Chapter 07.1

I was woken up by the loud noise of a motorbike – it felt as though the motorbike was right next to my room wall. Grumbling, I pulled away my blanket and turned to look at my bedside clock. It was already 10:15 am. God! I must have slept like a log – but considering the extended physical activities of the night before, it was no surprise. I allowed myself a smile as I got out of bed. I opened my window and looked through the wire-netting towards our neighbour's house which was about 20 meters away from ours. Sure enough, there was our Malay neighbour busy tuning his motorbike.

I picked up my towel from the rack, switched off the fan and stepped out of my room. The house seemed unusually quiet, no visible or audible sign of my Aayahmah. After using the toilet, I went to the kitchen – she was not there but a warm mug of coffee was waiting for me. I took a sip and then went to her room – again, empty. I came out to the dining area, put my mug down on the table and wondered where Aayahmah could be. I noticed that the clothes had already been washed and put out to dry in the sun.

After taking another gulp of coffee, I walked towards the stairs. I could see that the front door was locked but no sign of any movement in the living room.

"Aayahmah" I called out.

Hearing no response, I walked up the stairs to the living room and found Aayahmah there, on Mom's easy-chair, in deep sleep. I saw the broom and dust pan standing next to the sofa and assumed that she probably had finished sweeping the hall, had sat down to take a short rest and then had dozed off. Not surprising that she was tired, considering the power-packed loving she gave - and received - the previous night. I had no intention of disturbing her sleep - she would have been up pretty early to prepare breakfast for my parents as well as to start her daily household chores.

I just stood there and admired her. She looked so peaceful, a heavenly glow on her face and a contented smile on her lips. She was dressed in a chequered cotton sari, nicely wrapped around her, with a matching red-coloured blouse. She was breathing deeply and her magnificent bosom moved in rhythm with her breath.

Seeing her like this, no one would ever imagine what a woman she was in bed. I smiled as I recollected our loving escapades of the past few days – the outrageously wanton desire she oozed when we made love, the way her body sexually responded, the things she did and was willing to do. At that moment I felt that I was the luckiest boy in the world to have experienced such pleasures and from such a wonderful woman. I felt a warm glow in my loins as I watched her.

As if she sensed my thoughts, her eyes opened slowly and she smiled at me. She opened her arms and invited me to lay on her. I kneeled down on the floor next to the easy-chair and rested my torso on her, my head resting on its side on her bosom. Her arms encircled me and she hugged me tight to her.

"I love you, Chellam. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" she whispered to me.

"I love you too, Amma" I replied, before raising my head to look at her.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked, patting my cheek.

"Yes, very well thank you. And you?" I asked before planting a kiss on her bosom.

"Me too but I was up early" she replied and then said "I wanted to clean up here before going down to cook. I just sat down for a short rest after sweeping the hall and must have fallen asleep."

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you" I said and touched her face with my right hand.

She hugged me to her tightly and held me like that, my head pressed hard against her breasts. After some minutes, she gently pushed me away and sat up.

"Go and have your shower, Chellam. Then I will come and get you your breakfast" she told me.

"Why don't you come and shower with me?" I teased her, gently pinching her naked waist as we both stood up.

Rubbing the front of my shorts and feeling the semi-hard flesh, she said "Don't tempt me. I might just eat this up" giving my prick a squeeze as she finished her sentence.

"Please...." I replied and we both laughed, enjoying the intimate closeness we shared.

We walked downstairs together and then I headed straight to the bathroom while Aayahmah went to put away the broom. After a nice, cleansing shower and a change of clothes, I headed to the kitchen where Aayahmah had already started with the lunch preparation. She was cleaning some fish (mackerel). Her portable radio was on, playing some old Tamil songs.

"I mixed two half-boiled eggs for you already, it's good for your energy" she said, looking towards me from the sink.

"Great" I said, walking towards her. Then patting her bums, I continued "I do need the energy to satisfy this wonderful woman. Her body drains me."

"Look who's talking" she said and then broke out in laughter.

I gulped down the half-boiled eggs, relishing the taste – Aayahmah had added a tiny drop of soy sauce. Then I took a few cream-crackers out of a container and sat down on a rattan chair. A fresh mug of coffee was on the stool nearby.

"I think your parents know about us, Chellam" said Aayahmah calmly, still cleaning the fish.

