Part 08

The Arrival

An annoying buzzing noise broke the silence of the dark room, shaking its occupants from their sleep. Aline gave a rough shove to her boyfriend's shoulder, producing a growl in the process to protest against the slowness of his response. He leaned over and pressed the button on the alarm clock, beginning to raise himself.

Then he stopped.

'Ali, that's not my set alarm...'

'What?' She hoarsely asked.

'I don't have training days until September.' He sighed with frustration, returning the shove to the shoulder. 'You set the alarm, you shit...'

'Oh, fuck, I did do that...' Aline complained, having to force herself to wake up. 'Also, rude.'

'Can't hear you. Fast asleep, as I should be.'


There was barely enough light to be able to classify the time of day as morning, giving Aline some unpleasant flashbacks of what life was like when she had been a teenager attending class at 8 AM, living on the outskirts of Marseille. Only this time, the early hours were of her own volition. Which, somehow, made it worse.

It was a hot day in Paris, the night having not brought much of a decrease in temperature from the daytime, but there was a gentle breeze blowing with enough strength to make sure the day was pleasant. Leaning on the railing of their apartment balcony, Aline looked into the distance, enjoying the peacefulness.

She sighed and went back into the house to get dressed in her red skirt and white top, only then realising she had been exposing her breasts to the street and the neighbouring apartments by accident. Oh well...

Marcell had now fallen asleep once more, and Aline leaned over him to kiss his cheek gently before heading out the door.

The subways were the quickest way to make it to her destination, the airport. However, Aline had a whim that needed to be checked off. So taking a small detour before going to the stop, she made sure to pass by the florist Marcell and her had stopped at the day before. There, sure enough, was the young woman that had caught their eye. On this occasion, the woman's eye also caught her, and Aline smiled and waved, though she didn't stop and enter the shop. She did notice the blush and wave back that occurred.

God, Bambi, if your pussy tastes half as sweet as that face looks and it will be such a lovely time we'll have... Aline thought, feeling her desire levels rise. All in good time. She chastised herself, trying to not turn back and shove her tongue down the other girl's throat.

Succeeding in not doing so, Aline tucked her pink hair behind her ear and turned a corner, going into the subway entrance and descending all the way down to the platform. As the green and white carriage arrived, Aline ran in her head everything that she was planning to do in the coming days. Hopefully there was enough time to get through all the fun she had planned.

Getting off at her intended stop, she made her way towards the waiting area at the airport, looking towards the arrivals board, noticing her friend's flight was to land in two minutes and it did not seem to be running late. There was a sea of people around, most of them not speaking a word of French and Aline ended up performing her favourite pastime when out in public: snooping around and trying to pick off a few lost foreign language words she could recognize.

There were a few interesting developments.

A woman, about ten years older than her, was commenting with her husband about how she expected his support in convincing their son, arriving from Budapest, to not give up on his college education. A little bit further ahead, a young woman speaking Spanish was jumping whenever an announcement was made, almost dropping the cell from her hands. From the titbits of the phone conversation Aline could hear, it was about waiting for her long-distance girlfriend. Oh, I remember going through that, honey...

A few scattered words of Portuguese were next to catch her ear. There seemed to be some sort of issue with a girl's boyfriend, who was arriving in less than an hour, having, or possibly not having, cheated whilst he was on a lad's holiday. The girl was conspiring about this with a friend, and they were switching undecidedly between their language and French.

The two were walking and talking, rapidly getting away from her. Aline followed them, thoroughly entertained and keen on not missing out on the rough patches of the conversation that she could understand.

Eventually they stopped next to a pillar, which she hid behind, listening in. The boyfriend had apparently been drinking heavily, his friends not close by at the time of the alleged infidelity. The girls were talking about how even if were true what was to be done about it, when a voice behind startled her.

'This welcome leaves something to be desired.'

Whilst Aline had been snooping around, not only had her friend's flight arrived but she had also found the time to locate her, rather than the other way round as it was supposed to happen.

The woman in front of her was tall, standing at least two inches taller than her. Her cheekbones were high on her features and her mouth was wide with full lips. The hair on her head was black and it curled softly right next to her shoulders, her bangs ending just at her eyebrows.

Moving quickly and forgetting all about the telenovela behind her, Aline gave Claire a massive rib-crushing hug.

'There is a perfectly valid excuse for not waiting for you, gorgeous.' Aline told her, in English.

'Oh no, you don't!' Claire pulled herself away to jokingly chastise her, speaking in French. 'When in Paris, you can bet your ass I'm only speaking in French from now until I leave you!'

