Part 04.1
Sister Reconciliation
Lana stirred in her sleep, as the light coming through the blinds of her window touched her eyes. She turned and looked at the other side of the bed. Ellie wasn't there. Ugh...
The thought of getting up was scaring her. What was the protocol for dealing with your sister knowing you were fucking their brother? Probably a difficult manuscript to come by. In the meantime, Lana would just have to deal with having no idea of what Ellie would be thinking or doing.
Her sister had completely vanished after seeing her with Kevin's cock inside her. Lana hadn't told him of Ellie's presence, thinking she would prefer to try and handle the situation with a one on one with her. She would have to find her first, though.
Delaying going upstairs as much as she could without raising Kevin's suspicion, as she wished to collect her thoughts before facing Ellie, Lana hadn't even been able to find her sister. She hadn't been in their shared bedroom, and not wanting to make noise around the house whilst searching for her, the blonde girl just went to sleep, delaying the inevitable conversation for the next day.
She got up and made her way downstairs. Only her mother was in the kitchen, making pancakes.
'Hey, honey. You're up early...' Mom greeted her in good spirits.
So, Ellie didn't tell her... Lana mused to herself.
'The day looked too good to waste. And the food smelled delicious, too.' She told her mother, sniffing at the smell of her home made pancakes.
'Eat up then, sweetie.' Mom said, filling her plate as Lana sat down.
Munching on her food, Lana tried to behave normally.
'Have you seen Ellie? She woke up before me.' She asked, as if uninterested.
'She woke before you? My God, what's gotten into her? She didn't eat breakfast, then...'
That was strange. If she hadn't been in her bed during the night and she hadn't come down for breakfast, where the hell could she be?
Eating her breakfast quickly, and thanking her mother, Lana went to her bedroom to dress up for the day, when a thought suddenly crossed her mind. It was the only place she could think of. She dressed herself in casual attire and grabbed one of the books bought with Ellie.
Exiting the house through the back door, Lana made her way through the woods that were just a few feet away from the house she grew up in, knowing the path like the back of her hand from years of experience.
It was a clear sky Summer's day, and the temperature was still quite pleasant, as the blonde girl walked across the trees, inhaling the sweet clean air deeply along the way.
Before long, Lana was at her destination. It was a small clearing in the woods right at the top of a hill. The trees surrounded the spot, but the lake that Kevin and Dad enjoyed visiting was visible just a short distance away, below. She was slightly envious of Ellie for having chosen this as her hideaway spot, since it meant she couldn't use it.
And there was Ellie, her sister noticed. Sitting on the grass, her back resting against the natural embankment of the land, the brunette was reading, her expression neutral. It looked like her own personal natural sofa, Lana realized with a smile.
Lana wanted to go meet her and do what she'd decided to do, but now that she was here, her feet refused to move.
None of the three brothers had ever visited a hiding spot that wasn't his. Not even Kevin had been to Lana's. This felt like she was betraying the only point of agreement she ever had with her older sister. But then she thought of the consequences of her relationship with Kevin coming out to the world, and started to walk towards Ellie.
Trying to seem calmer than she actually was, Lana made her way to her sister, sitting down in front her, putting her own book down beside her. Ellie continued reading without giving her a second glance. She knew she was there, though, Lana could tell.
'Hey.' The blonde girl greeted.
Ellie soldiered on with her reading.
'I brought a book, Ellie. I can wait all day.'
Still no response.
'Come on, sis, we have to talk about this...'
'Get out.' Ellie replied calmly, not looking away from the book she was holding.
'Get out of my hiding spot, now.' She clarified, still with her eyes glued to the pages.
Lana sighed.
'I know how much our hiding spots mean for us, but don't you think that we kind of have a more pressing issue here?'
'Seeming as though we don't even draw the line at fucking our own brother anymore, I'd say any other agreement we have is worth respecting.'
'Look,' Ellie finally looked up at her sister. 'if you're worried about people finding out, relax. What the fuck was I gonna say even if I wanted to? Mom, Dad! Kev and Lana are having sex on the couch?!'
They stared at each other for a few seconds. If Lana was being honest with herself, it should have been clear to her from the beginning how ridiculous it would be for her sister to tell anyone. But that wasn't what was troubling her now.
'That's not just what I came here for.' Lana told her, breaking the short pause. 'I don't want our relationship to get weird...'
'Oh, go fuck yourself!' Ellie blurted out, making Lana stare wide-eyed. 'What relationship? The one where you and I are constantly fighting with each other? The one where you're Mom and Dad's shining light and I'm the nerd that constantly disappoints their needs for what a daughter should be?'
'That's what you feel?'