"Why do you think so, Amma?" I asked, munching my cracker.

"This morning, your Mom gave me a hug and said that she felt very happy. She did not say anything more" replied Aayahmah.

"But that's normal. Mom often hugs you" I responded.

"Yes, but later as your Dad left the house, he gave me a funny look. He has never looked at me like that before" Aayahmah explained.

"Could be just your imagination, Amma" I said.

"I don't think so, Mohan. I am sure they know. My head says so" she replied.

"Are you worried?" I asked.

"I don't know really. I don't know what to expect. I mean if they were angry they would have made their feelings known" she explained.

"Maybe they don't know after all. Anyway, you heard their conversation last night. So, don't worry" I calmed her thoughts.

Aayahmah had finished cleaning the fish. After washing them, she seasoned the fish with a reddish paste and put them away to be fried later. She opened up a knot of kangkong (spinach) leaves and started washing them under the tap. I stood up, gulped the remainder of the coffee and then put the mug near the sink. I stood next to her as she carefully cleaned the fresh green leaves.

"But we have to be careful from now on, Chellam, especially with your sisters and Mala also here from tomorrow onwards. I will miss you but we have to stay away from each other" said Aayahmah, her hands busy with the kangkong.

"Yes, me too" I replied and then groping her rounded buttocks, I cheekily added "but we still have today."

I encircled my hands around her from behind and pressed myself against her, rubbing my groin against her bums. My hands cupped her large melons, tightly packed in her cotton blouse as I humped her slowly. She was a little helpless as her hands were preoccupied with the vegetable but she pushed her bums back against me, feeling my cock hardening.

She stopped momentarily with the kangkong and just relished the feel of my throbbing hard-on against her bums.

"You randy young bugger" she said and rubbed her bums harder against me.

"You make me randy" I joked, as I simultaneously squeezed her ripe melons and humped her forcefully against the sink, causing some water to splash out on us.

"Watch it, Mister. You might cause an accident here" warned Aayahmah with a huge grin on her face.

After one more grope of her boobs, I laughed and moved away. She had finished cleaning the kangkong and started to cut it up. I could smell rasam (spicy soup) and traced it to an earthen pot on the charcoal stove. I lifted the lid and inhaled the spicy aroma of the rasam. Another aluminium pot nearby held the rice – she had cooked that already. And, yet another earthen pot had some dhall (lentils).

Aayahmah took the plastic sieve filled with the kangkong leaves towards the kerosene stove upon which stood a wok. She ignited the stove and then poured some oil into the wok and waited for the oil to heat up. Sitting on the chair again, I watched and chatted with her for a while longer. Then I went upstairs to read the newspaper. It was around 12:30 pm.

Relaxing on Mom's easy chair, I went through The Straits Times starting from the sports pages. I did not know when I drifted off to sleep but I was woken up by steady knocking on the front door and Mom's calling. I sprung off the easy chair and opened the front door to let Mom in.

"Where were you? And where's Sundari?" asked Mom, questioningly.

"Mom! Hi! Sorry, I was reading the papers and fell asleep" I blabbered, pointing to her easy-chair and the dishevelled newspaper on the floor.

Mom walked across the living room towards the stairs. At that moment, Aayahmah came out from the kitchen.

"There you are, Sundari" said Mom, handing over her thermos flask to Aayahmah.

"What's for lunch today?" asked Mom, with a big smile.

"Fried fish, kangkong, dhall and rasam" replied Aayahmah smiling.

"Great. Let me change and we can have lunch together" responded Mom.

I picked up and folded the newspaper, then closed the front door and headed downstairs. Aayahmah had already set the table. I took the cold water bottles from the fridge and then went to wash my hands. I sat down at the table and took a sip of ice cold water.

Aayahmah brought out the freshly fried fish and sat it at the centre of the table just as Mom appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing a long sleeveless housecoat.

As she walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen to wash her hands, I noticed that there was a bounce in her steps and her breasts were freely moving under her dress. Funny how in all these years I had never taken notice of something like that in Mom or Aayahmah but now, suddenly, every aspect of these women was interesting me and stimulating my thoughts.

Mom sat across the table from me and it did not take me long to realize that she was not wearing a bra.

"How was your day, Amma?" I asked, trying to switch my thoughts away from her body.

