Part 05.2

During their time alone in the house, Ellie and Kevin laid bare the truth of what the both of them were getting up to with their sister. Obviously, the brunette didn't mention the butt buddy bits. Before they could get too much into what they were going to do moving forward, Lana and their parents arrived home.

That night once they went to bed Lana found out all the Howard siblings were in on all of the incestuous activities occurring.

'Ahah, yes! I knew you were going to tell him! So, what happened?'

'What do you mean, what happened?'

'You're doing me, I'm doing him... Come on, don't you want to close that triangle?' She grinned suggestively.

'Shut up about that and fuck me!' Ellie shot back and pushed her onto the bed where she once more wondered how her passion for women eluded her for twenty-seven years of her life.

Ironically enough, their short stay back home was not entirely dissimilar to what it usually was, save for the nights of pleasure. Kevin was usually by his hiding spot or helping their Dad with handyman tasks, which he loved doing since he was a kid. Lana and Ellie went to their hiding spots to read and sunbathe, mostly. The main difference was that this time they were also spending some time together without screaming at each other.

Lana was the main responsible for their changed nightly habits. She seemed to appreciate her new alternating buffet of Ellie and Kevin.

'I'll be back in a bit.' She told Ellie the first time it happened, interrupting their snuggle to go out of the room. One hour later, the blonde girl gently woke her big sister. 'Come here just a second, Ellie...'

'What for?' The brunette asked groggily.

'Goodnight kiss from my girl. Couldn't sleep peacefully without it.' Lana replied huskily before pressing her lips to the other woman's. It was just as sexy as every single one of her baby sister's kisses. But with something added.

'Did you go eat something?'

'As a matter of fact, I went snacking for some cum.' Lana replied, drawing a gasp from Ellie. 'You can now no longer say you haven't tasted your little brother's cum, you slut.' She whispered before turning around and spooning into the other girl to fall asleep.

That was the first step in the long kinky game Lana was playing. She started to slowly step it up. "Be back in a bit" turned into "I'm going to pay Kev a visit", which then turned into "Need to fuck our bro's brains out, one sec". Lana's absence was never smaller than an hour. Absentmindedly Ellie began to let her hand wander south during these escapades.

At some point, she began to let her imagination picture what they were up to. The inspiration for most of these came from the few minutes she'd watched her siblings making love on the couch. Perfect bodies, fucking in unison, looking like two halves of the same person. Somehow the knowledge that they had shared a womb made their coupling even more enticing.

Before Ellie could rationalise any of it, she was spending her alone time bringing herself off to increasingly explicit mental images of what Kevin and Lana were up to. And feeling mortally ashamed of herself when her sister re-joined her bed.

As the final days of their stay approached Lana started transferring her teasing towards daytime as well. Slaps to Ellie's butt started to become a default greeting and her ears became very well accustomed with Lana's tongue whenever the two were watching movies on the sofa. Then, her little sister decided that it would be funny to tease Kevin and Ellie at the same time.

And so every night spent on the couch ended with Lana saying goodbye by sticking her tongue down Kevin's and Ellie's throats, making sure they both saw the other getting kissed. And any moment one of their parents was in the room with them she would flash her siblings (breasts, ass or pussy, whichever took her fancy in the moment) as well.

But suddenly there were only two days remaining and neither one of Lana's targets gave any indication of succumbing to her depraved idea.

Although Ellie was feeling strangely uncomfortable with some of the thoughts she'd been having. Sure, she'd thought her brother handsome before, but in a proud way, not in this "daydreaming looking at the muscles of his back" way. As for Kevin, there was no apparent reaction, though it was difficult to tell with him. For someone that seemed so extroverted at first impression, he had always had a way of holding his cards close to his chest that was disconcerting.

After another round of teasing during the day, the five Howard's ended up playing a game of Monopoly, devoid, for once during these holidays, of any innuendo. Kevin was bulldozing them all. Dad went bust and after a few turns more Mom landed in one of Ellie's hotels and took her cue to retire for the night, after losing everything she had paying her daughter off.