'What if I don't find your French accent sexy enough?'

'Bitch, you know my French is good enough to get any French girl's panties wet. Including present company...' Claire pressed her forehead right against hers, pretending to threaten her.

'Excuse me, miss, I have a boyfriend...' Aline pulled her away, shaking her head for dramatic effect.

'So you keep saying, but I've seen you with a lot of boyfriends since I know you, girl.'

'Not this one you haven't.'

'Damn...' Claire said, doing a double take and taking in her friend in a completely new light. 'You're serious.'


'No, I mean about him. You found like...' She hesitated and gave up on trying to find the foreign word for it, switching to English. '... your ride or die.'

'You know,' Aline nodded in amusement. 'Marcell and I have used a lot of words to describe what we got going on, but never quite those.'

'I am a pool of knowledge from which you quench your thirst.' The dark-haired girl dramatically pointed towards herself.

'I really don't think "ride or die" qualifies as knowledge. Anyway,' She put her arm around her friend's waist and began to lead her away. 'come on, let's go and get rid of those bags and get you settled in.'

They made their way in a reverse path from the one that brought Aline to the airport in the first place, getting Claire a "Carte Orange" to allow her to take as many metro trips as she pleased during her time in French soil.

'Can't we just go to the end of this line to get to your place?' Her American friend asked, as they got off on the platform of a station three away from the one closest to the apartment.

'It would be faster, but I just want you to take a look at something.' She replied, guiding Claire across the street once they were back outside. Aline took care to slow their pace as they made their way past the window to the florist again. 'Steamy eyes to the shop assistant now.' She told her friend.

Little Bambi girl's eyes widened again as she saw the look on Claire's face and the hand with which Aline was squeezing her friend's bottom.

'Jesus, that's a girl made for spanking if I've ever seen one...' Claire exhaled as they were done.

'I know, can't wait to finally put a date on it and get to lay that face between my legs!'

'Does she know that?'

'All in good time.'

Claire laughed under her breath.

'I figured your boyfriend couldn't have changed you that much...'

'As a matter of fact, I have.' Aline indignantly told her. 'We share everything now.'

'Even little miss innocence over there?'

'Especially all the innocent and not so innocent.'

'I should have known you would never have settled down with an accountant-type.' Claire replied, letting her put the key into the lock of the pink-haired girl's building. 'Still, must have been a shock for you to give up other dick.'

'And why on Earth would I have to do that?' Aline snorted, as they climbed two stories.

'What do you mean?'

'I'm just saying, when you meet Marcell you're not just gonna see how hot he is.' Aline said, unlocking her front door and stepping inside. 'You're going to have to imagine that hot face sucking on a nice cock with me watching.' She grinned back at her stunned friend.

'You're full of shit!' Claire said, her mouth slightly open, having stopped dead in her tracks.

'No, just feeling especially in gloat mode today.' The pink-haired girl replied. 'Now, will you enter, so we can put your things away?'

Still shaking her head, her American friend entered and set about doing that. Aline was thinking of looking for Marcell when she noticed the yellow sticker note on the counter of the kitchen.

'Marcell went out to buy groceries, so he isn't here!' She called out, crumpling the note and putting it in the trash.

'I knew your dude sounded too good.' Claire said, putting her things away into the drawers next to the living room sofa. 'You just made him up, didn't you?'

'Obviously. Now, come on, let's go!'

To her credit, Claire was not one for letting a little jetlag get in her way. In just under two minutes they were out of the door again, descending her building's steps two at a time, rushing to do something with what little time they had until evening arrived.

However, they had only just closed the front door behind them when Aline looked to the other side of the street and wolf whistled, causing Claire to jump in surprise.

With two bags on each hand, Marcell looked up in surprise and walked across the road to get to them.

'You must be the friend I heard so much about.' He greeted Claire, approaching her to land a kiss on each cheek. 'Marcell.'

'Claire.' She replied, with a soft smile. She remained unaccustomed to getting two kisses rather than just one, which was still was hilarious for Aline. 'Nice to meet you.'

For her part, Aline grabbed his face and shoved her tongue into his mouth with all her might.

'Well, uh,' Marcell merely mumbled after she was done, his hands too occupied to do anything other than holding the bags. 'have fun, I'll see you girls later.'

The two women gave small waves as he turned towards home, Aline biting her lower lip and grinning, Claire slightly mesmerized by the look of him.

'How imaginary was that?' Aline asked.

'It's impolite to be smug.' The dark-haired woman replied, as they made their way forward again.