"Busy. A couple of traffic accident cases" she replied.

The three of us served ourselves to the food and ate in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the taste and taking occasional glances at each other. Mom's eyes were a little searching and inquisitive, asking silent questions - at least that's how I felt. And my eyes were not behaving either - kept taking quick glimpses of her hairy armpits, her nipples which were pointedly hard and her divine face with the corners of my eyes. My prick was stirring under the table.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Mom asked me "So, what have you been up to Mohan?"

I gulped down my food before replying.

"Nothing much, Amma. Got out of bed only after 10" I answered grinning, taking another mouthful of rice.

"Lazy bugger! Why? Did you go to sleep very late?" responded Mom, before munching on some kangkong.

"Yes, watched TV till close* and then read a book" I replied, my mouth grinding the food as I talked. (*Note : in those good old days, television programmes ended shortly after midnight)

"Really? Only that or is there something more to tell?" asked Mom, a questioning look on her face as she took another mouthful of food.

Aayahmah looked up from her plate and glanced at Mom before turning to me, as if fearing the next question. Her fingers were toying with the food on her plate.

"Yes, Amma. Why?" I replied, looking her in the eyes and pretending to sound as innocent as a church mouse.

"Don't pretend, Mister. We know what's going on" Mom answered, sounding serious all of a sudden.

"What do you mean, Amma?" I continued, knowing that the game was over but maintaining the innocent tone. I was curious to get the words out of her mouth.

"Your Aayahmah and you!" Mom blurted out, switching looks between both of us, waiting for a response.

"We sensed something was going on between you two. We came down late last night and your door was open, Mohan. You were not in your bed. Then we heard sounds coming from your room, Sundari" continued Mom, pointing her face as she spoke, first to me and then to Aayahmah.

I did not know what to reply and looked down. So did Aayahmah.

"You certainly were not having a mother-son chat. That was for sure" said Mom, with a sarcastic giggle.

She prodded us to continue eating. A few seconds of total silence was broken by Mom's next question.

"Who started it?" she asked.

"It was my fault!" Aayahmah and I answered almost simultaneously.

Mom broke out in laughter and choked a little on her food. As she lifted her hand to her mouth, I could not help admiring her silky long armpit hair. Neither could I stop the twitching inside my shorts. Somehow the atmosphere was stimulating me, sexually.

Mom cleared her throat with a gulp of water and waited for us to speak. Again, silence for a few seconds.

"How long has this been going on, Sundari?" asked Mom, a curious look on her face.

Aayahmah looked down as she answered "A few days ago, Rani-ma. It was my fault. I am sorry. It will not happen again, I promise."

"No, Amma. I am the guilty one" I added, looking at Aayahmah and then directly into Mom's eyes.

"Why? Did you force her against her will?" asked Mom.

"No!" came a silent reply from both of us, still looking down at our food and avoiding Mom's prying eyes.

"I am sorry Mom" I responded, feeling bad and wondering how much they (Dad and Mom) had heard or seen. I had been right however – I did hear a door close last night.

"What are you feeling sorry about? Didn't you want it? Didn't you enjoy it?" asked Mom.

Neither of us dared to answer her

"Listen! There is nothing to feel guilty or sorry about. By the unmistakable sounds we heard last night, both of you seemed to have wanted it and you certainly seemed to have enjoyed whatever you both were doing" lectured Mom.

Again silence from us, as our fingers toyed with the last bits of food on our plates.

"Look! We are not angry with you both. And, we will not stop you from continuing your, shall I say, intimate relationship, if you both want it. You just have to be really, really careful" said Mom calmly, trying to convey her understanding.

We kept silent, in acknowledgement of Mom's advice.

"No one else should know about this. Others may not accept this in the same way as your Dad and I do. To many people, this would be absolute taboo. Sundari and you are like mother and son and this would be incest" continued Mom.

"Do you both understand?" asked Mom.

We nodded in agreement. Aayahmah got up with her plate and walked towards the kitchen. She came out a few seconds later, having washed her hands.

"Mohan, you must never, never lose your respect for Sundari because of this. She will always be your Aayahmah – treat her always with that motherly respect. Is that clear?" advised Mom, very firmly.

"Yes, Amma. I promise" I answered her.