Then it was once more game on between Ellie and Kevin. Lana would probably be the next to fold, and when she said she was getting them one of their parent's old bottles of whiskey. Ellie looked at her brother with a raised eyebrow and found him mirroring her doubtful expression. They both sniggered. Lana was trying to make them both drunk enough to bone.

However, they hadn't counted on the blonde girl's competitiveness overcoming her kinkiness. She was trying to get them inebriated but not for the assumed objective. It was to make them have a harder time focussing on their play.

She managed to survive one more hour of play thanks to this strategy and, even with their equal shares of the bottle, was seemingly handling her liquor much better than her siblings. Ellie was mistaking a few numbers on her property cards all too often (which made her almost sure that Lana was meant to have payed her eight hundred dollars not eighty-three dollars a couple of rounds before) and Kevin was pushing back his hair in a way and frequency that were not usual to him, and becoming much quieter than usual.

Lana's turn now landed her at the "Go to Prison" tile.

'How much do you want for it?' She asked, looking at Kevin's "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

'I'm not giving away the first offer!' He reacted. 'Takes away all of my negotiation margin.'

'Uh, "negotiation margin" ...' Lana mocked him. 'Ellie's the economics major here, not you.'

'The economics major thinks some prison time may be good for you.' Ellie grinned. 'Give you a sense of accomplishment, of community-'

'I'll give you four hundred if you give me that card.' The blonde girl interrupted, looking at Kevin.

'I'll flash you my tits if you don't.' The brunette told him before he could reply to the previous offer.

There was a momentary moment of silence around the table and Ellie felt herself blush crimson. She'd wanted to discompose her brother and sister to some degree since finding out about them, to inject some excitement and somehow show them she could be just as wild. The booze had helped her find the courage now, and she did her best sideways sexy look directed at Kevin for effect.

Lana was staring open-mouthed at her, forgetting to be sultry entirely. Their brother was unfazed though. He looked at her attentively, playing with the card between his fingers, as if this was a natural part of a family game of Monopoly.

'Deal.' He said, daring her and making Lana look at him even more wide-eyed.

Ellie was not going to back out now. She quickly undid the buttons of her shirt and pulled the fabric back to reveal her perky nipples to the others. Her heart raced as she bared herself, but making sure to appear confident she let her arms rest on top of the back of the couch, and sashayed left to right, jiggling her small tits.

Without a word Kevin grabbed a few one dollar fake notes and started throwing them her way, making all of them laugh.

'Worth every penny.' Kevin chuckled.

'I ain't even mad about going to prison now!' Lana giggled, draining the rest of her glass.

'Glad you think so, sweeties.' Ellie winked and collected the amount of money her brother had dropped when he was "making it rain". She'd earnt it after all. She also closed the buttons of her shirt again.

'Aww, come on...' The younger girl complained.

'You wanna watch, you wanna pay, sweetheart.' The older girl replied, with a mock California voice.


'Only for the big bucks.'

The tone for the rest of the game was set. All three of them were over their sober line and yet they weren't too concerned for what could come of it. It was as if they had just been waiting for a signal from Ellie to begin to remove the barriers of normal family life behaviour behind them.

Ellie's next turn was upon them. She rolled the dice and avoided paying anything because she ended up on one of her properties. They all felt disappointed. Then Kevin also finished his turn in one of his own, and the three of them started to become saddened that the spell that was created was beginning to slip.

Lana picked up the dice to try to get the same number on both and leave jail.

'I think you should have consequences for failing this.' Ellie told her.

'Consequences?' The other girl narrowed her eyes. 'Fine. What do you want?' Her sister leaned in and whispered into the blonde's ear. 'Huh, alright. But if I get this I'm getting something from you! And I'm not telling you what it is until it happens!'

'Roll them, then!'

Lana obeyed and threw them. They didn't match. She glared at her sister, before lifting her right foot and slowly directing it to caress its destination. Kevin gave a small jump when it connected with his shaft through his jeans.


'I want you unfocussed so that I can bankrupt you...' Ellie shrugged her shoulders, with a smug smile.

Her own turn was upon her and she counted her character's steps until she stopped in one of Lana's few hotel properties.

'Getting paid from jail, bitch!'

'Yeah, yeah, come on, get your forfeit over with...'