'That's how it is. Hell, if they ever find out what you and Kevin are up to, I'm guessing they'll even set up the marriage, since the incest sex was done by perfect Lana and perfect Kevin...'
Lana felt like the words she heard were crushing her. Backing down wasn't her style, though.
'So you think, what, that you were the severely misunderstood child growing up? That you're the sad victim of parent expectations? Get your head out of your ass, Howard!'
That caught Ellie by surprise.
'What are you-'
'Do you even look around yourself? Have you ever taken any interest in your brothers?' Lana asked her sister angrily. 'Kevin gets tons of shit for not picking a more "American" sport, whatever the fuck that means! At the same time as he does brilliantly at it, he's constantly thinking he's not intelligent enough...'
'Of course he's intelligent enough.' Ellie muttered, appearing to have lost her previous indignation.
'Yes. And you know that and I know that, but people who haven't got one tenth of his talent on the pitch love to throw that to his face to try and make him feel bad about himself, no matter how many times I tell him it's not true!'
Her sister averted her eyes from her, but Lana didn't stop.
'Oh, and me, do you know what I've heard every day of school in my life? "Too bad she's not Ellie"... "Ellie would have solved this by now"... "You need to be more like Ellie"! "Ellie would have fucking solved world fucking hunger by now"!'
'What do you mean?'
'I'm not you! I can't know everything there is to know on the first try. I actually have to work my ass off to do things you can do in a second. You think Mom's on your case because of the crazy cat lady thing? All I hear about is Ellie taking her PhD, and how I should follow those footsteps and not content myself with "just" having a degree in Journalism!'
'I... I didn't know.' The brunette replied, looking sad.
'No, why would you know anything about your brother's problems when you're so busy feeling sorry for yourself!'
Getting up, Lana was about to walk away from her sister when she realized there were tears on her cheeks. Now was not the time to let things unsaid.
'Oh, and by the way,' She turned back to Ellie. 'I adored you when I was little. I had this image of my big sister always by my side, helping me, playing with me. But as I got older I realised you never thought of me like that. You were just trying to prove you were the better daughter. And that hurt more than you can imagine...'
Her emotions had gotten the better of her near the end, making her practically sob the last words, which she hated. Lana couldn't get away, though, because Ellie had grabbed her hand.
'Please, stay.' She heard her sister whisper behind her.
The tears were free flowing now, so although she didn't walk away, Lana couldn't bring herself to face Ellie. However, she didn't have to, as the brunette girl slowly got up and went around to her front before hugging her tightly. Lana realized Ellie was crying too, and felt herself lose the last shred of control as she hugged her back.
They held onto each other tightly, having both released the resentments they'd guarded for their entire childhoods. Lana could genuinely not recall ever having this sort of intimacy with Ellie before. It was strange. Good strange, though.
'I'm sorry I let you down.' Ellie told her, their positions unchanged for what felt like forever now.
'I'm sorry I said you just care about yourself.' Lana apologized back.
'What if you were right?'
'Then I apologize even more, because that's kind of a bitch thing to do!'
They both laughed at that, before disentangling themselves and sitting back down on the grass. There was a moment of awkward silence, since neither of the two women quite knew where to take it from there.
'Well,' Ellie said. 'twenty-four hours ago we were fighting over road directions in a car. Stuff has kind of happened...'
'Yeah, stuff has most definitely happened...' Lana agreed. 'Is that a good thing?'
'It is if we fix... this.' Her older sister pointed at the two of them. 'I mean, I know I'm quite a few years late, but would you by any chance still be interested in that big sister?'
Feeling moved by her sister's words, Lana smiled back.
'I'd love to have her.' She said. 'And, what I said last night still stands, by the way...'
There was some new emotion behind Ellie's eyes, and she took a deep breath.
'A week or so ago, I spent an entire day at uni with a butt plug.'
Lana just stared before dissolving into unrestrained laughter.
'Oh my God, Ellie! I'm supposed to be the wild one!'
'Yeah...' Her sister replied with a shy smile.
'I'm sorry, you were saying...'
'So anyway, I kept it in for most of the day, but it was getting a little intense, and I got pretty horny. In the end I couldn't control myself anymore, and I... let my hand wander downwards.'
'As you do, yeah.'
'The problem was that there was this blonde girl that saw me, and she just winked at me and smiled.'
Lana just listened, not saying anything to interrupt her sister's confession.
'I don't know what happened to me,' Ellie continued, shifting uncomfortably. 'but I just snapped. I just had to go home and make myself cum... And when I was about to, the image of her being the one fingering me just drove me over the edge better than anything I've ever done before.'
'Wait, was that blonde girl you met yesterday the same as this one you're talking about?'
'She was...'