"I know you will. Anyway, your Dad will talk more about this with you later. But remember, the house will be full from tomorrow, so behave Mister. Keep your newfound desires and pleasures under lock and key. Ok?" continued Mom, smiling as if pleased with herself.

"Yes, Mom, I promise" I repeated and got up with my empty plate and walked towards the kitchen.

"And you, Sundari. I will have a talk with you later – a woman-to-woman talk" said Mom, getting up from the chair.

"Yes, Rani-ma" came Aayahmah's reply, looking a little glum, now that our secret was out.

After helping to carry the food back to the kitchen and re-filling the water bottles for the fridge, I went upstairs to finish the newspaper. Mom and Aayahmah busied themselves in the kitchen, putting things away and cleaning up. I could hear them talking as I walked up the stairs.

I took the newspaper in my hands but had difficulty concentrating on it. I went out to the veranda and thought over what had transpired. I didn't know what to expect anymore now that my parents knew about Aayahmah and me. Many questions were springing in my mind. What was Dad going to say to me? What was Mom going to tell Aayahmah? How was Aayahmah going to react? Was this the end of my beautiful relationship with Aayahmah? Most importantly, was this the end of my new found pleasures?

Putting aside the negative thoughts, I came back into the living room, finished reading the newspaper, then folded and left it on the coffee table. I decided to adjourn to my room downstairs and closed the main front door. As I walked away and crossed the entrance to my parents' room, I stopped at the open doorway. I did not know why I did it but I peeked into my parents' room. No sign of Mom. So she was probably still downstairs with Aayahmah.

Again without any reason, I stepped into their room and just made a glance around the room. Sprawled on the bed was Mom's uniform that she had worn to work. And, sticking out from under her uniform was the strap of a bra, probably the one she had discarded after coming home. As if a strange magnetic power was drawing me to it, my hand reached out and pulled out the bra.

As my fingers caressed the lacy material, I felt a warm heat going through my fingers and spreading out into my body. How many times had I seen Mom's discarded clothes and up to then, I had never even given it a thought. But here I was today, like a pervert, getting really turned on by her bra.

I lifted the bra to my face and inhaled the material. A sweaty but distinctively feminine aroma hit my senses – a quite different smell from Aayahmah's. Almost instantly intoxicated by the aroma, I buried my nose in the cups as I felt my prick hardening. These had carried and held Mom's magnificent boobs the whole morning and my cock throbbed with visions of that.

Almost instinctively, my tongue licked the material, my tongue tip touching the inside of the bra where Mom's fat nipples would have been touching. For a few seconds, I stood there like that and imagined I was licking her hard nipples. My other hand stroked my now fully erect cock over the front of my shorts.

I was mighty excited and wanted the pleasure to continue. But knowing that I was in precarious surroundings, I decided to go down to my room. With one last, hungry lick of Mom's bra I placed it back under her uniform where I had found it and adjusted my rampant dick inside my shorts, trying to camouflage the erection.

I stepped out of the room and went downstairs. Aayahmah's room door was closed and I could hear Mom and her talking inside but very faintly. Probably Mom did not want me to hear what they were discussing. I decided not to bother and in any case, something more important needed my immediate attention.

I closed my room door and pulled down my shorts, releasing my excited prick. The hardness had not subsided even a little and the veins were bursting with energy. I pulled my foreskin back completely and admired the bulbous head, shining in splendour. As I stretched the foreskin I felt more blood rushing into the already full-sized meat. I didn't know whether it was just my imagination but I thought it looked bigger than it did a week ago. I smiled - maybe the oil really did have the magical power!

Taking the bottle of oil beside the bed, I applied some on my blood engorged cock and stroked it slowly for a few minutes, spreading the lotion over the entire solid length. It was pointing straight out from my hairy groin, throbbing menacingly. I stroked the curly black hairs around the base with my other hand as I felt pleasure spreading out from my cock.

Pulling my shorts and underwear down to my ankles, I spread my legs and applied some oil to my scrotum. I carefully massaged the hairy nuts with my left hand while my right hand continued to stroke, now more vigorously, the bloated length of my oil-soaked dick. The sensations were just beautiful.

Flashes of the incredible loving with Aayahmah over the past few days and nights streamed across my mind as I became fully engrossed in giving myself pleasure. These were soon replaced by wanton images of my parents – the majestic scenes that I had witnessed. And then all thoughts were on my incredible Mom - her aroma that I had briefly tasted from her bra had turned me on to this level.