Moving her position on the couch closer to Ellie's, she let her hand rest on the brunette's tummy, her face close to the other woman's.

'What are you-'

'Blind forfeit, sis. No questions.'

With her gaze fixed on the blue eyes next to her, Ellie felt the delicate hand travel downwards, beneath the elastic of her underwear and start feeling around the short stubble of her pussy.

'I knew you were wet from all this.' Lana told her, loud enough for Kevin to hear as well. They were in another strangely silent moment after that, as the younger woman pressed two fingers inside her sister, provoking a pathetic involuntary mewl. She removed her fingers and returned to her seat in a slow, sexy way and caressed her thumb and index finger, where the evidence of Ellie's arousal was evident to behold. 'Kev, your turn.'

He took it and, of course, landed on the exact same square as Ellie. Lana slithered close to him so quickly Ellie couldn't contain a little laugh cut short as soon as she saw the fingers of the same hand go towards Kevin's mouth before he could ask what the rent was.

The brunette girl gave out a small gasp when he sucked them in and, by the looks of it, ran his tongue over them, looking Lana straight in the eye. The blonde removed them and grabbed hold of his hair, kissing him hard. She continued the game as if nothing was amiss afterwards.

A strange, tense silence installed itself amongst them. It felt like they were on a hair trigger, waiting for some spark. They didn't know what that spark could be, they just knew that when it came they would all simultaneously react, either to run from the room or fornicate for hours. There was no telling which one.

And it looked to be upon them. Ellie owed Lana once again.

Her younger sister had the right idea for a trigger, a body shot. Ellie was told to lie down and pull up her t-shirt to her midriff. Lana filled her sister's bellybutton with the drink and placed some salt on her collarbone, and placed a slice of lime in Kevin's mouth.

She made the older girl squirm when she sucked at her bellybutton, then ran her tongue lazily across the salt on her sister's skin, before quickly shifting to their brother and biting down on the lime, letting the juice fall into her mouth and swallowed.

All eyes fixed on her, she stood on her couch and started to undo the first button of her shirt. It was getting started. Ellie and Kevin seemed to be in a trance, as Ellie laid on her elbows to get a good look and Kevin absent-mindedly started getting up. It was also then that the just-slightly-more-than-tipsy Lana lost her footing and fell, disappearing behind the couch with a "thump".

Despite how very un-sibling-like their behaviour had been leading up to this point, Ellie and Kevin did something that any brother and sister would do. They broke out in laughter. Not controlled laughter in any way, but the sort of laugh that made them get tears in their eyes and made their bellies hurt.

'I'm doing great, guys, thank you.' Lana's voice reached them from behind the middle couch.

'That's great, sis!' Kevin barely managed to say without his amusement rendering him incoherent.

Still too giggly to actually be concerned for their sister's wellbeing, Ellie and Kevin moved towards their sister, looking down from the couch she'd fallen from. Lana was on the ground still, looking drunkenly annoyed rather than hurt.

'Come on, you shit.' Ellie sighed, standing up. 'Let's get you to bed.'

As it turned out, Lana had ridden her excited drunk wave for long enough and now was barely able of staying awake.

'I'll give you a hand.' Their brother offered, still sniggering at the blonde girl's inelegant end to the evening.

Each of Lana's siblings took one arm over their shoulders and lifted her, guiding her to the bedroom, where they cautiously laid her on the bed. A few grumbles of protest were quickly followed by her falling asleep.

'Do you reckon she'll be alright?' He asked Ellie, as they watched her from the doorway.

'Her head's gonna ring tomorrow, but I think that's going to be mostly down to the hangover rather than the fall.'


'Okay, sixty percent booze, forty percent rough landing!' She replied with sass.

'Sounds about right.' He said, the two of them chuckling.

They looked unsure at each other for a little while. Ellie realised she could see the outline of his torso quite clearly, and found herself a little warmer. She looked up and found him looking down into her shirt at her small breasts, before meeting her eyes.

'What have we been doing tonight?' Kevin asked her, softly.

'During the game or just now?'


'I don't know for either, to be honest.'

Kevin paused on it for a beat.

'Why did you ask me which one, then?'

'What?' Ellie chuckled.

