still studying her face, he noticed she appeared to have just thought of something. Kevin was proved right when, just as he'd finished this thought, Lana lifted herself and scooted forward, her pussy now the part of her body that hovered above her brother's lips.

'Eat me, Kev.'

'What are the magic words?' he replied to his sister, trailing teasing kisses along the top of her thighs, deliberately avoiding contact with her slit.

'You're right, I almost forgot. Eat me, Kev, or I'll suffocate you with my pussy!' she smiled wickedly.

He laughed.

'You just have such a way with words, sis...' Kevin started using his oral expertise on her, as she asked, though. Lana's expression went from amused to pure ecstasy in a second, a throaty grumble escaping her throat.

Using the years of expertise that he had of making love to Lana, Kevin worked away at her pleasure centre, feeling her juices dribble into his accepting mouth. Her taste was as sweet as usual, his cock springing to its full length every time he felt her nectar against his tongue, even if no other stimulation was used.

After being worked over for quite a while, Lana spoke.

'Okay, enough. I don't wanna cum like this...' She lifted herself off his mouth and started to shift to another position.

'Are you sure?' Kevin asked, amused at the flush in her cheeks.

'Don't look so smug, you shit!' she replied, failing to maintain a straight face. 'I'm the one who trained you to do that!'

She was lying on top of him now, her face just inches away from his, her breasts crushed against his chest and his penis pressing against her clit.

'Yes, you were...' he whispered, before pressing his lips to hers, desire coursing through his body as his sister began moving her hips in circles on his crotch.

All too soon she broke the embrace, sitting on his cock without putting it in her pussy, before lifting herself and grabbing it. Lana rubbed it gently against her moist pussy lips, teasing him, despite looking as though she wanted to jam it inside her as far as it could go. Kevin saw her lips parted, looking down at him, her tongue absentmindedly beginning to creep out. The next second he realised he had the same expression.

The rubbing stopped suddenly and Lana centred his hard member to her opening. She let her legs bend a little and Kevin felt the head push inside her pussy. They both groaned and struggled to keep their eyes open. But they managed it, feeding off each other's look of lust.

Kevin realised his sister was going down very, very, very slowly. It was as if she wanted him to sink into her a millimetre each second. The incredible sensations were beginning to overwhelm him.

'Ah, fuck, Lana...'

'Too much, baby brother?' she teased.

'2 minutes, sis. For the thousandth time, you were born two minutes before me...' Kevin pretended to be exasperated at the "baby brother" treatment, to keep the "tradition" going.

'But you see a lot can happen in two minutes, Kev.' Lana replied suggestively, looking down to where her they were adjoined. 'How would you feel if I made this "process" last that long?'

'I think my head would literally explode.'

'Which one?'

'Both. At the same exact time.' Kevin replied with a hoarse voice.

'Fine. Let's put you out of your misery.'

As soon as she finished the sentence, Lana let herself fall completely onto her brother's cock. They both gasped loudly, and it took her a few seconds to actually start moving.

Kevin could tell that, despite having already gotten themselves off less than an hour before, neither of them would be able to keep their orgasms in check for any significant amount of time. Not that his sister wanted to. She was instantly jumping on his stiff member, her nails digging into his six pack.

Having been previously stimulated by his tongue, Lana was the first to find release, making herself heard probably by anyone within two blocks. The contracting muscles inside her pussy were like a calling to Kevin, making him shoot his seed inside his twin sister.

He felt her body slump down, resting her head on his shoulder. They were still connected at their centre, Kevin feeling his cock pulsating, despite nothing more coming out of it. Her heart beat was fast, sending vibrations through his ribs, as the both of them came back down to Earth.

'Now wasn't that better than hanging out with sweaty men?' Lana asked, still struggling for breath.

Kevin's laugh shook the two of them, his arms wrapped around her.

'You know, we're not always sweaty. We shower occasionally...'

'I dunno... You were all sweaty when you were playing. You're soaked again now.'

'A big part of that may be the fire hose that erupted in your pussy.'

She gasped in pretend shock, her eyes still closed.

'Why, that is no way to treat a lady! I demand you call my flower something more elegant!'

'Your flower?' He asked, smiling.

'Flower. Elegant. Go.'

'What would be a more elegant way to speak of your flower?'

'Okay. How about: it's as if the beautiful Niagara Falls unleashed their glorious torrent on me. Or, or... I was soaked as a rose is soaked by a watering can on blue sky summer's day.'

Removing the blond locks of hair that covered her face, Kevin waited until she took the hint and opened her eyes.

'I love you, you weirdo.' He told her when she opened them.

Lana smiled, before closing her eyes again as she snuggled her nose into his neck.

'I love you too, baby brother.'​
Next page: Part 03
Previous page: Part 01