My fingers gripped my throbbing cock harder, feeling the blood-filled veins palpitating with high octane energy. My oily foreskin was stretched back completely and the shiny red mushroom crown was fully blown up, throbbing and ready to explode. I stroked faster, wanting to release my seed, my thoughts switching between Aayahmah and Mom. I was on the verge of an explosion.

At that very moment the door suddenly opened, without any warning, and I heard Mom's voice as she stepped in behind the door and into the room.

"Mohan, when do you....." she stopped abruptly, dead in her tracks as her eyes took in the scene.

"What the he....!" I exclaimed loudly in utter shock, the words dying in my mouth as my fingers released my erect manhood.

I stood there frozen, not moving, just staring straight at Mom. Her right hand was covering her mouth and her beautiful eyes were wide open, locked on my throbbing pecker. My cock was literally twitching and moving on its own free will.

"Oh my God, oh my God....Mohan! You are just like your father" she stammered, gulping and mincing her words, her eyes opening even wider and rounder, either in shock or in admiration.

I quickly tried to pull up my shorts just as Aayahmah came and stood behind Mom, to see what was going on. She too stared in disbelief at my most-embarrassing situation. My cock was rock solid, refusing to slacken even slightly and I had trouble pulling up my shorts over my raging monster.

"Mom, I was just....just applying the special oil. I didn't hear you. I'm sorry....I'm sorry" I blurted out, in shock and shame, still not managing to get my shorts over the fully erect meat.

Mom's right hand reached out towards my groin, probably with a maternal instinct but her fingers hesitated.

"Can I touch you?" she asked and then without waiting for my answer her trembling fingers clasped my prick.

Aayahmah stood there transfixed at the events unfolding, her mouth wide open.

"God,'s so hard and throbbing" Mom said, her fingers squeezing and stroking my length, her tongue involuntarily licking her lips.

Mom's magical touch was all that my prick needed. A powerful surge of energy flowed out from her fingers and radiated into my hardened flesh, spread through my body and then rushed down my spine. The next thing I knew my cock was jerking out of control. I watched bewildered as my cockhead expanded and a gush of thick white cum jetted out of the mushroom tip and hit the wall about 5 feet away. And then another, and another......

"Ammmaaaaaa....." I groaned, not able to remain silent any longer, as cum gushed out of my cock, my legs wobbling with the intensity of the release.

"Oh my God....Chellam...." Mom squealed in surprise and dropped down on her knees to the floor, unable to comprehend what was taking place.

Her fingers stroked my rampant cock faster, as if wanting me to empty my balls. Some seconds later, she squeezed the last drop out of my cockhead and then released my still throbbing cock abruptly. Her fingers then caressed my hairy scrotum as if checking their condition. Her eyes followed my eyes closely, watching my reactions. Sweat droplets had formed on her forehead as she examined my teenage organ, a beautiful twinkle in her eyes.

And then turning to look at Aayahmah, Mom asked "Is he always this hard?"

Aayahmah just nodded in agreement as Mom's fingers caressed and examined my genitals.

"And, so much cum?" asked Mom.

Again, Aayahmah nodded in the affirmative.

"No wonder, you are crazy about him" Mom responded, smiling at Aayahmah and then said "He's just like his father."

Aayahmah stood there silently, watching - her eyes reassured me that everything would be fine. Her smile told me that she was happy for me. I switched my eyes to my loving Mother who was still on her knees.

"You will make many a woman happy, Chellam" said Mom, reluctantly removing her fingers and standing upright, her nipples clearly erect and tenting her house dress.

She walked out of the room and I stood there dumbfounded, with my private parts still exposed. As I closed the door slowly, I watched Mom hug Aayahmah and noticed her body shaking. Aayahmah's hands rubbed her back soothingly, as if calming her down

"Was she too overwhelmed by that intimate experience?" I wondered.

I shut the door and cleaned up the mess on the wall and floor with my underwear. I waited till my erection had subsided slightly and then wrapping a towel around me; I opened the door, stepped out of my room and headed towards the bathroom. No sign of either Mom or Aayahmah.