'Honey...' Lana grabbed Ellie's hand soothingly. 'You're overcomplicating this. You have a crush, that's it. And if her licking your ear gives any clue, I'd say it's pretty clear she has a crush on you too. Just try it out.'
'I don't know. Have you ever wanted to...?'
'Be with a girl? Yeah, I've been curious.'
'And have you ever actually done anything with one?' Ellie asked, her curiosity showing through.
'Not really, no. It's not that I think it's forbidden or anything like that, I am fucking my brother after all...' Lana could tell her words seemed to spike interest in her sister's mind. 'You want to ask about that, don't you?'
'I do. But we don't have to, if you don't want to.' The older girl said, failing miserably to sound uninterested.
'I've been probing you about the lesbian thing, so come on, ask away.'
Ellie bit her lip, deep in thought.
'How did it start?' She finally asked.
Looking at her hands for a few moments, Lana organized her thoughts. Now that her sister brought it up, she realized for the first time she'd never given any reflection time to how her incestuous relationship with Kevin had started.
'Growing up with a twin is interesting.' She started. 'It's like you have this other half of you in another body, someone who you just see differently than anyone else around. You don't need to say some things because this other person just knows how you're feeling with a look or a touch.
'Kevin and I were even closer than most twins, from what I've found out. We slept in each other's beds when we were having bad dreams. We fell asleep holding each other. We got really protective of the other if someone messed with us. So, when we started to become curious about kissing, we tried it on each other. And it was nice.
'Before long we mastered the kissing, and we got curious about the sizes of... things. So I let Kevin touch my breasts as they started to grow, and he let me touch his cock. That also started to grow.' She added with a blush.
Ellie was listening attentively throughout, her look still neutral. Lana was concerned about whether or not she was silently freaking out, but it appeared not, since her sister followed up with another question.
'Was it weird the first time you had sex?'
'Not really. We didn't take it as this huge frontier that we were crossing; it was just one more step. Being intimate always came easy to us, and we were already doing other things, so it felt really natural. There's this voice in the back of your mind that keeps repeating "Incest! Incest!" but...'
'But what?' Ellie asked, noticing that coyness wasn't a usual emotion for her sister.
'But after a while that voice doesn't frighten you, it excites you.' Lana admitted, feeling herself blush scarlet.
'Red is not a colour I've seen on you before, Lana Howard...' Her sister laughed.
'Shut up.' Came the blonde's playful reply.
They laughed, following their sharing spree. Lana wasn't sure where to take it, and suddenly remembered her initial reservations about intruding on Ellie's hiding spot.
'I'm glad we had this talk, I'll let you have your hiding spot back.'
'I'm glad we had this talk too. You can stay here and read, if you want to.'
Grabbing their books, the two girls sat next to each other focussed on their respective books.
'No, but seriously, it's a one time thing, like stay the fuck away from here in the future.' Ellie spoke with sass, failing to hide her smirk whilst saying it.
Lana let her head fall on her sister's shoulder, smiling.
Having stayed behind after dinner to wash the dishes, Ellie could tell Mom was working the courage to say something. Lunch had been a fun and relaxed affair, and she'd hoped that meant the tension around them dissipated.
'Okay, Mom, that's everything dried, I'm going to go take a nap.'
'Sweetie, hold on. I need to tell you something.' Her Mom stopped her.
'Mom, can we just do this some other-'
'Just shut up, and listen to me, Ellie! You don't have to reply, just listen!'
Ellie stayed put, secretly amused that her mother had chosen the exact same choice of words as Lana had told her the previous night.
'I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I worry that you're not having enough fun with your studies, but if you don't think Matthew was the guy for you, I support you. I just want you to be happy.'
Ellie gave her mother a hug, kissing her cheek tenderly.
'I love you, Mommy.'
Her Mom choked up a little but, to her credit, maintained her composure.
'I love you too, baby girl.'
The cutesy treatment usually made all three of her children cringe, but Ellie didn't feel like ruining the moment. She held on for a bit longer, before excusing herself to go take her nap.
It was customary for them to spend weekend days by being lazy little shits, so in typical Howard tradition, Dad, Kevin and Lana had gone upstairs to sleep. A sudden thought crossed her mind. Wait. Lana and Kevin upstairs? Sleeping? Really sleeping?
As she opened the bedroom door of hers and Lana's room expecting to find it empty, though, she was greeted by Lana lying down in a deep sleep on her side of the bed. Ellie took a moment to look at her, smirking down at her sister's sleeping form. Despite her beautiful and elegant looks, the blonde girl was the exact opposite of these things as she slept, her arms in the most random positions. It gave her a cute demeanour, though.
Not bothering to take off any clothes, Ellie lay down on her side of the bed, only with some shorts and loose fitting t-shirt.