'You asked for a clarification about which one but if it was the same opinion for both, then it's just redundant...' He shook his head as if disappointed by her lack of quick wit.

'That's what you're taking an issue with?'

'Well, you know-'

A very un-ladylike snore escaped Lana's lips and that's when they realised they'd been edging their lips closer and were now less than an inch apart. Kevin closed his eyes and sighed, with a smile.

'Goodnight.' He turned his face and kissed her right cheek before turning to leave.

''Night.' She told his retreating form and closed the door.

Ellie removed her clothes and decided it was hot enough that she could just sleep in her underwear, joining Lana on the bed where she was already fast asleep.

Sleep eluded the older of the two girls, however, as the brunette struggled to shut down her brain, which occupied itself with coming to grips with the events of these holidays back at the family home.

I almost kissed him... She thought. And she wouldn't have stopped there. I would have gone through and fucked him. The realisation was mortifying.

But would it be so different from... Her gaze fell on the drunk sleeping girl to her right. That was for entirely different reasons. Ellie reasoned with herself. Her nights with Lana had come under the pretence of helping her come to terms with her sexuality, even if they had mostly developed into carefree romps. If she were to follow through with Kevin there would be no hiding place. She would unequivocally have the hots for her younger brother. And she wasn't sure she could stomach that.

She sat up on the bed. Oh, simpler times, like when a Russian girl was making a move on me after catching me with my hand down my pants... Ellie chuckled to herself.

About one hour and a half had passed since going to bed and still her mind wouldn't give her any respite. With a sigh, she conceded defeat and got up. Ellie picked up one of her sister's robes to avoid walking topless around the house, remembering how easily she herself had managed to eavesdrop on the twins a few nights before.

As soon as she was out of the bedroom she nearly fell down the stairs after stumbling on someone in the dark, who caught her by the arm just before it happened.

'Oh, crap!' Ellie hissed.

'You okay?' Kevin's voice whispered at her, concerned.

'I'm good.'

There was a pause where she still felt his hand holding her arm, as they stood at the top of the stairs, still unable to clearly see his face in the dark, but nothing his lack of t-shirt of any kind.

'What are you doing up?'

'What are you doing up?'

The questions came hushed in unison.

'Couldn't sleep.'

'Couldn't sleep.'

That clinched it for Ellie. Her restless mind was finally quiet. With steady movements, she gently took the hand Kevin had on her arm in her own, caressing it with her thumb before turning and leading him down the stairs. Behind her she felt him following obediently.

For some reason, she'd managed to think of one specific place for them to go.

They went out the back of the house and into the woods. If Kevin was wondering where the hell they were going, he didn't voice it. They eventually made their way to the top of the hill where Ellie's hiding spot was, where she'd reconciled with her sister. There were no clouds to disrupt the moon light illuminating the field and Ellie realised she hadn't visited this spot at night since she was ten and had escaped from the cries of the one-year-old twins for some quiet.

Right now, she looked at one of them, a man grown, his face finally visible and his features undecipherable. She pushed him down until he was sitting down against the same natural embankment Ellie always used as her reading spot.

For once not even remotely anxious, Ellie took a few steps back and slowly undid the knot that held her robe in place and let it fall softly on to the grass.

Kevin was spellbound, his mouth slightly agape as he took in her exposed flesh with adoring eyes. Still with her own eyes on him, she hooked her thumbs on the waistband of her panties and removed them. She loved how hungry his stare at her nakedness was and let him admire her for a bit, before kneeling with her legs on either side of his, tracing her fingers over the skin of his abdomen.

'I'm feeling a little exposed here, Kev. Do you want this?'

In response, his hands caressed upper legs and buttocks with tenderness.

'God, I want this so much, Ellie.'

'Then, get naked!' She giggled, trying to remove his pyjama bottoms. He complied with a slight laugh as well. Then, the brunette girl felt a feeling she hadn't experienced in months: the feeling of a hot semi-rigid penis against her folds. She shivered with the knowledge of whose it was, remembering Lana's talk of the little voice that cried "incest".