I decided to have a shower after which, I headed back to my room. I noticed that Aayahmah's door was closed and assumed she was having her usual siesta. After pulling on clean underwear and shorts, I went upstairs. Mom's door was also closed – probably she too was having her nap. Just out of curiosity I went into my sister's room and peeped through one of the holes. Yes, Mom was lying on her bed, her eyes closed in peaceful sleep; her goddess' face glowing.

It was around 2:45 pm and I too decided to have a short power nap in my room. I soon fell asleep and woke up around 4:15 pm. I washed my face and got ready to head to the field. After a drink of water, I knocked on Aayahmah's door and told her that I was going to play football. I heard her acknowledgement. Then I went upstairs and did the same at Mom's door but there was no response. Either she was still asleep or she was in the bathroom. Anyway, I stepped out of the hall, closed the front door and walked to the field.

It was around 7:00 pm when I got back home after an enjoying game of football. As I climbed up the stairs, I saw Dad sitting in the veranda reading the newspaper.

"Hi Dad" I greeted him.

"Hi Mohan, how was football?" he responded.

"Great, was a good workout" I replied and then asked him how his day was.

We chatted for a minute or so and then I headed downstairs. The smell of jasmine and sandalwood filled my nostrils as I crossed the living room towards the stairs. Mom was sat in silent prayer at our altar, dressed in a long gown and her long black hair let loose. Her eyes were closed and her palms clasped together in front of her in traditional prayer modus. For a split second I admired her - she was a goddess alright and simply beautiful.

I went downstairs to my room and then to the bathroom to have a quick wash, deciding to have a proper shower before bedtime. Aayahmah was busy in the kitchen, making thosai for dinner. I greeted her. There were already some prepared thosai on a plate. Turning to see if anyone was around, I gave her a quick hug from behind, relishing the few seconds of closeness to her body.

"Careful, Chellam. Your parents are at home" she whispered, but pleased with the affectionate gesture from me.

"I'm hungry" I said loudly and patted her rounded bums.

"Well you can take this plate of thosai to the dining table. I'll make some more" responded Aayahmah.

As I walked out to the dining area, Mom was approaching the stairs, with Dad a few steps behind. I placed the plate of thosai on the dining table and sat down. Dad went to wash his hands and then sat next to me. Mom sat across from us and started serving us the thosai. She looked ravishing like that with her hair let loose and the holy ash and pottu adorning her forehead.

Mom then called out to Aayahmah to join us at dinner but she declined, replying that she would have hers later. The three of us ate silently, enjoying the crispy thin thosai that Aayahmah had made. We chatted a little about this and that but no reference was made to the events of the afternoon. However, I did sense that that was not the end of the matter.

Sure enough, after we had finished with dinner, Dad indicated to Mom that he and I were going out for a walk. Mom, again not surprisingly, told us to go ahead without her, stating that we, Dad and I, had a lot to catch up on. She preferred to stay at home and continue her talk with Aayahmah. Sounded all very academic, I thought.

I was not too worried, maybe just a little nervous, about talking to Dad. In a way I was glad that Mom and Dad had discovered what was going on between Aayahmah and me. The only thing that I was uncertain about was what this meant to all of us from now on and how it was going to affect or change our lives.

"So, a lot has been happening to you recently, I hear" started Dad, as we set off.

I pondered for a second and then said in an apologetic tone "I'm sorry, Dad. Do you think I am doing wrong?"

"No, Mohan, not at all. I would have done the same in your shoes" he replied and reassured me with a pat on my shoulder.

"Thanks Appa" I said and clutched his hand, feeling an instant closeness to him.

"As long as you don't hurt anyone in the process, physically or mentally, it is alright" advised Dad.

Again I pondered for a while and then asked "What do you mean by anyone, Dad? There is just Aayahmah and me."

"There is Mala, remember. How do you think she would react if she found out that her mother was making it with you? She might not understand or accept that and could be really hurt or affected" replied Dad.

I nodded in acknowledgement and said "I didn't think of that."

Dad continued with his advice "Listen. It's about responsibility. Always be aware of your responsibilities especially in things like these. You are still young Mohan. There are many more things you will learn in your life. Right now you have experienced something every teenage boy would only dream of and I am happy for you."

I clutched his hand again as we walked slowly. "Thanks" I whispered to him.

"So, tell me a little about of your new experience. You did sound like you were having lots of fun last night" prodded Dad, with a chuckle.