By this point in their friendship there were too many visits across the Atlantic from each of them to be able to count, so the main tourist attractions that Paris had to offer were not really their go-tos anymore. Instead, they made a circuit of their favourite little spots.

First, they made sure to visit the antique shop owned by the divorced sixty-year-old who had been inspired by their antics and found a new lover after years of being alone. Her shop was just two streets south of the Seine's two islands. The woman's boyfriend was especially fond of them for having been the influence behind his new love, and showed the shop's newest products behind the counter. They ended up leaving with a gorgeously carved picture frame.

'You can always have someone paint you and your boy toy in Victorian style and put it on there.' Claire mocked her.

Then, there was the ice cream shop a couple of blocks away, where the owners made it right in front of you after an order was placed. Claire and Aline were famous there because in the middle of a snowy January day they had craved something cold. The man behind the counter had thought they were clinically insane as they devoured their food.

Today, however, it was warm enough that it taste divine to them and caused no strange glances from the owner.

Aline could tell Claire was getting restless, though. The other woman kept stealing glances at her, midway through a couple of long licks of her cone of ice cream.

'What have we got next?' Aline asked her.

'We've got the vinyl disk shop, those two clothing stores that look like they're made for manic pixie girls and the old bookshop near the Champs Elysées.' Claire replied, pausing between each to remember.

'Which one first?'

'I'm almost out of my manic pixie girl apparel...' The dark-haired girl said, looking mischievous.

'Alright, butt off the chair, we can walk there.' Aline agreed.

'Alright, we've been to two different shops and I have behaved myself, but no longer...' Claire told her after they had started climbing a steep flight of stairs.

'What have you been keeping yourself from doing?'

'Finding out from which field you plucked your gentleman from.' Claire casually replied.

'You asked me the same thing when I came to visit you two years ago...' Aline admonished.

'Yes, and that time you were just starting to date him. I assumed he was just... next in line.'

'Thanks, honey.'

'Oh, knock it off... You guys are still together. And really, really, together, I might add.' Claire remarked.



'He's my favourite person.' Aline simply said.

That got her attention.

'Huh...' Claire grunted, watching her by the corner of her eye. 'Guess you can change a leopard's spots. And maybe here we can even find some leopard print gloves to cover those missing spots...'

They descended the small steps of the shop on the inclined street and proceeded to run their hands over every piece of clothing on the racks. With a practiced rhythm, Claire and Aline pulled on the garments, showing them to each other and waiting for the other to signal their approval or to shake their head.

This process lasted for quite a few minutes until their hands were filled, as they made their way to the dressing rooms, each taking one and closing the curtains behind them.

Aline had just finished trying on a flashy jacket when her curtain was pulled open behind her. She turned around just in time to see Claire wearing some very vivid orange pants.

'What do you think?'

'Mostly bad stuff.' Aline replied.

'The pants...'

'If you were wearing a pink top you could look like an eighties wallpaper.'

'I know you mean that as an insult,' Claire said, pointing at her friend's face in annoyance. 'but that sounds like the shit.'

She was turning to go back to her own dressing room.

'What about mine?' Aline complained, putting her arms wide and twirling once her friend was looking at her again.

'It's very you.' Claire merely said, with a mischievous smile, and turned around again.

'Bitch!' Aline called out, hearing someone a few booths away huffing in judgement at her language.

Without much concern for them, the girl with pink hair took the jacket off and tried on the long-sleeved shirt with the cleavage that exposed quite a large amount of her breasts, plus the tight pink leggings.

This time, both women left their booths at the same time. Aline had all the time in the world to take in Claire's outfit because the American's eyes had, probably without being entirely aware of it, gotten glued to Aline's cleavage. Claire's black bikini was not without its allure either. The straps were digging into her shoulders with grace and the bottoms were hugging her nicely too.

'Get that one.'

'Get that one.'

A woman with the clothes she was going to try on excused herself as she walked between them in search of a booth, missing the two of them smirking right at each other. It looked as though they both had some throw away remark to throw at the other, but, as if telepathically, they merely turned slowly on their heels, once more closing the curtains behind.

Without a second glance at her more modest potential acquisitions, Aline searched amongst her more risqué options. She went for a white shirt that exposed her midriff, a fist in a Venus symbol on it, and paired it with a long flowery skirt. On this occasion she was the first one out and had to wait for her friend.

The curtain swoosh woke Aline from her short reverie and she looked to see what her friend had brought with her.

It was a surprisingly simple combination. A casual summer dress that ended above her knees, white with blue patterns resembling tree branches, that ended just above her breasts with the exception of two small straps that started between her breasts and laced together behind the neck.