Ellie let her left hand go down and grip it to make sure it gained what little rigidity was missing, noticing Kevin's gasp, who in turn closed his palms over the small breasts in front of him. It was the culmination of everything their twisted minds had been plotting to do since Ellie had told him she knew of him and their sister, and now their bodies were merely catching up.

A twitch of excitement passed through Kevin's cock and Ellie smiled as she lifted herself on her knees until she was hovering her pussy over her brother's lap.

'Wait!' He stopped her from descending by holding her weight by her buttocks. 'I have enough on my conscience because of what I do with Lana, are you sure you want to do this?'

'Of all the times for self-control...' Ellie chuckled as she hovered just inches away from sweet penetration. When her brother still held her in place she decided not to joke. 'I'm sorry, I assumed you wanted to do this too...'

'No! No! God, no! Trust me, I want to do this so badly right now, it's just... I've been pathetically in love with Lana for pretty much my whole life, and I could always have fun on the side because they meant nothing to me. But you're my sister, you mean a lot to me and I don't know exactly what the ground rules are.' He replied, almost apologetically.

'I know you and Lana have something special going on, what I'm doing with her and, well, you, if you want to, is just meant to be some light-hearted fun. How's that?'

'That,' Kevin grinned and unexpectedly turned her so that her back was on the grassy bank and he was on top of her. 'sounds perfect.'

He moved forwards, entering her for the first time. She cursed aloud with tingly excitement as it inched deeper and deeper inside. Women were absolutely stealing her sexual fantasies but she had to admit Kevin was making her remember all the good parts of being with a man.

But she'd never been with a man quite like this. He was relentless in his thrusts but he didn't let it slip into the pathetic male porn star style of jackhammering that was spectacularly uncomfortable. Her brother was also taking care to grind his groin against hers which was working wonders on her clit.

Thank you, Lana, for teaching him to be this good. Thank you, Lana, for teaching him to be this good. Thank you, Lana, for teaching him to be this good. She repeated it as a mantra in her own head as she felt the tingles of an approaching orgasm. Which was exactly when she was struck by a thought that made her develop a very strange mix between a laugh and a moan.

'What are you doing?' Kevin furrowed his brow, looking amused.

'I'm... Ahah I'm, ah, jeez...' She steadied her breathing and tried again. 'Most people experiment with their siblings by kissing. We've never even kissed and I'm about to cum with your dick inside me!' She dissolved into laughter again, this time bringing Kevin down with her. He became much more irregular in his fucking and shook his head.

'Jesus Christ, what is it with Howard women and the shit you say during sex...?' He chuckled to himself.

'Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!' Ellie exclaimed suddenly, her nails digging into his shoulders with the multiplying pleasure spikes of the approaching runaway train. 'I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Kiss me!'

Kevin complied and their mouths connected for the first time, fitting together with hurried passion as Ellie tasted her younger brother. She had enough time to find him delightfully tasty before her insides convulsed in an earth-shattering orgasm and her ears picked up on the muffled shrieks she was producing.

When the waves were finally cleared, Ellie let her head fall back on the grass, inhaling deeply and feeling the breeze of the night caress her face before Kevin started to leave gentle kisses along her face. She had no idea how long she enjoyed his caresses for, but he never stopped and she realised, after a while, that his cock was still hard inside her.

'You haven't cum yet, have you?' She asked.

'I only cum on the girl's second orgasm, at least. My rule.' He whispered between pecks at her throat.


'It's not entirely selfless. Girls remember guys that do that. Girls tell their really hot female friends about guys that do that. Guys that do it get a LOT of phone numbers...'

'You sneaky son of a bitch.' Ellie hooted, admiring his clever tactic. 'But seriously, we haven't moved in ages, how are you still not going soft?'

'Hot naked lady right next to me. No chance.' He told her, gaining a soul felt kiss that she put all her heart into.

She also knew exactly what to do next.

'Hey, when I caught you and Lana together, I overheard a few things.' She mewled the words suggestively.

'Like what?' Kevin asked her, slowly beginning to move again.

'Like our sister not liking anal. I'm training her, by the way. You're welcome' She felt his penis twitch in excitement at the mental image. 'She's not ready yet, though.' She giggled. 'So, if she doesn't like it, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you haven't tried it with any other girl...'