"What shall I say, Dad? It is a beautiful, out-of-this-world feeling. Simply awesome, nothing like I ever felt before" I replied.

"Yes, it surely is when you have the right partner. You know, you don't experience it with just everyone. That is also important for you to remember, Mohan. Don't just jump into bed with just anyone" said Dad.

I laughed in response, feeling comfortable with the dialogue with Dad.

Along the way we found a place to sit in a small playground. It was well lit and Dad suggested that we sit there for some minutes to continue our chat which I quite welcomed. We both sat down and stretched our legs.

"I heard about the amusing incident with your Mom this afternoon" Dad said with another giggle.

"Oh God! It was so embarrassing Dad. I was just applying the oil and my thing was so hard and Mom walked in" I explained, concealing the fact of what had made me so hard.

"What made you lose control?" asked Dad, intuitively.

"I don't know. The moment Mom's fingers touched me...... I really cannot explain it" I replied.

Dad laughed and said "It's alright. You probably were just hyper-excited or maybe it was just the magical touch of your Mother."

"Did Mom say anything about what happened?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, she was impressed with your thingy....your cock; said it was comparable to mine" answered Dad quite coolly.

I negated him immediately without any thought "No way Dad" and then suddenly realised my error.

Dad smiled.

"So it's true then. You have seen us – your Mum and me" said Dad, almost casually, as if that was a normal thing to happen.

"Sorry Dad. It was by pure accident that happened. I promise not to do it again" I replied and then asked "Is Mom upset about it?"

"Not really. Neither am I. We thought you would have discovered us long ago" answered Dad.

"It was an eye-opener for me Dad. Up till then, I was so ignorant. I didn't think that Mom and you did that....make love, I mean" I explained calmly.

Dad laughed and then asked "Why? Did you think we were too old for that?"

"No, Dad. Just that when I see you both in normal, everyday life, you are the epitome of all things good and nice. Never thought you would be doing such things" I tried to reason.

"Why? You think that what we did was dirty?" he asked.

"I was ignorant, Dad. Before witnessing you both, yes to a certain extent, influenced by the pornography I have had the chance to watch or read. But after witnessing the beautiful love you made, it made me see things in a much clearer perspective" I answered.

"Good that you realise that, Mohan. When two people love and want each other, nothing is dirty. Like I said, as long as both of you are consenting, as long you are not hurting each other, physically or mentally, it's beautiful. And, it's private....between you and your partner" Dad advised.

"Yes, I realised and experienced that also with Aayahmah" I said in reply.

"I know. Your Mom told me that Sundari's absolutely crazy about you. What did you do to her?" Dad teased, his hand patting my shoulder.

"Learnt it all from Mom and you, Dad" I blurted out confidently.

We both laughed heartily. I was really happy that Dad and I were able to talk about these things so openly, like teenage buddies. Again, that warm feeling in me; that I was the luckiest boy in the world.

"So, what did you think of your Mom and me?" asked Dad.

"AWESOME....simply, AWESOME" I repeated myself.

"Really? What makes you say that?" asked Dad, seemingly excited to hear more.

"Everything about you both really; you guys are so natural, so beautiful and so erotic to watch" I answered convincingly.

"And, Dad......please allow me to say this, your cock is truly magnificent. I am no comparison" I said softly and grasped his elbow at the same time, feeling so at ease with my Father.

Dad laughed, probably chuffed to hear his son saying that and then slowly stood up and indicated that we should be getting home. I got up and just before we walked away, I hugged him and whispered a thank you to him. He too thanked me for the chat. We walked along slowly, happy with the knowledge that our relationship was on a different planet after all what had happened the past few days.

"Last night, we stood outside Sundari's room and heard you both for a long time. We didn't know how to react but we certainly wished that we could have seen you" said Dad, catching me by surprise.

"Really? Why Dad?" I asked.

"Hard to explain that but maybe it had something to do with the fact that you are our son, our waris. We were happy for you and just wanted to see you" explained Dad.

"And I'll tell you a little secret too. We were so very excited hearing you, if you know what I mean" said Dad further.

"Really?" I asked again, smiling and feeling good about that.

"Yes, you drove us a little crazy and we had to satisfy our desires later" explained Dad, very academically.

I clasped Dad's elbow and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I love you both, Dad...very much."