Apparently not too well laced, because when Claire a deeper breath in, they tightened and fell away. Claire managed to just cover the fabric over her breasts with her hands. Quickly, Aline pulled her into her own booth and closed the curtain, turning her friend over so that her back was to her and redoing the straps.

'Thanks.' Claire told her, turning to face her.

When she did, Aline felt a touch on her belly and instantaneously looked down for a few seconds before looking back up. Only one way to end it now.

'I couldn't tuck it back in again because of your tits...' Claire complained, as Aline went to her knees and pulled up the dress skirt to see the dark-haired woman's cockhead poking out of the top of her grey panties.

'Did I give you a boner? That's alright.' Aline pulled down the underwear, watching with amusement as the penis in front of her bobbed a little. 'I was going to end up doing this anyway.'

Her thumb gently caressed the skin of her hardness, as her remaining fingers scratched around the trimmed hair above it. She pressed her nose into the hair and inhaled. Once her sweet smell had filled her, Aline left a soft kiss it. These turned into a continuous line of smooches along the engorged member until she kissed it right on the hole, feeling a couple of drops of precum touch her lips.

Her eyes travelled to the curtain, checking how secure in their privacy they were, before taking her tongue and caressing the tip of Claire's cock. The dark-haired girl groaned as Aline opened her mouth to take all of her inside.

'Wow, three whole hours since I arrived. That's got to be a record.' Claire exhaled, baring her teeth at the sensation of Aline giving a big kiss on her tip.

'You know what a dick beneath a dress does to me...' Aline told her in a brief moment away from her stiffness.

'Are you trying to tell me something about your boyfriend?' Claire laughed.

'No, you doofus!' The pink-haired girl replied, starting to lick along the shaft and speaking between touches of her tongue. 'Just trying to remind you you're a hottie. Every time you meet an idiot who's not into you because of this,' She gripped her hardness a little tighter. 'you seem to forget it. And I enjoy reminding you.'

Claire's response was to close her eyes and run her fingers over her friend's head.

'I can't wait for Marcell to get to a taste of this too...' Aline moaned and sucked her into her mouth again.

'What?' Claire opened her eyes again.

Aline removed her mouth and pumped her friend with her left hand, grinning wickedly and nodding.

'Are you sure he's cool with...' Claire began.

'Honey, do you think I have not seen that boy blowing a cock before?'

'Oh, fuck! For real?' The American girl's eyes widened, as she looked down to see her balls slip between Aline's lips and into the confines of her mouth.

'This is going to be a fun visit.' The other woman said.

With that she got to work once more, plunging her lips over the shaft and making sure to suck as hard as she could. Claire was very much appreciative to this, her hands were no longer merely firm on her hair, but gripping her head with an iron grip and beginning to push her hips forward until Aline was a simple spectator to the passage of the cock that passed her lips.

Soon she began to feel it aggressively poking the back of her throat and made her practice with Marcell go to good use, permitting herself to be throat-fucked as long as her friend wished. It turned out Claire wished for it to not be too long. Surprising the hell out of Aline, she yanked her dick away and started furiously pumping, the squishy noise sounding way too loud in the dressing room, until she orgasmed right into her awaiting mouth.

It always amused Aline that cum from two different people never tasted the same. This was Claire's cum, a taste she knew well by now, just as Marcell's was equally unique.

Claire exhaled heavily, leaning against the wall of the dressing room and licking her own lips in response to seeing Aline licking her member clean of any evidence.

'We should really respect the shopping etiquette and buy what we're wearing.' Claire said.

'What shopping etiquette?'

'"If you cum in them, you buy 'em"...'

This made them giggle a little, as Claire pulled her panties up and her dress down.

'Technically, I haven't cum.' Aline said.

'As if that flowery shit on that skirt doesn't have your juices running all over them.' Claire replied, shaking her head.

'Fine, we'll be sensible and get these.' The pink-haired girl acquiesced, getting back up and pushing the curtains a little to check if they had made a scene.

'Hang on, you are right about one thing. You haven't cum.' Claire realised.

'We should probably wait for later.'


'You're about to lose your cubicle.'


Claire made her way out just in time to stop a tall woman from taking her spot, mumbling an apology about having gone to show Aline her new outfit. Deciding on getting about half the things they had gone to try out, the two women left the shop with two more bags in their hands.

'Where to now?' Claire asked.

'Definitely the vinyl shop.'

'Why definitely?'

'Because I want to see if you can frig my clit fast enough that I can cum in a listening booth.' Aline replied, looking sinful.

'You're on.' Claire narrowed her eyes playfully.​
Next page: Part 09
Previous page: Part 07