'No, I haven't.' He said slowly and moving just as slowly inside her still.

With her hands, Ellie pushed him until he popped off her, using her hands to push her legs up to her chest until her knees were next to her ears.

'Lucky for you, I'm a butt expert. And this way I get to have something special for you on our first time.' She grinned.

'Trust me, there wasn't any lacking excitement in what we just did.' His fingertips grazed the skin of her upper legs. 'Are you sure you don't want to warm up to it first?'

'No, just rub your thingy over it, you're bound to be covered in my juices.'

That he was, as Ellie leaned back her head once again and closed her eyes, she felt something large and bulbous at the entrance to her rectum. Then, she felt him still at her entrance and pressed back a little, silently asking her butt to begin to open. Kevin didn't rush it, his cock slipping slowly until Ellie froze, feeling the difference between him trying to put it in versus him being in.

'Don't stop, keep going.' She warned him, realising he was afraid to hurt her again. He leaned forwards so he was on top of her again and did just that, palming her tits again and kissing her. Ellie was in heaven when his crotch met her rear end and he began to go back out again, stretching her asshole.

The motion was repeated a few more times and Ellie's body responded once more.

'Stay still one sec.' With the limberness of having done this numerous times before, she managed to rotate herself until she was on all fours in front of him without his cock ever slipping out. 'Now you can continue.' She chuckled at his look of wonder.

He held on to her hips as his cock drilled itself in and out, her pussy on fire despite being ignored for quite some time. Unexpectedly, Kevin pushed her until she was almost sitting on his lap.

'Use your legs, sis.' Her brother whispered into her ear, making goose bumps all over her back.

She complied and felt his right hand roughly pull on one of her nipples, as his left hand began to circle her clit. Ellie couldn't believe how good her sex life had become in the past week as she was rapidly losing control.

'Please tell me you're close...' Kevin gasped, clearly on edge.

'Uh-huh,' She shivered. 'I love your dick inside me.'

'Not helping!'

'Do it, stop worrying about me. Cum in your sister's ass.'

'You are so gorgeous.' He snarled and bit down on her shoulder.

'That's right, Kev. Lose control, baby... Fuck me! Fuck me, real good! I want it...'

Ellie felt him shiver against her and her insides filled with warmth, understanding her twisted fantasy was happening. You have your brother's seed inside you, Ellie. You dirty hussy...Kevin's fingers moved from their circles to plunge into her cunt and she shouted into the night as the doors holding back her climax broke.

Kevin was the first to be brought back to consciousness and he pulled out, before laying on his back on the grass, his sister draped over him. Her head was resting on his chest, his softening cock against her lower back.

'That was perfect, honey.' He told her, entwining his fingers on hers.

She closed her hand around his and brought the back of his hand to her lips, smooching it. When her eyes opened, only the stars amongst the black sky greeted her and Ellie felt bliss.

'Thank you.'

'For what?' He asked her, distractedly running his nails over her belly.

'Sometimes it feels like I'm a stranger when I'm with you and our sister. And these past few days I haven't. And it's not just because of the sex, it's...'

'I know it isn't. I think so too.'

'When we get back to Chicago we're going to make sure that we see each other from now on, okay?'

'You bet!'

'I'm serious, I know we're all busy with our stuff, but we can't let that be an excuse from now on. And since you're playing for the main team now, I'm going with Lana to your next game.'

'You don't even like sports...' Kevin laughed.

'Yeah, but I like you, so I'm showing support!' She childishly replied.

'You're not a mom who's missed her kid's soccer practices, my self-esteem doesn't hurt just because you don't watch me do my job.'

'Some people like to call their SO "daddy", are you saying you're gonna call me "mommy" from now on- Agh!' She shrieked and pulled his hand away from her ribs where he'd just playfully jabbed her.

'Funny.' He reproached. 'Do you think we should get back?'

'No, I think it's time for round two.'

Ellie turned and kissed her way down until she was face to face with the cock she'd felt hardening against her lower back for the previous minutes.

'Wow, hold up... I wouldn't suck that, it's just been-'

'I know where it's been.' The brunette winked at him and took him inside her mouth.
Next page: Part 06
Previous page: Part 05.1