It was a nice, windy day and a clear star-spangled night sky added to the feel-good mood we both were in. We trod along the small road towards our house, a noticeable bounce in our steps.

"Mohan, are you going to see Sundari tonight?" asked Dad, again surprising me with the question.

"Why Dad? You don't want me to?" I questioned.

"No, not that but the girls will be home tomorrow, so you cannot be with her tomorrow" reminded Dad.

"Yes, I know Appa" I nodded in agreement and then gleefully said "But there is a long night ahead."

"Yes, for me too" he sounded equally excited.

I hugged him again, just as we reached our house. As we climbed up the stairs, I whispered to him to leave his lights on. He smiled and whispered to me to do the same. I looked at him a little bemused and then broke out in a smile when he winked. I winked back at him. Like excited teenage boys with an agreed plan, we walked into the house.

Mom was sat in the hall, watching TV. There were some sari blouses next to her and she had a threaded needle in her fingers, probably making adjustments to her blouses. We greeted her as Dad locked the front door. It was around 10:00 pm.

"Must have been a very intense and interesting conversation that father and son had" said Mom cynically, a knowing look on her face.

"Yes, men talk. It has been a long time coming" replied Dad.

I smiled at both of them and then took off my t-shirt. I was feeling rather sticky with all the dried up sweat on my body and was ready for a good shower.

"I'm going for a shower and then to bed. It's been a long day" I announced and then wished them both good night.

"Good night!" they both responded simultaneously.

I heard Dad tell Mom that he was also going to get a shower as I walked down the stairs towards my room. Aayahmah's room door was closed - I could see that her lights were on but I decided not to intrude then. I picked up a towel from my room and headed into the bathroom for a cold and refreshing shower. I took my time, happy with all that had transpired during the day and happy that I was on a different mental level with my parents. I definitely felt like the luckiest boy in the world.

After the shower and a change of clothes, I contemplated on the next move – go to Aayahmah's room or go watch my parents. I decided on the latter – I knew Aayahmah would wait for me. I left my room and headed upstairs. It was around 10:30 pm. I opened the door to the upper part of the house and glided like a ghost into the hall. The hall lights were off but there was light under the door to my parents' room. I quickly stole into my sister's room.

"Mmmmm....yes....Athaaaaannn....lick me, darling...lick my horny pussy. I have been crazy all day...mmmmm" Mom moaned, just as I attached my eye to the peephole.

Mom was sitting on Dad's face, rubbing her wanton pussy unashamedly against his probing tongue. Her hands held the headboard and she humped Dad's face with so much vigour that her beautiful breasts swayed in every direction. Both were completely naked and Dad's masterpiece of a cock, stood erect at full mast, throbbing and twitching in equal excitement. Both his hands were on her buttocks, squeezing her fleshy bums. I watched enthralled.

"Athaaaan...Athaaaan....yesss...mmmm......I need your fat cock inside me. My cunt is on fire tonight. I need you to fuck me, Athan. Pleeeasssse....fuck meeeee" moaned Mom, visibly more excited than I had ever seen her up till then. Her body shivered in little spasms

Like a bitch in heat, she slid down his face and onto his chest, her face beaming with sexual desire. She lifted her bottom and got herself on all fours. Then adjusting her dripping womanhood over the magnificent, erect lingam, her fingers encircled the mighty meat. She positioned herself into a sitting position, rubbed the bloated cockhead against her hairy lips and then plunged down hard, embedding the colossal prick inside her wanton hole in a single stroke.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh.......yessssssssssssss" she squealed as the mighty dick filled her depths.

Dad raised his hips off the mattress, forcing his monster cock even deeper up Mom's pussy, elevating her high above him. As Dad supported the bottom half of his body in mid-air, Mom did a quick-fire up-down, forward-backward action, holding Dad's muscular thighs for support.

Then she churned him, literally grinding her pussy around his meat.

" your cock inside me....fuck ....mmmmmmmmm" Mom encouraged Dad.

Dad rested his buttocks back on the mattress and then lifted his torso and hugged her, his arms encircling her waist in a sitting position, Mom on top of Dad. Her bums were resting on Dad's thighs, his mighty lingam buried deep up inside her cunt. Seemingly Dad seemed as hyper-excited like Mom. He forced the tempo, thrusting up with full power into her tunnel while she rode him fast and hard. His hands literally pulled her hips down onto his rod.​
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